Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah

5And I, who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning of years, of times, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as one of the sons of men, in order to save you.”

THE FIRST BOOK OF ADAM AND EVE, Chapter 14 verse 5

I heard a Voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighbourhood, making His home with men and women! They’re His people, He’s their God.

Revelation 21:3, The Message Bible

50Note it, My family is not in the Bible. The standard I want from My children is not written in any Bible. What I expect My family to be is not in the Bible. It is not in the Bible. It is in My heart and in My Messages. What is more? As a king over My family, I am to educate My wife and My family on how to behave so that My God will be pleased with all of them. For once I am pleased with them, My God is also pleased with them. 51There is no other God He assigned to My family except Me. I am to educate them, not the Bible. …


MODERN IDOLATRY – THE INTRODUCTION (Attributes of God of the Bible); Preached on in September 2003; Chapter 5 verses 50 – 51.



IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 13. P13Thus, thanks to the willingness of all of the human spirits, the Darkness became ever denser as the time approached when the Son of Man had to be incarnated upon earth.

  • P14Joyful activity in the elements heralded the earthly birth. Angels lovingly accompanied Him down to this earth. Primordial Beings formed a solid rampart around Him and around His earthly childhood. His earthly youth was allowed to be bright and sunny.
  • In the evenings He saw the Comet, radiant above Him, like a greeting from God the Father; He regarded it as nothing unusual, as one of the other stars, until the bandage which He had to wear during His bitter training on earth was put before His eyes.
  • P15Then life around Him seemed strange; only a great unquenchable longing filled His soul, increasing to a restlessness, to a continual nervous seeking. Nothing the earth offered could satisfy it.
  • P16With the ethereal bandage over His eyes, He now stood on hostile ground facing the Darkness on a battlefield where everything dark could have a firmer foothold than He Himself.
  • Therefore it was only natural that wherever He sought to undertake something He could find no response and no success, but only the Darkness hissed up in enmity every time.
  • P17As long as the time of fulfillment for Him had not arrived, the Darkness could always remain stronger, and could inflict material damage upon Him wherever He engaged in some earthly affairs; [Sure!!!] for everything earthly quite naturally had to oppose the Envoy of God with nothing but hostility, [Sure!!!] because all human volition today is directed against the true Will of God, in spite of the alleged search for Truth,… Is there falsehood there? …behind which there always lurks only self-conceit in various forms.
  • The Darkness easily found willing creatures everywhere to hinder the Envoy from the Light, [Sure!!!] and to injure Him grievously and painfully. [Sure!!!]
  • The Envoy is the Stranger. The envoy is the Son of man. Envoy means a representative. God’s own personal representative.
  • P18Thus His time of learning on earth became the path of suffering. Sure!!!
  • P19Just as spiritual substance, with great power, appear to have a magnetically attracting and holding effect upon animistic, ethereal and gross material substances, so in a similar and much more powerful way whatever has its origin above the spiritual in Subsequent Creation must exert an influence on everything that lies below it. Yes!
  • As magnet magnets iron because iron has magnetic qualities, so the Supernatural magnets supernaturals here that have the supernatural qualities of the Envoy.
  • This is perfectly natural, it could not be otherwise. No! However, it only resembles the power of attraction in its manifestation. Sure!!! The power of attraction in the ordinary sense is effective only among homogeneous species.
  • Nothing can be truer than the truth. Animals of the same feather must flock together. There is no mistake in what God is doing
  • P20But here it is a question of the existing power of the stronger in a purely objective and most noble sense! Sure!!! It is not to be thought of in an earthly human way; No! for in the World of Gross Matter this Law, like everything else, has been coarsened in its effect through the actions of men. That is pure truth.
  • The natural effect of this dominant power reveals itself outwardly like a magnet attracting, uniting, holding together and controlling.
  • P21Now because of this Law,… Because of this irrevocable law of nature that animals of the same specie must flock together, those who proceeded from the same place with Him have no choice. Nobody tutors it. You do not go to the university or college or any school to learn it. It is already in you. It is inherent. Do you understand what we are saying?
  • It does not require going to school for a magnet to pick up a pin. If you pour pins on the floor, when magnet comes close, it will, by its own magnetic power, pick up all the pins on the floor. Does it require going to school?
  • May be you do not know that the magnet is not the product of school. The school did not make any magnet. Good! Magnet is nature. It is stone. God made it that way. And that Rock, I will tell what it is, but not now.
  • You know, people do not know how fire came into existence. Fire came from striking a rock upon another. You then gather straws so that when you strike the stone upon the other it will bring forth fire that will burn the straws. This means that the stone has fire qualities.
  • Is it any wonder that that Rock which has light qualities was giving them fire in the night.
  • REFERENCE: [1] Isaiah 51:1, KJV. Hearken to Me, ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord: look unto the Rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged.
  • TLB. Listen to Me, all who hope for deliverance, who seek the Lord! Consider the quarry from which you were mined, the Rock from which you were cut!
