STOP MODERNIZING THE WORD OF GOD VOLUME 2 Preached ON Sunday 7th May, 2023 Patmos Experience BY Pastor Thomas Eze The Household of God, Onitsha


Transcribed by Sister Ifeoma Eze

I want to admire the Camp. It is not by might. It is not by power. It is just by the grace of God. We are not in any way better than the people out there. He that opened out eyes of understanding blinded them. He said that He came so those that claim they see might be made blind and those that say they are blind, their eyes might be opened. He gave some believing hearts to believe the Truth, and He gave some unbelieving heart to believe lies, for the world lieth in wickedness. Who did this selection? The Almighty God! Who included you in the number? The Almighty God! I only appeared to show you who you are and then for you to know who your God is. I came to introduce Myself, not to the world, but to My own for My sheep must surely recognize Me. My stature may change. Everything in Me may change, but My Voice remaineth the same from generation to generation. That is the unchangeable thing in a human being.


FORGET NOT WHAT YOUR EYES HAVE SEEN PART 2; Preached on Sunday 6th August 2017 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 21 vs. 1 – 4.



We continue with Jeremiah chapter 7 vs 16, GNB. The Lord said, “Jeremiah, do not pray for these people. …” 

  1. If you continue to be a blasphemer, bringing reproach to the Name of God, a time will come when God will swear an oath against you like He did to the family of Eli.
  2. God had been talking to them, but they paid deaf ears to God’s warning, taking God for granted. They are being cemented by evil ministers who twisted the truth and pampered them.
  3. They were saying thus; “We have been hearing all these types of things Just relax your mind. God is not going to destroy you, Just tell your children that what they are doing is not good.”
  4. The Lord said, ”Jeremiah do not pray for these people again.” This is because God has warned severally but we paid deaf ears to God’s warning. He warns us in love, in mercy and in truth.
  5. Now, God has sworn that nobody should pray for these people again, for no sacrifice will turn God’s anger from befalling these people.
  6. Let it be known to us that we are now the people God is talking to and not the people in the days of Jeremiah anymore. God is now talking to us who tried to modernize the Word of God, who tried to twist the truth to mean another thing but truth remains the truth.
  7. “The Lord said, “Jeremiah, do not pray for these people. Do not cry or pray on their behalf; do not plead with me, for I will not listen to you.”
  8. This is the same vow God vowed against the family of Eli and told Samuel not to ever pray for this people again or ask God again to forgive them, for I have endured them for too long but they remained hard-hearted.
  9. They continued proving stubborn, testing my patience, striving with me and rebelling against me. Besides, I have showed them enough grace and mercy. Yet, they refused to pay heed to the truth.
  10. Now, we are in danger of being called to question. Tell me if anyone can come before God in judgement and go scot-free? The answer is no. It has not happened before, and it can never happen.
  11. …Do not cry or pray on their behalf; do not plead with me, for I will not listen to you. Don’t you see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
  12. Do you not see what they are manifesting in their families? Bringing blasphemy to my name, ridiculing themselves and not even the faith, bringing condemnation to themselves and blaspheming My Name?
  13. Look at what they are doing in their houses, offices, schools, market places and wherever they found themselves. They have denied me.
  14. Therefore, do not ever pray that I will forgive these people again, for they will all perish. God said that if we commit the same evil which Sodom and Gomorrah committed and He leaves us unpunished, He will go and tender unreserved apology to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.
  15. If we commit the same sin Adam and Eve committed for which cause he cast them away and He welcomes us, He said that He will go and ask them for forgiveness, but far be it from God to plead for forgiveness to mortal men.
  16. We are worshipping the God of yesterday, today and forever, and He changeth not. Do not look at anybody the way he or she behaves or manifests at this point in time.
  17. Rather, be mindful of yourself and the way you are living. Be mindful of the way you are conducting your life in your family and anywhere else. The unseen eye of the Lord is watching you and watching me.
  18. Remember, the thoughts of our heart speaks loudest in the ears of the Lord.
  19. God warned His prophet Jeremiah saying, Don’t you see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem?
  20. That is, in their houses, living places, working places, schools on the streets, in the yards and everywhere, even before their friends and their neighbours. Look at the evil that are been done in the homes.
  21. The children gathered firewoods and that firewood they are gathering means bringing in falsehood, false life and false characters into the family. The parents are watching them and allowed them to continue in that false life, that falsehood.
  22. And when you ask that man, “Do you not see what is happening in your family?” His reply will be, “I have been telling them, but these children are hard-hearted. They do not listen. What will I do again?
  23. Is that all? Eli said the same thing, but he did not escape from the wrath of God. Rather, he was number one God destroyed.
  24. The children gather firewood, the men build fires,…When the children bring in false teaching, the men [their fathers] will help them to go on with that type of evil character.
  25. Their children will try to make money by all means, and the men [the father] will support them. They will pretend not to know what their children are doing, but their children are making the money, both the daughters and sons.
  26. They are now getting the money, but you have not for one day asked the person his or her means of earning that money. You know what the person is doing. You know the type of job he or she got and the amount he or she receives every month.
  27. Most of them have not gotten any job, but they are making money. Some are students, but they are making money. Then the question arises. By what means?
  28. They will be sending money to their parents who are supposed to be sending money for them. Their parents will pretend that they do not know what their children are doing but wait because the wrath of God has already come.
  29. The Scriptures said, “The children gather firewood, the men build fire, and the women mix dough to bake cakes for the goddess they call the Queen of heaven. …”
  30. Now, it is partying everywhere. When the children gather the firewood, the men will build the fire, and their wives will now paint the whole character with useless praises towards the daughters and sons without asking questions on how they got the money.
  31. They will never ask the means by which they made the money. That is the evil in the families who call themselves members of the family of God. That is what children of God are doing thinking that God will allow us to go scot-free. It had never happened before. Let hands join with hands. They can never go unpunished.
  32. So, God is reminding us of His Word. He said, “When you see the days approaching, put yourselves in remembrance of all these things.” We should put ourselves in remembrance with all the teachings we have received already.
  33. The Bible is for us to learn what happened to others in past so that it will not happen to us. But because we have neglected the past, the same have now befallen us.
  34. “… They also pour out offering of wine to other gods, in other to hurt me.”
  35. We are now worshipping and praising the devil to the destruction of our own souls, thereby provoking God to anger. All the idol worshipping in the homes now, do we pretend we do not Know? We know all of them, even allowing our children to go out and come back at will without asking them questions.
  36. But am I really the one they are hurting? No. He who does right or wrong does not do it for God. When we are misbehaving, worshipping idol, twisting the truth and trying to modernize the truth to suit our selfish desire, are we hurting God?
  37. The answer is no. Rather, we are hurting our souls. We are heaping coals of fire upon our heads which will melt and destroy us.
  38. “But am I really the one they are hurting? No, they are hurting themselves and bringing shame on themselves.”
  39. So, if I am misbehaving, going contrary to the truth and pretending not to see the misbehaviours in this family, I am the one to reap the fruit thereof. The same is applicable to others. We are bringing blasphemy to ourselves and not God. We are hurting our souls and not God.
  40. God said, “But am I the one they are hurting? No. They are hurting themselves and bringing shame on themselves and their families.”
  41. “And so I, the Sovereign Lord,will pour out my fierce anger on this Temple.” 
  42. We are the temple templing God. We are the true temple of God where God is dwelling. If we pollute the temple, God will surely destroy us. Who will like to be destroyed by God? Definitely nobody!
  43. But if we say we do not want it, we have to change our hearts and minds and run back to God and stop modernizing the Word of God by giving the Word of God another meaning.
  44. To modernize the Word of God means to worship idol, to worship the devil and to give glory to the devil.
  45. “And so I, the Sovereign Lord, will pour out my fierce anger on this Temple. I will pour it out people and animals alike, and even on the trees and the crops. My anger will be like a fire that no one can put out.”
  46. It is just like the one burning in America now for years. All their efforts to put it out proved abortive, and the fire is still on.
  47. “My people, some sacrifices you burn completely on the altar, and some you are permitted to eat. But what I, the Lord,say is that you might as well eat them all.
  48. I gave your ancestors no commands about burnt offerings or any other kinds of sacrifices when I brought them out from Egypt. But I did command them to obey me,…
  49. When the grace and truth came to us, He said, “Obey Me. Accept the truth. Pattern after Me. Take My yoke, for My yoke is very very light.”
  50. God never told us to do all sorts of sacrifices. Rather, He said, “Obey Me and pattern after Me. Trust in Me, and follow My commands.” That’s all.
  51. “But I did command them to obey me, so that I would be their God and they would be my people. …”
  52. If we do not obey God, we cannot be God’s children. What shows that we are God’s children is our obedience to God’s Word.
  53. The evidence that we are God’s children is that we are bound to obey God’s Word, obey in everything, every instruction and every teaching. That is evidence that we are children of God, and God is our father.
  54. “… And I told them to live the way I have commanded them, so that things would go well for them.
  55. But they did not obey or pay any attention. Instead, they did whatever their stubborn and evil hearts told them to do, and they become worse instead of better.”
  56. They become half-baked bread that is not good to be eaten and not good to be thrown away, which is a very bad condition. The worst condition anybody [both man and woman] can find him or herself.
  57. You are not sweet, and you are not bitter. You cannot be eaten, and you cannot be thrown away. What type of condition is that? It is better that God destroys you outrightly.
  58. Have you seen the hour we are in. It is not the hour you will be bending the truth, twisting the truth andmodernizing the truth to suit your evil desire.
  59. It is better you stand alone with God. Do not take side with anybody. If you want to partake in the salvation God giveth, stand alone in the Word of God.
  60. Do not say that if someone does not worship God, you will not worship or that if he does not listen, you will not listen. Do not say, “If he sleeps, you will sleep. After all, I would not be the only one awake.” You are doing nobody any harm but yourself. There is no way you can know the mind of God without listening to Him.

