Zion is a place, name used as synonym for Jerusalem. It can also be referred as a hill in the city of Jerusalem. It can also mean “Holy place or kingdom of heaven.”
- According to httPs:// “Zion in the old testament is the eastern most of two hills of ancient Jerusalem. It appears to be a pre-Israelite Canaanite name of the hill upon which Jerusalem was built. In the Biblical usage, “Mount Zion” often means the city rather than the hill itself.
- In second Samuel Chapter 5 verse 6 through 9, it was recorded that Zion was the site of the Jebusite city captured by David, king of Israel and Judah and established by Him as His royal capital.
- David and his troops defeated them (the Jebusites) and captured the stronghold of Zion, now called the city of David. He made the strong hold of Zion (also called the city of David) his headquarters.
- In the light of the aforementioned, David as King and God in His age dwelt in Zion. It is absolutely clear that, where ever God dwells is Zion.
- In our present age, “The Son of Man is the personality for which cause the ends of the earth are being united. The Son of Man, The Eastern Star, is the uniting point of all the children of God through out the whole world starting from the Garden of Eden.”
- The vindicated Apostle in the mist of the Bride is the Uniting Point. He is the revealed Christ that took off from the Garden of Eden, continued His journey until today, He has arrived here. Apostle Peter Odoemena The Son of Man (2017).
- I Have Not Come to Bring Peace but Division and Strive (Chapter 4 verse 9 through 11, The Anointed wearing the Shekinah glory).
- The personality the presenter is talking about is no other person than the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Christ, blessed be to His Most Holy Name. Where ever He is residing is the Jerusalem and Zion in this generation.
- According to https://www.oxford “daughter of Zion referred to Biblical phrase. Jerusalem or the Jewish people” for instance, in reference to rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion—lo, your king comes to you.
- The daughter of Zion is a people waiting to be saved. Gods chosen people will know gladness again when the Lord Himself will praise them and save them.
- According to Isaiah Chapter 3 verse 16, the daughter of Zion are the female inhabitants of Jerusalem. It recorded that they will be the haughty Jewish women, who mince along, noses in the air, tinkling bracelets on their ankles with wanton eyes that rove among the crowds to catch the glances of the men.
- All the same, for the purpose of this exposition, the presenter refers to females as daughters of Zion, she traced some of the antecedents of women from the beginning of creation.
- The basic point of this exposition is to trace the antecedents of daughters of the World and the daughters of God.
- In Genesis chapter 3 verse 20, Adam, named the first woman on earth who was his wife Eve as recorded “The man named his wife Eve meaning, the life giving one for he said she shall become the mother of all man kind”.
- After Eve, so many women featured in the various ages both worldly and Godly daughters of God.
- There is fascination in understanding of the majority of names of women in the Bible. There were lots of nameless women, many of whom held conspicuous place in the Bible history either for evil or for good. For instance, the names of Noah’s daughters in laws and his wife were not known. Job’s wife name was silent, Lot’s wife and his daughters names were equally not known.
- There are so many nameless widows who appeared in the Bible. Peter’s wife and his mother in law’s names were equally not known among others. Nevertheless, the task at hand is for the presenter to look into their characteristics, dispositions and attitudes as godly or ungodly women, hence lessons to learn by this generation’s daughters of Zion.
- The presenter traced the antecedents of the daughters of the world and daughters of God. Furthermore, to achieve her set objectives, she examined the proclivities of women: flashback, modern generation women: inter-connection, Upstanding daughters of God: Review and Rejoice, Oh daughters of Zion.
And the Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be by himself: I will make one like himself as a help to him. 19 And from the earth the Lord God made every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and took them to the man to see what names he would give them: and whatever name he gave to any living thing, that was its name. 20 And the man gave names to all cattle and to the birds of the air and to every beast of the field; but Adam had no one like himself as a help. 21 And the Lord God sent a deep sleep on the man, and took one of the bones from his side while he was sleeping, joining up the flesh again in its place: 22 And the bone which the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman, and took her to the man.
23 And the man said, this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh: let her name be Woman because she was taken out of Man. 24 For this cause will a man go away from his father and his mother and be joined to his wife; and they will be one flesh.
Genesis 2:18-24
Proclivity, invariably is negative inherent habitual inmate or learnt attraction to certain behavior activity and action.
- According to, proclivity is tendency to choose or do something regularly or inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing. Proclivity suggests a strong natural proneness, usually to something objectionable or evil.
- Right from the beginning, there was disconnect after God took one of Adam’s ribs and made the rib into a woman and brought her to Adam. (Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 through 23)
- God placed Adam in the garden of Eden to tend and care for it but warned him to eat any fruit in the garden except fruit from the Tree of conscience, for its fruit will open his eyes to make him aware of right and wrong, good and bad and God told him that if he eats the fruit, he will die.
- In verse 23, it was recorded that Adam exclaimed “she is part of my own bone and flesh, he called her woman because she was taken out of a man.
- In the same vain, Apostle Peter Odoemena the Son of Man (2012) In the message “Forgotten Creature,” Chapter 2 verse 29 through 30. The Lord declared that “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fail upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib which the Lord God taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man”.
- The Lord continued “Made He a woman and brought the woman also before the man. This God is a wonderful God! God caused a deep sleep to befall Adam, operated on Adam and from the rib He formed a woman. That is a female side of a man.
- In other words, the female side of a man is called a woman. This was the origin of disconnect traced to Eve and the deception by Satan the serpent.
- She disobeyed God by listening to the serpent and his lies that God was not telling the truth about the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. After taking a bite, she offered it to Adam and the two were ejected from paradise.
- Though Eve might have turned her life around positively in repentance but her disobedience had been recorded for our learning and alertness lest we fall into the same quagmire.
