apostle peter odoemena



Heavenly Father, we thank you for calling us into the fellowship of your dear Son in whom oh God, we have redemption and even the forgiveness of our sins. Father, we are very, very happy with you. Forever we will remain grateful.

2.          Thank you, oh God, for in him also you have confirmed us and have decided to present us blameless in your sight. We are now waiting patiently for that glorious day when we shall be translated to meet you in the air.

3.          May our hope never fail us in Christ’s Name? While we continue following You by revelation, may Satan never gain advantage into the Bride.

4.          Wrap them oh God by this liberty where Christ has set them free. Bless every soul that is here tonight.

5.          Bless all that have gathered in all the local Churches, in Christ’s name we pray. Amen.’ 



We thank the Almighty God for today for we know that the servant of God is still on His business of declaring. Our eyes are wide open.

2.           I believe that when we come with a believing heart, we even defy the distance. 

3.           God bless you brethren. I felt like dancing before coming to the pulpit. I wanted our Brother to go there first for us to enjoy his ministry.

4.           I called him and told him to go and open the fellowship, but he misunderstood Me. I wanted us to enjoy his services before he travels back to Lagos this night. He then started calling Me. 

5.           Why calling Me? You didn’t want us to enjoy it? Don’t you see, everybody is sweating now? If I didn’t say so, nobody will praise God anymore? 

6.           What if God will renew My strength now and I take you through praises again?

7.           Brother Chima, I don’t know why you came down from the pulpit. I wanted to get the best out of you. Well, we have testimonies to share because this is the house of testimonies. The greatest testimony is the testimony of the word.

8.           I told the pastor that I will not come to the pulpit this day, unless it is going to be a miracle. This is because I took overdose last night to enable Me travel tomorrow.

9.           I think it is the drug that is troubling Me now. Now it is no longer the type of sickness that drug can cure. I know that one day, it must come to an end. As far as we are in this flesh we must continue to have troubles.

10.        You were thinking that He (The Son of Man) is such a Super Being that He can never fall sick or have troubles in the flesh. No. Christ fell sick several times before He departed from the flesh. Quote Me. I said, quote Me.

11.        I am not here to deceive anybody. Jesus Christ was a mere human being but He was a privileged Tabernacle. The Elohim decided to tabernacle in Him; there was nothing more than that.

12.        Everything about the man Jesus was purely natural. When he said he was hungry, he really meant it. He was really hungry.

13.        But can God be hungry? If you see Him sleeping, it is purely natural. Can God sleep? Don’t carry Christ too far.

14.        The man Jesus was just a mere man. There was nothing special in Him.  Let Me tell you, one of these days, you will see Him. He will be just like one of us here. He will share His testimonies.

15.        How many believe that you are by far greater than the man Jesus? In the Kingdom of Heaven, the least here is by far greater than the man Jesus. Many don’t believe it, yet it is the truth.

16.        If it is not truth, it can never come out from My mouth. The least here is by far greater than the man Jesus.

17.        There was nothing in the man Jesus. He walked in the shadow. He was not even in the reality. There was just a little spec of light around him which protected him. Talk of the fullness of the light, it was not there because the time had not yet come.

18.        Let Me just help you understand what I am saying.  Jesus was tempted and he sinneth not, the Bible said so. Is that not true? How many temptations? Check the Bible. It was three. And they came at a stretch.

19.        Check your Bible very well. That the Jews were tempting him, setting a trap for him was common as common could be. The three temptations that were recorded, there he was justified.

20.        Number one, “Command the stone to become bread,” when he was very hungry.

21.        The second one, “Jump down from the cliff, you won’t break your legs to prove that you are God.”

22.        The third one, “Bow before me, then take the whole of the earth.”

23.        This is because Satan is the tempter. Check your Bible in many places, you can never see the devil tempting Him again. Check from Genesis to Revelation. The rest were mere trial of His faith in the hands of human beings. It was not even temptation.

24.        But all of you here are passing through manifold temptations. I said manifold temptations. Your headache is as big as you are.