  • [2] 1 Corinthians 10:2-4, GNB. In the Cloud and in the sea they were all baptized as followers of Moses. All ate the same spiritual bread and drank the same spiritual drink. They drank from the spiritual Rock that went with them; and that rock was Christ himself.
  • Do you not know that in the night, one piece of diamond kept in this compound will give light to the whole of this area. One piece of diamond, and this whole place will be illuminated.
  • Ordinary fibre – diamond is what the manufacturers use in making your wrist watch. In the night, you see the diamond glowing brightly. Just fibre!
  • We are not here to tell stories. Let us keep listening strictly. That is why the LORD said we should shine like beacon light. Beacon light! Every beacon that has illumination must have diamond qualities.
  • There is natural diamond. The animal that has it is the rocky python. When it vomits the diamond, the illumination can stretch to over hundred miles on four corners. The animal will be moving with it. Anywhere it perceives darkness, it will attack whatever that is there.
  • P21Now because of this Law, men too felt themselves magnetically drawn to this veiled, more powerful Stranger from On High,…
  • Where did He veil Himself? He veiled Himself using human flesh. Veiled Stranger! Much more powerful Stranger that veiled Himself in a Man, not counting it robbery.
  • He hid Himself with the human veil. That way, he disguised Himself. Have I not been telling you this? Do we need to shout about it?
  • REFERENCE: BHAGAVAD GITA by Sri Swami Sivananda, 9th Discourse [The Yoga of The Kingly Science & The Kingly Secret], verse 11 11Fools disregard Me, clad in human form, not knowing My higher Being as the great Lord of (all) beings.
  • COMMENTARY: Fools who do not have discrimination despise Me, dwelling in human form. I have taken this body in order to bless My devotees. These fools have no knowledge of My higher Being. I am the Great Lord, the Supreme.
  • Have you not captured something while photographing Him? But instead of capturing His outward appearance, you captured another thing. Why do you not ask yourselves a question, “Who is this Man?”?
  • Is it because I allowed you to do as you please? I know what I will do and all of you will run away. I know what I will do here and anyone pointed to this Gate will never dare to come in. You will run without looking back or remembering your belongings.
  • P21Now because of this Law, men too felt themselves magnetically drawn to this veiled, more powerful Stranger from On High, although often resisting with his enmity.
  • Often resisting the same Man with enmity. Look at one that is boasting before Me. When He eats his own, he hides My own and tells Me that I do not have any share of the food allotted to Me.
  • When I send him on an errand, he will tell Me that he knows that I sent him on an errand, but that he has vowed that he will not come back. Do not worry. Did he not say it here?
  • I am talking about Okwuchukwu, the son of EliJoe. The one he did yesterday is the worst of it all. He reported Himself and said that he has a long story. It is a long story. EliJoe is dead completely for begetting a snake in the form of a human being.
  • The thick veils He wore around Him could not entirely prevent the emanation of this power that was alien on earth;… The thick veil He wore around Him could not prevent the emanation of that Supreme quality. He will penetrate it straight away. When you take His photograph, you capture it from the outside. He will swallow the natural side.
  • REFERENCE: ANOTHER DAY, preached on Sunday 8th April, 2012, Page 49 verse 6 through 7 & Page 92 verse 13. 6We are talking about a man that is laminated—a laminated human being. It is always good for everybody to know the truth at every point in time.
  • 7Let me tell you the truth, what I saw in this fellowship this day, since this Faith started, I have not seen such a thing before. We are eye-witnesses of His majesty. We do not boast for nothing. If not for one thing, I would have declared let us go. …….
  • 13Who is speaking? The Resurrected Body, the Laminated Body. When I saw that thing on the screen, the Cloud hovering over Him, in fact it was God. As an individual, do you always see yourself in the Son of Man? I see myself.
  • The thick veils He wore around Him could not entirely prevent the emanation of this power that was alien on earth; …
  • Foreign! Strange on earth. The world has never witnessed it this way. Do you still post events from the websites? Fine! There are people you will say that they are ignorant of what we are saying. Is it America? They know how to prove all these foreign [alien] things and strange developments.
  • What is My joy? Okechukwu Nwamkpa was the one that sent the pictures of the Pillar of Cloud to FBI in America where it was verified and then they wrote back, “This is supernatural, for the lens cannot capture anything that is not an object. So, this is a supernatural light that struck the lens. But in all, it points to that Man there.” It points to that Man there, for there was a Man there. As I am sitting here now, My wife was seated there, the Woman of Subsequent Creation. She was seated right there when She was very much aware that She was being searched for.
  • The person searching for her was equally seated on His own seat. He knows where She was gently seated drinking her Greek yoghurt. He knows her office in the kitchen. He went looking for her there and later traced her back here.
  • That is why I ask people the question to know whether we are wise at all. Do we have wisdom at all, or is it that you do not believe our testimonies. That is why Elijoe is a goat. Elijoe was seated right here on this seat when it happened, and he jumped up and removed his eyeglasses. Chika was equally seated here.
  • That you went to bed in the night and locked your doors cannot prevent death from taking your life if the time has come. Can locking your doors prevent God from entering your house?
  • In broad day light, just as we are seated here, and you see a flashing red light glowing as it is moving right before our eyes. That was not torchlight and was very visible about this time of the day. It moved from this point.