20Let Me tell you. When I am speaking the Word of life, I am setting Satan on the run. I am scattering spirits. Everyone on the run because the best way to check evil is to expose it. He will run away. He will leave all of you here. You got all of them by contact of the western religion: …  22Let Me tell you. By the time you will come to the fullness of the reality of the Deity (the Elohim, the Supreme Intelligence), things will begin to happen among you. Supernatural things will begin to take place among you. The type of life you will be living, you will not know how you are living it. This is God’s promise for His children, for all His Family. Satan is the author of sickness and disease.


MODERN IDOLATRY [The Introduction] Preached on at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 94 vs. 20 & 22.



Let us read from the message titled, O child of God know thyself Volume 2 Pg. 46 vs. 2 to 7. The Book of 1st Corinthians 4:1 – 2. (AMP) 1So then, let us [apostles] be tasked upon as ministering servants of Christ and stewards (trustees) of the mysteries (the secret purposes) of God.

  1. 2Moreover, it is [essentially] required of stewards that a man should be found faithful [proving himself worthy of trust].
  2. It is essential, required of God towards us to be perfect like God, to be trustworthy, to be faithful unto God and unto one another, for God is trustworthy and faithful. Even if we remain unfaithful, God is always faithful.
  3. O child of God know thyself Volume 2 Pg. 46 vs. 4.4In that place the Bible made mention of Apostles, put your name there. …
  4. As long as you are a child of God and not that somebody told you, but by revelation and intuition, you have noticed it. You have known of a surety that you belong to God. Put your name there.
  5. God is not only talking to apostles but to you and I. God said, “Put your name there. Call your name. Put it there that you Evangelist, Bishop, Deacon, Elder, Pastor or child of God should be a ministering servant, ….”One that manifests the truth.
  6. Ministering does not mean preaching just like I am doing now or interpreting, but manifesting the life of Christ. That is ministering. Manifesting the truth, condemning falsehood and exalting truth.
  7. Put your name there. All of us are involved both Bishop, Evangelist, Deacon, Elder, Pastor and all of you. Children of God should be ministering servants.
  8. In that place the Bible made mention of Apostles, put your name there. Call your name. Put it there that you Evangelist, Bishop, Deacon, Elder, Pastor should be a ministering servant, proving that faith which God has inculcated in you,[and I]
  9. We have a faith which Christ has inculcated in us. He has put it into us, and that faith is the faith of Christ, which is to obey only God, fear only God, reverence only God, worship Him with all our heart, all our souls, all our mind and all we are made up of.
  10. In that place the Bible made mention of Apostles, put your name there. Call your name. Put it there that you Evangelist, Bishop, Deacon, Elder, Pastor should be a ministering servant, proving that faith which God has inculcated in you,making yourself worthy of that Faith and worthy of your calling in Christ.
  11. Make yourself worthy of that faith and worthy of your calling in Christ. If you are sure and certain that nobody called you but Christ, prove it. God is looking for the proof that you are His own child that does not play with His Word. You do not waste time in obedience to God’s Word.
  12. Rather you obey the Word of God quickly and quietly without noise, no delay and no asking questions.
  13. How can you make yourself worthy when you are slumbering? …
  14. How can you make yourself worthy when you are slumbering spiritually or when you are dead spiritually? The Word of God is no more alive in you.
  15. There is nothing you will do and consider the Word of God saying, “What did God say I should do on thismatter? Have I told God about this thing and how to go about it? I have not received any God’s guidance or advice on this matter.”
  16. That one will not come to your mind because already, you are dead spiritually. You cannot know the mind of God. You cannot be faithful when you are slumbering spiritually.
  17. … How can you prove that faith when you are slumbering and when you are backsliding?
  18. We have a Message God gave us called “Backsliders in the faith”.
  19. It is because you have forgotten who called you. Whenever your eyes go away from the Person that called you to Himself [and that is Christ], you must slumber spiritually. You must find yourself in the region of the lost. You will not know what God is doing again at any moment. You will just be hovering about.
  20. It is because you have forgotten who called you. You have forgotten who brought you into this Family. We all are in the Family of Christ, the Son of man, the Almighty Allah.
  21. If God has called you into His Family, ask yourself, for what purpose? Is it to give you salvation or to destroy you at the end? Find out for yourself. I will not find out for you. Examine yourself.
  22. God did not say I should examine you, but through this Messages you are hearing, examine your life through them. For what purpose did God bring you into His Family?
  23. It is because you have forgotten who called you and who brought you into this Ministry. And this is why you are going to make shipwreck of your calling. If you are not awake, lively and spiritual, you must make shipwreck of your calling in Christ. You will not fulfill that purpose by which God has called you.
  24. God called us to give us full and complete salvation and not destruction. He called us to give us that expected end which is eternal life.
  25. Why are many making shipwreck of their calling? They have removed their eyes from He that called them into perfection, into godliness, into the love of God, into grace and truth.
  26. God told us that He called us. When He called us, He called us to share in His sufferingand to help Him to bear that burden of His people.
  27. That is why, when you are hell-bent on doing everything according to the Word of God, you will have enemies around you. They will blaspheme. They will try to harm you. Whatever that belongs to you, they will try to confiscate it. They will try to take it away from you, but always trust in God.
  28. If God wants you to have that, He will not allow it to happen. Nobody can harm or kill you once you are doing the will of God. As long as I am doing the will of God, I must fulfill my days here on earth.
  29. God told us that He called us to share in His suffering and to help Him to bear the burden of one another. Able ministers to help in preaching the Word so that all of us will remain alive and on alert even on the red alert, redeeming the time for the days are evil.
  30. The time we are living in is full of evil where people are now rushing to evil where they will perish at this hour we are in.
  31. God told us that He called us. When He called us, He called us to share in His suffering and to help Him to bear that burden of His people. That you may share in his glory.
  32. Imagine us! God is calling us to help Him alleviate the burden, but we have turned out to be a burden to God by walking contrary to God. God will also work contrary to us. It is a very sad situation.
  33. We have a Message God called “Sad news”. And what is that sad news? God said that I am that sad news. You are that sad news, for working contrary to the truth we received. So, let us be warned very well.
  34. Oh child of God know thyselfVolume 2, Page 50 vs 16 – 19. Be on your guard;… God is talking to His own Elect [the Saint], and not to everybody. If you are spiritually alive and alert, be on guard.
  35. If you are taking God at His Word, not trying to modernize it or to twist it to suit your evil desire, God said, Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith[of Christ]; Be men [and women] of courage, be strong [in the faith].
  36. Every woman that will possess eternal life must behave like a man and see herself as a man,…
  37. If you are a woman and you want to enter Paradise, see yourself as a man. God does not mean just mere male human being like that, but a man in the heart. One that is strong in the heart. One that knows the truth and has sworn by the Name of God that she must do everything according to the Word of God. You must please God all the days of your life by obeying Him.
  38. Every woman that will possess eternal life must be like a man and see herself like a man, for eternal life does not know whether you are a man or woman. …
  39. There is nothing like that. … The condition for eternal life for a man is the same condition for a woman.
  40. Obedience to the truth has no sex demarcation. …It does not check whether you are young or old but rather, your obedience.
  41. There is no gender discrimination in obedience to the gospel, for God judges every human being by one standard, no gender discrimination. True or false?
  42. And that is the truth that accompanies the grace of God which has appeared before us. And that Grace of God is Christ. That truth is also Christ. The true way is Christ. And Christ is the life also.
  43. Gender discrimination is even a social evil. …Whether you are male or female does not count in obedience to the Word of God. God sees gender discrimination as an abomination.
  44. Gender discrimination is a social evil. A social evil that can only be adhered to, practiced, complied with and enforced by wicked people. It is as wicked as racial discrimination.
  45. So, when you go to Muslim gatherings or other religious groups, you will see how they demarcated women from men or they divide the walls.
  46. If you watch, in the mosques where Muslims have their prayers, you cannot see women where the men are. They will be separated. God called that stupidity and foolishness. Everybody is one before God so do not discriminate.
  47. God knows the reason why He said that women should not preach this truth because immediately Eve went to preach, the devil deceived her.
  48. She went to preach to the devil (a man that came in human form). She started communicating with someone she has not come in contact with before. And the man deceived her.
  49. This led her into doing what the husband has never done, and she convinced the husband to do it also.
  50. As a child, when your father and mother are giving you instructions on things you should do and things you ought not to do, you will flout all of them. And immediately you disobey, it will be like something fell off your eyes and you will see that you are already robed in evil. And punishment will befall you.
  51. So it is with everyone of us. Do not try to experiment evil. Experimenting evil means trying to disobey one Word or the other. Let me try that thing I was told not to do and know if I will die or
  52. Immediately you do it and see death, you will start calling upon God to come and save you. You are beating about the bush.
  53. The message continues page 50 vs 19. Gender discrimination is even a social evil that can only be adhered to, practiced, complied with and enforced by wicked people. It is as wicked as racial discrimination.

