Preached ON Saturday 10th December, 2022 AT The Courtyard of The Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe, Anambra State, Nigeria. BY Apostle Peter Odoemena THE SON OF MAN

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah, Students’ Fellowship, MOUAU, Abia State, Nigeria.

In Commemoration of the 365th Day [1 Year] since the transition to Glory Of THE QUEEN OF PARADISE Mummy Nzubechi Joy SON OF MAN Odoemena THE WOMAN OF SUBSEQUENT CREATION

10How hard it is to find a capable wife! She is worth far more than jewels! 11Her husband puts His confidence in her, and He will never be poor. 12As long as she lives, she does Him good and never harm. 13She keeps herself busy making wool and linen cloth. 14She brings home food from out-of-the-way places, as merchants ships do. 15She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her Family and to tell her servant women what to do. 16She looks at land and buys it, and with money she has earned she plants a vineyard. 17She is a hard worker, strong and industrious. 18She knows the value of everything she makes, and works late into the night. 19She spins her own thread and weaves her own cloth. 20She is generous to the poor and needy. 21She doesn’t worry when it snows, because her Family has warm clothing.

22She makes bedspreads and wears clothes of fine purple linen. 23HER HUSBAND IS WELL KNOWN, ONE OF THE LEADING CITIZENS. 24She makes clothes and belts, and sells them to merchants. 25She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future. 26SHE SPEAKS WITH GENTLE WISDOM. 27She is always bust and looks after her Family’s needs. 28HER CHILDREN SHOW HER APPRECIATION AND HER HUSBAND PRAISES HER. 29HE SAYS, MANY WOMEN ARE GOOD WIVES, BUT YOU ARE THE BEST OF THEM ALL. 30Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honours the LORD should be praised. 31Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.

Proverbs 31:10-31, Good News Bible

I am saying that for you to have been adopted into this great and wonderful Family, it is a wonderful privilege. Recognize the point of your adoption into this Family. In time past, you were enemies to this Faith, you were enemies to this Family, but today you are not only friends but members of this Household, and you now share in all inheritances in this Household, why? There is one that appeared in whom you have your way into this Family. If I did not come your way, you would have remained an enemy till now. All that have not come my way by the preaching of this Gospel truth, have they found themselves into this Family? Now, have you recognized the point of your adoption into this Family?


GOD HAS COUNTED ME WORTHY, PUTTING ME INTO THIS MINISTRY; Preached on Sunday 13th August, 2000 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 89 vs. 8 – 9


A friend in need is a friend indeed

Job 2:7-13, LB. [7]So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord… From the presence of the LORD, Satan went forth. Am I making sense? …and struck Job with a terrible case of boils from head to foot. Monkey pox!

  1. [8]Then Job took a broken piece of pottery to scrape himself and sat among the ashes. [9]His wife said to him, “Are you still trying to be godly when God has done all this to you? Pay attention! Curse him and die.”
  2. See the precious wife. Do you want to continue to serve God Who has done so wickedly to you? And you are still holding unto His Word, preaching. Why did He profane you? Curse Him and die. Learn your own lesson. I have learnt My own.
  3. [10]But he replied, “You talk like some heathen woman. What? Shall we receive only pleasant things from the hand of God and never anything unpleasant?” So in all this Job said nothing wrong.
  4. [11]When three of Job’s friends heard of all the tragedy that had befallen him, they got in touch with each other and traveled from their homes to comfort and console him. Their names were Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite.
  5. [12]Job was so changed that they could scarcely recognize him. Wailing loudly in despair, they tore their robes and threw dust into the air and put earth on their heads to demonstrate their sorrow.
  6. These were the real friends. Immediately they got there, they put themselves in the shoes of Job. Sorrow nearly destroyed them. They looked at Job. Job turned pale. The glory was gone.
  7. Job was a mere shadow, and the wife capitalized on that. But the real friends of Job were the real sympathizers that consoled Job. They felt for Job.
  8. [13]Then they sat upon the ground with him silently for seven days and nights,… They did what? …they sat upon the ground with him silently for seven days and nights,…
  9. I want to apologize to some mothers here. Notably, Sister Thomas, Sister Chibuko and Sister Stephen. As at that time, Pastor Chizoba was not yet married.
  10. Before My wife died, before many Elders, she used to refer to Pastor Thomas as THE SON OF MAN’s second wife. True or false? All of you know this truth.
  11. I said that I will not bring this picture until I clock one year, lest I will make it open and die before one year.
  12. These Brethren found it difficult to vacate My house. Sometimes, they will be here during family altar. We do not eat and we do not do any other thing. We will be reading Scriptures and sharing our experiences. They will be encouraging Me and I will be encouraging them.
  13. Sometimes, it will last till night, and until their wives will be complaining. But when they understood My predicaments, they joined their husbands. They began to bring in food, for they noticed that we were staying without food. And we were not complaining.
  14. It went on until I gathered courage and started going to market and entering the kitchen. Some volunteered to be cooking, but I said no. I have been cooking even before My wife died. So, the art of cooking is not strange to Me.
  15. Oftentimes, these Brothers will come to the kitchen and assist Me while cooking. They never knew I was taking record of what they were doing.
  16. I will be lying on the mat, while they themselves will be lying on the floor. Sometimes, I will command them to go, but they refused.
  17. One day, I told them clearly, “There is no way I can attempt committing suicide because of My condition. So, if you are afraid that when you leave Me, I may think otherwise, do not go that way. I know more than that. I know the awful implications of committing suicide. I will never attempt it. I will rather live to tell the story of how I overcame.”
  18. In all My trials, I never cursed God. In all My troubles I passed through, I never for one day asked God, “Why?” I maintained My stand.
  19. Even when he commanded Me that on the day of her burial, I should not accept any food from sympathizers and mourners, I kept it to the letter. I devised a way of taking care of Myself. With these Brothers around Me, I felt satisfied.
  20. So, you can now begin to see that there were some people – three in number. And because of friendship with Job, they never denied Job when Job was in trouble. A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND IN DEED.
  21. There were too many who were claiming to be the friends of Sister Nzubechi SON OF MAN, “Mummy, Mummy, Mummy”, when all was good. But immediately Mummy became sick, Mummy became a devil. She died. She not only became a devil, but the mother of the devil to them.
  22. This is because, if they were friends indeed, God gave them that opportunity to prove it. God creates opportunities for us to show love, to confirm our love and our friendship to one another. True or false? A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED.
  23. A good number of them never called the Family. They never called both at home and abroad. They only heard that she was hospitalized in Abuja. No calls. She never received any, except from a few like Sister Modesta and those I cannot mention their names. You know why I cannot mention your names. Good!
  24. And I love those that never called. They are better than those that called hypocritically. But in all, God knows the best. That is all.
  25. But I believe that a friend in deed is always showing interest in the welfare of a friend. Assuming you believe she has gone into oblivion, what happened to her family? You did not call her. You did not call her husband. You did not call any of the children. What makes you, her friend?
  26. In other words, you are not praying for the continuity of her family. If it is possible, you might be wishing that the family will die the same way she died. But God does not work that way. Neither does He answer such prayers.
  27. There must be a remnant. God left a remnant in the house of Saul. He left a remnant in the house of Ahab so that the family lineage will not be wiped off. But My Family is not like that.
  28. Let Me tell you something you have not discovered. A man is never sober until he is in trouble. I do not know about a woman. I know a man. I was quiet. I was silent like Job.
  29. In everything those people did – You heard their names – He was appreciating. You will see it recorded that Job never opened his mouth. He was appreciating with his heart, looking forward to the day God will deliver him. Then, if he has “Thank you” to give, he will give to them. He noted how they were labouring.
  30. Can you imagine your friend meeting you in a very bad condition and sat down with you for seven complete days, knowing that you could not provide food or anything at all?
  31. Do you not think that they were using their money to provide for Job, because the wife was demonstrating against God’s decision? The wife was no longer with Job.
  32. There is no hell more than when a man loses his wife. He has become the worst of a human being. A woman that is bereaved of her husband is better placed than the man. Do you not know that?
  33. Her parents are there. Her relations are there. The relations of the husband are there. The church is there. She may have some lovers, friends and well-wishers who will show keen interest.
  34. Even relations find it easier to relieve her of some burdens by taking some of her children to train them for her.
  35. But to a man, he receives no help, except from above. Even amidst the trouble, the community will be disturbing him. Extant families will be disturbing him. Do you not know that?
  36. That your wife died, your village does not know it. They can never exclude you from whatever they are doing.
  37. I am saying these people were the real friends of Job. And they were the essence of Job’s survival. Hence, the Bible documented them and mentioned their names.
  38. They were not among the miserable comforters who came to accuse him of sin, “If you are not a sinner, why did God permit this to happen to you?” They never knew that God was testing Job. They never knew that the hand of God was there.
  39. It is just like they told Ezekiel, “Go around talking. God has taken away your wife. You still have the guts to be saying, “Thus saith the LORD” when the God you are serving took your wife and gave her one blow and removed her.”
  40. So, let us be very very careful. Allah is swift in taking records. Let there be one million people here, One that is to perfect them sees all and recognizes all.
  41. We came back from a wedding on Saturday and we gathered. Brethren were shocked when I asked them a question, “Did you see so so and so in the wedding?”
  42. Some said, “We saw her.” The other one said, “No! She was not there, but I saw the husband.” I told them that if you say you saw her, you saw a ghost.
  43. Inside and outside, even in the kitchen, I was everywhere. I numbered all that came from Onitsha. All that came from other Local Assembly, I numbered all. I told them that she was not there.
  44. I said, “Okay, wait let Me call her,” And I called her. She picked and responded telling Me, “Daddy, I was not there.” But she never knew why I called. Then argument stopped.
  45. There is nowhere you will hide and the Almighty will not see you. If the Almighty God does not know where you are, it then means that you are in the region of the lost. And He can never ask about you anymore because he has finished with you.
  46. If God has not finished with you; maybe there is a little hope left, from time to time, He will let you know that He is aware of what you are doing and where you are.
  47. But what you do not know is what awaits you. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, BUT WHAT AWAITS YOU, YOU DO NOT KNOW.
  48. The same way I have told everybody, “You are using your two eyes to see God, but what you are seeing is not God. You are seeing what God used to cover Himself.”
  49. Every masquerade has four eyes. The eyes he is using to see you are right inside, but the ones that are interacting with you are the ones you are seeing physically. Those ones are very deceitful. I say, those ones are very deceitful.
  50. He may show you a friendly look when he wants to kill you because if he shows you the inner eyes, you will be scared. He will give you the one that will attract you so that he will destroy you. Amen.