25.        Did he have anything that could cause him headache? He was a common bachelor. Whatever he sees he eats. He never bothered himself much. If he went out and darkness befell him on the way he simply slept wherever he found himself.

26.        Was he feeding any children? Did he have any property that will keep him bothered?  He had no experience. If there is a time he had experience it is now.

27.        What if I tell you that the man Jesus, Emmanuel was not perfect? If I tell you that he even ran an imperfect ministry you will say, no, that it is blasphemy.

28.        If I tell you that he did not complete his work, you will say, “Brother you are blaspheming.” 

29.        Did he accomplish all his work? No! How can he be perfect then? That is why he has to complete his work so that he will become perfect.

30.        This is the house of mystery. There is something I will tell many of you here, some of you will become suspicious. That is why I will reveal the much I know your faith can accommodate.

31.        There is something I will reveal under the Sun which your faith cannot carry but something in you will acknowledge that it is truth.

32.        If I tell you that he hid certain truth and even compromised for fear of being misunderstood, you will doubt Me. Is that not Bible?

33.        “I have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now. But howbeit, when He the Spirit of Truth shall come, He shall lead you to all truth.”

34.         In other word, he withheld truth because of people’s reaction. He knew that they could not accommodate the truth, he hid it.

35.        But when you come to the perfection ministry, everything must be placed perfect. Who will place it? That same person; no other person. Amen.



We thank God. There are letters here. There is no need reading them for they are letters written by people who acknowledged the messages we sent them and are asking us to send more.

2.           One of them is a Deeper Life man who had already justified himself that he is thanking God he is a born again and that he is coming to rejoice with us. He went ahead asking us whether we believe in rapture; and so many other questions.

3.           Another one was thanking God for re-enacting a group he met many years ago. He said he was in the midst of a Church that was teaching what we are teaching.

4.           He said when he came back from the States, he didn’t see any group that was teaching that again, and then he joined the Apostolic Faith and became their pastor, however that he was still looking for a group that still believes that thing which he believed before.

5.           He said he thank God that he still sees a group that fellowships on Saturday and not Sunday. In other words, from what we put down, he believes we are Sabbatherians.

6.           Let us read it: ‘The Saviours Apostolic Church Ugbene Eziagu; 15th February 1998, The Apostle of God, The Church at Onitsha P.O Box 10102 Onitsha.

7.           Dear Brother, thank you for your last visit in which you delivered to me a book that teaches the truth. I am happy to see a Church that preaches this truth after I left my former Church which also preaches the same thing which you are now preaching but couldn’t bow.

8.           Then I decided to join this above-named Church which worships on Sunday and other things which they inherited from the Babylonian Church, the Catholic Church. Please, brethren I am your Brother who has received this truth.

9.           I have met the Church that practised it but the reason for leaving the Church I will prefer to remain undisclosed until we see face to face. And now without undue delay I am requesting the following:

10.        A. Your contact address. B. Other books which are  prepared to disclose further this truth C. A Brother who will deliver all these things to me because there is no posting address available here with me. And concerning face to face discussion on how I will get in touch with you and leave this Sunday Church…’

11.        He wants to leave the Sunday Church but we don’t worship on Saturdays.

12.        ‘…I confirm Sabbath to be truth and no wisdom of man can overwhelm it. To that I say more grease to your elbows. I am coming to join you soon.’

13.        I am coming to join you soon. Do we join a Church?

14.        Fraternally yours in Christ Jesus, Pastor John Okeke  Chukwudum Esq.’

15.        You see, he said he is coming to join us and he is coming out of a Sunday Church to join a Sabbath Church. Is there anything in that booklet?

16.        ‘…Behold The Man Of Sin…’

17.        Suggesting that we are Sabbatherians? Any clause there? You know, anyone Satan wants to destroy, he sees one thing and interprets another; he hears one thing and interprets another.

18.        It is equally found amongst you here. Anyone who wants to die here hardly understands what we are saying. You say one thing, he understands another.

19.        If he wants to interpret his own, he will behave like Sister Nnamdi. You cannot talk to the Pastor without the wife.

