Compiled on Sunday 13th August, 2023. By Apostle Timothy Ukpong – The Household of God at Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Approved and Authorized BY APOSTLE PETER ODOEMENA THE SON OF MAN

We were greatly challenged as individuals and families by the Word of God which said that we should make sure that we tailor our characters and our lives in line with the Teachings we have received. And that we should not try to make the mistake of permitting our emotions and impulses to have overriding influence over the Word of God.





Remain Blessed dear Saints of the Most High God. We must forever remain grateful for God’s guidance; saving us from the evils of this hour.

  1. If you are still a living soul, it is because the Word of our God; The Son of Man has been your absolute. Without this, what has destroyed others would have destroyed you by now.
  2. So let every living soul praise the Lord.
  3. Follow me to Surah 7:200-202. Let us see the key to survival for all elects of God at this delicate and dangerous hour we are in. If satan will try to seduce you, seek refuge from God.
  4. God is All-hearing and All-knowing. When a satanic thought starts to bother the pious ones, they understand and see the light while their brethren ceaselessly try to drag them into error’ Muhammad Sarwar Translation.
  5. And if an evil suggestion comes to you from satan, then seek refuge in Allah.
  6. Indeed, He is hearing and knowing. Indeed, those who fear Allah – when an impulse touches them from satan, they remember (Him) and at once they have insight. But their brothers – the devils increase them in error; then they do not stop short’ saheeh International Version.
  7. And if it happens that a prompting from satan should stir you up, seek refuge with Allah. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
  8. If the God-fearing are instigated by any suggestion of satan, they instantly become alert, whereafter they clearly perceive the right way.
  9. As for their brethren [the satans], they draw them deeper into error and do not relax in their efforts’. Syed Abul Ala Maududi Translation.
  10. The only thing that protects the godly from falling into error is the Word of Truth they have received from the Son of Man which their conscience can never deny. And because they have the fear of God in them, it restrains them from evil.
  11. However, those in our midst who lack the fear of God must always fall captive to all the suggestions of the devil. The Quran calls such people devils.
  12. Psalms 46:1-2, ‘God is our refuge and strength (mighty and impenetrable to temptation), a very present and well-proved help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken into the midst of the seas’
  13. Psalms 46:1-11, ‘God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble. And so we need not fear even if the world blows up and the mountains crumble into the sea.
  14. Let the oceans roar and foam; let the mountains tremble! There is a river of joy flowing through the city of our God – the sacred home of the God above all gods. God Himself is living in that city; therefore it stands unmoved despite the turmoil everywhere.
  15. He will not delay His help. The nations rant and rave in anger – but when God speaks, the earth melts in submission and kingdoms totter into ruin.
  16. The commander of the armies of heaven is here among us. He, the God of Jacob, has come to rescue us. Come and see the glorious things that our God does, how He brings ruin upon the world and causes wars to end throughout the earth, breaking and burning every weapon.
  17. “Stand silent! Know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation in the world!” The commander of the heavenly armies is here among us! He, the God of Jacob has come to rescue us!’
  18. What has made us a unique group different from others is God standing in our midst today. What has caused a separation between us and other groups is the presence of the cloud in our midst. He revealed Himself among us and bypassed others.
  19. When you acknowledge the deity; God’s presence in the midst of the Bride, you shall be rescued and delivered from the troubles of this hour. But when you are still grappling with coming-to-terms with the personality of Christ in our midst, you must be a victim of the troubles of this hour and the deceptive vices of the devil.
  20. No other person can expose the techniques of the devil and give a word of remedy and escape from all temptations of this hour outside the Son of Man. Your knowledge of the Bible will not achieve it for you. Your knowledge of the Quran will not achieve it for you. Your morals and self-discipline will fail you as well.
  21. Outside paying attention and following the instructions of the Lord, you must be trapped by the troubles of this generation for the devil is in control of the whole system.
  22. Disobedience to God is an Act of Wickedness preached on 14th July 2019 by Pastor Wisdom. Page 134:41, ‘Let me tell you. When you are building up yourself in the knowledge of the truth, filling your life with the gospel of Christ, making sure there is no hypocrisy and there is no compromise, you are building a hedge, a strong hedge around yourself, for the word of God is the refuge of the saints’.
  23. When you are honestly following the teachings of the faith, making sure you are not living in hypocrisy and compromise, you are building a defense against the attacks of the devil. This is because the teachings of the faith provides wisdom and the knowledge of everything pertaining to life and godliness.
  24. One who is immersed in the truth cannot fall prey to the deceptions of the enemy because Christ is ruling his or her life.
  25. 1st Corinthians 2:15, ‘But the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all’ LVB.
  26. ‘Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God’s spirit is doing, and can’t be judged by unspiritual critics’ MSG.
  27. Once you are in line with the message, you are a dread to the devil and as such, he will keep his distance from you. The world will be in awe of the wonders of God in and around you; their criticisms become a reflection of their inferiority before you.
  28. Remember that the world around us is under the power and control of the devil. They are his agents. But what gives us victory and helps us not to be a part of the corruption in this world through lust is the Word of God.
  29. It is the refuge of the saints.

I came to gather all the loose ends. I came according to the promise. I came according to the time. I came according to My commission. I AM NOTHING BUT THE VERY ELOHIM. THE VERY DEITY! IN ME DWELLETH THE FULLNESS OF THE GODHEAD BODILY. ……. A true seed of God does not follow miracles, signs and wonders. But these things follow the believer. A sure sign that you have believed. However, the greatest sign is the Super Sign. And that is the sign of the Son of Man – God en-Morphe, walking on two feet in the midst of the Bride.

CHRIST IS THE IDENTITY OF EVERY ELECT; Preached on Sunday 8th February 2015 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 43 vs. 48 & Pg. 54 vs. 17 – 18



You can go to church but you do not have the Word. You can hold the Bible but you do not have the word. The Word of God remains this message of salvation we are receiving from the Son of Man alone.

