WHY DO WE PUT ON DRESSES? VOLUME ONE A Teaching Delivered ON Sunday 21st January 2024 AT THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena

THE SON OF MAN The LORD God Almighty

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah, Students’ Fellowship, MOUAU, Abia State.

[11]If the Jewish priests and their laws had been able to save us, why then did God need to send Christ as a priest with the rank of Melchizedek, instead of sending someone with the rank of Aaron—the same rank all other priests had? [12-14]And when God sends a new kind of priest, his law must be changed to permit it. As we all know, Christ did not belong to the priest-tribe of Levi, but came from the tribe of Judah, which had not been chosen for priesthood; Moses had never given them that work. [15]So we can plainly see that God’s method changed, for Christ, the new High Priest who came with the rank of Melchizedek, [16]did not become a priest by meeting the old requirement of belonging to the tribe of Levi, but on the basis of power flowing from a life that cannot end. [17]And the psalmist

points this out when he says of Christ, “You are a priest forever with the rank of Melchizedek.” [18]Yes, the old system of priesthood based on family lines was canceled because it didn’t work. It was weak and useless for saving people. [19]It never made anyone really right with God. But now we have a far better hope, for Christ makes us acceptable to God, and now we may draw near to him.[20]God took an oath that Christ would always be a Priest, [21] although he never said that of other priests. Only to Christ he said, “The Lord has sworn and will never change his mind: You are a Priest forever, with the rank of Melchizedek.”

Hebrews 7:11-21, Living Bible.

The Son of Man is not even interested in your human plan, but when your human plan puts you into trouble, do not come to Him. There is nothing you are planning which I, the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena do not know. There is nothing you have done which I do not know and the way you have done it. That I have allowed you time is because I have decided to do so. Any day I want to stop you, I will stop you without consultation. The truth of the matter is that you liken this Faith to one of those churches your fathers knew and introduced you to. No! This Church are handpicked individuals. Nobody in this Faith is your convert. There is nobody in this Most Holy Faith you can place your hand on his head and say, “This is my convert.” Not even your own biological child.

The Son of Man

BE DILIGENT TO PROTECT YOUR MINDSET (EXPLAINED); preached on 18th March, 2012 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 108 vs. 37–38



Now, give Me your ear. Let Me jump over to My topic. Follow Me as I introduce My topic. It may sound strange, but it should not be strange. I will finish it before I will read the Message proper.

