OBEDIENCE TO GOD HAS A REWARD Preached  On 23 June 2020 @ DEACON JOHN ONYIA’S HOUSE (Enugu Household of God) By DEACON JOHN ONYIA Approved and Authorized by Apostle Peter Odoemena The Son of Man The Righteous Judge



Reputation volume 1 preached on 21st June, 2020 page 38:38-40



We thank God for today, having made it possible for us to come back safely without any problem. God has been our all and all, for without Him, nobody would have been here. Many that went out yesterday doing their respective duties, today they are no more. I am telling you that since morning till now many are no more, but God made it possible for us to wake up, go out for work, came back without any problem. May all glory, honour, adoration be given unto My God and your God (Apostle Peter Odoemena the Son of man)

2.           We say thank you father, SONG: Thank you, thank you my lord, thank you thank you my lord, I have nothing to offer than to say thank you, I am saying thank you, brethren are saying thank you, we have nothing to offer than to say thank you, Amen!

3.           today we are going to consider the message titled: Obedience to God has a reward. You are blessed brethren. I thank God who made it possible for all of us to be here in the land of the living for this is the greatest miracle, miracle of sleeping and waking up. Do you believe it? When you are asleep do you know where you are? You will not know but God is there with you guiding and protecting you for he is always watching over us every day.

4.           That is why we can never say thank you enough for He is a wonderful God. Let us go to the scriptures. 1 peter 2:5-6 Living Bible:

5.           “5And now you have become living building-stones for God’s use in building his house. What is more, you are his holy priests; so come to him (you who are acceptable to him because of Jesus Christ) and offer to God those things that please him.

6.           6As the scriptures express it, “See, I am sending Christ to be the carefully chosen, precious corner-stone of my church, and I will never disappoint those who trust in him”. Amen.

7.           Now we have become what? Living building stones for God to use in building his house. You see, He is the one that made us a living building stone which He used in building the church. So, as many that God called unto himself, so shall He use them in the work of Christ.

8.           6As the scriptures express it, “See, I am sending Christ to be the carefully chosen, precious cornerstone of my church, and I will never disappoint those who trust in him.”

9.           A careful what? Chosen precious cornerstone and the most honored and important part of building. Brethren, if you go down to verse 8, He is the stone that some will stumble over, and the rock that will make them fall.

10.         Many will stumble over him and fall because he is a human being and not only that, he is a black man. This is what is killing many. Who will believe in him? Only the real sons and daughters of God.

11.        This same Christ was the stone that some stumble over and fall, but to us, He made us to stand. He is the rock that make people fall but to us He held our hands and walk with us. Making it known to us that as long as we hear and obey His message, that we shall never stumble where others stumbled. For He is our solace.

12.        Remember, once you are found in him, you are a stakeholder and not a visitor. But you must live the life of a stakeholder.

13.        Jeremiah 4:1-4 Living Bible: 1“O Israel, if you will truly return to me and absolutely discard your idols, 2and if you will swear by me alone, the living God, and begin to live good, honest, clean lives, then you will be a testimony to the rest of the world and they will come to me and glorify my name.”

14.        3The Lord is saying to the men of Judah and Jerusalem,” Plow up the hardness of your hearts; otherwise the good seed will be wasted among the thorns.

15.        4Cleanse your minds and hearts, not just your bodies or else my anger will burn you to a crisp because of all your sins. And no one will be able to put the fire out.

16.        God is showing us love once again for us to come back to Him and live right. Live the life of real children of God by discarding our evil ways and looking up to God our all and all. He has warned us about snake bite which we know will happen if we continue to live in disobedience and dishonest life that will never bring good testimony but rather blasphemy.

17.        This is not the time to mess up with any instruction(s) from God. Remember, the same message he passed down to his family was exactly what went round the whole Bride.

18.        So, we do not have any excuse not to obey, unless we want to land into second captivity which we know will rekindle the anger of the Lord.

19.        His anger will burn the person into crisp because of his/her sins. For no one will be able to put the fire out. So, brethren, this hour calls for total surrender to the will of God.

20.        Let us go to proverbs 4:11-17 “11I would have you learn this great fact: that a life of doing right is the wisest life there is. 12If you live that kind of life, you’ll not limp or stumble as you run. 13Carry out my instructions; don’t forget them, for they will lead you to real living.

21.        14Don‘t do as the wicked do. 15Avoid their haunts, turn away, go somewhere else, 16for the evil men don’t sleep until they have done their evil deed for the day. They can’t rest unless they cause someone to stumble and fall. 17They eat and drink wickedness and violence!”

22.        This is exactly what God has been telling us all this while. How we should live our lives free from violence, scam, robbery, 419, yahoo and yahoo+ and so many others. Most of our messages stressed more on our behavior towards the faith, people in the faith and those outside the faith.

23.        That we should not be a good preacher but be a doer of the Word. That our character is what is preaching now. Nobody is preaching again, but on a daily basis our character is preaching. Some brethren through their character have lifted up our faith and belief. Like Evangelist Ikem Odoemena and Pastor Chika. We heard what that man told Son of Man about them and it is encouraging. Who will not like to have such a wonderful testimony on his head? That is what God is saying that our character will make people to praise and appreciate our God.

24.        But to some, oh my God, they will close their faces in shame due to their discouraging character with a negative testimony, blaspheming the faith here and there. God is encouraging us to live right and follow the life that the message is giving us. If we do that, we will never stumble as we run. We should avoid evil men in the Bride of Christ. Those evil men can be your best brother or sister or a minister.

25.        God is warning us not to follow them or their ways, for their advices is from the pit of hell. They do not sleep because of the evil in them. Amen.

26.        Then what will be my behavior and yours toward the word of God as a child of God? Anybody that calls himself a child of God must have the fear of God by obeying his words. Listen to His advice for our own good. Anyone without an adviser is easily destroyed.

27.        He has done everything possible to bring us closer to Him.  By being our counselor, our shew bread, our door, our ladder, our spring of life, our tree of life and now the Gate. Anybody that fails to enter that gate will have himself or herself to blame but once you are found inside that gate, His righteousness automatically becomes yours.

28.        This carefully chosen precious corner stone of His church will never disappoint those who trust in him. If you trust your life, the life of your children unto him, He will never abandon you. But before you will surrender the life of your children to him, surrender your own life first.

29.        How will you feel when you prepared a delicious meal for your children only for you to see them scatter everything and go away? How will you feel? I am asking a question; how will you feel? Sure, you will feel like killing them. That is how God feels when we are disappointing him, for the food He is giving us every day which is the Word.

