WHY DO WE PUT ON DRESSES? VOLUME THREE A Teaching Delivered ON Sunday 21st January 2024 AT

THE VOICE OF GOD STUDIO Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe Anambra State, Nigeria BY Apostle Peter Odoemena

THE SON OF MAN The LORD God Almighty

Transcribed by Bishop David Mbah, Students’ Fellowship, MOUAU, Abia State.

8Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. 9Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

Philippians 4:8-9, King James Version.

God is to be feared. I told you from the very beginning. As many as were with Me in 1993, God warned seriously saying, “Please do not defend The Apostle for I am His defence. You will hear many disturbing accusations against Him that may prompt you to fight. Do not ever try it, for it is the mark of His calling. They will call Him a fool, a mad man, a rogue, a criminal, a fornicator, an adulterer, a criminal of all criminals. You will hear many many things, but do not utter a word in His defence. If you must defend, defend your faith. Do not defend THE SON OF MAN. This is the mark of His calling.”


BE MINDFUL OF THE WORDS THAT WERE SPOKEN AGAINST YOU; preached on Sunday 8th January 2012 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 101 vs. 60



Let Me show you 1 Corinthians 11 from verse 15. This is another controversial area. Anybody can read.

  1. 1 Corinthians 11:15, Complete Jewish Bible.[15]But a woman who wears her hair long enhances her appearance,… Talking about the hair of a man and that of a woman. Did it say enhances her character? This is the Complete Jewish Bible. You enhance, you promote, you advance your appearance.
  2. But a woman who wears her hair long enhances her appearance, because her hair has been given to her as a covering.
  3. What if she does not have hair at all or her hair is short?
  4. 1 Corinthians 11:14-15, Complete Jewish Bible.[14]Doesn’t the nature of things itself teach you that a man who wears his hair long degrades himself?
  5. Does not nature even teach you that a man that wears his hair long disgraces himself—degrades himself? He will now be an effeminate. A man that has made himself to be like a woman.
  6. With this now, a pattern has been shown to us that men should cut their hair short. And I read it in the Book of Jeremiah chapter 35 for you to see that when God will judge the world, he will judge people that cut their hair—all the nations that have it as their nature will be included in the judgment.
  7. Those who have their dreadlocks will also be included in the judgment, referring to the Jews.
  8. [14]Doesn’t the nature of things itself teach you that a man who wears his hair long degrades himself?[15]But a woman who wears her hair long enhances her appearance, because her hair has been given to her as a covering.
  9. [16]However, if anyone wants to argue about it, the fact remains that we have no such custom, nor do the Messianic communities of God.
  10. Neither do the Messianic community of God have any other custom than this, that women should wear their hair long, while men will wear their hair short.
  11. If you want to contend, contend. That was saint Paul. That was saint Paul in his day in his honest attempt to put the church in order. But now is the day of the son of man.
  12. If you like, let your hair be bobbed, it is up to you. You want to wear it short, it is up to you.
  13. But my major concern is that there must be a spirit promoting, stimulating and inspiring everything you do. If it is the spirit of God, it will be decent. It will present Christ to the world in a way and manner that will not dishonour His Most Holy Name. But if it is not Christ, the manifestation is the interpretation.
  14. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you do not have any need that people should be buffeting you about, for the spirit of God in you will bear witness with your own spirit that whatever you are doing is of God. But if your spirit condemns you, you are condemned. Am I making sense at all?
  15. I want to go further. I am not yet through.

Let us go to the Book of Romans 14. I want us to read from verse 10 to the end from the Amplified version of the Bible.

