Do not let this happy trust in the Lord to die away DO NOT ALLOW THIS HAPPY TRUST IN THE LORD, FIZZLE OUT. THE MOMENT IT DIES AWAY, YOU ARE DEAD. WHEN GOD CAN NO LONGER TRUST YOU AND GOD CAN NO LONGER COUNT ON YOUR CONFIDENCE, YOU ARE TOTALLY LOST. Anybody whose love waxes cold is one who is without hope…. Because of wild spread of evil, the love of many wax cold. If you are in that category, you are dead and out of the way of salvation.
WALKING BLAMELESSLY BEFORE GOD VOL2;preached on Sunday 2nd june 2019 pg.81 vs.20-21.
Remain blessed brethren. Hope we are very happy that we are alive today? And we are happy to be in the presence of the Almighty God? If you are happy shout a very big Hallelujah! I never said you should say hallelujah, I said you should shout a very big hallelujah. Amen.
2. I know most of us will be surprised seeing me here. And it is a very wonderful thing, a very big opportunity to be here. An opportunity which I am favored to have been found in.
3. Now, I want to condition our minds about today’s fellowship.
4. It will be something different from the normal which you have been having. We have been sent, I, myself and then the second minister that is going to take over the pulpit when I am done.
5. We were sent to deliver the gospel and to send the message, and if you give ear, it will be for your good, for you to pay attention to the message and understand what the message is saying, to understand the warning from God because you might not have the opportunity to hear it again.
6. Even if you will hear it, it would not be in this way. The Son of Man commanded that it will only be the two ministers that are going to officiate in the pulpit today and after everything that the church should be dismissed.
7. It was an order and normally we would have been on our way to Onitsha but we were redirected and we never had any other choice than to obey that last command.
8. So as we have been sent to you people, you people should welcome us, you people should receive us. Because if you do not welcome us there is no way you will welcome our message. If you do not welcome me, you are not going to welcome anything I am going to say today. And if you do not welcome this day, as they say, “God has made”, there is no way you can feel the impact of the fellowship today.
9. At least it is very nice seeing our faces, at least being in this local assembly for the first time. I have only had the opportunity to be in just few local assemblies other than Onitsha.
10. As I was sent here, I am privileged to deliver the message as I am being led, as I was instructed. And you will do well to do what? Pay attention. You will understand. Stay open minded to anything that you are going to hear today and after today, for that is the only way there can be a positive change in your life, open mindedness.
11. If you know the literal definition of open mindedness, being open minded, happy are you – not minding where that instruction is coming from, not minding who is speaking to you but being open minded to welcome “every” information that you are receiving from that person, from that source.
12. Please I would want us to be very responsive in this fellowship so that I will know that we are following. I want us to be very responsive, paying attention and also understanding the message. Because my message will cut across each and every individual sitting down presently in this fellowship.
13. Last Sunday was a very great one, after the first Sunday of the year, which was the first Sunday that we and Onitsha Brethren had. It was really glorious, and we saw something that has never happened in the Bridal Ministry before. Three ministers were at the pulpit at the same time dishing out the word of God, has it ever happened?
14. It happened last Sunday. And now this Sunday again, Enugu household will have the opportunity to receive and welcome the ministers sent by the Almighty God to them.
15. So, that should make us to follow all the things that are happening, to follow that line of watching events, streamlining them to the messages we have received. It will make you to get the consciousness of the hour you are living in. It will make you to hook up and keep up with everything that is happening around you and in the Bridal Faith Ministry.
16. Do not come to a point that you will be a passive member of the fellowship where you will just be a listener alone. You do not go home to do read on your own, read the Bible, read the messages, trying to find out things on your own.
17. Just like when I come physically to tell you something and then at the end of the day it stops there or you stop there, there will not be any positive change in your life. Everything would be like a story to you but when you read, when you study the messages, the Bible, everything, events surrounding you, it is going to help you to understand, to get the full knowledge of what the message is saying proper.
18. There is nothing that is better than personal conviction, something that you found out on your own. That is why God commanded us that any minister that is coming to that pulpit should be coming not to tell us a story, or to read the Bible or to read some messages for us. No! You talk to us based on your personal experiences. Your personal experience, that thing that sustained your faith in Christ; use it in helping others to sustain their own faith in Christ.
19. Why God is telling us to study? Why is He telling us to go through the messages? To have a proper understanding, to find out on our own [the weightier matter] so, that we will not allow things that do not make sense, things that will not help us grow to be wasting our time; to be bothering us.
20. I was privileged to be in one local assembly like that, and then after their worship and praises; the next minister mounted the pulpit and was trying to sort out an issue that does not make sense. He started by the way the sister was dressed, that he saw her at one filling station like that; and then they started to talk down on her, it took over thirty minutes and you know how brethren behave. Someone was there making his own point, the other one was shouting and another was shouting as well. Two hours gone [wasted] settling a useless case.
21. It should not be what will be bothering us. That should not bother us for now. The hour we are living in is very delicate; you do not know what will happen next. It will be shocking to you that someone who has been following us for over: thirty years, or twenty, or ten years can come to this point in time and start disbelieving God. It is happening, it is God’s prophecy.
22. That is why God told you to study, because when you study and know what the prophecy said, it will make you to check your life; so that when you start tilting to the bad part of the prophecy, if you are aware of the prophecy you will be conscious and go back in line.
23. God has already set out the doctrine for us to follow suit but if after hearing we refuse to obey by living the kind of life you were living in time past [going back to your former estate], not minding that message which you have heard, not trying to study and get the in-depth knowledge of what the message is saying, you are bound to make mistakes. You are bound to repeat mistakes of the past.
24. So, Enugu Household you are blessed. You are really blessed. What made up this great household are the individuals; it is the individuals that make up this household. That determines the quality of the household.
25. Why I asked us if we are happy to be here today is that I do not see any [reason or] situation whereby someone was here opening the fellowship and was asking us to clap our hands, asking us to open our mouths. That is really unfair. We are not being fair to God and remember that any measure you give unto God is the same measure He will give unto you. If you believe it say amen.
26. So, in a situation where you are being pleaded with to worship God, imagine how God will treat you in His time. So let all these things be identified; all those things that make the household stagnant, all those things that make the household to lose their good testimony and you go back there.
27. So, before I go into my teaching today I will read the Great Sermon where God spoke about the church at Enugu. That should be Epistle 21 on Page 143 the old one:
28. “THE Church at Enugu started at Abakpa Nike in the house of Bishop Umezulike, who is also a High Court Judge in Enugu State.
29. I am always filled with joy each time I remember the prophecy that went forth in 1994, telling us to expect a High Court Judge who would identify with the truth of Christ who God would place in an honorable position, where he would tell people that we are not fanatics or heretics and that our message is truth from the Holy Scriptures.
30. This prophecy fulfilled in 1997. Praise God, Bishop Umezulike has thrilled my heart with his love for the truth and for the brethren.
31. He has played the role of a father to the Church beyond all reasonable doubt. His wife is not left out.
32. The Elders in that Church have convinced me that they really need eternal life by their strict adherence to my instructions.
33. I am very much pleased with the Church at Enugu. Nevertheless, Bishop Umezulike should devout much time with his wife to compel their children to understand and obey my doctrines.
35. This is applicable to any other family in the Church. May the grace of God be with you.”
36. That was as at then, that was the testimony. When God made the prophecy in 1994, it fulfilled in 1997, now where is the Bishop? So you see, it is not basking in your past glory that counts. Basking on those things that you were known for, how far now? What is your present testimony? Have you really found out the mind of God concerning this household?
37. In verse 5, God said, “The Elders in that Church have convinced me that they really need eternal life by their strict adherence to my instructions.”
38. How strictly are we adhering to God’s instructions now? Remember when a good testimony goes forth concerning you; SOMEONE is there ready to mar your reputation. And most people that fell off, they lost the sight of this and that is why they are not here again.
39. How ready are we to obey God’s instructions? How strict are we in adherence to the instructions or do we treat the instructions from God as a light thing? Has over familiarity set into us? Probably, even when God is telling us something, we are busy doing another thing.
40. Remember, that YOU ARE NOT FAR FROM THE KINGDOM OF GOD BUT ONE THING REMAINETH. BUT ONE THING REMAINETH, JUST ONE THING. That is why God is giving us a lot of messages, edifying messages, messages that have the power of transforming life only when they are accepted, only when they are implemented. These are the type of teachings that we are getting from God.
41. God has never called us to deceive us for one day. Have we ever been deceived by God? We can never be deceived by God. God called us to save us but I think most of us have lost sight of that privilege we got from God.
42. Most of us have lost sight of it, God saw a lot of people but He decided that it should be you and I that He will choose, yet we are still having doubts. Most people are still doubting who God is using in our age.
43. Like He said before, that you must first of all know the source of that message before you can take His word. “You must believe in that source” this is our problem. God wants complete and full obedience from all of us. It is not partial obedience that He wants from us. You obey this one but you will not obey the other one because it is not favorable to you. That is not the type of obedience God wants from us.
God wants us to obey like soldiers. Like when we got the command yesterday nobody complained. We could not disobey because that order has been given; we have been given that order. I believe that when you start seeing God’s messages as an order you will obey them. You do not comply with it. You obey them because it is for your own good. It is for my own good.