20.         Brother Nnamdi, you are sitting in front of Me. You cannot escape today. Until judgment comes to your  own corner, it is incomplete.

21.        There was a time My wife was guilty of interpreting things like that. She was an expert in that.

22.        You make a statement, she will ponder over it. By the time she comes out with the interpretations, many things will come out and if you try to flush it out, it will be trouble. Amen.



There was something I realized; nobody greeted the other here on Tuesday. Maybe I touched on a no-go-area, yet I was vindicated.

2.           Let Me tell you what is happening around Me; when you are planning it in your bed and God knows very well that if He permits you, you will bring confusion in the Camp, He will reveal it to Me. I will come here, before you will conclude your plan, it will come out from here and your name will be number one.

3.           That is the very way God wants you to stop that plan for it will not help you. I am telling you the truth. You will be a wicked man if you go home and start accusing one another of revealing your secrets: “I don’t know why I told this man this secret; in short I made a mistake by divulging this secret to this young man and he went and told all to Brother. Immediately Brother came to the pulpit, he flashed all.”

4.           I want to testify to you that no Brother or Sister came to Me to tell Me your secret plan. But God revealed it to Me to save you from unnecessary embarrassment. If you are wise you will love God the more.

5.           Do you know, I know how to slaughter a spirit? Sisters, I will talk to you today, I mean spinsters now. It is your own turn. Everybody must get his or her own message.

6.           Looking at all of you, we think you are all good and you are going to Heaven. Fine! I want to save you from troubles. You can hinder yourself from going to that heaven if you walk contrary to the revealed truth.

7.           The Voice said, “If a brother desires a sister to lie with her; to stay with her for any services at all, that he is desiring a good thing, but he must tell The Apostle and he must tell Him the whole truth about the matter. But if he feels he has no courage to tell the Apostle why he needs you, he has a wrong motive.”

8.           I am trying to save you some troubles. In other words, I am saying, if brother invites you, don’t conspire with him because if brother is filled with evil heart he knows how to bring you to a corner and close your mouth so that you will not tell anybody.

9.           He will say, “Come, forget about it; we are not under the Law!” Before you know it, you will see yourself under the law.

10.        If brother has no boldness to reveal his plans to the Apostle, he shouldn’t make the mistake of inviting you to his house.

11.        I know that, “Come and see where I am living,” is already in the Camp. That was the spirit I attacked on Tuesday. That was why the Voice was roaring high, we know you well, well. We know where you are living.

12.        “Come and see where I am living”, why have you not received this invitation long before now? Are you now living in the moon? Are you now living in the air? It is because it is a jubilee year. If it hadn’t been because it is jubilee year, you will be called to ‘kowatiate’(explain yourself).

13.        You know, behind every non-sense there is a sense. If there is smoke, there must be a little fire. That fire might be kindled by an enemy unnoticed. But there must be a little fire.

14.        I can dismiss certain things, but I do not lose sight of certain things in the certain things. I know accusations cannot fall from the wind. There are still some utterances or moves that will suggest the accusation.

15.        You know I am a Father. I cannot tell you lies. Somebody went to Nkpor and a sister told her that this Apostle is a Spirit that sees everything. If we were not given The Spirit that sees, we would all fall into a pit.

16.        God gave us a Spirit that sees very well so that we will not worship in darkness. That is My joy. When you have a God that seeth all things, you will be happy all the time.

17.        You spinsters, you bachelors, God wants to help you this day, but that does not mean you will arrogate a husband to yourself, ‘”If it is not this brother, I will not marry,” then know it now that you will get lost in this Church.

18.        I have come to realize that many sisters don’t want to marry again because certain brothers that seek their hands in marriage are not the ones they pegged in their hearts.

19.        But I remember there was a time the thought of getting husbands gave you sleepless nights. Brothers, am I telling lies? “Husband, husband, husband,” that was all you could hear from their lips.

20.        Now, husbands have come and you all ran away. That is because you have someone you have pegged in your hearts and you forget that you are not the only person eyeing that brother. Many other sisters have their eyes there too. I am telling you the truth.