  1. Why do we wear our dresses? Why do we put on dresses? Why we are not like other wild animals or domestic animals that do not make dresses for themselves, but they use their natural dresses?
  2. The topic is: WHY DO WE PUT ON DRESSES? It is a question.
  3. We wear dresses but we do not know the reason why we wear dresses. You will not know the reason until I go to the very beginning of creation. I do not need to go to the Bible to cite it, for you know the truth. I have thought you that.
  4. On the 6th day, God created the first human being called Adam. And Adam was in the wilderness alone to govern other animals. Other animals were created before Adam came. Adam came to be the administrator of the garden of Eden.
  5. Adam became the first visible God which animals saw, recognized, befriended and embraced. Other animals were very very harmless. They were in sweet union and in sweet fellowship with one another.
  6. The Almighty God admired Adam and said that Adam was perfect. Other creatures were equally perfect.
  7. God was coming and having fellowship with Adam in the cool of evening as we can see in the Holy Quran and also in the Bible as very clearly written in Genesis.
  8. REFERENCE: Genesis 3:8, KJV. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
  9. And I want you to see something that was shocking there. God brought Adam into existence after His own likeness and image. So created He him. Therefore, what Adam looked like is exactly what God looks like. God reproduced Himself and Adam became God’s replica.
  10. And Adam was naked, but he knew it not. God was naked, but Adam knew it not, for the knowledge of who is covered and who is uncovered was not yet found in anything Man. It was not in animals.
  11. Animals saw themselves and recognized themselves. They were not having anything other than their nature. If anything varied, it was colour. Some were black. Some were white. Some were pigmented and things like that. But in all, they were animals, all in their different species.
  12. They were rejoicing. All harmless to one another. They were harmless to God and harmless to Adam.
  13. So, that time when Adam was naked, that was exactly the nature of God, for God was also naked. And God Himself knew that He was naked in His own way, for he is the God of Glory.
  14. Then one day, God came up with the idea of molding and bringing into existence the negative side of a man which is called a woman for reproduction.
  15. God reproduced a replica of Adam, and Adam saw Eve as a matured woman. God presented Eve naked to Adam and said, “Take this to be your wife. Whatever you want to call her becomes her name.”
  16. Adam called her Eve, meaning “Mother of all creatures” in your Bible. Adam did not call that person Woman. She answered Woman when they fell from glory to grass. When they disobeyed God’s instruction, then they fell.
  17. For the first time, we heard “Woman”. That was when God asked Adam a question, “Adam, why have you done this?” Adam said, “The Woman You gave me”, not Eve.
  18. Search your Bible. That is the first place a woman appeared. Before then, nobody answered a woman. So, Eve became a woman.
  19. It is very common. Darling darling is when all is well between the husband and the wife. There is a level of provocation a woman will receive from the husband or even the man will receive from the wife and first name will emerge. Darling will cease. Are you hearing Me?
  20. If the name of the woman is Ngozi, it will now be Ngozi or Mama Chinyere. Ngozi! Ngozi mind yourself o! The other one will be, “Emeka! I have endured you for a long time in this house.” Did you get the Message?
  21. The language will change. Description will change. Everything will change. They have reverted to their old nature. Did you get the Message?
  22. Out of provocation, Adam called his wife, Woman. I do not want to give you the interpretation. But initially, Adam saw Eve and God commanded, “Give her any name that you think is suitable to her.”
  23. He said, “This is Eve. She shall be called Eve” meaning Mother of all creatures. This is because when God gave Eve to Adam, He said, “Take her to be your wife”, not your woman. “Take her to be your wife” [not your woman] “Increase and multiply and fill the earth.”
  24. There was no regulation as to whether they will deliver children in 10 months or five months or three months. The LORD only wanted to fill the world with human beings through human beings.
  25. And when they were presented, Eve was presented to Adam. And God said, “The two were there standing before each other naked, and they were not ashamed.” Did you get the Message?
  26. If God intended that we should come into this world wearing dress, we would have worn the dress from our mother’s womb. God Himself would have designed the dress. Whoever that appears here on earth will appear with his or her own at birth. All other animals came out with their dresses.
  27. Animals reproduce through sexual reproduction. I mean, they reproduce sexually. True or false? Each reproduce with its own permanent dress.
  28. Are you not an animal? Are you not warm-blooded animal? You are the highest of all animals created.
  29. I am not showing you mystery. I am showing you the truth as it was in the very beginning. You must know the origin so that you will know what brought about all these nonsenses that are now disturbing us, whether we are bearing the burdens imposed on us by the devil through our disobedience or God has imposed a burden on us. God never imposed any burden on any human being.
  30. What happened? Before the LORD came that faithful day to supervise them as usual. He that knoweth all things, He knows the end from the very beginning. He had already seen them. He saw the discussion. He knew when they erred. He knew where they were hiding.
  31. God Himself covered Himself with His own supernatural white Garment to avoid Adam beholding God’s nakedness for the knowledge of good and evil had already entered their minds.
  32. For eating of the forbidden tree, they will now begin to consider some parts of their body as sacred. They will be seeing their bodies as sacred that should not be exposed again. That knowledge has now come, but in the beginning, it was not so.
  33. Their eyes of understanding got illuminated through disobedience to God’s Word. By obeying the devil, their eyes opened. Understanding came. Knowledge of good and evil came. That which God warned against. Without that knowledge of good and evil coming into man, nobody would be a sinner. Did you get the Message?
  34. No goat knows what is good and bad. No dog knows it. That is why your dog can bite you. Your dog can eat your food. The knowledge of sin is unknown to animals. Do you believe this to be true?
  35. But God declared everything sinful because man became sinful. Then, enmity was created.
  36. So, follow Me gradually as we follow this truth. I hope you can see the beginning now. Can you see the beginning? Visualize the beginning, for the whole thing actualized in Adam and Eve covering themselves.
  37. I will show you a Scripture. Let me not continue to tell stories. Let us go to the Book of Genesis and see whether there is anything there. You can use Living Bible or any translation at all.