  1. Thumbprint volume 3 preached on 10th July 2022. Page 23:12-18, ‘As we have found the Almighty God. We do not have to look over to any other director. He is the Author and the Finisher.
  2. Only those that have not been settled [those that are not yet settled] they are the ones that will be looking to and fro, wandering, exiling themselves, looking for something else. But as many as have anchored, there is no going back.
  3. I can read scriptures for good works, but when I want to rebuke you, I will read scriptures because it is profitable for rebuke. If I want to correct you in righteousness, I will use scriptures.
  4. However, if I want to give you eternal life, I will not read the Bible. Yes. This is because the Bible itself made it clear in the book of John that you search me [the scriptures], thinking that in them you will have eternal life, but those scriptures are pointing us to somebody.
  5. John 5:39-40, AMP. “You search and investigate and pore over the scriptures diligently, because you suppose and trust that you have eternal life through them. And these [very scriptures] testify about Me! And still you are not willing [but refuse] to come to Me, so that you might have life”.
  6. So the scriptures are also good as the signpost, pointing us to the Possessor of eternal life. So hear Him now saying; “However if I want to give you eternal life, I will not read the Bible.
  7. You know, when you want eternal life, you come to a man who will give you that eternal life, for He alone has the Father sealed. It is only but one Man whom the Father has sealed that will give you eternal life. If I want to give you eternal life, I know I would not go to the Bible.
  8. If I want us to live orderly lives, I will go to the Bible for there are codes of conduct which I will give you there and they will help you live very well and maintain good works’.
  9. Today, once a man becomes eloquent in the scriptures, he opens a church and begins to propagate his own understanding of the scriptures as doctrine and principles for living. And people will begin to flock in there because they feel they will be saved by obeying such.
  10. Everybody is now an interpreter of the Holy writings in the name of ‘I have a calling’. However, with God and us as His people, it is not so. Our salvation lies in the hands of the One standing in our midst.
  11. In Him is the Divinity, the Godhead and Majesty of the Lord! When you refuse to listen to the Son of Man, you are lost.
  12. This is why Christ in His first advent with the Jews spent His time trying to open the eyes of His disciples to understand the Personality they were having dealings with. His disciples were condemning the Pharisees and Scribes as heathens and blasphemers quite alright but they themselves had not passed the test.
  13. When Jesus was saying these things, His interest was not the world and crowds that followed Him, He was trying to open the eyes of His disciples. Hence Judas not Iscariot was so troubled that he had to voice out, ‘Sir, why is it that you reveal these things to us, and not to the world out there?’
  14. A sign that they failed to come to terms with His Personality was evidenced by Philip asking just at the hour before his departure, ‘Master, please show us the Father’. And nobody could rebuke him because they were of a similar mindset.
  15. It took Jesus to ask them, ‘Have I been with you all these while and you are still making this enquiry? Does the spirit not take the shape of the container? If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father’.
  16. If they had a revelation of who He was and why He came, they would not have requested at the hour of His ascension, ‘Master, when will You restore Israel from the grip of Rome?’ A typical idea of what every rational Jew thought the coming of a Messiah would take care of.
  17. They wanted to become Paramount Rulers but He failed to meet their expectations and now He was already leaving. Was this line of thought different from what the Scribes and Jewish religious leaders were demanding of Him? So, they failed the test!
  18. To us today, have we succeeded where the Jews failed? It is a pertinent question Let us look into the scriptures because Christ is identified by His characteristics.
  19. John 5:39-47, GNB. ‘You study the scriptures because you think that in them you will find eternal life. And the very scriptures speak about Me. Yet you are not willing to come to Me in order to have life.
  20. I am not looking for human praise….
  21. Brethren have we not heard this same voice talking to us today? It is not different from the one we are reading in the scriptures. God is not seeking our approval.
  22. We are not defending the Son of Man by coming to Him, for you cannot defend God. When you try to defend God, you explain away the truth. If you think that God urging us to pay attention to His words is for any special purpose other than for our own good and salvation, you are deluded. You are in the region of the lost.
  23. You cannot better the lot of the Son of Man but our lots are bettered by His guidance. Let us go on with that scripture.
  24. …But I know what kind of people you are, and I know that you have no love for God in your hearts. I have come with my Father’s authority, but you have not received Me….
  25. He was not expecting the world to receive Him. He never came for the world. But he was expecting His own to receive Him.
  26. However, here is God still telling us at this stage that we never received Him just as He was admonishing His disciples there. For if we have received Him as our absolute, our lives and manifestations will not be betraying the faith today. We would have been in perfect agreement with His teachings.
  27. …When, however someone comes with His own authority, you will receive Him. You like to receive praise from one another, but you do not try to win praise from the one who alone is God, how then can you believe Me….
  28. Brethren let us reflect upon this and we will see that this is truly our condition. If the voice of the Son of Man matters to you and I, we will do something about the evil reports about us which the Lord is crying against.
  29. Do you regard Him as God and still remain sitting complacently in your fallen and slumbered estate when His voice is berating your situation?
  30. Many have developed thick skin against the voice of God. To them, God loves to talk about people, so let Him go ahead. Yet you see brethren struggling every day to earn the praise of their employers, to earn the praise of their relations, to earn the praise of their friends and social clubs, who are we deceiving? This is because you regard human praise more than the voice of God.
  31. …Do not think however that I am the one who will accuse you to my Father. Moses, in whom you have put your hope, is the very one who will accuse you….
  32. This same Bible you are carrying in high esteem, is the one that will stand to condemn you for the Son of Man has been revealed according to time, according to the scriptures you are boasting with and according to Prophecy.
  33. This same Jesus which you think is different from He that is standing before us today, His words will stand against you because He saw the days of the Son of Man and He pointed the whole world to Him. You are the one that has failed to know the Personality you are having dealings with and failed to rely on His words for your salvation.
  34. …If you had really believed Moses, you would have believed Me, because He wrote about Me. But since you do not believe what He wrote, how can you believe what I say?….
  35. As long as you do not believe and regard the words of the Son of Man, it is a sure sign that you do not believe in the scriptures. It is a sure sign that you do not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. For He pointed us to Him.