Now, we know the Personality that is standing in our midst.  He is the Last Hope of mankind, the Only and sure Anchor that will never disappoint, The only Link you have with The Light. In other words, as long as I am on the scene, I am the Light of the world. Whoever that leaves Me must wallow in darkness…..  You do not know where you are heading to. You are depending on He (The Son of Man) that is leading you. He (The Son of Man) has the instruments, the compass in His hands. You do not know where He is leading you next, but you are sure and certain that you are in the right hands.


LIVING BEYOND THE PRIMITIVE SIDE OF LIFE; Preached on 3rd June 2007 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 40 vs. 6 – 9



Job 2:11-13, LB. [11]When three of Job’s friends heard of all the tragedy that had befallen him, they got in touch with each other and travelled from their homes to comfort and console him. Their names were Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite.

  1. [12]Job was so changed that they could scarcely recognize him. Wailing loudly in despair, they tore their robes and threw dust into the air and put earth on their heads to demonstrate their sorrow.
  2. [13]Then they sat upon the ground with him silently for seven days and nights,… They met him lying on the bare floor. They equally sat on the bare floor with him, but to the wife, he was smelling. But to the friends, real friends, that smell or that odour was like a sweet perfume.
  3. They shouted, “O friend! What has happened? How are the mighty fallen? Who could have done this to you? Ooooh No! we are finished!” The Bible said, “They cried aloud”, seeing that they met only a shadow of their friend, for what makes for a friend was gone.
  4. They did not run away to go and scandalize Job. They sat down. For seven good days, they were nursing Job, comforting and providing for him, filling the gap. Men!
  5. …no one speaking a word; for they saw that his suffering was too great for words.
  6. Can you imagine? All of them became speechless, for they noticed that his suffering was too much. Who permitted it? God was behind it. In all that, he never blasphemed God. He never spoke profanity.
  7. We fulfill Scriptures ignorantly. All those Brothers who were always here, took over all my troubles. They were even providing more than I needed without even consulting Me. They were doing try-your-luck because as at that time, I found it very difficult to taste anything. Yet, I was not on hunger strike.
  8. That was the time I developed this ulcer. It started from Abuja when I abstained from every kind of food. And then I came back here, and drove everybody away from Myself and locked Myself inside the house for forty-eight hours to sort out My problem. To God be the Glory.
  9. It is not a testimony. You do not need to sympathize with Me again. I am celebrating My 365 days I have dwelt and slept in a bed that has been wider than Me with the new arrangement I made there, narrowing the pillows so that the little space will be My size alone. And I believe it helped Me a lot.
  10. Now that I have survived 365 days, I think I can tell you My mind boldly. I can tell you My mind boldly. Go to the Book of Job again.
  11. If you know that you have any obligation today, you are free to go. If you know you have earmarked to go to the market for your food items or for your business, you are free to go.
  12. But I am sure that by next week, our children will be writing their final examination. In other words, we are now in examination week. If you have not paid your children’s school’s fees up till this very moment, all you have to do is to be patient. You will not receive their results until the schools will reopen and you will collect their results.
  13. And if you go to market today, I am not sure you will realize the school fees. Rather, you may lose the one you have. This is true because I will not go with you. I never made any prayer that God should bless a Brother or a Sister in the market. I never prayed like that.
  14. I prayed for our security. And I prayed that God will guide us to this place, all that would like to be here. If you are here, you are here for Me. And I am here for you.
  15. Remember, the life I now live is for you and no longer for Me. I now live for others, and not for Myself. If you think I am living for Myself, tell Me what I will now get which I do not have, and that will make Me now to be over-bloated. It does not exist.
  16. Tell Me what anybody will give Me now or do for Me now, which will get over My head and I will become another son of man. What is that thing? Does it exist?
  17. While I live, I live for others. It is grievous on Me. Daddy, we do not want you to leave. Daddy, please stay for us. Is it in vain? You are not the only people requesting for it. You do not know how many calls I am answering every day.
  18. Maybe you do not try to believe that I am in-charge globally. What I have in one country is more than what I have in the whole of Africa. You only know the number of calls you are receiving. You dare not count My own.
  19. I believe you need My services, but I do not need your own. I do not need your own. How can I need somebody I do not see? Yet thousands and millions of them, I do not know them physically speaking.
  20. They can never come to Me. Neither can they render any help to Me. But they are existing because of Me.
  21. Job 14:1-15, LB. [1]“How frail is man, how few his days,… Man is a frail being. You know what frail means. Something that can be easily broken. Something that can break into pieces. Very fragile.
  22. And then how few; how few his days. Yet with the few days, man is boasting of doing great things. You must account for the few days God has allotted to you. Whether you spend 1000 years here, to God, it is few. Do you not know that?
  23. That you are alive and has become an adult, is it by your own making. Do you not know that there were some that died in the womb. Some died the day they were born. Some came up and died. That you are still living till today, do you think it is by your power, or that you are better than those that died? Are all your mates alive? Well, let us continue with the Message.
  24. [1]“How frail is man, how few his days, how full of trouble! How full of trouble life is? You are praying for long life and prosperity. Is there any way that can happen without troubles?
  25. [2]He blossoms for a moment like a flower—and withers; Man blossoms for a moment like a flower. A little while, he withers. When we understand life, it will begin to have meaning to us. But if you do not understand life, life will never have any meaning to you. You would not know the essence of living. You would abuse it.
  26. [2]He blossoms for a moment like a flower—and withers; as the shadow of a passing cloud, he quickly disappears. [3]Must you be so harsh with frail men and demand an accounting from them?