I am the standard for judgment for all men. My wife is the standard for judgment for all women whether you like it or not. It is already confirmed.


FIND OUT THE PURPOSE YOU ARE FULFILLING IN THIS MINISTRY VOL. 2; Preached on Sunday 3rd November 2013 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 113 vs. 9



IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 21.

  • … The thick veils He wore around Him could not entirely prevent the emanation of this power that was alien on earth; while on the other hand this power could not yet radiate freely either to exert that irresistible might which it has after the falling away of the covering veils in the hour of fulfillment.
  • P22This brought conflict among the intuitive perceptions of men. The very being of the Stranger was enough to awaken in those who met Him hopes of the most varied kinds which alas, because of their attitude, were always brought to merely earthly wishes, which they nourished and fostered within themselves.
  • P23The Stranger, however, could never heed such wishes, since His hour had not yet come. Thereby many were often greatly disappointed through their own imaginings… Over-expectation! …and, strange to say, even felt themselves deceived.
  • They never reflected that in reality it was only their own selfish expectations… that deceived them …which were not fulfilled and, indignant about this through their disappointment, they laid the responsibility for it on the Stranger. Is it a lie Brethren?
  • Unfulfilled expectations that run contrary to the reason why the Stranger is sent. Are all these things fulfilling?
  • The Stranger documented it in the GREAT SERMON and gave reason why people abandon the Faith. Check yourself and find out exactly what is killing you and where it can be traced.
  • Check whether that thing which you have in mind as your expectation is in line with what the son of man has revealed as His mission. Is that your expectation what He told you that He has come to accomplish?
  • There were Messages I posted recently. In one of the Messages, it had the title, MY COMMISSION. Do you know His Commission more than Himself? Judge Him from His commission. Do not judge Him from what you want Him to do for you.
  • This is because every village where Tinubu is not drawn from will not support Tinubu. This is because what you want Tinubu to construct may be different from what Tinubu has in his agenda.
  • If he wants us to vote for him, let him give us roads. Let him give us portable water.
  • Did you enquire from him. All these things you are clamouring for may not even be a part of his manifesto. It is not a part of his mission.
  • And when people do not see their expectations, they will complain that he is not doing anything. Some were thinking that whenever he is sworn in, people will be picking food free of charge. Are you picking food free of charge? Where did you cultivate?
  • They do not know that these things are not a part of his programme. He came to settle foreign and domestic debts and then create an enabling economic environment for business to thrive. And you are by the side judging him with trivial matters.
  • They never reflected that in reality it was only their own selfish expectations which were not fulfilled and, indignant about this… through their disappointment,… They were filled with rage. …they laid the responsibility for it on the Stranger. They became indignant.
  • Is THE SON OF MAN not the One receiving the blame for all their disappointments? When they disappointed themselves, they turned around to blame it on God. Is it a lie Brethren?
  • They spoil their way through over-expectation and over-ambitiousness, only to turn round and blame it on God. But when you were embarking on it, God told you, “Do not try it. Do not try this for there will be a repercussion. Do not try this for there will be a repercussion” Then you stubbornly go ahead to do as you have conceived. Tomorrow, you will say that God hates you and that He favours some but does not favour others.
  • In that miserable condition, does God listen to you? When He counseled you against your heart desires, did you obey Him? That time, He will laugh you to scorn.
  • REFERENCE: WHEN THE SPARKS FLY IN YOUR MARITAL RELATIONSHIP, preached by the son of man on Chapter 3 Page 23 verse 3 through 6. 3Revealing the truth brings the future nearer. I am interested in that Message. There is a sub-heading there that says: “Nine Reasons Why People Are Disappointed In The Ministry Of The Son Of Man.”
  •  4Nine reasons why people feel disappointed in the Ministry of the Son of Man; (i) INSINCERITY OF PURPOSE—Insincerity of purpose; (ii) JOINING THE FAITH WITH WRONG MOTIVES— coming and identifying with this Faith with wrong motives; (iii) HYPOCRISY; (iv) IMPATIENCE; (v) SUSPICION; (vi) OVER ESTIMATION OF THE MINISTRY OF THE SON OF MAN; (vii) LEADERSHIP TUSSLE; (viii) ENVY; (ix) JEALOUSY.
  • 5How many can remember this Message? I repeat: How many can remember the Message “REVEALING THE TRUTH BRINGS THE FUTURE NEARER?” 6As many that have been with me in this Ministry all these years, if we can go home and think about these “nine reasons,” we will notice that these have been the major reasons why people feel disappointed in this Ministry.
  • 7Once these nine things can be traced to you, you must make shipwreck of this Ministry. Number one is Insincerity; number two is Joining The Faith With Wrong Motives; number three is Hypocrisy; number Four is Impatience; number five is Suspicion; number six is Over Estimation Of The Ministry; number seven is Leadership Tussle; number eight is Envy; number nine is Jealousy.
  • IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 23. P23… Yet He did not call them; but they forced themselves upon and clung to Him, because of this Law which was unknown to them, and they often became a heavy burden to Him, …
  • They became what? A heavy burden to Him. Is it a lie Brethren? Unbelievers are a heavy burden to themselves and not to Me now because I have mastered them. I have mastered them.
  • …and they often became a heavy burden to Him, with which He journeyed through those years on earth that were ordained for Him as His time of learning. Sure!!!
  • P24Men on earth perceived something mysterious and unknown about Him,… Is it a lie Brethren?
  • One that is excommunicated will not go far away. The person will keep on hanging around, and after a short while, he or she will come back.
  • Men on earth perceived something mysterious and unknown about Him, which they could not explain, they sensed a hidden might which they did not understand,… Are these promises not fulfilling?
  • Pastor Chizoba Udochukwu: Mr. C kept asking and enquiring about this might.
  • What of Barrister Okolo? What did he say? He enquired of the son of man and pleaded, “Please do not be offended. How do you get all these teaching, wisdom and everything you are teaching us?
  • Please do not be offended. I just want to enquire about this particular one. All the manifestations of wisdom and the teachings you give to us which is astonishing to everybody, how do you get them.”
  • You were there. You went with Me also [talking to Deacon Chibuko]. He asked that question openly and laughed. Then everybody started laughing at him. He protested, “This is not a laughing matter. Once You say it, instantly, everybody will chill, for that is an area that is beyond human reasoning.”
  • What was the thing I said that astonished him? I said that wherever the mother hen finds her self remains the resting place of her chicks, for chicks do not follow a cock.
  • I now asked him, “Chief! At 74, you know about chickens and you can differentiate between a cock and a hen. Check what I just said.” He stood still. “Wherever the mother hen is, that is where the chicks stay, for the chicks do not follow the cock.”
  • He said, “In short, SON OF MAN, the kind of things You say hits the hearer on the head like a hammer. When one considers what you have said, it is beyond argument. Where do you get all this wisdom?”
  • Then I threw another proverb at him which is meant for seasoned elders, he then dropped the food he was eating, both the chicken and the rice and sat gaping at Me. This is true.
  • Was it not the same thing that happened in the days of Jesus Christ? Doctors and lawyers then asked, “Where did he get this knowledge, seeing that He did not go to school?” And they were astonished at what He was teaching which was the deep meaning of the idiomatic expression, figurative speeches, metaphors, One that did not go to school was drilling them.
  • REFERENCE: John 7:14-15, TLB. [14]Then, midway through the festival, Jesus went up to the Temple and preached openly. [15]The Jewish leaders were surprised when they heard him. “How can he know so much when he’s never been to our schools?” they asked.
  • Men on earth perceived something mysterious and unknown about Him, which they could not explain, they sensed a hidden might which they did not understand, and in the end, through their ignorance, they naturally suspected only intentional suggestion, hypnotism, and magic, according to the nature of their lack of understanding;…
  • Some will tell you that He is a mystic and say that He is a cultist. Is there anything they will not say? This is their own way of reasoning because they are feeling an unimaginable something. Something they do not know where to place.
  • And that is why the son of man remains a Paradox. The more you look, the less you see. He is a big elephant. Wherever you touch is the side you know. He said, “Call Me bad. I am bad.”
  • Men on earth perceived something mysterious and unknown about Him, which they could not explain, they sensed a hidden might which they did not understand, and in the end, through their ignorance, they naturally suspected only intentional suggestion, hypnotism, and magic, according to the nature of their lack of understanding; [Sure!!!] whereas there was no question of any of these.
  • Some say He is an idol, when there are idols in their hometowns and every other community. They have not seen those ones.
  • Their original attachment, the consciousness of being strangely attracted, then very often turned into hatred,…
  • Brethren, is there a lie in this? This is because they could not comprehend Him. They all grew tired. He now turned [in their own thinking] to be their enemy.

When you hear that God is coming to take away His people, who do you think are His people? God’s people are the privileged minority who, by grace, are privileged to receive His appearance. No more. No less. God knows where to pick His people. He knows how many they are in number. No mistakes about it. And He guides them with tender jealousy. ……. If your name is not written in the Lamb’s book of life from the foundation of the world, you can never believe the Son of Man. This Faith is not for you. You will remain troubled and troubled until you are troubled out. However, if you are among the number slated for this translation, for every word from God, you will echo amen, for the whole thing dovetails to you naturally.