21.        If you have Brother Okey in your heart, there may be four other sisters who also have him at heart. I know why I am saying these things.

22.        I see there is an undue influence in the Camp. Brother Kelechi, I know Isialangwa is your hometown. I suggest you behave like Saint Paul. Choose the place you will go and minister other than Isialangwa.

23.        If I die today, don’t go to Isialangwa. Send another person there. Do you understand what I am saying? I know why I made that comment. The last letter you received from there, I questioned it. It got to you in a questionable manner.

24.        Brother Nnamdi, did you notice it? I scolded somebody about it. Why was I given My own openly and I read it openly? When it came to Brother Kelechi’s turn, they tapped him and told him to come outside for he had a letter from there.

25.        I noticed what was going on and told him to sit down, that he wasn’t going anywhere. The young man then turned, came back, fished out the letter and then gave it to him before Me.

26.        Then I asked, “Why carry out such conspiracy using an ordinary letter? You gave Me mine openly and then decided to give Brother Kelechi his own secretly. Read it in our presence so that we will know what is there in that letter.”

27.        There was a particular place his eyes are. Perhaps, he thought that was the matter contained in the letter. I want to help all of you here.

28.        Thus, if your eyes are on Brother Kelechi, note that some have already started writing letters to him. I want to help because the way sisters are behaving now is not good.

29.        A Brother came in search of a wife which is proper. The Brother is okay; a financially stable Brother. He was ready. Though he is a divorcee, but he is very much in the Faith and a minister. I came in and took them by surprise. There was laughter everywhere.

30.        I knew that they were laughing because of the person that came, for they knew why he came. The Brother didn’t catch the joke, but I did. He didn’t know he was the talk of the day. The Brother came because he had somebody in mind.

31.        Something happened in 1996 Camp Meeting after which he met the one he met and that one refused. You see, the story was still fresh on their minds. He decided to look for another person, meaning he now had another person in mind this time around.

32.        When he came in there, the one he approached in 1996 was there together with the one he had in mind this time around. He now dropped this other current one and then approached that of 1996.

33.        Then I brought in the wisdom of ancient men. I told them to give me two fingers of bananas from the fridge. I told them to also get Me cup of water which they did.

34.        I called the first person, “Take these bananas to the dustbin,” she did. You see God is wonderful!

35.        A little while, I called the second person, and said, “Go and place this cup where it belongs.” As soon as she moved, I said, “This one? There is no problem.”

36.        You see, there is something God is doing. All of them thought it was Sister Esther. Thus, they had already conspired against the marriage. What do you think will be the outcome?

37.        But 1996 report read Sister Aturuchi. I told the Brother that there is no woman that will come before Me and say she agrees or she doesn’t; be calm.

38.        Without being told, I knew that Chinagor is not his choice because she is not from Onitsha Church. If she was from Onitsha Church, that would have been the end of the matter.

39.        Don’t worry; I will effect some changes in the postings. I will bring sisters from other local Churches here and then send some of you here to other local Churches.

40.        After all, some of you are not working. Those that are engaged in one business or the other could engage in the same business when they get there.

41.        If I carry out these transfers, it will help us in this Church. I want to see you getting married. How can all of you be jumping up and down here, clapping hands here and there arrogating certain brothers to yourselves, yet never getting married?

42.        Yes, I will do it in such a way that when Brother Emma wants to get married, he will travel all the way to Enugu-Ezike to pick a wife, not every day he will enter taxi N10 to this place to look for a wife.

43.        Did it cost him anything? But when he spends like N600 to the local assembly, by the time he consummates the marriage, he must have spent a lot even on transport alone. I am not forcing you to get married.

44.        Mama Ikebude, do you mothers feel happy when you have grown up daughters that are not yet married? [No sir. We feel bad about it].

45.        Once you are in this Faith, that is the only qualification and verification. Forget about the job the Brother is doing. It is My own duty to tell you that.