2. There was a Sunday God was talking about obedience, and then He told us something. He said three things that necessitate full and complete salvation are:
[2.] BELIEVING the TRUTH and;
[3.] OBEDIENCE to the TRUTH.
3. Knowing the truth, believing the truth and obedience to the truth. Now we have known the truth, we have believed the truth, have we obeyed the truth? You are not far from the kingdom of God but ONE THING REMAINETH.
4. I will give us some highlights from last Sunday before I go into my message proper. Your knowledge will send you to hell; knowing and believing God cannot give you eternal life until it reflects in your character.
5. If you believe it say Amen. That knowing and believing God can never give you eternal life, preaching the message, being a very religious man as we read last Sunday from the holy scriptures about the story of Nicodemus. That it is not going to give you eternal life, it is not going to give you that desired salvation.
6. That it is our knowledge, when God gives us an instruction about something, we start claiming that we know more than Him, “I am into this, I know it very well. I am into this I know it very well.” It is our knowledge that will stop us from getting that eternal life.
7. You see a situation where a brother will come to the Son of Man to lay down His problem, to seek for help, and then the Son of Man tells him what to do, but you see the brother telling the Son of Man “Daddy, it is not like that.”
8. Do you understand? It is a hard truth. You see him saying, “Daddy it is not like that, I am into this thing.” But you wanted help, you came to Him for help, He gave you that help and you are telling Him it is not like that.
9. You are looking for your own way. Some of us would even complain, we say okay and then we go and do it our own way, then when trouble comes out we start calling Him. “Eh… see how it happened.” “Did you do what I asked you to do?” Then you become dumb. God does not want us to act like that. He does not want us to behave like that.
10. When you know the truth, when you believe the truth, you act upon that belief. It is going to reflect on your character.
11. Let me tell us something, we are now at a very crucial part of this ministry. In a situation where: you offend God, you go against God and He marks you; but He still keeps you inside here, it is a very bad one. In your mind you think you are still part of what God is doing; you think you are still following God.
12. He will still be calling you, “come and accompany Me let us go to this place.” You will come. “Come and help Me buy this thing.” You might even be His personal person, going errands for Him yet you are not in His program. That is the worst condition to find yourself.
13. I want us to be spiritually alert. You know sometimes I watch the activities of some of our brethren; I will not lie to you. WHENEVER THEY COME AROUND THE SON OF MAN, MOST OF THEM TRY TO BECOME WHAT THEY ARE NOT.
14. You do not know that the Son of Man has already discerned the spirit, then you see them very ready and eager to do anything. “Brother, help Me buy this.” They will even do more than they were told to do. “Help Me do this.” They will do more than they were told to do just to convince the Son of Man, trying to convince Him that they are part of what He is doing. You see them running around Him and I will be where I am laughing.
15. The worst thing you will do is to fool yourself, that is the worst thing. Self deceit is the worst deceit. There is no need running around if you know your heart is not in what you are doing. If your heart is not right with God, there is no need wasting your time. Because now, He will mark you and allow you to stay.
16. You will be doing all those things but you are not part of what God is doing in your day. At least that statement alone should make us spiritually alert. Make us very responsive to the words and teachings from God.
17. That is the bane of many ministers in this faith. Most of them that never saw themselves occupying any position in the Bridal Faith, all of a sudden God picks you. You did not go into details to know why God gave you that position; you do not know why God picked you. Out of everybody in the Bridal Faith, He singled you out and gave you that position. You did not go deep down to know what your position calls for, position you are occupying and what it demands.
18. Because every individual in this Faith has a duty, He has a work for you. As a child, as a youth, as a father, as a mother, as a minister, from Apostle down.
19. You have something to do – you have your own role to play. Most of them lost sight of their calling and then they misused that opportunity, most of them saw it as an opportunity to come and override the brethren. You see them setting out a lot of instructions from there, forgetting what the doctrine has already laid down for them. You see them allowing things to go their own way.
20. I will give an example with someone we already know. Our former Pastor Chinemezu, it got to the point where he went about telling brethren that he was the heir to the throne of the Son of Man. It got to the point of telling them that there is no need even to tell the Son of Man any of your problems; that once you tell him (Brother Chinemezu) your problems that you should go – it is over.
21. You understand? Why? Because he lost consciousness of his position.
22. God called us for some reasons – different purposes; what you should know is that there is a prophecy that will go out and if you are not careful you will fulfill it, the dangerous ones.
23. God gave us a prophecy. Let me give an example with the year 2019, when God prophesied that those that are children of God, that every suffering attached to that year, they would not be part of it. Did not we hear it? It is a good prophecy.
24. God still went further to tell us that we would hear stories that we had not heard before in the Bride [stories that would tingle the ear]. You saw some people in this Bridal Faith that fulfilled it.
25. So, if you are not conscious, if you are not spiritually alert, if you do not reflect on the word of God, you will not know when you will fulfill that dangerous part of the prophecy.
26. You will still be here, no excommunication. You will remain where you are, maybe you are being talked to, and you will be taking it that you are the tough person, you are the one that everyone should fear, and you will be thinking that you are indispensable.
27. God will still leave you there, no leave -no transfer. Sit down there, He has already marked you. He has already marked you and He will keep quiet. Your own case will be known when you become so notorious, when your stay becomes so injurious you will now be shown the way out.
28. So, that is why we should be very conscious! If messages are going forth, immediately, wherever you are, get the revelation of what the message is saying. Get that revelation, ACT upon it and make a decision immediately.
29. God said, “IF YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS AND GOD DOES NOT ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS, YOU ARE PRACTICING SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS”. That if you are righteous and God does not answer your prayer, you are practicing self righteousness.
30. “I am the most obedient person, I am this, and I am that.” God knows the heart, He sees the heart. He is the only person that has the capability of knowing those that are smiling physically but are boiling within.
31. He knows those that are saying “Amen” but inside their hearts they are saying, “After talking, I will do what I want to do.” He knows that person.
32. There was something that happened, one day I went to meet the Son of Man, He said something, that when you come to Him to tell Him something, that He had already known you were coming. He had already known what you intended to say.
33. But He is just giving you that right and respect as a human being to talk. Not that He does not know what you want to say, He is just respecting you; [imagine,] even the Almighty God practicing respect. How many of us respect ourselves?
34. Let us not take respect too far. Respect, they say, is reciprocal. An elder can respect a younger person; the younger must always respect the older person. So, that is it.
35. It is the way you live; it is that character that you exhibit that will command respect. It is that your way of life that is going to give you respect, respect even before the Almighty God, respect among people you find yourself with, respect in the presence of Almighty God.
36. He said that He knows what was in your heart; He is just giving you that respect as a human being. And He knows when you are coming to tempt Him; you have already made your decision that this is what you want to do. But you are coming just to tell Him, so that He will be aware. So that when trouble comes out tomorrow you will say that you told Him.
37. He knows, and He will always give you that thing your heart desires. I think if you are in that category you still have work to do. You really have a big work to do.
38. There are some people that had some things in their heart, at times they did not even talk to the Son of Man, He just called them and He told them exactly what was in their mind [may be perplexing or troubling them]; and they would be wondering who told Him, and then He will give such a person an order “Do it like this.” With that alone, you see that person, doing what? Obeying it, because he knows that he or she never met the Son of Man ab initio; “I did not even tell Him anything and He is just calling me and giving me instructions on this matter.” That is the only conviction you need.
39. And now we already have evidences, things that should convince us. Look at these pictures, some of us were there when some of these pictures were taken. We would not say it is now a cock and bull story; at least these ones are enough evidence.
40. God is saying now that if you are making prayers, if there are those prayers that you are making and God does not answer those prayers you are making, know it that you are practicing, what?, self righteousness.
42. You will now be wondering “Aah, me that is doing this, doing that, and God is already blessing this brother. He gave this brother this opportunity; He gave this brother this and that.” It is not by your hard work, do not practice self righteousness but be clothed steadily with the righteousness of God.
43. What makes you good is your heart and if your heart is not good you are bad, even if outwardly you look like an angel. But if your heart is not good, you are Bad!
44. If your heart is unclean and physically you are looking very clean, you are unclean in the sight of God. You are unclean in the sight of God, why? Because your heart is not good.
45. SO, WHEN YOU ARE WORKING ON YOUR OUTWARD BEAUTY, WORK ON YOUR INWARD BEAUTY AS WELL. Make sure that your heart is always right with God. If your heart is always right with God, there would not be any sign of fear, any iota of fear in you, whenever you are coming close to God.
46. If you are sent to see the Son of Man, once your heart is right with Him, there would not be anything like fear in you. You will be very strong and bold knowing that you are in right standing with Him.
47. It is only some of us who are prepared, who after monitoring events and knowing that God is wrapping up everything, we would not be shaking. We would not be wondering or afraid, “what if this bomb will blow here and we die, where will I be? This and that.”
48. We cannot be amazed about what is happening because we are privileged, knowing that all that is happening is being inspired by God Himself. Are we afraid?
49. We will just keep monitoring events, calculating it and knowing the time and the hour. When you get to know the time and the hour, then you will do what the hour and time calls for. God said that all these nonsense, all these temporary things would not be taking your time.