- There are lots of women who were from the lineage of Cain both named and nameless, but for the purpose of this presentation some of them will be examined.
- Jezebel was the daughter of Ettbaal a Phoenician princess, married to king Ahab she was a Baal worshiper, she murdered many prophets in Israel including Neboth. She was known for beautifying her self with all kinds of makeup. She was thrown out of the palace window and her body was fed to dogs.
- The Bible recorded in 1st Kings chapter 18 verse 13, the killing of prophets of God and in 2nd Kings chapter 9 verse 30 through 36, God rewarded Jezebel according to the words of Elijah the prophet that dogs would eat her flesh and that her body would be scattered like manure upon the field, so that no one could tell who it was.
- Athaliah was the daughter of Omri and a wicked queen married to Jehoram King of Judea but grew paranoid after the kings death. She murdered all her grand children except Joash in other to secure the throne. She was ruthless but was killed by dragging her to the palace stables (2nd Kings chapter 11 verse 1 through 16).
- Herodias was the grand daughter of Herod the great. She married two of her uncles, Herod Philip I and Herod Antipas. She was an over ambitious and ruthless woman who hated John the Baptist for standing against her marriage to Herod Antipas, which she married after divorcing his half brother Philip.
- In exhibition of her ruthlessness she asked her daughter to demand for the head of John the Baptist on a platter and she was gifted, as she demanded. The Bible recorded in Mathew chapter 14 verse 3 through 12 the account of the arrest of John the Baptist by Herod and the gifting of his head to Herodias’s daughter.
- Another deceptive woman was Potiphar’s wife, an Egyptian woman who failed to seduce Joseph to jump into bed with her but succeeded in accusing him of attempted rape and had him thrown into prison.
- The Bible recorded in genesis chapter 39 verse 7 through 23, Joseph’s perils in the hand of an evil and amorous woman that landed him in jail but the Lord was with him and granted him favour with the Chief Jailer.
- Samson the great died in the hands of wicked Delilah because she delivered him to the philistines, they gouged out his eyes and took him to Gaza. In Judges chapter 16 verse 1 through the end, marked the beginning of Samson’s straying away and got entangled with a worldly woman who handed him over to the philistines and that was the end of Samson.
- After Saul killed all the witches in Israel, one survived and that was the witch of Endor who made her living by conjuring the spirit of the dead in order to predict the future. Although King Saul forbade necromancy but ironically the same king went to her to conjure the spirit of Samuel. 1st Samuel chapter 28 verse 3 through 24 recorded the encounter between king Saul and the witch of Endor.
- The Bible recorded in Exodus chapter 22 verse 18 “Thou shall not suffer a witch to live” this shows how dangerous, wicked and ruthless witches are and their evil inclination attract death penalty.
- Worldliness is exemplified in Lot’s wife who got favour from God but trampled upon it by looking back after being dragged from Sodom to a near safe ground with a warning but she looked back in disobedience and turned into a pillar of salt. Her story is seen as an example of what happens to those who choose worldly life over salvation.
- In regard to this, as recorded in the Bible, Genesis chapter 19 verses 1 through 26 specifically in verse 26 – the bible recorded “But Lot’s wife looked back as she was following along behind him, and became a pillar of salt”.
- In the same vain, Apostle Peter Odoemena The Son of Man (2019) Remember Lots Wife chapter 1 verse 20 (what is the hope of a hypocrite) The Son of Man confirmed that Lot and his wife were pulled by the hand, out of the house. Lot was ready to escape, Lot was in support, Lot knew that the Angels slept in his house, the wife cooked for them. Lot and the wife received the same message but his wife was too stubborn.
- In page 24 verse 27, the Lord emphasized “that was the time the two Angels ran into the house and queried them”, what are you doing”? One held Lot and the other held the wife. The two Angels held Lot and the wife by the hand and led them out. Their daughters followed them.
- In Surah 27:56-58 “There was no other answer given by his people except that they said “Drive out the family of Lout (Lot) from your city. Verily these are men who want to be clean and pure” so we saved him and his family except his wife. We destined her to be of those who remained behind. And we rained down on them a rain (of stones) So evil was the rain of those who were warned.
- As can be seen, the Bible and the Quran recorded the stubbornness of the wife of Lot and was confirmed by the Almighty God. Remember Lot’s wife (Luke 17 verse 32). Apostle Peter Odoemena , The Son of Man (2020) The 3- Fold Manifestations Of Christ, The End Of All Revelations, chapter 3 verse 7 —“Moses picked an Egyptian woman, Moses picked a foreign wife without prayers. A social wife, fair to look at, beautiful, tall, elegant, no spirituality but carnality which he knew not.
- In page 75 – The Lord noted that “The wife of Moses cursed Moses and cursed the God of Moses in his face, calling the God of Moses a murderer, a blood sucker. Moses could not do anything to check the woman. She angrily, took the two children and ran back to her parents house, to the house of Jethro, the father.
- She exemplified a high handed, stubborn, arrogant, fearless and extremist ungodly woman who does not even fear God – who then is her husband. She became a torment to her husband and his ministry and she faded away.
- There are so many other worldly women in the Bible that this exposition can never contain their flashback. Sapphira lied with her husband, lied to Apostle Peter and got instant death penalty as recorded in Acts of Apostle chapter 5 verse 1 through 11.
- In Job’s trials, his wife never stood for him, rather she asked her whether he was still retaining his integrity that he should curse God and die. Job chapter 2 verse 9 stated that “His wife said to him “Are you still trying to be godly when God has done all this to you? Curse him and die. Job’s wife was a blasphemous wife who wanted to make Job blaspheme God by her evil advise.