30.        This shows that we have failed to recognize Him, to acknowledge Him, and to give Him His due reverence, rather we are worshiping him with great laxity. EVERY TRUE SEED OF GOD MUST OBEY AND WORSHIP GOD WITHOUT RESERVATION. We should allow God to see for us, talk for us and hear for us, think for us. For anybody who is not strong spiritually must be an instrument in the hand of the devil.

31.        Many in this Covid19 lockdown have abandoned God. We are no longer mindful of our doctrines. Hence we now think that doctrine exist only in the fellowship no, no, no. Fellowship is now in our homes, so also is our doctrine. Only the sons and daughters of Belial will neglect the doctrines and instructions from God.

32.        Moreover, once you abandon God, you have abandoned wisdom and all His wise counsels. So what will now be your hope? Nothing. The person becomes hopeless, faithless, lifeless. In fact, you have succeeded in shattering your dreams.   



PAGE 63:14-16



1 Peter 1: 23 -25 Living Bible: “23For you have a new life. It was not passed on to you from your parents, for the life they gave you will fade away. This new one will last forever, for it comes from Christ, God’s ever-living message to men.

2.           24Yes, our natural lives will fade as grass does when it becomes all brown and dry. All our greatness is like a flower that droops and falls; 25 but the word of the lord will last forever. And his message is the Good News that was preached to you.”

3.           For the life your parents gave to you will fade away but as many that are found in the Son of man has a new life, their old life has passed away. That old life was given to us by our parents.

4.           The life our parents gave to us has no eternal value. It is a life without heavenly backup. A life full of carnality. The life our parents gave us was not tested by fire; it has always been in enmity with God. Impure heart full of impurities, lies, deceit, backbiting, slander and so on, all negative vices.

5.           But this new life from Christ is everything. The old one was not. New in everything, it has no room for the old life. Immediately the new one entered, the old one ceased from existing. It was declared obstinate and discarded. This new life has eternal value that transformed us from darkness to light and only God has the power to transform us through His Word which is the message of life.

6.           “It was not passed on to you from your parents, for the life they gave you will fade away. This new one will last foreverit comes from Christ, God’s ever-living message to men. 24Yes, our natural lives will fade as grass does when it becomes all brown and dry. Yes, our natural lives will fade as grass does when it becomes all brown and dry. All our greatness is like a flower that droops and falls.”

7.           Can you imagine all our greatness? Then tell me the purpose why we are making noise? I am this, I am that. Who are you?  You are nothing, you are just grass. Grass that will fade away if not that God is now living in you. You will fade away like others and perish like them.

8.           But He, Christ is now the one living in you and because He is living in you, you shall live also. Remember when Christ lives in you, you are now a new creature; old life has passed away. You are a new being. That is why if you are a new being in Christ and you know you are a new creature, tell me what your life and my life should be like? A new life following the life of Christ, living that particular life God is directing us to live.

9.           The secret of abiding with God lies in abiding in His love. Abiding in his love means nothing but obeying His instructions. That is all. You cannot be disobedient and still claim to have the love of God. Once you are disobedient and rebellious, God will run away from you. Because you are living against yourself.

10.        Many evils will be coming into your mind because the devil is trying to take control of your heart. Foolish thoughts will be trying to dominate your memories because nothing is there again. You are empty.

11.        But when you are filled with the word of God, there is no space for such a thing. When you have given God his rightful place in your heart, there would not be any space for the devil to use you as a veritable tool anymore.

12.        24Yes, our natural lives will fade as grass does when it becomes all brown and dry. All our greatness is like a flower that droops and falls; 25 but the word of the Lord will last forever. But this Word of the Lord will do what?Last forever for the word you are hearing is spirit and is alive.”

13.        Let that Word dwell in you. Let the Word cleanse you. Let that Word wash you. Let it wash us so that we will be whiter than snow. Anybody that believes in God, anybody that has God’s interest at heart, that obeys God, the Word will go straight to his heart and sit down, cleaning, washing that person so that when God comes, He God will see Himself in you instead of seeing you.

14.        For you are now a new creature. You can now see the difference between your present life and your past life.   What did He say will happen to the life your parent gave to you? “For the life they gave you will fade away”For the life your parent gave you without Christ will fade away.

15.        For if God gives you that new life, you are now bearing the life of God and name of God. Do you believe it?

16.        Once that life has been given to you, you are now a new being, a new creature with a new name. Then tell me, what are you going to do? Is it not to protect that name even with your own blood because you are no longer yourself, you are now a child of God, a bona-fide child of God bearing the name of God. So, wherever you are, people around you will know at a glance that you are different.

17.        When you now deviate from towing the line of God, the pattern God has made for us, you will be left behind. For God said that those that are lukewarm, who are neither hot nor cold, if they do not repent, He (God) will spew them out of His mouth. Recognize where you have fallen for where you are now is not where to tell stories of falling away.

18.        The most important thing people should know and we must know it also, is that wherever we are going, whatever we are doing always remember this, have it at the back of your mind, let it not depart from your heart, that we are always standing in the presence of God and we must protect the name of God even with our own life.

19.        Son of Man said something one time, He said, “If God gives you a name, you must cherish it and accept it. But whenever you drop it, someone else will take it from you. If you think you can do things by yourself without God’s help He will just stand out and watch you. Let us see how you will make it. Amen.

20.        24Yes, our natural lives will fade as grass does when it becomes all brown and dry. All our greatness is like a flower that droops and falls; 25 but the word of the Lord will last forever. And his message is the Good News that was preached to you.”

21.        And that message is that Good news that was preached to us. If the message of God could not change us to be a better people, then tell me what else could change us? It means that we are doomed.

22.        The message of God has been the striving force in our heart, changing our action for good on a daily basis. Amen.

That is what God has been telling preachers. God does not need the best preachers, but He needs the best believers. Believers are those that are putting the Messages into action, making sure that whatever you are preaching; whatever you are sharing with somebody, it is dovetailing with the life you are living, for the greatest Message that has the greatest impact remains our life. That is why most of these Brethren find it difficult to convince their in-laws, relatives or friends to subscribe to the Faith because that which they are preaching is far away from that which they are manifesting.

Spiritual Accountability preached 26th June, 2020; page 59-61



Let us go to the message tittle: REMEDY FOR UNBELIEF, preached on 18 December 1994 by Okey Nwankpa: page 3 (Nugget) “I am HE. I am sent for your salvation. I am also sent for the destruction of the world. Who?God!Iam sent for your salvation and I am equally sent for your destruction. “I am sent for your salvation and I am also sent for your destruction, believe it if you can. “From the message RE-EXAMINE YOUR FAITH, Page.9”.

2.           REMEDY FOR UNBELIEF Chapter 1 page 22 from verse 1. If you are in this most holy faith watching me and you call yourself a child of God, and yet you have not given up all that is in you against the word of God, to begin with you are an antichrist.”