  1. Romans 14:10-23, AMP.10Why do you criticize and pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you look down upon or despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God.
  2. 11For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God [acknowledge Him to His honor and to His praise].
  3. 12And so each of us shall give an account of himself [give an answer in reference to judgment] to God. 13Then let us no more criticize and blame and pass judgment on one another, but rather decide and endeavour never to put a stumbling block or an obstacle or a hindrance in the way of a brother.
  4. 14I know and am convinced (persuaded) as one in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is [forbidden as] essentially unclean (defiled and unholy in itself). But [none the less] it is unclean (defiled and unholy) to anyone who thinks it is unclean.
  5. 15But if your brother is being pained or his feelings hurt or if he is being injured by what you eat, [then] you are no longer walking in love. [You have ceased to be living and conducting yourself by the standard of love toward him.] Do not let what you eat hurt or cause the ruin of one for whom Christ died!
  6. 16Do not therefore let what seems good to you be considered an evil thing [by someone else]. [In other words, do not give occasion for others to criticize that which is justifiable for you.]
  7. 17[After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
  8. 18He who serves Christ in this way is acceptable and pleasing to God and is approved by men.
  9. 19So let us then definitely aim for and eagerly pursue what makes for harmony and for mutual upbuilding (edification and development) of one another.
  10. 20You must not, for the sake of food, undo and break down and destroy the work of God! Everything is indeed [ceremonially] clean and pure, but it is wrong for anyone to hurt the conscience of others or to make them fall by what he eats.
  11. 21The right thing is to eat no meat or drink no wine [at all], or [do anything else] if it makes your brother stumble or hurts his conscience or offends or weakens him.
  12. 22Your personal convictions [on such matters]–exercise [them] as in God’s presence, keeping them to yourself [striving only to know the truth and obey His will]. Blessed (happy, to be envied) is he who has no reason to judge himself for what he approves [who does not convict himself by what he chooses to do].
  13. 23But the man who has doubts (misgivings, an uneasy conscience) about eating, and then eats [perhaps because of you], stands condemned [before God], because he is not true to his convictions and he does not act from faith.
  14. For whatever does not originate and proceed from faith is sin [whatever is done without a conviction of its approval by God is sinful]. Amen!
  15. Romans 14:20-23, TLB.[20]Don’t undo the work of God for a chunk of meat. Remember, there is nothing wrong with the meat, but it is wrong to eat it if it makes another stumble.
  16. [21]The right thing to do is to quit eating meat or drinking wine or doing anything else that offends your brother or makes him sin.
  17. Is he serving the brother or serving God? So you can now displease yourself so that your brother who does not want to repent—that hypocrite—will be pleased.
  18. So if I serve you food, and your brother by your side says he does not eat meat and that if he eats meat, God will kill him, and you know it is not true, and for that reason you refuse to eat meat instead of walking the unbeliever out. This is because you all must believe the same thing. True or false? I will show you Scripture there.
  19. [22]You may know that there is nothing wrong with what you do, even from God’s point of view, but keep it to yourself;…
  20. Can you imagine. And then, you refuse to eat meat. My brother says he is fasting and praying, and I know it is wrong. And I say I am eating, but you say that I should not eat so that my brother will not be offended. Is he my brother?
  21. Who is your brother. He that believes what you believe and behaves the way you behave. Saint Paul was making a little regulation because of their low faith. So do not ever use it on the son of man. I hope you are hearing Me.
  22. You are born by the same Spirit. By one Spirit are we all baptized into one Body. True or false? For that reason, if your faith is not My faith, we are not brothers and sisters. Unity outside the Faith of Christ is false unity. You must worship with the people that believe what you believe so that when they say Amen, you say Amen.
  23. I cannot because you do not like vegetables, lest God will kill you, then I refuse to eat My vegetables so that you will not be offended. Am I serving God or you? Are we fearing God or you? Am I respecting God or you? Is the person in the Faith. He has not even known the truth.
  24. … don’t flaunt your faith in front of others who might be hurt by it.
  25. If My Faith will hurt that person, what makes him my brother? My Faith makes him angry. Someone who calls him or herself a child of God is made angry by the Word of God. We have such people.
  26. These are the people saint Paul introduced into the first church Age. And they are transiting, until they have flooded the Faith of the son of man. That is why I severed My own from among them for unto you God first appeared to take a people from among you that will be called His own.
  27. So, whatever Pastors want to preach, it is to them. Whatever Pastors are peaching, Teachers are teaching, Evangelists are evangelizing, and their bishops in other Local Assemblies is up to them. I have given everybody the truth.