46.        What I know for sure is that we cannot allow you to go to a place where you will suffer. You people do not know that Brother that came. I am the only person that knows him very well. I can tell you without mincing words that he can feed three persons comfortably. He won’t even feel it.

47.        But you don’t know him because he is a very quiet Brother. He doesn’t make noise. Many of us here do not know him. It will only take those that go out with Me to tell you much about him. That our brethren are surviving in Enugu Ezike today, that Brother contributed 95%. He is a real Brother!

48.        Many of you don’t know him. I am not trying to bribe you for you to agree so that the Brother will come and marry you. It is better you sit down and relax; participate in their wedding. By next week, I will give him a message.

49.        All these young men that don’t want to go to other local Churches, I will place a curse on you because you are the ones causing this trouble.

50.        If we talk of evangelism where we will stay up to a week, you refuse to go because your god is in Onitsha Church, “How can I go without her?” You know yourselves.

51.        If you were level headed during this period when the message is going on, you would notice one thing; everybody now wears rubber sandals, no bathroom slippers anymore.

52.        People now put on ties with their shirts well tucked in. Young men now change their clothes at will. Some have even changed their wardrobes.

53.        When we come here, you will hear them say: “Please, close this fellowship. We have stayed too long.” You see them walk majestically all with wrong motives. All that is left for them is to acquire suits they will put on only to woo women.

54.        If you finish with the suit you still end at nothing. You are still what you are. What makes a man is not his clothes. It is better you wear sandals and get well fed than to put on suit and go hungry. 

55.        Have you ever had the impression that you are beginners and that marriage is not achievement? You end up giving these sisters false impression. Sometimes you see them saunter (walk) with false air of opulence when they have little or nothing, all in their bid to deceive these Sisters.

56.        Make the Sister know your real status so that she will get her eyes off from that angle, because age is a woman’s greatest enemy. Age is never on the side of a woman.

57.        A man can clock 90 years here and still get married to a young lady. It is not so with these little girls.

58.        Men, I am talking to you. If I don’t talk to you in this manner, you will deceive these girls. Sisters, if you are wise, you will understand that The Apostle has told you all you need to know. Be wise.

59.        That place where your eyes are, I want to make you understand that there is no pathway there. Retreat immediately! If there is something a man should start life with, it is a not a wife. If a man starts his life with a wife, he must wear tattered clothes, the type I call, “patch, patch.”

60.        How can you use problem to start your life? Do you brag with suffering?

61.        Brothers and Sisters, I am talking to you directly. I am not hiding My feelings. You may see a man, very handsome and very capable in appearance, but he doesn’t have the wherewithal to go into marriage, not now, not even tomorrow.

62.        If you are under a vow, bring your vow before Me, let Me place it before God, that My sister is under vow, that no man born of a woman will approach her for a wife. I will seal your vow in the Church.

63.         There is no Brother that will come to the sister and ask her, “How do you do; this and that in marriage,” he won’t make it. But you don’t have the courage to do that.

64.        Our doctrine on marriage is very clear. Let Me continue a little while, I will speak briefly and come down. 

65.        In this Interlude, I am putting a final full stop to this part of the message. And I will vacate this pulpit for a while.

66.        The pastor will come and occupy his pulpit with other ministers until further notice.

67.        The next part of the message, I earlier told you that it will come when it will come. And it is prophetic. No man born of a woman can compel Me into it. Whatever that is contained therein, I don’t know. And nobody should pry into it; don’t even think about it.

68.        Your mind should not even go there. Who knows whether it is connected to your catching away? That is why I don’t want you to pry into it. Just relax your mind and worship your God.

69.        The same way the beginning of the message took you by surprise, the same way the ending of it will take you by surprise. I thank the Almighty God who has caged Satan very well, giving Me enough time to finish the message at a stretch getting to a point where the hand of Satan can no longer reach.

70.        For the last time, Satan has no access to it forever and ever. Satan dreads that particular area; human beings even run away from it.