  27. Job was asking God, “Must you be so harsh with fragile human beings, always demanding accounting from them?”
  28. [4]How can you demand purity in one born impure? [5]You have set mankind so brief a span of life—months is all you give him! Not one bit longer may he live.
  29. [6]So give him a little rest, won’t you? Turn away your angry gaze and let him have a few moments of relief before he dies. [7]“For there is hope for a tree—if it’s cut down, it sprouts again…
  30. Do you believe it? Is it not enough comfort? There is hope for a tree that it will sprout again.
  31. [7]“For there is hope for a tree—if it’s cut down, it sprouts agaiN and grows tender, new branches. [8-9]Though its roots have grown old in the earth, and its stump decays, it may sprout and bud again at the touch of water, like a new seedling.
  32. [10]But when a man dies and is buried, where does his spirit go?
    [11-12]As water evaporates from a lake, as a river disappears in drought, so a man lies down for the last time and does not rise again until the heavens are no more; he shall not awaken, nor be roused from his sleep.
  33. [13]Oh, that you would hide me with the dead and forget me there until your anger ends;… Hide Me where?
  34. …hide me with the dead and forget me there until your anger ends… Until God’s anger ends. This is so that he will not be a partaker of God’s wrath. For the Bible said that God knows how to severe the righteous until the day of his redemption, for God said that He will never destroy the wicked with the righteous. It is an abomination before God.
  35. The reference can be found in 2 Peter 2:9. [9]So also the Lord can rescue you and me from the temptations that surround us, and continue to punish the ungodly until the day of final judgment comes. LB
  36. 9And so the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials and how to keep the wicked under punishment for the Day of Judgment, GNB
  37. For that reason, he hides them away in the Cave of Treasures where they will be enjoying life until the wrath of God has ended upon this wicked generation. Is it not true?
  38. Who is this man? Sit down. I hope you are listening. Pray that you do not commit crime where Chiemelie Mbah is.
  39. …but mark your calendar… Do what? …mark your calendar… Do what? … mark your calendar to think of me again! Do what? … mark your calendar… and to do what? …to think of me again!
  40. Does God have a calendar? God has a calendar with every human being. There is a day allotted to you in God’s calendar. There is a date allotted to Me in God’s calendar.
  41. Are you in God’s calendar? The answer is Yes! For good or for evil! That is where the problem lies. It is not dying that matters. What type of death? What type of death? Are you dying a wicked fellow or are you dying a godly fellow?
  42. Can death change your records? Never! Death does not change anybody’s records before the Almighty. Take note of it.
  43. If a man dies will he live again? It is a question. Who took away his microphone? Something is wrong within him. It is not from the microphone. But if I use it, it is talking. Why is it not talking with you?
  44. [14]“If a man dies, shall he live again? This thought gives me hope, so that in all my anguish I eagerly await sweet death! [15]You would call and I would come, and you would reward all I do.
  45. What? In all My anguish, what keeps all My hope afloat is that You will call; Almighty God will call and I will come. I will respond.
  46. [15]You would call and I would come, and you would reward all I do.
  48. You are not here as a finality. No! No human being is here as a finality, but you are here to achieve a means to finality. You are here to acquire a means to finality either in hell or in heaven.
  49. The consequences of whatever you have done here on earth goes with you. You must have a reward.
  50. And when the LORD will reward you, He will reward you according as your works shall be, for He said, “I come quickly. My reward is with Me to reward every man and every woman according as his or her works shall be.”
  51. The reference can be found in Revelation 22:12-13. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. KJV
  52. If God rewards you according to your works today, what is your expectation? After writing examination in the exam hall, all students must know what they are expecting. Those that will fail, failed before they entered the exam hall. Those that will pass, passed before they entered the exam hall. So their results are never a surprise.
  53. There is nobody here who does not know what he is doing, for the LORD said, “I know you and your doings. I know your dwelling place. I know you by your name, and I can call you when I want. I CAN CALL YOU WHEN I WANT.”
  54. And the Bible said that the call from God is irresistible. When God said, ‘‘I want the soul of that rich man’’, did he resist? A man’s brilliance, a man’s smartness or subtlety, the Bible said, “Can never save that person if God is against you.”
  55. The first thing is to make sure that you are in right relationship with God. Otherwise, the face of God is against them that do evil and refuse to repent.
  56. Nobody will take your reward. Your reward belongs to you. My own belongs to Me. It is in a Message titled REMEMBER YOUR REWARD [Part 1 was Preached on Wednesday 17 April 2019 at the Bridal Lodge Nsugbe, while Part 2 [Volumes 1 & 2] went forth on Sunday 21st April 2019, all by the son of man, Apostle Peter Odoemena]
  57. One person said, “Do not pay me according to my sins. Rather reward me according to your grace.” What then is grace? What is the grace of God?
  58. [14]“If a man dies, shall he live again? This thought gives me hope, so that in all my anguish I eagerly await sweet death!
  59. In all My anguish; in all My troubles and in all My travails in this life, I eagerly wait for what? Sweet! Sweet! Sweet! There is a type of death that is sweet. There is a type of death that is bitter. The death of a sinner is bitter, while the death of the righteous is sweet.
  60. [15]You would call and I would come, and you would reward all I do.
  61. To God be the glory. Allah is swift in taking records. If you are not afraid of walking contrary to God’s injunction, never complain. Never be afraid of receiving the reward of what you have done.
  62. One who is accustomed to doing evil; a fellow who is easily given to stubbornness to the Word of God, a fellow to whom stubbornness to the Word of God means nothing; One who lives the way he or she wants should also have this type of courage when receiving the reward for the way he or she has lived, for your reward is sure, and you will also be paid according to your worKs. It cannot be changed.
  63. Any seed a man soweth, that he must reap. It is an irrevocable law of nature. I want to console Myself, and you as well.