Let someone get the book of Deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 18 through 20. Amplified Version. “18Beware, lest there should be among you a man or woman, or family or tribe, whose [mind and] heart turns away this day from the Lord our God to go and serve the gods of these nations; lest there should be among you a [POISONOUS] root that bears gall and wormwood,”
2. Beware, lest there be a POISONOUS ROOT among you. Hope we are paying attention. The youths, the elders, everybody in this household, beware. That poisonous root can be ANYBODY.
3. It can be anybody, it can be an elder, it can be a little child, it can be a young girl, it can be a young boy. That you should, what? Beware, lest there be a poisonous root growing among you.
4. “Beware; lest there should be among you…a [poisonous] root that bears gall and wormwood,19 And lest, when he hears the words of this curse and oath, he flatters and congratulates himself in his [mind and] heart,”
5. Can you imagine? When he or she hears about this truth, he [she] FLATTERS himself [herself], basking in his [her] evil, basking in that POISON which made God to call him [to call her] a POISONOUS ROOT.
6. “He flatters and congratulates himself in his [mind and] heart, saying, I shall have peace and safety, though I walk in the stubbornness of my [mind and] heart”
7. Can you imagine? He shall do what? Say that he or she would have peace and safety walking in the stubbornness of his heart and mind, walking in disobedience to God – that he shall have peace and safety [that is the feelings of his or her heart].
8. That is why God is telling us that we should open our eyes, it might be you, and it can be anybody. If there would not have been anybody like that, God would not have handed down that message years ago.
9. “19 And lest, when he hears the words of this curse and oath, he FLATTERS and CONGRATULATES himself in his [MIND and] heart, saying, I shall have peace and safety, though I walk in the stubbornness of my [mind and] heart [bringing down a hurricane of destruction] and sweep away the watered land with the dry.
20 The Lord will NOT PARDON him,”
10. The Lord will not PARDON him! God’s grace can never reach that individual. You have crossed the saving line; you have mocked God and will NEVER GET AWAY with it. God told us that NOBODY mocks God and gets away with it.
11. Someone that “flatters himself” when he is being rebuked, he says is saying that he is above it. After hearing the message from God, he says that he is above it. Basking in his glory, in his evil, the bible said that God will not pardon that person.
12. “20 The Lord will not pardon him, but then the anger of the Lord and His jealousy will smoke against that man,”
14. So, you see why God is saying that we should open our eyes against that poisonous root. Because the presence of that POISONOUS ROOT can even cause the CLOSING DOWN of a very big household. Is it not true?
15. When the wrath of God befalls a household, is it not because of the sin of one person? Everybody will suffer that wrath of God, [because it was winked at] even those that did not even do anything will suffer his anger. This is why God is telling us to FIND that POISONOUS ROOT and BEWARE of that poisonous root.
16. “20 The Lord will not pardon him, but then the anger of the Lord and His jealousy will smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall settle on him;”
17. All the curses written in this book will settle on him. Settle on you, on me if I become that poisonous root. That is a very hopeless condition when the curses from God settles on you.
18. “The Lord will blot out his very name from under the heavens.” The Lord will do what? Blot out his very name from under the heavens. There is no way that person can smell paradise.
19. So with this scripture you can check your life, is there any point in your life where God has been shouting on you? That loophole in your life where God had been trying to correct, always sounding and hammering on it, and you are seeing it as something normal?
20. You are seeing it that you are above all those instructions, that you know more than God, look at what will follow it. And when calamity befalls you, make sure you will be strong enough to hold on to that calamity; to chest that calamity, to shoulder that calamity.
21. Make sure you will be strong enough to bear the shock. That is why God is giving us all these warnings. Warnings upon warnings. Because when God warns and warns, something is coming. Is it not true? Something is coming and that is why He is warning ahead of time.
22. That is why He is making a move He has never made before. All those things should inspire us; all those things should make our hearts to be focused on this race, on this journey, on His teachings we have received.
23. Something is about to happen and He is trying to do what? Condition our minds, trying to condition us, giving us the various things which we are going to do. Whereby if you do not do it, his anger will fall on you, immediately!
24. God is telling us that we should throw away all our preconceived ideas, throw everything, throw it away. Be blank so that He is going to help us, so that he is going to fill us. If we have all our senses complete, there is no way he can fill us with success, there is no space for it. Is it not true?
25. If you are using the computer and the memory of the computer is filled up, you cannot add anything in it, you cannot add even a picture, nothing. But if it is empty or there is still space in it, you can transfer things to that laptop; you can transfer things to that computer.
26. So now, if you are filled up with evil, filled up with negativity, filled up with everything, how do you expect God to fill you? How do you even expect God to work in your life? You cannot even get the correct understanding of what the message is saying. Why? Because you are filled with negativity, you are filled with a lot of things that are not helping you.
27. God wants us to LAY OFF ALL THOSE THINGS THAT MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO SAVE US. God can save anyone but we are the ones rejecting His salvation. God’s messages have the power to even save the vilest offender, transform the life of the vilest offender.
28. But you can get to some point and say you do not want His help and He will leave you. At that point in time you become very UNABLE FOR GOD TO SAVE, THEN GOD WILL MARK YOU OUT.
29. For God to tell us that hell’s gates are being enlarged, it simply means that heaven is getting narrowed, is getting smaller, people are leaving – people are not desiring to be there again.
30. So, He is now widening the gates of hell fire. So you see, God has brought us to that point, He brought us and left us there. Giving us things [directions and instructions], “Do it like this, do it like that”, that it is just one step that remaineth. It is already there with Him, all He requires is just turn back and open the door.
31. And now God has given us messages, where it boils down to is this: if you get to the door, it is not saying that the Son of Man hates you, or He does not like my family, or He does not like this, He does not like that. When you get to that gate and it rejects you, you go back! Period!
32. At that point in time, all the teachings you received, every good information which you were given will come before you. You will now be saying “had I known”.
33. Our brother Onyema Njom, when he was being indicted inside the fellowship, that same Sunday, he left. He might have been seeing it that “yes, is it today that I started hearing it. I have been hearing it before, abeg free me.”
34. He went his way, fooling his family that he was going home, that the message really touched him and the family got home before him, someone who left before the family. And the next news we heard was that he died.
35. At that point in time, that instruction which was given to him by Almighty God that same day, will stand before him. That is what he will be saying, “if I had gone home, this thing would not have happened or if I had stayed back in fellowship”. That is regret upon regret. Why? That calamity has befallen him and he passed through the torture of death
36. Always keep yourself in the positive part of the message. If you have anything against God, against the minister or against that person God is using, you can easily drop and receive that message from God, accept it.
37. Welcome it, so that it is going to be able to save your soul, save your life. Because if you do not drop it you are giving room for false anointing. A very bad anointing that once it falls on you, it is just like the intoxication of wine.
38. It will make you to be very high [Tipsy] you will not know what you are doing again, and they will be holding you. But once it clears from your eyes, you will now be see how much you have misbehaved. That is what FALSE ANOINTING does.
39. You do not give room for any false anointing in your life. Any negative spirit CREEPING into you [and gripping you], ATTACK it with the WORD of GOD, ATTACK it with the TEACHINGS of GOD, with the messages from God.
40. Because when that false anointing befalls you and you are not careful, you are not conscious enough, if it falls on you, if it perches on you, it is going to do what, intoxicate you. You will start acting.
41. After acting today, you will act it tomorrow; you will still act next tomorrow. You keep on going and going till one day, it will bring you to a place you can never go back, where you can never even make another step forward and then the whole thing will clear from your eyes.
42. You will look like one that is controlled by evil spirit. DO NOT CAGE YOURSELF SPIRITUALLY, because you are the one caging yourself. By the time all these nonsense try to overrule your mind, you will become blind; you will not know what you are doing. Because of a little problem, because of a little thing, you will be overcharged. No going back, you will keep on surging, and surging, to the glory of the devil. He will be laughing that finally; “I have gotten this person”.
43. God told us that when He is talking to you that the devil is also talking to you, telling you not to obey. Did you not hear it? This one we are keeping quiet, didn’t we hear it? That when God is speaking to you, the devil is there listening, telling you not to obey. Giving you reasons, telling you not to mind Him. Do it like this, why will you follow that way. See this way nah.
44. God is the only person that will tell you to follow this way, look at where you are going to land. See where you are going to land. He will tell you the end. But the devil in his own way, will tell you follow this way, in this way you will see this and that, but he will not tell you, look at where you are going to land. He will not tell you that.
45. He will leave you because God has already given you the knowledge of where you are going to land. Follow this way; you are going to come out at this junction. But the devil will tell you, follow here, there is no door. Just follow here, but he will not tell you that you are not going to come out at that junction.
46. In your mind, when you follow that way, you are going to come out at that junction. Hence you see yourself going deeper and deeper until when you will look back, you will see how far you have gone. The height you have drifted. That is it.
47. That is why God warned us to be spiritually alert. Do not be blinded, do not be paralyzed spiritually. Be spiritually alert. The devil is always there. As I am talking to you, he is here now attacking some people’s hearts, giving you that thing your heart desires. That thing you want to hear which you never heard from the minister, the devil is going to supply it to you. He will give it to you immediately.
49. And you know good things attract good things. Bad things attract bad things. Once you are anointed with a false spirit, you have summoned false anointing, what will you be getting? False anointing. From this one, you will enter this one. From this problem, you will enter into another one.