- A lesson for our young daughters in straying away from God, moving away from Jerusalem to Jericho like Dinah Jacobs daughter. According to Genesis chapter 30 verse 21, and chapter 34, verse 1 through 2. “One day Dinah, Leah’s daughter went out to visit some of the neighborhood girls. But when Shechem son of the king of Hamor the Hivite saw her, he took her and raped her, the rest was history because nobody can change what took place.
- The proclivities of women flashback cuts across all ages so that we can pause and think because when the historical antecedents of peoples mistakes are forgotten, the tendency there, is that the mistakes of the past generations will not only be repeated but will climax to destructive and deadly levels as we all are witnessing the fall out and the inter-connections.
The society is in a mess because we are living in the woman’s world; a religious world where religion has placed women on top of men. Religion has placed women where angels are afraid to go. Religion has even made women preachers, pastors, and some of them archbishops. Religion has exposed women to politics. But they do not know. It is Satan’s deceit. A woman is never a public figure. A woman is a “sacred being” that has her position in the home building. Today, modernism and women emancipation through science and politics have succeeded in relocating a woman. As a man of God; any education or social standing or exposure that removes a woman from her God placed position is of the Devil. Don’t you know that we are living in a woman’s world? Women have been controlling the world. That is why things have been turned upside down. Where Satan is afraid to go, he sends a woman there.
–The Son of Man –
Having examined the proclivities of women in flashback ex-raying some unacceptable behaviours, actions, characters and dispositions of women from creation till this our modern generation. The writer is trying to see if there are connections between the past generations and this our modern generation.
- Furthermore, she is trying to see if there are linkages between the past generations and this our modern generation in all the identified characteristics features of the past generation women.
- Reference to (1933) Seven visions of William Marrion Branham where he saw the state of Modern Women. He recorded that “The fifth scene, that appeared involved the womanhood of the world. In this scene, there appeared the first moral decay of women. Starting back when she received her so called liberty to enter into worldly affairs by means of the vote, she soon began to wear clothes that were too revealing.
- She bobbed her hair and adopted the clothing of men. Finally, the vision showed her all but stripped naked and she merely covered herself with a tiny apron about the size and shape of a fig leaf with her womanhood so little valued, a terrible decay of all flesh came upon the earth and with it perversion even as set forth by the word of God.
- In the sixth vision, William Branham stated “then there arose in the United States a most beautiful woman clothed in splendor and great power was given to her. She was lovely of feature but there was a hardness about her that defied description. Beautiful as she was, she was yet cruel, wicked and cunning.
- She dominated the land with her authority, she has complete power over the people.
- The vision indicated that either such a woman would literally arise or that this woman of the vision was merely a type of an organization which is scripturally characterized by a female…..”.
- What ever the vision five and six stand for, the presenter is only interested in the decaying variables and negative features used in describing this generation modern women which have inter-connections with the past generations women outlined in this paper and even outclass the previous generations all put together.
- Let’s flashback a little further in Genesis chapter 39, the immoral story of Potiphar’s wife’s lust for Joseph is a picture of modern women, spoilt, rich, beautiful, the product of luxurious and licentious civilization as we have it in this our generation. This ex-rayed, the undisciplined forces of womanhood in their most violent form.
- In William Branham 1957-Sept., 25- Questions and answers, he declared that a woman is a tree of death, the man is a tree of life for the woman does not ever bear life in her. That was why he said that any woman that is saved in this generation should count herself the most favoured.
- Lets flashback to garden of Eden. Eve was deceived by Satan and she infested her husband by bringing death into the world through partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
- In the same vain, flashback in Genesis chapter 6 verse 1 through 13, the Bible recorded that there was population explosion on earth. It was at this time that beings from the spirit world looked upon the beautiful earth women and took any they desired to be their wives.
- Who were these daughters of men. They were the offspring of men who began to multiply on the face of the earth with their cultivated beauty. They were descendants of Cain who was the founder of civil institutions and social life.
- They were caught up in the flood because of their ungodly characters but the daughters of God were Sethites from the Adam’s righteous – branch.
- There are inter-connections between proclivities of women flashback with the submission of the prophet William Marrion Branham and modern generation. The Bible recorded in Proverbs chapter 5 verse 6 “she cares nothing about the part of life. She staggers down a crooked trail and doesn’t realize where it leads”.
- The modern generation women are greedy, rebellious, unsubmissive, wicked, adulterous, gossips, slanderers, incorrigible, unremorseful, deep in sexual sins, perverse, deceptive, seductive with persuasive evil mouths. See Proverbs chapter 5 verse 3 through 4.
- “For the lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey and her mouth is smoother than oil. But in the end she is as bitter as poison, as dangerous as a double –edge sword.
- Proverbs 22 verse 14 recorded “The mouth of an adulterous woman is a deep pit: a –man who is under the Lord’s wrath fails into it”.
- You will agree with me that all the identified evils in this modern generation and many more are with us and non can hear stop and they will never believe that they are wrong – hence the Bible recorded in the same Proverb chapter 30 verse 20 “This is the way of an adulterous woman: she eats and wipes her mouth and says I have done nothing wrong. NIV
- They can never be wrong any more and the word “sin” is a play word in their eyes.
- In Romans chapter 1 verse 26, it was recorded “That because of all these shameful acts and atrocities, God then abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex sin with each other.
- There are so much ungodly acts going on among the so called sophisticated ladies in this modern generation, except you do not have eyes or ears or you are part of the dead end system of total perversion and deception.
- Lets go further in examining Branham’s messages that are live with us exhibited among the women of disobedience who God has already handed over to reprobate spirit, stiff as dead body and as strong as iron.
- Branham William in Marriage and Divorce (1965) affirmed that “She is not in Gods original creation, she is a by product” You may question me about Satan being her designer but that is the truth. Satan designed her. He still does.