  38. Genesis 3:1-12, TLB.[1]The serpent was the craftiest of all the creatures the Lord God had made. The serpent was the craftiest. Crafty—craftier—craftiest! He is the most deceitful and the greatest liar.
  39. If you are a crafty human being, you can see where you are coming from. If you are called a clever, crafty or sharp person, hypocrite, know where you originated from. Know where you originated from.
  40. When somebody looks at you, and you have an innocent face, the face of a righteous person, but if you are revealed for who you really are, anyone that sees what you are made up of will run for his or her dear life.
  41. When the fellow is considered from the way he speaks and his outward appearance, somebody may think that the righteous is being persecuted. But when a closer look is taken of your kind of person, everybody will spit on the ground in disgust, “Is this his real nature?”
  42. One thing common with such people is that they do not have shamefacedness. There is no impunity they will commit in this world that will make them to feel ashamed of themselves.
  43. So the serpent came to the woman. “Really?” he asked. “None of the fruit in the garden? God says you mustn’t eat any of it?”
  44. [2-3]“Of course we may eat it,” the woman told him. “It’s only the fruit from the tree at the center of the garden that we are not to eat. …
  45. It is only but this one. All were given to us. So you are not satisfied with all the trees/fruits in the Garden, except this one of which God said, “Leave it alone!” Do you know whether God reserved it for Himself? Do you know what God intends to do there?
  46. That is why man is feared more than any other thing. This is because if you give man everything you have but warn him about a particular thing that is where he will like to go first.
  47. That is why wise people say that a man that wants to live long should not give his wife his no-go-area, for that is where she will go first.
  48. Do not ever make a regulation to your wife or to your children, “Do not do this. If you do this, I will kill you. I will do this and that.” Get ready. You have died already. That is where they will go.
  49. But if you leave them alone, they will know where they will stop. When you begin to cage them, that for which you are caging them, they will want to know why. And in knowing why, they will discover that you are swimming in that ocean.
  50. So the serpent came to the woman. “Really?” he asked. “None of the fruit in the garden? God says you mustn’t eat any of it?”
  51. [2-3] “Of course we may eat it,” the woman told him. “It’s only the fruit from the tree at the center of the garden that we are not to eat. …pay attention!
  52. God says we mustn’t eat it or even touch it, or we will die.” Good! Look at that “We will die.” So, it is because a threat is attached to it, and that is no other threat but the threat of death.
  53. Why must we eat all if not this one? Why did He keep this one to Himself? Look at how beautiful it is. It is very attractive if we can use it for food, but He said we should not even go near the tree. How long will this law last? It is better there is no tree there. It is better that He cuts it down.
  54. That is why the Bible made it clear that the only way not to offend in any law is never to have any to keep at all. The only way you will not be guilty of disobeying any law is never to have any to obey. If you dare have one to obey, whether you like it or not, one day, you must break it.
  55. REFERENCE: Romans 4:15 [15]But the fact of the matter is this: when we try to gain God’s blessing and salvation by keeping his laws we always end up under his anger, for we always fail to keep them. The only way we can keep from breaking laws is not to have any to break!
  56. So it is better if you do not give any law. Allow the person to use the law of his conscience. He knows where he will start. He knows where he will stop. But any day you begin to give unnecessary regulation, the thought of breaking it is already there because man by nature is an enquirer—very inquisitive. Man is always desiring to probe into the unknown.
  57. I gave you the illustration of a servant that was warned never to go to a little box. After some time, he went there and examined the box very well. He thought that what the master was using to make money [may be] was inside the box.
  58. He went there. Immediately he flipped the cover open, a rat ran out of that little box. He went after the rat intending to catch it and send it back, but the rat escaped.
  59. When the master came back and looked at the key on the box, it was unlocked. He enquired and the boy said that he was sweeping the house and his broom touched the box.
  60. The master laughed and replied, “Your broom has become another iron that broke this padlock. Thank you! Did you catch your father or your mother when they were escaping? Which one did you catch?”
  61. The servant said, “A rat came out and I pursued it. I wanted to catch it but it escaped.” The master queried further, “Did I tell you not to open it?” The servant said yes.
  62. The master then said, “Assuming that is where my life is, then I am dead. You are a shrewd servant. You cannot abide with me. Pack your bag and baggage, and leave my house.”
  63. That is how intelligent people behaved in those days, but today, wise men behave differently. You know intelligence differs from wisdom. Wisdom is not intelligence, and intelligence is not wisdom. Intelligence means information that is well managed. If I have given you the information and you managed it very well, it becomes intelligence. Do you believe what I am saying?
  64. Intelligence has to do with your academics. If I give you information on Mathematics, Physics or biology or on any course, and you manage the information and use it well, it becomes your intelligence.
  65. It cannot moderate nor modify your character one bit. Nobody’s character has been modified through academic knowledge. You modify your character through the knowledge of Christ, knowledge of truth, knowledge of life.
  66. [interlude] Get up from here, lest I will make your life now permanent. And do not try Me.
  67. [2-3]“Of course we may eat it,” the woman told him. “It’s only the fruit from the tree at the center of the garden that we are not to eat. God says we mustn’t eat it or even touch it, orwe will die.”
  68. Going to that place means that man has chosen to die instead of obeying. Is it not true?
  69. Even today, do we not say such things? Instead of doing it, let me die! Many have said that they will not repent. Instead of me to repent, let me die! Instead of saying sorry for what I have done, let me die! If it means killing me, kill me!
  70. But the Bible made it clear in the Book of Hebrews chapter 12 that you have been struggling against sin, but sin is winning you because you have never for one day vowed to resist sin, even to the splitting of your body and the shedding of your blood.
  71. You have never vowed a vow, “Instead of committing sin, let me die!” that is why sin still overpowers us. But we vow that instead of living righteously, let us be killed.
  72. From the day you have chosen the path of disobedience, to do the forbidden things, you have chosen the way of death. it will take god to step in.