50. Let us be very careful. Treating every word that comes out from the mouth of God as it was because God is His Word. If you want to find God, go to His Word. There are some people that will have problem, when they get to the Son of Man, He will tell them that He has said something concerning this issue, go and find out what I said concerning this issue.
51. Is it not true? Why? Because He is His Word. And there is no way He can change it. But once doubt sets into you, that is where your problem starts. When you start doubting the power of God, when He says you should do this, you will not do it, and immediately you start doubting God, the devil becomes happy. He sees the ground to perch. He will be so happy, he will start supplying you with a lot of things to doubt. You will keep on doubting and doubting. It is very clear.
52. From the message, “REMEMBER YOUR REWARD, PART 2, VOLUME 1”. Preached on Sunday, 23rd April 2019. page 8 verse 13, “If you think that God will meet you with the wind or with the sun or with any other thing, you are out of the way of truth. You are by the wayside. So bask not by your old story. I was so, so and so in time past. What are you today? I remember when I was this, is it a good testimony? It then means you are no longer what you were. And you know the truth, our testimonies may condemn us in the end because our testimonies are changing every day.”
53. I remember when I was this, is it a good testimony? I decided that I am going to speak to the youths of this household. If you know you are a youth in this household, stand on your feet immediately. You as an individual, God has selected you to be one of the youths of this great household.
54. And remember, first of all, if you followed me from when I started this message, I read something God documented years ago about Enugu Household. That the elders of Enugu Household were very strict to adhere to the instructions of God.
55. When this epistle was written, most of us here now were not born. Some of us presently here were not elders in this household. Is it not true? But this had been the testimony of Enugu Household. How ready are we to keep up to this testimony?
56. I was watching the nonchalant attitude of as brethren were coming to fellowship today. It was very poor. I will not start talking about that because it is even sheer waste of time.
57. Because from the beginning of this ministry, God has been talking to us about our ATTITUDE TO FELLOWSHIP. So there is no need talking about that because if you are coming late, you know you are coming late. You do not even need to be told that you came late.
58. If you come to my local assembly in Umudike, I do not tell brethren to stand outside. Any time you decide to come, come. God has already marked us. Like I told you, that until your stay become INJURIOUS, then you will be sent out.
59. Taking God at His Word. A brother was here to open the fellowship and he was just telling everybody to clap their hands and sing. That is not a good testimony. We that are youths, mainly the brothers here, you rush and sit down, not even trying to follow up with anything that is happening in the household.
60. It is not about singing song, coming here to beat the pulpit or anything. How READY are you to dispatch this word? God said that this year is the year of the youth. Am I right?
61. Most of us attended the youth forum. You heard it from Him. That means He is going to USE the YOUTHS right? Now God has decided to use you, are you ready to be used? Do you want yourself to be used or are you seeing yourself as a big boy? I am not meant to do this kind of thing. I am ashamed of doing this. I am shy. That is not what God wants from you.
62. He wants us to stand up to our challenges. He wants us to come to that point in time where we can even talk to our elders. And the greatest message you can preach is not what you tell us but It is your life.
63. Once your life becomes challenging, someone must be forced to change. That is what it should be. That is what you should aim at. When people come around you, surround you, what happens? What do they learn from you? Do you end it up in discussing and chatting? You discuss this, you discuss that.
65. When you mingle with them, you learn their evil ways; the way they behave. Anytime children of God start mingling with the children of the world, they must have forgotten who they are and what God wants from them.
66. We already know the type of teachings we have received, this one is not they told us. We have been there. Most of us attended that youth conference and we know what we heard from the youth conference. We knew all the decisions we took in that youth conference.
67. The only way our ministers can be comfortable and satisfied is when you come back and start exhibiting all those things that you heard and learnt from that youth forum. That is all. The evidence of the youth forum should be seen in your life as an individual. It is your life that preaches the greatest sermon. It should be seen in your character by your ministers, because the duty of the minister is to access the brethren’s performance. As the pastor is to access the flock.
68. There are certain things, he might sit down there watching to see, I might be singing, I might be jotting down, but as a minister, he will be taking down some things. The only way that he can be satisfied is when he will look at your life from the way you act, all those bad testimonies, all those thing you were known for, he will not see them again. Then there is this satisfaction he [pastor] will get knowing that you have come of age and you have come to know the truth.
Once you have the fear of god. The doctrines of god become everything to you. That is why your life must be an elect life which is the doctrine of Christ, that once you are found guilty with the doctrine you have received, you are guilty before god. The teachings you have received, if you do not believe in them, it must reflect in your character, for your character is a reflection of your belief. Is it a lie brethren? Is it not our character that tells people what we believe? The character of your children shows what you are teaching them. The character of your wife shows what she believes. Your character shows what you believe.
The Separating Line Is Character; Preached On SATURDAY 29TH JUNE 2019. Pg68. Vs10-12
You have already started implementing that which you have learned. We have heard enough. So I want us, even if we have never started to implement it, from this day onward, that the youths of this fellowship should start implementing all they have learned. All, I mean all.
2. This household is your household. Do not sit back and start waiting for someone to telling you what to do. I will not list out everything you have to do as a youth. But at a point where you take over something, there is evidence that you have really taken over something.
3. Nobody will tell you to take charge in obedience. When you come out and do what you ought to do, nobody will tell you, “Oh you should have done this, you should have done that.” You know your duties.
4. The ministers, the elders are just here to ignite the doctrines for you; then to the youths here, you have that opportunity, you have that right, you have that duty to come and break down that message. That is what you should do. If I was talking to youths only, there is a way I would have gone, breaking it down so that they can understand it.
5. That is what you should do. When the elders come to give out the message, prepare your own; work on your life too, BECAUSE AS YOU ARE PREACHING, WE ARE LOOKING AT YOUR LIFE. WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU TO IMPLEMENT THAT WHICH YOU HAVE ALREADY PREACHED TO US. BECAUSE THERE IS NO MESSAGE GREATER THAN YOUR CHARACTER. That is the only message people can listen to. When you misbehave and think that nobody knows about you misbehavior; not knowing that some brethren already know about your report.
6. Some ministers already know about your report. Even the Son of Man knows your report. How do you think that the Son of Man will not know about your report and people that are staying around you, the ministers, your immediate family, they will know about your report? That is why you should guard yourself.
7. Knowing my position, there are certain things that I am not meant to do, because of my position.
8. That is what you should be checking. Knowing that when you are saying something, somebody is monitoring you. You cannot be living a reckless and at the same time handling the doctrine of God. It is very wrong. You cannot give what you do not have.
9. The best message you preach is your life; your character; your attitude, it is that is the best message you can preach to anybody. But when you see the message of God as something like, “Continue talking, after speaking, I will do what I want to do.” You are putting yourself among those that are attracting the wrath of God upon this household.
10. Why God is putting the youths on the alert, is so that when things are not going right; you will always stand up to put things right with boldness. However, if you are living a very bad life, a dirty life, will you have the boldness? You will not have that boldness.
11. If at this stage, you are already doing worse than your parents did, when you get to the stage of your parents, what are you going to do? That is very bad. Charity they say begins at home.
12. So when you go back home, implement these teachings yourself. It is at home that you are going to make it part of you. It will be part of you. So that when you come out, you will easily, effortlessly execute that which is inside of you.
13. Effortlessly, not pretense. Because when you pretend, you will not even hold it for long. Something will happen and you are already triggered. It is very simple. A little thing will happen and you are already triggered. A lot of bad testimonies have even been told about some of us in this local assembly which is very bad.
14. If you find yourself tomorrow in another local assembly what are you going to do? When you see things going wrong in another local assembly, what are you going to do?
15. What are you going to give them? Are you going to keep quiet? If presently, bad testimonies are being told concerning you, what have you done? Are you still basking on your past gory that I was this, I was that? Or you want your story to be rehearsed before you know that it is time for you to change? God wants us to come to the maturity of correcting ourselves even when we have not even been indicted.
16. When you are even listening to a message and your name was not mentioned but you have already taken decisions its because you have already found it to be true. You take that decision that, from this day I will not continue in this lifestyle. I am not going to do this; I am not going to do that.
17. That is the decision you should take. Let us not be involved in all those lifestyles that dwindle us. That make us unacceptable before God, God is saying that we should desist from that lifestyle.
18. If the affairs of this world, something you know the heathens pride themselves about is getting over your head, you are a stack pagan. That is why you must get rid of rampant outgrowth of worldliness that is constantly at war in many of you and warring against your soul. Placing too many things before God. Allowing too many things to take the place of God in your heart, things that have no eternal value. Things that heathens go after. WHEN YOU GO AFTER THOSE THINGS THE HEATHENS GO AFTER, YOU ARE A STARK PAGAN.
19. If the affairs of this present world, something you know the heathens pride themselves about is getting over your head, it is making your head to be swollen, it gives you sleepless night, God is telling you that you are a stark pagan. You are not even a part of what God is doing. You are still upset with things that are temporary, things that have no lasting value, fashion, money, nonsense; all of them are things that will fade away. They will do what? Fade away.
20. Ephesians chapter 5 from verse 15 through 17. I want to use the scripture to talk to us; let me not come and be saying things. I will also take us back to the scripture, streamlining the message for both young and old.