CROSSCHECK YOUR EXPERIENCE AS WE WAIT AT THE GATE; Preached on Sunday 22nd May, 2011 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 170 vs. 45 &Pg. 177 vs. 62



IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 24. … Their original attachment, the consciousness of being strangely attracted, then very often turned into hatred, which expressed itself in moral stone-throwing…

  • Do you know what moral stone throwing means? It means querying His habits, His character. If He eats, problem. He takes a woman to Himself, trouble. If He drinks, trouble. If He is God, can He do this? But he says He is God.
  • REFERENCE: Luke 7:36-39, TLB. 36One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to come to his home for lunch and Jesus accepted the invitation. As they sat down to eat, 37A woman of the streets – a prostitute – heard He was there and brought an exquisite flask filled with expensive perfume.
  • 38Going in, she knelt behind Him at His feet, weeping, with her tears falling down upon His feet: and she wiped them off with her hair and kissed them and poured the perfume on them.
  • 39When Jesus’ host, a Pharisee, saw what was happening and who the woman was, he said to himself, “This proves that Jesus is no Prophet, for if God had really sent Him, he would know what kind of woman this one is!”
  • Yet, prophecies went forth ahead of time. And He is here fulfilling all that were prophesied concerning Him. You must know where you are. That is why, if you are a leader [Oh!] number one step is that you must develop yourself to accept criticisms of all sorts. Constructive and destructive, you are the dustbin. Accommodate all! Continue with your journey.
  • Do you not move on after disposing of your refuse. Any day I remember to set it ablaze, I will set it ablaze. Finish!
  • Their original attachment, the consciousness of being strangely attracted, then very often turned into hatred, [Yes!] which expressed itself in moral stone-throwing [Sure!!!] and attempts to defile Him from Whom they had expected much too soon.
  • The Cloud will remain here. Wherever there is truth, that is where God is.
  • P25No one took the trouble to make a just self-examination, which would have revealed that the Stranger, living apart with different views and ideals, was the one made use of by those who crowded towards Him, but not that He had taken advantage of anyone, [Sure!!!] as the obtruders, in their bitterness over the non-fulfillment of their desires for a life of ease, encouraged themselves and others to believe.
  • Blindly they repaid the friendliness shown them with senseless hatred and enmity, … What? Blindly they repaid the friendliness shown them with senseless hatred and enmity,…
  • Brethren, is it fulfilling in your midst? Are you witnessing it with your own eyes? A situation where people are biting the finger that is feeding them, not knowing that they are fulfilling dangerous prophecy.
  • How many people are fulfilling dangerous prophecies ignorantly? This is the same way they worship the devil ignorantly.
  • Blindly they repaid the friendliness shown them with senseless hatred and enmity, similar to the deed of Judas.
  • Similar to what? The actions of Judas. A traitor! A betrayer!
  • P26But the Stranger on earth had to bear everything patiently;… The Most Patient. The Most Tolerant. He will accommodate all in love, telling you, “That is the much he knows. If he knows better, he will act better. Relax your mind. Let us go!”
  • But the Stranger on earth had to bear everything patiently; for it was only a quite natural consequence of His existence, so long as mankind were still living in error. Sure!!!
  • By this alone He, to Whom all wrong doing and wrong thinking were entirely alien, was able to recognize what earthmen in their nature could become capable of. Amen!
  • Understanding human nature, for no one can understand it more than Him. For that reason, He still accommodates everybody in love, “That is the much he knows. Is that all? Relax your mind. Let us go.”
  • At the same time, however, such experiences also gave Him the necessary hardening,… What?  At the same time, however, such experiences also gave Him the necessary hardening,…
  • This is somebody who told you, “Opposition makes Me stronger than ever. I love opposition. It makes Me stronger. It makes Me to realize My limitations.”
  • At the same time, however, such experiences also gave Him the necessary hardening, which slowly laid itself like an armour around His otherwise ever-present helpfulness, and thus created a gulf between that and mankind… [Sure!!!] through the wounds inflicted upon His soul, which brought about a separation, and which can only be healed through the complete change in mankind.
  • These wounds inflicted on Him have formed from that hour the gulf which can be bridged only by that man who wholly follows the road of the Laws of God. Amen!
  • The Way for the wellfaring men. When you follow it, you bridge that gap. That is the only way you can close it. Follow the wellfaring road – the narrow road.
  • Do not follow that highway. Follow that a way. A way of the redeemed, for the wellfaring, for the righteous, with He the Envoy leading. With He the Envoy in front, leading. Then you bridge the gap. You close the gulf.
  • What is that thing that is causing a separation between you and God? Is it not iniquity? Is it not unbelief? When you change your mind and follow His Way, you have closed the gap. Enmity is gone.
  • The hand of God is not too short that He cannot save you, but your iniquity and your unbelief has separated you from God and from His salvation.
  • If only you can come back to your senses and embrace that one Living Way, along which He is leading in front, automatically, you have restored yourself and reconciled yourself. You are now walking on the same road with Him. All of you are now travelling on that narrow road in a single file. Then the enmity is gone. Is it a lie Brethren?
  • Maybe you do not know that through one single sacrifice, He perfected all that will come to God through Him. One single sacrifice. Is it not Scriptures? The Book of Hebrews. He perfected all that will thread on that a Way of the Redeemed.
  • Is there truth in what I am saying? While He is leading them, they were all behind Him, while He was in front.
  • … This alone can serve as a bridge. … This alone will serve what? As a Bridge! Do you have a Message titled, “bridge to peace”? Do you have “SON OF MAN, OUR LINK TO THE TRUTH”? What is the essence of that Bridge? Go and see the Bridge there. See where the Bridge is landing you. To the land of Peace.
  • The bridge makes your journey shorter. It makes your journey shorter and much more pleasurable. The Bridge makes the crossing of every sea and every river very simple. Is there truth in what I am saying?
  • If those people that went to shoot their film had used the bridge, would they have died? Oh no! I do not know how to explain this so that you will understand Me.
  • I am not the one preaching right now. I am reading a documented prophecy concerning Me, concerning the Woman of Subsequent Creation and concerning you the believers, that all of you that are believing the supernatural Man, you were supernaturals with Him.
  • You had walked and talked with Him. That is why, immediately he came and gave His Word, you had no difficulty hearing and understanding Him and running after, for you are of the same specie.
  • Both he that sanctifies and they that are sanctified are all of one, for which cause He is not ashamed of addressing them as His Brethren, man and woman. You are all incarnated human beings. In short, you were a spirit serving as an angel, pressed into a woman’s womb and born here.
  • You incarnated on earth for a mission. And that mission is not your own. That same mission is the mission of THE SON OF MAN. He is to co-opt you and tell you what you will do.
  • But those who were sent were called at various times. Instead of doing the work, they saw fanciful things of the world and abandoned the work. And then became a thorn in the flesh of THE SON OF MAN. These are the people that will perish in the end because the prophecy said it is an unpardonable sin.
  • The moment you are guilty of absconding from your work, abandoning your work, dereliction of duty, the punishment is summary dismissal. That is all.
  • Abandon your job now in Nigeria and travel abroad without notice and sneak away, three months, you are dismissed straightaway. And any day you come back to Nigeria, you will be arrested, for you are answerable.
  • You avoid your duty or dereliction of duty leads to summary dismissal. No excuse. You forfeit all your benefits and everything. And no notice is given. That is all.
  • And once you are summarily dismissed, you can never be recruited in anything public service or organized private sector in a nation where you are dismissed because you are unfit for anything. That is why we avoid it.
  • If God dismisses you from what He is doing– everything pertaining to life and godliness, God declares you dismissed because you re unprofitable in all things, He has proved you to be unprofitable in everything committed to your trust. So He has no need of you. He dismisses you.
  • Tell Me where you will run to. Who admits you again? Who will lead you by the hand back to God? The person does not exist.
  • Do not worry. As we journey along, you will see that your mediator has gone ahead of time. So you have no mediator again.
  • This alone can serve as a bridge. Everyone else must be dashed to pieces in the abyss; for there is no other way over it. And to remain standing before it means destruction.

