When Israel was a youth I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son. Hosea 1:1



The Christians do not believe in God as being a human being, yet they believe in Him as being the Father of all human beings. They also refer to God as He, Him, Man, King and The Ruler.They teach that God sees, hears, talks, walks, stands, sits, rides, and flies; that He grieves or sorrows; and that He is interested in the affairs of human beings. They also teach that once upon a time He made the first man Like Himself in the image and Likeness of Himself, but yet sorrows; and that he is interested in the affairs of human beings. They also teach that once upon a time He made the first man like Himself in the image and Likeness of Himself, but yet they believe that He, Himself, is not a man or human. They preach and prophesy of His coming and that He will be seen on the Judgment Day but is not man. They cannot tell us what He looks like, yet man is made like Him and in the image of God, and yet they still say that He is a mystery (unknown).How can one teach the people to know God, if he himself does not know God? If you try teaching the Christians that God is also a human being, they will say that you are crazy, that you do not believe in God and that you are an infidel. In the meantime, while they admit that He is a Mystery God (unknown), they teach not to make any Likeness of Him; yet they adorn their walls and churches with pictures, images and statues like human beings.

Message to the Blackman in America by Elijah Muhammad

(Messenger of Allah) Copyright 1965, 1973, Published by

Secretarius MEMPS Publications at SmashwordsSmashwords Edition, License Notes:, page 15.


Every soul on Earth has its origin from somewhere. He is either a Black man, white man or mixed race. The Blacks are a very strong race.

  • They are like “the black-willow trees that line the bank of the river and drop their seeds into the water”. When the river recedes after flood, it leaves a line of these seeds on the gravel bar downstream.
  • The seeds germinate on the wet shore within days – they are viable for less than a week- and a few months have become saplings; so well rooted that a strong man cannot pull them out. Nor are they usually drowned by further flooding: once establish on the gravel bar, they remain.
  • From this illustration above, we have found out that the roots of the black man or woman are strongly rooted into the African rich and spiritual soil.
  • Why? Because the Creator has His root in Africa, the home of the black race. He is a legitimate indigene of the black race, a National and He is not denying that. That is why He will always remain an African.
  • “For He grew up before Him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him.” Isaiah 53:2 ESV
  • “But oh, how few believe it! Who will listen? To whom will God reveal his saving power? In God’s eyes he was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and sterile ground. But in our eyes, there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want Him” Isaiah 53:1-2 LB
  • Yes, in our eyes, there is no attraction but before the spiritually filled eyes, they see Divine beauty and magnificent power radiating around Him.
  • The Blackman practices many forms of religion, but majority are inclined to traditional religion. Recently, the traditional religion has been decimated by white man civilization.
  • The effects were negatively cumulative and devastating to the growth of African culture and civilization. It brought a drastic change in worship and existence.
  • Not minding the peculiarity of the religion one is practicing, and in spite of the great diversity, there are certain common features recognizable in those religious practices.
  • And among those features are the fear of the unknown which makes the mind to wonder and wander about in search of an answer to the perplexing questions haunting his conscious self; questions that have to do with darkness and light, life and death, God and devil, heaven and hell, Trust and doubt.
  • Faith on their traditional cultures were watered down by the foreign gods that were introduced in their various environments. Confusion set in and the inquisitive minds wanted to use science as a solution to solving those mysteries confronting man but it couldn’t be practicable.
  • Max Planck made it clear that “Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature” And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.
  •  The early cave men also faced such challenges and from their researches, experiments and experiences, they realized that there must be a Supreme Being, an unseen, higher force who controlled all that was happening around them.
  • From that point of uncertainty, confusion increased the fear in them; and at that stage of consciousness, they moved into reality.
  • So, from those circumstances, the worshipping of idols or gods started (unknown gods). We are then satisfied to say that, from creation man has been confronted with the mysteries of life.
  • Every personality on this planet earth, either from Oriental or Occidental world is a reflective being and there are litanies of thoughts that will always trouble or agitate his or her mind whether they like it or not.
  • Every living soul must reflect on these vital questions that are based on human existence in this material world. You didn’t come in here magically or accidentally; you came in here by somebody’s creativity. Who created you?
  • Do you know your creator? What do you call Him? Is He a human being or a Spirit? In other words, if He is a human being, what race is He from? Many don’t even believe He exists.
  • Even little kids inquire about who created the world and whatever that is inside it became a puzzle to them. Do you think all that have life are not afraid of death?
  • Once there is a heavy noise around, you see all of them-fowl, birds, and goat etc, all running to safety. If there is no giver of life, there won’t be a destroyer of life.
  • So every living being appreciates the giver of life and that’s why they run to safety to protect that life. Even the atheist run for their lives when they face danger. Is that life his or hers? If the owner wants to take it back, can you stop Him?
  • Many will say they are humanist, (believing in human relationship only) and they don’t have anything to do with God, or any other gods, but when they run into crisis they consciously or unconsciously meditate on their problem(s); and whilst doing that, they are acknowledging some unseen forces to come to their aid.
  • Who or what is He calling to save him? If it is not God, then it Is Satan. He must tilt to one area, because there is no vacuum in creation. Is it not true? Let us listen to our teacher. Hear this question from Him.
  • “Let me ask this question. Does God exist? Yes! Whether you like it or not, there is God.
  • The problem is that what you call God is not what God is. What you think is God is not God. Do not worry. After this message, you will begin to appreciate what God is doing in the midst of the Bride.
  • God is doing nothing but trying to introduce Himself to Mankind. That is all. What is My aim? I am trying to reveal the Supreme God, The Supreme Intelligence that controls the whole universe, The very Elohim. I want to reveal Him to every son and daughter of God so that you follow God and not man-made.” Son of Man, Jesus in Relation To The Resurrection Of The Dead (controversial truth) vol.1, preached 14/9/2003, page 55:24.
  • This answer has helped in decoding one of those puzzles, remaining some other unanswered questions which must trouble you if you are actually a human being with an inquisitive mind.
  • In this message titled, “I AM A BLACKMAN FROM ONE OF THE JUNGLES IN AFRICA FOR GOD IS A BLACKMAN,” we would begin it with an introduction and that would enable us to trace Africa and its geographical location. Then we would focus our binoculars at West Africa, where Nigeria is located and from there, we would, like the “three wise men” follow our compass direction down to the Southern part of Nigeria where the awaited One, Special Soul was given birth to.
  • In the unfolding history of Africa, there are two undisputed areas we will discuss in this message-The legendary Apostle Peter Odoemena, (The Magnificent Blackman of this era) who later became the Son of Man, (God) and His Divine Ministry. We will also try and find out what actually made his birth an interesting and unique one. Another interesting area we would like to look at is the relationship between this God and why He resides in the jungle of Africa?
  • We would scan through our documents to further inquire about the name of His village and the state it belongs to. There are some other States in that part of Nigeria, so there must be an investigation to find out exactly where the child was born. More so, we would look at other Avatars and find out brief histories and experiences about them. Let us continue.
  • We know that God can do anything, everything but the scripture also told us that God doesn’t change, He is the same yesterday and today. So on this premise I stand to say that, If God was a white man in past generations, can He in this present generation, come back as a black man?
  • But the fact is that God has always been a Black man. Whatever He was in the past remains what He will be presently.
  • He has no advancement in age but a constant energy that is always in action. He is one and only God. Though attempts have been made stealthily by theologians in the Christian tradition to cancel the existence of one God and replace it with the doctrine of Trinity; the truth remains truth.
  • We would look at His race and background in the first advent from ancient records, and then from there we can gather enough facts that will help us to nail this truth that says that God originated from Africa, and He will wind up also in Africa.
  •  In the subsequent chapters, we would by His grace, trace who is the God of this generation and what qualities made Him so. His very mission on Earth in this dispensation would be looked into and analyzed within the contest of our knowledge. Naturally, we will try and find out His commission; because His commission will be a guiding factor for us to prove that He is actually sent by God. What actually gave Him the courage to proclaim Himself God, and nobody till date, has come out to challenge His authority?
  • Hear Him: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life” Revelation 21:6, KJV.
  • He is highly confident of Himself. Hear Him: “I am here. There has never been any generation that appeared without meeting Me.
  • I AM the oldest Being that has been on Earth since the world began, changing forms, changing locations. However, in these last days, it has pleased Him that I should settle down in my own household.” Believe it if you can. The Son of Man.
  • It is not an easy thing for a human being to claim such and make it universal that He is God. Many may doubt Him, hate Him, talk evil of Him secretly and also hate those who believe in Him, but they won’t have the courage to disprove this fact openly. They don’t have the facts to counter this truth, so no need arguing with them. Truth has no substitute.
  • A wise man will always believe that “it is better to be silent, than to dispute with the ignorant.” Pythagoras.
  • “The world would love you if you belonged to it; but you don’t-for I chose you to come out of the world, and so it hates you.” John 15:19 LB.
  • Once you don’t follow the crowd, you must be hated because they couldn’t succeed in binding your mind in error. Mark Twain made this valuable remark that “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
  • When you cannot fault this divine proclamation, why not rest your case on the words of Viktor Frankl which say “when we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
  • Changing yourself is to change your vision and believe in this undiluted Truth which reveals the simplicity of God. “It is the simple things in life that are most extraordinary: only wise men are able to understand them.” Paulo Coelho.
  • Why not leave behind this odd and isolated bluff that will lead you to eternal destruction and run with turbulent force back to God, for the safety of your life.
  • “The most important ability a human being can have is to direct his or her full attention to the present moment.” Eckhart Tolle.
  • If we look into the gloomy wilderness of the present spiritual condition of the world, we will see that the majority of the entire human race is moving towards destruction.
  • After all these analysis and extensive investigations, the truth must prevail. This write-up is not based on vain glorious stories, or praise singing but on hard facts.
  • Though, facts are stubborn things but with all the empirical evidences from documents and discoveries, truth will stand out and lies must give way.
  • I have said it earlier that I am not here for argument because there are people who can never believe or accept factual evidences even when they are laid bare before them.
  • This is a very hard and harsh truth, and many who are not ordained to believe, cannot believe it. When the truth must have been revealed in the course of our discussion, all gain sayers would then bow their heads in shame and adore the “GREAT I AM”, the Superlative creative energy that controls the entire universe.
  • Yes, He is. We are convinced and there is no argument about that. We have been taught vigorously by Him.
  • “A person is strong only when he stands upon his own Truth, when he speaks and acts with his deepest conviction” Mikhail Bakunin.
  • There are other factors that, at the end of the day, would help us to come to the realization that this Man is Almighty God. He has been on this Earth physically for a long time (since 1992) preaching His Divine messages as a savior to Mankind but many are not aware. This is a hard Truth. Let’s go on.
  • “This is SUNRISE IN AFRICA. It is not sunrise in Great Britain or Germany or Italy or Spain. This is sunrise in Africa. It is the turn of Africa to produce her Saints. There in Africa, lies eternal Word.” Son of Man.
  • We are now moving into the continent of Africa to look into her history and culture. We have to open our minds to enable us understand what Africa is made up of that enabled the Divine reincarnation of God in this age to have happened in that thick jungle.
  • Frank Zappa made us to know that “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.”
  • “What is the value of history? It is to guide you against making the mistake of the past. History has always been a guide to a very intelligent fellow.
  • But if you are not intelligent, you will play away your time, and then play away your future. Before you know it, what you heard that happened to your fathers as a result of their mistake, willful mistake will befall you again in your day and you will not have anybody to blame. History helps us to avoid making costly mistakes.” Son of Man, in the message- Seeing We Have This Great Promise, We Faint Not. Preached on 2/11/2016, page 29:31-32
  • Note this- The past may hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it. The choice is yours.
  • With historical records, we would be very conscious of past events and their consequences. What does the history of black man reveal to us?
  • “World History of Black people in Ancient times, provides a history of the numerous Black and African civilization that existed between 60,000 BC and 1492 AD.”
  • There are many black population scattered all over the world; the Black Africans, African Caribbians, African Americans, Black Jews and many other patches of Black communities in Europe, Asia, South America etc. 


  • “Africa is the world’s second- largest continent in area after Asia, and the third largest in population (including the Western Soviet Union.) Africa is the central continent of the globe “land hemisphere,” whose water counterpart is the Pacific Ocean.
  • No continent lies as close to all the others as Africa does. Northward, across the Mediterranean Sea, is Europe. To the Northeast, just over the Suez Canal and the Red Sea, begins Asia. The Indian Ocean separates Eastern Africa from Australia and Southern Africa from Antarctica. On the west, beyond the Atlantic Ocean, stretch the two Americas.
  • A notable feature of the African landmass is the regularity of its coastline. The continent lacks prominent inlets and peninsulas, and even good natural harbors. Moreover, it has no extensive Continental shelves, the ocean floor falling steeply close offshore. In many places the rise of the land from the coast also is abrupt; with the result that Africa has few broad coastal plains.
  • Africa is the only continent bisected by the equator, extending about an equal distance north and south of that line. Contrary to common perceptions, its Western bulge and Eastern horn-like projection make Africa as broad as it is long.
  • In the great majority of African Countries, per Capital and personal income is low and the livelihood of most of the people derives from agriculture- farming and herding. About half of the agriculturists have little contact with the money economy.
  • Because African leaders have expressed concern about improving average living standard, they must induce the people to change traditional ways of living and working as rapidly as possible in order to meet increased expectations with regard to education, housing and diet.
  • A great variety of people, languages, and cultures are found on the continent of Africa. Thus the word “African” is misleading if it suggests much more than the persons called African identifying themselves with that continent rather than with another.
  • Many types of classifications could be used to differentiate certain African people from others. Those most frequently employed are based on racial, linguistic, and cultural criteria.” Culled from The International Edition, The Encyclopedia Americana. Pages 256-259.
  • “Africa is also basically the home of the Blackman and she is sometimes nicknamed “the mother continent” due to it’s being the oldest inhabited continent on Earth. Human and human ancestors have lived in Africa for more than five hundred thousand years. She is bound by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red sea, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.” www.nationalgeographic. Org
  • “Before 1870, European powers had few holdings in Africa. Those they did have were mostly seaports and trading stations along the coast. The only major exceptions were the Cape Colony at Africans- Southern tip and Algeria in Northern Africa. Great Britain had received the Cape Colony from the Dutch at the Congress of Vienna. Algeria was held by France. Before long, however, most of Africa belongs to European powers. Through their missionaries, the British came into West Africa to Nigeria. They then invaded Eastern Nigeria.
  • So, we can now start wondering why Africa was debased by the Whites, through their destructive propaganda which classified us as monkeys (Niger), after acquiring the large credential of being “the mother continent”. Looking at the problem of racial prejudice, we can notice that Africans were trapped in an alternate universe where their primitiveness couldn’t allow them to develop not minding that the ancient civilization started in Egypt (the cradle of civilization) in the African continent.
  • It was born more than seven thousand years ago between the rivers-Tigris and Euphrates. Egypt is the “gift of the Nile” wrote Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian, “for without this river the country would not have come into being”. 
  •  This golden opportunity should have placed her as a leading civilized continent in the world today but the reverse is the case. We are now under the Western (foreign) influences. Our ways of life, and system of worship have been suppressed and influenced negatively. Africa’s lost glory will now be restored back because God has been revealed again in that backward continent. It is now another “Sunrise in Africa.” The emergence of second triumph.
  • We should note and underline this that “Humans first evolved in Africa, and much of human evolution occurred in that Continent. The fossils of early humans who lived between 6 and 2 million years ago came entirely from Africa. Most scientists currently recognize some 15 to 20 different species of early humans.”
  • Secondly “the first theory, known as the “Out of Africa” model, is that Homo Sapiens developed first in Africa and then spread around the world between 100 to 200,000 years ago, superseding all other hominid species. The implication of this argument is that all modern people are ultimately of African descent.” www.bbc.co.uk> Africa> features.
  • We can pinpoint the existing factors that caused the gap between the advanced nations and those that are not developing. Digging patiently through the debris of history, it can be noticed that Africa was invaded by the British monsters, who cast away their treasures and sold some of their inhabitants into slavery.
  • This action changed the narrative of their stories and existence; and then the battle of Old and new cultures became their albatross. The survivors that tried to recover their lost treasures couldn’t because they had been caged by foreign powers.
  • Since then, John Lliffe wrote “Suffering has been a central part of African experience, whether it arise from the harsh struggle with nature or the cruelty of men.” From the book, Africans-The History Of A Continent, 2nd edition, Chapter 1, fellow of St. John College, Cambridge.
  • Yes, the struggle with nature may be a contributing factor but the main cause is the imperialistic influence, lack of vision and commitment by our present leaders. The ruled had their own negative contributions also. Evidently, Africa had presently begun to cleanse herself of some of the negative energies that kept her unproductive at that moment of outraged silence.
  • Those who engineered the whole scenario for some devious purposes are now hiding their faces in shame because the ancient name of Africa is now affirming her faith in the power of that name “Garden of Eden.”
  • “In Kemetic History of Afrika, Dr. CheikhAnahDiop writes “The ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Alkebu- lan, “Mother of Mankind” or “Garden of Eden” Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Hardens (Carthegenians) and Ethiopians,”
  • What a marvelous name. So we are regarded as a caring mother to all other species of human race and, also a garden of creativity and rest. Are we actually manifesting those golden qualities ascribed to Africa? The answer rests with us.
  • Now we are going to tackle another controversial issue which has challenged Historians, Theologians, Mystics, Prophets, Philosophers and Religious Scholars. The question: IS GOD A BLACKMAN?