I am posted here for a purpose. You are the purpose for which cause I am here. I am here to get you reconciled with God. That is why I came with the Message of reconciliation, opening your eyes that you may know the truth. If you like, get offended. No apologies for speaking the truth. I know the way. I know where I am going. I know what I am doing. I am making no mistake.

THE son of man

BRIDAL WATCH (NO PLACE TO HIDE) VOL. 6; Preached on Sunday 24th April, 2016 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 78 vs. 35 – 36



Romans 15:3-12, LB. [3]Christ didn’t please himself. … Listen to me. Christ did not please Himself. Who then did he please?

  1. …As the Psalmist said, “He came for the very purpose of suffering under the insults of those who were against the Lord.” Note the Scriptures.
  2. If you do not understand the Scriptures, you have started failing. This is because I must use the written word to create Faith in you to believe the verbal Word – the oral Word – the Spoken Word, which is the Original Seed.
  3. I am using the written Word to establish the truth in your hearts that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. This is so that when I will talk to you, you will understand Me.
  4. [3]Christ didn’t please himself. As the Psalmist said, “He came for the very purpose of suffering under the insults of those who were against the Lord.”
  5. He came for the very purpose of doing what? Suffering. In whose hands? In the hands of those who are strongly against God. Once you are against God, you are against the truth. Every child of God is suffering in your hands.
  6. In a family where there is division, check that division very well. You will trace that it is a war between truth and error. A war between God and devil in a family. One is suffering in the hands of one who is allergic to everything pertaining to godliness.
  7. Everything pertaining to God and His ways irritates such a fellow, but the fellow is lifted up in joy when the discussion changes to worldliness. But once you mention God and His Kingdom, the fellow will tell you, “That one is your business. I do not have time for it.”
  8. But he has the time to die, but he does not know that one. Where he will die, he does not know. That which will kill him, he does not know.
  9. [3]Christ didn’t please himself. As the Psalmist said, “He came for the very purpose of suffering under the insults of those who were against the Lord.”
  10. Yes! That was why Jesus came, just to suffer in the hands of those that are against God. If he is the same yesterday, today and forever; if he is indeed the resurrected Body, is it not repeating?
  11. Brother Chinedu Udochukwu went somewhere. One [who is a lecturer in a school] said, “Of everything, he accepted all, but there is one man in Onitsha Who all of you worship as Jesus Christ. You do not believe that Jesus Christ is your saviour. You believe in that man Who said He is God.”
  12. He replied, “Have you finished your oratory? What was the offence for which He was crucified? Your people crucified the same Jesus saying He was a man, yet maketh Himself God. And He said that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He said that He will be with you even till the end of the world. If He is here today; if he has revealed Himself today, would he not be a man? Then to you, you said He is a man but He maketh Himself God.”
  13. He came for one purpose. To suffer in the hands of those who are opposed to godliness, those who are opposed to God and to godly living; the people that would won’t have their ways in everything; those that think that they created themselves and hold their lives in their own hands; And they will decide how long they will live.
  14. These are the people He suffered in their hands. And He is suffering, for human beings are the same in all the Ages.
  15. [4]These things that were written in the Scriptures so long ago are to teach us patience and to encourage us so that we will look forward expectantly to the time when God will conquer sin and death. Yes!
  16. [5]May God who gives patience, steadiness, and encouragement help you to live in complete harmony with each other—each with the attitude of Christ toward the other.
  17. Live in harmony with each other, with the attitude of Christ towards one another.
  18. I am about to vacate. And I am putting all of you that believe in Me together. Remember, when we talk about harmony, harmony is made possible among the believers only, for there is no way an unbeliever will live in harmony with a believer.
  19. No matter how you try to compromise, you will not succeed. For that reason, I am not talking to everybody. I am talking to those for whom it is meant for.
  20. [6]And then all of us can praise the Lord together with one voice, giving glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
  21. If you follow Me gradually, we are arriving at a point where you will say, “Today, THE SON OF MAN has spoken to all of us directly in plain language. We now understand what he meant by going on leave.”
  22. Philippians 2:1-11, LB. [1]Is there any such thing as Christians cheering each other up? … Is there any such thing as Brethren cheering each other up?
  23. …Do you love me enough to want to help me? Does it mean anything to you that we are brothers in the Lord, sharing the same Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic at all?
  24. [2]Then make Me truly happy by loving each other and agreeing wholeheartedly with each other,… I am giving you My own benediction. You will do well to know the Scriptures, for they will speak anytime from now.
  25. [2]Then make Me truly happy by loving each other and agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, working together with one heart and [one] mind and [one] purpose.
  26. Our Patriarchs loved their children so much that when they wanted to depart, they gathered them ahead of time and knit them together, warned them against certain behaviours that may jeopardize their eternal race.
  27. If while I am here, you are misbehaving, if I leave the scene, what will you do. If you are misbehaving in My presence in spite of My teachings, My monitoring, My encouragements, My corrections, My rebuke, My indictments and My punishments; In spite of all that, you are still misbehaving while I am here, if you look for Me and you do not see Me, what will you do? That will show you that nobody is in My Ark.
  28. [3]Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. … Never live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself.
  29. [4]Don’t just think about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and in what they are doing. [5]Your attitude should be the kind that was shown us by Jesus Christ,
    [6]who, though he was God, did not demand and cling to his rights as God, [7]but laid aside his mighty power and glory, taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men.
  30. I would not like you to go home and read, unless you want to read another translation. Any Scripture I quote here, I must read it here. I must read it here to justify My conscience that I have used the Apostles and Prophets to talk to you and to establish your faith before giving you My final admonition, which I know is not for everybody.
  31. 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17, LB. [13]But we must forever give thanks to God for you, our brothers loved by the Lord, because God chose from the very first to give you salvation,…
  32. God chose you from the very first to do what? To give you salvation, for unto you, Onitsha, God first appeared to take for Himself a people. True or false? And the Voice went forth from Onitsha, and went round the whole world.
  33. How comes it that you are not in the Ark? Is it not scriptural that God could come to a people first? And from there, He will reach others. It happened before, it repeated in your own day. You are the chosen ones for which the Saviour is sent to choose a people from among you; and to give you salvation, but you resented it like the Jews did.
  34. … our brothers loved by the Lord, because God chose from the very first to give you salvation, cleansing you by the work of the Holy Spirit and by your trusting in the Truth.
  35. [14]Through us he told you the Good News. Through us he called you to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  36. [15]With all these things in mind, dear brothers, stand firm and keep a strong grip on the truth that we taught you in our letters and during the time we were with you. [16]May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting comfort and hope, which we don’t deserve, [17]comfort your hearts with all comfort, and help you in every good thing you say and do. AMEN!!!!!