  36. Have we fared better than our predecessor?
  37. John 6:22-71 LVB. ‘The next morning, back across the lake, crowds began gathering on the shore waiting to see Jesus. For they knew that He and his disciples had come over together and that the disciples had gone off in their boat, leaving him behind. Several small boats from Tiberias were nearby, so when the people saw that Jesus wasn’t there, nor his disciples, they got into the boats and went across to Capernaum to look for him.
  38. When they arrived and found Him, they said, “Sir, how did you get here?”….
  39. The mixed multitude! They claimed to be following and believing because of what they were benefiting. As long as He was meeting their needs, He was God. But the moment the fountain seizes, they change their testimonies.
  40. …Jesus replied, “The truth of the matter is that you want to be with me because I fed you, not because you believe in me. But you shouldn’t be so concerned about perishable things like food. No, spend your energy seeking the eternal life that I, the Messiah, can give you. For God the Messiah has sent me for this very purpose”….
  41. They were following for the wrong reason. They never came for Eternal life. They came to enrich themselves and satisfy their carnal desires …They replied, “What should we do to satisfy God?” ….
  42. They were offended at His remarks. After He just told them their motive of coming to Him and how they have missed the mark, they got offended. He told them what should be their interest that they should spend their energy seeking the Eternal life He came to give.
  43. Is there any introduction clearer than this? Yet see their response! See the question they were asking. They were murmuring in their minds “Everytime He keeps on telling us that we do not believe. Tomorrow He will say we have slumbered. Another time He will say we are still holding to the religion of our fathers;
  44. He will say we are still holding end time spirit! What can somebody do to even satisfy this Man safe! How can we satisfy this God? We have been with this Man since 1990, crossed many seas together. Some of us were with Him even in our schooling days; before He even married and raised a family; before He became anything.
  45. What again is He looking for to show that we believe this faith? Will we kill ourselves for Him first? What must we do to satisfy you Sir? All the years we have spent with you, is it not enough loyalty? Would another person be more tolerant for this long? Please we are tired of this remark all the time!”
  46. However, the voice of the Master never changed. We read on! …Jesus told them, “This is the will of God, that you believe in the One He has sent”. They replied, “You must show us more miracles if you want us to believe You are the Messiah. Give us free bread everyday, like our fathers had while they journeyed through the wilderness! As the scriptures say, ‘Moses gave them bread from heaven’….
  47. You can see the miracle they were expecting of Him. They were all materialistic. They were never selfless believers. They were not expecting the miracle of eternal salvation, they were expecting a miracle of money; miracle of feeding.
  48. Christ was supposed to alleviate their physical conditions if He wanted them to pay attention to Him as God. As long as their daily needs was not taken care of, He was not God to them.
  49. They will be saying, ‘How can we be struggling in life like this, when our friends we started life with are living in plenty. Yet we are saying that we have God with us. It is better we begin to tell ourselves the truth oo!’. Yet God is still on the move. We continue.
  50. …Jesus said, ‘Moses didn’t give it to them. My Father did. And now He offers you true bread from heaven. The bread is a person – the one sent by God from heaven, and He gives life to the world…. The true Bread is a Person. Not physical food! Have we not been hearing this? “I am the true Manna that came down from heaven”.
  51. Other times we hear, “I am the word of life”. “I am the bridge and the link”. “I am the Comforter”. “I am the ladder to heaven”. “I am the Mercy seat”. The I Am is in the midst of the Bride! Hallelujah!!
  52. Christ is identified by His characteristics throughout all the ages. The true bread is not money or mansions. The true Bread is a Person; Apostle Peter Odoemena [BBHMHN]! Today He is saying, ‘I am a global treasure’. ‘I am above a basket-casket’.
  53. We go further brethren. …Sir, they said, ‘Give us that bread everyday of our lives!’ Jesus replied, ‘I am the Bread of life. No one coming to Me will ever be hungry again. Those believing in Me will never thirst. But the trouble is as I have told you before, you haven’t believed even though you have seen Me. But some will come to Me and I will never, never reject them. For I have come here from heaven to do the will of God who sent Me, not to have My own way. And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those He has given Me, but that I should raise them to eternal life at the last day.
  54. For it is My Father’s will that everyone who sees His Son and believes on Him should have eternal life – that I should raise Him at the Last Day”.
  55. Then the Jews began to murmur against Him because He claimed to be the Bread from Heaven. “What?” they exclaimed. “Why, He is merely Jesus the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know. What is this He is saying, that He came down from heaven?”….
  56. See their problem. Have we fared better! Many are still saying, ‘We know all about this Man. His upbringing and all, why is He claiming so much to Himself? Is He the only spiritual person God talks to’? We say all these things.
  57. …But Jesus replied, “Don’t murmur among yourselves about my saying that. For no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him to Me, and at the Last Day I will cause all such to rise again from the dead.
  58. As it is written in the scriptures, “They shall all be taught of God”. Those the Father speaks to, who learn the truth from Him, will be attracted to Me. (Not that anyone actually sees the Father, for only I have seen Him).
  59. How earnestly I tell you this – anyone who believes in Me already has eternal life! Yes, I am the Bread of Life! When your fathers in the wilderness ate bread from the skies, they all died. But the Bread from heaven gives eternal life to everyone who eats it.
  60. I am the Living Bread that came down from heaven. Anyone eating this Bread shall live forever; this bread is my flesh given to redeem humanity”.
  61. Then the Jews began arguing with each other about what He meant. “How can this man give us His flesh to eat?” they asked. So Jesus said it again, “With all the earnestness I possess I tell you this: Unless you eat the flesh of the Messiah and drink His blood, you cannot have eternal life within you.
  62. But anyone who does eat My flesh and drink My blood has eternal life, and I will raise Him at the last day. For my flesh is the true food, and my blood is the true drink. Everyone who eats My flesh and drinks My blood is in Me, and I in him.
  63. I live by the power of the living Father who sent Me, and in the same way those who partake of Me shall live because of Me!
  64. I am the true Bread from heaven; and anyone who eats this Bread shall live forever, and not die as your fathers did – though they ate Bread from heaven”. (He preached this sermon in the synagogue in Capernaum).
  65. Even His disciples said, “This is very hard to understand. Who can tell what He means?” Jesus knew within Himself that His disciples were complaining and said to them, “Does this offend you?