  • We know that most of the avatars that have visited this Earth were black men but we have to concentrate on these two Avatars – Jesus Christ and Apostle Peter Odoemena, The very Son of Man, the God of this dispensation.
  • We will try as much as we can to find out the truth about this matter and rest the case once and for all.
  • If we can prove with all facts available that Jesus (is) a black man, who was God in person during His dispensation, then we don’t have much case to prove about Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man, His complexion and His divinity, for both have almost the same testimonies to share. They were both God manifestations in flesh, in different ages.
  • It is time for the black race to rise and claim what is theirs. History has been distorted and watered down extensively in order to downplay the contributions of the Black people to the development of humanity, and also, the ancient power of the Black race.
  • We are going to look into the distorted facts referring to the physical characteristics of Jesus Christ, the Man who is said to have walked the earth some two thousand years ago.
  • The Bible is silent as to the race or skin coloration of Jesus Christ but it left enough allegory to the physical characteristics of Jesus in several verses of the Bible that indicates that Jesus may have been a Black man, and not the white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jesus that many have been made to believe.
  • In the first place, the image of a white-skinned, blonde-hair, blue- eyed Jesus is totally untrue given the modern- day Jews (for the sake of debunking that myth) who are middle-Eastern in origin and have dark hair, dark eyes and tanned skins.
  • “The Roman Emperor Justinian the Great, who ruled basically from 527-564 CE, 500 years after the time of Yahshuah, had engraved on a coin, the image of Yahshuah with woolly/ kinky hair and “BLACK” features.
  •  On the obverse side of the coin there is an image of Justinian but with straight hair.” The Cambridge Encyclopedia has this particular listing about that image of the coin.
  • Whatever the fact, this coin with the straight haired Justinian on the obverse side, placed beyond doubt the belief that “Jesus” was a Negro (black-skinned). Let’s keep moving
  • In Daniel 7:9, this verse revealed that “As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took His seat; His clothing was white as SNOW, and the hair of His head like pure wool; His throne was fiery flames; it’s wheels were burning fire.” ESV
  • “I watched as thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days- the Almighty God- sat down to judge. His clothing was as white as snow, his hair like whitest wool. He sat upon a fiery throne brought in on flaming wheels, and a river of fire flowed from before him.
  • Millions of angels ministered to him and hundreds of millions of people stood before him, waiting to be judged. Then the court began its session and the book were opened.” Daniel 7:9-10. LB
  • Rev.1:13-14 ESV: “And in the midst of the lamp stands one like the Son of Man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden Sash around His chest. The hairs of His head were white like flame of fire.”
  • Of all races, only the black man’s hair when grown resembles wool. The hairs of Asiatic/ European peoples are known to be long, flowy and wavy. This statement should be noted.
  • “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him; and to him shall be the obedience of the people. Binding his goal to the vine and his donkey’s Colt to the choice vine, he has washed his garments in wine and his vesture in blood of grapes. His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk.” Genesis 49:20-22. ESV.
  • “The scepter shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes whom all people shall obey. He has chained his steed to the choicest vine, and washed his cloth in wine. His eyes are darker than wine and his teeth are whiter than milk.” Genesis 49:20-22. LB
  • The Bible in this verse gives the actual color of Jesus’ eyes to be darker than wine. While dark eyes are common to every race, this particular verse debunks the image of a blue- eyed Jesus Christ that has infiltrated the world for hundreds of years.
  • “I am very dark, but lovely, O! Daughter of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon. Do not gaze at me because I am black, because the sun has looked upon me. My mother’s Sons were angry with me; they made me keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept.” Mark this statement- “do not gaze at me because I am black” Songs of Solomon 1:5-6 ESV. This is highly revealing.
  • Let us look at Daniel 10:5-6. “I lift up my eyes and looked, and behold a man clothed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around the waist. His body was like Beryl, his face like the appearance of lightening, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his Words like the sound of a multitude.” ESV.
  • Hear this, “…his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze…” The color of bronze is not white but close to black (dark).
  • In this verse, not only were the feet of Jesus ascribed to be bronze like in color but his entire legs and arms.
  • The last time I checked the human leg is the lower-body portion extending from the hip bone that includes the feet and thighs and the arms are the upper limbs of the body extending from the shoulder region to the hands.
  • This verse describes the arms and legs of Jesus to be like burnished bronze and we all know that the legs and arms of anybody bears the same color as his entire body.
  • In the gospel of Mathew 27:32, it is made clear that an African, a man from Cyrene, Simon by name was forced to carry Jesus cross. “As they were on the way to the execution grounds they came across a man from Cyrene, in Africa- Simon was his name- and forced him to carry Jesus cross.” LB.
  • As they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.” KJV
  • Note! An African was forced to carry his cross which spiritually means that Salvation was transferred to the Africans and now God lives in Nigeria in this His present Advent. Can you catch the revelation?
  • There has been a lot of controversy about if God is a Blackman or a Whiteman. This argument has been on for centuries and religious groups have their personalized views about that. The debate even went political as the discussion gained currency.
  • A lot of lies have been told about the actual race of Jesus. The Whites overlords, and even their Missionaries have refused vehemently to accept this Truth, but rather they started using their suppressive, intimidating and Ecclesiastical powers to try to cover or suppress the Truth about the race of Jesus the Christ.
  • I know one thing and I believe strongly in it, that is, if you tell lies against an established Truth, that same Truth will reveal the Truth about that Truth you want to bury.
  • A wide range of depiction has appeared over the two millennia since Jesus’ death, often influenced by cultural settings, political circumstances and theological contexts.
  • “The depiction of Jesus in art of the first Christian centuries gradually standardized his appearance with a short beard. These images are often based on second- or third hand interpretations of spurious sources, and are generally historically inaccurate.
  • The race and appearance of Jesus, wisely accepted by scholars to be a Judean from Galilee has been a topic of discussion since the days of early Christianity. Various theories about the race of Jesus have been proposed and debated. By the middle ages, a number of documents, generally unknown or with questionable origin, had been composed and were circulating with details of the appearance of Jesus. These documents are now mostly considered forgeries.
  • By the 19th century, theories that Jesus was non-Semitic were being developed, without writers suggesting he was variously white, black, or, of other race other than those known to have been native to the Levant.
  • (To rise as in sunrise, meaning the East) However, as in other cases of the assignment of race to biblical individuals, these claims have been mostly based on cultural stereotypes, ethnocentrism, and societal trends rather than on scientific analysis or historical methods.” en.m.wikipedia.org.
  • We must try earnestly to unearth the “buried” historical facts about this controversial matter relating to Jesus the Christ and other Avatars as  white men, so that the truth will prevail.
  • There is no need meandering around this matter; we should rather cultivate all the virtues that seemed worthy to help in revealing this hard truth. This is a spiritual matter and should not be handled carnally because it is difficult to sieve facts from fables.
  • The prospects of the acceptance of this Truth by the white race that Jesus Christ is not a white man will remain gloomy only as long as there is failure to come to terms with the Truth.
  • The only way out of this knotty issue is based on giving an exotic explanation that would be very satisfactory, and it should be the truth and nothing but the real Truth, otherwise, it will be like pondering through the desert on an endless journey. I hope it is not a lie.
  • “I hope the real Love and Truth are stronger in the end than any evil or misfortune in the world.” Charles Dickens.
  • This is a hazardous situation, because, this artificially distorted Truth by those pagan “savages” or unbelievers remain a sermon that does not appeal to all tastes. Let’s continue.
  • We have said earlier that civilization as historians will always say started from Egypt, which is North Africa. Religious worship started there and from the scriptures, we can trace a lot of religious activities in the ancient Egypt.
  • Even among other “primitive” races in African jungles, that is to say, undeveloped civilizations there are found evidence of religious worship of some kind.
  • In fact, The New Encyclopedia Britannica says that “as far as scholars have discovered, there has never existed any people, anywhere, at any time, who were not in some sense religious.”
  • Yes agreed, but there are still many people who do not believe in god(s). In the book, Mankind Search For God, page 7: 2nd paragraph, it is written “On the other hand, there are millions of people who profess no religion nor any belief in god.
  • They are Atheists. Others, agnostics, believe that God is unknown and probably unknowable. That obviously does not mean that they are people without principles or ethics, any more than professing a religion means that one does have them.
  • However if one accepts religion as being “devotion to some principle, strict fidelity or faithfulness, pious affection, conscientiousness or attachment” (The shorter Oxford English Dictionary), then most people including Atheists and Agnostics, do have some form of religious devotion in their lives.
  • Mere looking at this statement, one will notice that not all blacks are aware of who Jesus is/was or other Prophets and avatars. So we are talking to those who can understand us because we are on a journey; so they can follow us.
  • Let us look at this analytical statement and see the crude language used, in other to deliberately debase the Black race. 
  • “The Negro is a striking variety, and at present permanent, as the various domestic animals. The Negro will remain what he is, unless his form is altered by intermixture, the simple idea which is revolting; his intelligence is greatly inferior to that of the Caucasians, and he is consequently, from all we know of him, incapable of governing himself. He has been placed under our protection.
  • The vindication of slavery is contained in the scriptures. It determines the duties of masters and slaves. We can effectively defend our institutions from the Word of God.” The Human Zoo by Desmond Morris.
  • We can now understand that this inferiority ethos was then invented to distort the history of human civilization and dehumanize Africans. It can no more affect the psyche of the Blackman of today as the truth has been revealed.
  • The chain of wicked and forced slavery has been broken, and discarded. They are now trying to employ a new technique of using an unseen chain to keep locking our values up and continue distorting our history, frustrate our ideas and try to degrade our human psyche, so that these actions would continue to create black resentment among their people (Racism).
  • The appearance of Jesus Christ on the scene created more arguments on this vital issue. Many had their own belief that God is a Blackman, some believed otherwise due to diversity of religious influences which was enormous.
  • To some, it is impossible for a Blackman to be God. Those are the people that are facing the stumbling blocks laid on their way by nature and those stumbling blocks are like old boulders piled up like prehistoric obstacles to confront the enemy.
  • So, believing or not believing will not add or remove anything from the established Truth, rather it will help in renewing our sense of awe towards the incredible benevolence of our spiritual life.
  • William Marion Branham, the forerunner of the second coming of Christ in this generation was instructed by God to go to Africa for a spiritual assignment and not India as he was planning to go, but he refused to obey that instruction and headed to India.
  • Why? Because to them we worth nothing. We are black monkeys but Africa remains the center point of God’s interest in this generation. The eternal Word of God is resident there. He is there! He is there!
  • Nothing can be done about it. Let the Whites jump to the sky, they cannot thwart this Gods program. This is not human programs they normally plan or influence against as they used to do. God is a black man.  It is an established truth. Period.
  • Let us see how this seemingly haphazard encounter with the Holy Spirits instruction by Prophet Marion Branham ended. “Here it is written right here in the back of this book right now. And the manager called me, said, “Let them Afrikaans go, India is ready!
  • The Holy Spirit met me, said, “You will go to Africa like I told you to”. And another year passed. And the Messengers… forgot about it, he said, we’re going to India, ticket is ready here. I started off, forgot till I got to Lisbon. One night that… I thought I was dying.
  • The next morning I was started to go over to the bathroom to take a bath. Oh, I was sick, I could hardly stand up. There that light hanging there in bedroom, said, “I thought I told you to go to Africa first. My messages have been slowly failing since that time. Though I went to India, with nearly half a million stand there, but that wasn’t doing what God said to do.
  • And I feel that my meetings will never be a success until you go right straight back and make things right. NO MATTER WHAT I DO IT IS AFRICA FIRST, CAUSE YOU’VE GOT TO DO IT. THERE LAYS GOD’S ETERNAL WORD LAYING THERE. I KNOW BETTER THAN THAT- William Marion Branham”.
  • From the message: We Have Seen The Star, We Have Come To Worship The King, Monday, 16th December, 1963 at the Ramada Inn , Tucson, Arizona, USA page 160:64-67. Monday 16th December 1963 at the Ramada Inn, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
  • “For you to realize the promises, the willingness for you to obey every instruction must be there even if the instruction is counter to your lifestyle. Your ability to obey Him makes you a faithful Steward. Your inability to obey every instruction marks you out of God’s promises. You are unreliable; you are unfaithful.”
  • TheSon of Man- Seven Steps to Realizing the Promises of God Henceforth, preached 6/1/2008 to 3/2/2008, page 106:13. We have seen the consequences of disobeying God’s instructions.
  • See how somebody can be so courageous to disobey (God), a Higher Force that gave him instruction of what to do. I hope he didn’t take that action because of racist agenda hidden in the heart or for any other reason. His mind might be doubting that instruction and questioning why! why!! why!!! He might be reasoning also if God actually knew what He did by choosing Africa as His next port of call?
  • This particular instruction from God may be staggering his mind which might have caused him to forget what he was asked to do and still went to India. Well, I may be wrong.
  • Nobody, no matter how highly placed you are, as a Minister of the gospel, is above false anointing. We keep on falling and rising. This is a spiritual journey with its challenges on the way.
  • It is God that is extending a helping hand, without Him, I don’t think many of us would ever be capable of overcoming this high mountain of spiritual storm. It is grace and grace alone.
  • Rejection of God’s Word starts from the heart and builds into action. Hear the Great Master as He reveals what God calls rebellion.
  • “You see what God called the rejection of His Word? Rebellion is witchcraft. Stubbornness is as bad as worshipping idols. Now, these were what God had been accusing the children of Israel of all the years.
  • And now in our midst, it is because of this stubbornness and arrogance filled in the heart, because you cannot reject God’s good instructions, good advice without being stubborn.
  • You must be stubborn and arrogant before you reject the advice that will help you in life “Son of Man- Flee from Idols, part 2, vol.1, preached 4/3/2018, page 63:5-6. It will take an unbelieving heart to be stubborn to the truth and there is no excuse to that.
  • “God has always raised somebody who will always be there whenever history is about to be made. There is no way history can be made without somebody being involved and whatever that will happen will be credited to that period of his reign.” Son of Man- Bridal Watch, vol. 7, preached on 25/6/2017, page15:1-2. There is no way a personality like Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man will be revealed on Earth without history being made. He is history Himself.
  • “That is why He is the Son of Man. He calls Himself the Son of Man because He knows Himself. He declares it boldly that He came down from heaven and is going back to heaven. He is the only Being on earth today calling Himself the Son of Man just as He was the same Christ in the man Jesus and called Himself the Son of Man.” Son of Man.
  • “It is only one Son of Man. Enoch saw Him, Daniel saw Him, John saw Him. He came first and answered Christ in Jesus. He (The Son of Man) has come again and is answering Christ in Apostle Peter Odoemena (The Son of Man)”.
  • Some people due to their little understanding of the scriptures might find it very hard to embrace this truth. You cannot understand the mysteries behind this statement unless you are taught by the teacher, the master.
  • He alone has the key to that knowledge. Come to Him, your eyes of understanding will open and you will be able to see clearly and comprehend this truth. He is the way and the Truth and if you come to Him, you will not be thirsty anymore of the water of live.
  • Hear Him. “The name by which people on earth call Me cannot articulate My entire disposition and all that I AM. They are merely different names by which I am called during different ages. And so, when the final age, the age of the last day arrives, My name shall change again. I shall not be called Jehovah, or Jesus, much less the Messiah but shall be called the Powerful Almighty God Himself and under this name I shall bring the entire age to an end – Author Unknown”. Extract from Ancient Manuscript.
  • We are now exploring the era of Jesus Christ. All the researches findings and historical evidences, at the end of the day, would be credited to that period and all the historical facts about the spiritual truth of this age will also be ascribed to Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man. That is what it should be.
  • The Bible account tells us that Jesus was reared up as a normal Jewish youth of His time, attending the local synagogue and Temple in Jerusalem. (Luke 2:41-52). When He reached the age of Thirty years, He started His public ministry.
  • Billy Graham once said, “Jesus was not a White man; He was not a black man. He came from that part of the world that touches Africa and Asia and Europe.” What would we call his complexion then or do we accept that some other groups believed that Jesus was a Semitic Jew and calling Him black or white would be inaccurate. So many others also accepted this varying notion that depicting Jesus only as a White man has theological implications. To them, it narrows Christians’ understanding of Jesus down.
  • FemarTisby, whose 2019 book, “The color of compromise; The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism” which appeared on the New York Times bestseller list that year, said “that believing in a white Jesus denigrates the image of God in black people and other people of color.”
  • This racist’s outlook wasn’t much at the ancient period unlike now because of fear of the intellectual and spiritual rise of the Black race in all areas of human endeavors.
  • Their rise is now astronomically high and the White race (Caucasians) are not comfortable with that, so, telling them now that Jesus is a black man is putting salt in an open wound, the pain may be harsh, but the fact remains that it would be very difficult for them to accept that.
  • They are trying to contend with the super-development of the intelligent Quotient of the Black race, and with this surge of flaming truth, dazzling everywhere now, are we trying to stun their minds and make their ideas complete delusional by telling them that theirs are not based on reality but falsehood. They should also be informed that God in this generation is a Black Man. They now have two disturbing facts to contend with. We are in a modern world now, and things weren’t as before.
  • “In the ancient era, skin tone did not carry any social implication, and no social identity, either imposed or assumed, was associated with skin color. Although the color black was associated with ill-omens in the ancient Roman religion, racism as understood today developed only after the classical period.
  • “The ancient did not fall into the error of biological racism; black skin color was not a sign of inferiority. Greeks and Romans did not establish color as an obstacle to integration in society. An ancient society was one that for all its faults and failures never made color the basis for judging a man.” Frank Snowden Jr.
  • Today, the rate of racism is high. They are hidden under administrative and human relationships. The white man pretend that it is no more in vogue but It is still active in their establishments so also in some of our African cultures today.
  •  There is no hiding the fact that in some of our cultural establishments, such traces are still visible. Let’s take the problem of racial prejudice as a serious matter because it is prevalent in our cultures, both local and foreign, today. How can it be reduced or abolished from our social systems and what factors would make it possible?
  • Listen, “Until human sub-species stop treating other human sub-species as if their physical differences denoted some kind of mental difference, and they stop reacting to skin color as if it were being deliberately worn as a badge of a hostile out-group, there will be pointless and wasteful bloodshed” The Human Zoo, page 143, last paragraph.
  • We can now see why it will be extremely difficult for the white race to accept this truth. When they will realize this truth that the Man (God) in question is residing in Africa; that will be another bombshell. Or, they have already heard about it but kept on pretending they are not aware. Frankly speaking, they are scared, but this is beyond their powers.
  • This is not the era when Romans were punishing any group or persons that preached any contrary messages that go against their line of thought. We are no more in bondage. Our ancient African wisdom is back and we are no more fools. We are black and proud. The donkey says that it is the heavy load that he is carrying that makes it look as if he does not know how to walk. We are now on the march.
  • “A nice observation, though the color of skin and racism are of no major concern in Islamic heritage, as the Lord and His prophets clearly stated that” the nearest and dearest to Allah is the most pious.” Qur’an 49:13.
  • Muslims believe that “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white- except by piety and good action.” Hadith, SahihBukhari vol.7, ch.3.
  • “That Islam, however, was not handicapped as Christianity in making itself credible to the African mind.” The African religious spirit is a practical spirit; it does not divorce this from the other world.
  • As a matter of fact, most of his traditional religions are not explicit about a hereafter. It does not understand adherents of a faith that condone inequality, saying one thing and doing another. This was ‘ cheaty, too thefty, and mockery.’
  • “The Christian faith was plagued by its association, sometimes fancied, often real, with white supremacy over her two centuries of active missionary.”  “Islam…was… attracting new adherents especially by the process of cultural assimilation which characterized Arab African relations.” Muhammad said, “The son of a white woman is not superior to the son of a black woman; which of them fears God more, fares better.”
  • When Muhammad triumphantly re- entered Mecca he had riding by his side two Negroes, Bilal and Usama, and it was then that he uttered the famous verse, “l have today perfected unto you your religion,”thus dealing “a long struggle to affirm the oneness of man.”
  • The Negro in Africa did not have the feeling that what he was being told, was that incompatible with his religion. The memory of the coming of the Muslims is rather cherished in the annals and tales of the region, and the Wars fought are not remembered with bitterness.” Extract from the book- God and Man in Contemporary Islamic Thought, page 5.
  • In the Bride of Christ Ministry Worldwide, there is nothing like color, tribe, race, racism: we are all children of God, called for the same purpose. Almighty God is in our midst controlling every activities around us and the greatest of all, teaching us. We have our own way of doing things collectively.
  • Christians and other religious movements believe in this statement made above but practicing it is a major problem. Suspicion, assumption, and unconverted mindsets were the major problems.
  •  A writer wrote “Before you assume, learn the facts. Before you judge, understand why. Before you hurt someone, feel it. Before you speak, think.”
  • So, why are people quarrelling with the statement that ‘Jesus is a Blackman?’ Is it not a standing truth? Can anyone disprove It? That is why in this era, the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena said ‘don’t despise me because I am black.’ He is the God who is revealed in this generation and He is being looked down upon because He is black.
  • Another writer Vincent Bazoni in his book- His Voyage: Life of Jesus; depicts Jesus with dark skin and dreadlocks. Franciscan Friar, Robert Lentz, in his writing- Jesus Christ Librator, depicted Jesus Christ as a black man in the style of a Greek icon. James H. Warden Jr. wrote “Jesus was a Black Jew and not White European Ashkenazi Jew”. A Decaucasianized truth is that Jesus is a Blackman.
  • Evangelist T.C. Wanyanwu, in his own writing, made this assertive contribution that “In the ancient times, it was no secret that Jesus Christ was a black man from the tribe of Judah. The early Jews knew it because they were also Blacks. The Romans knew it, and the Greeks knew it. In fact, all the people of His time, and long afterwards, knew that the Messiah Christ Jesus was a Blackman.”
  • Morgan, a professor of religious studies at Duke University in North Carolina, agrees that some of the earliest images of Jesus showed Him “with very dark skin and possibly African” he said.
  • A writer, name unknown asked a vital question and gave an answer to it. Hear him “If Jesus was born in the Middle East, wouldn’t He have dark or Olive skin?” He gave this answer “Most likely, He would look like other first century Palestinian Jews. I don’t think anybody today seriously disputes this: the confusion comes from European artists who made Him look like themselves (European in other words) in their paintings- creating God in their own image, as it were. Recreating God in our own image is something we have been guilty of doing in one way or another for centuries.”
  • When religion recreates God, it is no more the original God that created the heavens and earth that they are referring to. As they have different belief systems, so also they have different gods. These floating religious bodies, do they exemplify their teachings through their characters and activities?
  • Jesus has historically and usually been depicted as having the painters’ ethnicity. Partly, this is simple logistics because from all indication, those were the models that would have been available to the painter. This has also led to a sort of tradition: the most famous early portraits of Jesus were painted by Renaissance painters in Italy. Most of their paintings then were based on the models from their surrounding areas and so, the portrait of Jesus which is everywhere today (with different faces) were done with Italian models.
  • Even the painting of the “Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci, was done by Italian models while it was believed also that the Apostles were blacks and not whites with golden flowing hairs. Among all the numerous portrait paintings of Jesus, only one was done as a black man and that is not in circulation because the church (Religious bodies) will not allow that.
  • The question arises, among all those numerous portrait paintings, which one is the true image of Jesus?
  • The churches are deceiving themselves. Their views are unrealistic, and they have also duped their adherents. Some racists still believe even today, that Jesus can never be a Black man. Hear one of their unfounded arguments.
  • “The race and appearance of Jesus, widely accepted by scholars to be Judean from Galilee– For some, this blackness was due to Jesus’ identification with black.” Emergence of Racial Theories, BBC’s Reconstruction.
  • So relating or identifying with blacks will affect ones complexion? How about relating with the whites, what will happen? So as dark as I am, if I start mixing up or relating with whites, I will one day become a white man. Is that real? See their reasoning; it is very difficult to comprehend a truth your mind has already created as false.
  • Another scholar, an expert in Christianity and its origin stated that “He (Jesus) would have had dark skin and probably had shortish black hair-long hair was very unusual in that 1st Century- a beard and they wore sandals. He was like a wanderer and was on the streets.”Www.gbnews.com.
  • It was because of this racism, that envy and jealousy was ignited and they ganged up and killed (Him) Jesus. Let us look at the Bible and see what it has to say about Jesus and His roots.
  • In Hebrew 7:14 it is recorded thus “For it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, and in connection with the Tribe, Moses said nothing about priests.” ESV.
  • In another version of the Bible, “Christ did not belong to the priest- tribe of Levi, but came from the Tribe of Judah, which has not been chosen for priesthood; Moses had never given them that work.” LB
  • Luke 1:26-27 also gave an insight into what we are discussing, “…The following month God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a village in Galilee, to a virgin, Mary, engaged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David.” LB
  • “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David: and the virgin’s name was Mary.” RSV.
  • Let us look at Mathew 2:6 and hear its own contribution. “O little town of Bethlehem, you are not just an unimportant Judean village, for a Governor shall rise from you to rule my people Israel.” LB.
  • “And you ,O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will govern my people Israel.” RSV.
  • The scriptures described Jesus as having black (African) features and born in the Middle East. Why do people still believe he was a blonde haired/blue eyed white man? The scripture has revealed the town He came from, His race and complexion.
  • In every dispensation Christ has always been a man and He is black. “They miss Him each time. They always have. When He revealed Himself in Moses, revealed Himself in Noah, revealed Himself in Elijah, all the prophets, they missed it each time.Jesus said, “Which one of your father’s hasn’t put the prophets in the tomb out there that they’re garnishing now?” LOOKING UNTO JESUS title LONG BEACH.CA 61-0208. That’s true. It’s always been true. Its true yet today.
  • It was very glaring that all those people that their messages were refused and unacceptable during different dispensations were God in human form. He was manifesting Himself in different personalities and was wearing the black complexions in Noah, Elijah, Jesus, David, Apostle Peter Odoemena and in many other black redeemers. Why did the early church administrators decide to change the truth and misplaced it with lies? Were they struggling for superiority?
  • It was evidently clear that they wanted to distort history that was why they followed meandering patterns, shaping loops and bends in all their activities. Very, very unfair.
  • Listen to this. Moses is considered the father of Judaism. He was married to a dark-skinned Ethiopian woman named Zipporah. Scriptures according to Numbers 12:1 clarified it, “One day Miriam and Aaron were criticizing Moses because his wife is a Cushite (black) woman.” LB
  • “Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman he had married, for he had married a Cushite woman.” RSV
  • Yet every illustration (picture, sculpture, or film) depict Moses’ wife as Caucasian (white).
  • This would make Moses only (two) sons children of color. These sons went to produce many descendants of color. 1 Chron.23:14-17.
  • “The Words and stories of the Bible are, indeed true. However, when you take all of our very early biblical characters and their history and place someone else’s face on it, this distorts God’s Truth, making it a lie, triggering deception. This is called manipulation- an asset of Satan; not God.”www.amazon.com
  • “It cannot be doubted that a historical work is often greatly affected by the personal beliefs and mentality of the historian.” J.D. Shams.
  • The term Cushite is one of the most important terms used in the Hebrew Bible to refer to Blacks. Everything good is attributed to a white man and evil to a Blackman.
  • It is a true fact, for a Black man we know, cannot acknowledge anything good from a fellow Black man, so also from a white man. See the situation of a black man. Very pitious. Envy and jealousy is on display.
  • All these biblical and documented proofs are factual against the staggering defense put forward by the defendants. It is an unpalatable and obvious fact that the whites or Red as they may regard themselves were just denying the revealed Truth.
  • There had been a great deal of agitated debate on this issue and the researchers findings, revealed sound, straightforward evidences which is enough to resurrect the truth, but the last few thousand years of human history have overburdened our evolutionary inheritance as Blacks. Many Christians today are beginning to have doubt about the origin of God; if He is a Blackman as agreed or white as a distorted truth because of their religious background.
  • Everything Black is seen as evil, degrading and lacks merit. How can God then become a Blackman? This is a very great stumbling block on their way.  Worshipping a Black God, in other words, means, worshiping a Black man whom to them is inferior.
  • Anthea Butler, an associate professor of religious studies at the University of Pennsylvania said “Every time you see white Jesus, you see White supremacy” and she warned also of the damaging impact of depictions of White Jesus.
  • The world has been led to believe that God’s first created human being (Adam and later Eve that was formed) was created as Caucasian. Well, that has turned out to be a lie as well.
  • How can we be certain that this is a lie? By carefully reading God’s Holy Scriptures- for Scripture tells us that – “God created His first human being from the soil of the ground; the Earth. (Genesis 2:7). What color is the soil of the ground or Earth? The earth is brown in color, not white. This is absolutely correct.
  • “The time came when the Lord God formed a man’s body from the dust of the ground and breathed into it the breath of life. And man became a living person.” LB.
  • “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” RSV. Human knowledge against God’s ways.
  • Karl popper said “Our knowledge can only be finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be infinite.” Hear this from Theodore Roosevelt, “In the long run, the most unpleasant Truth is a safer companion than a pleasant falsehood.”
  • When this falsehood will pose its challenges, it might be a battle in the mind; a spiritual battle. If a challenge that comes to you involves brain rather than brawn, you may be able, God helping you, to outwit your challenger but if not, you are in for a disaster.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has been teaching now for over sixty years that God is not a formless spirit or spook, but is a Man. Not man as we understand man; but Man as He was before the great “Fall of Man.” This Man is divine, Supreme in knowledge, wisdom, understanding and power. He has power over all that is, and has come into the world, out of “hiding,” to redeem His Chosen People who have been trampled upon by the nations of the earth.