21. The parents, the children, the youths doing what they should do. “So be careful how you live.” So be careful how you live. “Don’t live like ignorant people, but like wise people. Make good use of every opportunity you have, because these are evil days.” Make good use of every opportunity you have because these are evil days.
22. “Don’t be fools, then, but try to find out what the Lord wants you to do.” Do not be fools, but do what, try to find out what the Lord wants you to do.
23. Have you found out what God wants you to do or are you doing that which you want to do? You are doing it because you think you know better. That is why you are doing it. But is it what God wants you to do? God is saying what? Find out what He wants you to do. Making good use of every opportunity you get. Every opportunity you have.
24. “Do not get drunk with wine, which will only ruin you, instead, be filled with the spirit. Speak to one another with the words of psalms.” But what? Be filled with the spirit!
25. Speak to one another with the words of psalms, the Word of God, the Word of life. That is what you should be using to do what? Encourage one another. That is the only thing we should be using to do what? Encourage each other with the Word of God.
26. “Speak to one another with the words of psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing hymns and psalms to the Lord with praise in your hearts. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, always give thanks for everything to God the Father.”
27. Ephesians chapter 6 from verse 1. Now children, we will see how God streamlined you. Children, every child should do what? Pay attention, God is talking to you now.
28. GNB: “1Children, it is your Christian duty to obey your parents, for this is the right thing to do.” Christian duty to do what? Obey. If we have amplified, let us read it from there.
29. Amplified: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord,” children, obey your parents in the Lord, “…as His representatives for this is just and right.” For this is what? Just and right.
30. As a child, do you see the duty God gave to you? How obedient are you to your parents? As a child when you are growing up, your parents are the first people you know. They are the first people you obey. They are even the ones that will start telling you to obey God. So if you find it difficult obeying your parents, how easy will it be for you to obey God?
31. It will be very hard for you to obey God. That is why God is warning us against the spirit of stubbornness.
32. I am still talking to the children. I will still come up. That we should obey our parents as the representatives of Christ. In good news bible, it said that it is our Christian duty. It is our Christian duty to do what? To obey our parents. FROM THAT TENDER AGE TO ANY POINT YOU GET IN YOUR LIFE, YOU SHOULD BE WILLING TO OBEY YOUR PARENTS.
33. AMP: “1Children, obey your parents in the Lord as His representatives for this is just and right. 2Honour, esteem and value as precious your father and mother…”. Did you see what God said? He said, “honour, esteem and value as precious your father and your mother” “…[and be respectful to them] – this is the first commandment with a promise.”
34. It is the first commandment with a promise. Children, are we paying attention? That you should value them. BECAUSE IF YOU DO NOT VALUE THEM, THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN OBEY THEIR INSTRUCTION. If you respect them, you are going to do what? Obey that instruction.
35. That it is a commandment with a promise. So as a child, you have your own duty. Do not think that the righteousness of your parents will come and save you because you are still an infant.
36. God wants you to do something. Because when you will be crossing that gate, it is one by one. You are not entering as a group; “the family of this enter”, it is not done that way. It is one by one. And God is no respecter of persons. He does not want to know who you are. When He says no, it is no.
37. “3That all may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth”. That all may be well with you. A child that is tricking his parents, her parents all the time. All the time, what we will be hearing will be bad testimonies concerning you. We keep on receiving bad reports concerning you, are you making them happy? Is that life pleasing to them? Is it going to attract any blessing from them?
38. God is telling you that it is a commandment, it is a blessing that all may be well with you, may be well with me. Because I do not see a condition whereby my parents will curse me or lay a curse on me and then all will be will with me. Only if I honor and obey them, all will be well with me.
39. “4 Fathers do not irritate and provoke your children to anger…,” Fathers, there is a translation you will use and it says, “Do not exasperate them to resentment, but rear them tenderly in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord”. Do you see where there is duty for the parents? Repeat it.
40. “Fathers do not irritate and provoke your children to anger, do not exasperate them to resentment, but rear them tenderly in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord.” Tenderly in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.
41. We as ministers here, we are also fathers in every household. We should tenderly do what; raise our household in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Stop creating any room for enmity, for resentment in the heart of the brethren. That is your duty.
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If your eyes are open there is no way that kind of evil spirit can be associated among us. The spirit of enmity, envy, jealousy or whatever [Romans 1:28-30], it can never be found among us. Why? Because our eyes have been open against all these evils.
2. “5 Servants, slaves be obedient to those who are your physical masters, having respect for them and eager concern to please them, in singleness of motive and with all your heart, as service to Christ Himself. 6 Not in the way of eye-service.”
3. Not in the way of, EYE-SERVICE! You are doing it because he is around. I know if the Son of Man was the one that stepped His feet here, I do not think our attitude would have been like that. It will never be like that.
4. That is EYE-SERVICE. If you know that way you will behave when the Son of Man is watching you live, behave that way always, bearing in mind that He is constantly watching you [Proverbs 15:3; Jeremiah 23:23-24]. If He decides to shift His headquarters to Enugu tomorrow, will your attitude be like this? – Will you walk into the fellowship the way you walked in? Why did you do like that? It is because you LACK THE CONVICTION that HE IS HERE with us. You lack the conviction that He sent people here to you [Gen. 45:7; Exo. 3:15] and you have forgotten that He is with the people He sent [Exo. 4:12,15; 18:19; Act 18:10].
5. Taking record of every action, everything that is going on here today. Somebody whose eyes of revelation is closed will not understand what is going on here today and you might be where you are hardening up your heart [Romans 16:25; Psalm 44:21; Daniel 2:22,29,47]
6. I might not know – I am not the Almighty God. You might be saying yes sir but in your heart, you are boiling. He is here taking record. [Deu. 30:19,28; Job 16:19; 1 John 5:7; Holy Quran, Surah 3:19; 5:4 & 50].
7. If He was sitting down here, would you have behaved the way you behaved? God does not want it from us.
8. It even happens in Onitsha household. A minister might be there or a brother might be there trying to open the fellowship and everyone will be feeling adamant but once the Son of Man comes to the pulpit, just one song, everybody will be jumping, everybody is singing it already. Why? Because the Son of Man is singing.
9. That is not what God wants from you. You hear that the Son of Man is coming; you will start doing it in a way so as to please Him.
10. Do not wait until the Son of Man will pay you a surprise visit. Because it might happen one day. All of us might be here. None of us had the pre-idea of what was going to happen here today. He might change His mind one day, you will be gathered here, you have already planned how your Sunday will go, and you see Him step in.
12. You as a parent, take your own part and take your own decision knowing your role, knowing your duty, knowing what to do at every point in time. Do not try to play eye-service. If you come to fellowship and start acting angelic so that the Pastor will not know that you are a bad person. The pastor will see you as a very good person. So that you will be the pastor’s favorite.
13. God does not want eye-service from us. The only person you should try to please is who? God. In pleasing God, you will please people around you. Do you not believe that?
14. Once you are try to please God, you see yourself pleasing everybody around you. People will be wondering “The type of human being you are?”
15. “6 Not in the way of eye-service as if they were watching you and only to please men,…” Not in eye-service as if they were watching you, just to please them – to please your ministers, to please your parents.
16. Do it out of CONVICTION. Because you have understood what the message is saying, you understood what the instruction from God is saying.
17. “6 Not in the way of eye-service as if they were watching you and only to please men, but as servants, slaves of Christ, doing the will of God HEARTILY and with your whole soul.”
18. Doing the will of God with your whole soul. Have you done the will of God with your whole soul? Have you done it because it is an instruction from your husband? It is an instruction from the pastor. It is the instruction from Onitsha. Is that how you are still seeing it?
19. Are you doing it from your whole soul? From your heart? Remember, last Sunday God said that He TESTS EACH HEART, every heart to know those that are RIGHT and those that are WRONG. Before you sacrifice to God, He has already tested your heart. And if your heart is WRONG, that sacrifice is USELESS. He will leave you, you will still do what? Sacrifice. I hope you are getting the message?
20. “7 Rendering service readily with goodwill, as to the Lord and not to men, 8knowing that for whatever good anyone does, he will receive his reward from the Lord,…” knowing that for whatever good anyone does, he will receive his reward from the Lord. The title of the message here is, REMEMBER YOUR REWARD. Always remember your reward.
21. For every good deed you have done, for every obedience to the word of God, there is always a reward. For every wrong doing, there is always what? A reward. You must be paid back.
22. If you are building a house now, each worker is being paid. The painter, the tiles fixer, the carpenter, everybody would get paid at some point. When you finish working, you go for your pay. If you do it badly, will you be paid? Even if you will be paid? You will be paid below what you bargained for.
23. And God is telling you that for every good work, for every bad work, remember your reward. “8Knowing that for whatever good anyone does, he will receive his reward from the Lord, whether he is slave or free. 9You master, act on the same principle toward them and give up threatening and using violent and abusive words, knowing that He who is both their master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no respect of persons (no partiality) with him.
24. 10In conclusion, be strong in the Lord, draw your strength from Him and.” In conclusion be what? Be strong in the Lord. Did it says be strong on your own? On your senses or on your knowledge? Be strong in the Lord. “Be empowered through your union with him.” Be empowered through your union with what, Him.