  66. He knew that the introduction of His personality was not sinking in well with them. They were sitting down with their quiet faces but their hearts were speaking volumes. Christ captured all!
  67. Gradually it began to manifest in their attitudes. They were muttering in their hearts, “Is He not going too far with all these claims? Why is He taking too much upon Himself? He is arrogating too much importance to His personality. He is talking as if we do not know how He took off and how He arrived here.
  68. This message is for children that do not know anything about life oo. They must be the ones to take Him serious right now. Maybe because we are sitting down like people that do not know anything that is why He keeps addressing us like this. Can He try it in the denominations out there? Now He is influencing our children against us. Afterall, they know nothing about life, He can easily play on their intelligence. Well, we know what to do! Let us sit aside and keep watching Him. Since He likes to talk, let Him do the work alone, we shall see how it will end. Afterall, He is the all and all! Let us see if He can survive without us”.
  69. Brethren a lot was happening in their minds then. A lot is also happening in our minds today reflecting in our actions, hence God is still crying in a similar voice!
  70. …Then what will you think if you see Me the Messiah return to heaven again? Only the Holy Spirit gives eternal life. Those born only once, with physical birth will never receive this gift. But now I have told you how to get this true spiritual life. But some don’t believe Me”. (For Jesus knew from the beginning who didn’t believe and knew the one who would betray Him).
  71. And He remarked, “That is what I meant when I said that no one can come to Me unless the Father attracts Him to Me”. At this point many of His disciples turned away and deserted Him.
  72. Then Jesus turned to the twelve and asked, “Are you going too?” Simon Peter replied, “Master, to whom shall we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life and we believe them and know you are the holy son of God”.
  73. Then Jesus said, ‘I chose the twelve of you, and one is a devil’. He was speaking of Judas, son of Simon Iscariot, one of the twelve, who would betray Him’. He knew who they were. They never took Him by surprise.
  74. Forsaking the one sent by God, whether physically or in the heart never started in our day and it was always notable Elders that fell victim; those whom others were supposed to look up to.
  75. I am taking a little time to x-ray these things from the scriptures before we break the Word of the hour lest you think that these occurrences are strange; lest you be faint in heart that many have compromised and yoked themselves with the heathens to bring Christ to disrepute. It has always been the persecution this gospel faced.
  76. John 7:1-9, MSG. ‘Later Jesus was going about His business in Galilee. He did not want to travel in Judea because the Jews there were looking for a chance to kill Him. It was near the time of Tabernacles, a feast observed annually by the Jews.
  77. His brothers said, “Why don’t you leave here and go up to the feast so your disciples can get a good look at the works you do? No one who intends to be publicly known does everything behind the scenes. If you are serious about what you are doing, come out in the open and show the world”. His brothers were pushing Him like this because they didn’t believe in Him either….
  78. They may have been expecting Him to be organizing crusades all over the country. But since He was recoiling to Himself, they found it hard to believe Him. They never knew that God takes delight in hiding Himself.
  79. …Jesus came back at them, “Don’t crowd Me. This isn’t My time. It’s your time – it’s always your time; you have nothing to lose. The world has nothing against you, but it’s up in arms against Me. It’s against Me because I expose the evil behind its pretentions’.
  80. The world will never love Christ because Christ exposes the iniquity of the world; for the world is a hater of the truth. If the Son of Man is not publicly accepted today, it is not because He has not revealed Himself to the entire world, it is because He does not dance to the dictates and fashions of this age!
  81. If truly we are His followers, we also will share the same fate. However, some of us today are friends of the world. We go further. In the days of St. Paul many also forsook the work of the Lord leaving St. Paul alone during his time of trials. He was only left with the youths that were serving His interest.
  82. 2nd Timothy 4:10-18, GNB. Do your best to come to me soon. Demas fell in love with this present world and has deserted me, going off to Thessalonica. Crescens went to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he can help me in the work. I sent Tychicus to Ephesus.
  83. When you come, bring my coat that I left in Troas with Carpus; bring the books too, and especially the ones made of parchment.
  84. Alexander the metalworker did me much harm; the Lord will reward him according to what he has done. Be on your guard against him yourself because he was violently opposed to our message.
  85. No one stood by me the first time I defended myself; all deserted me. May God not count it against them! But the Lord stayed with me and gave me strength, so that I was able to proclaim the full message for all the Gentiles to hear; and I was rescued from being sentenced to death.
  86. And the Lord will rescue me from all evil and take me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory for ever and ever! Amen. Paul knew those that were with him and those that were fooling around him.
  87. Philippians 2:19-30, GNB. ‘If it is the Lord’s will, I hope that I will be able to send Timothy to you soon, so that I may be encouraged by news about you. He is the only one who shares my feelings and who really cares about you. All the others are concerned only with their own affairs, not with the course of Jesus Christ.
  88. And you yourselves know how he proved his worth, how he and I, like a son and his father, have worked together for the sake of the gospel. So I hope to send him to you as soon as I know how things are going to turn out for me. And I trust in the Lord that I myself will be able to come to you soon.
  89. I have thought it necessary to send you our brother Epaphroditus, who has worked and fought by my side and who has served as your messenger in helping me. He is anxious to see you all and is very upset because you had heard that he was ill.
  90. Indeed he was ill and almost died. But God had pity on him, and not only on him but on me, too, and spared me and even greater sorrow. I am all the more eager, then, to send him to you, so that you will be glad again when you see him, and my own sorrow will disappear.
  91. Receive him, then, with joy, as a brother in the Lord. Show respect to all such people as he, because he risked his life and nearly died for the sake of the work of Christ, in order to give me the help that you yourselves could not give’.
  92. If St. Paul could know those that were with him and those that were against him; standing for their own interests alone, how much more The Son of Man; the very Almighty? St. Paul mentioned their names for who they are because he was the angel messenger to that age.
  93. Their relationship with St. Paul was indicative of their relationship with God because the Lord said he was the vessel that bore His Name!
  94. If you know the importance of maintaining a right relationship with the Son of Man, you will never feel comfortable if His voice ever goes against you, for that will automatically exclude you from the program of God.