A mystery is that which is unknown. God’s reality was unknown for thousands of years and was to remain so until the Seventh Angel sounded in the Last Days. Thus, the masses who worshipped God prior to the sounding of the Seventh Angel would be worshipping other than His true reality; that would be unknown to them. And when The Mystery is finally finished and the Secret revealed, the masses who have been worshipping other than God would stand in shock and consternation upon learning His true nature.In 1931 the Seventh Angel Sounded and The Mystery was finished. God came out of hiding and, as expected, the world stood in offended shock and consternation by the revelation.

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.


Then God said, Let us make a Man- someone like our- selves, to be the master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas. So God made a man like His Maker. Like God did God make man; Man and maid did He make them.
Genesis1:26-27. LB.

  • “Remember, God is one: “And God said, Let us, Let us.” And for the first time, we have seen God addressing a collection of Beings.
  • And I believe that these beings had the same resemblance with God, they were like God. With this same statement, “Let us, “that goes to show that He was addressing a collection of people. I don’t want to know whether they were two or three, but I know it was more than one. If it was God alone, it is very easy. It would have been: “Let Me, Let Me create.”  Son of Man.-The Image of God, page 54:3. Preached 15/2/2004.
  • So God and those with Him created man in their own image and likeness. The first created being on earth was Adam, and if he, Adam was a Black man, God and those with Him were also black people. The spoken Word created Man and God was the Word.
  • In page 56:11 of the same message- The Image of God,  the Son of Man made this striking statement,” Now, I can say that the ” Act of Creation” was not the “single act” of ” one person,” it was a “collective effort”.  “Let us,” people gathered to mould a man.
  • Whether he was moulded from a dust is not what I am interested in for now, but people gathered, everybody contributing his own effort. LET US MAKE SOMETHING THAT RESEMBLES US. Let’s present our picture to the world so that they will see what we look like.”
  • What they looked like was how God looked. What complexion they wore was what God also wore. God had the Word. When they finished creating, God spoke and life came into the clay being. So from creation God is the same God.
  • “In the origin, the Word had been existing and that Word had been existing with God and that Word was Himself God.” Aramaic Bible in Plain English translation.
  • “Christ was alive when the world began, yet I myself have seen Him with my own eyes and listened to Him speak. I have touched Him with my own hands. He is God’s message of life.
  • This one who is Life from God has been shown to us and we guarantee that we have seen Him; I am speaking of Christ who is eternal Life. He was with the Father and then was shown to us.” I John 1:1-2 LB
  • The Hindu says: “If God wishes to hide, God would choose man to hide in. That is the last place man would look for God”.
  • “Who, though he was God, did not demand and cling to his rights as God, but laid aside his mighty power and glory, taking the disguise of a slave and becoming like men.” Philippines 2:6-7. LB
  • Abraham knew that God is a human being and that was the more reason why he went straight to receive Him when they visited. He could single out God among the three visitors.
  • “He suddenly noticed three men coming toward him. He sprang up and ran to meet them and welcomed them. “Sirs,” he said, “please don’t go any further.
  • Stop awhile and rest here in the shade of this tree while I get water to refresh your feet, and a bite to eat to strengthen you. Do stay awhile before continuing your journey. “All right,” they said, “do as you have said.”
  • Then Abraham ran back to the tent and said to Sarah, “Quick! Mix up some pancakes! Use your best flour, and make enough for the three of them!” Then he ran out to the herd and selected a fat calf and told a servant to hurry and butcher it. Soon, taking them cheese and milk and the roast veal, he set it before the men and stood beneath the trees beside them as they are. “Where is Sarah, your wife?
  • ”They asked him. ”In the tent,” Abraham replied. Then the Lord said, “Next year I will give you and Sarah a son!” (Sarah was listening from the tent door behind him.) Genesis 18:1-10 LB.
  • Now, Abraham received three visitors and one of them was God Almighty Himself in human form. If we look and read carefully, we will notice a very striking point there- He told the wife to use her BEST flour in preparing the pancake and Abraham chose his BEST calf in cooking for the Lord. He used all his BESTs.
  • There is a big lesson to learn from this action. Most of us, including me have committed this error in time past. We should learn how to receive God into our homes as god Almighty, so that we will receive godly blessing as Abraham received.
  • “As Joshua was sizing up the city of Jericho, a man appeared nearby with a drawn sword. Joshua strode over to him and demanded, “Are you a friend or foe?” “I am the commander- in- Chief of the Lord’s army,” he replied. Joshua fell to the ground before him and worshipped him and said, “Give me your commands. ”Take off your shoes,” the Commander told him, “for this is holy ground.” And Joshua did.” Joshua 5:13-15.LB.
  • “For high in the sky above them was what looked like a throne made of beautiful blue sapphire stones, and upon it sat someone who appeared to be a man. From his waist up, he seemed to be all glowing bronze, dazzling like fire; and from his waist down he seemed to be entirely flame, and there was a glowing halo like a rainbow all around him.
  • That was the way the glory of the Lord appeared to me. And when I saw it, I fell face downward on the ground, and heard the voice of someone speaking to me “ Ezekiel 1:26-28.LB.
  • He heard the voice of a Man, a human being and not the voice of a spirit. We should note that.
  • “While I am here, I am the light of the world; Whoever follows Me can never grope in darkness. Take Me away, you are living in darkness and you must stumble: I say you must stumble because I am paving the way for you. Did you get what I said?
  •  No matter the way you look at it, across the other way, you cannot hear another voice than the One you are hearing now. All that have been privileged to be taken over to the other side, they never heard any other voice than the voice of the Bridegroom that is speaking in our midst. Are you getting what I am saying?
  • From the Message- NOW I KNOW THAT THOU ART A MAN OF GOD; Teaching on Sunday 28th February, 1999 by Apostle Peter Odoemena, The very Son of Man, page 179:17-18. “But, oh, how few believe it! Who will listen? To whom will God reveal his saving power? In God’s eyes he was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and sterile ground. But in our eyes, there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want him.
  • We despised and rejected Him- a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised and we didn’t care.” Isaiah 53:1-3 LB.
  • “And because He said unto them that Christ was the God, the Father of all things, and that He should take upon Him the image of man, and should be the image after which man was created in the beginning; or in other words, He said that man was created after the image of God, and that God should come down among the children of men, and take upon Him flesh and blood and go forth upon the face of the Earth.” BOOK OF MORMON (Mosiah chapter 7, verse 27).
  • “But I will, when I shall come down from heaven, and shall become flesh of thy seed, and take upon me the infirmity from when thou suffereth, then the darkness that come upon me in grave, when I am in the flesh of thy seed. And I who am without years, shall be subject to the reckoning of years, of time, of months, and of days, and I shall be reckoned as one of the Sons of Men in other to save thee.” From THE BOOK OF EDEN, chapter 14:4-5
  • Whenever you see the presence of the cloud, then you are seeing the presence of God. For God is hiding in the cloud. “Whenever you see those natural signs, they depict nothing but the presence of God. In addition, whenever you see the cloud, the fire or smoke, they are coming down to reveal a Man. And that Man becomes God’s sanctuary.” Son of Man- Follow the Cloud, vol.2, page 29:4-5.
  • It is no more a fallacy that God is a living being. We have, during the introduction of this message tried to prove that the Almighty God is a Blackman.
  • “And He is a being that took His origin from Black Africa. God is not found outside Africa. The influence of God is felt everywhere but God is living in Africa.” Believe it if you can. The Son of Man. From the message, I AM THE DOOR, chapter 5 (inbox)
  • “Through the ages, He has revealed Himself by His prophets and they were not really prophets. They were gods. He said so. What they spoke was God’s Word. They were the flesh in which God was veiled.
  • So it was that God formed in a man called a prophet. The Word of the Lord came to this man, so it was not the prophet, for the prophet was a veil, but the Word was God.
  • He was the Word of (God in the form of a man, He did not change His nature, only His form. In this way, God reveals Himself to His people in all the ages.)”Unveiling of God, page 13 by Prophet William Marion Braham on Sunday morning, the 14th of June 1964 at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A...
  • “God was veiled in a man. They couldn’t understand that God was curled in a man as He always has been. He was in a human Temple. Now be really careful. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. God curled, hiding Himself from the world, veiled in a human being…
  • The Greeks could not see Him because He was hidden from them in a human being. God veiled in the form of a man had hidden Himself from their view…”
  • “What did He do now? Return as Son of Man, then from that to Son of David. See, how close we are? He is revealed in the last days as the Son of Man according to Malachi 4:5-6 and all of the rest of the scriptures pertaining to this hour.” Unveiling of God, page 10.
  • “I kept looking until the Thrones were set up, And the Ancient of Days( God) took His seat; His garment was white as snow And the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was flames of fire; it’s wheels were a burning fire.
  • “I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, on the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him.
  •  “And to Him (The Messiah) was given dominion (Supreme authority), Glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations, and speakers of every language should serve and worship Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which, will not pass away; And His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed.” Daniel 7:9, 13, 14. AMP
  • In this generation, He will come back as a Blackman to tie the loose ends and wind up all things. It will be either a condemnation to others, or justification to some. In the Great Sermon, Epistle 19, chapter 1, verse 3, the Son of Man said “God always deals with one individual.
  • Two men has got two ideas. There never was two Major Prophets on Earth, prophesying the same time. Look back and see if there was. No, Sir. Too much scrupled up! He’s got to get one man completely surrendered, and use that person. He searches for that person.”
  • God has never called two people at the same time. He is not a God of confusion. From the beginning of creation He used one person at a time. When the person’s ministry is over, He will package that one home and use another.
  • So anybody claiming that God sent Him must have a proof, for God must Veil Himself in one body at a time. This body He is presenting hiding in, is the body of a Blackman. So whoever that hates or belittles this Blackman is hating and belittling God. Pure Truth.
  • Non Moslems peddle lies that our creator belittles Black race but the story was fully refuted and a pure lie and fairy tales. Hear this, a Moslem scholar wrote this as a confirmation that the alleged story was false.
  • “We have seen yet another pathetic argument peddled by ignorant Islamophobes crumble under the weight of facts, yet it is expected that they will continue to spread the lie that prophet Mohammad was a “racist” who referred to a “Blackman” as Satan for no other reason than because he was “black,” since the truth is not on their side, the low IQ Islamophobes have resorted to deception.”
  • Why that rumor made the round was that Nabtal an Arab man sinned and prophet Mohammad rebuked him and called him Satan, attacking the spirit, not the person, as Jesus rebuked Peter when He told him to get behind Him.
  • “So, not only was Nabtal an Arab man with a dark complexion (hence he was called a “black man”), but the reason he was called “Satan” was because of his sinful deed. He pretended to be a Muslim but would then talk behind the prophet’s back to the idolaters, but in the end, he seems to have repented. The Islamophobeswere wrong again.”  (Sahabi) of Muhammad (12)
  • IbnManzur also referred to a Hadith in Sahih Muslim where the prophet said that he had “…Been sent to all the red and the black…” and he commented that ‘red’ meant for non-Arabs and ‘black’ meant the Arabs. Thus in Arabic even Arabs could be called Black.
  • “Satan who from pride refused to adore man became “pelted and cursed unto the day of judgment”; he it is who has been the great “seducer,” but those who triumph against him in this terrific battle become “the fruits of the universe, a universe created for their sakes and is indeed the very realm of their vicegerency.” (On the notion that the whole creation is for the sake of man, see Koran 16, especially verse 12).
  • And when the Koran says God created man from earth and clay, and “breathed into him of (His) spirit,” (Koran 38:71-72 ; compare 95:4 and 17:70), we have in this combination of earth and heaven, clay and spirit, a picture of the total existential nature of man, a picture constituting his very essence and dignity.” Culled from – God and Man In Contemporary Islamic Thought.
  • We cannot continue to argue on this same topic, if God incarnates were black men. They were! And the current One on the scene is a carbon copy of what they looked like. No contradictions. Color of earth soil and clay constituted the material used in creating man according to the Bible. So, the complexion and nature of man should be dark brown which is very close to black. So we can confidently call it black.

The whole world at one time knew that the Black Man was He through whom the Supreme All manifested Himself. J.A. Rodgers, in his 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro, says, “Nearly ALL THE  ANCIENT  GODS  OF  THE OLD AND NEW  WORLD  WERE   BLACK  AND HAD  WOOLY  HAIR… From the texture of the hair, I am inclined to assign to the Buddha of India, the Fuhi of China, Xaha of the Japanese, the Quetzacoatel of the Mexicans, the same and indeed an African or rather Nubian origin.” “Thus we see, that in ancient times,ALL  THE   IMAGES  OF  GOD  OR   WHAT  THE  ANCIENTS THOUGHT  GOD   LOOKED  LIKE,or as he was revealed and manifested to them; had FEATURES OF THE INDIGENOUS    AFRICANS…”

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.
Reference is made above to the infamous passage of Gen. 1:26 where Eloheim proclaims, “na’aseh ‘adarabeselmenukidemutenu “-“Let us make man in our Image after our Likeness.” Here Adam is said to be made in the image and after the likeness of God. The current orthodox exegesis* of this passage renders the image and likeness here referred to as a ‘spiritual’ likeness, therefore eliminating any possibility that God “looks” like man. However, those who understand Hebrew know that this is a most inappropriate interpretation of that passage. The Hebrew words selem (image) and demute (likeness), according to Finis Jennings Dake in his Annotated Reference Bible (1963) denotes the “outward form, not (the) attributes.” “…the meaning of the words; ‘selem’ and ‘demute,’ hardly allows this statement to refer to anything but CORPOREAL SIMILARITY. Maryanne C. Horowitz, in her article “The Image of God in Man – Is Woman Included?” affirms also that the “image,” selem, is a Hebrew term which “contained anthropomorphic corporeal imagery.” These same Hebrew words are used throughout the Old Testament and always have this meaning of corporeality. Thus, to apply any meaning here other than Adam’s physical, corporeal similarity to God is to violate the principle of contextual exegesis.

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.



The appearance of this Divine Being on this planet Earth, at this age that heralds the most significant event in human history, cannot be comprehended based on human reasoning.