- William Marrion Branham, continued “there is nothing designed that can deceive and be deceived as easy as a woman”. There is nothing designed or can stoop as low as a woman can. She is designed alone for filth and unclean living. What is she made this way for? For deception.
- Every sin that ever was on the earth was caused by a woman. You remember what was the first perversion was a woman. But there was only one woman in the Bible that ever painted her face and that was Jezebel.
- Let us flashback, inter-connect and analyze some of these Branham’s divine submissions on women whether his submission have bearing with modern day women.
- There is no evil and all forms of criminal acts in this world, that women are not involved. Name them; -kidnapping, rape, armed robbery, pen robbery, murder, cheating, sexual sin, domestic violence, rituals, cultism, disobedience to parents, all forms of immoral acts, display in nudity – all form of sophistications in social life, adoptions, zeal for all forms of negative imitations, penchant zeal for money, all sorts of religious inclination as pastors, evangelist, teachers, Deacons, just name it –an evil modern generation women must be found there.
- One can but conclude that the proclivities of women flash back on past generations identified in this presentation have great inter-connections with our modern generation.
- You will agree with me that it did not only inter-connect but it is over flowing and rising to unlimited uncontrollable level of beastly nature.
- If you are looking for Jezebel, she is out there in the world, Potiphar’s wife, Delilah, Demon possessed damsels, Cain’s daughters, Lot’s wife, Witch of Endor, Moses’s wife, Dinah, Job’s wife, Herodias, Athaliah, Ishmeal’s first wife, Sapphira, and the rest of them.
- If you sincerely examine these characters, you will certainly agree with me that they are every where. The Almighty God in our mist told us that spirits do not die. They are here ravaging the entire world.
Upstanding Daughters of God: Review
- Upstanding simply means behaving in a good and moral way, respectable, honest, and epitome of integrity exemplified to be emulated. The lecture presenter reviewed the characteristics features of some of the past generations daughters of God as recorded in the Bible.
- The presenter having traced some of the proclivities of women in the past and present generations, it is pertinent to examine if there were daughters of God in those past generations to strengthen the present generation daughters of God.
- In other-words if they made it then, the present generation daughters of God can also make it by cross checking their various actions positive and negative actions and draw a positive action line – that we must emulate the past daughters of God – The slogan becomes “YES We Must” – can I hear the daughters of God say after me “YES WE MUST”.
- It is true that Eve disconnected initially. She was the first daughter of God and the mother of all of us, She quickly re-connected back, she was very remorseful, confessed her mistakes and humbled her self before Adam her husband.
- According to Rutherford (1926) chapter iv verse 1 through 12 “And indeed But Adam and Eve wept for having come out of the garden, their first abode” And indeed when Adam looked at his flesh, that was altered, he wept bitterly, he and Eve, over what they have done
- —“It went further in chapter 5 verse 1 and stated that Both Adam and Eve entered the cave and stood praying. It got so bad that Adam dropped and was as dead. Eve continued crying because she thought he was dead. She pleaded for mercy and pity, praying that God should forgive her and that she was the one that caused Adam to fall.
- She pleaded for God to restore Adam to life or take her own life too, in verse 14, Eve cried out her heart and fell upon our father Adam from her great sorrow.
- There is no point over stressing the agony, regret and remorse of Eve over her sin, it was clear from Eve’s narrative that she experienced profound sense of guilt and shame, she saw the magnitude of the consequences of her sin, she continued in prayers, submissive and dependence on Adam.
- Eve’s strength and capacity for love, remorse, forbearance and devotion which she exhibited in prayers after the fall revealed that she was an upstanding daughter of God.
- The Almighty God, The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, Blessed be to His holy name constantly tells us that what counts in this heavenly race to paradise is the end of your life and not your beginning.
- Let us consider Sarah, as one of the upstanding daughter of God. She was Abraham’s wife who obeyed, honored, was submissive to her husband as the head of the family and called him my Lord (1 Peter chapter 3 verse 5 through 6)
- By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised as recorded in (Hebrew Chapter 11. verse 11).
- All these verses point to the fact that Sarah was faithful and that God delivers on His promises.
- Sarah was obedient to her husband which might have fortified and consolidated their marriage. The magnitude of Sarah’s natural intrinsic strength of character extended to cover her both inwardly and outwardly.
- Her obedience was also exemplified, she followed her husband from Ur to the land that God was to show him without fear or misgiving, even when Abraham identified her as his sister, she did not contradict nor correct nor confront him with disapproval of what he did.
- She had never opened her mouth against Abraham’s actions as in the case of sacrificing Isaac.
- Sarah’s upstanding characteristics can not be exhausted in this exposition.
9So Hathach returned to Esther with Mordecia’s message. 10Esther told Hathach to go back and say to Mordecia, 11”All the world knows that anyone, whether man or woman, who goes into the king’s inner court without his summons is doomed to die unless the king holds out his golden scepter; and the king has not called for me to come to him in more than a month.”
Esther 4: 9-11 LB
There are so many upstanding daughters of God which are high-lighted in this write up because of their overwhelming characteristics set out as standard for all daughters of God in this our generation.
- Time and space might not allow the writer to discuss all of them, as outlined here. They include Shiphrah and Puah as recorded in (Exodus chapter 1 verse 15 through 22).
- They were Hebrews midwives when the people were living in slavery in Egypt before Moses led them out in the Exodus. They showed themselves to be brave and strong in the face of grave danger from the most powerful king in the world.
- They chose to trust and follow God rather than fear the human king. They were obedient and loyal to God.