25. It simply means, let your satisfaction, let your contentment be in the Lord. Let your contentment, let your satisfaction be drawn from God. Be strengthened with the union between you and Christ. “Draw your strength from Him, that strength which His boundless might provides.” That strength which His boundless might provides.
26. Psalm 17 verse 15 AMP, “As for me I will continue beholding your face in righteousness;…” That is the Psalmist talking. That as for him, he will continue beholding God’s face in righteousness. “(rightness, justice, and right standing with you); I shall be fully satisfied…” That he shall be fully satisfied. “…WHEN I AWAKE TO FIND MYSELF BEHOLDING YOUR FORM AND HAVING SWEET COMMUNION WITH YOU.” Do you see his satisfaction?
27. Do we have Living Bible here? Read it. “15But as for me, my contentment is not in WEALTH but in seeing you and knowing all is WELL BETWEEN US.” His contentment is not in what? Wealth. But in seeing God and knowing that all is well between you and God.
28. That is where he is drawing his contentment from. Amplified called it satisfaction. That when you see God, when you hear about God, you are satisfied; you are okay within you that all is well between you and God.
29. That should be my contentment, that should be your satisfaction. When He comes close to you, there is no way He will say things, that it will not be good. That should be your satisfaction. Amen.
30. I continue with the message verse 35 of page 15. “You can be sitting down here, yet you are not in the Faith of Christ. The devil can sit down here. After all, the devil is an expert in sitting in the congregation of the Saints. You must know what makes you what you are. You must know whether the spirit that is in you is the spirit of Christ or not.
31. You must know what you ESTEEM HIGHER than the WORD of GOD in your life and that is where your problem is emanating from. Change that thing you esteem higher than obedience to the truth that is revealed to you by Christ. That is where your problem lies. Oftentimes, we patronize our real enemies ignorantly.
33. “You must know whether the Spirit that is in you is the spirit of Christ or the spirit of the devil.” We all know the characteristics of the spirit of Christ, and the spirit of the devil. So if at any point in time, yours runs contrary to that which God has laid down to be the characteristics of Christ, you will know the spirit that is operating within you. That is what has been guiding me; it has been my guiding principle in my local assembly. When I get to take to someone on an issue, I will discern that person; I do not waste my time on someone, I am telling you the truth.
34. When I tell you something, I watch the spirit, I watch everything. I might come to repeat it if there is no change, but I will not go further, because there is no need wasting my time. The person has already zeroed his/her mind. All I will do is to do what? Tell you that truth and leave you. When it is reaping time, when it is reaping time, let us all reap all we have sown. It is very, very simple. Let us do what? Reap what we have sown; We will reap everything we have sown.
35. Watch that spirit in you, it is going to guide you very well as a minister. You watch the spirit in someone, once it is not the spirit of God, you put that person where the person belongs. You put that person where the person belongs. That was how I ended the strife among the brethren in that local assembly.
36. I read it from the scripture and put the person where the person belongs and go over to the duty of the day. I will not use because of the foolishness of a brother and hold the message we are handling for today, to start treating that nonsense matter. When you know that person has given himself or herself over to a very dangerous spirit. You already know the spirit that is at work in the person. You now striving and fighting over that issue now, everyone are already listening, paying attention to that matter.
37. Then the weightier matter, the reason for gathering, our purpose for gathering, we would not even tackle it. And because of that single act, the teaching of the day might even be diverted, what has been prepared will not even be issued out, we will start treating that spirit.
38. God is telling you that you should mark them; mark those that are not among you, and do what? Separate from them, there will always be a separation; for God has given us a separating line. God said that the separating line is what? Character! The separating line is what? My character, your character; that is the separating line.
If you check your character, alongside with the teachings you have received, and you see that you are walking hand in hand with God, you are in that same line God has put you, He has helped you. You should not step away from Him. Then, you will now start watching people that are around you, people that profess that they are members of the Bride Of Christ Worldwide. We start watching them, discerning the spirit that is at work in them. Then we separate from those that are not one of us. That is what God wants from us.
That is what Christ is telling us, “is your heart right with god?” is your heart cleansed with the blood of the lamb? Is your heart made pure and holy by the entrance of the word which is the only purifying agent that has the ability to purify the heart of men? Is it a lie? The word of god remains the only detergent that has the ability of purifying the heart of man. As you use detergent to wash your dresses, use toothpaste to clean your teeth, perfume your body with expensive perfumes, the word of god does the same thing in your heart. A wise man pays greater attention to the state of the heart, not neglecting the physical outlook. If it is by flesh (law), nobody in this faith will enter the kingdom of God. Is it a lie?
The Bible said that we should be on the alert, gird up your loins, because our enemy, the adversary, the devil is roaring about us, seeking who to devour.” First Peter 5:8.That is where you will find it. That you should gird up your loins, that you should be on the alert. BECAUSE IF YOU ARE NOT ALERT, YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES. A lot of mistakes. There has been certain situations where God will give an instruction…
2. When we speak of the devil, let us not go too far. God uses human beings to do what? To talk to us. And the devil will also use what? Human beings. By the time you go to reason that instruction God has given to you, to know the potency of the message; you might now go to ask the brother, “please are you sure? Look at what Daddy said”. And you did not discern the spirit in that brother, you go out and start talking. If that person is filled with the spirit of the adversary, the devil, do you think the person will tell you to obey that message? Do you think?
3. That is the point you will see that God is giving you an instruction, and the devil is also doing what? Giving you an instruction as well. You are the one to choose the path you will go. If you choose the path of Christ, God will do what? Help you to implement that message. But if you have chosen to go the path of the wrong person, He[God] will also help you to disobey that message from God; and that your problem will keep on lingering, and lingering and lingering.
4. Verse 41, “There are limits to everything, every social activity in the Bride have already been regulated. If you want to wander away from the boundaries placed by the Almighty God, do it alone, do it because you want to.” Do not start deceiving others; “come and do it with me, come and follow me, come let us do this one…” Because now, you already know the truth. You know even where we are standing; that we are not far from the kingdom of God, but one step remaineth. Imagine hearing this one, and then you now misbehave; what if at that point of your misbehavior, God decides to round up everybody, what will you do?
5. God has made it very clear to us that you might be living a very good life for over 70 years, 80 years, 30 years, 20 years; just one record, one bad event from your side can mar your whole records, can spoil everything for you. No matter how clean and fit this water is for human consumption, a little drop of acid in it makes it unclean, unsafe, unpalatable for consumption. Am I lying? Even if you just dip your hand into the acid and dip it into the water, it is already unclean and nobody can drink it at that point in time. It becomes what? Useless. What will happen to that water,[THE HUMAN BEING(S)]? It will be poured away.
6. So that point in time, where God is harvesting the earth, and you are found among the weed, what is God going to do to you? He will burn you with the weeds. When a farmer farms, and he goes for harvest, after taking the crops, what will he do to the weeds? He will burn them. He will gather the weeds together and do what? Set them ablaze. Now also see something. All those crops that did not germinate, or those that germinated well but at a point, they got spoilt, will the farmer take them home? He would not take them home, he is going to put them inside the weed, and do what? Burn them.
7. God said that my people have mingled with the people of the world, and thus they have become half-baked bread; they have become veryuseless. [HOSEA 7:8] That is what I am saying.
8. You might have a very good record in the Bridal Faith, very nice and wonderful record; and at a point in your life, you lost your conviction of where you are standing, and you misbehave, at that point in time, you are useless before the Almighty God. [MATHEW 5:13 ]
9. He cannot use you for anything. Let us take for example, a minister who has been upholding this Faith of Christ, very highly, to a very high esteem; and at a point, he stopped living up to God’s expectations, living up to his duties and what his position calls for; Can God use that minister again? He has made himself useless, and God cannot what? Use him. That is very simple.
11. God cannot even think about you again. Why? Because you do not even have anything to show for it. You are now empty, you are now useless, and He will treat you what? Uselessly. He is going to dump you.
12. “So from where we are standing now, let us be alert, let us gird up our loins, let us live that satisfactory lifestyle before the Almighty God. Let us live that life that will keep us upholding that which we have known to be the truth; that which have been what the Faith stands for.”[PROVERB 19:23].
13. The only way you can uphold it is in your life, your character, that which you are manifesting everyday.
14. Before I will come down, I will read from the Great Sermon, Epistle 21, Chapter 1. That is the conclusion. I am reading it from verse 7. God said here, “To the rest of you that remain faithful to the Faith, I warn you to be very careful about the rebellious instinct that is in man.”
15. I hope we are paying attention. To the rest of us that are not lost, the rest of us that have not been distracted from what this Faith upholds, the rest of us that are still part of what God is doing; to the rest of you that remains faithful to this Faith, BE WATCHFUL!.
16. He knows that not all will remain faithful till the end, but He is still here to tell you that the rest of you; the remaining, the remnant that remains… “…that remains faithful to the Faith, I warn you to be very careful about the rebellious instinct that is in man. It is this instinct that inspires people to rise up to find fault with a servant of God,[THE WORD OF GOD] from time to time.” There is no other thing; it is that instinct.