Do I look like a normal human being? Do I act like a normal human being? It is because you have not come into contact with Me. If you have proved Me, you have known Me, you can differentiate between a normal human being with human nature and Brother Peter Odoemena, the very Christ. Many think I am erratic in behaviour. I am not! But somehow, I think I can be erratic in the sense that I can take a decision in the morning and cancel it in the evening. The most flexible Messenger that appeared is the son of man, for your salvation. Otherwise, if I swear an oath against you, you are lost. …


I AM THE WORD VOL 2; Preached on Sunday 19th January 2014 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 105 vs. 19 – 21.



Genesis 3:4-12, TLB. [4]That’s a lie!” the serpent hissed. “You’ll not die! [5]God knows very well that the instant you eat it you will become like him, for your eyes will be opened—you will be able to distinguish good from evil!

  1. [6]The woman was convinced. Who was convinced? The woman! The thought of where the man came from never came into her mind again. If you read the previous passage, it said, “Every day, Eve was continually going around that tree, admiring it and saying to herself, ‘How wonderful it will be if I will use it as food. How wonderful!’”
  2. And from the desires of her heart, a man appeared who loves that tree, and plucked it and ate. He did not die. He told her, “If your husband comes back, introduce him to this tree.”
  3. Take note! It is a tree in the centre of the Garden.
  4. [6]The woman was convinced.How lovely and fresh looking it was! And it would make her so wise! So she ate some of the fruit and gave some to her husband, and he ate it too.
  5. [7]And as they ate it, suddenly they became aware of their nakedness,…They did what? …they became aware of their nakedness,…
  6. They now recognized that they needed clothing, “Oh! We are naked!” All along, they had been together. They never knew they were naked.
  7. [7]And as they ate it, suddenly they became aware of their nakedness, and were embarrassed. … They were embarrassed.
  8. So they strung fig leaves together to cover themselves around the hips.
  9. They knitted fig leaves together. Knitting was done with the hands before, using anything like thread that was locally made. That was the place from where the idea of machine came out. They used hands to do knitting.
  10. The first art a seamstress or a tailor will learn is needle work. From needle work, you will learn how to use the machine. True or false?
  11. If it is weaving, it is needle before shuttle. You shuttle. You use shuttle to put it this way or the other way until something will come out. You can call it Akwaete. You know I am a primitive Man.
  12. So they strung fig leaves together to cover themselves around the hips.
  14. But God ordained it such that He will regulate it the same way He regulated that of other animals, but man was impatient. Man impatiently pried into the package and opened before hearing God’s order. For that reason, God permitted the woman to become pregnant from that act outside His will.
  15. Can you imagine what happened there? They went and sewed fig leaves together to cover the hip—the lower part of their bodies. They did not cover the breast. They did not cover the entire body. They covered that place they saw was naked. What of other places? Were they not naked?
  16. Are you now surprised why primitive men only covered that side. Both men and women left other places open.
  17. Even as I am talking to you now, in some places in Nigeria like Nupe, where I went for evangelism, and Dadinkowa in Langtang South where women came into the same bathroom with all of us, where tradition is still holding them hostage.
  18. Women do not care about any other place other than the lower body. Some care about the lower body and the breast. The rest of the body can be naked.
  19. I went to a place to preach the Gospel in Kaduna where they took us to the place right inside the village. I saw them wearing Jigida[waist beads arranged to make a mini skirt for women]Jigida! No other thing. Women and grown-up ladies alike.
  20. If you see the thing. You will hear the beads making noise on their hips as they walk along, but every other place on their bodies were naked.
  21. [INTERLUDE] Give way! Chibuko, give way! These photographs are not for fun.
  22. So what am I saying? You can see the origin. The Almighty God, because of Adam and Eve wrapped Himself immediately, for He knew that they had fallen just like Moses was on the mountain and heard the noise but knew that the noise was not the noise of war, but of merriment.
  23. He [Moses] knew that the people had already failed God by making for themselves a graven image.
  24. Now, when you were coming up as infants, you were behaving as infants, male and female. You were playing together. You were sleeping together. No male knows the other one to be a female. True or false?
  25. I grew up, and when I clocked 15, we were still going to the well and other places naked with the ladies. In those days, pubic hairs do not come out until 18 to 20 years.
  26. And the moment you see pubic hairs, it is believed that the child is now coming to adolescence. Only then can the mother of the lady or girl prepare a little pant for her because from that time, menses could be coming out.
  27. Before that time, no lady ever sees her menses below the age of between 18 and 20. But today, 8, 9, 10 see their menses. And death followed it. In those days, you do not hear about the death of a youth. It is an abomination for the community to record the death of a youth. It is unheard of.
  28. There was nothing called abortion. Who impregnated the person. Nobody! Men and women were sleeping together and going everywhere together. Nobody was having any feeling towards the other. Go and verify from your parents to see if they can tell you this truth.
  29. But as sin engulfed the whole earth, up till this very hour, there is only but one crime somebody will commit against himself and his eyes will open.
  30. Just like these infants here. If you do not bring them up in the fear of God, and they open their legs for their male counterparts, you cannot control them again.
  31. They will be answering you back. The idea of running away from the house will come into their minds. Why? That which you knew, they have known also. You are now on equal bases with them.
  32. For that reason, to avoid premature death, government has inculcated sex education into the school curriculum to save them troubles. Yet, is it saving them? Is it saving them? Okay! Take note of what I am saying.
  33. That is why we have to groom them very well. Let them know the resultant effects of it. Make no mistake of telling them that if they do it, you will kill them or they will die. They will not die. You will not kill them. It is an empty threat. I hope you are hearing Me.
  34. Do not use threat to bring your children to obedience to the truth. Use the love of God. Use the love of the Family for them, the love for their future to give them protection. Use truth. Did you get the Message?
  35. You will not kill them because you know, by and by, they will indulge in it. If they do not indulge in it before marriage, they will indulge in it during marriage.
  36. Otherwise, there will not be procreation. Is there anybody that wishes that his or her child should not have their own children? Will the child reproduce by vomiting children through the mouth?
  37. Prevention is better than cure just as an Igbo adage says that the search for a missing black goat is better conducted before nightfall. Then we go back to that act.
  38. My topic is, why do we put on dresses? The centre of attraction! The centre of attraction is always in every man’s body, whether you are a man or a woman.
  39. Take note of what I am saying. I am the Ancient of Days. Every organ in the body of a human is playing one role or the other. The one you least esteemed may play the most vital role.
  40. The point of attraction in every woman is first, her breast. I hope you are hearing Me. First, her breast. Second, her buttocks. Third is the centre of activity. The centre of activity is her private organ which is her vagina. True or false?
  41. Whether the person is admiring your breast or admiring your buttocks, activity is ending there. Admire face, admire hand, admire dressing, admire this and that, the activity is ending there.
  42. And you are not a woman because of what you are wearing. You are a woman from creation. From your mother’s womb, you were created a woman. You were born a woman. You came out without wearing anything dress. You came out uncovered.
  43. And you remained that way, walking about, not knowing that you were uncovered until your parents began to introduce too many things which they are introducing now starting from infancy because of widespread evil.
  44. This is because men have degenerated so much in evil that they now rape infants. Some steal them away. Many things happen. So women and men are now using protective measures of all sorts because of the widespread of evil.
  45. Government stepped in to make some schools single for females and some single for males. Yet, it is not solving the problem.
  46. In the schools for females only, they are committing their own crime there. That is where they produce lesbians. To the males, they produce homosexuals because one is trying to pry into another.
  47. But when they are mixed, I think that is the best. They understudy themselves. They can be friends without pollution. They know their limitations.
  48. That is why when somebody transfers from a female-only school to a mixed, the first thing she will go after is a boyfriend. If the boy changes from a boys-only school to a mixed school, instead of studies, what he is going there for is girlfriend. Boyfriend-Girlfriend.
  49. But when they are mixed in one school, they behave as brothers and sisters. They have mastered themselves. That foolish idea does not even come to their minds.
  50. They exchange pleasantries. They even visit one another. They introduce themselves to their parents until parents will be volunteering that if it is possible, they should remain like that and marry each other. Parents will show parental interest—an honest interest.
  51. That is why the best way to educate a couple is by keeping them together. Groom them up together. Then, no more suspicion. No more superstition. No more enquiry about this and that.
  52. [INTERLUDE] Can you rush there. Tell that person that he cannot see Me, and he cannot see anybody until Tuesday. Go there! No matter who the person might be, until Tuesday.

If your name is not written in the Lamb’s book of life from the foundation of the world, you can never believe the Son of Man. This Faith is not for you. You will remain troubled and troubled until you are troubled out. However, if you are among the number slated for this translation, for every word from God, you will echo amen, for the whole thing dovetails to you naturally.


CROSSCHECK YOUR EXPERIENCE AS WE WAIT AT THE GATE; Preached on Sunday 22nd May, 2011 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 177 vs. 62.