  28. Some are bound to wrestle with the truth to their own destruction. But as many as want to be saved must abide with this truth, for there is no other regulation. I am the One that will judge. I will justify. I will condemn.
  29. I am giving you everything you need to be with Me in Paradise. We must have one Faith, one baptism, one spirit, one character and everything one. Otherwise, you will not be with Me. I hope you are hearing Me.
  30. If I am eating vegetable, you will eat it with Me. If I am eating meat, you will eat it with Me. If I am drinking Garii, drink it with Me. Whatever it is, it is with Me. Let the condemnation be on all of us. But will God condemn us, Who has justified us?
  31. Who are they paying attention to? Everybody wants to be a leader. And what they think being a leader is, will be introducing their own self man-made doctrines and teachings that will go their own way, not the way God taught.
  32. …In this situation, happy is the man who does not sin by doing what he knows is right. Have you heard it?[23]But anyone who believes that something he wants to do is wrong shouldn’t do it. Good! He sins if he does, for he thinks it is wrong, and so for him it is wrong. Anything that is done apart from what he feels is right is sin.
  33. Romans 14:20-23, Complete Jewish Bible.[20]Don’t tear down God’s work for the sake of food. True enough, all things are clean; but it is wrong for anybody by his eating to cause someone to fall away. [21]What is good is not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble. [22]The belief you hold about such things, keep between yourself and God. Happy the person who is free of self-condemnation when he approves of something!
  34. [23]But the doubter comes under condemnation if he eats, because his action is not based on trust. And anything not based on trust is a sin.
  35. Trust means Faith. Anything that is not done by Faith is sin. That is why I told you that in every situation, take a defensible action.
  37. Are you serving human beings. There are so many people that have refused to move from the elementary. And those people are still there, avoiding meat, avoiding kola nuts, avoiding wine and avoiding everything. Why not go to Pentecostals.
  38. So, if I drink My beer, and because of you, for you do not drink, you think drinking alcohol will take Me to hell or that if I drink, I am no longer your brother. Get away from My sight. You do not need to come here. It must be Brethren in like precious Faith. It must be Brethren in like precious Faith in this Family or never. That is why there is no schism.
  39. Look at how Saint Paul put it in his own day. 1 Corinthians 1:10, TLB. [10]But, dear brothers, I beg you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to stop arguing among yourselves. Let there be real harmony so that there won’t be splits in the church. I plead with you to be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.
  40. Complete Jewish Bible.[10]Nevertheless, brothers, I call on you in the name of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah to agree, all of you, in what you say, and not to let yourselves remain split into factions but be restored to having a common mind and a common purpose.
  41. Good News Bible. By the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ I appeal to all of you, my brothers and sisters, to agree in what you say, so that there will be no divisions among you. Be completely united, with only one thought and one purpose.
  42. Ephesians 4:4, Complete Jewish Bible.[4]There is one body and one Spirit,… There is what? There is one body and one Spirit, just as when you were called you were called to one hope.[5]And there is one Lord,… There is what? … there is one Lord, one trust, one immersion,[6]and one God, the Father of all, who rules over all, works through all and is in all.
  43. Living Bible.[4]We are all parts of one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future. [5]For us there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism,… One Faith, one baptism and everything one.[6]and we all have the same God and Father…We all have the same one God and Father. …who is over us all and in us all, and living through every part of us. Amen!
  44. Why all these “Don’t eat” and “Don’t drink”? When I demand for egusi soup, you demanded for Ogbono for you do not eat egusi and that if I eat Ogbono, you will stumble. May God forbid.
  45. What makes us a Family? A woman that has children she cannot bend to eat what she has cooked for them is not doing her work well. You must train your children so that all of them will take delight in eating your food, for nobody knows what will nourish the children more than the mother. Is it not true?
  46. How will you feel after blending the food, one of your children will say, “No! I hate it. Then I will not eat”, will you feel happy? Others will eat and survive. Then that one is afraid of eating lest she will die. So, your mother will poison you. Let us be very very careful.
  47. King James version of the Bible said, “We must be perfectly united.”
  48. 1 Corinthians 1:10, KJV. Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be nodivisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
  49. Then where lies making the confession, “Allowance for the weaker one.” What is making him weaker? If you know you are weaker, after today, leave this place. This Family is not for everybody. It is for those who are already declared saved by the LORD.