3.           So there are some things that are in us that are against the Word of God. What is that? Worldly pleasures, carnal things, putting them first against the spiritual things of God. Things that have no eternal value. He said all those things we must drop it and focus on those things that have eternal value. That is where we must focus our attention on. Amen.

4.           We all were Anti-Christ before we came into Christ. We were against Him before we stood for Him. True or False? True!

5.           Before, we do not know who Christ is. All of us were in different churches doing anything we like. Most of us do not even go to church at all even when we go to church, we stand by the mango tree and will be waiting for the priest to say go home in peace, immediately we will turn back and start going home. Ask us what we learnt, nothing. I never knew in my life that I could stay for 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours in fellowship, doing what? I never knew I could do it.

6.           But today, it is now easy. Why? Because we are now hearing and receiving the original manner; the actual word of God. This is where you can now read the  bible and it becomes interesting and understandable. Amen. 

7.           Once you are a child of God and you are obeying God, living in obedience to His Word you are the friend that God has. Find out what will hinder you from eternal life and avoid it volume 3, page 26 verse 38, How earnestly I tell you this, anyone who believes in me already has eternal life. Page 28 verse 43. Everyone who eat my flesh and drink my blood is in me.

8.           He is what? In me. Have you now seen it? They have eternal life. Bear this in mind, hearing only is not enough, even understanding it is not equally enough. If God is talking and you are hearing, it is good. If God is talking and you are understanding it, it is good. But it is not enough until you have put it into practice.

9.           God is looking for one thing. He said that one thing remaineth and what is that one thing? Obedient to His Words which you have heard and understood, put them into practice for that is what God is looking for. Amen.

10.        All the messages you are hearing today and the ones you are going to hear tomorrow must end in obedience to the Word of God. Else, you have not started. Obedience to the word of God is the ticket to enter.

11.        God cannot accept you in unbelief, in disobedience. Never. This word we are hearing is spirit and it is life. He will continue washing us, until we become a new creature. God has never failed in his promise.

12.        Verse 43 of the same message. Everyone who eat my flesh and drinks my blood is in me, and I in him. I live by the power of the living father who sent me, and the same way those who partake of me shall live because of me. Rewind.

13.        I live by the power of the living father. You see, God is always mindful of his own. That is why He never hides anything from us. He tells us everything, His secret. He does not have anything to hide because of the way He regard us. However, do we regard Him the same way?

14.        God has never for one day failed us.We have been the one failing God. There is a message that says Jehovah is right but I and my people are wrong all along. Everyone who eat my flesh and drinks my blood is in me, and I in him. I live by the power of the living father. I live by the power of the living father who what? Who sent me!

15.        Remember when He said, “Who sent me? Some will be thinking that somebody somewhere sent him. No, He that sent Him is in Him, directing Him on what to do. That is what God is trying to tell us.

16.         Once He lives in you and I, He will be the one directing you and I. We can never fail because He can never fail. Why? He is seeing Himself in us. Our problem has always been argument. “I want to have my way.”

17.        If you want to have your way, there is no way God can live with you because two masters can never live under the same roof.

18.        I live by the power of the living fathers who sent me, and in the same way those who partake of me shall live because of me. I am the true bread from heaven; and anyone who eats this bread shall live forever, and not die as your father did though they ate bread from heaven.

19.        From the scriptures we saw the crowd that came to Jesus the Christ in his day not to believe in him and his word but to eat and drink.

20.        Not to do what? “Not to believe in him and his word Remember it was not because of his messages that they were following him, but they were craving for eating and drinking.

21.        Many are following for their selfish needs; nobody is following because of the Word. “Just to satisfy their carnal needs and to argue and disbelieve the introduction He gave himself as “THE BREAD OF LIFE THAT CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN”.

22.        “You know we are gentiles but this is the church, severed from Gentile character. You know a Gentile is one that does not believe anything unless it agrees with his own philosophy-one that will only believe something that agrees with his own ideology.

23.        If it disagrees with his own philosophy, opinion, way of thinking, he will say no, no, no. As if God would have invited him before writing the Bible. Who is a child of God? One that takes side with the word.

24.        Who is a religious man? One that takes side with his denomination. Because denomination means departure from the truth. That’s why you see many of them here and there. Every one trying to propagate his own way, and to usher people in.” (copied from the message “No successful man of God works alone”)

25.        Someone that you do not believe in, how can you live His life? It is when you believe in Him that God can now manifest His life through you. Outside that, you are on your own.

26.        Satan is using every means to distract the Children of God. He might distract your attention, when message is going on, your mind will deviate from the message. You start thinking of worldly things. You are there sitting down in the fellowship, your eyes focusing on the Son of Man but your attention is out.

27.        When you regained yourself you will be shouting yes sir! Yes sir as to say that you are following. Hence, you are indulging in false life. Why living a false life? Step up your faith, step up your behavior, step up your character so that it will no longer be a pretense but a reality.

28.        Our problem remains stubbornness and disobedient. That has always been our problem. Live the life of God, nobody is going to tell you how you should dress, cut your hair. Now you are in your homes, you are going to manifest who you are. However, I will continue thanking God because God has always remembered his own.

If there is anything we have we can boast of, it is the presence of Christ in our midst. That is our only boast.  Without this, we are as worthless as worthless can be. Only Christ among us makes the difference. So, it takes a fool to ignore the presence of Christ. It takes a fool to ignore His Word, even His admonition and His outstretched hands to help us out of our deadly conditions’.




Let us go to the message: HEAR MY VOICE OH HEAVEN, HEAR MY VOICE OH EARTH. Volume 1 page 7 verse 11-19. “You remember when I told you that I will never sit down to eat the Lord’s supper with you anymore, until you hear, “BLESSED IS HE THAT COMETH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD” and that will be in paradise. Since that day, have you had it again?

2.           Even if you are to have it now, can you afford the cost? Even if you spend N10,000,000 (Ten million) you cannot have it. You cannot have it. And you cannot observe it because there is no way you can start before the time. It has appointed time. It has a time it cannot cross.

3.           Even if I use 10,000 service men and women, they cannot accomplish it. God knows what He is doing.

4.           It is just like the Muslim festival. It has time. That is why the injunction by Prophet Mohammad [ Peace be to his holy name] is that the ram must be killed by 9 o’clock in the morning. Let the whole Muslim community gather, do everything and make sure it is finished by 10 o’clock in the morning. If it does not finish, bury the remnant in the ground. Amen.

5.           In the time of the Passover in Egypt, the instruction was that whoever that could not afford it should join his neighbor and it should last only but one hour. Whatever remains, bury it in the ground.

6.           But in my own case, it is not so. Somebody held her own because of unbelief because she was choked and could not throw it away. She held it in her hand till the following day.