WHY DO WE PUT ON DRESSES? – THE ORIGIN (3) Genesis 3:7-12, TLB. [7]So they strung fig leaves together to cover themselves around the hips. …

  1. Note! Why did they not cover all? At least, that thing was enough to make for a cap. A very good cap to cover the chief there. And then, the woman made one for bra, made one for long sleeves and trousers.
  2. If now you go about with your pant only, and you walk along the street, what shall we call you? Are you covered?
  3. But whether covered or not covered, a woman is a woman, and a man is a man.
  4. Please pay attention to what I am saying. If you wear trousers, you are a woman. You wear gown, you are a woman. You tie wrapper, you are a woman. You go naked, you are a woman.
  5. So it is to a man. If a man likes, let him wear bra. The exclusive dress for a woman is bra. The rest are unisex. A man can tie wrapper. A man can wear gown. A man can wear skirts.
  6. Reverend fathers wear skirts. Reverend pastors wear skirts. Even the pope wears skirts and blouse. Traditional rulers wear skirt and blouse. Am I making sense?
  7. They use red caps and so on. Women wear red cap. Today, I will show you something.
  8. I told you that I am rounding off with the same thing I started with. This is because too many of you have come of age.
  9. What makes me a man is not what I am wearing. What makes a woman a woman is not what she is wearing. Whether you are wearing anything or not, somebody must admire you, man or woman. Did you get the Message?
  10. A man can admire a woman. A woman can also admire a man. Do you believe that? This is natural because they are unlike terms. Unlike terms attract each other. Like terms repel. Did you get the Message?
  11. When you attach your wires to only the positive side of the battery, does it produce light? No way! But when you attach the negative to the positive, light will shine. I hope you are coming closer to what I am saying.
  12. So, it is not out of place that you cannot see a cock on top of another cock. Can you? Have you seen a he-goat on top of another he-goat or a ram on top of a ram? Have you heard it? Have you seen it? You cannot see even a male dog on top of a male dog.
  13. But today, what are we seeing? Human beings have become more than beasts. A man can go on top of a man. A woman on top of a woman. Thereby denying the natural use of the body.
  14. What do you think is prompting it? Positive to positive. Negative to negative. Until recently, the pope of Rome, the archbishop of Canterbury and all of them have come together to approve same-sex marriage where a man can marry a man and a woman marry a woman.
  15. One day, a man will impregnate a man. A man will be pregnant then. May be after 11 or 12 months, he will deliver.
  16. Somebody approving something that God never approved. Something that runs contrary to nature because he is a ritualist. They do not want to tell this truth, but I have to say it. These are ritualistic demands of their offices if they must continue there in power.
  17. Do you not know that some people will even be told to go and have sex with a mad woman on the dustbin as a means of making money or getting power? Is it normal? It is abnormal.
  18. A man who is being attracted to a fellow man has a physiological defect. There is something that is in him that is not good. He did not develop well.
  19. Somebody was accused of pursuing (or wooing) women. A man pursuing a woman. And they were trying to make a hell of noise about it. They brought it before My office. I said, “Yes! Do you want him to pursue a man? But, is he pursuing a man?”
  20. They said “No! A woman.” I asked them, “How do you know he was pursuing her? Was the woman running? Did the woman run to your rescue? Did the woman take refuge in your hand? Tell Me!”
  21. They said, “Anywhere he sees a woman, he will be going after her.” That woman, did she complain? Allow the woman to bring the matter to Me. I will handle it.
  22. It takes a man to go for a woman. It takes a woman to go for a man. Either party can go for the other. An Igbo adage says that beauty is in a covenant with the eyes. Is it a lie Brethren?
  23. But when it degenerates to a man going after a man and this and that, that goes to show that something has gone wrong. Is it a lie Brethren? Is it Bible? Give it to Me in the Bible.
  24. When you defy God’s Word and refuse to obey, God will give you over to reprobate spirit. You will no longer be desiring to go natural. Instead of men to have natural love affair—sexual intercourse according the Bible [I mean] with women, they will go for men.
  25. Why are you afraid of calling things by their names? If you go to Isaiah chapter 8, you will see Immanuel who was born after sexual intercourse. And that delivery was Immanuel meaning “God with us.”
  26. He said, “God spoke to me. And I went to bed and had sexual intercourse with my wife. She became pregnant and delivered my first son. I called him Immanuel which is to mean “God with us.””
  27. REFERENCE: [1] Isaiah 8:3, TLB. [3]Then I had sexual intercourse with my wife and she conceived and bore me a son. And the Lord said, “Call him Maher-shalal-hash-baz.
  28. [2] Isaiah 7:14, AMP.14Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, the young woman who is unmarried and a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel [God with us].
  29. [3] Matthew 1:21-23, AMP.21She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus [the Greek form of the Hebrew Joshua, which means Savior], for He will save His people from their sins [that is, prevent them from failing and missing the true end and scope of life, which is God].22All this took place that it might be fulfilled which the Lord had spoken through the prophet, 23Behold, the virgin shall become pregnant and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel–which, when translated, means, God with us.
  30. Then who is that person today? Every human being is a product of sexual intercourse, for there is no other way a human being can come. A woman does not get pregnant through drinking water. It is not about chewing gum.
  31. Romans 1:21-25, TLB.[21]Yes, they knew about Him all right, but they wouldn’t admit it or worship Him or even thank Him for all His daily care. And after a while they began to think up silly ideas of what God was like and what he wanted them to do. The result was that their foolish minds became dark and confused.
  32. [22]Claiming themselves to be wise without God, they became utter fools instead.[23]And then, instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they took wood and stone and made idols for themselves, carving them to look like mere birds and animals and snakes and puny men.
  33. [24]So God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to—yes, vile and sinful things with each other’s bodies.
  34. [25]Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things.
  35. Romans 1:21-25, AMP.21Because when they knew and recognized Him as God, they did not honour and glorify Him as God or give Him thanks. But instead they became futile and godless in their thinking [with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations] and their senseless minds were darkened.
  36. 22Claiming to be wise, they became fools [professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves]. 23And by them the glory and majesty and excellence of the immortal God were exchanged for and represented by images, resembling mortal man and birds and beasts and reptiles.
  37. 24Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonouring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin],
  38. Note! Sexual immorality. Sexual sin before God.
  39. Romans 1:26-27, KJV. 26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
  40. Romans 1:26-27, GNB. Because they do this, God has given them over to shameful passions. Even the women pervert the natural use of their sex by unnatural acts. 27In the same way the men give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion for each other. Men do shameful things with each other, and as a result they bring upon themselves the punishment they deserve for their wrong doing.
  41. Romans 1:26-27, MSG. 26-27Worse followed. Refusing to know God, they soon didn’t know how to be human either—women didn’t know how to be women, men didn’t know how to be men. Sexually confused,…Sexually confused! Men after men. Women after women. The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible said, “For which cause God gave them to overthrow.”
  42. …they abused and defiled one another, women with women, men with men—all lust, no love. And then they paid for it, oh, how they paid for it—emptied of God and love, godless and loveless wretches.
  43. Romans 1:26, Complete Jewish Bible (CJB).[26]This is why God has given them up to degrading passions;…To degrading passion. …so that their women exchange natural sexual relations for unnatural;
  44. [27]and likewise the men, giving up natural relations with the opposite sex, burn with passion for one another, … Have you heard it? …men committing shameful acts with other men and receiving in their own persons the penalty appropriate to their perversion.
  45. I am trying to show you facts as documented in those days, but today, it is prevalent to the extent that a law has been made approving it. Here is now a law approving what God has disapproved.
  46. You, being a child of God, can you obey that nonsense? You see why you are different from others. There were some that heard it and jubilated. Why did they approve it? It has become too rampant in the society.
  47. Why did America go to court because of abortion and obtained court order from supreme court approving abortion to save the lives of teenagers. It is so that they can now handle abortion legally with approved (licensed) medical doctors instead of handling it illegally and they are dying?
  48. When evil has become too rampant and uncontrollable, then there will be a law stabilizing it, making its approval legal. That the laws of your people approve illegality, does it make it right in the sight of God?
  49. You see why you are a different people. You are God’s own people, a holy nation, God’s own purchased human beings. You belong to God. You do not belong to any other group again.
  50. So, if you want to be here and have peace, fellowship with God and His people, do away with all those useless traditions. I hope you are hearing Me.
  51. Some of these things are approved according to the traditions of the people. Do you believe that to be true? Good! If you go to Mark 7 from verse 7, read it in your Good News Bible there.