17I am sent just for one purpose: To open your eyes of understanding, so that your sacrifice can be acceptable unto the true God. You can worship God rightly, not in the old way of following letters that kill, for the letters killeth.


MODERN IDOLATRY [The Introduction] Preached In 2000 at the Household of God Onitsha; Pg. 69 vs. 17.



OH CHILD OF GOD, KNOW THYSELF, Volume 2, Page 53 vs. 24.It is a very regrettable situation where God will be regretting why he called you or why he chooses you.

  1. If you go to Genesis chapter 6, it says, “I regretted that I made man”, but now, God has come down to correct that regret by giving us Himself, by giving us the life. If we can abide by that life– if we can live by that pattern of life, we will be in Paradise with Himself. We will become perfect like Himself here on Earth.
  2. It is very very possible for us to be perfect like God, for God is perfect. He is our perfection. When we obey His word and teachings, we will become perfect like Him.
  3. So, anybody telling you that you cannot be perfect here is an anti-Christ. Anti-truth! Do not listen to that person. All children of God must be perfect here.
  4. What God is taking into Paradise or translating is perfection. And there is nothing that will make us perfect if not the love of God. The love we have for God and His Word. That love will now compel you to obey God in everything, will purify your heart with truth and then you become perfect, and I become perfect.
  5. So, we should not allow God to regret why He chose us in this last age to be His own children and to bear His Name. God will only regret when He sees us bringing blasphemy to the truth and to His Name.
  6. God will only regret when He sees us moving about, living anyhow, trying to modernize the truth to suit our evil desire which can never work, has never worked and will not work even till eternity.
  7. Therefore, our heart desires must be to please our God who Loved us even before the world began and laid down His life for us.
  8. It is a very regrettable situation where God will be regretting why He called you or why He chose you.
  9. Do you know that there is a type of child someone will give birth to and the person will regret ever having a child, “Instead of giving me this type of child, it is better that You did not give me at all.”
  10. This is because that child disappointed the parents as we are now disappointing God, and God is regretting.
  11. A sad news!A sad news! God is warning us ministers. … He is warning us as His children and as a child of God. … God said that we are ministers and stewards. Bond slaves. 
  12. All of us are servants of God.
  13. Bond slaves to God and not to our fellow man.
  14. We are slaves to God and not to any human being. Do not allow any man to enslave you so that you worship the person.
  15. Do not allow money, wealth or whatever that thing might be to enslave you and you become a slave to that thing to the extent that whatever that thing tell you to do, that is what you will do.
  16. If money tells you to kill, you will kill. If money tell you to hate, you will hate. And that is what these people that love money and have strong desire for wealth do. They are now slaves to those things.
  17. God said, “Be a slave to God and not to your fellow human being.” Fear no man but respect them. Only God you will fear. Let God be your dread and my dread. Let our dread be the fear of God, knowing that He is a consuming fire.
  18. Imagine somebody God has called to help Him,… God said, “Come and help Me.” And now, you have turned around to be a burden to God. Is it not a shameful thing? It is not even worthy to be mentioned that God called us and He has already blessed us and has given us that hope that if we continue to obey His Word, we must surely enter Paradise with Him.
  19. And we are now making God to regret why He called us. We are now making God to regret why He made us to be His own. You see why God will punish us severely.
  20. People that have been fighting with Him, but now when the battle is about to be decided, they all slumbered.
  21. Not only ministers, but both children, youths and wives. Everybody has now slumbered. Everybody has now set the Word of God aside. We want to live the way we want and bring blasphemy to God. Severe punishment will be our reward.
  22. Now, God is about to take His people into Paradise. These are the people that are mindful of the Word of God, living by them and putting the truth into practice. God is about to go home and rest with them.
  23. But now, they turned back to be slumbering. They are now mindful of the things of this world instead of being mindful of the Word of God.
  24. The son of mansaid, “Some slumbered. Some turned out to be fighting Him. …”
  25. Look at ordinary mortal man fighting God, replying God and giving God reasons why he should be justified so that God will be condemned. Some turned back.
  26. You can never draw back without fighting Moses. …You see! Immediately your eyes are removed from He that called you into this Most Holy Faith, this Most Holy Family– immediately you forget and remove your eyes from the supernatural nature of God, you must fight God. You must complain. You must grumble against God’s Word. You must grumble against God’s command.
  27. You can never draw back without fighting Moses. …You can never draw back without fighting the Son of man. … When the elders drew back, they started fighting Moses.
  28. They started fighting the Son of man to their own peril and destruction.
  29. When Barnabas, John Mark and Demas drew back, they started fighting Paul. Is it not true?This is pure truth.
  30. Once you reject truth, you must fight the truth. And truth is Christ. Truth is a man. And we know that the truth is no other person but the Son of man, Apostle Peter Odoemena [Blessed be His Holy Name].
  31. When Judas drew back, he betrayed the master, for he started fighting the master, and then made himself a friend of the master’s enemy.
  32. Look at it. You can never reject truth and refuse to be a friend of falsehood. You must be friend to falsehood. Every lie will now be common and friendly to you. They can never be offensive again. Patterning after the world will not be offensive again.
  33. You see it? Once you draw back from the truth, you must fight your Maker. You must fight the truth.
  34. And there is nothing a child of God can do to the truth if not to support it. If you belong to the truth, you must support the truth, even if it is hitting you hard. The aim is to remould you after God’s own will.
  35. When the wife of Job drew back and joined the enemies of Job, she started fighting Job[the husband]. The wife started fighting him, telling him that his life now means nothing. Therefore, he should provoke God and be killed.
  36. So it is in every generation. Whoever that draws back from the truth must fight the truth. The fellow[whether man or woman no matter your age] must become an enemy of the same truth he propagated.
  37. At that moment, you will deny this truth you are preaching in your yard, schools, working places and everywhere by your character like some have already denied the truth in their families through fighting, quarrelling and manifesting every evil kind of character, every evil kind of life, thereby denying the truth.
  38. What will make them to be purified again when after knowing the truth, you turn back and disobey. What will make you cleansed again? Absolutely nothing. Before God, you are no more cleansed.
  39. Hebrew chapter 6 vs 4, GNB. For how can those who abandon their faith be brought back to repentance again? They were once in God’s light; they tasted heaven’s gift and received their share of the Holy Spirit; they knew from experience
  40. From your own experience, you knew and I knew that the Son of manis the Almighty God and that His Word must stand. Nothing can annul the Word of the Son of man.
  41. Whatever He says must surely come to pass. By experience, we know that He is the one that called us. We know that He is the true God and the eternal life Himself.
  42. they knew from experience that God’s word is good, and they felt the powers of the coming age. And then they abandoned their faith! It is impossible to bring them back to repent again, because they are again crucifying the Son of God and exposing him to public shame.
  43. Through what we have experienced we have come to the realization that the Son of manis God, but the life we manifest, the life we live in our different families is bringing blasphemy to the Name of God.
  44. There is nothing He can use to cleanse us again which can make us holy and pure because we are crucifying Him the second time, bringing shame and reproach to His Name before the neighbours, on the streets, work places and wherever we find ourselves.
  45. It is a very bad condition we have found ourselves. Fighting truth does not mean physical fight. Once your life is contrary to that truth which you are professing, you are fighting the truth. Amen.