  37. Help you in every good thing you say and do. I will keep on talking to you from the Scriptures.
  38. Hebrews 6:16-20, LB. [16]When a man takes an oath, he is calling upon someone greater than himself to force him to do what he has promised or to punish him if he later refuses to do it;…
  39. He uses something that is much more superior to him to take oath. Something that will cause him to obey the oath by all means. If he wants to withdraw, that thing will force him to obey him. Is it not true? If you do not understand this allegory, you will run into difficulties with yourself with time.
  40. …the oath ends all argument about it. The oath does what? Ends all argument left.
  41. [17]God also bound himself with an oath,… Who bound Himself with an oath? Almighty God. Who could be superior to God whom He will use to bind Himself and who could force Him to do otherwise? Anybody? What did He use to bind Himself? God swore by Himself. When He saw that there was no other creature greater than Him to compel Him, for He was the highest of the highest, He swore by His Name.
  42. [17]God also bound himself with an oath, so that those he promised to help would be perfectly sure… What? Look at the reason. It was so that those God promised to help, will be sure. No argument! No murmuring. No nightmares!
  43. …so that those he promised to help would be perfectly sure and never need to wonder whether he might change his plans. Amen!!!
  44. They are no longer afraid as to whether God will change His plans or change His mind because He has bound Himself with an oath. Which has made it impossible for Him to draw back.
  45. [18]He has given us both his promise and his oath,… God has given us His what? …both his promise and his oath, two things we can completely count on,… Two things we can depend on. Two things we can completely count on: [1] God’s Promise and [2] Oath.
  46. …for it is impossible for God to tell a lie. … By these two immutable things, it is impossible; it is something that can never happen for God to tell lies concerning the Word He had already uttered.
  47. And when you look at God’s promises, for which cause He took an oath, they are all conditional promises. God does not violate any. If you do not violate the words of the Covenant, God is bound to observe it. But any day you violate it, you are gone. God is not obligated to fulfill His own part because you have no need of it anymore. You will only be remembering those good old days, but they are completely gone. Will they come back again? No!
  48. 2 Corinthians Chapter 1:1-7, LB. [1]Dear friends: This letter is from me, Paul, appointed by God to be Jesus Christ’s messenger; and from our dear brother Timothy. We are writing to all of you Christians there in Corinth and throughout Greece. [2]May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ mightily bless each one of you and give you peace.
  49. [3-4]What a wonderful God we have… What? What a wonderful God we have— Do we have a wonderful God in our midst? That is why we are rejoicing. He is a wonderful God. He does that which He has promised. And He does not deal with us according to the level of our iniquities, for He knows our frame, how fragile we are.
  50. Just like Moses was supplicating for His people. Moses said, “God! You are the Almighty God. You know many things about Your people Israel. Remember You are not dealing with their fathers. You are dealing with the children and children’s children.
  51. A good number of them were born in Egyptians. Their mothers are Egypt. They have never known a place called Israel or Jewish land.
  52. So, being born and brought up in Egypt, they followed the customs and traditions of the people of Egypt. They do not have any other life pattern than that of the Egyptians.
  53. And now, You are demanding of them to behave like the Jews. The Jews, they have never known. They have never interacted with. Do You not know that it requires patience and understanding to deal with these people?
  54. This is because You cannot force them to change overnight, having been born in Egypt, brought up in Egypt and some of them married and begat children in Egypt. They are more or less Egyptians.
  55. How dare You think You can make Egyptians to become Jews in 40 years? It cannot work that way LORD. Reconsider Your stand.” Did you get the Message?
  56. So, when you are pleading your case, let there be something you will hold for your DID YOU GET THE MESSAGE?
  57. We are gentiles. We were born and brought up as Gentiles. We behave like Gentiles. Let Me tell you: God is the wisest Being. Why He decided to give us a Messiah in the likeness of the Gentiles.
  58. And now, who will have difficulties mastering this God? The Jews. For He is coming in the fashion of the Gentiles.
  59. And if you want to know the fashion of the Gentiles, you read Ephesians Chapter 4. When you read Ephesians Chapter 4, you will know the life style of the Gentiles.
  60. If they must be Jews, it is not going to be a day’s work. This is what THE SON OF MAN has been doing for over 30 years now to make Gentiles Jews that they may understand the Hebrew, for you are going there with one spirit to manifest one character – No Jew! No Gentile! It has not been an easy task, but we have succeeded.
  61. What a wonderful God we have—He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, [and] the Source of every mercy,…
  62. Mercy is always from Him. That is why we call Him “Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, the Most Understanding, the Most Patient.
  63. and the One who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement,…
  64. There may be others who may be troubled, who may need our sympathy and our encouragements. It maybe you. It maybe Me. It can be anybody.
  65. …we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us. [5]You can be sure that the more we undergo sufferings for Christ, the more he will shower us with his comfort and encouragement.
  66. [6-7]We are in deep trouble for bringing you God’s comfort and salvation. But in our trouble God has comforted us—and this, too, to help you: to show you from our personal experience how God will tenderly comfort you when you undergo these same sufferings. He will give you the strength to endure. AMEN!!!!!!!
  67. It is so that you do not begin to blaspheme God or ask whether God is still alive. He is alive. He is seeing what you are passing through. But do not in anyway blaspheme God because of what you are passing through. God understands and he has been in the forefront
  68. That is why He has traversed before He became your Messiah. There is nothing human beings are passing through which He is excluded from. Amen!
  69. The reference can be found in the Grail Message – IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH by Abd-Ru-Shin; Chapter 60 – THE SON OF MAN. The Mission of the Son of Man is the continuation and consummation of the Mission of the Son of God;
  70. since the Mission of the Son of God could only be a transient one. Hence in the continuation and completion it is at the same time a reinforcement of Christ’s mission.
  71. Whereas the Son of God was born directly into His earthly Mission, the Son of Man had to traverse a far wider sphere before He could enter into the beginning of His actual Mission. As a condition for the fulfillment of His task, which in comparison to that of the Son of God was more earthly,
  72. THE SON OF MAN, coming as He did from the highest Heights, also had to descend into the deepest depths. Not only in the beyond but also here on earth, so that He might personally “experience” all the misery and suffering of mankind. Only then will He be in the position, when His Hour comes, to intervene effectively in their shortcomings and help to bring about change.
  73. For this reason He could not stand aside from the experiences of mankind, but through experiencing the bitter aspects Himself, He had to stand in the midst of them and suffer from them. Again, it was only for the sake of men that His learning period had to be like this.

If you are privileged to have the Son of Man, a Man sent by God with the Sign of the supernatural, with God backing Him up, with the Almighty God inspiring Him to speak His Word, it then means we are a privileged people. For the Lord our God will do nothing in our generation without first of all alerting Him. He knows that through Him, His people in these last days have pinned their hope on Him. This is because, in Him shall all the Gentiles pin their hope. The last hope for the Gentile is on the scene, in the bride.