71.        It will be just one morning like that I will just come here; before you know it, the Voice will be roaring in the air. Before you know what is happening you will hear the same voice roaring in your bedroom; in your parlour because it is a message of voices; voices will be following you in your bed, in your kitchen, in your parlour; message of voices.

72.        That is the only way I know I can gather all of you together at the same time. Nobody will be left behind. Anywhere you are, that Voice will be ministering; the same voice. You gather together you share experiences. You see, it is one. Amen.



Ist Corinthians 1, from verse 4 through 9. Amplified and Living Bible.

2.           “I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ that in everything ye are enriched by him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you…”

3.           Note those words “confirmed in you;” underline it in your own Bible.

4.           “…So that ye come behind in no gift…’

5.           In other words, you are not lacking in anything again; coming behind means lacking.

6.           “…waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall also confirm you unto the end…”

7.           Meaning He cannot leave you half way.

8.           “…that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

9.           Is there any other way you can be blameless if not by the message you have received which is the true testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ?

10.        God is faithful by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”  

11.        Have you seen the fellowship? It is not your own fellowship; it is the fellowship of His dear Son, that is Christ our Lord. Thus, when you are in fellowship with Him, happy are you.

12.        I can never stop thanking God for all the wonderful gifts he has given you now that you are Christ’s…”

13.         Now that you are what? Christ’s; in other words, you don’t have anything to do with Satan again. This is because you have recognized the finished work at Calvary. Your faith is already confirmed. The testimony of Christ is already in you.

14.        Thus, you now have everlasting inheritance in Him for the blood has now made the propitiation and atonement having only but one purpose: to present you blameless in the last day.

15.        Without that blood, nobody will be presented blameless. Without the blood, every soul has blame. If you know you have no blame without the blood raise your hand. Without the blood of Christ, all of us here have blames.

16.        There is no way we can be presented blameless. But through this finished work at Calvary; the shed blood of Jesus Christ, we have our redemption, even the forgiveness of our sins. And now by that same blood, we are called into fellowship with Him.

17.        Remember, I said the fellowship takes place in the spirit. That is why separation also takes place in the spirit. You can separate in the flesh, but you are still very much in the spirit.

18.        How do you now worship God? In the flesh? Nay, we now worship Him in the spirit for God Himself is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

19.        Where is our justification? Our justification is in Christ. When I say come into Christ, do I mean divide Him into two and then enter?

20.        You enter into Christ in spirit form. You dwell in Him in spirit form and Christ also dwells in you in spirit form.

21.        Have you seen the spirit before? We are now in fellowship with Christ just waiting for that Glorious Day when all the saints will meet in the air.

22.        In other words, that is our presentation. And through the blood we will appear blameless, but without the blood we will have blame. That blood is not my own blood; it is not your own blood. It is the blood of Christ.

23.        Your justification is not by your works. It is not because you have done anything good or bad that you are being justified in the sight of God; you are being justified by the faith you have in Christ; a sure sign that you have accepted that sacrifice.

24.        Do you know that pardon is not pardon until it is accepted? Have you accepted that pardon, I mean with all your heart? Say, “God I receive this pardon because it is an everlasting pardon with an everlasting confirmation.

25.        “He has enriched your whole life; he has helped you speak out for him and has given you full understanding of the truth; what I told you Christ could do for you has happened!

26.        Now, you have every grace and blessing; every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. And he guarantees right up to the end that you will be counted free,

27.        Note that word, “guarantee.” You know what guarantee means. It means a surety.  He guaranteed them all to the end, not half way. That is why I told you and the Prophet backed it up: “God cannot save you today and lose you tomorrow.”

28.        If He guarantees your salvation, your redemption, your justification, He guarantees it to the end.” How can God guarantee your salvation today and then place it at stake tomorrow? Where lays his claim of being the Almighty then?

29.        In other words, He is not able to finish it. He called you, He chose you. Anything that is happening in you, it is God doing it. He is doing it out of His own good pleasure. That is why there is nothing you can do to help yourself in God.

30.        Can you help yourself in God? You can be likened to a woman that entered a vehicle, paid her fare and still carried her basket on her head. Then when she was told to place the basket in the boot she refused claiming there were valuable items in the basket.