  • This phenomenon is highly spiritual and can only be viewed spiritually. Unlike other thinkers of the past who said that man could understand all things purely by reason, Kant (critique of pure Reason) suggested that there was certain knowledge such as the existence of God, which man could not understand in this way because they could not experience it.
  • A mundane mind cannot comprehend the things of God, and the God that the prophets prophesied about His coming as the Divine personality of this age is physically among us in flesh and blood.
  • During the past era, the birth of Jesus was prophesied and now at this dispensation, the birth of this great Avatar, Apostle Peter Odoemena was also prophesied. Both had forerunners; John the Baptist foreran the coming of Jesus in that age and Prophet William Marion Branham was responsible for forerunning this revelation in this age.
  • These evidences are not concocted stories, and our human reasoning will always remind us that truth is something that is timeless, and it cannot be hidden. We have to understand that If something is true, it must have substance and reality.
  • In every dispensation, an Avatar known as God incarnate normally appears on Earth through biological birth and His mission will be defined.
  • Pre-determinism espouses us to the fact that all things, actions and events were arranged to occur prior to the actual occurrence. That remains the mind of God.
  • “The Almighty, who knows all things, had already predicted how people will reject the only indispensable stone that will form the chief cornerstone of His building. Without this stone, the building will not stand. It must surely collapse.” Son of Man
  • “We are establishing the fact that there is one coming after William Branham, whose sandals he (William Branham) cannot remove.” Son of Man, the Great Avatar, the Master Builder.
  • The Man we are talking about has a heroic lifestyle which cannot be equaled by any personality. We will look into His life history, experiences and how the journey started. His birth and growth have been documented severally in many of our publications, but we cannot bypass those experiences entirely while writing this topic. He was, as history revealed, born towards the end of British imperialistic rule in Nigeria, into the family of Mr. Ohaeri and Mrs.
  • CathrineOdoemena in Umuhitte Kindred of Odoemenas, in UvuruMbaise (in Africa, which the world will soon come to widely recognize as the birth place of God Almighty) on a Sunday, the 3rd of April, 1955.
  • It was a historic and memorable experience as the parents eagerly waited for his arrival.  Ancient history basically recorded the birth of Jesus the Christ, but the modern historians of religion know quite well that it is impossible for them to understand the mysteries behind this Divine birth of this age.
  • Yes, It was prophesied but the world was blind and  spiritually engulfed with satanic and religious dynamics that they could not understand what was happening around them. No ‘wise men’ in this generation as it was in His previous Advent.
  • It was the same prophecy heralding the arrival of Jesus the Christ that brought Apostle Peter Odoemena to the world. People will wonder why Jesus was not born in Nazareth.
  • “Why was it important that Jesus be born in Bethlehem rather than Nazareth or any other town? Because of a prophecy uttered during the eight century B.C.E by Hebrew Prophet Micah. And you, O! Bethlehem Ephrathah, the One too little to get to be as among the thousands of Judah, from you there will come out to Me the One who is to become ruler in Isreal, whose origin is from early times, from the days of time indefinite!! Micah 5:2.
  • But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days. Micah 5:2 ESV
  • “Thus, by his place of birth, Jesus held another of the credentials for being the promised seed and Messiah.” John 7:42.
  • The same symbolism illustrates the prophetic birth of Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man. Through His birth, He got hocked up to the Divine source of Light. ‘Like a new hatched chicken, he follows the mother about for security.’
  • “Many young birds, when they are hatched from the egg, must immediately form an attachment to their mother and learn to recognize her. They can then follow her around and keep close to her for safety. If newly hatched chicks or ducklings did not do this, they might easily become lost and perish.”
  • Desmond Morris- The Human Zoo, page 158. This illustration informs us that we must, as a matter of fact hold firmly to one who created us and worship Him. Rely on Him for direction, trust in His messages and remain steadfast.
  • His education, adolescent period, work experiences had been previously documented in many of our publications. When He came of age, He discovered that He had certain spiritual abilities that helped in revealing Him “as a young man who was the best judge of human nature” that has ever arisen out of Africa, nay Nigeria. He was always setting men right with the laws of nature. He, like Jesus attended other local churches when He was growing up, but later found out that their words and teachings never showed them as who they pretended to be, but, it was their actions that exposed them as hypocrites.
  • Indelible truth had been etched in His mind from birth and so, as an unknown writer wrote “Is it possible for anyone to discard that truth he knows to be true and accept lies?”
  • He grew in faith, power and stature in the things of God and His wisdom expanded beyond human comprehension. When the time came, He started his civil service work and later married a virtuous wife, a woman of integrity by name, Mummy Juliana Ifeyinwa Joy NzubechiOdoemena, Nee Dibua (now late – Blessed Queen of Paradise).
  • Both had seven children- Four girls and Three boys.  They are all grown up now, and with many grandchildren also. Presently, He is a senior citizen after retiring from the Federal Ministry of Labor and productivity meritoriously and now a business man. He has not left His core duty as an Apostle of Christ. He is also our Teacher, our Redeemer and our leader.
  • We have Him as God in person residing in our midst, the Bride of Christ Ministry World Wide. God has made His choice and nobody can question that. He is the masquerade, masquerading Almighty God and the bridge between this generation and Almighty God. He is the Word of Life made flesh.
  • “We proclaim to you the one who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen. We saw Him with our eyes and touched Him with our hands. He is the Word of life.” 1 John 1:1 NLT.
  • “No Man abandons God until he had forgotten what his eyes have seen, what his ears have heard and what he has passed through. No Man, No woman that has definite experience with God ever forgets God.”
  •  Son of Man- The Essence Of The Gospel- Our condition Is Not As Bad As Our Conclusion, page, 81:6. Preached 5/4/1997. Our understanding is based on our experiences “The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding”.Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • The first thing is for us to obey His instructions and one who does so can never regret his efforts.” The first instance of disobedience to God is with the character of Satan. It is revealed early in the poem that Satan has tried to take over the realm of Heaven from God. Obviously, he was not successful.
  • A study of the Bible and of human history reveals that man’s obedience to God’s will has always brought happiness and disobedience has always brought man’s unhappiness.
  • This is why we have in the Bible an emphasis on obedience. God said, “the thing that I command you, observe to do them.”(Deut. 12:32). “If you be willing and obedient you shall eat the fruit of the land” (Isaiah 1:19).
  • “Christ Himself set the example of obedience to the Father’s will. (Heb. 5:8, John 6:38, Matt. 7:21.)
  • The Bible has revealed from Genesis to Revelation that the Word of the Lord is an instruction, there is a part you are expected to play and there is a part God is expected to play.
  • For an example the Lord says…” Give and it shall be given to you. Ask you shall receive and seek, you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.” Mathew 7:7-8.
  •  Let us migrate to the place of His birth and look at the town and the historical factors surrounding it. Mbaise is a town in Imo state, which is in the Southeastern part of Nigeria. It is located in the heart of Igboland, close to Owerri the State Capital. Owerri, was founded by a man named EkweOha and his mother’s name was Arugo. Mbaise lies within the equatorial rain forest region characterized by thick vegetation. The region includes several towns and cities. It is a group of indigenous clans, connected by intermarriages.
  • “The name “Mbaise” was derived from five cities, Agbaaja, Ahiara, Ekwereazu, Ezinihitte, and OkeUvuru located in the three local Government Areas (AborMbaise -Agbaaja and Ekwereazu, AhiazuMbaise-Ahiara and Ekwereazu and EzinihitteMbaise) in which there are about 81 autonomous communities. Agbaja and OkeUvuru clan is made up of AbohMbaise Local Government, Ahiara and Ekwereazu makes up AhiazuMbaise Local Government Area, while Ezinihitte makes up EzinihitteMbaise Local Government Area.
  • Mbaise people are known to be Christians’, mainly dominated by Catholic, followed by Anglican, Apostolic and Pentecostal Churches. Mbaise has one Catholic Diocese known as Ahiara Diocese; Ahiara Diocese is recognized in Rome as the Ireland of Africa, reason being that Ireland is the only country that produces highest Catholic priests in the continent of Europe while Mbaise is the only Diocese that has the highest number of Priests in Africa approximately 5000 indigenous priests despite after seven years of no ordination in the Diocese.” Wikipedia.
  • The Roman Catholic Church had great influence during the middle ages. It was the centre of every village and town. It played an important part in the political life of the period. At times, it even had the power of life and death over people.
  • They were known to be brave warriors, and the last to accept the British because of their warlike structure. They countered the British insurgence and all those actions resulted into the killing of Dr. Stewart who was a spy sent to Mbaise by Douglas, the British leader at that time. After capturing and killing him, they buried him and hanged his bicycle on one of the trees at UmuosisiObiziEzinihitteMbaise.
  • When he learnt about the death of Dr. Stewart, Douglas launched a war with his soldiers and killed many Mbaise warriors known as “Ogu Douglas” (Douglas’ War) by Mbaise people. The British also lost some of their soldiers in that battle.
  • UvuruMbaise where he was born, was not a rich land, and so had not been ravaged beyond repair before the arrival of the British overlords. Whatever it’s beauties and attractions, were fascinating formations of it’s beautiful landscape, boundless and bare and often brilliant, which tend to stun the mind of the observers.
  • They can be said to be one of the vital contributors to their fantastic natural antiquated endowment by nature. The only available stream is not close to them-Uvuru clan, but they meandered narrow valleys, through a rough and sturdy land in search of water. That is one of the problems they are encountering in that community.
  • We should remember that the period of his birth was April period. April is the first month of the year in the Jewish calendar. It is also the beginning of the wet or rainy season in Nigeria, a period when new plants begin to spring out. No wonder prophet William Marion Branham strongly disputed that Jesus, being the lamb of God, was not born in December because it is a period of greatest snowfall and sheep does not give birth around December.
  • The prophet then established the fact that Jesus Christ was born in the month of Nissan (April first month in the Jewish calendar) because April is the spring period when life springs up. The same way, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man was born in the month of Nissan (April).
  • His place of birth was covered by dense forest of wild trees, palm trees, etc, and animal life. The entire village of Uvuru is a land that bows to the two seasons- during the rainy season, the road are eroded and not motorable and during the dry season, there is a great difference. It becomes manageable.
  • The primordial feelings of their history and culture were very strong, and it reveals even more dramatic examples of how closely interrelated they are; now it shows the working mechanism of their collective mindset in variety of endeavors and unique ways of life. That’s why people hate and avoid them because of their apocryphal legend of occupation. Presently there is an alien quality to that darkness of thought; a quality that prickles deep in their bones. It may be a rising sense of panic because the idea of life hardly seemed plausible, so we cannot believe anything we hear unless proven to be true. If an environment can serenely accept change as a constant fact of life, then, by infinitesimally small increment, the history of that people can change.
  • Before coming to this material world, the Great Being in our midst didn’t come without a notice. There were prophesies blinking in the day light, which many never understood the signal.
  •  It will be very revealing if we can visualize the process that produced this marvel of a being, sage, mysterious personality, paradox, Avatar; a magnificent incident and experience which revealed the glare of Divine lights that transformed the utter darkness in Uvuru into a scene, as glittering as a palace of the Highest Majesty.
  • Almighty God was busy then rearranging Himself to come down and commune with mankind physically through a prepared vessel, a being. That being is a Man.
  • “Be ready earthmen because due to what is known as interplanetary confederation (between the planet and also space missions) that will soon visit us through the help of extraterrestrial theocratic government, (a social system or state controlled by a religious leaders) the entire world shall soon know that greater than Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist etc, is here in the form of a black man, operating in the midst of many without their knowledge of same.” Prof. Nathan UzormaProtus (The Reformer) of Abia State University, Nigeria.
  • “Greater than Branham is here. Greater than Solomon is here. Greater than Paul is here. Can a man judge somebody that is higher than him? You must have a higher Ministry for you to judge somebody that is lower.” Son of Man
  • The Reformer as he calls himself also wrote and informed those who want to hear this truth that God is coming back to Earth as a human being and He is a black man. Hear him; “Now I am aware that Christ is coming back, and I am also ready to receive Him, but surprisingly, a Being who introduces himself as Christ has always appeared to me physically and spiritually. I have always seen him as a Black man.“…And he was clothed with a gesture dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God” Rev 19:13.
  • He made me realize that he is Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and that he comes from Edom (the black nation) as is evident in Isaiah 63:1-6. He concluded by saying “In fact, this encounter bifurcated (divided) my attention and consequently made me bilious (unpleasant) because I detest bigotry (sensational stories) and devalue apostasy (when someone stops believing)”
  • “Who is this who comes from Edom, from the city of Bozrah, with his magnificent ferments of crimson? Who is this in Kingly robes, marching in the greatness of his strength? “It is I the Lord, announcing your salvation; I, the Lord, the One who is mighty to save!”
  • “God is found in the East and not in the West. That is why I am not a Christian. I am a child of God posted here for a purpose, but I know my Homeland; my Homeland is in the East and not in the West. Then you begin to appreciate why I have always justified the Muslims. God is a Muslim, believe it if you can.
  • Thus any attack on Muslim is an attack on God, it is hard to believe.” Random Quotes (exclusive) page 111:19-20. “The teachings of Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) explains that Jesus Christ is coming this time to propagate the Word of God and importantly to do things He was unable to do during His life Time on Earth due to the direction and assignment given to Him by His master, Allah.
  • But His second coming will give Him the chance to marry and give birth to children. That prophesy has fulfilled.
  • The second coming of Jesus Christ signifies the end of time and there will be a great fight between Him and DAJJI (Antichrist) and Christ will overcome…”And (Jesus) shall be a sign (for the coming of) the hour (of Judgment): Therefore, have no doubt about the (Hour) but follow Ye Me: This is a straight way.” Surah 43:61.
  • The second coming of Christ  is a gracious thing to happen in this generation, especially in this part of the world which is regarded as one of the most corrupt nations in the world.
  • The people of Mbaise should continue to praise God because the name of their town have been engraved in historical marble stone like the city of Bethlehem which can never be wiped off from historical records till eternity. For over 2000 years, the history of the birth of Christ in His first advent is still on, so will the birth of Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man will continue to vibrate through all corners of the universe till eternity.
  • If life continues, it will become a place of prigrimage as Jerusalem, Mecca and other places past avatars exited and performed their Missionary works on Earth. Since He came, the battle is raging between Him and Antichrist.  He has met stiff challenges, but duggedly, He has conquered all.
  • Today, there are improvements in and around Mbaise unlike before the Nigerian Independence. The development within the Eastern region of Nigeria in terms of infrastructure was not like it is today.
  • The development around Mbaise as a locality was a bit encouraging as compared to other areas around them, though at an infinitesimally slow rate. The rates vary with such factors as the amount of communal efforts assumed by full-time residents. As the area became more and more opened to other settlers, developments started evolving in a larger scale, with also Local Government presence.
  • The true testimony of a people, culture and behavior cannot only be gotten by intellectual conception or hearsay; there must be personal acquaintance or relationships for you to prove your experience. There is no area that doesn’t have the two qualities- good and bad. I am a true witness. I was acquainted with a family for years at OboamaEnyioguguMbaise and my studies and experiences weren’t comparable to the painted story I have been hearing about them.
  •  The true explanation of their characters should be made simpler, accommodating and elegant, so that those negative mysteries will diminish and the abuse slogans will disappear. Can anything good come out of Nazareth? And can anything good also come out of Mbaise?
  • These are spiritual pointers to buttress the reality that it is the same personality that is coming and going; from the Jews to the Gentiles. The same reference point and activities recycling. Is that not correct? There are no contradictions here.

The Prophets, when they saw God, indeed saw a Man. Ezekiel, describing his vision of God, says, “And above the firmament that was over their heads was a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone: and upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a MAN above it. (v27) And I saw the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within him, from the appearance of his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even downward (Ez. 1:26-7). “In Ez. 10:20, this “Man” sitting on this throne is identified as the God of Israel. The color of this Man/God that Ezekiel saw is also interesting. He was the “colour of amber” as though fire was within it. Rev. IshakamusaBararshango notes, “The Revised Standard Version of the Bible renders the word amber as ‘gleaming bronze.’ The word ‘amber’ comes from a Hebrew word ‘Chasmal’ which is a golden-brown substance that was used by the ancients to produce static no electrical charges. “This Man was a Black Man.

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.



For years now, “knowing One,” have been speaking of the coming of this especially significant Star. The number of those who await it is continually increasing, and the indication becomes more and more definite, so much so that in fact it is too expected soon.

  •  But what it really signifies, what it brings, whence it comes, has not yet been rightly explained. It is thought that it brings upheavals of an incisive nature. But this star portends more.
  • It can be called the Star of Bethlehem, because it is exactly the same nature as that was. His power sucks the water up high, brings weather catastrophes and still more. When encircled by it’s Ray’s the earth quakes.
  • “Since the event in Bethlehem there has been nothing like it. Like the Star of Bethlehem, this Star has also detached itself from the Eternal Realm of primordial Spirit at such a time as to take effect on this Earth exactly when the years of spiritual enlightenment are to come to all mankind. The Star takes its course in a straight line from the Eternal Realm to this part of the universe. Its core is filled with spiritual power; it envelops its self in material substance, and will thereby also become visible to men on Earth.
  • Unerringly and unswervingly the comet pursues its course, and will appear on the scene at the right hour, as already ordained thousands of years ago.” Abd- ru- Shin, In The Light Of Truth- page 182: paragraphs 1-3.
  • “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. Pay attention to him and listen to what He says.
  • Do not rebel against Him; He will not forgive your rebellion, since my name is in Him.” Exodus 23:20-21. 
  • “See, I am sending an Angel before you to lead you safely to the land I have prepared for you. Reverence Him and obey all His instructions; do not rebel against Him, for He will not pardon your transgressions; He is my representative- He bears my name.” LB.
  • The mind of God in every dispensation is made manifest to that dispensation through the sanctified Apostle, who is the Messenger of that age.
  •  “For God wanted all of Himself to be in His Son.” Colossians 1:19 LB.
  • He emptied everything into His Son. “For in Him dwelteth all the fullness of Godhead.”  Colossians 2:9 KJV.
  • “For in Christ there is all of God in human form. Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh. It is quite true that the way to live a godly life is not an easy matter. But the answer lies in Christ, who came to Earth as a man, was proved spotless and pure in the Spirit was served by Angels, was preached among the nations, was accepted by men everywhere and was received up again in glory in heaven.” 1 Timothy 3:16.LB
  • Definitely, He has arrived, the resurrected Christ, and has been preaching since 1992, and people didn’t even know. The Word came in simplicity and that was the hidden formula.
  • “But though men can do all these things, they don’t know where to find wisdom and understanding.” Job 28:12. LB.
  • “For the Lord grants wisdom. His every word is a treasure of knowledge and wisdom. He grants good sense to the godly- His Saints. He is their shield, protecting them and guarding their pathway.” Proverbs 2:6-8. LB.
  • “The Word will become flesh and will be made a human being, born of a woman, eating the same food we are eating, having everything in common with all men “ Son of Man.
  • “It is obvious today that the dooms day is almost here, events are unfolding in unprecedented succession indicating that if the world does not come to an end, will however experience a special cataclysm (violent or sudden event or change) thereby heralding the beginning of the end.
  • It is evident hitherto that a number of religious prophecies and scientific predictions that had taken place Biblically and otherwise arrive at the projection that this century may consequently usher in the Messiah.” Prof. Nathan UzormaProtus (The Reformer) of Abia State University, Nigeria from his write-up- THE STRANGE BEING I KNOW NOT, Page 5:2-3. This has also fulfilled.
  • The Son of Man is the Almighty God; He has been coming and going. His periodic return to this present era is a submission to a necessary discipline which had been His recurring nature. Some of His subsequent activities have already been recorded in connection with the origin of His birth.
  • “Then the Word of the Lord came unto me, saying, before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou cometh forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jer.1:4-5 KJV.
  • “For the gift and calling of God are without repentance.” Romans 11:29 KJV.
  • “There is a little sheep out there somewhere and will not be satisfied until that one comes in the fold. By the help of God, and by a vision, and thus saith the Lord, I am returning across the sea.
  • THE LAST SHEEP MAY BE A BLACK ONE, down there, for all I know– where they don’t even think they have a soul, but God knows different.” The Easter Seal, pg.40, preached on the 4th of Oct. 1965 at Phoenix Arizona by Prophet Marion Branham.
  • He went further in the same message to describe His height, weight and character. “A black man with average height, average weight, full of compassion, very calm and humble.”
  • Yes, God knows better. The Black little sheep is in Africa, and it is a great Spiritual sign as Prof. Meenakshisundaram said “that the birth of a great man really marks a turning point in the history of the nation.” The nation or town where He was born represents a single glowing centre of energy that was exploring without fear the confines of man’s fate and destiny.
  • He cannot appear at any other part of Africa except UvuruMbaise. This town has been in the spiritual calendar since the creation of the world. What a marvelous privilege.
  • “Notice, Elijah’s day, God chose to hide Himself in a simple person. Now just think of it whom God chose. That was His choosing. Remember, they had Rabbis, priests. They had great men in their days. Even King Ahab, himself, was a Jew. He had great men in the land, in that day.
  •  But God hid Himself in a simple man; not a scholar; no, not a renown man of the world, some great military genius or something; no, no big name. We don’t know anything about his genealogy. Just a plain old farmer somewhere that was raised up for the purpose to be a Prophet.
  • God had him living to himself in the wilderness. Only thing we know, he stomped right out of nowhere, walked right in and condemned the whole ecclesiastical system! And you know what they thought about Him? “What school did He come from?”
  • See? “What denomination is He with? Is He with the Pharisees, the Sadducees,” or what more they had? He didn’t belong to any of them, but He condemned the whole thing. See? God chose to do that” The Revelation of The Seven Seals, page 29:203-204 by William Marion Branham (God hiding in simplicity, then revealing Himself in the same.)
  • “I will cause them a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my Words in his mouth; and he will speak unto them all that I shall command him.” Deut.18:18 (KJV)
  • “I will raise up from among them a prophet, an Israeli like you. I will tell him what to say, and he shall be my spokesperson to the people.” LB.
  • “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren; and I will put my Words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.” RSV.
  • His earthly Father had a dream about His coming to their family before his conception. He revealed that this mysterious Being that was born into their family, actually he cannot say his mission on Earth. Hear him “I the earthly Father cannot declare what he is made of”.
  • All he was aware was that a Divine child was given to him as a caretaker. Dr.S. Radhakrishnan said that “We are born with different temperaments.” The Son of Man was born as a great child. “Everyman has a status, which was usually his by birth.”Adolpa. A. Nosar.
  • Joseph narrated to Gamaliel how he was visited by the Holy Ghost, “While he was working one day under a shade, all at once a man in snowy white stood by his side and told him not to doubt the virtue of Mary, for she was holy before the Lord; that the child conceived in her is not by man, but by the Holy Ghost, and the child should be free from human passion.” Mary had the same kind of experience; she was also visited by the same man. 
  • Come with me and let us look at the interview Gamaliel had with Joseph and Mary concerning the visit by the Holy Ghost and the conception of Jesus as it was written in The Archeological and The Historical Writings of The Sanhedrin and Talmuds of The Jews and compare them with the experiences of Bro Ohaeri, the Father of Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man, (May His Soul rest in perfect peace).
  • Gamaliel asked him a question “I told him we had heard he had a vision, and I was sent to ascertain the facts in the case.
  • He said “he did not call it a vision; he called it a dream. He said after he and Mary had agreed to marry, it seemed that something told him that Mary was with a child; that he did not know whether he was asleep or awake.”
  • What did the scriptures say about the news that his virgin wife is pregnant without him touching her for once and also this dream incident?
  • Mathew 1:18-25 recorded thus “These are facts concerning the birth of Jesus Christ: his mother Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph. But while she was still a virgin she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Then Joseph her fiancé, being a man of stern principle, decided to break the engagement but to do it quietly, as he didn’t want to publicly disgrace her.
  • As he lay awake considering this, he fell into a dream, and saw an angel standing besides him. “Joseph, son of David,” the angel said, “don’t hesitate to take Mary as your wife! For the child within her has been conceived by the Holy Spirit.
  • And she will have a son, and you shall name him Jesus (meaning Savior), for he will save his people from their sins. This will fulfill God’s message through His prophets.”
  • ‘Listen! The virgin shall conceive a child! She shall give birth to a son, and he shall be called Emmanuel” (meaning “God is with us”)”When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel commanded, and brought Mary home to be his wife, but she remained a virgin until her Son was born; and Joseph named him “Jesus.” LB
  • We can now see the resemblances, they may not be exactly of the same pattern but both were dreams, they had visitations, there were conceptions. God is a master planner and all His actions are true and perfect.
  • “Let us reflect on this prophecy that is pointing to the direction in which this Son of Man shall be revealed. “out of the East.” If He is to come from the East, to chastise and destroy that of the West, then He must be pleased with the East.
  • The dominant religion of East is Islam. The holy religious teachings of all the prophets, from Adam to Muhammad, was none other than Islam”. Holy Qur’an 4:16. “They all were of the East and came from that direction with the Light of the Truth and shine towards the old wicked darkness of the West. But the West has ever closed its eyes and thus making it necessary for the coming of the Son of Man, the Great Mahdi, and God in person.
  • Being the end of the signs, in His person, He dispels falsehood with the Truth as the sun dispels on it’s rising from the East. Why should the tribes of the earth mourn because of the coming of the Son of Man, instead of rejoicing?” Culled from the message of the Blackman (1965).
  • “There shall come a messenger in the last days, he will guide the people back to the first fruit, back to the original Faith, grant it Lord that, that great messenger among us now, the great Church, the Holy Spirit made vivid, made understanding, opening up the Word and revealing it to us; May He guide them back to the original Pentecostal faith.”  Feast of The Trumpet, pg.48, preached on the 19th of July, 1964 by Prophet Marion William Branham.
  • “There’s coming one with a message that’s straight on the Bible, and quick work will circle the earth. The seeds will go in newspaper, reading materials.” Prophet Marion Branham.
  • But when the comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, EVEN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, which proceedeth from the Father, He shall testify of Me.” John 15:26, KJV
  • Then came the Word of God to Adam, saying “O Adam, as you have shed your blood, so will I shed My own blood WHEN I BECOME FLESH OF YOUR DESCENDANTS;” The First Book of Adam and Eve 24:4.
  • “When our Qaim (Hazrat Mahdi ( as) appears, Almighty Allah will provide means whereby even people living many miles away will be able to speak to, see and hear our Qaim from wherever they may be.” ( Mu’jamAhadith al- Imam al- Mahdi, vol.4, page 57 and Bihar vol.52, page 336.)
  • All those prophetic statements have fulfilled to the letter. Many of them were proclaimed many years ago but today all, I mean all have come to pass. We must glorify God that we are alive today to witness all those prophecies come to pass in our generation. What a great privileged?

If one only observed the representations without the appellations, he would see that this was the same god being represented. Anu is The Black One who was also called ‘El by the Canaanites. Yahweh simply admitted that He was the same God, for He says in Exodus 6:2-3, “And God spoke unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord: and I appeared unto Abraham, Isaac, and unto Jacob, BY THE NAME OF ‘EL SHADDAI, but by my name Yahweh was I not known to them.” ‘El Shaddai’ means “God Almighty” or ‘”El Almighty.” He is the same God ‘El just using a different name.

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.

In all ancient pictorial depictions of gods and men, this physical likeness is evident. Although the biblical admonitions against the worship of pagan images gave rise to the notion that the Hebrew God had neither image nor likeness, not only the Genesis tale but other biblical reports attest to the contrary. The God of the ancient Hebrews could be seen face-to-face, could be wrestled with, could be heard and spoken to; he had a head and feet, hands and fingers, and a waist. The biblical God and his emissaries looked like men and acted like men-because men were created to look and act like the gods.

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.


God gave us a prophet. The Prophet came and prophesied concerning the coming Christ. He told us how He will come and then what will follow Him, How we shall recognize Him and what He will do when He comes.”
Son of Man-The Apostle Introduces Himself to His People, part 1, vol.1, page 36:20.