We know the Son of Man has appeared and has given us the spirit to understand the Truth and we are in Him that is True, even in the Son of Man. This is the True God that holds the eternal life. You must know the true God, differentiate between the true God and the false god, and that is eternal Life. But many do not know that He has appeared or He has been here, because it is not a noise-making Ministry. He cannot quench a burning flax, neither will you hear His Voice on the street.


FORGET NOT WHAT YOUR EYES HAVE SEEN PART 2; Preached on Sunday 6th August 2017 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 74 vs. 83 – 84



Let us consider this message titled “The year of the judgement of the bride [2018 New Year Message] Volume 1, Page 12 vs 27 to 30. You may be chosen by God,… I may be chosen by God …but not for salvation.

  1. You see the reason why God brought you into His Family. It is very very necessary that everyone should scrutinize him or herself. Examine your life to know whether it is dove-tailing to the truth or you are walking contrary to the truth or the truth is hurting you, making you to be angry.
  2. Are you happy with the truth? Are you chosen by God? Yes. Are you called of God? Yes. For what purpose? That is a question all of us must answer, one by one.
  3. You may be chosen by God but not for salvation but for some other purposes. … What are those purposes? Apart from salvation, other purposes means nothing again but destruction.
  4. The earlier you find out the reason why God decided to choose you and that is the role you are playing, what you are fulfilling in the Ministry of the Son of man, the better for you.
  5. Whatever may be the role I am playing now, that is why God called me to Himself. That is why God called me into His Family and made me to be His temple where He is templing or dwelling.
  6. So, mind the life you are manifesting or fulfilling because that is why God called you into His own Family.
  7. Judas fulfilled a ministry. Every man or woman is called in for fulfillment of a ministry but the best if I should make my choice is salvation. …
  8. That is my own choice of the ministry I want to fulfill in this Family of God – in the Son of man. The best choice you will make is salvation.
  9. … The prophet William Branham said and I quote, “I may not have the gift of prophecy, the gift of vision, pastoral gift. A pastoral gift.
  10. I may not have the gift of discernment, I may not be a Bishop, a Deacon or anything, but if at the end of the day, I will receive one thing, and what is that thing? Eternal life.That is all I need. Amen.
  11. Just like the drone God sent that picked Bro Emma Abba and family and God taught us with it that it is not of him that willeth nor is it of him that runneth, but God that showeth mercy.
  12. Did God say that he would not save someone? No!
  13. He will save you according to your faith. Your faith in the Son of manwill determine your salvation.
  14. Something that money cannot purchase, gift cannot give you eternal life. If there be gifts, they must cease, but there is one thing that can never cease.
  15. So saint Paul knew it and then enjoined all that followed him that of everything they should lay hold on eternal life which is the essence of our gathering.
  16. The reason why God gathered us here now today is for us to get that eternal life. It is so that after hearing the truth from God, you examine yourself and re-examine your life again. Re-examine your faith in Christ.
  17. The year of the judgement of the bride[2018 New Year Message] Volume 1, Page 15 vs 35 to 38.
  18. A privilege! [It is a] wonderful privilege if you are wise and understanding to be in the pulpit and your father in the pulpit at the same time, ministering alongside with your father.
  19. Something you never desired. Something your parents never knew the value, but I know the value. I went for him and I caught him.
  20. If you are a minister and you lose grip of your first son. …That is what I want to strike here. Chibueze! Are you paying attention? You are my first son and whatever may be your first desire should be to please God which I have espoused you to. That is my God, the God of your father. The only true God and that is THE SON OF MAN, the Almighty Allah.  If you are a minister and you lose grip of your first son, you are bound to lose grip of the rest. … 
  21. So, you are not supposed to live the way you want. Obey your father in everything because, by the grace and truth from God, I will not lead you contrary. God will help me to direct you on the right road which God has already placed me.
  22. And that is the fear of the Lord. The beginning of all wisdom, all knowledge, all peace, perfection and holiness. Whatever you want to get from God, this is the beginning of it – the fear of the Lord.
  23. his has already started happening in our families. So parents, especially fathers, ought to direct their children to pattern after Christ. There is a Message the Son of mangave us which says, “Follow me as I follow Christ”.
  24. Even saint Paul told his followers to follow him as he followed Christ. Pattern after me as I am patterning after Christ.
  25. If you are a minister and you lose grip of your first son, you are bound to lose grip of the rest. But once you lay hold on him, he will help you to re-order the rest. And any day he gets his own personal revelation of what he is doing your headache is over.
  26. Whether your first son or first daughter, do not lose grip of the person. When you are being instructed by your parents, do good to take those instructions very very seriously.
  27. You will do good by being a good child towards yourself, Almighty God and to your parents by taking all these instructions you have been given very seriously because it is for your own good.
  28. I gave you the text I got this morning from my son in Lagos and what he was doing in his office. Then another message came, confirming what he was doing to be true. Immediately, he forwarded the text to me. You read it this morning. Bro Chizoba, you read it this morning. Amen.
  29. So if you do not desire your children to grow up in the fear of the Lord, your home will be a battle ground. And when it starts, there will be no peace-keeping force that can stop it. Heads must surely roll. So, do not make your homes battle grounds. Amen.
  30. What will make our families not to be a battle grounds. Another Sodom and Gomorrah. A divided family. Civil war in the family. Nobody will take the Word of God seriously again in that family, both parents and children.
  31. What can be the cause of all this? Their hearts went away from he that has called them to salvation into Paradise. Once your eyes go away from God, your eyes have gone away from His Word. Once you hate the love of God, you can never have love for the Word of God. And immediately, crises will take over.
  32. The year of the judgement of the bride[2018 New Year Message] Volume 1, Page 18 vs 45 – 54. Who should examine? Who should examine? Who should examine? I. Is it scriptural? Is it scriptural? Second Corinthians chapter 13 vs 8, AMP. If I quote any scripture, I want you to horriedly stand up and turn the pages unless you do not want Me to serve your interest. I better go home and pack myself.
  33. Whether I work or I do not work, I am already there. You cannot send e to another place than where I came from. …
  34. THE SON OF MAN was speaking about Himself that whether He works or not, He is already in Paradise because that is where He came down from to take us that will be eagerly and patiently waiting for Him into that same place.
  35. … I know where I came from. Do I need you to escort me back?That word “Please escort me” is because of fear. Is there anyone that doesn’t know where he came from?
  36. Who does not know where he came from? Did I told you to escort Me back? Do I speak like one who is afraid? Judging from the way I speak and act, do I sound like one who is afraid of anybody?No! Who are you? Is anybody on My way? Nobody is on the way, Amen. 
  37. Read that scripture immediately. 2ndCorinthians 13 verse 5 through 8. Examine and test and evaluate your ownselves. …Examine and test and evaluate your ownselves to know whether you are in the truth or outside the truth.
  38. God did not say that the Pastor or any minister should come and examine you. Even ministers will examine themselves.
  39. Every one of us will examine him or herself to know whether he or she is living the life of faith or outside the faith. And to know whether he or she is living the life of truth or outside the truth.
  40. Remember the first place where we read. God said, “Ask of that ancient pathway. The tested and true way God has placed for salvation.” And that is Christ the Almighty Allah, the way, the truth and the life.
  41. Examine, test, evaluate your own selves and not Christ. Do not examine the Message. The Message is perfect. But I should examine my own self and my family to know whether we are still in this pathway of truth.
  42. I should examine to know whether the life we are manifesting is according to the truth or whether we have abandoned the truth.
  43. Examine, test and evaluate your own selves to see whether you are holding to your faith and showing the proper fruits of it.
  44. Are we reproducing the right fruits of the faith? Once you bend it, you will reproduce the wrong fruit. Every correction must be provocative to you. Every advice must be provocative to you.
  45. But if you examine yourself to know and understand that every correction is for your own good and I understand that every indictment is for my own good, whatever God says, you and I must obey for our own good.
  46. There is a fruit that is expected of this faith. Anything contrary is counterfeit. …
  47. So if I am in the faith of the Son of manand you are there, we must bear the fruit thereof. It must be good fruit because there is a type of life God wants us to live and that is to pattern after Him in all things.
  48. … The faith is to produce Christ on two feet.In you and in me. Test and prove for yourself (not Christ). “God knows my heart. God knows me.” You know yourself. You better tell yourself the naked truth.
  49. You should be your own examiner and the marker as well so that tomorrow, you will not begin to fix your eyes on the Son of mansaying, “He hates me”. Why will He hate you? What are you dragging with Him?
  50. God cannot hate anybody, but if you hate yourself, you will reject counsel of God. You will reject the teaching of God and perish. God is telling you and I today to continue to examine ourselves through the Word which we have received from God.