- Rehab was a woman with a bad reputation as a prostitute, but when the spies came to Jericho she hid them on the roof of her house which was built into the city wall. She let them down by a rope through a window. The full story is recorded in Joshua chapter 2, 3, 4, 5 and chapter 6 verse 1-25.
- Rehab showed herself to be brave, bold, strong, and loyal to God not minding the great danger that faced her from the king of the city of Jericho.
- She recognized God’s greatness as soon as she met the Angels of destruction, her house became a house of refuge and all that were with her were saved bound by the covenant between her and the Angels.
- Ruth, showed her self to be loyal to Naomi and her trust in God. She was humble and kind. Her story is recorded in Ruth chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4. Ruth’s loyalty paid off, tracing Ruth’s profile, came Elimelech as kinsman, then Obed, Jesse, David, Solomon, Bathsheba, then the birth of Jesus Christ.
- Esther’s outstanding qualities were recorded in Esther chapter 4 through 9. She was a brave and strong Queen who saved the entire nation of Israel under Persian rule, under king Ahasuerus. She equally, showed her self to be brave and strong in the face of great danger.
- She trusted God and put her life on the line for her people Israel. God used her to save the entire nation of Israel under the evil plans of Haman.
- Space will not permit the writer to go through all the upstanding daughters of God’s profiles one after the other, some of them were highly commended.
- Worthy of mention include but not limited to Mary the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene who followed the Lord Jesus Christ faithfully even unto death.
- Furthermore, Priscilla, Mary sister of Lazarus, Lydia, Phoebe, Joana, the wife of Chuza, Susanna, Timothy’s mother Eunice and his grand mother Lois. There are some nameless widows as recorded in the Bible that their actions were encouraging as they dedicated their lives to God.
- The widow who gave two coins, the widow of Zarephat. The writer’s limitation is space to examine all the characteristic features of all the upstanding daughters of God one after the other.
- Nevertheless, it is clear from the Bible that the upstanding daughters of God fear God, (Proverbs 31 v 30) speaks and behaves wisely (Proverbs 31:26 through 27). Helps to guide their children and younger women to fear the Lord, dedicate their lives to the service of the Lord,
- They submit to their husbands, known for hospitality, they keep inner beauty as in 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 4. “But let our adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which in God’s sight is very precious.
- Submits to her husband (Colossians 3:18). She does not behave foolishly and so protect her household (Proverbs 14 verse1), she keep from gossiping or speaking ill of others (1 Timothy 3 verse11), she works hard and takes care of her home and family (Proverbs 31verse 13 through 27).
- She remained dedicated to the things of God as Anna a widow and a prophetess (Luke 2verse 36 through 37). She helps to care for those who spread the gospel by contributing to their needs (Luke 8 verse 1 through 3), she easily accepts the word of God like Lydia (Acts 16 verse 14 through15).
- Apostle John wrote To “that woman of Cyria, one of God’s very own…..”, She walks in love and obedience to God (2 John, chapter 1, verse 1 through 6).
- She is supported and acknowledged by other believers as exemplified by the life of Phoebe (Romans 16 verse 1 through 2). She gives generously to those in need (Proverbs 31 verse 20).That is the life of a virtuous woman.
- The aforementioned are some of the characteristics features of upstanding daughters of God which they exhibited in their various generations which were realistically documented for the future generations and we are the beneficiaries because when positive history is not documented, one can blindly go into error but when negative history is documented, neglected and forgotten, the mistake of the past generations will be repeated.
- Whether it is positive or negative documentation, they are for the daughters of Zion to learn , for admonition and for guidance against future error.
Therefore he that opens your eyes must be the one that loves you, and not he that dashes you money, or other material gifts like the Pharisees were dashing the blind man while he was in their Church. As long as he has started the good work in you, cooperate with him, so that He can accomplish the work He started in you. So that in the end you will rejoice and He will rejoice also that He has not laboured in vain”.
As clearly stated that daughters of Zion is a phrase that shows how the Lord loves his people and how patient He is with them just like a loving father with his daughters.
- We have seen some of the upstanding daughters of God in the past generations, its now time to examine the daughters of Zion’s manifestation in this age and what God expects from them.
- This section of the write up, opens with the writer’s name (Sister Nneka Umezulike) where the Almighty God, the Son of man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, blessed be to His Most Holy name, spoke to her on her Doctorate degree programme.
- Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son Man (2010) The Inner Voice, chapter 4 verse 1 through 7 . (Balance view of Godly woman). (The Lord speaks) “A sister told me that she wanted to do a doctorate degree programme ——- with out looking at their faces, I said sister, I approve of your Ph.D course only on these conditions: that it will not make your head to be puffed up with pride when you begin to answer Doctor Mrs, that is one .
- Secondly, that it will not make you to ridicule your husband who ended his own at Masters level. Any education that you attain and it makes you to rub minds and heads, rub shoulders with your husband, that education is devilish.
- Lastly, birds of the same feather flock together. Where you are going … all that acquired it go by the name “Iron Ladies” Moreover, they do not regard women dresses as anything again. They specialize in wearing trousers and suits.
- The sister (sister Nneka Umezulike) replied “Daddy, how can I in life attempt such a thing? Of course, you know me” I said (The Lord speaks) I know you today, but tomorrow will tell”… She has been putting on trousers till today” … check all Doctor Mrs, they are the same.
- The writer inscribed her name here as an example of women adornment in error and women take home on academics and God’s unquestionable standards.
- In the message Healthy Living In The Family Of God And Some Excerpts From Legend Of The Jews Volume Iii, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man (2003) chapter 2 verse 39 through 40. The Lord frowned at and stood against women domination.
- “What am I trying to say? It appears from the beginning that the battle God has been fighting is the battle against women domination. Women have been trying to dominate … Once women invade the system, the system crumbles”.