7.           When she was dying, she made her confession known to the Elders. Their pastor summoned Me and we cornered her somewhere. We saw the thing. The one in her throat choked her, for she ate the LORD’s Supper in unrighteousness.

8.           Can you go back a little? But in my own case, it is not so. Somebody held her own because of unbelief because she was choked and could not throw it away. The thing choked her. She cannot swallow it and could not also throw it away because of unbelief. She held it in her hand till the following day.

9.           When she was dying, she made her confessions known to the Elders. Their pastor summoned Me and we cornered her somewhere. We saw the thing. The one in her throat choked her, for she ate the LORD’s supper in unrighteousness.

10.        She made her confession known to everybody. I anointed her and the one in the throat went down after 24 hours. The one she was holding in the hand, THE SON OF MAN said, “Nobody should throw it away and you cannot take it home. Thank your stars you are still here. Give it to Me”.

11.        Before many witnesses, a Brother poured Olive oil in My hand. I lifted the thing up and it started smoking. I handed it over to her. She ate it and swallowed it. Brethren, am I bearing false witness? [The Ancient men and women in Fellowship all echoed,” No sir!”

12.        The word we are hearing now and rejoicing is what is choking many people. Those who could not make haste while there is still time. They are running helter-skelter, because the exam timetable is out and they are being choked.

13.        Because many were missing classes, when others were attending classes. When God was hammering on the need to buy books, many paid deaf ears to His instructions. Even now, many are still not buying books for the feeding of their families. Now it is an individual race, everyone is on his/her own.

14.        That is why many families are making noise because the word of God is choking them. Remember God said, “One of these days you will wish to see the face of Son of Man and you will not see Him.” There was a time He told us to gather messages for a time will come when these messages will be difficult for us to get. That many people will travel far and wide looking for messages. Some will use lantern to look for this messages. Hence, it has fulfilled before our eyes.

15.        The Word of God is choking many now.  Many names of so called ministers are not in the list of people collecting books. Then one will begin to wonder how they are pastoring their families. This is the only weapon we have to use in putting our families in order. How are they teaching their families without the current stage of the ministry messages?

16.        They now find it difficult to buy messages.  Can you see how many are handling the Word of God in unbelief? This is what God is talking about. When you try to swallow it, it will not enter. Vomit it, you cannot vomit it. It will choke you. Why? Because you are handling it in unbelief.

17.        Instead of using the money to buy books they will rather spend it on beer. After they will start looking for whom to borrow books from. Then if you are among the foolish virgins you will carry your books and give them.

18.        Son of Man in his infinite mercy has prepared all the food needed for our growth but how many are eating it? If He decides to sell these messages He will be the greatest millionaire but He can never do it because this is not the commission to come and make money. Brethren, what are we talking about here? There is no general overseer that can feed his followers this way.

19.        Is it not what they have that they will give? What do they know? This is a typical example to show you that we are receiving original manner from heaven. He is the source of everything. He is the fountain that can never go dry. Hence, that is God for you. That is Son of Man for you. Amen.

20.        Let us not handle the Word of God in unbelief because it will choke us the same way it choked that sister. Let us not treat the Word of God with I don’t care attitude. For the essence of the Word of God is to cleanse us and rebuild us.

21.        Stop doing things anyhow. God will treat you the same way you treat His Word. For the measure you give unto God is the measure God will give back to you.

22.        That is why if you begin to reason the Word of God you can never obey God. You Must Pattern Your Life after A Good Example [Christ] chapter 1:1-22: May his name be glorified through Christ our Lord. Amen. Yesterday was another day, today is a new day. Today is a day we shall put into practice that which we were taught yesterday.

23.        Rewind. Today is a day we shall put into practice, that which we were thought yesterday. Brethren I am reading the message “You must pattern your life after a good example” preached by Apostle Peter Odoemena, 13th April, 2015. Family alter message at Nsugbe, the bridal lodge.

24.        Any soul that sinneth must surely die. Any soul that sinneth must do what? Surely die. Word in block, “If you can see what God is doing in our midst as a manifestation of love, happy shall you be, all the days of your life. If God is correcting you, it is a sign of love. Did you hear it?

25.        May His name be glorified through Christ our Lord. Amen. Yesterday was another day, today is a new day. Today is a day we shall put into practice that which we were taught yesterday.

26.        Any day you still see yourself alive, it means that God still wants you to do what? To obey Him. Any day you see yourself alive, means that there are things that God still wants from you. He has something He wants from you. You cannot go back to yesterday to correct the mistake of yesterday, can you?

27.        But you can correct it today. That is what God is talking about. Do not sorrow yourself in anger of yesterday, today is that opportunity for you to do what? To correct it. But when today will pass and you did not correct it, that day that passed will now become yesterday.

28.        And as it is going down, sin will start being simple in your eyes. Sin will start being what? Easy and simple in your eyes. But when you see today as that day God said you have to do this thing, follow it up. No going back. What has been killing us has always been procrastination. “I will! I will! I will!” There is never a day “I will”, will stop.

29.        Today is today. Yesterday has gone. Never allow yourself to waste today. Let today be that turning point in your life, so that by tomorrow, every other thing will be a new day. Amen





Today is a new day, today is a day we shall put into practice that which we were taught yesterday. Have you now seen it? Those things that you were taught yesterday, today is the day that we are going to put it into practice. But when you allow today to pass what happens?

2.           Today we shall put into practice, the lesson we heard, if you never had a yesterday, you can never have a today. If yesterday didn’t come and go, today will never come. Do you believe that? But remember, today is already going. Today is what? Is going! Then you ask yourself, I have asked this question so many times, how many percentages did you give to God today?

3.           And how many percentages did you put for yourself in your carnal life? How much percentage did you put in your education, which is equally carnal? Remember I keep on asking that. Ask yourself that particular question. And you will give yourself a good answer. Deceive yourself, go ahead and deceive yourself and lie unto yourself.

4.           But when you know that God hears whatever you are saying and doing, I bet you, you will know that your spiritual life today is not up to 30% which you are giving to God. While, the time spent sleeping is 70%. Then ask yourself this question: 70% that you give to your carnal life and 30% to your spiritual life, is it a pass mark? We must answer this individually.

5.           Is it a pass mark? Have you now seen it? If God should say: I am wiping off everything today. Where would you be? Where will I be? Son of Man said something some time ago that exam is coming. This exam is coming from the Lord. Nobody knows how it is going to come.

6.           So, quantify that, that you have done for God today. One of the things we are to do for God is praises and worship. Studying the messages of God and walking towards putting it into practice, and then there is a promise of eternal life. No, I want to eat food, I want to sleep. A day will come, when you will see bed, you will not like to sleep.