But He introduced Himself to you [as] the God your Bible revealed, told you to go home and know whether you can worship Him. He never forced Himself on you. Then, He came out with the doctrines, everything vindicated. You can be in error. God can never be in error. No matter how many years you have been in error, God can never identify with you in error. God will only vindicate Himself, His Word and the Vessel He has sent.

THE son of man

FIVE-FOLD WORSHIP EXPLAINED (OFFERING IS AN ACT OF WORSHIP); Preached on Sunday 16th August 2017 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 70 vs. 29 – 31.



We are here to brush too many things out which you carried over. So, from now, listen to Me.

  1. Before now, I made no uniform. If there was a uniform, I said in both character and everything, if it will please you, My wife Nzubechi SON of MAN is the standard for all women. I am the Standard for all men. My children are the standard for all the children born in the Faith desirous of the Kingdom of Heaven. Fine!
  2. If My son turns rebellious, will you follow My son? If My son becomes Absalom, rebelling against the truth and you see Me fighting with him over his rebellion, will you join Me or join him?
  3. [The Brethren replies, “We will join You.”] You will join Me? Thank You, but I do not have rebellious children yet. And I do not think I will have. God will not give it to Me. They are all ordained.
  4. Now, I made no particular reference by stipulating what they will wear. No! whatever I recommended is what I recommended for everybody. The matter of dressing is a matter of choice. Take note!
  5. There is no doctrine other than the one I have showed you. If you belong to Christ and have the Spirit of Christ in you, you must have a good judgment of what constitutes proper and improper dressing for any occasion.
  6. The one in the kitchen cannot be the one for any ceremony. True or false?
  7. But now, since wearing of trouser is causing trouble, it is not causing trouble among the Saints. It is causing trouble among those hypocrites who commit heinous crimes. Even if I say, “Wear trousers”, they are committing many other crimes than wearing trousers.
  8. But do you have any Scripture you can use to condemn anybody wearing trousers? You do not condemn a person because of wearing trousers. Do you have where it is written that trousers are meant for men? Is it written anywhere? It is you because of where you have found yourself. My stipulation is no other than that which I have taught you.
  9. If you are in a cold region, dress to protect your body against cold. Even here during harmattan, I have seen, I am aware, but I have not condemned anybody for putting on trousers because you are a woman covering your body against cold in the night. Have I done that?
  10. I have seen many of you doing jogging on the street wearing sports dress. I have seen many in both the long sleeves and short sleeves and so on.
  11. What is more? I have seen a lot of men wearing knickers. Some even wear the knickers to their work places. Some even use knickers during ceremonies. Did I condemn them? Did I approve of it? It is a matter of choice.
  12. I have seen many wearing boxers’ shorts. Even on the street, they wear boxers.
  13. Now, what is My verdict? Why are people frowning at women wearing this or wearing that, and they do not examine the men? Is there any dress I have approved for men?
  14. Some wear traditional dresses. Some look like traditional chiefs. Some, even after wearing, will put their bangles. Why do you frown at it?
  15. I have seen a lot of Brothers with traditional chieftaincy dresses with their bangles in their hands. Even last night, I saw one here. ChibuzoUkasanya was wearing his bangle, but he was not dressed in a traditional attire. Did you walk him out? Did it make him a devil?
  16. I have been keeping quiet for some time. It is not that I do not know what to say or that I do not know the truth. I have been waiting until the snake will come out fully.
  17. Let Me know where we are basing our righteousness. Whether it is by outward appearance or by the manifestation of the Spirit of Christ.
  18. I have seen too many dresses. I approved both wig or weave-on, but I make My choice known. My choice is black because of this place.
  19. If I get to somewhere abroad, I will make stipulations based on the colour of their skin and also on their own weather or climate. I hope you are hearing Me.
  20. Knowing that that one is impossible, every person dresses according to the spirit that is in operation in that person and according to what you want to achieve. And by your dressing, we can give you a name.
  21. Do you know that there are some mad people that dress in suit. Am I making sense? They are well dressed, yet they are mad, both male and female.
  22. I have seen mad lecturers. There are many of them in the universities. Mentally deranged, yet they are lecturers. Even lawyers featuring in the courts, yet they are mentally deranged. Then you begin to ask Me how? There are seasonal madness. There is permanent madness.
  23. Now, concerning women and what they wear, every woman is expected to put up a good appearance. Good appearance means making sure the dress you are wearing covers your body, which is the essence of clothing to cover your nakedness.
  24. Now that you want Me to speak louder, that which I told you I would have prescribed, I will prescribe it now because we have what we call trans-culture influence. Trans-culture influence. Trans-religious influence. Do you have it?
  25. Here in the Igbo land now, we take delight in wearing Hausa dresses. We call them Hausa, but are they Hausa? Are they Hausa dresses? They are not.
  26. I have many Yoruba dresses. Was there anyone on which was written YORUBA? Was there anyone on which was written HAUSA?