He is not a worldwide Messenger. He came for His own and His own only know Him. He came for those that have been eagerly and patiently waiting for salvation. Unto them will He appear the second time, not to deal with their sins. No! but to give them eternal life. No more. No less. I am not here to deal with sin. Sin has been taken care of, unless you do not believe. But when you believe, it shall be unto you according to your faith. Amen.


FORGET NOT WHAT YOUR EYES HAVE SEEN PART 2; Preached on Sunday 6th August 2017 at the Household of God, Onitsha; Pg. 74 vs. 83 – 84


Do you have an ever-increasing experience in christ?

The year of the judgement of the bride [2018 New Year Message] Volume 1, Pg. 20 vs. 52-60. You hate yourself. Yes. It is as a result of your hatred for yourself that you find it difficult to obey the truth. Obedience to the truth is difficult to those that hate themselves.

  1. If you love yourself, you love your life, obedience to the truth is very easy. …To any child of God, to true sons and daughters of God, obedience to God’s instructions is very very simple and very very light, but it is a burden to one that hates himself.
  2. Obedience to God’s instructions is a burden to one that does not belong to God, a mixed multitude and a counterfeit. Every Word from God is a burden to him or her.
  3. … Anybody that is forced, compelled to obey is not obeying, he is complying. Compliance is not obedience. Compliance is induced while obedience is borne out of love; borne out of conviction. …
  4. So if you are obeying, it is because you love God, for God first loved you and I. So, we are reciprocating the love of God.
  5. But if you are complying, you are being forced to obey. That shows that you do not belong to God. Even if you obey that time, within one second, you disobey again because it is not your nature to continually obey the truth.
  6. … You are the one that will examine yourself as far as this matter is concerned. Do not say, “Christ examine me”. The days are gone when people will say, “God you know my heart”. God will know you as an unbeliever. Stark unbeliever!
  7. God knows you and I. So, He wants us now to examine ourselves and know if we are still holding on to the truth and to the faith of Christ.
  8. If you have believed, why are you afraid of calamity that is befalling the world or that is coming swiftly upon the whole earth? …
  9. Whether fire is coming down like rain upon the earth, you cannot be afraid. I cannot be afraid, for God takes good care of us. He promised us security and said that once we continue obeying Him, whatever calamity that will befall the world is not for us. They are not for us.
  10. [This is] Because as many as are in the Son of man, they have escaped. They know they have escaped. They are even saying, “Let it happen now because they know their status in the Son of man. Amen.
  11. Do you not yourself realize and know [thoroughly by an ever-increasing experience]… By what? An ever-continuous experience, not erratic experience. Ever increasing. Your obedience must be in the increasing order, not decreasing, not static, and not erratic.
  12. It is not obeying in the morning and disobeying in the afternoon or night. Never like that. A child of God is always obeying, always trustworthy and faithful to God and to one another. The life of a child of God is steady and not erratic.
  13. Ever increasing experience. You have knowledge today, you add virtue,…If you have knowledge of God today, then you add virtue. I add virtue. ..you add temperance,… I add temperance. …you add patience. You keep on adding. … 
  14. You keep on adding and adding until we have the fullness of a perfect man, and that is Christ.
  15. I mean you are increasing. It is always in ascending order. But do you have that experience? …
  16. Have we had that experience in Christ that Christ is always moving forward and not backward. Continue believing, doubting nothing. It will get to an extent where believing spirit will saturate your heart, doubting nothing about God.
  17. Whatever you are sure and certain that Almighty Allah said, you will do it immediately, querying nothing.
  18. But when we have not scrutinized ourselves to know whether we are seed of God, or to know the purpose why God called us, we will be falling and standing, which is not what God wants. Some will even fall and not stand again.
  19. Ever increasing experience. You have knowledge today, you add virtue, you add temperance, you add patience. You keep on adding. I mean you are increasing. It is always increasing in ascending order. But do you have that experience. “I get am before, na im be say you no get anything.”
  20. That you have faith before but today you do not have it means you have nothing at all. I have nothing at all. “I had a car before but I do not have it now” means I have nothing. You cannot say you have a car.
  21. When asked, “Do you have faith in Christ today? I will say, “There was a time…” There is nothing like that.
  22. “I remember when I was.” When you were, but what are you today? Are you not breathing? “I can remember those good old days.” What makes today a bad one? You are bad. Today is good. To God, every day is good. but you are bad.
  23. o the wicked, every day is worse. From bad to worse, worse, worst. Do you not yourselves realize and know [thoroughly by an ever-increasing experience] that Jesus Christ is in you—unless you are [counterfeits]…Unless you are what? A self-deceit fool.
  24. One that deceives himself. You know whether the Word of God is in you. I know whether it is in me. And if the Word of God is there in your heart and in my heart, the output, the fruit you are bearing will tell everybody that you and I belong to Christ. Christ is in me, and I am in him.
  25. A fool deceiveth himself. Self-confident fool comforts himself [or] herself in unbelief. …One that believes he or she knows all comforts him or herself in unbelief. He continues in wickedness.
  26. … Do you not know yourself? Even a mad man knows himself. How much more, you who claim to be normal and sensible. Do you have ever-increasing, ever-progressive experience to show, to convince people around you that your testimony concerning your faith is true?
  27. What God is asking us is this: Is there any life we are living that will make those around us believe that we are true children of God, and not by mere mouth?
  28. In many ways you counter your testimonies;…You tell someone that you are a child of God, that you are the only person that worships the true God, but in character, you deny that testimony. It is not fair. It is not good. It is not palatable at all.
  29. … You nullify your testimonies and still expect to be translated. … It can never happen.I do not know what that translation looks like. Amen.
  30. The year of the judgement of the bride[2018 New Year Message] Volume 1, Page 50 vs 1. No disease is as infectious as unbelief. …
  31. Disbelieving the Word of God is an infectious disease. If one that does not believe the Word of God comes into your midst now, he will cunningly want everyone to doubt the Word of God. And before you know it, you will become engulfed.