31.        Was that not a waste of money? In time past many of us paid for transport fares and carried our baggage on our heads rendering the transport fares useless.

32.        “…and He guarantees right up to the end that you will be counted free from all sins and guilt,’

33.        You see, “we will,” that is future tense. “That you will be,” the essence of God guaranteeing it up to the end is to enable Him see you as a blessed people.

34.        If He guarantees it for a month or for one year, there will be problem. Being human beings that can change with changing times, you can commit sin the following day.

35.        For that reason, He placed a sure guarantee that will endure till the end by which you can now be presented blameless. Without that everlasting guarantee, He wouldn’t love you till the end.

36.        The Bible said, “Having loved His own that are in the world, He loved them till the end.” Having loved His own, not another man’s own.

37.        Are you not His own people? If you are not His own, why have the covenant with you? Why adopting you into his family?

38.        There is no mistake in God. Whatever God does is perfect, but because it runs contrary to human thinking they find it difficult to accept. That is why they find it difficult to say amen to it.

39.        “Are you trying to tell Me that nobody will sin again? That every sin I commit, even the one I will commit the next minute that they have all been taken care of?”

40.        Continue questioning yourself and God. The Bible said, “Can any man question God?” When you look at things God does, you will call Him a partial God. You will call Him an unjust God.

41.        How can He now save somebody from His mother’s womb and then hate the other one when they didn’t do anything good or evil?

42.        After all, who created that one in the womb? Was it not God, the Creator? Was it not the same God that created Esau and Jacob? Why hate infants in the womb?

43.        The Bible said, “Can we now because of this say that God is unjust?” It said, “Who are you to question your Maker?”

44.        Stop asking God how He is going to perform His word. This is your problem here and it has being the problem of all generations: trying to find out how God is going to perform His word.

45.        “How can He forgive a sin I have not yet committed? Nnaa, forget that thing. Can it happen? Anyway, let me continue trying. Anybody that knows what he wants to do, let him go ahead, I have already chosen mine.”

46.        Go ahead with your own! Exercise your faith thereby, but don’t question God on how He is going to perform it.

47.        He watches over His word to perform it. Is that not scripture? Jeremiah 1:12, God watches over His word to perform it. Having guaranteed you, it is your salvation. That guarantee endureth forever and ever.

48.        Law or no law, it stands firm. I was reading scriptures, I said, where did Abraham find his? The Bible answered it that Abraham found grace in the sight of God.

49.        What have we found? Did we find work? Abraham found unmerited favour. If we are Abraham’s children, and we find work, something has gone wrong. 

50.        “…that you will be counted free from all sins and guilt,’

51.        That you will be counted free of all sins and guilt,’ ‘that you will be,’ if you like go home and print it in capital letters; “you will be counted free of sins and guilt,” 

52.        God will surely do this for you for he always does just what he says.’

53.        God will surely do it for He always does that which He says. My unbelief cannot adjust it, can it? Can your unbelief adjust it?

54.        This is the only generation I have seen where God came down Himself to help the people and they refused saying, “God, we don’t want your help.”

55.         Do you know from time to time I keep musing and thinking about this Faith. If you were under the Law, believe also that I was under the Law. Whatever you passed through there, I also passed through and I concluded that under the Law no man could be saved because My experiences under the Law proved to Me that I was lost.

56.        If I offend in one, I am guilty of all, and there was no way I could stand up and say I have fulfilled all, then of what use is it keeping the thing?

57.        If I offend in one, I start afresh, tell me whether any soul can be saved? Don’t worry, I will show you a scripture that will help you, so that you have a little rest with your ministers. And I will watch where your ministers are leading you to before I leave you.

58.        Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Brother will call them back if they are leading you to error. No. This is because I know that God will put in their mouths whatever you want.

59.        I know that for sure, but it has nothing to do with Me and My family.

60.        “…and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son.”

61.         Who invited you? God. Did you invite yourself into this holy friendship? God invited you into this friendship with His Dear Son, the revealed Christ of our day.