7.           You will see food; you will run away from food. If you go to orthopedic hospital in Enugu, there you see people whose legs are hanged. You see people lying down for over three, four months. Do you think that they will be talking about their cars? Will they be talking about their offices? That is when you will know that all of them are mere maggot.

8.           Many of us are using God as spare tyres. Ask yourself, what have you done for God today? But I can tell you how many things God has done for you and I today, which that money, that bed you are lying down on can never give you today.

9.           Was it yesterday or a day before yesterday when they called me that the owner of our fellowship center is dead, then I remembered Moses Jackson (Eze na Ngwo). He has money with mansions scattered everywhere, with seven policemen following him and with seven following the wife. He has houses in independence layout, including GRA, everywhere, including our fellowship centre, land everywhere.

10.        Now today, where are all these things? Where are all those things? Will he now use one vehicle to his grave? That is what God is saying. What is that, that you have given to God? Are you using God, am I using God as spare tyre? For if God should use us as a spare tire for one day, just one hour, maggots will be coming out of our bodies.

11.        If God will use us for one second as spare tyre, the same way we are using God, I tell you maggots will be coming out of our bodies. But look at Him, at any point in time, if you call Him, He is ever ready to cheer you up. Ever ready to help you out in all your troubles. Troubles you created by yourself. Trouble that He is not even involved in. But simple obedience to His Word, no way.

12.        How can your life change, how can my life change when I do not know how to worship God? But He has shown us how to worship God.

13.        Now God is telling us today, that we can never go back to yesterday, but we still have the opportunity of today to make amend all we have done yesterday. I cannot tell you about tomorrow, because you might close your eyes and you will not wake up. I can never talk about tomorrow! For tomorrow is in God’s hand. What is more, my emphasis is focused on here now.

14.        What have you done for God? What have I done for God? What is that thing that will warrant God to say, obey me and I will give you eternal life? Look at it, God told Abraham to leave his father’s house to a land He (God) will show him. He obeyed. Yesterday is gone and it can never come back again. Even God cannot even bring back yesterday again.

15.        God cannot bring it back. But God has given you today to make amend for yesterday, hoping that tomorrow will be better. Nobody has tomorrow, because it is in God’s hand. So, go back to that percentage, check that percentage. I keep on telling you people every time, all of us, what percentage have we given to God today?

16.        Once it has not come to 100%, you are still using God as spare tyre. Moses Jackson is dead; he can never come back. Oby the wife will be crying, the children, everything left. That is when you know that this thing called earth, all these materials, this nonsense we are killing ourselves for is vanity.

17.        All has no eternal value at all. If you go to his house, you will understand what am saying, you must pass through two gates before you can enter his house. And this was a man I carried in my car last month when we were going to our fellowship centre. Now he is late. This time around is not old age, but lockdown couldn’t allow him to travel abroad for treatment.

18.        Lockdown could not allow him to go abroad and he does not know the way of God. When I was telling him about God, he said no, “My wife is a pastor.” My brother, my sister, let us not use God as a spare tyre. Let us accept that yesterday is gone. Today is a new day

19.        We could not have had a today, but God has given us a today to enable Him access the level of work He has done in us, so that He will know the extent we have accepted His instructions now that we are at home. Have you seen it now?

20.        If I ask you, what is the instruction God gave; can you answer me? Can you answer me? Today we shall put into practice the lesson we learned, if we never had a yesterday, we can never have a today. God has given us a today to enable Him to access us, so that He will know the extent we are able to comply with His instructions.

21.        Then I ask, “What is God’s instructions? They are scattered all over our books. Which one have we obeyed? Which one have we done? Which one have I obeyed? Which one have I done? That is what God is saying today. If you tell me how you swept the house, scrubbed the house, it is all fine. What of God?

22.        I have asked this question severally, when I told you people, if am driving my car, and I go to the filling station to fuel my car, wash my car, come back eat my food, the next thing is bed where I will sleep off, then what have I done for God today? Nothing! If I pray and ask God for a favour before I go to sleep, I have done nothing. Because prayer is asking God for a favour and not doing God a favour. So I still have not done anything for God. And I am still hoping that God will protect me so that I sleep and wake up again tomorrow morning.

23.        When can we change? All these words we are hearing; why can’t we allow it to change us? The Word should be a part of us and it should be no other day than today. Yes, no other day than today. Let it be known by all of us here, that God is monitoring your compliance to His instructions on a daily basis.

24.        Whatever we are doing, God is monitoring it on a daily basis. “Hear me very well. Let it be known to all of you here that God is monitoring the rate at which we are complying with his instructions; the rate at which we are obeying his words.

25.        WE STUMBLE OVER GOD’S SIMPLICITY was the message we considered from chapter 1-2. We received a message before then that “WE SHOULD NOT ALLOW OURSELVES TO BE CORRUPTED BY THE SIMPLICITY THAT IS IN CHRIST”.

26.        And finally, another dangerous and delicate message: “BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT OVER FAMILARITY”. Be very careful about over familiarity”. God is a consuming fire. God is what? A consuming fire. If He God cannot even pity the children of Noah, David, Eli, all of them; as many of them that have lost their children and you think God will not close His eyes and finish all of us. Because of our naked unbelief.

27.        He will close his eyes and destroy all of us one way. Today is a new day. Any day you see yourself awake, thank God, look for what you are going to do for God. He is ever mindful of his words. “By over familiarity, God said, “He is my father, he is my husband. He is my brother; he is my townsman. He is this and that”. 

28.        There is a useless adage that never contains any truth that, “Whosoever that has Abraham as a father can never go to hell”. Na lie! What did God say? A useless adage that says whosoever that has Abraham as a father can never go to hell.  That is not true. God said what? That is not true!

29.        “It is against the word of God. The word of God said and I quote, “The father will not be punished because of the iniquity of the son or daughter or the children. The mother will not be punished because of the iniquities of the children. Neither will the children be punished because of the iniquities of their parents.  But any seed a man soweth, that he must reap”.

30.        What! Any seed a man soweth, he must reap. If it is the son, he will take care of himself, the daughters will take care of themselves or my wife will take care of herself, I’ll take care of myself, everybody will take care of him or herself. Anything you commit, you must bear the consequences. You have known what the boundaries of our faith is all about, if you go beyond it na your head go carry am; not my own, not your mother.

31.        Let us know the boundaries of our faith. Let us know when God’s mercy will no longer cover us. Yes, God is love, God is mercy, until you cross that boundary, then you will know that the love of God can never reach you there. Amen.


Spiritual Accountability to God preached 26th June, 2020; page 133:53 &56 



You will pray, pray, cry he will not answer. You have crossed that veil and no going back. Amen. “But any seed a man soweth, that he must reap. That any soul that sinneth, that must surely die”. If you can find time today, get the message we considered yesterday. I have many copies in the library. WHAT IS MORE, WE STUMBLED OVER SIMPLICITY.