Once you are worshipping and you are fearing the Lord and you are keeping the Covenant with Him, you do not panic. If you like, go to the moon, God will go to the moon with you, for He will always remember the Covenant He has made with you, which He cannot break.

EVERY CLOUD IS THE ONE THAT LEADS TO THE ALMIGHTY GOD Compiled by Bishop David Mbah in July 2023



Brethren let us now look into the revealed word of the hour to understand where we stand today!

  1. I Have Not Come To Bring Peace But Strife and Division Preached on 26th November 2017. Page 24:34, ‘What am I trying to say? Once you have a relationship with God, happy are you.
  2. The moment the relationship is broken you remain restless. You cannot have a quiet day because you have lost your security. You are separated from God, from His protection, from His blessing. Wind can carry you’.
  3. To hear from the Son of Man that He is not pleased with your ways and you remain comfortable in that condition shows a lack of revelation. Maybe we have forgotten the significance and the importance of having the Son of Man in our midst and being connected to Him.
  4. Let us examine this matter once again so that we understand the covenant we are having with God in our day since God can never save us outside the covenant.
  5. This salvation has terms and conditions. God never came down in our midst in vain. The Covenant God preached on 21st August 2003. Page 95:36-37, ‘There is something God has already imprinted. As many as were with Me from the very beginning will know why I am sounding the way I am sounding.
  6. Something has been imprinted in the heart of God concerning this faith. That is why I keep on asking you to go and enquire about this faith.
  7. Do not just come in, thinking that you have come into a church like some of you. No, it is not a church; this is God’s family and there is a covenant holding us in this faith by day and by night’.
  8. We have a living covenant with God in our day and that is why we insist that salvation is ours. What is happening in our midst is an uncommon experience and it is not happening elsewhere especially in the churches out there!
  9. Only a fool will downplay the powers of God outflowing in our midst.
  10. The Covenant God page 86:6-7, ‘God takes the covenant to heart and He is mindful of the covenant. God can never reveal Himself in vain;
  11. God has never appeared before any people in vain, He does not make a show with the pillar of cloud or rainbow. God has never done that before and will never do that. God does not come to frighten people with that; when He comes, he comes for a purpose and when the purpose is achieved, He goes away….
  12. In other words, it is a move God is making. Those people to whom this rare privilege is given must be diligent and careful lest they will miss the whole point of His visitation. Since it is a movement, this visitation has a beginning and it will have an end point.
  13. …I have told you that each time you see this type of thing, it signifies exodus. You know that it is going to be a movement. I do not call it catching away. If it is catching away, fine.
  14. Anyone that it is, but it is a movement. It can be movement away from this body, it can be movement away from the earth but there must be an EXODUS’.
  15. So, we are on a spiritual journey. It started one day and someday, it will come to an end. And remember, better is the end of everything than its beginning. This is the point of our confidence today!
  16. The Covenant God page 90:17-18, ‘If you ask us why we are bold, we say we have the covenant. What makes the difference between us and others? We have the covenant. We know the covenant is here with us;
  17. If any man says he is the covenant, let him come with evidence. That is why wherever you want to go, go; I will not cage you.
  18. If you are not under my covenant, you are completely lost – you are not covered’.
  19. Who is talking to us? The very source of that covenant. If you are not hiding in the Son of Man, you are completely lost. However, if you are hiding under Him, though you might be one million miles away, yet you shall be secured in Christ.
  20. But if you feel that you can still be saved and maintain right relationship with God when you are not keeping pace with the faith, you are worse than a heathen.
  21. You must understand that this Bridal Faith is the only ark of salvation we have, you must endeavor to know if you are a part of this covenant God has made with His people or not.
  22. The Covenant God page 44:11-13, ‘When you know the covenant of the Lord in your day, happy are you; you will now discover whether you are included in the covenant or not.
  23. If you are included in the covenant, then you will discover that the covenant is an everlasting covenant. Thus, God will now save you because of the covenant He has made with you’.
  24. We have a covenant with God today and that is why we are rejoicing and confident of our salvation because it is an everlasting covenant. Hence, God who promised can never fail us. What is the sign of God’s covenant with us?
  25. Let us see it in the same message. Page 111:23, ‘Remember, a man has always been the point of the covenant. When you hear, ‘Listen to the words of the covenant, a man will speak to you and you are free to say Amen or no.
  26. If you do not speak and the covenant is sealed, your mouth will remain shut concerning everything that is covenanted’.
  27. The sign of God’s covenant with us today is Christ; the Son of Man standing in our midst!
  28. The Covenant God page 62:4-5, ‘In every dispensation, one holds the covenant of God. God can never make a covenant with His people without presenting a man representing the people;
  29. So, Abraham represented his people. Do you get the message? And the covenant was sealed between God and Abraham; and that God and Abraham means Abraham’s descendants’.
  30. We know that the Abraham of today is no other personality than the Son of Man. In Him, we have our victory. The promise of our salvation lies in our strict obedience to the Words of the Son of Man; the sign of the covenant.
  31. So, God cannot bypass the Son of Man to save you. You cannot be unfaithful in your ways and still be confident of salvation. Faithfulness is the only way not to break the words of the covenant.
  32. The Covenant God page 92:24-26, ‘How do you make sure you do not break it? We will come down and you begin to see the covenant as a HUMAN BEING. Without a human being, there is no covenant.
  33. When covenant is being made between God and His people, one (a human being) is presented; when you disobey His words, you have disobeyed the words of the covenant, you have broken the covenant.
  34. Keeping the covenant means obeying the words that come out of His mouth. Because every covenant is sealed with the word, there are promises associated with the covenant.
  35. Remember where we started. From the cloud down to Christ; from Christ to the covenant; let us continue tracing it’.
  36. Hence our relationship with the Son of Man is a measure of our faithfulness in keeping to the covenant. Remember that all promises are tied in the covenant as well.
  37. The Covenant God page 112:25, ‘So, if they hear and refuse to obey, will the covenant still hold? The covenant is based on loyalty and obedience. It is a covenant of faithfulness to God – hundred percent faithfulness, hundred percent loyalty; so be it Lord’.
  38. This covenant only covers the faithful. Hence your unfaithfulness means removing yourself from under the covering of the covenant and its promises.
  39. The Covenant God page 82:31-33, ‘Once God comes down, once God appears, once God is revealed, He must make a covenant with people that He appeared to. He must show them a sign of the covenant – something He will see and remember what He has promised them.
  40. But God said that His presence can never depart from among us till eternity and we all said “Amen”, and God showed us a sign; He made it an everlasting covenant.
  41. If peradventure we think that God is not there, we will say; “God remember your covenant”. We will not even remind Him; He will see it because each time we gather in the fellowship, He will look round then He will remember what He promised.
  42. “The evil man will be taken away, for the camp of my people must be separated from the camp of the ungodly”. When the ungodly man is being separated, we put our hands together because God is keeping His covenant’.
  43. You see the condition attached to the covenant? For the only way God can remain in our midst is only if the camp remains sanitized. For God can never associate Himself with unfaithful people.
  44. This is why we have survived in this faith till today. The reason why we cannot denominate; the reason why we hold the truth unadulterated, is because God’s eyes has been searching out all evil doers in our midst.
  45. Once you become disloyal and unfaithful to He God has placed before us, you are an evil man in the midst of God’s people. This is because you are trying to infest the camp of God’s people with a wrong spirit. You are passing across a wrong perception about the faith.
  46. This is why the Lord remains unpleased with many today especially those ancient men, women and families who have been receiving these great messages from the very beginning but today when they should have grown strong in the message and immersed in the truth, they are derailing and becoming cold and lukewarm towards the things of God. Manifesting great shortcomings.

Random Comments from THE SON OF MAN titled, BE CAREFUL THAT YOUR DAILY CHARACTER DOES NOT COUNTER THE TRUTH YOU ARE PROFESSING; YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT; YOU ARE HOLDING. Be careful that your daily manifestations do not counter your faith and your belief because holding the Bible and holding the Spoken Word without living the life thereof automatically takes somebody direct to hellfire.





God from the very beginning warned against this great falling away when we come to the end. For the covenant God has with His people will not cover you in unfaithfulness and in your unsteadfast estate.