  27. If you go to London, we have cultural dresses. Every group abroad, when they want to celebrate their cultural day, they come out in their cultural dresses. Your culture is your identity there.
  28. But the identity of the children of God is Christ. So, I cannot use your dressing to identify you. Nobody uses dressing to identify a child of God. Do you get what I am saying?
  29. Any day you begin to base it on dressing, the devil will come in and begin to dress like one of you. Am I making sense?
  30. There are too many churches that have dresses for their members. They have uniforms. Go there, you see the devil make the same uniform and be there. If you have a style of making your dress, the devil will also make it that way and find his way among you.
  31. That is why Pentecostals are saddled with mermaid spirits. Evil spirits dressing the way they dress.
  32. Any day I say it is this and that, I have already allowed the devil to destroy you.
  33. But here is My own. I do not care about your own wear. We are now serving God in our families. I hope you are hearing Me. If it is a crime, let Me commit it. What I hate, I will tell you from the very beginning. It is there. Outlandish fashion!
  34. Any dress that is sewn in a very outlandish way, I hate it. It must be modest. It must not be too tight on your body so as to showcase every part of your body. It must not be too loose so as to present a bogus picture of what you are not. It must be within moderation.
  35. Then, who will I use to moderate it? Who is adequate to be used to moderate it? Nobody. So, the matter rests on the individual.
  36. Since you are a child of God, if the Spirit of God in you says you should go naked, go naked. If he says you should wear knickers everywhere, wear knickers. Whatever!
  37. If he tells you to put on wig, and that the wig or weave-on will be touching the ground and be sweeping Onitsha, wear it. You are the one carrying it. You are the one carrying it, not Me. It is your money. It is your life. Let your conscience testify either for or against you.
  38. When you have the spirit of truth, generally, it is expected that women should cover everywhere very well, both in the land of the Jews and in the Gentiles.
  39. Afterall, I am in-charge of the Jews and the Gentiles. Who else will escape from My prying eyes? Where you are dressing, I have seen you and I have seen the spirit that is in operation.
  40. Even the way our boys and our men shave their hair or leave their beards, I have seen all. I know the spirit that is in operation. You can fool anybody, but not Christ. I am the All-seeing and the All-knowing.
  41. If I warn you two or three times and you do not refrain from it, I will keep quiet.
  42. So, from now hence forth, if where you are, the nature of your work and so on– remember, I am not making My stipulations against rapist. If you like wear iron, if rapists want to rape you, they will rape you. They know how to lure you out and then drug you and undress you.
  43. I am having nothing with your outward appearance, but do not look like a mad fellow. Let the Holy Spirit convict you and guide you properly on what is proper and improper dressing that will be pleasing to God. i hope you are hearing me.
  44. For Me– For Me as THE SON OF MAN, pay attention! If you know you want to wear trousers, you have not made a wrong choice, but the trouser must be that which is fitting for a woman or a man on one condition. You must have your gown on top of it. And that gown must go beyond your knees. Did you get the Message?
  45. It is not blouse and it is not body-hug. It is not singlet. It is not any T-shirt (Polo).
  46. I said it right from GTC. If I will approve for women, this is what I will approve.
  47. If you want to put on your trousers, Put it on. Let it be moderate. Put on your big gown, not small gown, on top of it. And that gown must cross your knees. Otherwise, it is sinful. It will be recorded against you.
  48. Aside that, wear youR gown, tie your wrapper the way you want, provided all of them will cross your knee. Even if it touches the ground, better, for the whole idea is to cover your nakedness. True or false?
  49. Any other thing you have in mind will fail you. If you have your outward beauty in mind, the devil will creep in there and paint another picture for you. Before you know it, you will be swept off.
  50. The same is applicable to your hair. The same is applicable to your hair. I am aware that some women have formed the habit of even shaving their hair completely. I have nothing against it, provided they will cover it with that weave-on or wig so that they will not present a sordid picture outside.
  51. I am not talking about mourning the dead or not mourning the dead. If you shave your hair because of the dead, it then means you are dead already. Did you get the Message?
  52. The living cannot shave the hair because of the dead. I believe that everything about mourning the dead takes place in the heart. I hope you are hearing Me.
  53. So, whatever dress you are making, let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Your hair, let the Holy Spirit be your guide. I had already stipulated these things ahead of time, documented them, but unbelief among our people is the problem they are having.
  54. Thank you on that as I go to the Message Family Menu Volume 1. Let Mesee whether I had a Message. The topic is “Balanced View of a Woman’s Adornment” – the Dressing of Women. Check the year I handled that Message first.
  55. I handled this Message in 2001. The same time I handled the GREAT SERMON. I wrote it in My own handwriting. I documented it in My own longhand. It was not a Message I preached and somebody transcribed.
  56. The same way, “WHEN THE SPARKS FLY IN YOUR MARITAL RELATIONSHIP”, “FAMILY MENU Volumes 1 and 2”. I used My hand to pen down and document the Message WHEN THE SPARKS FLY IN YOUR MARITAL RELATIONSHIP so that when somebody is arguing, we know what the person is arguing for or against.