2.           We do what? We stumble over simplicity. Try to finish that message. You will see that Frank committed suicide. Do you know Brother Frank? I mean Deacon Frank, yes. You will see that Frank committed suicide.

3.           That his case was highlighted in 2014 alongside others including my own and your own; what will befall us if we do not take the word of God seriously. Have I not said it here? Those handling the Word of God with laxity; God will handle their own with laxity too. For the same way you do unto God that same way God will do unto you.

4.           If you obey the Word of God, God will follow you for you are his son. He will continue following you. He will never depart from you. Even when you have your own problem God will be there for you. God will always be there for you. This is God for you.

5.           For God has earlier said that “The best way to avoid being judged by God when he is judging the saint is to avoid coming in contact with the faith. So that God will judge you when he will be judging the world”. But the judgment of God first will start in the church.

6.           That is why the bible said, “We are being judged now so that we shall no longer be judged when God will be judging the world.” Our own judgment is for our justification. Our own judgment is for our justification. God is judging us, punishing us, indicting, correcting, rebuking for our own good so that we will amend our ways. But it is not so to the world.”

7.           Have you seen it now? That is why I am telling you that today is a day God said we should change for yesterday is gone. The chastisement that is going on today is for our own good because we still have time to amend it.

8.           Can Moses Jackson amend his ways again? He is gone. This was somebody I was with last month. He is gone. But it is not so to the worldThe world will receive a swift judgment. Eternal damnation, eternal separation, eternal condemnation, and eternal death.”

9.           When they are receiving eternal death, what are we receiving? Eternal life. As many that will obey God, they are receiving what? Eternal life while others will be receiving eternal death. Amen.

10.        We are the only people that have been given remedy. If you can see what God is doing in our midst as a manifestation of love, happy shall you be all the days of your life. If God is correcting you, it is a sign of love. If He is rebuking you, a sign of love. Indicting you, it is a sign of love.

11.        If he is raking up all your evil deeds, it is a sign of love because God said in the scriptures that some people’s iniquities will be covered so that iniquities will go with them to the judgment throne for their condemnation.”God forbid. Their iniquities are being covered now, why? So that that iniquity will follow them to where? Judgment throne!

12.        Do you know what iniquity is? Knowing that which you ought not to do and you go ahead doing it. It is like willfully disobeying the Word of God which you cannot deny to be the truth. It is iniquity in the sight of God.

13.        That is what God is saying and God will do it and you will not have any defence. God is right all this while, while we were wrong. Let the life of God, this life that He is putting in us, let it manifest in us for good and not for evil.  “So that iniquities will go with them to the judgment throne for their condemnation. While some will be uncovered that they might be forgiven.”

14.        So which one do you want? To uncovered it so that you will be forgiven? God will chastise you, God will punish you and He will forgive you but when God hide your own, He is waiting for you there. I say God forbid.

15.        “Once your iniquity is uncovered, the tendency is there for God to forgive you, if you can turn away from your iniquities. That is why the book of proverbs chapter 8:16 says and I quote “Whosoever that covereth his sins shall not prosper but whoever that confesseth and forsaketh shall obtain mercy.”

16.        If you cover your sin, you will not prosper. Why? Because you have not forsaken it. Whoever that hides his sin will continue in it because he is living in falsehood. But when it is open, will you still do it again? Never!

17.        As many that belong to God, this word of God will never depart from their heart. Amen. Whoever that confesseth and forsaketh his sins shall obtain mercy from the hand of God. He will obtain mercy from God. It is not confessing your fault, your sin, your shortcoming and also continuing in it.”

18.        Will God forgive you? Never! Yes, you have made it known but you continued in it, never will God forgive you because you derive pleasure in it. For if you do not take pleasure in it, you can never go that way again. Moreover it is a challenge to God.

19.        Let us be careful with the Word of God. For the same way he has told us to obey Him and get eternal life; he has equally told us to disobey Him and face eternal damnation.

20.        Such a fellow will be in a category God spoke about two weeks ago, “stand at the gate and shout to my people that come here to worship me that I have seen them, I have got them, I have seen their doings, I have seen everything around them. When they go out and commit every kind of evil and come into the house of God that is called by my name and say, ‘we are delivered to do evil.’

21.        How can the place that is called by the name of God be nicknamed the home of evildoers?” Is it possible? Now that I have said that you are bearing a new name, how can you indulge in anything that God will be saying ‘Tufiakwa’ This cannot come from my son?

22.        Because you know that you are bearing a new name, a new life, a new family, that is what God is giving to you, that is what God is giving to me; but any day I will reject all those things and go back to my old ways, do you think that my name will still be there? No! Because I am blaspheming the name of God, I am blaspheming the family of God for this is the holy family that must remain Holy.


24.        Have you heard it now? Remember, all these things I am saying, if you do not obey it; it will be surely used against you, against me. Though I am the preacher yet I am equally involved.

25.        That is why the family of God must come together and talk to themselves so that they can obey God in truth and in spirit. Anybody that is sleeping when God’s message is going on has been bewitched by the devil.

26.         Any spirit, any devilish spirit that has entered your life and you will be closing your eyes when a message of God is going forth, it means that that spirit is stronger than the Word of God coming to you. Which means Satan is now in control of your life.

27.        But you must stand up on your feet and say no to all those nonsense spirit, nonsenses thought, crippling thought that becloud your mind. Once they come, you reject it. You can even shout, “Get out!

28.        Was it not what Evangelist Ikem said? He said that when evil thought comes to disturb you, what do you say? Get out! Do not forget that. The spirit will never come again.

29.        Before you know it, you will be using heathens as your examples. Or you will be using disobedient children, stubborn children, children of belial in the faith as your example.” Amen.

30.        The moment you fall away from this faith”… Do you know you can be coming to fellowship and yet you are no longer in this Faith? Do you know that? You can be coming to fellowship but you are no longer in the Faith. Bodily present, but spiritually barren. “The moment you fall away from this faith; sin becomes a light thing in your eyes.” May sin never becomea light thing in our eyes. Amen.

31.        “Sin becomes a light thing to your eyes. Unbelief, disrespect to God’s instruction” God forbid! God forbid that we will ever disrespect God’s instructions. “Disloyalty, unfaithfulness, disobedience to God’s truth, to warnings and instructions will be very light. I say God forbid.






THE LORD SHALL JUDGE AND VINDICATE HIS PEOPLE VOL 2. CHAPTER 5:1-8 preached on Sunday 11th February 2018. Have I not taken time to teach you? If I begin to test you after 25 years is it an impromptu testing? Did I not say it here? That God said that we are going to take exam? Did I not say it here?

2.           Have I not taken time to teach you? If I begin to test you after 25 years is it an impromptu testing? A war which date has been set aside, can it ever consume the cripple? The judgement was foretold.