17. When your head is now full; you have studied the Faith to the extent that you can rehearse everything that has happened in the Faith, you can easily tell if you make a contact with anybody, “this is what the Faith stands for…”
18. At this point you should be very careful, because you are about to start working with your own knowledge. Because when God says things you have every reason to counter, you have something to say, you must always say something. “My Lord, I have something to say, I have something to say.” Why did you then come to Him? If you know you would have done it right, you would not have come to Him. You would not have even made any complaint about it.
19. I do not even understand! A situation where someone will come to God, he will tell Him, “Look at my problem”; and God will tell him to do something, he will start faulting that thing. But he wanted His help, that was why he came to Him. Why then are you now faulting? Why then are you now going against His instructions? It is that rebellious instinct that is in, what? Man. It is what is promoting you to go against the command of the Lord.
20. “It is this instinct that inspires people to rise up to find fault with a servant of God from time to time. These people do not understand one salient point; that God does not hear or pay attention to them.” God does not do what? Hear or pay attention to them. You are working hard, doing things so that you will be recognized in the Faith; if God does not recognize you, you are wasting your time.
21. IF THAT PERSON GOD IS USING IN YOUR DAY, DOES NOT RECOMMEND YOU TO THE ALMIGHTY GOD, YOU ARE WASTING YOUR TIME. Everything you are doing is in futility; you cannot beat Him, you cannot do anything. Those that have tried it, look at where they ended up. So if you start your own, you already know where you will end up. It is only the foolish ones that are among us that will join them.
22. “There is only one person God will pay attention to his words or petition at any given time. And that is his well-beloved son who bears His Name. That is the only one He pays attention to. He is both the mouthpiece of God and of the people of God.” If you believe it, say “Amen”.
23. “For example, if Moses sinned, God will never send Aaron or Miriam or any of the Elders in Israel to reprimand him. He is God’s servant. God alone is the person that will reprimand him.”
24. I would have taken us back to the story of Moses and how everything happened. It got to a point where Aaron and Miriam became very rebellious to their younger brother, because Moses was the youngest, they were the ones that brought up Moses. When Moses was born, the message was given; that every first male child should be what? Slaughtered. They should kill every male child.
25. They were the ones that raised Moses till the thing occurred, and it was not the same Moses that they knew before, but they did not come to that recognition; they did not get that revelation that it was not that Moses that they knew. They were still seeing Him as the same Moses they carried from the River bank. That was how they were still seeing Him.
26. The rebellion was so much that even in the temple of God, they were rebelling, until God was now called, the cloud dropped in the temple, the voice roared then Aaron and Miriam, said “We are sorry, my Lord.” To who? Moses; that same younger brother. Because something had happened.
27. Then they got that revelation. Jesus was John the Baptist’s cousin, and John the Baptist was of age. He was older than Jesus, way too older than Him(Jesus). So when he was talking to the people, he said that he never knew it was Jesus, he never knew it was Him. At that point in time, everything had changed. It was not how it was before.
28. When that Cloud dropped, God went further to tell Aaron and Miriam, the elder siblings of Moses, that “If you people have a problem, that you are going to come to Moses to air that problem and he will bring it to Me. But if Moses has a problem, he brings it to Me direct. That I am at home with Moses all the time.” That means that He is in him all the time. Anywhere you see Moses, that is where God is at that point in time.
29. Is there a way The Son of Man will be here, and you are going down to Nsugbe to look for Him, what are you going to look for? Who do you want to see there? That is why God is warning us, because of the people that are very close to the Son of Man, like, closest to the Son of Man, and they tend to misuse it. They tend to misuse it. I am telling you out of experience. Most people have misused that opportunity. Some even use it to deceive their brethren.
30. They are these people that once they say something; notable elders in the congregation, that whenever they speak, people will listen to them. These are the people that normally do this. You could imagine when the elders rose up against Moses, because they were rebellious from time to time. They were still seeing Him as that young boy. These people have a lot of dealings with the Son of Man which is now making them to think that “yes, I have landed”.
31. It is that dealing that makes someone to now say, “After The Son of Man, it is me”. That after Son of Man ruling, I will rule.” Misuse of opportunity. Will he still get that opportunity again? Never! An opportunity that he would have used to the Glory of God, an opportunity that he would have used to bring his household straight to God. It is an opportunity.
32. It is just like me, let me just give you a very definite and clear understanding of this. I am a bonafide member of the Son of Man’s family. If you are my friend, if I consider you a very close friend of mine, to the extent of you visiting me in my house, that is the closest you can come to the Son of Man.
33. All I have to do is to walk you up, you will come upstairs. All the privileges even normal people would not even receive or enjoy, you would enjoy it. “Follow me upstairs, let us go and greet daddy.” “Daddy look at my friend.” On a very good day, if you came on your own, you would not have climbed upstairs, you would not have climbed upstairs, you would always wait for Him. If you have any issue, what I will do is; “Daddy please look, look at what my friend said…”He will come down because of you, He will come and see you, He will come and identify your problem. He will speak to you. “Daddy please see, see, see…” He will carry you in the car, you see what you are enjoying because you came close to me. It is very simple.
34. So now, what we should do as ministers if we are very close to the Son of Man is to bring our brethren closer to the Son of Man, making them to get that deepest revelation of who the Son of Man is. Now they are respecting you because they are closest to the Son of Man, they are now ready to take you for your word.
35. Now you do not even need to tell them; when you say something, they now see it that this is what the Son of Man wants us to do, this is what Son of Man said. That is how they are taking it, then you see that power and everything getting into their head. They now start using it to deceive the brethren. Why because they know that if they say anything, that they are going to be heard.
36. If I come out here and tell you this is what the Son of Man is saying, you cannot doubt it. It would be hard for you to doubt it. How will you doubt it? The highest doubt you can do is to go and confirm from the Son of Man, and I have already told you that this is what The Son of Man said. So how are you going to doubt?
37. That is what I am trying to say: Every opportunity, like we read in the book of Ephesians, every opportunity you get use it to do good. That is just it. This explanation I gave is the easiest explanation I can give, I do not know how I am going to explain it again. That is the way I know I can. I will not start mentioning the names of people; because it is very simple.
38. Okay now consider yourself as someone, maybe the Son of Man calls you, “Brother can you do this? Oya come and help me and do this”. That is the closest you can come to Him; make use of that opportunity.
39. There is something different from you coming after Sunday Fellowship to sit down and talk to Him and air your views; there is something. You can never compare yourself to someone He called on phone; “Eh, brother, I heard you have this issue. Oya come today to my house let us talk about it.” Or He is going somewhere, and He calls you on phone, “are you chanced? Oya follow me, let’s go here.” It is a privilege.
40. Once you are with Him, if it is a big cow that was slaughtered, you will get your own share. If there is anything, you are going to get your own share. It is not an opportunity that comes like that, a rear opportunity. It is narrowing down. Why am I saying it is narrowing down? Even Onitsha brethren, they are seeing it. Before, they normally had their midweek services, when it was on Wednesdays. They come to God, He speaks to them, they liaise on matters and everything; we go home.
41. They were there until there was a prophecy that He would not be here with us; that a time will come, He would not be fellowshipping with Onitsha brethren. He made that prophecy, years later it fulfilled. They stopped seeing Him on Wednesday fellowship. If you are now Onitsha brethren, if you want to see Him for any matter, you will now call Him, you will now start booking appointment. That opportunity they had, whereby He comes to Wednesday fellowship, at least the entire household, you can see this person, you can see that person, they lost that opportunity.
42. Everything will now be at a time. He now said, “no more Wednesday fellowship. For every household, it should now be Friday fellowship.” Now He is not coming physically again. He said that even in every family, that He visits every family. Spiritually, this one, you do not know that He is there. You might be misbelieving; you would not say He is here. So there is no eye service in that one; He said He is already taking note.
43. “See the case of Job, where many of his foes rose up and accused him before God and hear his defense. ‘You have said it in my hearing yes, you’ve said it again and again – ‘I am pure, I am innocent; I have not sinned’. You say that God is using a fine toothed comb to try to find a single fault, and so to count you as his enemy. And He puts my feet in thy stocks; you say, ‘and watches every move I make’. All right, here is my reply: in this very thing, you have sinned by speaking of God that way. For God is greater than man. Why should you fight against Him just because He does not give account to you of what He does?” (Job 33:8-13, LB).
44. “In the same manner, the Lord Jesus was accused by the Pharisees, from time to time, of sin. No matter how right they seemed in their accusations, the father never paid any attention to them. Jesus Christ was accused of breaking the Laws of Moses and also taught His disciples to do same. That was true yet it was no sin because nobody can input sin on God’s elect.” If you believe it, say “Amen“. Nobody has the right to input sin on God’s elect. Until God says the final Word; God’s word is final. Until He says it, we do not have that right to conclude that this person is this, this person is that.
45. There are some of us in this Faith, who if God will tell you to bring this person now let him be among you, you will say, “never never! He will never be part of us.
46. He is very bad; he is very bad!” But you still see the Mighty Hand of God, stretching forth, saving that person, bringing the person back to life, and you will be wondering.
47. That is why God is saying that the ways of God, are not the ways of man. The ways of God is always bigger. Bigger than man, and that is why you should be loyal to God.
48. Someone that is bigger than you, authority that is stronger than you; why are you fighting against that authority? You know, most of us, we are working by sight; God wants us to workby Divine Revelation.