- In the same message as sighted chapter 1 verse 18 through 19 “To those that take pleasure in judging and correcting their husbands dragging them to their own court I believe from now, you will repent
- Do not ever think of dragging your husband to the court no matter the situation. Try as much as you can to be a good wife, especially ministers wives.
- In the message, When The Sparks-Fly In Your Marital Relationship Explained Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man (2008) chapter 8 verse 4 (women are extremists) “Sometimes the extremist in this unwholesome behavior which is notably the woman …”This is to say that women over steps their bonds when ever they want to act negatively in foolishness and stupidity. They take pleasure in indulging in violent and other extreme actions.
- In the message – If You Will Humble Yourself Before The Almighty God Explained by Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man (2014) chapter 3 verse 6 through 19. Christ is the husband man of the church. He is the husband man of the church as your husband is the head of your home …
- When a woman disobeys the words of the husband, it is a sign that she is stubborn…
- There are reasons why wives do not obey their husbands. Number one is stubbornness, number two is pride for she feels that she is debasing her self in obeying the man.
- Any woman who thinks that obeying her husband means debasing herself, lowering her integrity that woman is not worthy to be a wife. That woman is not worthy to be what? A wife, a mother.
- In the same message, chapter 5 (characteristics of an ungodly woman) verse 4 “The toughest being God gave a man to tame is a woman…”
- In the message, “I am the ladder to Heaven,” Apostle Peter Odoemena The Son of Man (2013) chapter 7 (Our God is a God of Decency) verse 2 – “When we talk about dressing, dressing, dressing, nobody has ever upset the Elders more than the women.
- However our message says “A virtuous woman filled with the Spirit of God must have a good sense of judgement concerning dressing”.
- In the message, The Appearance Of Ladies In The Church, Healthy Living In The Family Of God, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man (2001/2003) chapter 2 (Appearance of Ladies in the Church) verse 82 “You see, I do not want it.
- God is looking for women that will fear, honour, respect and obey their husbands, who will say Amen to the words of their husbands. Who will be loving, kind and gentle, humble and obedient in all things, praising their husbands for their efforts. I want such women in the church such are pleasing to the Lord.
- In the message, I Am Bringing All Families Back volume II. Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man, (2017) chapter 1, Benefits of submitting to your husband verse 1 through 3 ,Proverbs 31 verse 30. Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.
- A woman that honours her husband honours God and she stands to be praised.
- In the message, “My People Do Not Know Me”, Apostle Peter Odoemena. The Son of man, (2001) chapter 9, wives should obey their husbands verse 10 through 23. Women you gain nothing in troubling your husband…
- Whoever that is upsetting the faith of the husband is troubling her husband — I will like a situation where every woman will at least obey the voice of the husband…
- You know it is not out of place for you to hear from some women, especially ministers wives “their husband does not take correction, my husband doesn’t take correction” Which correction?— The writer, Sister Nneka Umezulike was the culprit and the Lord indicted her.
- “Let me tell you; if you come to me and say “My husband doesn’t accept correction” you are not even a wife, you are a man I say you are a man. No matter who you are, you are a man. Does a woman correct her husband. The full story runs down to verse 23.
- In the message, Decision To Mary, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man (2014) chapter 3, the man must bear rule over His own family, verse 3 through 10. Ephesian chapter 5 verse 22 through 23, wives, submit your selves unto your own husband, as unto your Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and He is the Saviour of the body…
- Christ is the head of the church as the man is the head of the woman — It is only in this our generation that we are seeing things being turned upside down… A woman is never a public figure—“
- In the message, The Legend Of The Jews Explained Volume 1, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man (2021) chapter I verse 51. “Authority Flows from top to bottom”. “The head of the woman is the husband. The head of the husband is Christ. Instruction comes from Christ to the husband and from the husband to the wife”. (verse 47)
- In the message, Continue In The Doctrines Of Christ Where In You Will Be Established, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man, (2017) chapter 3 verse 4 through 7. The Almighty God is still stressing that a woman must honour and respect her husband and that the husband must bear rule over her.
- In the same vain, the message God Overhauling Families Volume 1 Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man, (2013) chapter 2, God has come to Rescue Men from the hands of woman verse 5.
- There is no reason you can give as a wife why you must not reverence your husband, serve your husband; obey him in all things as your God, as your creator. You have no reason. I have told you to be compassionate is to do the will of God.
- In the message Cry Out Against The System volume 3, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man (1994) chapter 3, women ministry, in the church verse 1 through 2. God said that women should remain silent in the church, if they want to enquire about something, they should ask their husbands at home for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.
- In the message, Examine What You Believe In The Light Of The Holy Scriptures. Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man (Undated) chapter 12, Women preaching is a false Doctrine verse 1 through 4. Almighty God, emphasized that women preaching is a false doctrine”.
- God did not entrust the preaching of the gospel of Salvation in the hands of women. Women only ministered through their substances, like Joana, Mary Magdalene, Phoebe, Susanna and the rest of them.
- In chosen the 12 Apostle, God never called any woman as one of the 12 Apostles. The daughters of Zion followed Christ quietly in total obedience, prayers and supplication ministering to the needs of the Apostles .
- Almighty God is pointing us to those things that daughters of Zion must do, in order to rejoice eternally with Him. He equally brought to lime light all the good qualities of the past, upstanding daughters of God as high lighted in this exposition.
- In the message, Oh Child Of God Know They Self Volume 2, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man (2020) chapter 1, Remember Lot’s wife, verse 36, that a widow gave the best offering to the Lord but she first of all offered herself and then offered her last kobo.
- “But at the end of the day, a woman, a widow who gave a penny was considered as one that gave the true offering to God, for she first of all, offered herself and then offered her last kobo”.(Mark chapter, verse 41 through 44)
14Do not be yoked with unbeliever. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what dose a beliver have in common with an unbeliever? 16What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said; “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will will be their God, and they will be my people” 17Therefore “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” 18And,”I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty”.