  • Now that He has been revealed, many supernatural signs and wonders will follow Him. It will not be easy for certain group of people to believe and accept His Messages because He is a black man. He has the most intelligent mindset and also, has the vision of the possibilities that awaited the new epoch, and more precisely than any other individual alive.
  • He is here to indicate the likely lines of future Spiritual development. It is not only His incomparable innate qualities that established His greatness, but also the All-inclusive power of Spiritual transformation; receiving all and giving all in endless and engrossing activities as regards His vision on Earth. He is a Sovereign Spirit, and a Man from the opposite direction.
  • “During a baptismal service in June 1963, on the Ohio River Jeffersonville, Indiana, as the Prophet William Marion Branham was baptizing the 17th person, the voice went forth thus:
  • “As John the Baptist foreran the first coming of Christ, you will forerun His second coming (That is Christ’s second coming). The Revelation of The Seven Seals, William Marion Branham, preached from March 17th to March 25th 1963.
  • Curiously, I believe that many heard about that remarkable event? The voice was not a magical intonation or incantation; it was real and if the work of God could be apprehended by reason, it would be no longer wonderful. He was a special being and the same today.
  • “Our prophet led us very well. He said, “Do not look for Him among the clergy of your day because He will never identify Himself with the clergy of His day. In His first coming, He was not numbered among the clergy, and in His second coming, He will not be numbered among the clergy.” Son of Man- the Apostle Introduces Himself to His People, part 1, vol.1, page 71:23-24.
  • “My mission I believe to the earth is what? Is to forerun the coming Word (see?) The coming Word which is Christ. And Christ in Him has the Millennium and has everything right there because He is the Word. (See?)”
  • “The coming Word will put on flesh and will dwell among us like He did in the first Advent. He was the Word. He was there in the very beginning. He came by the spoken Word and put on flesh and was born of a woman and is dwelling in our midst. Yet we knew Him not.” Son of Man. The Spoken Word Is the Original Seed, page 20, paragraph 1.
  • He is the Word revealed to us in this age, and there is a portion of the Word of God that is allotted to every age that will help us to survive this tough race. God is the Word that is revealed to explain the world. Let us listen to Him.
  • “All them phonies has to come, of course, to upset the real thing when it does come. But let me tell you, there will rise a messenger at the end of this Pentecostal age and wind up the thing. It will be a man, not a group, not a denomination; but a man. It’s always been, and God cannot change His program, he’s the eternal.” Prophet William Branham, in the message, THE EVENING MESSENGER Preached on Wednesday, the 16th of January 1963 at the Pentecostal Church Of God in Mesa, Arizona, U.S.A. AZV-8N-563-011 pg 32. 16th January, 1963.
  • To the believers of this Truth, “full faith in God puts anxiety to rest” He is here among us now but by the words of Mark Rutherford, “it is difficult to believe God, not because He is so far off, but because He is so near.” An unidentified writer wrote “As to God, open your eyes and your heart, which is also a perceptive organ and you, see Him.”
  • This greatest vindication of this age is Apostles Peter Odoemena (Glory and Honor be upon Him) who is the resurrected body, the same Christ that appeared in the first Advent, was crucified, He died, was buried, was raised from death after three days and taken up to heaven, sitting at the right hand side of power of the Ancient of Days from where He came down to bring full and complete salvation to all that are eagerly and patiently waiting for Him.
  • “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many: and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” Hebrew 9:28 LB.
  • “He will be a One-Man squad- the Ministry of a MAN that will prove the whole world wrong. They are wrong about sin, that sin is unbelief in Him whom the Lord sent in their dispensation; they are wrong about righteousness and how a man can get God’s righteousness by believing in the messenger of their day; they are wrong about judgment because he that believes not is condemned and awaiting execution.” Son of Man- I Have Found The Man Whom The Law and Prophets Spoke About, Vol.3, 76:25.
  • His Ministry is tied to Spoken Word “Bear in mind that the spoken Word ministry is full of commandments and instructions. And if you want to survive; you don’t want to make a shipwreck, you don’t want to be left behind, all you need to do is pay attention and be ready at all times to say ” God, at thy Word.” Son of Man- in the message- Abuse of Brotherhood, preached on 23/2/1999, page 101:35.
  • First obey His instructions and you can never regret your efforts.
  • The first instance of disobedience to God is with the character of Satan. It is revealed early in the poem that Satan has tried to take over the realm of Heaven from God. Obviously, he was not successful.
  • A study of the Bible and of human history reveals that man’s obedience to God’s will has always brought happiness and disobedience has always brought man unhappiness. This is why we have in the Bible an emphasis on obedience.
  • God said, “The things that I command you, observe them to do.” (Deut. 12:32).
  • “If you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19).
  • “Christ Himself set the example of obedience to the Father’s will. (Heb. 5:8; John 6:38; Matt. 7:21.)
  • The Bible has revealed from Genesis to Revelation that the Word of the Lord is an instruction, there is a part you are expected to play and there is a part God is expected to play. For an example the Lord says, “Give and it shall be given to you. Ask you shall receive and seek, you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.” Mathew 7:7-8. AMP
  • There is a great distinction between the elect- those chosen or singled out for salvation and the reprobates- those condemned to eternal ruin. This distinction is basically between the believers and unbelievers.
  • Who are the believers and who are the unbelievers? Wherever we belong is practically noticed in our characters and not what we say. Rene Descartes said in his Discourse de la Methods that “everything should be doubted in the quest for absolute certainty.”
  • Definitely, our secret behaviors will become a sellout when they will be revealed. It is not easy to control anyone’s action because loyalty comes from the heart. There are three factors that will actually reveal a believer- Trust, Loyalty and Respect; if you lose one, you have lost all. It is on this standard that we can prove our faith and show our difference to the world.
  • In the message- Allow The Gift Of God In You To Manifest vol.2, preached by the Son of Man, on 29/4/2018, page 33:87, He made it clear to us that “Now, then can you prove to the world that you are different people and that you are candidates for heaven when the people you are condemning as those going to hell are better than you.? Their children are better than yours.”
  • Don’t ever let your learning lead you to knowledge only but let it practically lead you to action because when someone can’t find a deep sense of meaning in his intellectual knowledge, he has no other solution than to distract himself with pleasure. He will then loose grip with spiritual reality.
  • It becomes a very serious problem because his intellectual mind cannot comprehend the things of God anymore, and the only remedy is to run back to God, listen and act according to His instructions.
  • You know the missing link, so, try and close it up with “the Eternal Judge, The Eternal Spirit, composes the One and indivisible soul of the universe, which alone creates, contains, animates the whole,” J.D. Shams.
  • We must not, as the foolish virgins allow our lamps to be without oil, but now, we must try to “be on your guard, spirit of man, for your hour has come. The time which you so ardently desired, which is granted to you for your development- you have spent it only in wickedness! Beware in your presumptuous intellectual conceit that has thrown you into the arms of darkness, which today holds you triumphantly in it’s clutches.”Abd- Ru-Shin.
  • The world is surrounded by negative forces (Satan) which held most of the inhabitants captive. To be free from this bondage, it requires coming closer to God and hearing His Word which is life. He is nothing but the Word, so we must meet Him in the Word for our sanctification.
  • “That is where He said we should wait for Him. Where do we wait for Him? In the Word, because He is nothing but His Word. He said, if you want to wait for Him, wait for Him in the Word. Our gathering is around the Word. The World is gathering around the system.” Son of Man.
  • Let us listen to this expository statement from Elijah Muhammad. “My greatest and only desire is to bring true understanding of the word of God, His prophets and the scriptures, which the prophets were sent with, pertaining to the lost- found people (the American so-called Negroes) of God and the judgment of the world.
  • You must forget about ever seeing the return of Jesus, who was here, 2,000 years ago. Set your heart on seeing the One that He prophesied would come at the end of the present world’s time (the white race time).
  • He is called the “Son of Man,” the “Christ” the “comforter.” You are really foolish to be looking to see the return of the prophet Jesus. It is the same as looking for the return of Abraham, Moses and Muhammad. All of these prophets prophesied the coming of Allah or one with equal power, under many names.
  • You must remember that Jesus could not have been referring to Himself as returning to the people in the last days. He prophesied of another’s coming who was much greater than He. Jesus even acknowledged that He did not know when the hour would come in these words;
  • “But of the day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my father only.”(Matt. 24:36)
  • “But no one knows the date and hour when the end will be- not even the angels. No, not even God’s son. Only the Father knows.” LB.  This statement of fact is culled from the message to the Black Man, by Elijah Mohammed (1965)
  • Let us go on and look at another crucial message that will expose certain things about Christ and His Divinity. “The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the Flesh.
  • This difference is because Christ is not of Flesh and blood but is the incarnation of the spirit. He has both a normal Humanity and a Complete Divinity. His Divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal Humanity sustains all His normal activities in the Flesh, while His Divinity carries out the work of God Himself. Be it His Humanity or Divinity, both submits to the will of the heavenly Father.  
  • The substance of Christ is the spirit, that is, the Divinity. Therefore, His substance is that of God Himself… Given that God becomes Flesh, He realizes that His substance within His Flesh, such that His Flesh is sufficient to undertake His work.
  • Therefore, all the work of God’s spirit is replaced by the work of Christ during the time of incarnation, and at the core of all work throughout the time of incarnation is the work of Christ. It cannot be interwoven with work from any age.
  • And since God became Flesh, He works in the identity of His Flesh; since He came in the Flesh, He then finished in the Flesh the work that He ought to do. Be it the spirit of God or be it Christ, it all refers to God Himself, and He does the work that He ought to do and performs the Ministry that He ought to perform.” Culled from the book- The Substance Of Christ Is Obedience To The Will Of The Heavenly Father.
  • “The second aspect of tawhid, (a dogma, as a mode of worship, as a way of personal conduct, and a system of social relations and laws) according to IbnTaymia, is what he calls the oneness of Lordship, namely, that God is not only one in Himself, which is the first aspect, but He is the one and only Lord over everything- controlling, guiding and acting providentially on everything. He is life, power, will, knowledge, etc., in Himself, but through these He also both creates and, through guidance, compassion and love, perfects His creation. In addition to God’s twofold act of creating and keeping what He created, there is a special Providence for that unique creature, man, in as much as he is the temple of the Divine Spirit.
  • Because of the immortality of this Spirit in man, God provides for it, through revealed religion, direct access to Himself, beyond anything available in the order of becoming and perishing. In this way man is led to the vast horizons of the light of heaven. The motto of the first aspect of tawhid – the oneness of God in Himself- is, “There is no god but God”; the motto of the second aspect- that God is the One and only Lord over the universe- is, “There is no creator but God,”  “There is no guide but God.”
  • In this way “the being of Truth is unified in the human conscience, through its existence, through its presence, and by witnessing to it.” Culled from the book– God and Man In Contemporary Islamic Thought. Page 70.
  • “This Faith is the only faith that has revealed only but a Man. This Faith is a human being, this faith presents only but a Man. In Him your salvation is met, in Him your righteousness is met also.” Son of Man.
  • “Some have postulated how the Messiah will come back to this earth for His second advent, but “the opinion of ten thousand men is no value if none of them knows anything about the subject.”  Marcus Aurelius
  • “There are various views- some held to the idea that He will come this time leading an army of men and angels, He will have power, mastery and dominion over all nations. He will be a super King and everyone will be subjected to Him.
  • Others hold a more apocalyptic view that He will come suddenly and dramatically out of the heavens. The sky will be parted. He and a Heavenly Host will come down and with unusual spiritual powers, will assume mastery and control of all nations.
  • Another view is that He will come again as He came the first time, in a quiet and unobstructive way as a “Son of Man”. Only this time all evil powers will be subjected to Him and His followers.” Mystical Teachings of Christianity.
  • “It is related that our prophet (Saas) said: The hour will not come until the Qaim (Hazrath Mahdi (As), my descendant appears. This will be a time permitted by Allah.
  • Those who follow Him will be saved, while those who hang back will be punished. O servant of Allah fear Allah: when Hazrat Mahdi (As) appears, abandon everything and run to Him by all possible means because He is the Caliph of Allah and My heir.” (Biharal- Anwar, vol.51, page 65; Al-Hurral- Amili, Ithbat Al- Hudat, vol. 6, page 382)
  • We are told to abandon everything we are doing and follow Him, (the Light of the world) whenever He is revealed on Earth. He is our savior and there won’t be any other than Him.
  • “He said, “When He shall come again, it is going to be in a very simple and humble way and it will fly over the heads of many. And they will hear, “HE HAS COME, HE HAS GONE.” Son of Man- The Apostle Introduces Himself To His People, part 1, vol.1, page 41:37.
  • Is this statement clear to all of us? “Yes! He will answer them quickly! But the question is: When I, the Messiah, return, how many will I find who have faith (and are praying)? Luke 18:8.LB. Listen, we should act by faith in Christ and nothing more.
  • “So it is that we are saved by Faith in Christ and, not by the good things we do.” Roman 3:28. LB.
  • “By faith , Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” Hebrew 11:5 (KJV)
  • Remember that “God also casts out of the church daily as many as should not be saved. If God does not want to save you, He will cast you out and forget you forever.” Son of Man- The Apostle Introduces Himself To The People, part 1, vol.1, page 33:11.
  • “I am your mercy seat, if I set you free, you are free indeed. If l declare you guilty, carry your case to anywhere, you must be pronounced guilty for God cannot contradict His messenger. You are looking for the Ark of God in the wooden form; you do not know that Christ is the Ark.
  • Christ is the Ark for He is the fulfillment of the Law and of the prophet. Thus, He is the Ark in completeness for where there is no Ark, there is no salvation.
  • Where there is no Ark of God, there can never be salvation for anybody there. In other words, we are now having the Ark that is not made of wood. Christ is your Mercy Seat, The Anointed One, The Messiah, The Savior. As far as I am in your midst, I am your Mercy Seat.” Son of Man-I Am Your Mercy Seat, page 122:41-43.
  • We can see that throughout the ages, the lamb had been the symbol of a great mystery. His birth must have been attended by some unique incidents or conditions not common to all mankind.
  • “He brought them a new way of eternal life, that He brought them a realization and fulfillment of the prophecies of the wise men of the past.” Spencer Lewis.
  • In many separate revelations [[a]each of which set forth a portion of the Truth] and in different ways God spoke of old to [our] forefathers in and by the prophets Hebrews 1:1 AMP
  • “At last, at the consummation of the ages, God has come down in person of a man, One beloved of Him and is here with the full revelation of the whole Truth, hence, He is the One gathering all the loose ends together, uniting them in one Man, Christ Himself.
  • Behold He that is not a Muslim, not a Christain, not a Hindu, not a Hebrew, not a pagan etc. But He picks the portion of Truth in all these religions and bring all together, lifting up Christ, for all that believed Him to be saved by Him irrespective of where they are coming from.
  • This is the Son of Man, Apostles Peter Odoemena, the Great Iman, Mahdi, The Christ of this age, The Krishna, Maitreya, Messiah, Avatar, Savior of Mankind etc. Every religion on Earth acknowledges that Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena is the expected Messiah, Savior of Mankind in all the dispensations- both this present dispensation and the dispensations gone by!
  • It should be noted that God is not partial. He is benevolent and accessible to all that He has created. The scripture says that God is not a respecter of any person but that in all nations, whoever that lives right, that fears Him, is acceptable to Him.”
  • “Christ must be a human being for us to live with Him. And for us to pattern after Him, we must see Him face to face, and have the opportunity of interacting with Him so as to emulate His good qualities.
  • As we live with Christ, our love grows more perfect and complete. So, we will not be ashamed on the Day of Judgment, but we will be able to face Him with confidence and joy because He loves us and we love Him too.” Son of Man. From the message- DISPUTE AMONG BRETHREN.

IN THE LIGHT OF THE TRUTH – The Grail Message by Abd-Ru-Shin – Chapter 60 [THE SON OF MAN]. The spiritual adjunct to the Divine merely prevents a reunion which would otherwise be unavoidable. Mankind will hardly ever grasp the fact that this is another sacrifice of love on the part of the Creator, and the fulfillment of a promise of such magnitude as only God Himself is capable of giving and fulfilling. That is the difference between the Son of God and the Son of Man. This also provides the justification for the designation of Son of Man; for in Him a twin-birth occurred, one part as Son from the Divine, and the other part as Son from the Conscious Spiritual, in Whose unconscious outermost edges the germ of the human spirit has its origin. The Mission of the Son of Man is the continuation and consummation of the Mission of the Son of God, since the Mission of the Son of God could only be a transient one. Hence in the continuation and completion it is at the same time a reinforcement of Christ’s mission. Whereas the Son of God was born directly into His earthly Mission, the Son of Man had to traverse a far wider sphere before He could enter into the beginning of His actual Mission. As a condition for the fulfillment of His task, which in comparison to that of the Son of God was more earthly, the Son of Man, coming as He did from the highest Heights, also had to descend into the deepest depths. Not only in the beyond but also here on earth, so that He might personally “experience” all the misery and suffering of mankind. Only then will He be in the position, when His Hour comes, to intervene effectively in their shortcomings and help to bring about change. For this reason, He could not stand aside from the experiences of mankind, but through experiencing the bitter aspects Himself, He had to stand in the midst of them and suffer from them. Again, it was only for the sake of men that His learning period had to be like this. …

The ancients understood that God and Man were of the same nature, the only difference being that God was Supreme in all of His activities whereas Man continues to fall short. We have thus far seen that the ancient Black World, civilized or non, always believed in the One God. And we always believed that He manifested Himself as a Black Man. We talked about “gods” in the plural, but these other “gods” were the “children of God.” Just as it is written in Psalms 82:6, “I have said, ‘ye are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High.” Such gods as Enlil, Ba’al, Ishtar, and Horus, were all children of the God. But in all these civilizations there was the acknowledgment of the supremacy of the One Creator God. All of these civilizations professed belief in one all-powerful, anthropomorphic God. In fact, they professed belief in the SAME God. Though he was called by different names, Anu was the same as Ptah and ‘El and “The Black One” of India.

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.


The mission of Jesus was unquestionably the most complex and the most burdensome that could be assigned to a human being, and at the very beginning Jesus must have foreseen and realized that the complexity of his mission, it’s diversity of action, it’s many responsibilities, and most of all the continued placing of Himself in the center of the limelight, would bring the direst of punishment following the most severe criticisms.