God has been a man from the very beginning. He is the Holy Spirit, He is the Comforter, He is the Everlasting Father – God changes not. His Mask (Badger Skin) can change, but His Voice remains the same. Believe it if you can


NOW I KNOW THAT THOU ART A MAN OF GOD; preached on Sunday 28th February, 1999; Pg. 5)



Mark 7:5-9, Good News Bible.5So the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law asked Jesus, “Why is it that your disciples do not follow the teaching handed down by our ancestors,…Handed down by who? “…our ancestors…”

  1. Can you imagine? Were they growing from faith to faith? Who were they asking this silly question? The Messiah. The Messiah, the God, I mean Adonai. That is the person they were asking this question.
  2. Why is it that your followers are not living their lives the way the rest of the people are doing? These your church people, they do not observe the same things as our people do. Anything you say, they will say that it is against their faith. Why?
  3. …but instead eat with ritually unclean hands?” 6Jesus answered them, “How right Isaiah was when he prophesied about you! You are hypocrites, just as he wrote: ‘These people, says God, honour me with their words, but their heart is really far away from me.
  4. 7It is no use for them to worship me, because they teach human rules as though they were my laws!’ Have you heard it? Teaching human rules as if they are God’s laws.
  5. “You put aside God’s command and obey human teachings.” 9And Jesus continued, “You have a clever way of rejecting God’s law in order to uphold your own teaching.
  6. You have a clever way of setting aside the Word of God so that your own village… I want to have that word “tradition” in that verse we read in your own translation.
  7. Mark 7:9, TLB. [6-7]Jesus replied, “You bunch of hypocrites! Isaiah the prophet described you very well when he said, ‘These people speak very prettily about the Lord but they have no love for him at all. Their worship is a farce, for they claim that God commands the people to obey their petty rules.’ How right Isaiah was!
  8. [8]For you ignore God’s specific orders and substitute your own traditions. Fine! You ignore Gods specifics. The Word given by God which is very clear and understood. You want to substitute it with the traditions of your people.
  9. A clever way of setting aside the Word of God, “Give to God what is God’s and to Caesar what is Caesar’s.”It is not practiced in this holy Family of God. We have God alone. We recognize God alone. If it is not a heavenly tradition, we do not recognize it here.
  10. So, if you are here trying to bend us to your side like FearGod and his brother Lucky Eze, I am saying no, that the cup of the Amorite is full and must be poured away.
  11. TRUTH HAS NO SUBSTITUTE. Only the LORD Jesus Christ is the Truth, the Way and the Life. No man cometh to the Father except by Him.
  12. No man can see God through your village tradition or community spirit. That which you are trying to project forward that will make you not to obey the Word of God, who is teaching that one?
  13. It is just like this boy that is reading. The father Elijoe will always proclaim, “If you infringe, the god of our land will strike you dead. The god of our land will strike you dead.” We do not know whether he is worshipping God or “the god of our land.” “Amadioha will strike the offender dead. The god of our land will strike the offender dead.”
  14. We are here to exalt the Name of God, the LORD God Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and earth. That is why we are unique. That is our unique identity which is Christ and Christ alone.
  15. If you have Christ-plus, after this Fellowship, do not come here again. If you have Christ-minus, after this Fellowship, do not come here again. It is Christ and only Christ. Aside Christ, there is no other God in heaven and on earth and beneath the earth. And there will not be any.
  16. You must look unto Him and get saved, all the ends of the earth, for He is the only Saviour. He alone holds the Word of eternal life, not your tradition and not your customs.
  17. So, we are not here to respect the customs and traditions of any group or anybody at all.
  18. I am going to something. WHY DO WE PUT ON DRESSES? I will answer it.
  19. Genesis 3:9-12, TLB. [7]AND AS THEY ATE IT, SUDDENLY THEY BECAME AWARE OF THEIR NAKEDNESS. So they strung fig leaves together to cover themselves around the hips.
  20. [8]That evening they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden;…the sound of Who? …the LORD God walking in the garden and they hid themselves among the trees.
  21. They did what? They hid themselves among the trees. Were they hiding before?
  23. This is because he has already been arrested by his conscience. He has done that which is not expected of him.
  24. And look at what the Master said: “Why are you hiding now? Have you eaten the forbidden fruit?” For He knew that was the only thing they will do there, and then God will remove them from His presence for a long time as a lesson to future generation.
  25. [9]The Lord God called to Adam, “Why are you hiding?”
    [10]And Adam replied, “I heard you coming and didn’t want you to see me naked. So I hid.”
  26. [11]“Who told you you were naked?” the Lord God asked. “Have you eaten fruit from the tree I warned you about?”