GOD’S PROPHECIES ARE TIED TO TIME; Preached on Sunday 2nd January, 2011 at Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 100 vs. 39 – 42



1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, LB. [15]I can tell you this directly from the Lord: that we who are still living when the Lord returns will not rise to meet him ahead of those who are in their graves.

  1. [16]For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a mighty shout and with the soul-stirring cry of the archangel and the great trumpet-call of God. And the believers who are dead will be the first to rise to meet the Lord.
  2. [17]Then we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with Him forever. [18]So comfort and encourage each other with this news. Amen!
  3. Who is now praying that THE SON OF MAN should not go on leave? Who is praying that He should stay? If He stays, what is your profit?
  4. Do you not know that it is better that He goes away and then comes back with the Great trumpet that will cause the dead to rise? Will He remain here teaching? OF A NECESSITY, I MUST GO AWAY. OF A NECESSITY, I MUST GO AWAY.
  5. I do not want to read 1 Corinthians 15:1-31. There it contains the promise for which cause God swore an oath binding Himself. Resurrection is real. Resurrection is real. The graves are about to open.
  6. When I say that they are about to open, I know many mistake it to mean the natural graves. Maybe when you are walking on the street, the land will be opening with people coming out. That is not true.
  7. Such a thing has never happened and will never happen. On the day the LORD Jesus Christ was crucified, many that died resurrected. Over five hundred were seen, but there graves were not seen.
  8. There is nowhere you are standing today that was not a grave. This place where you are now, some people were buried here, but you were not here when they were buried. Everywhere is a grave. Everywhere is a burial ground.
  9. That is not the literal grave. The literal grave is this: At the Voice of God, all those that believed in Christ and died in Christ; what died was the flesh. The spirit is still alive. The spirit will bring them back. And you who are still alive in this mortal form will bear the spirit form.
  10. So, as you bear the earthly form, so shall you bear the heavenly form. All of you will now be heavenly. What you are having now is the earthly body and not the heavenly body.
  11. But those people who believed in Christ and died, their flesh went to the grave, not their spirit. They are coming back as heavenly beings to join with heavenly beings drawn for the earth.
  12. So, your real body is not this mortal body. Whatever that you acquired in this world must go back there. Earthly things must go back to the earth both your beauty, your outlook and your weave-on are earthly. You are surrendering all.
  13. If you doubt Me let Me show you My own. You see My wife’s own. Not even one accompanied her. So do not prepare your dress you will wear. Whether you wear dress or not, you must go naked to the mortuary. Am I making sense at all?
  14. Of what use is your wardrobe? Of what use is your wardrobe?
  15. Let me go to Acts of the Apostles Chapter 20 from verse 29 through 37. [29]I know full well that after I leave you, false teachers, like vicious wolves, will appear among you, not sparing the flock. [30]Some of you yourselves will distort the truth in order to draw a following.
  16. Some of you yourselves will turn out to be your greatest enemies.
  17. [31]Watch out! Remember the three years I was with you—my constant watch care over you night and day and my many tears for you. [32]“And now I entrust you to God and his care and to his wonderful words that are able to build your faith and give you all the inheritance of those who are set apart for himself.
  18. [33]“I have never been hungry for money or fine clothing— [34]you know that these hands of mine worked to pay my own way and even to supply the needs of those who were with me.
  19. [35]And I was a constant example to you in helping the poor; for I remembered the words of the Lord Jesus, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
  20. Hebrews 3:7-14, LB. We are about to go. [7-8]And since Christ is so much superior, the Holy Spirit warns us to listen to him, to be careful to hear his voice today and not let our hearts become set against him, as the people of Israel did. They steeled themselves against his love and complained against him in the desert while he was testing them.
  21. [9]But God was patient with them forty years, though they tried his patience sorely; He kept right on doing his mighty miracles for them to see. [10]“But,” God says, “I was very angry with them, for their hearts were always looking somewhere else instead of up to me, and they never found the paths I wanted them to follow.”
  22. [11]Then God, full of this anger against them, BOUND HIMSELF WITH AN OATHDid what? …BOUND HIMSELF WITH AN OATH… When your sin has become grievous that God will bind Himself with an oath and say, “Heaven and earth bear Me witness. May the Almighty God Whom I serve stand against Me if I do not carry out this threat.”
  23. When God made that oath, did He invite people? He took the counsel after His own will. Who has ever been His counselor? Nobody. He judged them thoroughly and then gave the conclusion that they were unworthy for Paradise. Then He bound Himself with an oath and then dealt with them according to the oath.
  24. How we ought to learn our lesson. Must we continue to provoke God until He has sworn by His Name like He swore concerning Eli’s family?
  25. God said, “No offering or sacrifice, no prayer made for Eli’s family will ever make Me to change My mind from wiping the family from off the surface of the earth.”
  26. Did He carry it out? Yes! That is why He is a wonderful God. He is a Saviour. He is a destroyer. He destroys the wicked and saves the just.
  27. [11]Then God, full of this anger against them, BOUND HIMSELF WITH AN OATH that he would never let them come to his place of rest.
  28. [12]Beware then of your own hearts, dear brothers, lest you find that they, too, are evil and unbelieving and are leading you away from the living God.
  29. 2 Timothy 4:1-8, LB. [1]And so I solemnly urge you before God and before Christ Jesus—… I solemnly urge all of you before God and before Christ revealed in our midst.
  30. [1]And so I solemnly urge you before God and before Christ Jesus—who will someday judge the living and the deadWho will do what? …who will someday judge the living and the dead when he appears to set up his Kingdom—…
  31. When He does what? when he appears to set up his Kingdom[2]to preach the Word of God urgently at all times, whenever you get the chance, in season and out, when it is convenient and when it is not. Correct and rebuke your people when they need it, encourage them to do right, and all the time be feeding them patiently with God’s Word.
  32. [3]For there is going to come a time when people won’t listen to the truth but will go around looking for teachers who will tell them just what they want to hear.
  33. [4]They won’t listen to what the Bible says but will blithely follow their own misguided ideas. [5]Stand steady, and don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Bring others to Christ. Leave nothing undone that you ought to do.
  34. [6]I say this because I won’t be around to help you very much longer. … My clock is ticking. Before Peter departed, God revealed it to Him. Before Saint Paul departed, God revealed it to Him. So it happened to all the Prophets.
  35. Nobody’s exit has ever been accidental before God. My wife’s exit was not accidental, although it was a painful thing from the day we heard about it. I never knew God was watching the Words of the Covenant we entered into in 1998. I never knew.
  36. Along the way, I thought that covenant had been rolled away, not until the year 2007 when the LORD reminded Me of that Covenant and demanded that I should prepare Myself and that all the roads will lead to Mbaise on that December 27th.
  37. You are My witnesses. I prepared Myself. And you saw what happened at last. The reason He gave is manifest.