If there be True Christ, He cannot deny His doctrine, because He changeth not. He will own up His Words. He cannot add or subtract, because He is always mindful of His doctrine. If there be True Christ on the land today, He will restore the whole truth and preach the wholesome doctrine. He cannot be cut and nail. Because He is a Heavenly Messenger, He will piont people away from earthly things and point everybody to things concerning heavenly. Ever mindful of eternal life. He can never make merchandise of the Word of God. It is very easy to identify Him and He will always identify the Deity in human form. I say, “He will always acknowledge and preach the Deity in Human form.” Very easy. Amen.

THE son of man

CHRIST IS REVEALED IN HUMAN FORM, NOT TO THE WORLD, BUT TO THE TRUE ELECTS; preached on Thursday 26th August, 1999 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 45 vs. 33 – 37



FAMILY MENU Volume 1, Documented by the Living Legend, THE SON OF MAN, Apostle Peter Odoemena in the Year 2001; Section One, Chapter 4.

  1. 1It has come to My notice that as a result of the Message of Grace, a lot of women in our midst do not know what constitutes proper and improper dressing in the faith;…
  2. So, it never started today. Brethren, did this matter start today? And people are still having problems. Who are these people? They are all those who are hindering others from eating meat and corn because they will die if they eat corn. Did you get the Message?
  3. … a lot of women in our midst do not know what constitutes proper and improper dressing in the faith; what constitutes proper and improper modelling of their hair styles. Hence, some now desire to wear wigs, while some put attachments.
  4. 2Ministers on their side are equally confused about the whole thing. Hence, many input undue righteousness to all these physical and useless thingsWhat?
  5. Hence, many input undue righteousness to all these physical and useless things
  6. With this statement alone, let no man condemn anybody and let no woman ever condemn anybody again. The Judge is here.
  7. If there be any that are already condemned because of dressing, they are justified. If you know anybody you excommunicated in your midst, in your families and so on, simply because of the way the person dressed, simply bring that person back. I say, restore that person if the reason is dressing. Bring that person back. I hope I am making sense.
  8. If there be any other reason, that may be okay, but let it not be for external appearance. Never!
  9. If it is going on anywhere, what if I recommend the covering of the head down to the toes with a little opening like that of the Hajiyas so that nobody will see your face nor see your legs and so on? You will be a masquerade on the street and a masquerade in the market. Are those people not human beings? What is wrong with people?
  10. Look at it. This age-long issue had already been settled as at 2001. So, God in our midst knows the end from the very beginning. An Igbo adage says that a dying man does not want to battle to end
  11. many input undue righteousness to all these physical and useless things thereby neglecting the weightier matters of the faith of Christ. Note it! Physical and useless. Unprofitable!
  12. 3It has therefore become very important to place the adornment of wives in its right perspective in the fear of God.
  13. 4First, I want you to believe that we are living in a system with changing fashions and circumstances. … True or false? …If it is not so, we should be living in the glare of the primitive era, but we are not because we have advanced from there and are still advancing. Sure!
  14. 5If all new inventions we are enjoying today were put in place in the days of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or Jesus Christ, Peter, Paul etc, they would have made use of them. Is it a lie?
  15. 6Remember also that worship is a spiritual affair and not a sensual affair. 7It is true that God does not change but His demands change from age to age and varies from one individual to another.
  16. Any inconsistency? And varies from one individual to another. Who spoke to you today? [The Brethren echoes, “The Almighty God.”]
  17. 8It must take the messenger of God in your day to tell you what God approves for you from time to time as we journey along. …
  18. This is because of changing conditions and changing circumstances. Is it not true? He will address you from time to time because of changing conditions and changing circumstances. It pays to have God in Person for our Teacher.
  19. 9God approved different things for the people of Israel at different times as they journeyed from Egypt to Canaan. What He forbade His people from doing in a certain place,… Are you following? …He later allowed them to do at another place and yet remained the same God.
  20. 10 Note! that something is gooD is because God says it is goodWhy not put your hands together?
  21. Note! that something is gooD is because God says it is good and vice versa,and no other reason should be adduced. Therefore a woman’s mode of dressing is very important.
  22. 11In the first century, women spent much time and effort in building their long hair into elaborate, attention-getting designs.
  23. That is saint Paul’s Age. Pay attention very well. Was this Message designed for one particular person. Was this Message designed to meet the needs of one person or one Local Assembly? Was there any problem when it was written? I wrote it with My own hand. It has been in the websites over the years.
  24. 12Additionally, they adorned themselves with expensive materials that time and an abundance of gold chains, bracelets, rings etc. In fact the wealth of a woman was measured by the amount of gold ornaments she possessed and costly apparels she had. True or false?
  25. Women had boxes for gold. Is it true? All of you that are here, God loves you.
  26. 13This expensive way of life among women originated in the East and extended to the whole of Asia Minor.
  27. 14During that time, women took a lot of time and effort to beautify themselves so that they could look attractive, but the first century preachers, like Peter and Paul, considered this inappropriate as it would suggest that their main aim in life was their physical or outward beauty rather than seeking to be pleasing to God.
  28. They were first century preachers. I am 21st century preacher. Look at the gap. You know how many years that make up a century. CENT means 100.
  29. 15They were instructed to avoid bringing that type of ostentatious lifestyle into the house of God while coming to worship God [Sure!] so that people could pay strict attention to worshipping God rather than being attracted by the adornment of the women.
  30. 16Another reason was to avoid competition in dressing amongst women in the fellowship. That is pure truth!
  31. 17Note that the Apostles never forbade the use of those things by women but rather tried to deemphasize on the attention women gave to those things as if the beauty of women were dependent on their outward show of adornment instead of good character which is within and reflects in their daily behaviours.
  32. 18Today, every woman that professes Godliness must know that women who live mainly for show of their hair styles or fashion are often victims of pride, envy, status seeking, haughtiness, arrogance, stubbornness, etc which rob both the mind and the heart of a spirit of calmness, peace and produce frustration and irritability. True or false? Brethren, is it true?
  33. 19However, this does not mean that a wife or women should give little or no attention to their outward appearance.
  34. 20A woman does well to watch that she does not present an unwelcome appearance to her husband by being careless about her dressing, grooming of her face and physical appearance.
  35. Grooming of her face. Did you hear it? If it is powder or pancake or chicken egg, use it to remove the spots, wrinkles and blemishes on your face. When you are going to bed at night, you will use a mirror and adjust them very well. God does not have anything against it. I hope you are hearing what we are saying? Good! Otherwise, you will all be like the Pentecostals.
  36. …The woman should know that she is the glory of the husband. …
  37. Her hair is the most essential. That her natural beauty must be maintained. If you see a woman whose hair is not arranged, she looks like a mad person. If it were in those days, I would have sent Pastor’s wife away, for I hated it and I spoke against it.
  38. Even if you want to use your natural hair, roll it back and tie it at the back. Do not ever make it like a man mountain or four-storey building or plait it to look like you have two horns. You are not a camel. I hope you are hearing Me. Do not make it like two big lumps like a camel.
  39. It is just like this one now. This is man mountain. I hope you are hearing Me. And I see a woman that does not take care of her hair as a lazy woman. Your hair must be in your budget. Your hair must be in your budget.
  40. 21A lazy and unkempt woman can never be a glory to any sensible man or a credit to the man. She degrades her husband’s appearance in the eyes of others and dampens his morale.
  41. A man that does not have money to give to the wife for her upkeep, especially her hair, should not think of marriage. It is the responsibility of the man to provide for, to make provision for the dresses the wife will wear. Her outlook is the responsibility of the man. It is not merely giving her food because she is the glory of the man. She reflects the image and nature of the man, if that man is a man enough.
  42. But where he is a man without standard and without anything godly principle, even if the wife looks like the dog we call mongrel, it means nothing to him.
  43. I am happy to say it because all of you here were privileged to come into contact with My own wife. She never presented a sordid picture of herself to anybody. You are witnesses. That is why she is your standard.
  44. By nature, you should know that women fancy their hair more than any other thing. A virtuous wife does not joke with her hair. Even nature teaches that women admire their fellow women’s hair, “Oh! Your hair is beautiful. Oh! Your hair is really long. Your hair is so dark.”
  45. Even from infancy, women love to plait the hair of their children from infancy. And that is why from infancy, they will know the value of putting their hair in order. The outward beauty of a woman starts with her hair.