  27. Once that fruit is eaten, instantly it reflects. If it does not drip water, it must surely drip blood. And something will be sort for the covering of that part of the body.
  28. Today, because of wide-spread evil and lawlessness, there is nothing they have not fabricated and manufactured. That you are wearing trousers will not hinder them from raping you. Instead, they will afterwards give you a drug to take. When you fall asleep, they will undress you completely.
  29. There are many ways they now use to rape. If it becomes challenging, they will kidnap you and keep you in their own location where you have no helper. It will now be “Everybody, come! Everybody! Quick! Feast on her. We have kidnapped her, and she has no money to offer. Let us feast on her until she will die.”
  30. Yes! The intention is not to keep the kidnapped hostage alive. Whoever that rapes a woman has bad intention. If you trouble him so much, he will stifle you to death there and run away, abandoning your corpse.
  31. It is not only women that are victims of rape. Men rape and kill women just as women rape and kill men. As it is with the men, so it is with the women.
  32. Is it because of the dress the victim is putting on? If it is because of the dress, it can be stripped off his or her body and the dress will then be sold for money.
  33. [11]“Who told you you were naked?” the Lord God asked. “Have you eaten fruit from the tree I warned you about?”
  34. [12]“Yes,” Adam admitted,… Yes! He did not argue. He did not begin to stammer, “Ehmehmehm!” …“but it was the woman you gave me who brought me some, and I ate it.The name has changed.
  35. You see how dressing came into existence. Before now, there was nothing called clothing or covering other than the natural covering which is the glory of God that covered man, making man not to know that he was naked.
  36. The same glory of God covered other animals. No animal knows that it is naked. Does the cock know that it is naked? Does the hen know that it is naked? You see them mating.
  37. During their mating, have you ever seen a goat derobing another goat? But if a man wants to meet a woman, one carton of dress will be filled with all the woman and the man have used, all to cover themselves.
  38. At the end of the day, you must remove it. No woman has ever become pregnant while wearing tights and pants. No man has ever impregnated a woman while wearing pant, trousers and everything. It has never happened. No matter what you do, you must go naked.
  39. The day you will die, you must go to the mortuary naked. In your casket, naked. In the grave, naked. It is only in the resurrection that you will wear the dress you never made. And look at the dress.
  1. You never bought it. You never made it. But if you merited it here on earth, you will merit it in the resurrection. If you must covet a dress, that is the dress you must covet. The White Garment – a representation of the righteousness of the Saints. A representation of the Spirit and Glory of God that covers every child of God. I hope you are hearing Me.
  2. David danced naked and he knew it not until Michal found her husband naked. Why? The glory of God did not cover Michal, for she was an enemy of the people of Israel being the daughter of Saul who was after the life of a man after God’s own heart, David.
  3. REFERENCE: 2 Samuel 6:14-23, NIV.14David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might, …….16As the ark of the Lord was entering the City of David, Michal daughter of Saul watched from a window. And when she saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord , she despised him in her heart.
  4. 17They brought the ark of the Lord and set it in its place inside the tent that David had pitched for it, and David sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings before the Lord. 18After he had finished sacrificing the burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, he blessed the people in the name of the Lord Almighty.
  5. 19Then he gave a loaf of bread, a cake of dates and a cake of raisins to each person in the whole crowd of Israelites, both men and women. And all the people went to their homes.
  6. 20When David returned home to bless his household, Michal daughter of Saul came out to meet him and said, “How the king of Israel has distinguished himself today, disrobing in the sight of the slave girls of his servants as any vulgar fellow would!”
  7. 21David said to Michal, “It was before the Lord, Who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord’s people Israel-I will celebrate before the Lord.
  8. 22I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honour.”23And Michal daughter of Saul had no children to the day of her death.
  9. When your ways please God, He will be an enemy to your enemies and a friend to your friend. True or false?
  10. Let us continue. I am going where I want to go now. Where I want to go is, “WHY DO WE PUT ON DRESSES?”

……when you know the Source of the Spoken Word, that the Source of Spoken Word is the Message of God sent to you in your day, happy are you. That He has become a human being, living among you, married with children, is not deviating from the order; It has been God’s way from the beginning.


NOW I KNOW THAT THOU ART A MAN OF GOD; Teaching on Sunday 28th February, 1999; Pg. 178 vs. 14



Now, I will go back to Deuteronomy 22:5, TLB.[5]“A woman must not wear men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing. This is abhorrent to the Lord your God.