  32. Many are all out to superimpose it on members of their families especially our brothers that are married who turned out to be tyrants but they are hiding under the cloak of this faith to dodge their responsibilities towards their relations, communities, friends and associates as if this message [Faith] abhors acceptance of ones responsibilities. Rather it promotes it.
  33. This Faith never taught us to refuse to help our family members or relations just as most of us are doing, dodging their responsibilities towards their relations, whether in-laws or even friends. They will dodge it.
  34. It is not that they do not have the means, but wicked heart will not allow them to do that. They want this Faith to carry it.
  35. They claim that it is because of their faith that they do not mingle with anybody, work with anybody, help anybody, thereby giving the Faith wrong interpretation. That is unbelief to the truth.
  36. I gave you a Message titled “Recognize and accept your responsibilities”, and that every man must be ready to address his personal challenges that are his, and which he cannot shift to another person.
  37. If it is something money will solve, and you do not have the money, do not say that it is against your Faith.
  38. Only accept and confess, “This is my responsibility, only that I do not have the money now. Whenever the money comes by [I believe God that the money will come and] I will solve this problem.” So do not attribute your wickedness towards any human being to this Faith.
  39. Shifting your responsibility to somebody outside yourself marks the beginning of your failure in life. Brace up to the challenges.
  40. That makes us men before God. Accept your challenges. Do not attribute it to this Faith that your responsibilities are against your Faith. No! It is not the faith of the Son of man.
  41. I am here to testify against you, for I know that many are working towards having reasons why they should counter the truth. … Even if you try to counter the truth, it cannot work. Truth remains truth.
  42. The more you try to fight the truth, the worse your condition becomes. So, stop fighting the truth but subscribe to the truth, for nobody has ever fought the truth and came out victorious. It will not start with you[or me].
  43. Truth remains the truth. You cannot fight the truth and succeed.
  44. The year of the judgement of the bride[2018 New Year Message] Volume 1, Page 47 vs 29 to 33. Misconception leads to misapplication whether you believe it or not. … 
  45. Once you misunderstand this Faith and misunderstand the Word of God, you cannot practice it rightly.
  46. … That is why you must learn to adjust your mindset very properly and then shun all forms of personal interpretation of the Messages, for the Message interpretes itself.
  47. Do not try to modernize the truth to suit your selfish aim or selfish desire. Do not try to interpret it to suit your selfish desire or what you want to gain.
  48. If you want to befriend someone so that he can do one thing or the other for you, you twist the truth and misinterpret it just for your base gain. God said, “Do not ever try it, for you will never succeed.
  49. Every interpretation you give to this message must reflect in your character. So, the first noticeable application of the message is made visible in your character[and my character]. …
  50. Character maketh a personality.If you are a child of God, your character will prove it not your preaching, not my preaching, not my testimony, but my character.
  51. … So the first noticeable application of the message is made visible in your character, your attitude. You cannot suppress it for your character reveals what you believe.
  52. You cannot suppress the truth, for your character reveals whether the truth is in you or not. Your character reveals whether it is in me or not.
  53. I know that many have different versions of the message of the Son of man. …
  54. You see it. So, no matter the way you are applying the Word of God in your home or anywhere else, God is watching you. Too many of us have the different versions of the Word of God.
  55. …Some have their personal version. Some have family version. Some have bridal version. So any version that you have has a lot to speak about your life[your family] and your future. After hearing the truth here, you go home and act contrary.
  56. Have you seen that God knows everyone? God knows our doings everywhere. If you act contrary to the truth, you know. If I act contrary to the truth, I know. But God knows all of us.
  57. You see the man after echoing “Amen” in the Fellowship, when he gets home, he will do the contrary. …
  58. The man will try to force his family to pattern after his own interpretation and not God’s interpretation. That is why God is warning every man and woman to stand like a man in this faith, if you want to be saved.
  59. You are not following your husband, and your husband is not following you. You are not following your parents. All of us are following Christ. Pattern after Christ. If I am patterning after Christ, you behave the same way. Pattern after Christ.
  60. I am not the one to give you eternal life. You will not give me, but Christ will give all of us, if we pay heed.
  61. It is not after hearing the truth as we are hearing it now, when we dismiss, you start living your own way, giving it another interpretation.
  62. A woman will say “Amen” in the fellowship, but when she gets home, she will do the contrary, not that you did not understand the Message.Never! This is applicable to both man and woman, and even the children.  
  63. Why? He wants to bend the truth…To modernize it. …to suit his inordinate desires,… evil desires, destructive desires, …inordinate ambition and his unbelief that will remain unbridled till eternity.
  64. You see? The unbelief in that man or woman or that child will remain till eternity. Stop modernizing the truth, for it can never help you and I. Rather, it will bring destruction upon us when we least expected.
  65. God is about to go home and rest. Are we ready to follow him?

We can now know our positions because it is another way of coming from the grassroot to reintroduce the Message, KNOWING YOUR STATUS IN CHRIST. KNOWING YOUR STATUS IN THE SON OF MAN, so that you will see that the Christ you are referring to; the Bible referred to, is the Son of Man. So that you will begin to see that you are no longer in the AD; you are now in another calendar that started from the year 2000. That God shifted to a new calendar. And that New Calendar is the Son of Man. You are now in the days of the Son of Man. You are no longer in the days of Jesus Christ. You are no longer in the days of the Prophets. You are now in the days of the Son of Man, when God has veiled Himself in a Man again, standing upon the earth, judging the earth.


CHRIST’S NATURE IS YOUR ASSURANCE OF ETERNAL LIFE; Preached on Tuesday 27th December 2016 (The Son of Man’s Birthday): A Family Altar Message at the Bridal Lodge, Nsugbe; Pg. 38 vs. 16 – 17



The year of the judgement of the bride [2018 New Year Message] Volume 1, Page 25 from verse 1 to 15. You are fortunate. Very very fortunate that unto you God first appeared. … Unto us here in Onitsha, God first appeared.