62.        “He is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord.”

63.        I didn’t just wake up one morning and walked into the fellowship. He called Me into it. He invited Me. Thus, whosoever he calleth, him He justifies, if he responds.

64.        But if He invites you, and you say, “no, no, no,” that is the end. I want you to underline one fact there, the moment truth is revealed to you according to the words of the prophets and apostles and you say, “no,” that finishes the matter for you. Thus, be very careful.

65.        Stop shaking your head as if you have gone this way before. Many of you are behaving as if you have seen God one day. I am guilty of over teaching you.

66.        This is because I am running the last programme. I packed everything together, pushed it into you and then all of you got transformed overnight. And today you have become very hard to lead.

67.        This was the stage Moses got to and it become hard to lead the children of Israel. Everyone had become the repository of all knowledge, yet when we turn the pages of the Bible you shout and raise your hands surrendering. Amen.



Let us go to another scripture. Chapter 3 of the same Book of 1st Corinthians also from verse 1.

2.           “And I, brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

3.            I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

4.           For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal and walk as men?

5.           These people that are Christ’s are still walking carnal for there was strife even in their midst.

6.           Can this cancel that guarantee? This strife and envy where was it taking place? In the fellowship; in the Ark of God.



9.           I say stop criticizing one another for you are members of one family. There is no way you can part again.

10.        On this note, you bring in Mrs. John Abbah. Bring in also Simoen Omeigbo. He withdrew as a result of fear. He behaved well. It was a sign of respect.

11.        He knew what he did was wrong. He decided to withdraw. When you see him, tell him to come back to fellowship. To err is human, to forgive is Divine. Does it mean we have become compromisers?

12.        Yes, we are compromisers. It will take a compromiser to eat with public sinners, notorious sinners.

13.        1st Corinthians 2, from verse 9 through 16.

14.        But, on the contrary, as the Scripture says, What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, [all that] God has prepared (made and keeps ready) for those who love Him [who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has be-stowed].

15.        Yet to us God has unveiled and revealed them by and through His Spirit, for the [Holy] Spirit searches diligently, exploring and examining everything, even sounding the pro-found and bottomless things of God [the divine counsels and things hidden and beyond man’s scrutiny].

16.        For what person perceives (knows and understands) what passes through a man’s thoughts except the man’s own spirit within him? Just so no one discerns (comes to know and comprehend) the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

17.        Now we have not received the spirit [that belongs to] the world, but the [Holy] Spirit Who is from God, [given to us] that we might realize and comprehend and appreciate the gifts [of divine favor and blessing so freely and lavishly] bestowed on us by God.

18.        And we are setting these truths forth in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the [Holy] Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual truths with spiritual language [to those who possess the Holy Spirit].

19.        But the natural, non-spiritual man does not accept or welcome or admit into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God, for they are folly (meaningless non-sense) to him; and he is incapable of knowing them [of progressively recognizing, understanding, and becoming better acquainted with them] because they are spiritually discerned and estimated and appreciated.

20.        But the spiritual man tries all things [he examines, investigates, inquires into, questions, and discerns all things], yet is himself to be put on trial and judged by no one [he can read the meaning of everything, but no one can properly discern or ap-praise or get an insight into him].

21.        For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart. Amplified.

22.         “That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

23.        But we know these things because God has revealed them to us by his Spirit, and his Spirit searches out everything and shows us even God’s deep secrets.

24.        No one can know what anyone else is really thinking except that person alone, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit.

25.        And God has actually given us his Spirit (not the world’s spirit) so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.

26.        When we tell you this, we do not use words of human wisdom. We speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths.

27.        But people who aren’t Christians can’t understand these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them because only those who have the Spirit can understand what the Spirit means.

28.        We who have the Spirit understand these things, but others can’t understand us at all.

29.        How could they? For, “Who can know what the Lord is thinking? Who can give him counsel?”

30.        But we can understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. Living Bible.

31.      Thank you and remain blessed in Him eternally. Selah.