Remember I am treating many things together now. I am using one arrow to kill many birds. But still, see the Son of Man as the devil, anti-Christ and deceiver. Take the Bible to be true, perfect without error, that will bring you to perfect knowledge because this is the offence I am committing. There is no other offence I know I am committing other than that I am making you not to take the Bible as the Word of God. This is the greatest offence I know I am committing. The Bible is not the mind of God. Note it again. The Bible is never the mind of God and will never be the mind of God.


JESUS IN RELATION TO THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD (CONTROVERSIAL TRUTH) VOL. 1; Preached on Sunday 14th September 2003 at the Household of God, Onitsha;

Pg. 132 vs. 45 – 46



FAMILY MENU Volume 1, Documented by the Living Legend, THE SON OF MAN, Apostle Peter Odoemena in the Year 2001; Section One, Chapter 4 from verse 22.

  1. 22If the husband delights in standing out before others, his lazy and unkempt wife can be a big irritation to him. 23A woman’s mode of dressing from head to toe indicates that she has a good judgement in choosing what is modest for every occasion.
  2. Like this Fellowship. You know what is modest for the Fellowship. You know what is modest for the market. You know what is modest for your kitchen. You know what is modest for you when going outside, like going to school, attending wedding ceremonies and so on like that.
  3. You do not just jump up from your seat or your bed and begin to walk like one hippopotamus. Where are you going? I am attending so so and so on behalf of my husband. And look at you.
  4. I told My wife, and I also told all of you, “You are not a man if you are a woman. You are not a woman if you are a man.” No woman has the right to leave her family, her home without examining herself in the mirror.
  5. And I bought that mirror. I placed it near My bed. My wife will wake up and then go to the mirror to put herself in order before coming to family altar, for she does not know who will come to her house first.
  6. I love this situation now. It will help me to reach out to those that are newly married everywhere. It poses challenges. I gave you the Message, CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS.
  7. I gave you another one, HEALTH IS WEALTH about how you ought to spend 10% of your income towards maintaining your health, if you are having income. But if you do not have income, let your husband provide for you, for the husband that does not provide for the wife, from the beginning, is not qualified to marry.
  8. Needless to mention My case. You all know Me. You know My case. My wife was a worker and I was a worker, but I vowed a vow. Even when I was poor, I made it known to all of you. Even when she was alive, I called her to witness that I never for one day touched her salary. Instead of collecting her salary from her, I was adding. I was augmenting. I will put My hand in My pocket and give her extra money to put on her salary.
  9. She was using it for herself, for her children, for others and for domestics, but in terms of domestics, I equally blocked that one because I believe in bulk purchases. If she was purchasing, it was just a little thing.
  10. A responsible man is always in-charge of his house, but an irresponsible fellow will demand for food where he never provided the money. He may even be stipulating the type of food he will eat without making any provision.
  11. But the most wicked is the one that collects the woman’s salary, the woman’s income, allows the woman to be empty-handed. Yet, refuse to take good care of her outlook and her own personal problems.
  12. There is no human being without personal problems. And it is not every problem that a married woman will discuss with the husband. Because the money is in her hand, she can solve the problem without disturbing the husband. True or false?
  13. If for whatever money your wife will spend, she will come to you, kneel down and give reasons, she is not a wife but a slave. Thank you!
  14. 23A woman’s mode of dressing from head to toe indicates that she has a good judgement in choosing what is modest for every occasion, decent and proper for her husband so that she will not let him down.
  15. 24This can only be spiritually observed by a virtuous woman. 25As regards your hair, I make a rule here for all of you that have very hard hair, to use whatever lotion, cream or chemical you know that can be helpful to you to soften it so that you can pack it with ease.
  16. 26To those who have no hair or whose hairs are falling very disgracefully, wear a light wig that is moderate. If attachment suits your hair, put it on moderately.
  17. 27The use of weave-on is strongly prohibited. Put your hands together. But as time went on, when I reviewed wedding, I added attachment. If you go to wedding update, you will see it there.
  18. I added weave-on on one condition that it will not be outlandish like that of the people in the world. It must be black, depending on the colour of your skin.
  19. Do not ever use the one that is multi-coloured. You see yellow. You see green. You see red. It portrays the picture of a street woman. Do not!