Why not behave like The Son of Man. I never prepared My wife for one day. Rather, I helped her to know the Truth by subjecting her to lifestyles that were alien to her, to teachings that were unknown to her, aiming at getting her roughly grounded, knowing that I was making a far journey with her, so that her real colour must come out. I knew nothing about The Bridal Faith. I knew nothing about the End-time. But I was higher than all the Pentecostals. I never wanted her to suffer the Pentecostal level because that was a rubbish level.


Action is faith expressed; preached on December 18; 2011 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 139 vs. 29 – 30



IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 27. P27At the exact hour, even before the end of this arduous time of learning, the meeting came to pass with that Companion Who, as a Part of Him,…

  • The Meeting came to pass. The prophecy has come to pass. During the period of training, He came into contact with that Lady – the Elect Lady, Who laced Her hand on His shoulder.
  • No man introduced Her to Him. The two met, and He recognized the Lady. The Lady recognized the Man, for they came from one Source and for one mission on earth.
  • You can never introduce Adam to Eve again. Neither will you introduce Eve to Adam again. Never! Never!
  • You cannot not come out now and say, “God, this is your child”. Is it ever done? “God, this is your child.” Shut up your mouth! You are coming to tell who is His child and who is not. Who are you?
  • At the exact hour, even before the end of this arduous time of learning, the meeting came to pass with that Companion Who, as a Part of Him, was to journey with Him through earthly life,…
  • Who is the HIM? …AS A PART OF THE STRANGER – the Envoy, THE SON OF MAN. This Elect Lady. Remember this Elect Lady appeared in your Bible. The Elect Lady.
  • REFERENCE: 2 John 1:1-2, KJV. 1The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth; 2for the truth’s sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.
  • A part of HIM and also a part of what the Master is coming to do here. In other words, THE SON OF MAN will accomplish nothing without her. Is it any wonder why She was commended?
  • Go and get Me great sermon and let us see the role She played there. The Great Sermon!
  • At the exact hour,… Every prophecy is tied to time. There is time for everything. She never jumped into it. She was first prepared and well-equipped. At the right time, God brought them together. And then, the Commission took off.
  • At the exact hour, even before the end of this arduous time of learning, the meeting came to pass with that Companion Who, as a Part of Him, was to journey with Him through earthly life, to participate in the great task according to Divine Ordinance.
  • THE GREAT SERMON AND HOLY GHOST-INSPIRED EPISTLES AND REVELATIONS by THE SON OF MAN, Apostle Peter Odoemena, [2019 Revised Edition] Epistle 21 – CONCLUSION, CHAPTER 1. 1“AND I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry)’ (1 Timothy 1:12, KJV).
  • Can you say so to yourself?
  • 2“I give thanks to Him who has granted me (the needed) strength and made me able (for this), Christ Jesus our Lord, because He has judged and counted me faithful and trustworthy, appointing me to (this stewardship of the ministry’ (1 Tim. 1:12, AMP).
  • Can you say so to yourself? So you are not grateful that God added you into this Ministry? I asked the question, “What can you say of yourself? Are you grateful?” You said no.
  • [The Brethren confessed that they did not hear the LORD very well.]
  • Saint Paul was narrating his own experience. What is your own? Saint Paul did not see the son of maN, but the son of man is standing before you.
  • Saint Paul was espousing all his followers to the hour when the LORD Jesus Christ shall reveal Himself in the Clouds of heaven. He was pointing everybody to the time when he shall be revealed in human flesh.
  • But now, it is in your own day that He has been revealed. Are you grateful that He counted you worthy, man and woman, young and old, putting you into this very expensive Ministry, not by merit but by His grace? The entire world is in hell, but look at how few we are.
  • Maybe you do not know that others are worshipping in vain. All these things you see them engage in as worship like I saw that Okwadike of Igbo-Ukwu. You saw what the so called bishops were doing with little children playing drama, waving flag and observing a wake-keep inside the church.
  • Look at them! You think they are worshiping God. Salvation army! I was watching the drama on AIT. I mean African Independent Television.
  • So it is with every other group. No exemption. I say, No exemption. Listen to Me. All of them are congregations of the dead. Congregation of the dead!
  • When somebody is dead spiritually, the person is completely dead. no more revival. that person can never conceive anything good again.
  • all the person will be doing are undertaking consoling activities until the day he or she will die and the same ritual accorded others will be accorded him or her.
  • When a great man dies among us, little children and youth will come and perform this with flute and flower, do matching and do this and that. It has become, “Praise God”.
  • Come and see the so-called Bishops fooling themselves and fooling others. Give them this truth, they will repel it.
  • Do you now believe that a little child here knows the truth more than the pope? That is why in their schools and colleges, their teachers are astonished.
  • When they want to flog them because of religion but decide to give them a little audience, before you know it, they will invite the parents to come. They will frantically call the parents to come, enquiring from them the type of doctrine they give their children.
  • If it has not happened to your children, know that you are empty-handed. This is true. Before now, they use to flog, but now, teachers do not flog children any longer. They only invite the parents only to tell them what their children are professing as their faith.
  • “These things your children are saying, is there truth in it? What are you teaching them?” This is true. In Enugu, someone sternly warned the teacher that flogged his child because of faith and told the teacher that if it repeats again, the prison yard will be the teacher’s destination.
  • “Let me respect you today. Flog my child again because of your religion, and I will tell you that my daughter has that freedom of faith, worship, interaction and so on. If she believes in the devil, it does not concern you. She is here for studies and not for church or religion.”
  • Are you surprised that government removed Moral Instructions from schools? It is simply because it does not bear any good fruit. You instruct according to your own religion, and people are not there for religion. So, of what use is allowing that Moral Instruction?
  • Bible Religious Knowledge. Christian Religious Knowledge. Christians will be here while others will be in another place. The people who are referred to as Christians are Catholics. They will be brandishing their chaplets, dishing out useless gifts, and indoctrinating children.
  • That is why you must be careful about the school your children are attending. Be sure they are not being corrupted there. This is because if they corrupt your children in the school, to correct it is very difficult. To correct it is very difficult. Why?
  • Human beings, by nature, love lies more than truth, for nothing gives joy more than falsehood. It gives joy. This is just the way it is with everything counterfeit. Everything counterfeit gives joy more than the original because it is cheap. It is everywhere. True or false?
  • You do not need to travel to get counterfeit (religion). It is behind My house. It is everywhere.
  • But to get truth, truth is very scarce. Truth is a scarce commodity, unless you have not searched for truth.
  • You did not search for it. You were just on your own and truth came. Because you were numbered among those people He came for, to look for and to seek the lost sheep of Israel. Finish! Then He saw you and stopped.
  • The Samarian woman came for water, not for eternal life. Did you get the Message? But in the search for water, she got something greater than water. She did not fetch that water again.
  • If you do not know it, know it now. When Peter, James and John the two sons of Zebedee saw something greater than fish, they abandoned the fish they caught and went after Him.
  • 3I am very grateful to Almighty God, who before the world began, counted you and I worthy and faithful to be members of His own very family as His dear sons and daughters.
  • OF HIS OWN VERY FAMILY. OF HIS OWN VERY FAMILY. 2001. There was a Message I posted to you. If you must be saved, do everything within your power to be a part of His Family. Otherwise, you are lost.
  • This is Noah’s Family in this day. It is very hard to believe. Whatever you are building this is where God sent you to stay. Maybe you might be the children He gave gifts and sent you away.