  • Never in the history of the development of civilization had one man so willingly assumed such a great mission in life.
  • Jesus assumed it although it was preordained. He knew that He could not refuse; therefore, He did not, because it was His divine duty, and the only reason for the Word of God to be made flesh and for His soul and consciousness to be made incarnate on Earth.” The Secret Doctrine of Jesus.
  • That past activity was unique at that era, but presently another avatar who will face another marked out experiences peculiar to Him alone is on the scene. His might be the toughest among all because He appeared in the end time, in a generation of super unbelievers, hypocrites, and backed with intellectual and criminally minded personalities.
  • And that’s why He proclaimed that one who is greater than Moses, Jesus is here to save mankind from total destruction. That will be the conclusion of Christ’s mission on Earth.
  • Note this fact also that “the mission of The Son Of Man on Earth is the continuation and completion of the mission of the Son of God, as the mission of the Son of God could only be transient one. Hence, this continuation and completion is at the same time a consolidation of Christ’s mission.” From the message, The Son of Man, vol.1, 2022 Birthday Lectures. Page 80:12 (partly)
  • “Remember we are talking about the Elohim. One thing with all those God has sent in all the ages is that they have the spirit of Christ in them, though bearing different names. For the Name we have today, was not the name He has yester years.” Nehemiah Chapter 9 verse 26
  • “So He let the enemy conquer and rule them. In their trouble, they called to you for help and you answered them from Heaven. In your great mercy, you sent them leaders Who rescued them from their foes.” GNT.
  • “So you led them to their enemies, but in their time of trouble they cried to you and you heard from Heaven. And in great mercy you sent them savior who delivered them from their enemies.” LB.
  • The Son of Man is speaking—Where did He help them? Where did He send those Messengers to? They cried in their trouble after God delivered them to their enemies. God helped them from Heaven by sending them Saviors. Good News Bible said He sent them leaders who delivered them from their trouble.
  • God has been sending Saviors, and our own day will not be an exception. The reason why people believe Jeroboam, Barak and the rest of them that were written in the Bible is because they were documented in the scriptures.
  • They recognized the past Saviors because they were documented in a book. But the present savior is what they do not recognize.
  • Every man God sends will tell you that God sent him. If you go to Hebrew Chapter 11 verse 32, Paul said time is no more on my side to start naming the Saviors that were sent in their day. He mentioned Barak.
  • When he mentioned Barak, if you go to Judges Chapter 4 verse 6, there you will know about Barak. And she sent and called Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, Has not the Lord, the God of Israel, commanded [you], Go, gather your men at Mount Tabor, taking 10,000 men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun? AMP
  • Barak in his day, the message given to him was “God has called me to go to war.” The message came directly to him that God called him to go to War and deliver the people of Israel out of the hands of their enemies. Then He called Gideon down through the line. Then in this our day, God sent a leader, God sent a Savior.
  • Now remember, those Saviors in the time past delivered the people from the natural bondages, natural wars; but the spiritual war they could not deliver them.
  • Gideon, Barak, Samson, David and the rest of them; they delivered their people from natural wars, natural bondages, physical troubles. However, the spiritual troubles, no way. Delivering you from the physical trouble without spiritual trouble, are you delivered!  No.
  • But now, for God to completely deliver His people from both physical and spiritual troubles and death, He sent the Elohim to them. The Son of Man, as our messenger said, “See the Lord in the Lord.” An excerpt from the Message- In Him Was The Father Revealed pages 121-124:33-42, was preached by The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, on the 27th of May, 2012.
  • Now in this our dispensation, a Savior has been sent to deliver us from both physical and spiritual troubles. He is no other personality than Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man, Elohim in human form. A man who can stir the ether and change all circumstances. The Greatest avatar to have appeared on Earth.
  •  Let us all stand up and worship this greatest force that has conquered the entire universe.
  • “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the Great and dreadful day of the Lord; and He shall turn the heart of the father’s to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:5-6 (KJV)
  • “Long ago God spoke in many different ways to our fathers through the prophets, in visions, dreams, and even face to face, telling them little by little about His plans. But now in these days He has spoken to us through His son to whom He had given everything and through whom He made the world and everything there is.
  • God’s son shines out with God’s glory and all that God’s son is and does mark Him as God. He regulates the universe by the Mighty power of His command. He is the one who died to cleanse us and clear our record of all sin, and then sat down in Highest Honor beside the Great God of Heaven.” Hebrew 1:1-3 (LB)
  • “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” Jude 14-15 (KJV)
  • Before His ministry took off in 1992 December, there were lots of activities that happened before then. The Apostles of Jesus continued preaching the gospel after His death.
  • Their sermons centered more on the Resurrection of Jesus and He, as the Redeemer. Paul, Peter, James and other Apostles were all gallant preachers of the Word. At the end, most of them were caught, judged and burnt as heretics.
  • After many years, the Reformers came on the scene, with their serious campaign that the church and the pope were not following the established order. There were many of them like Martin Luther, John Calvin and co who were scattered across Europe. Most of them were arrested, judged and burnt as heretics.
  • The Roman Catholic Church, not minding the activities of the Reformers, did not adjust to the many changes taking place in Western Europe during the 1400s and 1500s. Many Europeans accepted that move for a change and began to call for support for the reformation movement (ref uhr ma shuhn), or a change, in a way the church taught and practiced Christianity.
  • After this era, the seven church ages came on board and it had Ephesian age, Smyrna Age, Pergamos Age, Thyatira Age, Sardis Age, Philadelphia Age, Laodicea Age with their Messengers, and  the last of the seventh church Age was spear headed by William Marion Branham who heralded the coming of  APOSTLE PETER ODOEMENA–THE SON OF MAN (The Miraculous Being) 
  • Many religionists are seeking to meet the Man behind the Mask directly instead of following the Masquerade. Jesus even said it that you can’t get to the father except through Him. If you see Him, you have seen the Father. Both are one.
  • The masquerade in our midst has formidably proven to us, the believers, that He is shielding the Deity. When you see Him, you have seen the Deity residing in Him. He is the physical representative of the Deity in human form in this dispensation. He is here in this era, for a mission. He came as a Blackman to Redeem Mankind from the shackles of religious imperialism. A mighty God in battle against the Antichrist.
  • “The Son of Man has come to help you trace your history because the only thing He has given me as an instrument is what He has been using. He uses His Word. For my sheep heareth my Word and they follow Me. The voice of a stranger, they do not hear.” Son of Man, I Am Bringing All Families Back, vol.1. Preached 14/5/2017, page 42:42.
  • Yes, he came to help us trace our historical lineage and more so, “He was sent to the Earth as a beacon of Light and Truth to lead men to the Father; to seek and save the lost. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost,” Luke 19:10 RSV.
  • He came to save the sinners, to relate with them physically and Spiritually- to eat, talk with them face to face and show them God’s love.
  • “My purpose is to invite sinners to turn from their sins, not to spend my time with those who think themselves already good enough.” Luke 5:32 LB
  • “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” RSV.
  • Like Jesus, “another other plan He has is of setting Men right with the laws of nature: He turns nature into a great law book of illustrations, showing that every bush was flame, every rock a fountain of water, every star a pillar of fire, and every cloud the one that leads to God.” Page 55, Archeological Writings of the Sanhedrin and Talmuds of the Jews.
  • His mission on Earth can be said to revolve around these three foundations- Sanctifying, Teaching the good news, and giving service to humanity. He sanctifies God’s people by setting them apart for God’s special purpose in this era.
  • “I advise you to obey only the Holy Spirit’s instructions. He will tell you where to go and what to do, and then you won’t always be doing the wrong things your evil nature wants you to do. For we naturally love to do evil things that are just the opposite from the things that the Holy Spirit tells us to do; and the good things we want to do when the Spirit has his way with us are just the opposite of our natural desires.
  • These two forces within us are constantly fighting each other to win control over us, and our wishes are never free from their pressures. When you are guided by the Holy Spirit you need no longer force yourself to obey the Jewish laws” Galatians 5:16-18.
  • When you go down to verse 19, you will find the repercussion of disobedience “But When you follow your own wrong inclinations your lives will produce these evil results: impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, spiritism (that is encouraging the activity of demons), hatred and fighting, jealousy and anger, constant effort to get the best for yourself, complaints and criticisms.”
  • One who is not equipped with detailed maps and accurate navigational instruments would he ever find it easy to navigate a path through this labyrinth of spiritual journey?
  • He needs a guide, one who knows the way and able to paddle through the rough and aggressive torrential forces that might oppose the sailing. We have a guide and our guide is Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man. He has weathered almost all the storms that are challenging Him from arriving His destined port of anchor.
  • Though the rivalry was intense and often bitter, He has conquered those challenges. Most of those challenges came from those within the circle; many who refuse to believe, or take His instructions seriously. 
  • Spencer Lewis wrote some of what he got from his many years of research work about the experiences Jesus had in His ministry and such experiences are tenable today around this revealed Christ of this age.
  • “The very experience of Jesus in carrying out His mission gives us excellent reasons for the principle of secrecy.
  • Even among those who were carefully tested and prepared and qualified, there were those who became doubters, those who sought to use the knowledge and power for personal and selfish purposes, and who became spies and enemies, as well as traitors to the cause.”
  • It is a fact that “a foe to God was never true friend to man.” Is it not happening today?
  • Such “as in many families where there is a prophet or a genius or a wizard or a Light among men, the other members of the household may look with doubt and skepticism upon the claims, or the pretensions, or even the manifest acts and wisdoms of the other; so in the case of Jesus. Early in His career, the members of His Family, except His mother, probably questioned the greatness and even the divinity of His mission. They may even have ridiculed or scoffed at His early preaching.” Spencer Lewis–The Secret Doctrines of Jesus, page 161: 2nd paragraph.
  • “First, I want to remind you that in the last days there will come scoffers who will do every wrong they can think of, and laugh at the Truth.” 2 Peter 3:3. LB.
  • As they ridiculed and laughed at the message of Jesus the Christ in the last dispensation, so most people are doing today against the messages of the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the God of this age. 
  • History is still repeating itself today. As the scriptures say, “a prophet is not recognized in his home town” is a fact.
  • The Son of Man’s self-awareness did not even prevent Him from absorbing harsh insults, false accusations and despicable behaviors notably from those whom He trusted and loved. That is human nature.
  • Envy and jealousy were the main causes of those actions by them. Ultimately, their tormenting characters, coincided and merged with their wickedness and thereby, furiously attacked this present Truth. They don’t even understand this fact that the chips are not yet down, because, tomorrow will still reveal the Truth about who He is and His mission on earth.
  • Doubt changes nothing, but His consolation must be that He is much more dedicated and engulfed by His sincerity to His commission, than by any other factor that is not in line with His mission on Earth. Definitely, all doubters will still give their own testimonies tomorrow.
  • His service to humanity changes people’s lifestyle. It purifies, refines, gives finer perspective to, and brings out the best in each one of us. Then, we can now use those talents as an office in the service of God. He, Almighty God in our midst has decided to extend the service of the Ministry to some of us, as helping ministers.
  • “Of this gospel I was made a minister according to the gift of God’s grace which was given me by the working of His power.” Ephesians 3:7.RSV.
  • “He is the one who has helped us tell others about his new arrangement to save them. We do not tell them that they must obey every law or die; but we tell them there is life for them from the Holy Spirit. The old way, trying to be saved by keeping the Ten commandments ends in death; in the new way, the Holy Spirit gives them life “ 2 Corinthians 3:6. LB.
  • “In fact, in everything we do we try to show that we are true ministers of God.”  2 Corinthians 6:4. LB
  • John the Baptist wasn’t the Light but a forerunner for the Light. “Later on, the One who is the true Light arrived to shine on everyone coming into the world. But although he made the world, the world didn’t recognize Him when he came.” John 1:9-10. LB.
  • “Then one day, after the crowds had been baptized, Jesus Himself was baptized; and as He was praying, the heavens opened, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove settled upon Him, and a voice from heaven said, ” You are my much loved Son, yes, my delight.” Luke 3:21:22. LB.
  • “Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the Heaven was opened.
  • And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, “Thou art My beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.” KJV
  • That God is among men in human form is not a thing to be debated upon. This coming tribulation might be avoided if we can truly honor the word of God, and faithfully follow Him without doubt.
  • Let His simplicity not be our undoing which might turn our faces to Luciferian region where regret abounds. God forbid! He has no need to run after you and beg you to believe in His existence. He is the self existing One who has no friend or foe.
  • He is the Spirit of Truth in a badger skin, a blackman and He is on the scene dishing out the saving Truth which human race have decided not to believe as it was in the past dispensation.
  • Truth that looks like lies. No wonder Jesus’ told them that He had a lot to tell them but they cannot bear the heaviness of that truth but when the spirit of Truth will come, He will reveal all those unbearable truth to them.
  • “I have still many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them or to take them upon you or to grasp them now.
  •  But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth- giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all the truth (the whole, full truth).
  • For He will not speak His own message (on His own authority); but He will tell whatever He hears (from the Father, He will give the message that has been given to Him), and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come (that will happen in the future). He will honor and glorify Me because He will take of (receive, draw upon) what is mine and will reveal (declare, disclose, transmit) it to you.” John 16:12-14. AMP.
  • “But the only proof I will give them is a miracle like that of Jonah, whose experiences proved to the people of Nineveh that God had sent him. My similar experience will prove that God has sent Me to these people.” Luke 11:30. LB.
  • “Next I saw the arrival of a Man- or so He seemed to be-brought there on clouds from heaven; He approached the Ancient of days and was presented to Him.
  •  He was given the ruling power and Glory over all the Nations of the world, so that all people of every language must obey Him. His power is eternal-it will never end; His Government shall never fall.” Daniel 7:13-14 LB.
  • Who was the Man he saw that was presented to the Ancient of Days? He was no other personality than the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena (Blessed be His Holy name) who has come back to earth with powers over all nations, to judge the wicked and save the righteous. Jesus Christ came to save His own and not the entire world.
  • God is mindful of His own and they have one mark of identification.  He knows them-those who believe in Him and obey His instructions.
  • He informed us that “A wicked and adulterous generation would receive a sign of the resurrection, a sign of this generation before burning. The Elohim in human flesh. What’s a sign of?
  • The Elohim back in the Bride in human flesh again in the last days, doing the same thing.” (Signs of His coming. Preached on Saturday, 7th April, 1962 by Prophet William Marion. Braham at the church of faith in Cleveland, Tennessee U. S. A).
  • “And behold! He comes with Ten thousand of His Holy Ones (Saints) to execute judgment on all, and to destroy all the ungodly (wicked); and to convict all flesh of all the works of their ungodliness which they have ungodly committed, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”  I Enoch 1:9.
  • “One Hadith states: “Hazrath Mahdi (as) will come. There will be a cloud just above his head. There will be an angel who will cry out: this is Mahdi (as) follow him.”
  • “We thank Almighty God who came down in our midst on 30th December 1992, when our brother Peter preached the message Holy Ghost, and The Necessity for Holy Ghost Baptism, before many witnesses when we saw the power of God restoring the Church back to Pentecost.
  • We witnessed all that happened in the upper room at Jerusalem on the Pentecost day. God’s power backing His Word with diverse supernatural and scriptural occurrences when the pillar of fire first fully arrived in our midst.
  • The Lord God went further to convince us that He has sent a Savior in our midst when He publicly commissioned His servant and Apostle Peter Odoemena using the following words…”I have anointed you with my spirit; I have anointed you with My power, speak My Word, and fear them not for I will be with you…”
  •  From that time, God had never ceased to magnify the Ministry of His servant before His elect until this day, which we cannot record all because of space in this compilation.” Culled from the write-up of our former Bishop Okechukwu Paul Nwankpa. As recorded in the Great Sermons and Holy Spirit Inspired Epistles and Revelation (Revised Edition 2019) by the son of man pg11:50-52.
  • “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched- this we proclaim concerning the Word of Life. The Life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us.” 1st John 1:1 NIV.
  • “(I am writing about) what existed from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life (the one who existed even before the beginning of the world, Christ.)” AMP.
  • “And think of it! The same Pillar of Fire that came upon those men that wrote the Bible, is the same Pillar of Fire here, today, interpreting the Bible. Amen!
  • How we thank Him for that! Same! What a comfort! What identification! I’m so glad to be identified in that, I don’t know what to do! I’d rather be identified in that than all the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and all the rest of them. Identified in that Word where that Shekinah Glory and Revelation lays.”
  •  The pillar of Fire appearing visibly among us, identifying that the message is right, like He did at Mount Sinai. Remember, before the true message come forth, Moses preached and He led them out of Egypt; but there, before real commandments was laid down (the Seal was brought in), God came down before the people and proves that Moses was sent by Him, (That’s right?) in a pillar of Fire that Moses said he had seen in a bush and talked to Him.
  • “But just the promised son, the last sign before the Gentile world was destroyed, was this God manifested in the flesh that knew the secrets of the heart. Now, that is the last sign that the church in the spiritual church gets. That’s the sign that the natural church gets and the Gentile world will be destroyed. And she’s ready for it right now, the earth shaking all over with earthquake.” Identified Christ Of All Ages. Title Birmingham. AL64-0409- page 26. – Prophet William Marion Braham. 
  • “The Son of Man has already come from glory and is revealing Himself for the past few years to His church in mercy, showing them His great presence, doing the same things that He did when He was here on Earth, revealing Himself like He did to Abraham.
  • Before the destruction, He has come now in mercy, revealing Himself to the church. It’s being laughed at and scoffed at. The next time He reveals Himself, it’ll be in judgment on the world and the Nations that forgot God and sinned their way of grace, their day of grace, rather away.”CALLED OUT titled CHICAGO. LL 58-0109.
  • This is the time. “God is separating perfect people from the imperfect people for the translation is only for the perfect. The translation is for the perfect.” Son of Man-The Investigative Judgment of God before the Translation of the Saints, preached 8/09/1996. Page 53:41.


  • “Verily God will appoint for this Ummah in the begining of every century one who will restore for it is faith (Abu Dawood, KitabulFitan).” I will give you the glad tidings of Mahdi who will be raised in My Ummah at a time of digress and distress of people. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it is filled with oppression and violence.” (Musmad Ahmad Bin Hambal, vol.3, page 37.)
  • “He has come to place things right so that you can see your point of salvation in Christ, finish. Moreover, begin to glorify God for what He has already accomplished for you by paying the price you could not pay.” Son of Man- One generation planted the tree; another enjoyed the Shade, preached 26/2/2012, page 70:13.
  • Prophet William Branham said that spirits do not die, rather spirits incarnate and reincarnate. He said Jezebel died, but the spirit of Jezebel is still at work. In other words, human beings are Jezebel incarnate. As long as a spirit does not die, reincarnation is a reality. Judas died as a man, but the spirit of Judas is still prominent in the lives of many hovering about the earth space.
  • All the individuals we know who have transited, their spirits are still germinating either producing negative or positive fruits.
  • That is the problem we have been facing. The positive spirit leads mankind to the Truth but the negative one which is hooked to our traditions is feeding us with falsehood. Human nature loves lies more than truth and that’s why they adhere to their traditions more than godly ways.
  • “The Teachings of this being are in profound harmony with Biblical Theology. The Father is so great. This Ominipresent Father may be with men but our tradition may be keeping Him away from us.” Prof Nathan UzormaProtus (The Reformer) of Abia State University, Nigeria.
  • “He taught the people that there was but one living and true God, but he taught them that he was that God, and that his Father was emerged into himself, and could not manifest himself only through him, which theory would confute itself if they would only stop to reflect, for as he was hypostatical or corporal, his assistance was cut off from all that was not immediately in his presence, which is altogether incompatible with the faith of the Jews.
  • Right in the blaze of this doctrine, he would teach that there was a special Providence. He teaches that the dead will rise and live again in a future state of happiness or misery according as they have lived here. There he teaches future rewards and punishments. He teaches the revelation and prophets, but contradicts all they teach.” The archeological And The Historical Writings Of The Sanhedrin And The Talmud Of The Jews Page 76.
  • “The Salvation link for your age has been revealed. You have seen the Deity bearing witness that this is the salvation link.” The salvation link for your age has been Revealed, Son of Man. Preached 6/5/2012, page 34:16.
  • “The simplicity that is in Him has caused Him to lie flat. He had become the rock where everybody will match on. So, no matter the level of criticism, it can never rise to the level of His simplicity. There is no need criticizing a mad man, for your criticism can never heal him.” Son of Man. Open Your Eyes against Spiritual Danger, vol.2, preached 31/01/2016. Page 29:24.
  • “They are linked with mischief hand in hand, and their steps lead down to evil. Dangers beset them round about, and the pit of destruction yawneth beneath their feet.” Unto thee I grant.
  • “Let My Word become alive within you; for this alone can bring you that benefit which you need, enabling your spirit to ascend to the Luminous Heights of the Eternal Garden of God “Abd-ru-shin, ln The Light Of Truth, page 66:1st paragraph.
  • To the One who is Supreme, most wise and beneficent, and to Him alone, belong worship, adoration, Thanksgiving and praise. Know there is but One God, the Author, the Creator, the Governor of the world; Almighty, Eternal and incomprehensible authority above all the earth.”
  • These and more are His abundant qualities. His office is marvelous. The office of Christ graced with meekness and constancy. Gods promises unto him and exhortation to praise God for His gospel. He reproveth the people of incredibility.
  • “Behold my servant whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put Spirit unto Him: He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry nor lift up nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.
  • A bruised Reed shall he not break and the smoking flax shall He not quench: He shall bring forth judgment unto truth. He shall not fail nor be discouraged, till He have set judgment in the earth: and the Isles shall wait for His law.
  • Thus saith God the Lord, He that created the heavens and stretched them out; He that spread forth the earth and that which cometh out of it; He that giveth breath into the people upon it, and the Spirits to them that walk therein:
  •  I, the Lord have called thee in righteousness and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles; to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.” Isaiah 42:1-7 KJV.
  • “See my servant, whom I uphold; My choice One, in whom I delight. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will reveal justice to the Nations of the world. He will be gentle. He will not shout or quarrel in the street. He will not break the bruised Reed, nor quench the dimly burning flame. He will encourage the faint hearted, those tempted to despair. He will see full justice given to all who have been wronged. He won’t be satisfied until truth and righteousness prevail throughout the earth, nor until even distant lands beyond the sea have put their trusts in Him.
  • The Lord God who created the heavens and stretched them out and created the earth and everything in it and gives life and breath and spirit to everyone in the world, He is the One who says (to His servants, the Messiah), I the Lord have called you to demonstrate my righteousness.
  • I will guard and support you, for I have given you to my people as the personal confirmation of My covenant with them. You shall also be a Light to guide the Nations unto Me. You will open the eyes of the blind, and release those who sit in prison darkness and despair.” Isaiah 42:1-7, LB.
  • “Behold My servant, whom I uphold, My elect in whom My soul delights! I have put my Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice and right and reveal truth to the Nations. He will not cry or shout aloud or cause His voice to be heard in the street.
  • A bruised reed He will not break and a dimly burning wick He will not quench; He will bring forth justice in truth. He will not fall or become weak or be crushed and discouraged till He has established justice in the earth and the Islands and coaster regions shall wait hopefully for Him and expect His direction and Law.
  • Thus says God the Lord- He who created the heavens and stretched them forth, He who spread abroad the earth and that which comes out of it, He who gives breath to the people on it and Spirit to those who walk in it.
  • I the Lord have called you (the Messiah) for a righteous purpose and in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and will keep you; I will give you for a covenant to the people (Isreal) for a light to the Nations (Gentiles), to open the eyes of the blind, to bring out prisoners from the dungeon and those sit in darkness from the prison.” Isaiah 42:1-7 AMP.
  • “The True Wisdom is less presuming than folly. The wise man doubteth often, and changeth his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubteth not; he knoweth all things but his own ignorance.” Unto thee I Grant.
  • Don’t be a (proud) wise man and go to hell, but rather be a fool and fool yourself into Paradise, doubting nothing. Don’t ever be puffed up in thine own standing, neither boast of superior understanding; the clearest human knowledge abides in humility and listening.
  • We are the blind and He is leading us to the Light. Follow Him! He is here presently and alive to lead the blinded with His Words to the Supreme Light.
  • God has a way of preparing His things to correspond with His thinking. The ground must be prepared before corn can be planted; the Potter must build his furnace before he can make his porcelain.
  • “The Lord says,” here is my servant, whom I strengthen- the One I have chosen, with whom I am pleased. I have filled Him with My Spirit, and He will bring justice to every nation.
  • He will not shout or raise His voice to make loud speeches in the streets. He will not break off a bent Reed or put out a flickering lamp. He will bring lasting justice to all. He will not lose hope or courage; He will establish justice on Earth. Distant lands eagerly wait for His teaching.”
  • God created the heavens and stretched them out; He fashioned the earth and all that lives there; He gave life and breath to all its people. And now the Lord God says to His servant,” I, the Lord, have called you and given you power to see that justice is done on Earth.
  • Through I will make a covenant with all peoples; through you I will bring light to the Nations. You will open the eyes of the blind and set free those who sit in dark prisons.” Isaiah 42:1-7 GNB.
  • “Once again we are confronted here with the mystery of the elective and creative action of God which brings light out of darkness, life out of death, salvation out of unbelief. Out of Israel’s unbelief, God in ways past our comprehension, fashions the election and salvation of the Gentiles. God bends and directs evil against itself, and out of its defeat brings forth that greatest good: salvation and unending life.
  • As God creatively fashioned the redemption of mankind out of mankind’s crucifixion of Jesus Christ, as he brings good out of evil, as he fashions the mystery of that new humanity which is the church out of the death of his Son, God fashions the salvation and election of the Gentiles out of the unbelief of Israel. To our knowledge the path of God’s election and grace is indeed a riddle not unlike Samson’s: “Out of the water came something to eat. Out of the strong came something sweet.” Judges 14:14. From the book- (The Freedom of God) page 147.
  • This is a strong riddle Samson proposed with a bet to thirty Philistine men assigned to be his wedding feast companions. If they solve his riddle before the end of the festivities, he will give each a full change of cloth.
  • We are not called out to come and start solving these mysteries of what God did, why He did them, how He did them or how He is going to do what He will do in Future. Our duty is to follow, trust and obey. No questioning. Finish!
  • “If you do not have the conviction that I AM what I am claiming to be, you are not my disciple, (an Elect). He that created the heavens and earth is here with you bodily.
  • If you are not here by revelation of whom I am (the Supreme Intelligence Himself), you are not with me. A liberally-minded fellow is the only person that is qualified to search for knowledge and wisdom.
  • If you were satisfied with what you knew before, there is no need inquiring for more. Where human knowledge stops is where God’s knowledge starts.” Son of Man, My People Do Not Know Me, preached 29/04/2001.
  • Hear this.
  • “Perception of thyself, the knowledge of Him who created thee, the sense of the worship thou owest unto Him, are these not plain before thy face? And, behold! What is there more that man needed to know?  Unto thee I grant.
  • What is left for man to know? He has revealed Himself in many versions. He has taught us efficiently and we have been asked to extend the wisdom to others who may not have the opportunity of hearing Him speak.
  • “Hath he endowed thee with wisdom? Hath he enlightened thy mind with the knowledge of Truth? Communicate it to the ignorant, for their instruction; communicate it to the wise, for thine own improvement.” Unto thee I grant the Economy of Life.
  • “Murmur not therefore at the dispensation of God, but correct thine own heart; neither say within thyself, if I had wealth, or power, or leisure, I should be happy; for know that all of them bring to their several possessors their peculiar inconveniences.” Unto thee I grant.
  • “If you consider yourself a follower of Christ, then you should pay close attention to His instructions to you: watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:36.
  • Keep a constant watch. And pray that if possible you may arrive in my presence without having to experience these horrors.

Many believe that it is impossible to “know God.” They say His nature is such that the human mind could never comprehend Him. But according to scripture God desires to be known. Yahweh said “For I desire mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God (daathEloheim), not burnt offerings.” (Hosea 6:6). According to a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Allah said, “I was a Hidden Treasure; I wanted to be known. Hence, I created the world so that I might be known.” In short ALL THE… DEITIES WERE BLACK. They remained as they were first… in very ancient times.. All of the ancient civilizations of the Black Man and Woman understood that the Most High, who is spiritual, manifested or conveyed Himself through the body of the Black Man. This understanding of God’s Self-Manifestation is referred to as “anthropomorphism.” Anthropomorphism is a Greek word coming from “anthropos” meaning man and “morphe” meaning form. It represents belief in God manifesting Himself in human form. For reasons we shall discuss later, the Black Man’s physical make was chosen by the Most High as the best conductor of His Spirit. Thus, in all of the great civilizations of the Original People, God was understood to be a Man-a Black Man. The Jewish Encyclopedia notes: “Anthropomorphism is, of course, met with among ALL THE PEOPLES of antiquity (Ancient time), NOT EXCLUDING THE MOST ADVANCED.”