49. In any setting where there is someone that is there as a leader, any attempt to say anything, to criticize, or to do anything against that leader, the outcome of it is death.
50. When a coup is planned against a president, and it is unsuccessful, those that planned that coup, if they are caught, are they spared? They are not spared. And now, you think, that one is just for a normal worldly setting; but people now rise up against God in their hearts. Even come to the point of even sharing it with some of the brethren; trying to even entice the hearts of some of the brethren away from that which they knew to be the truth. And you think God is not taking record?
51. “So brethren, each time you are rebuked by God, please, do not feel very much offended but take the advice in the book of Lamentation.”
52. That you should do not be offended when you are rebuked by God. Have it in mind that you were rebuked because there is a problem; you were in error. I do not see a way you would be doing the right, and then you are rebuked. You can never be right and then someone will be giving you correction, is it possible? What am I correcting? Nothing! If this rebuke is coming, there is something, there is a problem somewhere.
53. “Why then should we mere human as we are murmur and complain when punished for our sin? Let us examine ourselves this day and let us repent and be born again to the Lord. Let us lift our hands towards Him in heaven for we sinned. We have rebelled against the Lord. And He had not forgotten it. Lamentations 3:39-42 (LB).
54. Why should we ever complain when we are punished for our sins? Let us examine our ways and turn back to the Lord. Let us open our hearts to God in heaven and pray. We have sinned and rebelled and you Oh Lord have not forgiving us. GNB.
55. You see what living bible said, that we have sinned and rebelled against God and God has not forgotten about it. How can he forget about it? Somebody that is taking record. Even if it is you, if you are the one, if someone makes an attempt to take your life and he was unsuccessful and maybe you decide not to react or retaliate, will you forget it?
56. Whenever you see the person, will it not flash across your mind? Immediately, that is because you are a human being. Now, talk more of God. He is taking record. Remember the people of Israel, they triggered Moses, they got Moses angry to the point, that their complaining and murmuring annoyed Moses and in that state God told Moses, speak to the rock and out of anger, Moses struck the rock three times. God recorded it, against Moses.
57. Until a stone throw to Canaan, God reversed everything. Now you will see the land but you will not enter. Curse be the person that will make a man of God to sin. Do not trigger your ministers to act in anger.
58. As a household, live that life that will make your minister to tenderly admonish you with the Word of God. If you are being corrected and you just humbly obey the message, you go your way. It will be easier for your ministers than when you are being corrected, you are grumbling, you are murmuring, you are being unnecessarily stubborn.
59. God does not forget sin easily. He is taking record. He might see your own, he will not say anything. Then, tomorrow, he will start calling you, “Bro Emma, will you come today. Will you do this, will you do that.” He will be sending you on errand. You will think you have already cleared that issue. He will leave it for you. You will think it does not matter, he will equally feign ignorance. One day, one day, He is going to recall it.
60. And when He recalls it, you will open your mouth and your eyes watching Him. You will become dumb. You will be moping at him with your face covered in shame.
61. When Aaron deceived the Israelites and they worshipped another God, immediately Moses came out and asked, “Who is on the Lord’s side?” Who was the first to come to His side? Aaron. That is why you should be careful. You should be mindful of the person you listen to. Who is on the Lord’s side? Aaron rushed.
62. Just imagine the face of the Israelites when that thing happened. How they will be looking at Aaron? After Moses espoused them to the truth and they saw the gravity of their sin and he now said who is on the Lord’s side? Then the master of the deceit, now ran to the Lord’s side. You that is deceived, what is now your fate? How would you now be looking at Aaron?
63. Someone that you do not know whether that person has fallen out of the Faith, you do not know how far the person has drifted. You are giving instruction and you now run to the person to explain the instruction given to you. I do not think God can give you hidden instruction, He gives plain instruction.
64. That you are looking for more explanation is because you are having doubt. Hence, if you did not understood it, you would have told Him, ‘Sir, I did not understand.” It is very simple, “Daddy, please explain to me.”
65. Speak out first; let it be that He did not explain. Do you understand? But I believe that, because God’s Words very clear and plain for you to understand. At any point where you start consulting people for more explanation means that there is doubt. And the devil will be very happy. He will supply you with that thing you are looking for.
66. You go to an elder, to that brother who your mind points to. And when he explains that thing to your own philosophy, you will now be happy and then you misbehave. When the anger of the Lord will now come down, that elder will be there and you will see him shouting yes sir, yes sir. And you will be the only one bearing for yourself. You will be bearing the brunt for yourself. It is very simple.
67. That is why this message is very clear. Clearer to the children, youths, fathers and mothers. A wife cannot come out tomorrow and say that her husband deceived her. The husband cannot come out tomorrow and say the wife deceived him. Or the children will come out tomorrow and say their parents deceived them. It is not possible.
68. Aaron thought he got away with it. God asked him, one question. Remember we have a message; THE DANGERS OF BEEN CALLED TO QUESTION. While the judgment is overruling many, when will God revisit your iniquity and He asks you why? Do you think you can give him any reasonable answer?
69. I will give us a very good example. Our deacon Sam Beer, when his case was revisited and he was asked a question, did he talk? He became dumb and was crying. If God has purposed to destroy him, his cry and everything, nothing could have even saved him.
70. What did God then say? That His heart is very broad to even accommodate the vilest offender. You now see that His mercy has overruled His judgment. He has dropped everything and declared His own saved. It is very, very simple. That is how God works.
71. When a judge want to grant a state of pardon, he might even grant a state of pardon to someone that has just stayed here for one day. He may not even know. The governor will just pick him. There are many who may after interrogating, they will be asked to stay back.
72. While some will be interrogated and after which they will be asked to “follow me.” Some will just be picked and say “follow me” without saying a word. So, live that life that will never attract God’s judgment, because once you are asked why? Pray that He is going to have mercy on you. Imagine you incurring the wrath of God and then in that same state you are asked why. Can God even have mercy on you? Because He is angry.
73. Verse 29: Should you be punished by the church because of wrong doing, please do not rashly throw in your towel or enter your resignation. It is not the solution. If your ruler becomes angry with you, do not hang in your resignation, serious wrong may be pardoned if you keep calm. To those that still have the spirit of quarreling with God, I warn you to desist from that now for your own good. God is mightier than any human being. Can you see the warning from God?
74. Warning to this household. Warning to you and me. If you still have that spirit of quarreling or fighting or reasoning the Word of God, He is warning you now there is time to do what? Desist from it, stay away from it, refrain yourself from it for God is mightier than any human being. That one you are doing is the one you know. What God has purposed to do to you, you do not know.
75. If God has opened your eyes to tell you, this is what I am planning for you, you will recoil. But you do not know. If you are talked to, you will be feeling stubborn. You will be demonstrating, even if I’m excommunicated, I know what to did. But what God plans to do after the excommunication, you do not know. He will destroy you or even crush you to powder or even banish you from His presence forever.
76. His simplicity does not overlap His lordship at all. Remember we are all adopted in the Beloved of God and He is the Son over His Father’s heritage. Please, I am not saying all these things to you so as to build a hedge around Myself against accusation of criticisms. Do not think that way please. As far as God lives and I live, I must welcome constructive criticism.
77. But I hate and God also hates destructive criticism. Destructive criticism is a calculated attempt mitted out by somebody out of share hatred, malice, envy, jealousy and feeling of inferiority complex to run down the reputation of his enemy. God is against destructive criticism.
78. As a pastor or any other minister or especially the Pastor in charge of any local assembly, you will be ready to receive that constructive criticism. Not everybody will admire you. Even when you are being good, there must be somebody that must be tempted to say something, to find a fault where there is no fault.
79. To find a fault with you as a pastor, because it is not sinking well with him, there must be reaction. But God is telling you to consider it as nothing.
80. But the one that is very harmful is destructive criticism. Destructive one. It is a blackmail that is aided to somebody by his adversary to discredit him before his adherent for base advantage. It is a debasing display of rampant and misguided folly on the part of such infidel. This is a dangerous spirit and you must try to avoid it. Such respondent does not allow its perpetrators to make any meaningful contribution to the Faith.
82. We are built up together as a church, as God’s holy habitation and it is expected of us to speak the same thing and be perfectly joined together in one mind and focus our attention on the mark of our holy and high calling in Christ.
83. Whatever that may bring schism or suspicion in the body of Christ must be avoided by all means with all malice. That is the end of the conclusion. That is the conclusion of the Holy Spirit Inspired Epistle. I decided to revisit it so that it will stir up pure minds in us.
84. Remember the way I started, going back to what was written about this local assembly. Taking us back to that good testimony we had. If the people God used then to fulfill this testimony have fallen away, you can place yourself there. Fix yourself in that position and lift up that testimony again. That is what God wants from us. The elders then were very strict, presently you should do what? Remain strict. The Bishop that won His commendation then has fallen; someone should also rise up and earn God’s commendation.
85. The youths, the children, and thereby you see that vine-branch relationship which God wants us to have. You see us reaping the benefit of having that kind of relationship with God.
86. The best relationship you can have with God is that vine branch relationship, where you can never be afraid of anything, you can easily pick up your phone to call Him and tell Him anything because your life is, what? The life of God. And remember from the message we read today that there is always a reward. On this note I say Remain Blessed Brethren.