12It pays to marry by revelation and to marry a virtuous woman. That is why I can boldly say like [the Book of] Proverbs 31, “OF EVERY WOMAN ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH, MY WIFE IS THE BEST.” 13She was taught of the LORD. She prepares the food for the entire family. Any time we go home, my mother will start rejoicing. Why? Because My mother’s labour stops at My wife’s presence.


MARRIAGE: THE OLDEST INSTITUTION ORDAINED BY GOD Vol. 2; Preached on 7th November 1993; Pg. 13 vs. 10 – 14.



THE GREAT SERMON AND HOLY GHOST-INSPIRED EPISTLES AND REVELATIONS by THE SON OF MAN, Apostle Peter Odoemena, [2019 Revised Edition] Epistle 21 – CONCLUSION, CHAPTER 1 from verse 3.

3I am very grateful to Almighty God, who before the world began, counted you and I worthy and faithful to be members of His own very family [Sure!!!] as His dear sons and daughters. [Sure!!!]

  • 4I have to praise the Lord Jesus Christ, who in His mercy and love, decided to abolish the Laws of Moses [Amen!!!] for all His children so that we can worship God spiritually in spirit and in truth [Sure!!!] with consciences void of offence before God and before man.
  • No longer laying emphasis on mechanical worship – will worship, religious observance, “holy holy”, “Do this. do not do that.”
  • 5This agrees with the scripture that says that it is not he that willeth or he that runneth but God that showeth mercy. True or false? It is not by power nor by might but by the grace of God which is the spirit of love and mercy. Sure!!!
  • 6“Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the Word of the Lord unto Zerubabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6, KJV).
  • 7To the rest of you that remains faithful to the faith, I warn you to be very careful about the rebellious instinct that is in man. Sure!!!
  • 8It is this instinct that inspires people to rise up to find fault with the servant of God from time to time. 9These people do not understand one salient point; that God does not hear or pay any attention to them.
  • 10There is only one person God will pay attention to his words or petition at any given time [Sure!!!] and that is His well- beloved Son who bears His Name. He is both the mouthpiece of God and of the people of God. Is it a lie Brethren?
  • 11For example, if Moses sinned, God will never send Aaron or Miriam or any of the Elders in Israel to reprimand him. At all! He is God’s servant. God alone is the person that will reprimand him.
  • 12See the case of Job, where many of his foes rose up and accused him before God and hear his defence.
  • 13“You have said it in my hearing yes, you’ve said it again and again — ‘I am pure, I am innocent; I have not sinned’.
  • 14You say God is using a fine-toothed comb to try to find a single fault, and so to count you as his enemy. And He puts my feet in thy stocks; you say, ‘and watches every move I make’.
  • 15All right, here is my reply: in this very thing you have sinned by speaking of God that way. For God is greater than man. Why should you fight against Him just because He does not give account to you of what He does? (Job 33:8- 13, LB).
  • Is it a lie Brethren?
  • Epistle 21 – CONCLUSION, Chapter 2 – [APPRECIATION], Page 458 verse 4 through 12. 1I CANNOT end this epistle without expressing my profound gratitude to all the churches and also some individuals in the churches who have been a very big encouragement to me in this arduous task of raising the Bride of Christ for rapture.
  • 2I very much appreciate the contribution of all the churches in all respects, in making sure that this message reaches the elect of God worldwide. Amen!!! 3I expect that this message will continue to be preached to all mankind… Are you listening at all? To all mankind! …till the day we are clothed with immortality. Sure!!! No expiry date.
  • Why did you pack your own? Many have not seen what you are being shown now. Some think that is ordinary picture. It was taken in the fellowship. She was sitting down there amidst others. But only her seat was spotted. The LORD went there and enveloped her. The LORD enveloped her with the same supernatural Cloud.
  • 3I expect that this message will continue to be preached to all mankind till the day we are clothed with immortality. Sure!!!
  • 4First, I must thank God for bestowing me with a virtuous, faithful and spiritual wifeHave you heard it? Not carnal! Not wealthy! Not an academia! No! I have to thank God for bestowing Me with this wife.
  • 4First, I must thank God for bestowing me with a virtuous, faithful and spiritual wife who by divine revelation,…
  • This is because She was and She is divinely oriented like the son of man. They proceeded from one place for the same task here on earth. It is becoming clearer everyday.
  • 4First, I must thank God for bestowing me with a virtuous, faithful and spiritual wife who by divine revelation, has been a big encouragement to MeNot a discouragement. A big encouragement. from the beginning of this ministry till now. Thereunto She was born, ordained and sent.
  • 5Truly speaking, My wife and Sister,… My wife and also SisterNzubechukwu Peter Odoemena, has proved to me that behind every successful Man of God, there is a spiritual wife full of love, longsuffering, peace of mind and full of courage. Amen!!!
  • 6Very much enduring and purposeful. … She is focused. She endured more than any other, her age notwithstanding. Remember She was married at the age of 22.  … Although She could over react at times, this common mistake is a characteristic of all women. Sure!!!
  • Even you that are here, oftentimes, you over react. Did God hide it? We are serving a Living God.
  • 7As mortal fellow, She is susceptible to making mistakes but the love She has for Me and for the Ministry [Note!] has very much overwhelmingly covered those negligible flaws. Amen!!!