  1. Then I ask ourselves a pertinent question. What has His appearing to us benefitted us? What have we benefitted that God first appeared unto us here in Onitsha?
  2. And He is still with us and will continue to be with us even till eternity to those that will believe, trust and rely on Him.
  3. We are very very fortunate that unto us God first appeared. Before now He has been coming in the guise of messengers. Only in your day that He came out fully so that you judge Him by His attributes. …
  4. God had attributes. God is made known by His attributes – His characteristics. And those characteristics by which God is identified must be known. I must be known for that character also.
  5. That which others could not manifest because they came in the guise of messengers, the Elohim has no excuse. That is why He is following everybody patiently. That which others lacked is found in Him, for He is to exhibit all.
  6. The Son of man, the Almighty God in our midst today is to fulfill and exhibit all the attributes of God. He is the most patient God, the most tolerant and most destructive.
  7. Do you not yourself recognize and know (thoroughly by an ever-increasing experience) that Jesus Christ is in you. …That Christ is in you and I. …unless we are counterfeits disapproved on trial and rejected.
  8. Disapproved on trial and also rejected. “Depart from Me for I know you not. You were paying lip service to the faith of Christ revealed to you. Your heart was far from the practical reality of the Faith.
  9. So practically, the way you live your life must resemble and be in conformity with that of Christ. No minus. No plus.
  10. But God has rejected many now because they refuse to practice and manifest the truth.
  11. What God is looking for is one man, one woman that is holding on tenaciously to the practical realities of the faith of Christ for which cause I espoused all of you to the word of his testimony, the word of his grace that is able to get you established,…
  12. The Word that isable to establish you on this Pathway to eternal life, the pathway of truth. This is where God has established all of us.
  13. … to get you established, Give you a place among those that are sanctified by the faith that is in me,…
  14. The faith that is in the Son of man. When we believe with all our heart, mind and soul, and also manifest it, we are now in the Son of man. We are now possessing His faith, and we are sanctified.
  15. God’s Word we received and put into practice is what made us holy in the faith of the Son of man. That is what brought us into His ship.
  16. … The Word of His grace that is able to get you established, give you a place among those that are sanctified by the faith that is in me. …
  17. The faith that is in the Son of man, not the faith that is in you. Not my own faith but the faith of the Son of man.
  18. … And until you become a part of the faith that is in the Son of man, you will never ever be sanctified.
  19. What will keep us sanctified so that we can be able to enter the salvation ground is our faith in the Son of man.
  20. And as long as you are not numbered among the sanctified persons, your sacrifices can never be made acceptable unto God. You must be rejected, for when God rejects a man, a woman, He REJECTS his or her sacrifices.
  21. That is why God told Jeremiah, “Do not ever pray for this people. I will not listen to you again, for they have taken Me for granted. See them twisting the truth, modernizing the truth to suit their selfish desires and ambitions. Now, I want to show them My true colour.”
  22. For your sacrifices to be declared acceptable unto God, you as the vessel must be made acceptable only in the beloved. The beloved must have counted you worthy.Nobody is made acceptable in himself.
  23. The beloved of God is the son of man, for He always does those things that pleased God in Him. He does not take counsel from any man or woman or any spirit. He does everything after the counsel of His own will.
  24. All that must be partakers of eternal life must be made acceptable in the beloved whose signature is final for he alone has the father sent and sealed.
  25. Not two signatories. Once He approves of your faith, that settles it. …
  26. God is that ancient road, the tried and tested road which if anybody that wants eternal life will follow it, the person is sure, settled, assured of that eternal life.
  27. … That is why even those who ran the race before us enjoined their followers to earnestly contend for that faith which was once and for all delivered unto the saints. You must contend for that faith.
  28. Today, the revealed faith is the faith of the Son of man. How many are contending for the faith.
  29. The Faith we are talking about is the Faith of the Son of man? It is not the faith of the Bride, but the faith of the Son of man. It is not the faith of the world. It is not my own faith. It is not your own faith, but the faith of the Son of man. Who among us is striving for that faith and to live by that faith?
  30. I have told you times without number to be very careful about this faith. It is a delicate one. It is very delicate. …
  31. This Faith is a delicate Faith. It is not child’s play. It is not a religious faith. It is not a worldly faith, but a delicate one.
  32. … It is very delicate. Do not muddle things up. God never called anybody into religion. God has never called anybody into any religion. …
  33. We are not here in this Faith to play religion. We must be strictly sincere in this Faith, doing everything according to the Word of God.
  34. … God has never called anybody into any religion. I do not care about the name. I can see all of you wearing religious faces. You are getting lost because of your stupidity and ignorance. Nothing hinders one from dying for the truth more than religion.
  35. If you say you cannot die because of your faith, it is because you are a churchgoer. You have no revelation about this faith, and this faith is the faith of the Son of man.
  36. We have that message titled “Facing the fire”. Every child of God– every true believer of the Son of man must be ready to face the fire, and we are sure and certain that we must win.
  37. Nothing opposes God’s will more than religion. Remember, the Jews were too religious that they could not accept the truth. …
  38. This is just like many of us today. Do not count on how many years you have stayed in this faith. That does not make you a true believerof the faith of THE SON OF MAN.
  39. … The greatest obstacle between the Lord Jesus Christ [and the Jews] in His day was the religion of the Jews which they exalted higher than the truth that bringeth salvation.
  40. Religion must find fault with the truth. But in the end, truth must prevail.Sure! If you want to benefit in today’s gathering, pray that I should find space to sit down and keep quiet.
  41. Say, “Son of man, sit down and close your mouth at least for a while.” But if I should close My mouth, who will speak? Who now holds the Spoken Word? Who is the perfect interpreter of the Word?
  42. So, we pray that He continues to guide us and speak to us in love and in mercy, correcting us. And we must be ready to accept that correction– that guidance.
  43. There are reasons why I will not sit down and close my mouth for the written instrument you are holding is subject to Me, and I am not subject to it. The Bible is a subject to the son of manbut the Son of man is not subject to the Bible. How many believe that? I believe, Amen.

65…..there is no mistake in marriage. A man marries his character. If you see a man, that is his wife. This is strange. Somebody cannot understand this. 66If you come to My house and I am not there, you have seen My wife; whatever you see in My wife, that is My nature. Two can never go together except they agree. It is one spirit……


FROM JERUSALEM TO JERICHO; Preached on 9th  March 1993; Pg. 95 vs. 65 – 66.



Golden nuggets Volume 1 Pg. 12 vs. 1 to 17. You can give without Loving, but you cannot love without giving. Any woman that does not bring the instruction of her husband into reality is working against her husband.