  38. It is evidently manifest among us that if He had recalled THE SON OF MAN, we would have been like sheep without Shepherd, for those we were looking up to have failed us even as at that time by God is assessment. And today, they are seen no more. We cannot trace their feet again in the Faith.
  39. Well, My consolation is that God knows those that will rise and those that will fall. Nothing is accidental to God.
  40. I am encouraging you on how you should stay together in My absence. I am encouraging you on how you should stick to the Word of God which I have given to you, watching over you all these thirty years.
  41. It is not that I am leaving immediately, but I have disclosed to you the particular age I will drop this airplane. I gave it to you in figures. I gave it to you in the Message entitled, “THE PAINS OF LABOUR AND THE JOY OF DELIVERY.” If you have wisdom, calculate this number. That will give you the day of your departure.
  42. When you could not get it accurately, Pastor Melchizedek and Bishop Chidubem helped you.
  43. Then, it boils down to one thing. That it is the age and not day. Then, if it is the age, it is already with you. What is your trouble? Whether I leave you today or tomorrow, it means little or nothing, but what matters is keeping you together.
  44. The LORD Jesus Christ addressed them in Saint John Chapter 17. He kept them together. He lost no one except the son of perdition that the Scriptures might be fulfilled. So, I am not taking you by surprise.
  45. [6]I say this because I won’t be around to help you very much longer. My time has almost run out. …
  46. Is there anything mysterious there? This is 365 days that I have lived a bachelor’s life. I will be saying, “Once upon a time, I was married.” I lived in marriage. I never tasted marriage. I never tasted marriage. 33 years plus is approximately 34 years.
  47. And you think that I will be coming to start the old bachelor’s life. How long will it last when I am nearing 70? What is in the world for me to enjoy? Above 70, it will be troubles upon troubles. Even My skeleton is giving Me troubles right now. My building is cracking. I say, My building is now cracking.
  48. I am stronger than King David. He only fought physical battles. Anyway, I should be stronger because I am the Root and offspring. Amen. My time is running out.
  49. Any day a man’s wife dies, that is the day the husband died, vice versa. Anything that will be moving about will be mere shadow, which will collapse with time.
  50. So, if I say that My time is running out, it does not require misinterpretation or misconception. See it as real.
  51. Very soon now I will be on my way to heaven. … Where? …TO HEAVEN. How I wish I can sing that number. Sometime, I will take My vacation to Heaven. See where He is going to. He never minced words.
  52. Enoch went to Heaven. Elijah went to Heaven. Abraham went to Heaven 5 times. Moses went to Heaven 3 times. Aaron was privileged to go to Heaven and come back. So take note of what I am saying. Heaven is real. Hell is real.
  53. Abraham was conducted round. After 365 days that Sarah died. 365 days, which is one year after Sarah died, the LORD appeared to Abraham in the day, using Michael the Archangel to ask him a question, “Can I help you home?” Abraham said no!
  54. Then what are you doing here? Where is your late father? Abraham said, “In the grave.” Your mother? In the grave. All your wives? In the grave. Where is your darling Sarah? In the grave. What are you doing here?
  55. God said, “Leave him. I will give him a friendly handshake. I will give him a warm friendly handshake. That is the way to bring him home, for no angel can bring Abraham.”
  56. And that was the friendly handshake. I stretched out My hand, and the person removed his cap and said, “Shit! Shit!” Instead of giving Me the handshake, the next thing is that the trip is cancelled, “You would not come this time.” I said, “Is that all? I am coming.” I am coming.
  57. A time came when Moses became stubborn, but I do not want to be stubborn like Moses. The LORD spoke to Me and I was not stubborn. I have never been stubborn from the day he picked Me from My mother’s womb.
  59. AND THE WORLD SAW THE whole thing. By the world, I mean God’s Elect worldwide. I am not saying it for you to jump up for Me. No! I have come to stay. I know Who I am. I know My mission statement. I know My time. It is all over.
  60. If I should stay, what should be My preaching? The only thing I will be doing is eating and drinking, and then receiving you in My house, which is not mine, but My temporary residence. I am tired!
  61. … Very soon now I will be on my way to heaven. He called it by its name. Do not ask Me where I am going.
  62. When the LORD Jesus wanted to depart, nobody asked Him where He was going to. They were rather asking Him whether the time has come for Him to restore the kingdom to Israel. Knowing that they did not believe, before their eyes, He moved away.
  63. An Igbo adage says that the visitor [Stranger] must go home one day. When the Man has sent His wife home, who else is following? Is He not the one?
  64. I do not have any infant. If My children were courageous and strong enough to do all they did to give their mother a befitting burial, they are able to handle their affairs, if I depart.
  65. What is more? I do not have any infant. They are all strong Ministers of the Gospel of Christ. And they are causing waves wherever they are.
  66. So I am not afraid whether they will backslide or not. Backslide into what? When they were conceived in the Faith, born in the Faith, brought up in the Faith. They never tasted any strange religion. This is the Faith they know.
  67. And they have grown up to the point where they now stand gallantly to convince the whole world that they are the people chosen by God to bear His name, moreso, [Oh no!] the loins from where they came out.
  68. If I do not leave the scene now, when do you want Me to leave? Do you want Me to leave when I am grumbling?
  69. You should be concerned with the way I want to leave and the people I will like to go with Me. Maybe I will take a few who will serve My interest there to somewhere in the wilderness. And from there, we will not come back again.
  70. Maybe it is My Family – nuclear, which I will like to preserve and comeback so that the war of Armageddon will not affect them, for My last return is to wage the war.
  71. It will no longer be this Voice. It will be another Voice. It will be another uniform stained by blood. I am not bloody now, for I came as a Saviour for full and complete salvation. But you will see Me again, not as a Saviour, but as a Destroyer.
  72. [7]I have fought long and hard for my Lord,… What? I have fought long and hard for my Lord, and through it all I have kept true to him. Sure! And now the time has come for me to stop fighting and rest.
  73. The time has come for Me to stop fighting and do what? Rest. My greatest enemy is anyone that will provoke Me to wrath, to anger during My time of rest.
  74. Solomon Nnachor, you heard My word today. Thank you! I think I have backed it up with Scriptures.
  75. [8]In heaven a crown is waiting for me, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that great day of his return. Yes! And not just to me but to all those whose lives show that they are eagerly looking forward to his coming back again.
  76. Have you heard it? That was for his day. And the Person he is waiting for is here. The Person all of them are waiting for is here. You held Him captive. Heaven held Him captive till the time of restitution of all things as prophesied by the holy Prophets and Apostles. But it is all over.
  77. The reference can be found in Acts of the Apostles chapter 3 from verse 20 through 24. 20and he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: 21whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
  78. 22For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.
  79. 23And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. 24Yea, and all the prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days.
  80. If I do not depart now, when do you want Me to depart? All you need to pray for is one thing. Pray like the thief on the cross, “REMEMBER ME IN YOUR FATHER’S PARADISE.” That’s all.