  • Love covers multitudes of iniquities. Look at it. The love She has for Me and for the Ministry has overwhelmingly covered all those negligible faults. Can God say so to you.
  • Do not worry. I am posting a Message you will read. Let Me know how many that will be addicted to the Word of God and to the Ministry of Christ. You look for the word ADDICTION and know whether it is traceable to you.
  • 8Truly speaking, She is in a special class [Sure!!!] when compared with the task, the odds, and ordeals She has passed through in the faith… Brethren, true or false? When compared to what?
  • Truly speaking, She is in a special class when compared with the task, the odds, and ordeals She has passed through in the faith and yet not at anytime discouraged. Sure!!!
  • 9I owe her a lot in this life and in the world to come. Amen and Amen! My only regret is that I have denied her the real life of a husband due to the pressure of the Ministry, … True or false? …which has kept me restless from the onset till today. I hope to fill the gap one of these days somewhere someday. Somewhere, someday.
  • 10She has helped me a lot [Note!] in the proof reading and transcribing of all our publicationsAll! All! Not this Great Sermon only.including this epistle in spite of the domestic work and official pressures that have been on her. Sure!!! Do you have children? She also has children. Are you married? She is married too. Are you a civil servant? She served in that capacity more than you.  
  • …She is indeed a rare treasure… She is what? She is indeed a rare treasure. You see why She has no replacement. …that is worthy of my confidence. Sure!!!
  • 11I am also grateful to God who has blessed me with obedient, intelligent, understanding and peaceful children. Sure!!! Their godly composure really helped me to be useful to the churches.
  • Assuming they were disturbing Me, do you think we would have been where we are. Even till this day, they are still very peaceful. Now, they are Ministers of the same Faith, we are all co-players. I say, we are now co-players.
  • 12My prayer is that the Almighty will reward her and her children with everlasting life in the world to come. Amen!!!
  • IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger. P27At the exact hour, even before the end of this arduous time of learning, the meeting came to pass with that Companion Who, as a Part of Him, was to journey with Him through earthly life, to participate in the great task according to Divine Ordinance. Have you heard the great task again? Arduous task.
  • Herself a Stranger on earth,… H-E-R. HERSELF a stranger also … She joyfully entered the Will of God… No wonder Her name is Joy. God’s own Purpose – NZUBECHUKWU. She joyfully entered into the same Ministry without murmuring, without complaining and without grudging. She welcomed the Ministry and became a big encouragement.
  • … She joyfully entered the Will of God through Her own recognition,… Through her own recognition. Her own recognition. Have you recognized your own? You must recognize it before You acknowledge it.
  • Many have not even recognized their callings in Christ. There are too many of you even sitting down in this studio that have not found where God is leading you to. I am telling you the truth.
  • Man or woman, this is the Queen of queens, Queen of all men, Queen of Paradise and the Woman of Subsequent Creation. She recognized Her place in the work, immediately acknowledged it and went about it.
  • Thank God who made a provision for Her and for Her children all at the same time. There is no labour of love you do in Christ that will go unrewarded.
  • Your problems are two things. [1] You do not want to be misunderstood by people. You are afraid of what people will say. That is number one. [2] You are extremely selfish. You cannot do anything without expecting a reward. Instant reward. Material reward.
  • Hence, you are always seeking men’s commendation as men. If you are not appreciated, you embark on a strike action. Work will stop. That goes to show that you have not even recognized anything called your calling in the Body of Christ.
  • To mothers, some think calling means “Come, become pregnant, have children and nurse them; cook food for the husband”.
  • She did more than that. That is the domestic side of life common to all women, whether believers or unbelievers. If you do that, unbelievers do more than that. You have not started.
  • … She joyfully entered the Will of God through Her own recognition,… She joyfully entered the will of God for her. What is the will of God for you? The Bible stated it there, “This is the will of God, even your sanctification.” Check the meaning of Sanctification. [1] Separation. [2] Consecration. [3] Set apart unto God.
  • … She joyfully entered the Will of God through Her own recognition, and gratefully merged with It. … And gratefully, joyfully merged with her calling. Merged means fused. She became inseparable from her calling. Life, death, nothing even hardship could not even separate her. She merged with Her calling.
  • How I wish She was alive when we got this prophecy that highlighted Her mission. She would have blown off this roof. She was blowing off the roof because of ancient manuscripts, “Oh! My Daddy! Have I not told you that I am a daughter of God? If a census is conducted and I am not in the number, the head count has not even started.”
  • Herself a Stranger on earth, She joyfully entered the Will of God through Her own recognition, and gratefully merged with It.

I do not say it so that you clap hands for Me. I know that today will be the best day for My wife. She will begin to see why I took her to all the denominations, round, before I settled her in My own house, in My own Church in My house, in My own Church waiting for the promised day, and She obeyed.