  1. Christ is the Bridegroom, and we are the Bride. He is the Husbandman of the Bride. If the Bride does not work to fulfill the demands of the Bridegroom, can the Bride be pleasing to God? Can I be pleasing to God. Can you be pleasing to God?
  2. In the same way, if a wife does not bring the instruction of the husband into reality by making the children to see the words of their father as the final in their lives, that woman has missed it all. That woman is against her husband.
  3. Once it is certain to you that your husband is piloting the family very well, he will dish out instruction, while you [the wife] will now force it into your own life and that of the children. The same thing is applicable to the Bride and the Bridegroom.
  4. It will take the Saints of God to force themselves to obey the Word of the Bridegroom which is Christ.
  5. It is against our Faith for the wife to challenge her husband openly.
  6. But look at it. This happened even yesterday been the 13th day of May 2023 when we gathered before God as Elders and the Almighty God was speaking on the area where we are erring and one of us will rise up to challenge God even telling God to change His Word and to withdraw His Word.
  7. Does that person know who God is or who is talking to him? God is talking to us for our own good. He benefits nothing from it. Instead of being sorrowful for causing God sorrow and causing ourselves sorrow, and even provoking Him to wrath, we have that mouth to speak while God is speaking.
  8. Any woman that is disregarding the man’s instruction wants the death of her husband, and she wants to be a widow. It is only a boyfriend or girlfriend that will say “I love you”, but it is not so in marriage because what determines the marriage is the “love” itself.
  9. In marriage, love determines the marriage and not that boyfriend and girlfriend word “I love you”. The manifestation is the interpretation. Love will manifest itself in both the man and woman, in both the bride and the bridegroom.
  10. The Bridegroom loves the Bride and has manifested that love towards the Bride and towards the Saints, for we are the Saints. It is now left for us to reciprocate it. It is not something you will use just mere month to say, “We love God” or “God, you know I love You”.
  11. Peter said he does, but he did not mean it. Immediately Christ left, he diverted all of them to another way, leaving the instructions God gave them to be fishers of men. They went back to fishing.
  12. It is only a boyfriend or girlfriend that will say “I love you” but it is not so in marriage for what determines the marriage is the “love” itself. Any man that quarrels with his wife and goes to bed and sleeps does not know the meaning of marriage.
  13. He did not see that problem has set in into his family. He has not thought of how to solve the problem.
  14. … FAMILY MENU Volume 2 Page 17 vs 2. “When a man disagrees with his wife, the family is in problem. Any problem in a family affects the developmental stage of every child born in that family.”And this is pure truth.
  15. God has given a man a wife to cool down the brain of the man because there are many things a man carries in his brain or head.
  16. But the aim has been defeated now though not in everybody. This aim of God giving a man a wife has been defeated. The reverse has now become the case.
  17. A sensible woman feels insecure as far her husband is not around. Nevertheless, when the husband is around the wife is very well protected.(Also in FAMILY MENU volume 2, page 106 verse 8).
  18. But today, evil women will like to be alone without their husbands just like many now will not allow Christ to Lord Himself over them, to be head over her. They want to stay alone and live the way they want and still enter Paradise anyhow which can never happen. It can never be done. We must be under God’s control as the wife of Christ.
  19. Once the wife loves her husband, it influences her children to love their father because children stay close to their mother.
  20. It takes the Ministers to teach the congregation, to see the level of love God has for us so that we will obey without complaining. That is what God wants the Ministers to do.
  21. That is what God wants the fathers to do. Mothers have their own. Children have their own. All of us are ministering in one way or the other to make a peaceful home.
  22. Once the wife loves her husband, it influences the children to love their father because children stay close to their mother.
  23. So, the mothers are the first teachers the children have.
  24. The fear of the husband is instilled in the children by the wife. (Also in family menu volume 2, Page 63 verse 3 through 5.
  25. It is the duty of the mother to instill the fear of the father into the children so that they will flee from evil and from disobedience. This is so that immediately their father speaks, they will start implementing it.
  26. It is not every time a man is healthy. Sometimes, God allows the man to fall sick for him to watch the wife’s behavior towards him in that sick condition.
  27. When a woman sees her husband’s words as a mere suggestion and she is the decider, the end is always disastrous.
  28. Watch all the families in this faith that are headed by a woman, the end of that family is always disastrous.
  29. So it is to the Saints of God, the children of God who are saying that they will do everything in the way they want it and that they can never be under God’s Word. There end is always disastrous. The end of that man, that woman or that family is always disastrous.
  30. So, if we want to see good days and end it in Paradise, we must be loyal to Christ. We cannot benefit anything from being stubborn.
  31. To be stubborn is to be devilish. Once a woman wants to have her own way, she will become stubborn to her husband.
  32. God’s Word is always pure and perfect, but if you are a daughter of Sarah, you will live like Sarah lived with Abraham and we have our own Sarah today in person of Our blessed mother and Sister Nzubechi Odoemena.
  33. She lived as a Sarah with the Son of Man, and She is the perfect example to all Sisters, while the Son of Manis the perfect example to all men.
  34. So, the Word of God interprets itself. What promotes a man to do good thing to his wife is the attitude of the wife towards him.
  35. The musicians especially Oliver De Coque said that if a woman knows the heart of the husband, it will be like she charmed him. People will be saying that she charmed the man, but it is because of her character towards her husband.
  36. Our attitude towards our God and our Saviour will make us one with Him in everything. No rebukes, no indictment, no flogging and no provocation again, but joy all through because we have now understood what He demands from us. We have now understood what He wants from us and we are doing it.
  37. For your family to be progressive their must be good harmony between you and your husband.
  38. There must be good harmony between the Bride and the Bridegroom.
  39. The reason why My wife is in My family is Myself—the husband. It is man that gives the wife a family. Without the man, the woman has no family.
  40. The atmosphere that exists in the family between the husband and the wife is dictated by the wife. …
  41. If a woman says that peace will reign in the family, peace will reign. If she says, “Let it be on fire”, it will be on fire. It will take a godly wife to seek peace and pursue peace for the good of that family, but a wordly woman– an ungodly wife will never accept that. She will prefer her family to be hell here on earth.
  42. … If a woman wants her family to be hot, there is no fire extinguisher that can quench it. Also, if a woman wants her husband to be cool nothing can stop it.
  43. That is why a man marries to help him cool his head.
  44. GOLDEN NUGGETS Volume 1, Pg. 19 vs. 1. Who is a fool? A fool is one who yields to human deceit easily. …And the worst deception is self-deceit. When you think that God hates you, who am I that God will hate? An ordinary mere man. A fool is one who thinks that God hates him. And the worst fool is a self-deceived fool.
  45. … For how long shall we remain in deceit? You will remain in deceit for too long as long as you do not want to have a broad mind about love[of Christ].
  46. You will be saying that God does not want you to be alive. He wants you to have sound strength. He fights for your battle and does things you never expected. What else will you call the love of God?
  47. It is easier to fall in love than to stay in love. God wants us to stay in the love.
  48. He wants us to stay in the love of God and not in the love of the world.
  49. Revealing the truth brings the future closer. A betrayed love is like a knife that pierces a man’s heart. Where we are now, any betrayal of this faith is like a knife that pierced the heart of God. When you betray this faith, you have pierced the heart of God with a knife. Then you could now know how painful it will be when your fellow man wounds your heart.
  50. And this is the emphasis. The most important thing is that we should try as much possible as and as we can not to betray this Faith. Betraying this faith is our own destruction.
  51. Why people feel disappointed in the Ministry of the Son of man[i] insincerity,… (both men and women). …[ii] Joining the Faith with wrong motive(s, [iii]) Hipocrisy, [iv] Impatience, [v] Suspicion, [vi] Over-estimation, [vii] Leadership tussle, [viii] Envy and [ix] jealousy.
  52. Maybe the person taught believing in God means God making him a millionaire or billionaire or that death has vanished and sickness had vanished.
  53. A man or woman cannot have true happiness or joy of the Lord as long as envy and jealousy are found in their hearts. He or she can fall in love but cannot stay in love because something has occupied the heart. To fall in love is a matter of peace but to stay in love is a matter of the heart.
  54. It is this lack of truth to yourself that will always walk against the truth you have received. Between the promises and the fulfilment lies a period of waiting. …This is just as we are now waiting at the gate of Paradise.
  55. … Moreover, you do not mention “waiting” to an impatient man.We have need of patience with God.
  56. It is self-deceit for one to be offended in something he says he believes. How can truth offend me if I belong to truth. An insincere man is a tempter.
  57. I have told you not to belittle any woman that is called a wife no matter her stature for you don’t know the extent she will go to bending a man to do something that is against him. The only thing that can tear the heart of the strongest man is the woman. Therefore a woman is bestowed with s natural force that can hold and tear the heart of the man.
  58. The world is under the control of the women. When a wicked woman that is a religious woman comes into our house as a wife, the peace between you and your brethren will be tampered with. The power that controls the world is in the hand of the woman. …
  59. That is what is happening today everywhere. They are taking the key-key positions everywhere.
  60. … The same way, the power that controls the family is in the hand of a woman. A man is only the provider in the home, but the full control in the home is in the hands of the woman.
  61. If a man wants to die quick, let him try to please his wife always. Tell Me. Who is the devil in the morning and God in the night? That is a man. Every man should get ready to take the title the wife will give him.That title depends on the condition that is around you.
  62. When a woman falls in love with a man she then wants to marry. She wants to marry that man, but can she stay in love with that man? But when she disobeys her husband, she is not staying in love with that man.
  63. Finally, Philippians Chapter 4 vs 4, GNB. May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord. I say it again: rejoice! Show a gentle attitude toward everyone. The LORD is coming soon. … The Lordis here already not that he’s coming.
  64. … Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need,…
  65. Don’t be afraid of anything. If we should be afraid of anything, we should be afraid of doing wrong. We should be afraid of unbelief to the truth we have received.
  66. …but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart. And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your heart and mind safe in union with Christ.
  67. In conclusion, my friends,[Brothers and Sisters] fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure,lovely and honourable.
  68. Put into practice what you learned and received from me,…
  69. That is Almighty God’s instruction to every one of us to pattern after Him by putting His teachings and Words into practice.
  70. Put into practice what you learned and received from me, both from My Words and from my actions. And the God who gives us peace will be with you[till eternity, Amen].