In all the past generations and in this our present generation, God’s standard and His perfect will on position and responsibilities of all the daughters of God to enable them to rejoice as daughters of Zion remain the same, unbroken and perfect connections from the beginning, down to this our generation.
- In Genesis chapter 3 verse 16, it was recorded “to the woman thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall bear rule over thee.
- God from the beginning right after the fall, He rightly defined the positions of women and their responsibilities as keepers at home, child bearing, all their desires and needs should be to their husbands who must bear rule over them.
- It is evidently and crystal clear that only men should preach the word of God while women should be silent in the churches.
- Furthermore, in 1st Corinthians chapter 14, verses 34 through 35 “Let your women keep silent in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also said the law. And if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
- In 1st Timothy, chapter 2, verse 11 through 15, Apostle Paul also said that “Women should learn in silence with subjection and that women should not usurp authority (rule) over man. (Adam) was created first and then the woman Eve from Adam’s ribs.
- Based on all the mentioned facts, women preaching the gospel, usurping authority over men are pervasion of God’s perfect will.
- In the message, continue in the Doctrines of Christ wherein you will be established. Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of man, (2017) chapter 6, (continue in the Doctrines of Christ wherein you will be Established), verse 1 through 2 “Let me say that God regulated families, regulated family relationship. Whoever that is scattering what God has perfectly arranged, that person is a trouble maker. If you are a seed of God, your utmost concern is to respect and honour a constituted leadership framework ordained by God. Any attempt to tamper with it will bring about death, physically, and spiritually and eternal separation from God”.
- Almighty God, The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, blessed be to His most Holy name mandated us in the message The Impact of the word of God in our Hearts (2020) chapter 4, (Get rid of worldliness). Verse 1 through 2 “Let heaven fill your thoughts; don’t spend time worrying about things down here”.
- You should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does, your real life is in heaven with Christ and God”.
- The daughters of Zion we ought to manifest Godliness in our lives, ought to be pious in all ramification. When we are in control of our appetites and desires, knowing that we live in a worldly culture, we must resist ungodly influences around us.
- One of the ways daughters of Zion can distinguish themselves from the world is by self-control. They practice restraints and do not give rein to uninhibited emotions, attitudes, words, and appetites.
- Daughters of Zion control their thoughts taking them captive and making their obedient to Christ solidified. They control their emotions and do not allow their emotions to control them.
- They control their appetites and not display unbridled passion for food and drink. They also control their tongue which James chapter 3 Verse 6 tells us that the tongue is like fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire and it self set on fire by hell.
- They do not allow profanity and unwholesome talk to come out of their mouths as recorded in Ephesians chapter 4 verse 29. The speech of daughters of God is one that edifies and encourages rather than tearing down with idle gossip.
- Daughters of Zion dress modestly and adorn themselves with good deeds appropriate for those who profess Christ as recorded in 1st Timothy, chapter 2 verse 9 through 10.
- Daughters of Zion should be able to see the vanity inherent in the allurements of a world under the control of the evil one as in 1st John chapter 5 verse 19.
- Daughters of Zion can not be fooled by the lives that try to convince them that attractiveness, personal worth and fulfillment are found in physical, external beauty. Their affections are fixed on Christ and they make every effort to follow Christ examples of good works.
- They have heavenly focus and they seek to adorn themselves with godliness and not worldliness. They know that their beauty does not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes as recorded in 1st Peter chapter 3, verse 2 through 6. Rather they focus on their inner selves, the unfading beauty of gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in God’s sight.
- In all, daughters of Zion speak faithfully, love others with Godly wisdom, serve the Lord and live to please only Him. They set their minds on eternal things, persistent in prayer, studying the word and in Godly meditation, they are virtuous, rare treasures, more precious than rubies.
- Daughters of Zion show true beauty, stay humble, should be constantly aware of pride and selfishness. Daughters of Zion always will put God first and seek Him in all they do.
- Let us see what the Bible recorded in Proverbs chapter 31 verses 10 through 31. These verses refer to daughters of Zion as being of great value, worth more than rubies, they are daughters of virtue, daughters of vision of the faith of Christ, vision for the future, vision for their families.
- In second Corinthians chapter 6 verse 14 through 18 God warned all his sons and daughters to run away from yoking themselves with unbelievers.
- In the Bible and from The Almighty Gods life messages as discussed in this paper, Sarah stood out as our example who submitted herself to her husband, obeyed him and called him “My Lord”. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear. Sarah was highlighted as an example of a devoted loyal and humble wife.
- Let us also see Dorcas as recorded in Acts of Apostle chapter 9 verse 39 – who lived in Joppa. She was known for all the good works she did while she was alive. All the widows stood around Paul, showing him the robes and other clothing Dorcas had made while she was still with them.
- Eve equally humbled her self to Adam after the fall.
- We have examined lots of daughters of Zion and three of them are re-high lighted for emphasis and also to see if we can get one daughter of Zion standing out in this generation for other daughters of Zion to emulate her in everything.
- To get answer to this search of one daughter of Zion who other daughters of Zion must follow her upstanding qualities as Sarah of our generation.
- We turn to the Great Sermons and Holy Sprit Inspired Revelations and Epistles (Revised Edition, Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man, (2019) Epistle 21, chapter 2, Appreciation, verses 4 through 10. “First, I must thank God for bestowing me with a virtuous, faithful and spiritual wife who by divine revelation has been a big encouragement to me from the beginning of this ministry till now.