The son of man

I AM THE WORD EXPLAINED VOL 1; Preached on Sunday 27 April 2014 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 105 vs. 32 – 33



IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 28. P28Only then came the time for the Called ones, who had once solemnly pledged to God their loyalty for service! …

  • You see! Others started identifying their callings in the Body in the same Vineyard.
  • The granting of their petition had been carefully carried out. Sure!!! At the appropriate time they were incarnated on earth.
  • Through faithful guidance, they were equipped in the earthly sense with everything they needed for the fulfillment of their respective tasks.
  • Who guided them and equipped them? The Envoy, the Messenger and the Woman of Subsequent Creation groomed them, man and woman alike.
  • Let us see some of those people. We are reading King James Version of the Bible, the Gospel according to Saint Luke. You can read in any translation.
  • We want to see the Woman of Subsequent Creation, when She recognized the will of God for her and acknowledged it. Then others began to subscribe. Others began to subscribe.
  • The men were subscribing. The women, subscribing because all of them were incarnated here for the same Mission. No successful man of God ever walks alone.
  • Luke 8:1-3, KJV. 1And it came to pass afterward, that he went throughout every city and village, preaching and shewing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God: [Sure!!!] and the twelve were with him, … Were they not men, incarnated here and chosen by Him?
  • 2And certain women,… And what? …certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, 3And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.
  • Only then, others began subscribing. They have seen the work. The arduous task has started. That was the Son of God. Now, the son of man is the continuation and consummation. The Gatherer. He is the continuation and also the conclusion of the Ministry of the One they murdered.
  • IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH: Grail Message by Abdrushin – Prophet Oskar Ernst Bernhardt, Lecture 88: The Stranger, from Paragraph 28. P28Only then came the time for the Called ones, who had once solemnly pledged to God their loyalty for service! The granting of their petition had been carefully carried out. …
  • Was there anytime they pledged it openly. It was a decision taken as individuals upon the recognition of the will of God for each of them. Did they come together for a meeting? Everybody prayed in his own location.
  • Were they all living in the same house? Were they all from the same community? Just like all the women mentioned in the Gospel, are they all married to the same man?
  • Everybody made his or her own vow and prayed his or her own way. There was not even one of whom we read who the husband hindered or the wife hindered.
  • The husbands of some of the women were not even mentioned. They threw away marriage and went after eternal life. Some threw away everything in this life and went after eternal life. That was the Son of God.
  • But now this is the son of man. Because he is married, you must be married. Because He has children, you must have children. Whatever He is passing through, you must pass through it, for all of you must have one definite experience. You must have one definite experience whether you like it or not.
  • … The granting of their petition had been carefully carried out. … Who granted their petition? The Stranger. Fine! They prayed in secret. God answered in the open. Is it not Scripture?
  • You pray to God in secret, but when God wants to answer your prayer, he answers you in the open and the whole world will see the answered prayer.
  • When you want to pray, He said, “Go into your house and lock up your doors. Pray to God – your Saviour, your Father – secretly. He that hears you secretly will answer you openly so that you glorify His Name.”
  • The Cloud is here. I love today.
  • … At the appropriate time they were incarnated on earth. Through faithful guidance, they were equipped in the earthly sense with everything they needed for the fulfillment of their respective tasks. Sure!!!
  • Through earthly guidance – earthly teaching, earthly instructions, they were well-equipped. Did God not tell us that He was preparing us, equipping us before He will send us out.
  • He said, “Go and meet them. If anybody takes you captive, know that you were not My student.” Know that you were not My student. Who has ever taken you captive unless you decide to lay down the bar and compromise for base gain?
  • When you want to benefit or gain something from your parents and others, when it gets to your faith, you conceal your faith, thinking that if you profess what you belief, they will not grant your request. And for that, you become one with them. You do not know that such denial is unpardonable.
  • It was brought, given to them, so noticeably that they simply could not consider it other than as a gift, as a loan for the hour of the fulfillment of their former promise. Yes!
  • P29At the precise moment they came into contact with the Envoy, through His Word,… At the precise moment, they were positionally placed where the Message will come their way. They were positionally placed. How will they hear the Message if no one is sent? Can one go when he is not sent? No!
  • So, the Messenger came and the Message went forth. This is because they came from God, positionally placed where they will not only recognize, but will also be a part of it like the Woman of Subsequent Creation Who was positionally placed in the same office with the Stranger, and they knew themselves not.
  • One at Enugu. One at Onitsha. Without knowing themselves, one went home for annual leave. On the day of resumption, He met somebody on the staircase, examined her and they saluted, not knowing whether She is a staff or one of the people living in the building.
  • Few hours later, the Director brought her to My seat for introduction, “Mr. Odoemena, you were on leave. Look at a new arrival from Enugu. She is the sister to our Director, Francis Amaechi Dibua from Nsugbe. This is the junior sister. She is posted from Enugu. Her senior brother was posted to Bauchi. So, She was posted here to sojourn with Her immediate senior brother, Cletus. Of course, you know Cletus.”
  • Then I said “My dear, you are welcome. Which of the Dibua? Tell Me. I know that your father married two wives.” She said, “Cletus. I am of the same father and mother with Cletus?” I then went further, “So, Cathy is your sister.” She said, “Yes.”
  • I then asked, “How come I do not know you? I know everybody.” She said, “I was in Lagos with my senior Brother. From there to Owo. From Owo, I was brought down to Enugu.” I said, “OK. You are welcome o.”
  • I asked again, “Which section?” She replied, “Account division.” “In Enugu”, I asked. She said, “But we were coming there to pay salaries.” I said, “Yes, you were paying junior staff.”
  • I was a senior staff. So, I never knew anything called salary by hand, for any day they were coming to pay, it does not concern Me.
  • Look at how God positionally placed it, pulled Her, the unknown Lady I saw in a dream far back in 1986. The testimony is already in your sermon Books. And you know the whole thing. They are all there.
  • In 1986, I saw the picture of a slim girl and He said, “Look at the person there.” I fainted. After some days, I saw the picture again. This time, another picture. He said, “This one there is the same Lady.” I said, “How come? What do I do?”
  • He said, “Look at these marks. I placed these things there. To scare people away. She is the one. Take Her.” I asked, “What do I do to all these things?” He said, “Just place your hands on her body. That is all you need. She will be all ok.”
  • It was not easy. From 1986, the thing lingered. I was quarrelling within Myself until 1988 when I saw the person live. All along, it was a dream between Me and He that was directing Me.
  • But before then, too many phonies were milling around Me. When they noticed that I was not the type they expected, they flew away, for they were coming with religion. I could not see their faces.
  • So, I thank God. The testimonies are everywhere.
  •  P29At the precise moment they came into contact with the Envoy, through His Word, [Sure!!!] and then also personally… 
  • And also personally. Through His Word, for they heard His Word first. They believed His Word. Finally, finally, they became practically and personally acquainted with the Man.
  • Brethren, there is honey in the Rock. I want you to see that you are fulfilling all prophecies written concerning you. Check how you came into contact with this Faith. Check how you came into contact with the son of man Himself.
  • If you are married, check how you came into contact with your wife or with your husband.