  1. Complete Jewish Bible.[5]“A woman is not to wear men’s clothing, and a man is not to put on women’s clothing, for whoever does these things is detestable to Adonai your God.
  2. Good News Bible. “Women are not to wear men’s clothing, and men are not to wear women’s clothing; the Lord your God hates people who do such things.
  3. If I raise one million translations of the Scriptures, they will read the same thing.
  4. Remember we are holding dispensational Gospel. I have shown you Adam’s dispensation. Today, can you put on fig leaves for a covering?
  5. Even when the LORD used ordinary animal skin to make a better one for them, today, can we use animal skin? But there was a time people used animal skin for dresses.
  6. Our fathers used the one they called Akwete made from palm fronds and things like that, but today, can we use them?
  7. Now, we have rolled into the Faith of the man Moses. The law came by Moses. Grace and truth came by the LORD Jesus Christ.
  8. I want you to know that a greater than Moses is here. A greater than Solomon is here.
  9. If the law was perfect– if the law was adequate to give us salvation, was there any need for grace? If Moses had ushered us in to the promised land, was there any need for sending Jesus the Christ?
  10. And this law which I want to read, I had read it already. I will tell you something there. It came by Moses. It came by Moses. It is a part of the ten commandments and its rituals. Did you get the Message now?
  11. I will tell you something there still. In your own dispensation, this is not your dispensational Faith. Anybody pointing you back here is pointing you back to animal sacrifices, rituals, tithe and so on, even the observance of Sabbath.
  12. This is man-made. This is external. This is superficial. There is nothing spiritual about it. Pay heed to what I am saying. To crown it all, this is based on the traditions of the Jews, not of the Gentiles.
  13. The Jews have their hairlocks as Nazarites, but the Gentiles cut their hair low. Pay attention! Pay attention! Otherwise, you will kill yourself before your time.
  14. A woman should not wear any dress meant for man, and man should not wear the one meant for women, for that will mean abomination before God. And that was to them.
  15. And the Bible said, “Because of the hardness of their hearts, God gave them these laws which could not give them life. Therein, they perished. Of what use is the law wherein there is no profit?”
  16. REFERENCE: Mark 10:5-6, KJV. 5And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. 6But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.
  17. Purely, it is external. It perishes with the user. The user cannot go anywhere from here with it. It is rag. The more dresses you have, the more rags you have. True or false?
  18. You see, some of them are being imported. Whether you call them O.K. or whatever, they are second-hand dresses. Did you get the Message?
  19. The owners have used it, so you complete the usage and then help them to destroy the dustbin. You are helping them to sanitize their countries by removing those things from the dustbin to your hometowns, including motor parks. True or false?
  20. Then, what is more? Because of their willful disobedience to the truth, God now gave them laws, that do not profit. And by obedience to the law, nobody has ever been justified, and nobody has obeyed them.
  21. Reference: Galatians 5:1-6, AMP. 1IN [this] freedom Christ has made us free [and completely liberated us]; stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery [which you have once put off].
  22. 2Notice, it is I, Paul, who tells you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no profit (advantage, avail) to you [for if you distrust Him, you can gain nothing from Him]. 3I once more protest and testify to every man who receives circumcision that he is under obligation and bound to practice the whole of the Law and its ordinances.
  23. 4If you seek to be justified and declared righteous and to be given a right standing with God through the Law, you are brought to nothing and so separated (severed) from Christ. You have fallen away from grace (from God’s gracious favour and unmerited blessing).
  24. 5For we, [not relying on the Law but] through the [Holy] Spirit’s [help], by faith anticipate and wait for the blessing and good for which our righteousness and right standing with God [our conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action, causes us] to hope.
  25. 6For [if we are] in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith activated and energized and expressed and working through love.
  26. [1]So Christ has made us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get all tied up again in the chains of slavery to Jewish laws and ceremonies. [2]Listen to me, for this is serious: if you are counting on circumcision and keeping the Jewish laws to make you right with God, then Christ cannot save you. [3]I’ll say it again. Anyone trying to find favour with God by being circumcised must always obey every other Jewish law or perish.
  27. [4]Christ is useless to you if you are counting on clearing your debt to God by keeping those laws; you are lost from God’s grace.[5]But we by the help of the Holy Spirit are counting on Christ’s death to clear away our sins and make us right with God.
  28. [6]And we to whom Christ has given eternal life don’t need to worry about whether we have been circumcised or not, or whether we are obeying the Jewish ceremonies or not; for all we need is faith working through love.
  29. Acts 15:8-11, NIV.8God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us. 9He did not discriminate between us and them, for he purified their hearts by faith.
  30. 10Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? 11No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.
  31. [8]God, who knows men’s hearts, confirmed the fact that he accepts Gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he gave him to us.
    [9]He made no distinction between them and us, for he cleansed their lives through faith, just as he did ours.
  32. [10]And now are you going to correct God by burdening the Gentiles with a yoke that neither we nor our fathers were able to bear? [11]Don’t you believe that all are saved the same way, by the free gift of the Lord Jesus?”
  33. And to go further, the Book of Jeremiah the Prophet said in chapter 1 verse 31 through 34, “The days cometh when I shall cancel this.” He will now write it on your hearts.
  34. REFERENCE: Jeremiah 31:31-34, KJV. 31Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord:
  35. 33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
  36. 34And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
  37. If you want to get it, I do not want to read extensively here again, go to the following Messages:
  38. The law has been abolished—Epistle 5 (Pg. 212) THE GREAT SERMONS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT INSPIRED REVELATIONS AND EPISTLES (Revised Edition 2019) by Apostle Peter Odoemena, THE SON OF MAN (The Supreme Intelligence) – First Published in the Year 2001.
  39. To save you troubles, you can equally go on to salvation is by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law—Epistle 4 (Pg. 190).
  40. You can also go to SALVATION IS BY GRACE AND NOT BY WORKS—Epistle 3 (Pg. 171).
  41. I have given you these three topics in your GREAT SERMON. If you do not understand them, call Me.
  42. Now I jump over. Listen to Me. A day cometh when the LORD will find fault and the LORD eventually found fault again with the law and removed them. Then, the law will be written in your hearts. And nobody will tell his brother to worship God.
  43. So, it has moved away from rebuke to spiritual, for God is spiritual. You will now worship him in spirit and in truth. Whatever might be seen as dressing will be spiritual dressing and no longer mechanical.
  44. I want to have it from the Scripture where it described worship as mechanical. It should be in Amplified version of the Bible where it says, “No longer observing mechanically” I want to have that word “Mechanical” in amplified version of the Bible.
  45. Pay attention! You do not worship God by observing rules and regulations made by men.