3.           I want to see you flexing your muscles again, flex your muscles, both your heart muscles and your physical muscles, let us exchange blows. When was this message preached? The message THE LORD SHALL JUDGE AND VINDICATE HIS PEOPLE VOL 2 preached on Sunday 11th February 2018.Start from verse 1-8. Let us go further a little. 1 Corinthians chapter 10 from verse 1 through 6 Amplified. ‘For I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, that our forefathers were all under and protected by the cloud [in which God’s presence went before them]”

4.           Our forefathers were what? …under and protected by the cloud. Protected by what? The  Cloud. Are we protected by the cloud? Yes. Because the cloud is always with us. Can you not see it?

5.           As many that are called by His name, this cloud will always be there protecting each and every one of us. Can you see it with your naked eyes? In fact, I was opportuned to be one of the people that got some of the supernatural cloud. When you go to my phone, you will see many things. Nobody can come today and start talking rubbish about the Faith where I am. Nobody. For camera cannot lie.

6.           For I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, that our forefathers were all under and protected by the cloud [in which God’s presence went before them], and every one of them passed safely through the [Red] sea”. This is Son of Man’s day.

7.           I told you, “Every dog must have a day.” Every what? Every dog must have a day.”Yes sir! The Day of Judgment belongs to Me. Yes! I am the judge of the whole earth. The judge of Heavens and the Earth. The judge of the living and the dead.

8.           Yes! For thereunto I am ordained. If you doubt me, go back to my commission. I will rest at nothing until I have judged the earth in righteousness and the isles will see my judgment. Go back to the commission and judgment comes last.

9.           And judgement come’s last, judgement comes last. Examination marks the end of every semester, no semester starts with examination. You must teach first before you examine them. Have I not given time to teach you, if I begin to test you after 25 years, is it an impromptu testing?

10.        A war which date had been kept aside can it ever consume the cripple? The judgement was foretold. I want to see You flexing your muscles again. Flex your muscle, both your heart muscle and your physical muscle. Let us exchange blows. I told you that a day is coming when many of you will use lantern, use torch and look for the Son of Man. Do you hear it? A day is coming when many of us will use lantern use torch and look for the Son of Man.

11.        What is the name of the message again? “The Lord shall judge and vindicate his people volume 2.Amen. I told you that a day is coming when many of you will use lantern, use torch and look for the Son of Man. you will not see me again. My face shall be hidden from you.Amen.

12.        Is it not what is happening now? People are calling Son of Man, daddy we are missing you, daddy we want to come and see you, daddy this, daddy that. He said that a day is coming when people will use torch and lantern to look for Him, to see the face of Son of Man but they will not see it again. Oh! glory be to Almighty God. See prophecy fulfilling.

13.        The manifestation is the interpretation. Is it not happening in your own eyes? Did He say it? hence, it is happening now. I told you that a day is coming when many of you will use lantern, use torch and look for the Son of Man. you will not see me again. My face shall be hidden from you. And then you will remember the good old days when you were having access to his face, but it will be no more. I announced it ahead of time. At every stage, I normally announce it.

14.        I remember in those days when were are still going to fellowship at Jerusalem. Everybody has unlimited access to the Son of Man. Immediately, after fellowship, everybody will gather around Son of Man’s table tabling their problems. Those days are gone.  Do you even know where Son of Man is living? Do you know what it takes for Son of Man to approve of your coming?

15.        Do you know what it takes for God to hear your voice and bid you to come? He said these things far back and look at all of them fulfilling. The voice went forth 2018 and this is 2020. Now has turned to, “One of those days.” Amen. Glory be unto His Holy Name.

16.        BEARING THE SEAL OF THE LORD VOL 2. PREACHED 19TH SEPTEMBER, 1993 CHAPTER 3:1-9 SECOND PETER 1:1 “Simon peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them who have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: KJV. If the faith that is in us is precious, it has made us to be automaticlly precious, because it is that thing in you that made you what you  are. The real person is the person in you. The faith we have now is a precious faith, for that reason God has given us a Seal of righteousness.

17.        Brethren, listen closely. If this gospel I am speaking, while I love God is that, when you are preaching a sermon, speaking things different from what you wrote or jotted, there is a reason why those things came forth. Cases which God raised when he was speaking concerning our nature, if it is still in you, be very, very careful.

18.        Let me tell you, you cannot make open confession until you come out of that sin, unless you are a hypocrite. What? You cannot make open confession until you come out of that sin, useless you are a hypocrite.

19.        It is only he that is ready to leave that sin which he is committing that can be bold to confess his sin. Yes sir! When you are still in it, you cannot say it out. You will be hiding it. If you are hot tempered, you cannot acknowledge it, until any day God erases it. You will then confess: “Brethren, praise God! I was hot tempered before. I thank God for delivering me from it.”

20.        You accepted it because God has removed it from you. Maybe a brother or a sister might in one way or the other tell you that you have hot temper and you say, “No, I am not.” Because you want to answer a self-righteous man before men.

21.        Let me tell you, I told God to continue renewing everything in me until he removes everything that made me Okechukwu. Let that which made me Okechukwu depart from me! Let Christ alone be seen in me! If it is possible, I will not come to this pulpit again.

22.        Let the message be preached to my hearing so that I will live the life of it. Let me weigh myself with it. I want to live the life of this message. If you ask the desire of my heart, I will tell you that I want the world to see the life of the gospel in me.

23.        Let Christ be seen in me! Let it not be that I will preach the message and refuse to obey it! I do not want to hear without patterning myself. We have to invite the supernatural to be in us. We are precious beings. We are precious before God. That is why God has decided to seal us in.

24.        Now if you watch and listen to the message, you will think the person is sincere but he is not sincere with himself.Son of Man said if you are a sinner and you have not regretted that aspectwhere you have gone wrong, you can never change.

25.        Do you understand what I am saying?If you have not come to regret that aspect that you have done wrong, that thing you are doing, that fault that is in you, you can never do what? Change. That mistake you have made, you must regret it. Until you hate it, you cannot change. That is what is wrong with him. He said things which he never believed in for one day. That is why God said, “Do not preach me a sermon, live me a sermon.

26.        Do not come and preach beautiful message, when your life is dirty. This is the time we have to change our behaviours and attitudes.

27.        Romans 5:1-2 King James Version “So now since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. For because of our faith, he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God has had in mind for us to be”.

28.        Living bible: 1so now since we have been made right by God’s faith in his promises, we can have real peace with Him because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. 2For because of our faith, He has brought us into this place of highest privilege, where we now stand and will confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God had in mind for us to be.