- Truly speaking, my wife and sister, Nzubechukwu Peter Odoemena, has proved to me that behind every successful man of God, there is a spiritual wife full of love, longsuffering, peace of mind and full of courage. Very much enduring and purposeful —
- Truly speaking, she is in a special class when compared with the task, the odds, the ordeals she has passed through in the faith and is indeed a rare treasure that is worthy of my confidence”.
- There is no sincere daughter of Zion that will deny the impact of virtue, humility, kindness, love, care, selflessness, accommodating even when we are in error; interceding before the Lord for us no matter what that offence could be.
- We have all benefited from her explosive care and love. She is standing here on earth with us, so we are not only emulating Sarah and the rest – we have a living Sarah to walk and work with in total obedience as she consistently obeys the Almighty God the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, Blessed be to His Most Holy name.
- Rejoice, Oh Daughters of Zion only referred to daughters of God who obey as the past and present Sarah our Mummy Nzubechi Odoemena.
- Rejoice greatly Oh daughter of Zion, shout aloud Oh daughter of Jerusalem, Behold your King is coming to you, righteous and having salvation, He is humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt the foal of a donkey (Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9.)
- Sing aloud, O daughter o Zion; shout, O Israel, Rejoice and exult with all your heart O daughter of Jerusalem (Zephaniah chapter 3 verse 14).
- “Sing and rejoice, daughters of Zion, for behold, I come and I will dwell in your mist declares the Lord (Zechariah chapter 2 verse 10).
- In Isaiah chapter 62 verse 11 “Behold the Lord has proclaimed unto the end of the world, say ye to the daughter of Zion “Behold thy Salvation cometh; behold his reward is with him and his work before him”.
- Our king is here with us O daughters of Zion with full Salvation in His hands to reward all the daughters of Zion accordingly.
- Furthermore, to highlight once again the basic points of this exposition, see the recorded transcribed voice of the Almighty God Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Son of Man, blessed be to His Most Holy name. He flashed light on the phrase
- “Rejoice, Oh daughters of Zion“ on Sunday fellowship, 28th November, 2021. “Rejoice Oh Daughters of Zion, Rejoice, Oh Daughters of Zion for God had already for knew you, for ordained you right from the foundation of the world to be drawn from the lineage descendants of Eve righteous descendants of Adam, righteous descendants of Eve.
- Right from the old testament favoured women, women that were favoured by God, Women that obtained favour from God they took off from there and down the line until we saw Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, then we saw lots and lots of women who where favoured including widows.
- Down the line, we came to the Apostle, we saw two many of them lined up, then to the days of the re-formers, we saw their wives, we saw some others, to the days of William Branham. We saw a good number of them.
- Some who took it upon themselves that they will be praying for the prophets. In every revival meeting they went into fasting and praying that they will never eat until they received testimony emanating from the camp grounds. From the camping grounds some volunteered to be doing one thing or the other because by revelation they organized their ministries and the Lord approved of all of them.
- Now is the turn of The Son of Man. Rejoice, Oh Daughters of Zion If you happen to be included in this number that are rendering Godly, Holy and acceptable service unto God joyfully with good hearts.
- God called us to render acceptable and Holy sacrifices to Him, that our reasonable service both man and woman.
- The Bible made it clear of who these daughters of Zion should be according to the referenced scriptures. The Almighty God, The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, Blessed be to His Holy Name also confirmed who these daughters of Zion should be, based on their believe, fear of God, faithfulness and acceptable selfless sacrifices with good hearts unto the Lord.
- That is the conclusion of the whole matter, all that claim to be daughters of Zion will only be included in the number by God according to His measuring parameters for there is no competition in destiny.
There are qualities daughters of Zion must strive to possess in order to be counted worthy of being included in the number.
- Daughter of Zion should seek wisdom, be honest, keep on serving the Lord consistently, constantly, be faithful, be disciplined, be virtuous, stay strong, seek the Lord, stay humble, stay diligent, live as a good steward, be self controlled.
- Let people be encouraged by your acts of faith, strength, hard work, perseverance, wisdom, love and all round selfless Godly dispositions.
- The basic facts about this exposition are centered on ex-raying the proclivities of women: flashback on past generations, negative women, like Vatshi, Zipora, Moses wife, Athaliah, Dinah that strayed away and was raped and the rest of them.
- The narrative moved on to modern generation women: inter-connections. It was found out that both of them are greatly inter-connected in every thing and the modern generation exceeded in evil and even climaxed in deception, pervasion and all kinds of criminalities.
- The upstanding daughters of God as recorded in the Bible where we saw Eve, Sarah, Mary mother of Jesus Christ, Dorcas and the rest of them who we must follow and be greatly influenced by their Godly attributes.
- Rejoice, Oh Daughter of Zion has two sides for real daughters of Zion and fake daughters of Zion, by their fruits you will know them, or by your fruits you will equally know where you belong.
- All the daughters of Zion in this generation are looking up to at least one upstanding daughter of God – greatly favoured, loved, a peculiar treasure to God and all of us. We must emulate her in all things. She is our Mummy Nzubechi Odoemena, the head queen, a jewel, highly valued and cherished by God and all the upstanding daughters of Zion.
- Analytically – this write up is able to high light the variables that make up saved and most favoured daughters of Zion, it high-lighted equally women’s God given positions and the condition for their being saved.
- Equally highlighted were those that utilized the salvation offer and the nature they possessed for which purpose they were saved as everlasting reward.
- The narrative ended in our generation upstanding Sarah (mummy Nzubechi Odoemena) All the daughters of Zion in this generation must look up to her characteristic features dispositions and her all round qualities, if we must realistically rejoice as daughters of Zion and be rewarded accordingly by The Almighty God Apostle Peter Odoemena ,The Son of Man, Blessed be to His Most Holy Name through out eternity. Amen