  1. Grace Abused preached on 16th September 1999 page 26:15-20, ‘Please, I will like to strike on something, to help you understand that you do not know grace more than Me, and you do not practice grace more than Me. That’s why many are perishing.
  2. Let Me tell you the present stage of the ministry right now. Remember I told you ahead of time, it was predicted that towards the end, many things will happen in the church. There is going to be such a great rush that even if the old timers are not in the spirit, they will lose their crown.
  3. Let me just tell you what I mean. St. Paul said, “Be very careful that nobody takes away your crown”. In other words, somebody can take away another man’s crown, if you are careless. That’s why the scripture said, “Strive to make your calling and election stand sure”.
  4. You have to strive for it, to make your calling and election stand sure. If you are careless, somebody can snatch it away.
  5. The Holy Ghost told us and I quote, that anybody that will be coming in that time, will be taking the position of somebody. For no place will be left vacant. The number must be okay.
  6. The Lord said that translation will not take place until the complete number of the Gentiles comes in. Thus, God has that number, nobody knows whether it is five or six, but God alone knows the number and you do not know when the number will be okay.
  7. You see why you must be careful? Maybe the number will be okay this moment. Maybe the number will be okay tomorrow. Once the complete number of the Gentiles comes in, translation will take place. That is why God said that it will never over stay by one minute. God Himself knows when the number comes in’.
  8. Today, brethren we can see this voice spoken a long time ago is coming to pass, a sure sign that we have come to the end of the journey.
  9. Grace Abused page 33:36-44, ‘Christ must remember that come what may, the banquet must surely take place. Yes, to whom much is given, much is really expected.
  10. I will rather pardon new comers and get the old timers away because they are old timers and they have received much right. More especially, when I try to be guilty of giving detailed answer in the teaching or in the flesh.
  11. If you are a wicked person, surely you must leave this camp. Can you bribe Me there? I do not know what you will use to bribe Me. I do not know….
  12. You can see the voice we heard in the message The Covenant God repeating itself here. ‘The camp of My people must be separated from the camp of the ungodly’. No evil fellow can be left to abide in this faith. Your actions must fish you out.
  13. Why is God’s searchlight focused on the ancient men and women? He has answered it in the message. It is because to whom much is given, much is really expected. God has reposed confidence on us because He has spent His time working on us.
  14. Moreover, there is nothing pertaining to life and godliness which He has not revealed. Any sign of unfaithfulness right now is a deliberate act and not an act out of ignorance.
  15. …God said, “Go out there”, in anger, because He felt disappointed. He saw one man who was bitter, He said, “Sir! Oh let hell be upon me if I will allow myself to be devastated”. What is more, the Man (Christ) who made the statement is still very much in your midst because He is infuriated.
  16. He got the full experience, He thought He had converts, He thought they were receiving, but at the time they were supposed to come in, they wanted to make the whole thing a flop. Do you think the Man will still be happy?
  17. If we are faithful, God will remain faithful. The Bible said that if we deny Him, He will not deny Himself. The banquet must surely hold. Because the banquet was the word that went out of His mouth in righteousness and it can never come back to Him void. The purpose must be achieved.
  18. In other words, let those people that felt that they were too big for that banquet or He (Christ) has done them wrong or at least cause Him sorrow, they will be watching where He did the ceremony.
  19. They will be watching the ceremony from outside or they will stay in their home and hear what transpired in that ceremony. They felt they were something. They have come to a point where they think that they are incorrigible, they have become Mr. somebody or Mrs. Somebody in the camp, surely, God must tell you that you are nobody in the camp than what He has made you.
  20. You are nothing but what God has made you. Nobody in this most holy faith is in this faith by merit. Now, if you want to live a life above your Maker, sure, get ready, you will be like a man who tried it and failed.
  21. There was a man that was exalted with pride. The Bible said that he was puffed up with pride and he said in his heart, “I am going to ascend into the highest heaven and I will even ascend higher than His own throne, and he was cast down into abyss. He was humiliated.
  22. Pride comes before a fall’.
  23. When you begin to see your membership of the Bridal faith as a right probably because of your personality or the service you are rendering, you will definitely be puffed up with pride.
  24. You will become incorrigible. This is because you feel that you have done enough to begin to earn some level of respect, to be entitled to some benefits and accolades. You will be saying, ‘I think at this level in this faith there are certain ways someone should not be talking to me. I have done enough already. I am entitled to some respect. Levels dey for everything abeg’.
  25. When God is berating your poor spiritual performance and attitude, this pride in you will not allow you to see it, humble yourself and change. Rather it will be suggesting to you that you should withdraw all you have been doing, after all, your efforts are not being appreciated; your efforts are not recognized.
  26. This is the attitude of one that worships God with a spirit of entitlement. But if you come to God with a contrite and humble spirit, you will know that it is by grace that we serve the Lord. Nobody of his own efforts, merits this divine inclusion into God’s awesome family hence we are to worship God selflessly with a thankful heart for the opportunity presented to us.
  27. It is this spirit of entitlement that has made many of the ancient men and women to sit down while the Master is still standing.
  28. Another drawback that has affected them is the level of iniquity and shortcoming in their lives and that of their families which is weighing upon them.
  29. You must know that whenever we go contrary to the word of God, the repercussion of our actions is not always immediate.
  30. Take for example an athlete. These athletes do not feel the side effects of injuries they contract in their playing days until much later in life when they have advanced in age and the body is no more as strong as it formally was. Then such an individual at that point in time will then begin to take a lot of pain reliefs and drugs to support his or her failing system that has limited movement. It is a consequence of their youthful days as athletes.