29.        Actually becoming all that God has what? Had in mind for us to be.

30.        Have you now seen it? God has a better thing for us. God’s ambition is that we will live in the right way, follow His own ways so that we will not stumble.

31.        Proverb 11: 27-31. Living Bible: “If you search for good you will find God’s favour; if you search for evil you will find his curse. Trust in your money and down you go! Trust what? Trust in your money and down you go.

32.        Do you remember that man I told you that died? Trust in your money and down you go. When I was telling him about our Faith, he said I should not worry that his wife is a pastor. His wife is a pastor taking care of their spiritual life, while his own is to make money.

33.        Trust in money, down you go. Trust in God and flourish as a tree. But trust in God and you will flourish like a tree. The fool who provokes his family to anger and his siblings will finally have nothing worthwhile.

34.        That fool that provokes the family to anger, will finally have what? Nothing worthwhile! You remembered when Son of Man was talking about the boy that joined cult. He joined cult and yet in this Faith. The same to his father. Tell me the kind of shame and headache his parents will be facing? Do you know the kind of problem he has brought to the family?

35.        The other one that is being looked for now at Abuja, because of him, the father was locked up. The father is in prison now because of the son. When this boy was born, people rejoiced, but little did they know that they are training ekperima (Criminal).

36.         The Son of Man said, if you do not train them, do not blame them. I will keep on blaming us the parents. We the parents have failed in our duties. Because it is a criminal offence on us the parents, haven been bestowed the power to take care of our God given Children as caretakers to impact the word of God and fear of God in them.

37.        Remember what I told you; that you people are very lucky to have the Son Man in your day. During our own time, who has time for you? But now the Son of Man has paved way for all of you likewise us too. We have so many messages that can straighten all crooked life. There is nothing God cannot do.

38.        What happened? When my father was alive, I was very small, but I still remember those days, that he would wake us up to go and pray. But immediately he died, everything stopped. When he was alive, once it is 6 o’clock and you were still sleeping, he would use his hands and hit your buttocks. Nobody will tell you to wake up. But it did not last, because he did not spend time with us. We only saw him once every week.

39.        But look at Son of Man, on a daily basis He is with us. On a daily basis He is teaching us up. On a daily basis He is bringing us up. On a daily basis He is cheering us up. On a daily basis He is feeding us. On a daily basis He is supporting us.

40.        Why can’t we pay attention to his messages? Many people do not have this kind of opportunity and they will never have this type of opportunity again. He is teaching both parents and children.

41.        If I tell you that I did not benefit in this COVID19 era spiritually, then I am a liar. COVID19 has made me to be closer to God more and I believe it really changed our lives. Nobody is rushing again to do things, except the things of God. Now transcribing of messages is here, proofreading is here, all for good. Amen.

42.        This is exactly what God wants from us. For us to put our head down to the things of God. We have been hearing about the family of Apostle Ojiakor and Deacon David’s family; all doing the work of God. What happened to our own family? Are we not part and parcel of God? What is more, once you start, you will see that the strength of God will come to you for your good.

43.        Trust in your money and down you go! Trust in God and flourish as a tree! The fool who provokes his family to anger and resentment will finally have nothing worthwhile left.

44.        He shall be the servant of a wiser man. Godly men are growing like a tree that bears life-giving fruit, and all who win souls are wise. Hold on, Godly men are what? Godly men are growing  like a tree that bears life-giving fruit.

45.        Wait! Understand it very well. Whenever God is talking about tree, He is talking about human beings.

46.        Godly men are growing what? Godly men are growing a tree.They are growing human beings. Godly men are growing a tree that bears life-giving fruit.Life-giving fruit. Your children are the ones that will support you in your old age.

47.         They are the ones that will live the life of God so that you will be happy in your old age, but whereby you do not train your children in the fear of the Lord. Tell me, will you be happy in your old age?

48.        That is when they will use their legs to open the door, forcing you to sign your money to them. Why? Because they are not afraid of anybody anymore. It is just like whenever I tell any of you that I will tell Son of man what you did, you will never have rest until you make amend. You will be on their knees begging for forgiveness. Why? Because He (Son of Man) is our greatest. Final authority.

49.        For those people, there is nobody that they call their greatest, they have nobody they are looking up to. Someone they are afraid of. Why? From cradle the parents never taught them the way of God.

50.         Let this message bear fruit in us. For God said it and it is truth. When you plant those trees (children) and they are growing, you are watering it, for the water is the word and you are watering it, the children will be growing.

51.        They will follow the pattern which you have directed them. When you look at that car park, where we normally park cars, there is a local pear I planted there, I knew that in the end it will tilt towards the sunlight.

52.        Why? Because it is looking for the sun. That is what the children of God are looking for. Whenever they hear the Word of God, all of them will pay attention, to hear what God is saying.

53.        What did God say we should do? Our target. Godly men are growing a tree that bears life-giving fruit, and all who win souls are wise. Even the godly shall be rewarded here on earth; how much more the wicked! Amen.

54.        LastlyProverb 15:7-10. Living Bible: Only the good can give good advice.Only the good parent, only the good wife, only the good, only them can give good advice and hear good advice. Only God who is truth, Himself can give good advice.

55.        Only the good can give good advice. Rebels can’t. But a rebel can’t. A rebel cannot even hear himself let alone worthy of giving advice because as the name sound so his character is. A rebel is a rebel.

56.        But God will give you good counsel. That is why God is called “The Counsellor”. For He is always giving good counsel. But can a rebel give counsel? A rebel is a rebel. That is where the word rebellion was coined out from.

57.        The Lord hates the gift of the wicked. God hates gift that is coming from wicked pocket. Wicked hands, God does not want it. Any gift that is from the wicked is already a curse. Remember the gift that Cain gave.

58.         He did not give it with pure heart but Abel gave with pure heart. God judges our heart. God is always happy whenever His sons and daughters are growing in faith.

59.        God is smiling because we are growing in faith, and that is what it should be. The Lord hates the gift of the wicked, but delights in the prayers of his people. And delights in the prayers of His people. The Lord despises the deeds of the wicked, despises the deeds of the wicked but loves those who try to be good.

60.        But love those who are trying to be good, because they try to be good, He is there to help them. If they stop trying, the Lord will punish them. Did you hear that? Any aspect of work you are doing in the house of God, today God is telling us to continue, that He is our strength. But if we stop, punishment awaits the person.

61.        If they rebel against that punishment, they will die. Rewind! If they rebel against that punishment, they will die. But if you rebel against the punishment God is giving you because you stopped trying, what will follow? Death! Who wants to die?

Now the question we are asking ourselves is, are we now ready to obey God? Are we now ready to follow God to the end?  Are we now ready to try and do those things God said we should do? For that is what God is looking for at any point in time. So that His children will change from bad to good. Amen. On this note I say Remain Blessed Brethren.