Please bear with Me. I know what I am doing. I am not crazy. I want you to be saved. That is why I appeared. The Son of Man appeared for your salvation, because I am sent for salvation unto the ends of the earth. The Last Hope of mankind is here, for God is the author of salvation and outside God, there is no salvation. That, He will accomplish using a Man.


LOOSE THE COLT VOL. 2; Preached on Sunday 8th June 2014 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 82 vs. 26 – 28



Once again, I want to appreciate all of you for surrendering yourselves to be used in making tapes, preserving and helping Me in financing the Ministry.

  1. A good number of you died physically in the course of this Ministry. I noted all. Some suffered deprivation. I noted all.
  2. But lots and lots of you troubled Me beyond measure, even more than Alexander the coppersmith. But I will not say like Saint Paul. Saint Paul said, “May God punish and reward Alexander according to his level of wickedness.” I will not say so.
  3. The only person God will reward according to the level of his wickedness I can remember till now is Chiemelie Mbah who did Me and My Family the greatest evil that will be very difficult to erase.
  4. The rest have, at least, some slim chances of being restored.
  5. Do not forget the fact that it was initially My Faith and equally My resolution to open the Gate for all you without searching anybody.
  6. But you created lots and lots of fear in Me when you labelled Me your greatest enemy. And you began to trail Me. You began to plan My extinction from life to the extent of even poisoning Me in your Fellowship. When we come to the Fellowship of love to eat and drink, you poison My food. You poison My drink.
  7. And you even had the effrontery to serve Me with straight face. Even when discovered those ones and I tested them to prove to the Elders that My people have failed in every area, for now they have resorted to poisoning My food, My drink and even poisoning My seat. Can you imagine?
  8. Then I asked a question, “What evil have I committed?” But in all of them, the LORD saved Me and saved others. He that poisoned the son of man’s food hoping that He will die, I am not a glutton. You serve Me food. I may not eat it. You will eat it with your children.
  9. Anywhere I went to, there is plan of assassination, for no just cause. And the LORD allowed Me to survive to see the end of this Ministry.
  10. From the day I revealed My Original Body, that was the day I said, “Good bye!” Good bye! That was so that that Person you call an impersonator, that same Person you are calling a deceiver, you have seen the Supernatural Being.
  11. It was to close the mouths of all gainsayers and then wait for all of you in judgment. Do not be afraid. No! Rejoice exceedingly.
  12. I have to thank all the Ministers who rallied round Me, risking their lives during the Missionary outings in many states. And the Almighty God granted us victory in the sense that the plans they made to kill us could not materialize.
  13. And now, insecurity is on many lands. This level of insecurity was absent when we were touring the whole Nigeria from East to West and from North to South. This level of insecurity was absent.
  14. We were travelling by day and by night. We were doing more of trekking, even inside the forests, sleeping on the highways, sleeping in the motor parks and eating anywhere we see any sign of food.
  15. But in all, we used our money to purchase our food. We paid for everything we bought. We were financing the people we went to preach to. We never extorted money from anybody because we were preaching. Rather, we were using our money to help them. We were using our materials.
  16. A good number of you were giving Me clothings, materials and food items which I was travelling with, just to give them over there. These things were not to bribe them, but for their poverty, for God visited the poor in the spirit.
  17. I said, “God visited the poor in the Spirit.” Blessed are the poor in the spirit; poor in the heart, that they might see God.
  18. God never gave Me anybody with a big name. I never fetched any big fish. And I rejoiced exceedingly. He never gave Me any gentle man. If He had given Me gentlemen, nobody would have seen the difference.
  19. Rather, he gave Me wild animals. And I have succeeded in transforming them into human being. That is God’s power of transformation made manifest in our lives.
  20. When we remember what we were in time past, and what we are today, we give God the glory.
  21. Why am I here to commemorate the 365 days? It is because My wife and your mother left good footprints on the sands of time. She was your role model.
  22. Almost all Ministers borrowed her jotters. Anything they could not find anywhere, they will go to her because she was Sister Bible – Sister Scriptures.
  23. Among the Sisters, she was number number one who read the Bible three times. She read from Genesis to Revelation three times. Even before I gave the command, she had already finished it, with a view to knowing the contents of the Bible.
  24. It is amazing grace. And it is rewarding. I will keep on celebrating her exit while I live here, for her memory will remain evergreen, not only in My heart, but in the hearts of all true believers. True or false?
  25. She impacted positively in the lives of all without discrimination – both men and women. So her exit is worth remembering.
  26. Spending these few hours to commemorate her exit, I believe, is not too much a sacrifice when compared to her love, for she could spend hours with you privately. She used her money. She used her material. She used everything.
  27. When she wants to use the telephone, she does not count the cost, for I was loading twenty thousand naira worth of airtime in her phone every week. She was a Missionary.
  28. I was afraid of dialing foreign numbers, but My wife could make foreign calls and talk to the people over there. Some of them could even call and say, “Please can I speak with your wife?” and I will say, “You are free. Take the phone. Look at her number,”
  29. So, we are not regretting. She lived a fulfilled life before God and before Man. That is why we are remembering her exit, and at the same time, thanking God on the behalf of all of us that we are still alive and marching on, not drawing back. But if you are drawing back, you may have your reasons. Keep it to yourself.
  30. Thank you for responding to this call. I never knew that this great number of people will be here. Otherwise, I would have told Brother Chigozie to bring seats. I thought we would not be more than fifty. And the seats here will be enough.
  31. May the good LORD Whom you serve continually preserve you, protect and give you a place in Paradise. That’s My prayer.
  32. Turn with Me to page 3 of the Excerpt.


  1. Verse 1: God be with you till we meet again! By His counsels’ guide, uphold you, With His sheep securely fold you; God be with you till we meet again!
  2. Verse 2: God be with you till we meet again! ‘Neath His wings securely hide you, Daily manna still provide you; God be with you till we meet again!
  3. Verse 3: God be with you till we meet again! When life’s perils thick confound you, Put His arms unfailing round you; God be with you till we meet again!
  4. Verse 4: God be with you till we meet again! Keep love’s banner floating o’er you, Smite death’s threatening wave before you; God be with you till we meet again!
  5. Refrain: Till we meet! Till we meet” Till we meet at the LORD’s feet; Till we meet! Till we meet! God be with you till we meet again!
  6. Is Pastor Thomas there? Close us in a brief Prayer, thanking God for giving us this wonderful opportunity in accordance with His Name, “Wonderful” to commemorate this great day His daughter and our mother, the Queen of Paradise closed her eyes in death, Then the stammering lips became silent in the grave.



  1. Our dear Father Who is worthy of our trust and confidence from everlasting to everlasting. You made it possible for us to gather today, a day You knew about even ahead of time to honour our Mother, Mummy Nzubechi Odoemena who departed from us in this flesh, though we are still with her in the spirit.
  2. We are here to honour her and commemorate the day she departed from us.
  3. All thanks and praise are Yours O God, Who is worthy of our trust and confidence from everlasting to everlasting. The same way You have gathered us here [O God] accept all that we have done here today as a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise, so that there will be joy for our mother wherever she is and also for all the children of God worldwide so that in no distant time, all of us will meet to part no more.
  4. We pray O LORD that You lead us back to our homes and the various destinations from where we came here and also to abide with us.
  5. Our prayer O God is that You uphold each and every one of us with the right hand of righteousness until we shall all meet to part no more in Paradise.
  6. All the plans and plots of the evil one, in any way he is working to make us say, “Had I known”, we pray O LORD, may all those schemes of the enemy never be effective forever and ever.
  7. Help us to remain steadfast in this truth in life or in death, spiritually and physically till the end of all things.
  8. Strengthen THE SON OF MAN all round. Also strengthen the children of God, for we make our prayers through Christ our LORD. Amen.