  31. Type it in spiritually into this faith. When you are going contrary to the teachings of the faith you might be relaxed thinking you have succeeded in having your way simply because the heavens did not fall on you; there is no immediate negative impact upon you.
  32. However, you set in motion a pattern for the crack that will eventually destroy you tomorrow ignorantly. For as time goes on you begin to reap the fruit of those negative actions you took contrary to the word of God and teachings of the faith. You now discover when it is late that you have been wrong all along but God has been right.
  33. This is the burden that has weighed many down today. How easy do you think it is to correct such a fault that has been developing cracks gradually? For the same way certain times, the promises of God are delayed before coming to pass in the life of the faithful, so also the negative consequences of going against the word of God at times are also delayed before becoming evidenced in the life of the unfaithful.
  34. Hence a popular proverb says ‘Ninety-nine days for the thief but one day for the owner’. You might be succeeding initially. By then you would be thinking that the Son of Man is deceiving us or caging us to stop us from achieving certain fits. Little do you know that it must affect your spiritual race by and by at some point.
  35. Man by nature is myopic, he looks at the initial gains alone. But God is Alpha and Omega, He knows how every course of a man’s life will end. So He warns ahead of time.
  36. But many were enjoying the gains of wrong doing, thinking they were fooling God. But today, they are the ones reaping the outcome of those false pleasures and way of life. They now cover their faces in shame. Their guilt has weighed upon them and their families.
  37. Disobedience To God is an Act of Wickedness page 115:53-68, ‘He had a particular number in mind He will call for that work. Though one million might be qualified, now He picks the number He wanted.
  38. If you happen to be in the number, this is why you must make sure, strive earnestly to make your calling and election (in Christ) stand sure. Strive to fulfill your calling in Christ and complete it with joy not with sorrow.
  39. Ministers! Let us take note of this. Everybody. If you do not see it from this angle, definitely you are going to be a non-performer. Before you know it, your position will be declared vacant.
  40. You may be benched and you will remain in that bench till eternity as a failed servant. Sure! A failed servant! A failed labourer! Chimee! Take note!
  41. This is a warning to the newly ordained ministers, so that the blindness that befell the ancient men will not lay hold on you. And that you will succeed where the ancient men failed, for they dropped their rifles when the battle was still raging.
  42. They threw in the towel in the ring, when their opponent is still standing. They declared the match over without hearing the final whistle blast.
  43. What if you have a team with players that do not have enough stamina to go beyond 90 minutes, and the match ended in a draw and rolled into the first extra time of 30 minutes. In other words, the players will roll into penalty shootout. By the end of the day, instead of 90 minutes, they may be playing for 140 minutes. What if their stamina cannot carry them through? Would you not come out a defeated team? You see why God said, “Eat! Eat! Have enough reserve, for the journey is still too far, for I do not know the extent this journey will lead us.
  44. Like I told you, “In this second missionary return, I do not know how long it will last. I was only brought back because there was non to fill the gap. And I was told to continue”.
  45. What if it continues and lapses into extra time? Will your strength carry you through? Spiritual strength? Will your knowledge, your conviction, your understanding, your patience, perseverance and everything see you through? Many have already collapsed.
  46. Remember the message time programmed believers can never get to the end. The message said, “Because of them, God is likely to extend the period until all of them are pushed out, for God is not indebted to anybody.
  47. Our former Pastor Nnamdi Ogbogu preached a message, Be Careful of Falling Before the End. If before your target, which is the end you fall, you have laboured in vain. All that were credited to you will be considered a waste.
  48. The cares of this life, crave for materialism, popularity. You want to be known. You want to be something. God said, “I am not against it, but can you please tell us why you want to be something’.
  49. No Second Chance Volume 1 preached on 26th July 2020. Page 51:23-31, ‘If by this hour, right now, we are still weighing zero in the balance of God, when are we going to weigh something then? We are not even weighing one or two percent, but zero. That God is going to spew us away from His mouth.
  50. If by now, there are so many individuals, notably ancient ministers, that are still backslidden, [and their wives] and their different families, when are they going to rise? Is it now that we are already in the conclusion? God said that we are already in conclusion.
  51. What is left for us to write is “The End”. Is it now the period when they will now strive to come back to God? How many years will it take them?
  52. This is because if you check the number of years which you departed from God, it will cost you that number of years to come back to God. You cannot just leave God in five years and expect to come back in two months. It is not possible. You must pass through so many things.
  53. You have to forfeit so many things. All the things which you gained from Satan, you must spew all of them out and it is not a one-day activity. It takes a period of time.
  54. Son of Man: God said, “The level you attained in evil determines the level of restitution you will make. And that determines your level of judgement”. It is not a one day’s activity.
  55. I was giving an instance and I said that it is better you die obeying God than to be alive disbelieving God and obeying the devil.
  56. We have a message that says Be Careful of Last Minute Manifestation of Unbelief. A time when your mistake can hardly be corrected because time is no more! This is where we are brethren. Time is no more on our side.
  57. We have manifested too much shortcomings. For how long do we expect God to keep waiting on us hoping that we will bear the right fruit? This is why in other not to watch us sabotage this glorious salvation mission, He will begin to replace many.
  58. Who will be replaced? He that has decided to be careless with the salvation God has offered us.