  2. From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1996) By TRUE ISLAM.


From the time God gave Noah His promise, Noah had to preach the message for about one hundred and twenty years. Preaching the message means, waiting on the promise. Noah waited patiently, even after people started ridiculing him; Noah remained steadfast because he was sure and certain of the God that spoke to him.”
Son of Man- Sustained by My Experience, vol.1, preached 2/05/2002, page 49:9.

  • Patience is not just the ability to wait, it’s the courage to endure the waiting without losing hope, and that is what matters. Noah never lost hope. He doggedly waited patiently and faithfully, without complaining.
  • When we look at His career and the magnitude of His achievements, it is not hard to see how this extraordinary man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man has influenced Mankind with His teachings.
  • There is always something definitive about this man from humble origin who is revealed as the God of our generation. He, a simple son of Brother Ohaeri, from the small town of Uvuru, Mbaise.
  • His career is definitely going to be one of the amazing activities in history. A highly principled and peaceful personality. His life is a mystery and the most fascinating thing about all these is His method of teaching.
  • His method of teaching is always backed with illustrative imagery. This is a way of using words or stories to pass information down to the level everyone around will understand. He uses it also as a way of obtaining a clear and consistent expression of something supposed to be clearly understood by all reasonable human beings searching for the Truth.
  • He is always trying to, or always anxious to make the complex problems of life easier to understand. In pursuit of this end, He had perforce to question many accepted beliefs and conventions and this stand made Him enemies, “General opinion is no proof of Truth; for the generality of men are ignorant.” That is to say that an existing Truth in my community does not make it an acceptable Truth because lies that have existed for long might be unconsciously accepted as Truth.
  • So, somebody might come up tomorrow to challenge that so called Truth. People might see him as eccentric or weird, but “there is an atom of madness in every genius”
  • So,”A gifted child, gifted from the mother’s womb, the moment that Child appears on the scene in the family, whether we believe it or not, that person must be an oddball in thinking faculty, in reasoning, in talking, in handling of matters, even delicate and intricate issues, in management of oneself, in management of life situation, in management of even domestic matters, you watch that person exhibiting outstanding quality even where no human being can claim to have groomed that person. For the thing is inborn, it is inherent. That person, man or woman is born with these Sterling qualities.
  • And no human being, no circumstances, no situation, no condition can take them away.” Son of Man, from the Message- STEPPING INTO YOUR DESTINY, section 2, preached on Wed. 15th April, 2015 at Son of Man’s Family Alter, By Apostle Peter Odoemena, The Very Son of Man, page 79:12-13.
  • Each religion and their preaching have different answers to the questions that are base on their individual beliefs, but in our search for the “pure Truth or accepted method of Worship”, we should eventually reach the point that God would want us to get to.
  • There are some of those religious organizations that are involved in Magic and Spiritism or other methods of worship. They try to find solutions to their problems through such mediums.
  • There are few examples we can mention here which we can use for this write-up. Such as Hinduism- which is a search for Liberation, Buddhism- search for enlightenment without God, Toaism and Confucianism-A search for heaven’s way. Shinto-Japan’s Search for God, Judiasm- searching for God through Scriptures and Christainity- Seeing Jesus as the only way to God.
  • Some historians say that Hinduism had it’s roots over 3,500 years ago in a wave of migration that brought a pale- skinned, Aryan people down from the Northwest into the Indus valley, now located mainly in Pakistan and India. From there they spread into the Ganges River plain and across India. Some experts say that the religious ideas of the migrants were based on ancient Iranian and Babylonian teachings.
  • One thread common to many cultures and also found in Hinduism is a flood legend. The oldest writings of the Hindus are the Rig- Vedas, The Sama-Veda, The Yajur-Vedas and the Atharva- Veda. This religious movement teaches that each person is born into a caste (Kast) or social group. This is a major religion in India. They worshipped many God’s.
  • The three main gods- Braham (brahmuh),the creator; Vishnu (Vishnu), the Preserver, and Shiva (she vinh), the destroyer. Together, these three gods could be thought as one god, called Brahman (Trinitarian god).
  • Let’s look at Buddhistic culture and religion. Buddhist tradition holds that soon after the death of Gautama, a council of 500 Monks was concerned to decide what was the authentic teaching of the Master. Whether such a council actually did take place is a subject of much debate among Buddhist scholars and historians.
  • The important point we should note, however, is that even Buddist texts acknowledge that the authentic teaching decided upon was not committed to writing but memorized by the disciples. Actually writing of the sacred text had to wait for a considerable time.
  • When the five bhikkus accepted the Buddha’s teaching, they became the first Sangha, or order of Monks. So the “Three Jewels” (Triratna) of Buddhism were completed, namely, The Buddha, The Dharma, and The Sangha, which were supposed to help people get on the way of enlightenment.
  • Thus prepared, Gautama the Buddha went preaching through the length and breadth of the Ganges Valley. People from every social rank and status came to hear him, and they became his disciples. By the time of his death at age 80, he had become well known and well respected. It was reported that his last Words to his disciples were: “Decay is inherent in all component things. Work out your salvation with diligence”.
  • There is another group that is searching for Heaven’s way through their religious group known as Taoism and Confucianism. To the Chinese, the harmony and orderliness they perceive in the universe were Manifestation of Tao, a sort of divine will or legislation existing in and regulating the universe.
  • In other words, instead of believing in a Creator God, who controls the universe, they believed in Providence, a will of heaven, or simply heaven itself as the cause of everything.
  • Taoism takes a mystical approach and, in its original form, advocates inaction, quietness, and passivity, shunning society and returning to nature. Its basic idea is that everything will come out right if people will sit back, do nothing, and let nature take its course.
  • Confucianism, on the other hand, takes a pragmatic approach. It teaches that social order will be maintained when every person plays his intended role and does his duty.
  • To that end, it codifies all human and social relationship- ruler- subject, father-son, husband- wife, and so on- and provides guidelines for all of them. Its founder, Lao- Tzu, was dissatisfied with the chaos and turmoil of the times and sought relief by shunning society and returning to nature.
  • We have the group we call Shinto. This group is Japan’s Search for God. Encyclopedia of Japanese religions says, “The formation of Shintoism is almost identical with the Japanese ethnic culture, and it is a religious culture that was never practiced apart from this ethnic society.
  • The two books of Shinto mythology, however were not considered to be inspired scriptures. Interestingly, Shinto does not have a known founder or a Bible. “Shinto is a religion of a series of “with outs”, explains Shouichi Saeki, a Shinto scholar.” It is without definite doctrines and without detailed theology. It is as good as without any precept to be observed.
  • Now, we have to look at Judaism, the movement that believed in searching for God through the scriptures.  Unlike other ancient religions and cultures, Judaism is rooted in history, not in mythology. It is a religion that their faith and belief is hooked on Absolute Monotheism.
  • One of the vital reasons is that the Jewish religion provides an essential link in mankind’s search for the true God.
  • However, the Jews allowed themselves to be influenced by the false religion of the Canaanites and other nations around about them. As a result, they violated their covenant relationship with God. To correct them and guide them back, Jehovah sent a series of Prophets who bore His messages to the people.
  • Thus, prophecy became another unique feature of the religion of the Jews and constitutes much of the Hebrew Scriptures. Isaiah1:4-7 LB talked about God’s lamentation against Israel and her evil ways. References made from the book– Mankind Search For God.
  • “Oh, what a sinful nation they are! They walk bent-backed beneath their load of guilt. Their fathers before them were evil too. Born to be bad, they have turned their backs upon the Lord, and have despised the Holy One of Israel. They have cut themselves off from my help.
  • Oh, my people, haven’t you had enough of punishment? Why will you Force me to whip you again and again? Must you forever rebel? From head to foot you are sick and weak and faint, covered with bruises and welts and infected wounds, anointed and unbound. Your country lies in ruins; your cities are burned;
  • While you watch, foreigners are destroying and plundering everything they see.” Exception of the religion of Judaism, we have considered other major regions that are based to a large extent on mythology.
  • Now let’s look at Islamic movement that is one of the three religions that believe in Monotheism.
  • It would always be a great mistake to underestimate the importance of Mohammed in world history. He may not have predicted what his idea would become, nor could he have known that in the 20th Century more than 600,000,000 people would accept his teachings. Nor could he have known that the contest carried out in his name in fact saved many aspects of Greek and Roman civilization from extinction; and that they benefit the world to an estimable degree. Mohammed was an Arab merchant who had been born at Mecca in about 570.
  • The Word “Islam” is an Arabic word. It means “the act of submitting, or giving oneself over, to the will of God.”
  • Finally let us look at Christianity and find out actually if what they claim is a fact, – a way to reaching God through Jesus Christ.
  • Jesus never founded any religion or movement during His life time. The only group He moved about with was His Apostles and disciples. His Apostles preached the gospel far and wide when He died, and even when He resurrected. All are recorded in Acts of Apostles.
  • “Acts was written to show the expansion of the gospel from Jewish to Gentiles territory (1:8). The good news that Jesus died and rose again could not be confined to one corner of the world, but was intended by God for all. To that end God empowered His people so that they could accomplish their task.
  • The Holy Spirit is that empowering the sovereign control of God over all things is seen in the triumph of the gospel over paganism and persecution and although it may cost many their very lives (even Peter and Paul, whose lives are described in Acts), ultimate victory is assured through Jesus our Lord.” Human Heritage- A world History.
  • Acts 11:25-26, made this comment about the term “Christians'” and how it originated. “Then Barnabas went on to Tarsus to hunt for Paul. When he found him, he brought him back to Antioch; and both of them stayed there for a full year, teaching the many new converts. (It was there at Antioch that the believers were first called “Christians.”
  • Noam Chomsky said that “it is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the Truth and expose lies,” but it’s the other way round- it is the intellectuals who make up the clergy group that are today covering lies instead of telling the Truth.
  • “When whole races and peoples conspire to propagate gigantic mute lies in the interest of tyrannies and shams, why should we care anything about the trifling lies told by individuals?” Mark Twain.
  • The truth was that the Apostles were prepared and taught by Christ in that age, so as it is today. Almighty God came down in person as a human being in the person of Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man and became our teacher. As He prepared His Apostles and Disciples in those ages past, so He did now also. He always reminds us that He doesn’t train half baked soldiers. This, His mission is a warfare and all His soldiers must be up and doing.
  • “That having been properly prepared divinely, spiritually, intellectually, and otherwise for this great mission, it was also decreed that He should dispense this knowledge and convey the special powers which the knowledge developed in Him to others who were well qualified and worthy, in order that they might carry on His mission throughout the ages, and do ” even greater things.”
  • That during the early years of the Ministry of Jesus, He sought, found, and trained and prepared those men and women of Palestine, Egypt, and Syria who would be spiritually worthy and morally and ethically qualified to perpetuate the knowledge He brought to Earth and the powers that had been conferred upon Him through His divine birth.” The Secret Doctrines of Jesus, page 28: 2-3
  • So these men and women were not Christians by name, but Christ followers. The Apostles called Him Christ, after the Greek word Christos (Khrestos) meaning “Messiah.”
  • He made it mandatory that all who want to be His disciples must empty their lives in obedience to His Words and instructions.
  • “Anybody who wants to be My follower must love Me far more than he does his own Father, mother, wife, children, brothers, or sisters- yes, more than his own life- otherwise he cannot be my disciple . And no one can be my disciple who does not carry his own cross and follow Me.” Luke 14:26-27. LB.
  • His messages are based on total obedience to His Words. Luke 6:46 illustrates that “So why do you call me Lord when you won’t obey Me. But all those who come and listen and obey Me is like a man who builds a house on a strong foundation laid upon the underlying rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against the house, it stands firm, for it is strongly built.
  • But those who listen and don’t obey are like a man who builds a house without foundation. When the flood sweeps down against that house, it crumbles into a heap of ruins.” This is a fact.
  • The best option is to believe it. If you can’t believe the Words from the mouth of Jesus Christ, how can you believe the Son of Man and His message?
  • For they are the same spirit. The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena is presently our spiritual ladder, and we should step on the rungs until we get to the apex of our Spiritual quest. This is absolute truth. “The Truth sounds like hate to those who can’t handle the Truth.” Unknown.
  • Let us continue. Jesus did not teach, as Buddah did, that one can work out one’s salvation by the part way of knowledge and enlightenment. Rather, He pointed to God as the source of Salvation when He said, “For God loves the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising Faith in Him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life” LB.
  • “For God sent forth His Son into the world, not for Him to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through Him.” John 3:16-17. KJV.
  • Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of man is also teaching the actual way to get salvation. He is preaching that we can only be salvaged through our iniquities by grace and not law.
  • “I am the true vine, and my Father is the Gardner. He lips off every branch that doesn’t produce. And He prunes those branches that bear fruits for even larger crops. He has already tended you by pruning you back for greater strength and usefulness by means of the commands I gave you. Take care to live in Me and let Me live in you. For a branch can’t produce fruit when severed from the vine. Nor can you be fruitful apart from Me? John 15; 1-4. LB.
  • There were reasons why many people were flocking around Jesus as recorded by Caiaphas in his report to the Sanhedrin concerning the execution of Jesus Christ.
  • The reasons were “His doctrines are congenial to unsanctified flesh. They are so suited to human nature that they require no sacrifices; they need no fast, and they can pray when and where they pleased; they need pay no tithe to keep up the temple or the priesthood, but everyman can be his own priest, and worship God as he chooses.
  • All these are more compatible with human nature that, although he has not been preaching over three years, he has more followers today than Abraham had.” Page 73 of the Talmud of Sanhedrin.
  • Most of the references here are from – The secret Doctrines of Jesus & Mankind search for God.
  • People will start wondering why I focused more in the ministry of Jesus instead in concentrating on the Son of Man, and His teachings. Jesus made it clear that the spirit of Truth will come after Him to lead us into ALL Truths. So, we have to start from Him and dovetail into this Great Ministry of a Man that will round off the end of this era of human civilization. It is the same spirit in continuation of this spiritual journey.
  • Let the truth be told, Jesus in His own day was the ambassador representing God on Earth and He was the visible representative of God in that generation and today, another envoy has taken over as the full representative of God in this generation and He is no other personality than Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man. He is the embodiment of all and that is why we have been bewildered in awe and complete lack of the appropriate word of value to employ in the description of this matchless eternal One.
  • “God does not dwell in Him today and vacate tomorrow. The scripture said that it pleased God to dwell in Him permanently. So anybody saying that God has left the Son of Man draws his/ her anointing from the devil.” Son of Man.
  • Now let us look into the messages of Son of Man, the God of this age. It is not a false claim that He is the captain of the Bridal ship sailing across the universal waters. He is leaving for mankind, an imperishable legacy of His messages that will culminate in a splendid victory against evil. This tremendous personality made it clear to us that Apostasy reigned when truth was abandoned. What is Apostasy? 
  • “The term is derived from second epistle to the Thessalonians in which Apostle Paul informs the Christians of Thessalonians that a great Apostasy must occur before the return of Christ, when “the Man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction.”
  • Christ is back to Earth in a new name, and He has revealed the man of sin. The scriptures, 2Thessalonians 2:3-4 inform us that “let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that He as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” KJV
  • “Don’t be carried away and deceived regardless of what they say. For that day will not come until two things happen: first there will be a time of great rebellion against God, and then the man of rebellion will come- the Son of hell.
  • He will defy every god there is, and tear down every other object of adoration and worship. He will go in and sit as God in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God.” LB.
  • What is happening today? Is the man of sin not revealed? Did apostasy never reign? Is there no falling away from the Truth and worshipping of God in this era? Are these not the two signs the scriptures told us must be a sign to reveal the appearance of our savior on Earth, the second time?
  • This is a period mankind is recognizing Satan as their father and they are doing everything to honor him and deny the existence of God. Mathew 10:33, made us to understand the danger of denying Christ.
  • “But if anyone publicly denies Me, I will openly deny him before my Father in heaven,”.
  • We must hookup with the revealed God of our day and as many as are numbered among the saved by election of grace maintain the “vine- branch Relationship with God.
  • He revealed to us in the Message- The Great Sermon, page 355:21 that “The Branch that is to come is going to be a Man, as we can see from the scriptures. He will grow up from Himself and build the true temple of the Lord and He will fill the office of the King (David) and that of the priest.”
  • Why we are standing today on Christ’s righteousness is because God is in our midst. He has conferred upon all of us His everlasting immunity and that is our saving grace and protection. 
  • He let us into this secret that “Without the Son of Man at this Gentile side of the world, no flesh from the Gentiles shall be reconciled to the Almighty God. I remain the point of reconciliation.”
  • The Great Sermon page 108:44-46 is warning us against negative influences from the devil in a way as to divert our minds from the glorious teachings of the Son of Man, the God of this era.
  • Listen to this, “The devil which is normally a man, and an enemy of Truth, can do anything with the intention to destroy the credibility of the One in whom the Word of God dwells and create doubts in the minds of His followers about His claim and Ministry.
  • Those that have been following the Man of God without personal revelation and conviction, now use the tongue of the enemy to excuse themselves out of the way of Salvation. It has been the same in all the ages. One sure anchor is that the elect cannot be deceived, though he may be tried by Satan.”
  • We have been taught and brought to a higher realm where our faith in Christ is made stronger; where the illuminated manuscripts and hidden knowledge which had been puzzling the human mind are revealed to us. We should purge our minds of negativism so that we stand firm. Trials may come, but by a strong faith in Him, He will see us through.
  • “Sometimes, trials and temptations will come our ways until we will begin to think that God is no longer with us. But God only allows those trials and temptations to come our ways so as to try our faith in Him. Without trials and temptations, it will be difficult to differentiate between the real children of God and hypocrites.” Son of Man- Exaltation After Trials, page 5.
  • “Happy is the man who doesn’t give in and do wrong when he is tempted, for afterwards he will get his reward, the crown of life that God has promised those who love Him.” James 1:12 LB.
  • We can be consoled by this word “Difficult roads might delay your destination but will make you appreciate your journey.”
  • God told us that if we want to survive in this faith, we should drop all our preconceived ideas of what He, God can do or cannot do.
  •  Lewis wrote in his book- The Sanctuary Of Self that “man should rid his minds of its idols, of things we have wrongly built up in our minds out of fancy, out of superstition, the idols of the tradition, the things which we accepted because they have been handed down, or because they have merely the authority of age to support them.”
  • I hope there is sense in what he is saying. The Son of Man has revealed all these things to us. George Orwell said “However much you deny the Truth, the Truth goes on existing.”
  • The problem with Mankind is his inability to accept his errors and change. Sometimes you have to eat your words, chew your ego, swallow your pride and accept your mistakes. It is not giving up. It is called growing up.
  • Lewis also added some of the fundamental errors confronting mankind that is hindering our spiritual growth. It is first necessary “to rid our minds of all predispositions, of the opinions we have formed, the conclusion we have arrived at arbitrarily, and especially by way of hearsay.
  •  We must free our mind of all such encumbrances and be prepared to accept only those things which, as the famous philosopher Descarte said “arouse within us an intuitive acceptance of them, a feeling that they are true and constitute real knowledge.”
  • From the message titled- My people do not know Me, which He preached on 29th April, 2000. Page 175 verse 3, the Son of Man   made it clear to us that “In all the ways, He has tried to introduce Himself using the Holy scriptures.
  • Because the prophets who foreran His coming told us clearly that He will come in a very simple way and will reveal Himself among His people in His Sanctuary; that the meekness, simplicity and humility that will be in Him will make His Ministry to fly ahead of many people. They said He will greatly be misunderstood; only the Elect will recognize Him. He warned people by saying;
  • “But the scripture will declare who He is.” Yes! He has been revealed in many instances to us, in the Bride both physically and scripturally.
  • He is not a false or fake prophet as the scriptures recorded in Mathew 7:15-16. (“Beware of false teachers who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are wolves and will tear you apart. You can detect them by the way they act, just as you can identify a tree by it’s fruits. You need not confuse grapevines with thorn bushes or figs with thistles.”)
  • There are past experiences we have had with Him, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the very Son of Man which we should not forget. Such experiences should sustain us. “But those who forget the past, neglect the present and fear for the future have a life that is very brief and troubled.” Seneca.
  • When you remember your past always, it will keep you on guard against wolves in Sheep clothing. Let me repeat the scripture again. This is a great warning to all of us.
  •  “Beware of false teachers who can disguise as harmless sheep, but are wolves and will tear you apart. You can detect them by the way they act, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit. You need never confuse grapevines with thorn bushes or figs with thistles.”
  • The Son of Man is not a fake Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Pastor, Bishop, Evangelist, etc but He is a rare individual who was prepared efficiently to enable Him devote His entire life to the service of God and the mission He is sent for;
  • That is, to rescue mankind from the treacherous grip of the evil one. He is our Mercy Seat. (God showed that Christ is the throne of mercy where God’s approval is given through faith in Christ’s blood. In his patience, God waited to deal with sins committed in the past.)
  • “For God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to end all God’s anger against us. He used Christ’s blood and our faith as the means of saving us from His wrath. In this way, He was being entirely fair, even though He did not punish those who sinned in former times. For He was looking forward to the time when Christ would come and take away those sins.” Romans 3:25. LB.
  • We have got the revelation that He is the Ark because He is the Ark, He is the salvation, He is the all and all we have, and we have to believe with all our hearts, then continue to believe to the end.
  • No matter what the enemy may do along the way, once we come to Him, He will deliver us; He will give us the salvation and also give us the deliverance.
  • Yes, He will! He is so simple and upright in His life and message. He is not a pretender, but a Man of Truth. He is a self existing One. Zero Dean, a writer collaborated His exclusive life style when he wrote that “It’s better to be your genuine self, and have fewer of the right kind of people in your life, than it is to surround yourself with those who only accept you as long as you confirm to their idea of who you should be.
  • Yes, He is always angry with those who hide their real character, but portray another. These people are far away from the Truth. They live a life against the Truth and it makes them weak when it comes to the things of God.
  • A person is strong only when he stands upon the accepted truth; when he speaks and acts with his deepest convictions. It is always good to pay attention to one’s actions, not his words.
  • Then you can hear what he said and watch how he acts. Based on this fact, all those wise scholars or theologians will find it extremely difficult to stand on this present truth because it is viewed that it is against their theological leaning.
  • “So what about these wise men, these scholars, these brilliant debaters of these world great affairs? God has made them all look foolish, and shown their wisdom to be useless nonsense.
  • For God in His wisdom saw to it that the world would never find God through human brilliance, and then He stepped in and saved all those who believed His message, which the world calls foolish and silly.” 1 Corinthians 1:20-21. LB.
  • “Not even the most fanatical skeptic is able to deny the existence of a primordial seed, and yet it cannot be seen by any physical eye because it is of a different substance which lies in the beyond. Let us again simply call it ethereal.”Abd-Ru-Shin.
  • Yes, He is hidden in a masked body and the masquerade is what you are seeing, the representative of the Elohim bodily.
  • “Tacitus, a Roman historian, wrote his history of Agricola in A.D 56. It was first translated by Marcus, a Jewish Rabbi; and so were all the histories written in this age. They were written in the languages of those days, and the Scribes of those days were most all Rabbis. They were the lawyers, doctors, politicians, and Statesmen of the day, for they were all students of the Hillel and Shammai schools, which were the most learned bodies of the world.
  • As these were all opposed to Jesus of Nazareth from the outside world or from His enemies.” The Archeological and Historical Writings of the Sanhedrins and Talmuds of The Jews, page 12: 1st paragraph.
  • The opposition is on today, not from outsiders mainly, but majority from Insiders. The greatest enemy one encounters in life is mainly from within your family circle.
  • These days it is not only intellectuals but envious ones that contribute greater energy to His spiritual journey. God knew that the prophets He was using to speak to our fathers, they won’t listen to them fully, and so He decided to speak to them through dreams, in visions and even face to face and still they. Still doubted.
  • Today He is speaking to us through His Son in whom He is residing. People are still finding it difficult to believe Him. He is the totality of everything God. He made the world and everything in it. We should believe Him.
  • “Long ago God spoke in many different ways to our Fathers through the Prophets, in visions, dreams and even face to face, telling them little by little about His plans. But now in these days He has spoken to us through His Son to whom He has given everything and through whom He made the world and everything there is.
  • God’s Son shines out with God’s glory and all that God’s Son is and does mark Him as God. He regulates the universe by the Mighty power of His command. He is the One who died to cleanse us and clear our record of all sin, and then sat down in highest honor beside the Great God of Heaven.” Hebrew 1:1-3. LB.
  • J, D. Shams; Ex- Imam of the London Mosque, wrote, in his book- “Where did Jesus die?” Page 159/160- last paragraph that there is no other power greater than Him, Christ. That He is “the Eternal Judge, the Eternal Spirit, composes the One and indivisible soul of the universe, which also creates, contains and animates the whole.” He alone has willed and created.
  • He alone has existed from eternity and will exist without end. He has no equal either in heaven or on Earth. The great Creator shares His power with no one, for He alone possesses the Supreme Power.”
  • He made it clear that He is the Almighty God because Him and God are one. He is also the masquerade shielding the Deity. His greatest power lies in what He believes about Himself.
  • The world may doubt Him, but He never doubts Himself. He has been preaching since 1992 to His own people He came to redeem but they are not serious in believing or following Him. He told us categorically clear that -My people do not know me. His instruction was, just follow me, the end will prove everything; but one fact remains that, every tongue must confess that the Deity resides in the Son of Man.
  •  We don’t need to doubt, our only duty is just to have implicit faith and confidence in Him and follow as directed. He knows the way and He cannot deceive you. What will He gain if He does?
  • “Believe that we are the only group here on Earth closing the history of worshipping and in this flesh.”  Son of Man – Fivefold Worship Explained (Offering is act of Worship) preached on the 16/07/2017, page 148:18.
  • He has proved Himself to be a great and marvelous preacher of the Word of God, and His message is delivered with boldness and verve, that has never been equaled, which revealed a precocious genius in Him at His early age. That is one of the most intense Spiritual fervor I have ever felt when I listen to His vibrating voice. He expresses His passion of a relationship to the Deity hidden inside Him in songs, in languages and rhythms.
  • He upheld the authority of the scriptures against the rules and rituals of idols and cultures of our people. He is consistent and relentless in His administrative approach to issues.
  • “Remember, not everybody is obedient to the Truth, for there are many who are disobedient. Not all have our faith though they might be here, their faith defers from the faith of the Son of Man.
  • But they are using this faith as cloak, as insurance, when they die, their burial will be very, very gorgeous and sumptuous. When they want to organize any party, any feast, and brethren will come and jump around. Is that paradise? No sir.” Son of Man- Five- Fold Worship Explained, preached 16/07/2017. Page 125:40-41.
  • We should remember that because we are predestined does not mean we cannot be corrected, rebuked or the iniquities found in us judged. God must correct and punish us when we err. Calvin wrote in his article concerning predestination that “while the will of God is the Supreme and primary cause of all things, and God holds the devil and godless subjects in His Will, nevertheless God cannot be called the cause of sin, nor the author of evil, nor subject to any guilt.’
  • God can do all things and the entire creation is under His power and control, but all in all, sin and evil cannot be attributed to Him as Calvin made us to know in his article. This is the more reason why He must curb our excesses by judging our iniquities to enable Him set us free. Hear the voice of the Son of Man in this issue.
  • “Iniquity must be judged, whether you like it or not. Especially when you know the truth, believe in the Truth and preach the same truth to people, but you that are preaching this truth do not live the life of this Truth.
  • When the judgement of God will come upon you, if you know the number of years you have lived that life, think about it, and multiply it by two. That is how you will suffer.” The Son of Man, from the message- Having a Perfect Understanding of the Faith, preached on Sunday, March 29th, 2015. Page 28:28-30.
  • If we often ask ourselves what God wants from us and try to please Him, we become stronger spiritually, and more consistent men and women. We not only know who we are, but also how to act in every situation.
  • Now that we have changed our behaviors and obey the Word of God, we will notice a drastic change in our lives which people will see and say behind us “that this man/ woman has changed” but the truth is that you have stopped living your life their way. Initially, you were forcing yourself to fit in somewhere you don’t belong.
  • Because of our inability to backup our knowledge of this faith with action, our characters continued revealing our inadequacies and hypocritical attitudes. Martha. C. Nussbaum said that “knowledge is no guarantee of good behavior, but ignorance is a virtual guarantee of bad behavior.” we must bear the truth from God.
  • “I say it without mincing words, I owe no apology to anybody for speaking the truth in love whether it sinks well with you or not. The worst among us is better than the best out there in the world. I believe it with all my heart, experience is the best teacher. The worst among us is better than the best out there in the world. I am sure and certain about it.
  • Thus, when I made the statement that “I will rather prefer to go with the devil I know very well than to cope for an angel I know not.” Many didn’t understand Me.
  • do not worry, any moment from now you will understand Me. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, believe in His Holy prophets and Apostles; believe also in the Son of Man. I repeat, believe in my father; believe also in Me, for I and My Father are one. For no man has seen the Father but the Son who has always been in His bosom.” Son of Man- The Salvation Link of Your Age Has Been Revealed. Preached on 6/05/2012, page 17:3-5.
  • We should celebrate Africa for having this great opportunity of receiving the Son of Man here. The greatest being that is on Earth now, living among this little group which the world is searching for and awaiting His arrival.
  • This is the greatest gift God has given to this generation. “He is a wise man who does not grieve for things he has not, but rejoice for those he has.” Epictetus.
  • He is here to warn and save us from this calamity that is coming on the way furiously. These signs include (1) Great increase of knowledge and information. The whole world is now running towards that area. Children graduate at tender ages now. Certificate acquisition would be on the increase.
  •  (2) There will be a great spread of the Gospel, and many would be negatively inclined. Churches will focus more in making money than worshipping God.
  •  (3) Great turmoil and natural disasters will increase, and wars will ravage nations, giving way to destruction.
  • (4) Rise of false prophets will increase, and they will come to lead people away from the truth. Believers are asked to deepen their lives in prayer and obedience to the Word of God.
  • These are the signs that He has given to us to watch out for, that would bring His Words to fruition and the world to an end.
  • “I solemnly declare to you that when these things happen, the end of this age has come. And though all heaven and Earth shall pass away, yet my words remain forever true. Watch out!
  • Don’t let my sudden coming catch you unawares; don’t let me find you living in careless ease, carousing and drinking, and occupied with the problems of this life, like all the rest of the world.” Luke 21: 32-35. LB
  • “I do not evangelize, I do not even plead with any flesh because I believe it with all my heart: As long as the Lord liveth and I live, every flesh must bow down before Me. If you do not bow down today, you will bow down tomorrow. But must you bow down? YES!
  • Try to fault this Faith, find fault with the truth; do whatever you want to do to help you find fault with the Faith, I bet you, you will end it confirming this Faith. Many have attempted it.” The Son of Man- I Am the Word; page 24:13-14. Preached on 19/01/2014
  • “Salvation is a definite experience. Personal encounter with Christ is a definite experience. It is not hearsay. Don’t you know when you are standing up and when you are sitting down?
  •  So it is with Salvation. You are either sealed in or sealed out. The Bride has been sealed in, the rest of Mankind have been sealed out.
  • They are having revival outside but we are having revival inside. The difference is clear—everyage, I am going to stir up great truth begins as a blasphemy.” The Son of Man- from the message- I Am the Door- page 102:11, preached 12/02/2012.
  • “I mean, we are talking about this God, the Supreme God, the God of the whole universe, the creator of Heaven and Earth, the Great Elohim that governs the whole world. That is the personality we are talking about!
  • The Man they are saying that no house built with hands can accommodate Him. Hence, He decided to live in the Heaven using the Earth as footstool. But the Man wrestled with Jacob on Earth. To enable human beings see Him, He placed a staircase, a ladder they will follow and get to Him at the top. What is more, the ladder is no other person than the link between the Heavens and the earth. That is the human veil!
  • For that reason, He veiled Himself in a Man so that in Him shall the Father be revealed. Elohim, the invisible God, was invisible to the world but visible to His own.” The Son of Man- from the Message- I Am the Ladder- page 50:54-57. Preached on 9/6/2013.
  • “I am the door, as many that will come in through Me will find rest. We that have believed have already entered into our rest and that rest is such that whoever that has entered will stop from works.” The Son of Man- from the Message- I Am the Door- page 78:60, preached 12/2/2012 
  • “I am the Door, I am the Gate, by Me if any will enter he shall be saved. The Messiah of every dispensation is the Door of that dispensation. He makes a way. St. Paul was the Door to the Gentiles, for he opened the way.
  • When any refuses his message, that person automatically counts himself unworthy of everlasting life. No begging. He was to go there to open the way for them to come so that their sacrifices might be made acceptable unto God.
  • Thus, you must know where you are standing, when we say Gate, Gate, Gate, Door, Door, Door; you do not begin to look at the sky. I am the Gate, I am the Door. I Am the message of Eternal Life, Christ Himself is that Message. The Apostle said, “He was in the world before the world began, I have seen Him, I have heard Him speak, I have touched Him with my own hands; He is the message of Eternal Life.”
  • A human being has always been the Messiah, for Christ has always made Himself manifest in human form not counting it robbery. God always veiling Himself in a Man, see the Door.
  • If you watch the promise of this Door, let me just show you a little. Not that you do not believe, peradventure the Devil will try to shake you.” The Son of Man- from the Message- I Am the Door, page 69:36-39. Preached on 12/2/2012.
  • “If you are worshipping God because you are passing through trouble in your home, you better change your mind from now. Change your attitude towards God and it shall be well with you. However, if your attitude towards God does not change, many of you will regret few days from now. I love you.
  • That is why I am trying to give all these highlights. My joy is that the promises of God are still pointing Me to the future. There is nothing suggesting that the Church has gone. There is nothing suggesting that the bride has appeared for one day. Let Me tell you what I mean.
  • He that started leading you knows the exact time the Sons and daughters of God will be made manifest. If Sons and daughters of God do not manifest in this the Bride universal, and then take a little group out, Perfect them and go away.” The Son of Man, – Predicted End Time Development and the Attitude of People, page 66:1-5. Preached on 15/8/2021.