  20. The Message is in the library, WEDDING UPDATE, where I updated it. There I also approved of wedding gowns instead of tying wrapper.
  21. So, I am here. I do not forget what I have taught. Neither do I deny it. I do not cancel. Instead, I modify to suit your condition and to suit circumstances surrounding you.
  22. 28If your hair is uneven, trim it but do not shave it. 29Concerning your dresses, sew your dresses as women with right judgement about what is pleasing to God and your husband.
  23. Did you hear it? If your hair is uneven, that means you are having difficulties. Some are falling, while some are growing. God said, “Trim it so that it will be equal, but do not shave if you are a woman.”
  24. Trimming, is it shaving? What will God do so that women will be satisfied?
  25. 30Long skirts, long gowns are still approved without unnecessary openings.
  26. Have you heard it? Long skirts, long gowns still approved without unnecessary openings like the one they tear at the back.
  27. In front, it is long, but at the back, you will even see the pant of the person wearing long skirt, exposing the laps, the buttocks and everything. Then, has it covered the desired nakedness it is intended to cover?
  28. 31The use of ornaments of all sorts is strongly prohibited. Did you hear it? Ornaments of all sorts, whether golden ornaments or silver, either in the form of earing, nose ring, necklace even right now.
  29. Social women have removed their earrings. Watch a good number of them. They now wear it occasionally. Watch the social women in the television. They find it difficult to wear them again.
  30. [1] It is expensive. [2] It exposes them to hazards, for thieves snatch it very easily and give them serious wounds. Once they see a woman driving a car, they will command her, “Give us the necklace. Give us this one. Give us your wrist watch.” They will collect all.
  31. Today, you can hardly see anyone wearing an expensive wrist watch. If I want to check the time, I use My local handset.
  32. Be wise! Do not be fools! Do not allow the heathens to be wiser than you. All those expensive jewels mount undue pressure on women. No fashion of gold is enough.
  33. And gold is very expensive. Silver is expensive both the foreign ones [English gold] and the locally made. They are all expensive. But how many times do you use them in a year just to show that you have money?
  34. If you do not know what to do with your money as women, do what the Bible commanded you in proverbs chapter 31. Use it to go and buy land. Buy land and cultivate it. Buy land and build on it. It is approved. I say, it is approved.
  35. It is in the Bible. A virtuous woman! Instead of lavishing the money on frivolities, she used it to buy property for the family. The children will have something to rest on.
  36. REFERENCE: Proverbs 31:16-18, GNT. She looks at land and buys it, and with money she has earned she plants a vineyard. 17She is a hard worker, strong and industrious. 18She knows the value of everything she makes, and works late into the night.
  37. 32Use head bands that you know will suit your dressing, the colours notwithstanding. 33Use your headgears for ceremonial occasions if you want but not as an act of worship to God.
  38. 34Remember what you are and what you are made up of. You are a daughter of God and your whole life should reflect the life of Christ.
  39. 35Do not sew your dresses in outlandish styles like the heathens who do not know God.
  40. 36Let your moderation be seen by all men as people that have the fear of God in their hearts and as people that respect and honour their husbands according to God’s injunctions.
  41. Brethren, with this, I have put a final full stop to any argument or controversy emanating as a result of unbelief to the truth as revealed by THE SON OF MAN.
  42. He that is destined to perish must perish. Let no man ever enslave any of you here by declaring you lost. Let no man ever criticize or condemn you here for obeying the rules which I, THE SON OF MAN, have stipulated for all of you that have obeyed Christ.
  43. In Me, you have you full and complete salvation. I am the only Source of eternal salvation. I AM HE. If I have approved anything for you, do it. If the Almighty will query you, tell the Almighty, “THE SON OF MAN approved it for me.”
  44. In case you do not see the Almighty anywhere except in THE SON OF MAN, do that which you know you can do.
  45. Thank you and remain ever blessed as you worship with us here. By us, I mean THE SON OF MAN and the Hosts of angels, ten thousand thousandthousandthousand angels assigned to Him to keep watch over Him to make sure He does not veer off the track.
  46. If you feel I am deceiving you, please, after today, go to the place where you will hear the truth, provided you will get saved there. Go there!
  47. Thank you and thank you once again for giving Me listening ear. Let Me believe that you have at the same time given Me believing hearts.
  48. Shall we thank God before we go to our different closets. Let the Pastor who mounted the pulpit, if he is moved, thank God for today for settling this age-long problem once and for all.