As we begin to summarize this sermon, let us once more turn to the message Learn of Me page 153:12-30, ‘I have watered this church enough, I have built a hedge around you using my doctrines, making it impossible for any theologian on earth to seduce any of you on earth.

  1. I have given you everything pertaining to godliness; I have even laid down My life for your sakes. I have risked Myself; yet, instead of bearing good fruits, you are producing thistles (prickly weeds) and thorns.
  2. I have laid a good example before you on how you could live together and help one another, share one another’s problems. Yet, I see people scaring their brethren away, dividing themselves into pieces, into groups and associations. It is ungodly, it is a sure sign of departure from the faith.
  3. Recognize where you have fallen immediately and then find your way back if you are a seed, for no seed of God wanders beyond God’s love.
  4. Every seed of God must stop where the prodigal son stopped. He must come back to his senses one day and will ignore the shame and the ridicule and mockery. Then, with tears and sorrow, he will go back to his father.
  5. You can be far and still sit down in the church. Afterall, we are not worshipping God physically; we are now worshipping God in spirit and in truth. Yet, it reflects in the physical outlook.
  6. You know what baffles Me is that you can be in the seat and support something that is against you, giving the impression that you are on the right side. Instead of bending down in sorrow and say, “God, I am sorry”, you console yourself by making unnecessary noise, throwing it away. Then, who is committing the crime?
  7. You know it is a wonderful thing, a sorrowful picture, somebody commits crime, his case is being handled, yet he has the gut to make a noise over it. Then, who committed the crime? What is the sign of remorse?
  8. What is the sign of sorrow? What is the sign of change? It is smartness, giving the impression that it does not concern you or maybe the Son of Man is referring to someone else. That is a terrible situation – when people do not have shamefacedness, living shameless lives.
  9. Once evil is mentioned around every true seed of God, he bends down because what he has hated has befallen him, he has seen himself in a situation he never dreamt of; he can hardly raise up his head.
  10. But today you can see people shouting and making a noise, throwing the thing away, then who committed the crime, or is the Son of Man shouting in vain?
  11. In other words, the whole thing is being thrown back to the Son of Man. I am the one that committed the crime; I am accusing people in vain, that is the impression and in such a situation evil cannot be checked.
  12. An evil man said that it does not concern him. Then, who does it concern?
  13. I cannot because of your attitude send this church back to the law where there will be thick smoke in the church again. God forbid, for that will be our destruction. I will never do that.
  14. Nevertheless, I know those that belong to Me, I know those that have My nature, I know those men and women in this faith that pray every day that evil will not be associated or even mentioned around them, and I know those that take pleasure in doing evil things.
  15. This is the way I want the church to be, not everybody jumping up and down, shouting and making unnecessary noise as if I am talking to the grasses. “Nobody is guilty, we have done very well God is accusing us falsely”.
  16. Learn of Me, what have you learnt? Once a seed of God finds himself in a situation he does not like, he becomes sober and in that sad condition, he pleads his case. That we are not under the law, does it hinder people from pleading their cases? Did God banish prayers? Maybe God abolished prayers. People will keep on pleading their cases till eternity and in eternity you must plead your case.
  17. In those days when we where under the law, people will become guilty of one offense or the other, right from their houses, they will start fainting; the time they will get to the church – because they will be the number one to come to the church – you will see them lying at the altar, weeping and sorrowing.
  18. But today, every man is equal with God. Even, some are higher than God for when God will be feeling sorrowful for some of their actions, they do not feel sorrowful at all; no more sin, no more guilt, everything has been banished.
  19. If everything is banished, then, why are you in the church, why do you come to church? You would have stayed in your houses. Anybody that has the notion that sin has been banished and God will not drop him again come what may, can he learn anything from God? The answer is no! He cannot learn anything from God.
  20. These publications will serve as evidence against many of us that God has been teaching us rightly but we decided to live in error. For the lives many of us are living is causing great reproach to this faith; as though that is what we are being taught in this faith.
  21. However, even the heathens who are conversant with the level of teachings we receive in this faith are disgusted with many of us that we are not a reflection of what we have been taught. Let us in all honesty begin to look into our lives. The Son of Man is not speaking out in vain against many of us.
  22. When you refuse to listen to the voice of God calling out your evil ways and practices, you are indirectly telling God that He is accusing you falsely.
  23. But are you truly free from all the charges the word of God has been revealing against you? If so, then why are you having problems with God and with humanity? Why are you lukewarm in the things of God? What has taken away your zeal and interest you once professed in the affairs of God and the brotherhood?
  24. Time is no more on our side. Let us quickly redress our ways, for our salvation cannot be guaranteed in unbelief.
  25. No Second Chance volume 1 page 35:62-63, ‘He can do anything, He can go to the deepest hell and save you. But we heard it that when you blaspheme His Name [Elect or non-Elect] God must destroy you. No going back. That God can save me; Yes! God can do it, but that is when I obey His Word.
  26. When you live your life anyhow, and you expect God to save you, then that means that God can save the rest of the world, which is not so’.
  27. Page 112:46-47, ‘God is trying to raise an icon in every aspect. Is He going to use objects to raise the icon? No, it is individuals. We are the people that God wants to use to raise icons to correct the mistakes of the past.
  28. Everybody in this faith, God is trying to use them to raise an icon but they are the ones thwarting the purpose of God, to their own peril and to their own destruction; for God to bend to them which is not possible’. Page 20:12-19, ‘And this is the period of time where we should ponder over the word of God twenty-four hours of the day, seeing that this is a period of diverse temptations.
  29. God said that these days, it is very hard for an elect to hold on to his confession in Christ for twenty-four hours. Many things can delude you. Many things can take you out of Christ. In twenty-four hours, it is very hard for you to hold on to the profession of your faith without wavering.
  30. The devil is fighting his last battle. Where? In the elect. There are people he (devil) has already taken as his own, there is no need fighting them. The people he is fighting now to take are the elect of God, whom God has chosen, and who are still alive here on earth, both physically and spiritually. They are still alive.
  31. They are the ones he is fighting tooth and nail to capture. Because to him, it is going to be his biggest achievement. To the world, he knows they are his. We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one [1 John 5:19 NIV].
  32. But to that elect of God, who will stray away and will not come back again, to the devil, it is his greatest achievement’.
  33. Page 39:75, ‘Even if only one person goes to paradise, God is satisfied. We are the ones striving to get this eternal life, not God striving to get it’.
  34. Grace Abused page 59:55, ‘People that were invited for the banquet are no longer active and responsive and surely the banquet must hold.
  35. What am I saying? Go back to the book of Revelation and you will see that the sign that the whole world will not be there is measurement. The vindication that the whole world will not be there is measurement and that ark will never take more than what is chosen for that day.
  36. Go back to your Bible. The book of Revelation revealed the place you are going to end it. Is it not scripture? The length, the width, everything is there. The land that was given to Abraham and children was measured with natural boundary line, natural barrier which no man can take away. The natural boundaries are there, the measurement is there.
  37. You see, Jesus the Christ said, “Though few will be there but strive that you may enter. You cannot get it anyhow”. No, nobody has ever gotten it anyhow.
  38. Even those beggars on the streets, don’t think it was easy for them to follow, a man that is crawling, will it be easy for him? A blind man, will it be easy for him? They have excuses for not being there. Do not say you would have been there, that there is a big man who is going to give them some money, no! amen’.
  39. If you do not strive, another will take your crown. For what you are playing with, another is passing sleepless night over it.
  40. Let me type an example using football. The reason why all players in a nation cannot play at the world cup is because of measurement. The tournament is scheduled to hold a maximum of 26 active on-field players for each participating nation.
  41. An over confident player may not know when a team manager has decided to replace him with an upcoming star whose hard work and talent the coach has identified. The over confident player thought it is business as usual after all he has been representing the nation at other past tournaments all along. However, the coach needs those that are fit and able to deliver the title, not merely big names that have passed their prime.
  42. This is a type of where we are now. The point we have found ourselves in the faith today suggests that it can never be business as usual.
  43. The universal God we serve; The Son of Man, would not guarantee us a spot in His final selection simply because we have been with Him all these years. For the whole world is running to His feet for this salvation we are playing with right now.
  44. However, unto us God first appeared to take a people unto Himself. If we are serious with the hour; serious with the faith, serious with our commitment, allegiance and obedience to Christ, God will not replace us nor bypass us for others, lest He would not have counted us worthy including us in this most holy faith. However, if we fail to justify our divine inclusion into this glorious faith, God is justified to replace us.
  45. This is the time for the elects to know themselves and their God. Remember that the word of God is the refuge of the saints.
  46. To God be the praise for giving me this priceless opportunity and privilege to share this word of our salvation with you.
  47. In concluding this sermon, we shall read from Learn of Me page 124:17; ‘This is the harvest time, God is about to harvest His own and He must identify them. They must also identify who they are, identify those that are their brethren and those that are claiming to be their brethren, man or woman alike’.
  48. On this note, I say thank you and remain blessed in Him eternally.