The God of Sumer, Egypt, India, Canaan, Israel, Persia and around the world, was the One True God-the same God. Whether we called Him Ahura Mazda, Allah, Anu, ‘El, Yahweh, or Ra, the God is One and the same-and He always manifested Himself in human form. All over the earth, the Black Man and Woman knew God. We knew Him under different names because we spoke different languages. But as you continue through this work you will see that they all spoke about the same God. God has 10,000 beautiful Names. 9,999 of them represent His attributes or an aspect of His nature. Ptah means “the Opener,” but God is also the Closer. Amen means “the Hidden,” but the Holy Qur’an says God is “The Hidden and The Manifest (57:3).” Ahura Mazda means “Lord of Wisdom” but He is also Lord of Understanding. All of these names represent various aspects of the nature of God. … The tenth-thousandth name is Allah, for it represents the synthesis of All of God’s great Attributes. “Allah” means “All In All.” According to Godfrey Higgins, Allah is the etymological root of the English word “all.” 66 Thus, when one says Allah, he/she simultaneously says Ptah, Amen, Brahma, Yahweh, Ahura Mazda, AinSoph, Vishnu, ect. All of God’s beautiful Names are spoken when His name Allah is spoken.…From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.


Worship is the proper response of all moral, sentient beings to God, ascribing all honor and worth to their creator- God precisely because He is worthy, delightfully so.” D.A. Carson

  • “The closer you get to the Truth, the clearer becomes the beauty, and the more you will find worship welling up within you.”N.T.Wright.
  • The mindset and revelation of one who is a true seeker of Light must be anchored on the spiritual experiences he or she has acquired which will enable him or her to believe actually that this Blackman is the Truth we are talking about. Without an experience, it will be very difficult to believe or stand on your conviction firmly.
  • Freedom of inquiry has always been valued by those seeking new knowledge and higher vistas for mankind. This freedom would in actual fact enable the anxious seeker of truth to be broad-minded in his quest for that new knowledge.
  • It is an agreeable fact as Prof. Singer of New York University asserted that “the emotive claimed that we can reason only about facts and once disagreements over matter of facts have been cleared away, any ethical disagreement that remains depends on attitude which is like matters of taste, are personal and not based on consideration that can properly be reasoned or argued about.” So reasoning and arguing about this natural sequence does not and cannot alter the established law or occurrence.
  •  Even if you doubt the fact about the Godman in our midst as a Black Man, it goes to prove that from the foundation of the world, you were ordained to disbelieve this fact when the time comes. He had revealed, manifested and demonstrated all facets of His Divine existence which are greater than what the past avatars did, including Jesus.
  • That He is God of this age would be too hard a truth for most people to accept and comprehend. For, it is very hard also to believe that God is a Man unless God gives you such revelation. So believing in Him is not anybody’s making.
  • “If God does not give you a believing heart, what I am saying will be sounding strange to you. And the more I speak, the more you stumble. I am here standing as the Rock of offence where people stumble at. And what is that thing they stumble at? THE WORD …
  • They stumble at the Word. That is why I have espoused the elect of God to the Word of God; to the Word of their testimony which is able to save their souls and give them a place among those that are sanctified by the Faith that is in Me. Sanctification is a definite experience.” Son of Man- Be Patient With God, preached 14/12/2014, page 67:29 & page 68:31. 
  • In any generation a man must come with a new message. The more complicated the message preached, the more capable the preacher must be. His messages which will counter the present established system of reasoning and understanding will always be acceptable by a few, and one of the major reasons he must be despised is because of the group or race he came from and it will also, help to  blind and stumble that generation.
  •  In this our academically, “supposedly” wise generation, is it easy for people in this era to accept this Blackman, their kinsman as God or their Redeemer? Think about that. He is the only God that we should worship and not anything He created or manmade.
  • “The sun is not God, though His noblest image: he enlightened the world with his brightness; his warmth giveth life to the products of the earth; admire him as the creature, the instrument of God; but worship him not.” Unto Thee I Grant.
  • This God we are talking and discussing about had been prophesied by the Prophets of old that He will be revealed in Nigeria, a country in the dark continent of Africa. He will be a Blackman, humble; and also, He will be the Light of this generation. Him alone shall we worship.
  • In 1986, a missionary, Pa Sydney Granville Elton who was born in England but pioneered faith in Nigeria received a revelation about God being a Nigerian. He lived in Nigeria for 50 years, from 1937 to 1987. Hear his revelation about Nigeria: “Nigeria and Nigerians will be known for corruption worldwide but the tide will turn and Nigeria will also be known for righteousness worldwide. Many shall take hold of him that is a Nigerian, saying, we will go with you, FOR WE HAVE HEARD THAT GOD IS WITH YOU”.
  • Chief Olusegun Matthew OkikiolaAremoObasanjo, GCFR, General (Retd), former Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of Nigeria Armed Forces (1976 to 1979) and President and Commaander-in-Chief of Nigeria Armed Forces (1999 to 2007) also got the revelation that God is a Nigerian and that He lives in Nigeria.
  • “God is a Nigerian because what we have gone through in Nigeria and what we are going through, probably, Nigeria should not be on the map of the world. That’s why I say God is a Nigerian. God has been kind to us; if not, the country would have ceased to exist”. Source: God is a Nigerian if not… Obasanjo; Vanguard Newspaper 2nd July, 2019.
  • “Again, I believe that God is in Nigeria, because God loves us too much that we got away with so many stupid things. I sincerely hope that God’s patience has no limit of elasticity. Because if it does, there will be a day that God will say look, I have had enough…” God Allowed Nigeria Get Away With Stupid Things, I Pray He Doesn’t Give Up On Us – Obasanjo; Kanyidaily December 2, 2022.
  • Acts 13:1 made it clearer that the name Niger was enshrined in the scriptures, which represents the word Black “Now there were in the Church that was at Antioch Prophets and teachers; as Barnabas and Simeon that was called Niger and Lucius of Cyrene and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the Tetrarch, and Saul.”KJ V.
  • “Now in the Church at Antioch there were Prophets (who spoke a new message of God to the people) and teachers: Barnabas, Simon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had brought up with Herod (Antipas) the Tetrarch, and Saul.” Act.13:1 Amp.
  • Among the prophets and teachers of the church at Antioch were Barnabas and Symeon (also called “The Black Man”), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (the foster-brother of King Herod), and Paul.Act.13:1 LB.
  • Lucius of Cyrene was, according to the Acts of the Apostles, one of the founders of the Christian Church in Antioch, the part of Roman Syria. His name is a Latin word, but his birthplace seems to indicate that he was one of the Jews of Cyrene in North Africa. He was Paul’s Kinsman as Roman 16:21 indicated. He was the first Bishop of Cyrene and others were teachers and Prophets at the Church of Antioch.
  • The word Niger in Latin language means Black. Also the word Nigger refers to black American, and it also come from the Latin Word Niger meaning black. There are of course countries in Africa called Niger and Nigeria named for the same reason.
  • There are many other names black people are referred to such as, Darkie which is an American slangs referring to blacks, and the Spanish call the Blacks, Negro etc.
  • Not minding that all those names were either derogatory or not; whatever they meant is not our concern, the fundamental issue remains that God is a Black Man and only Him will we worship in His alter. Wherever the Cloud is stationed, that’s where God is.
  • Everybody is free to create his own God, paint it white or Red but once there is no Cloud to vindicate it’s presence, it is then purely an artwork without life because the Cloud has life, vibration, and echo. Anything short of that is unacceptable.  The ladder that leads to the kingdom envelopes Him. There is no way the devil can impersonate the Cloud. Never! Never!!
  • Underline this statement carefully “The Cloud is the evidence of the presence of God in every dispensation. I am trying to say that the cloud has remained the presence of God in every dispensation and the Cloud will always enshroud a Man.
  •  Each time the Cloud comes down- whether on the mountain or in the valley; whether at the river or on the land- there must be a Man God will summon; not two, not three. It will be just a Man. And God must envelope Him in that Cloud. Whatever will be the meeting will be between him and God alone. He comes out to tell the people his encounter and whatever God has for the people.” Son of Man, from the Message- Follow the Cloud, vol.1, page 64:16-20.
  • The truth about this prevailing topic that God is a living Being and Blackman, has been revealed to some people as He had always done in the past. He revealed the coming of this Blackman as God of this age to Prophet William Marion Branham. He also prophesied and foreran His coming.
  • This Supreme Deity looks contrary to what many have theorized about Him. Many had called Him different names, some have doubted His credibility. Some even look at Him as an imposter, claiming what He is not. Such actions were also extended to Jesus and other avatars during their own generations.
  • They never believed Jesus even when He told them point blank, as recorded in the scriptures that He and His Father are one.
  • If you have seen me, you have seen my Father (He was the manifestation of the unseen God visibly in that age).So, the Son of Man- Apostle Peter Odoemena who is among us today physically is also the total representative of the same God bodily. As you are looking at Him, you are looking at the Deity. He is the masquerade enshrining the Deity. What are we talking about? God is a Human Being.
  • He said; let us make man in our own image and likeness. Did He talked about creating Spirits? He made it clear that the creature must be a human being and not an imaginary creation. So, do you want to Worship an unknown God? Go ahead but to us, we must worship a revealed God, a human being. The God that is made visible before us.
  • The man that “We are worshipping is a dynamic God, a very intelligent God, full of wisdom and understanding. God who abhors every form of idolatry and who does not even recognize their existence.” Son of Man, from the Message- Flee from Idol, part 2, vol.1- preached on 4/3/2018. Page 38:22.
  • The Man William Branham saw as the very Christ was dark in complexion. We are worshipping Apostle Peter Odoemena, The very Son of Man who came into this world to redeem us from those incredible evils we have committed. He will be the final Messiah. “The final Messiah will be a normal human being, born of human parents. It is possible that He is already born.
  • The final Messiah will be the greatest leader and political genius that the world had ever seen. He will likewise be the wisest Man ever to have lived. He will put all these extraordinary talents to use to precipitate a worldwide revolution which will bring perfect social justice to humanity and influence all people to serve God with a pure heart.” The Unrecognized Messiah Of All Dispensation, part 1&2, by Apostle Luke Orjiakor, Approved and Authorized by the Son of Man- page 20:4.
  • “For he shall bless Israel and especially Judah, because him has the Lord chosen to rule over all the peoples. And worship we his seed, because He shall die for us in wars visible and invisible, and shall be among you an everlasting King.” Testament of the twelve Patriarchs, page 12:35.
  • He is here to redeem us from our entanglements, and also reveal to us our root and who we are.
  • We have to note clearly who the Judeans were; their history, culture and their complexions. “Before Black people were colonized by Europeans, we were known as members of the tribe of Judah. One of the largest slave ports in West Africa, where many of our ancestors were stolen was labeled the kingdom of Judah. The kingdom of Judah was in what is now called Benin.
  • According to the Washington Post, it was once West Africa’s largest slave port. In 1870s, a French public research University called, The University of Montpellier, put out a book on geography.
  •  The book talked about the kingdom of Judah stating, “Judah is an old City frequented since the 16th century by the Portuguese slavers, who gave it it’s name. Its inhabitants were said to be Judaic,” and they were indeed considered as a remnant of scattered tribe of Israel.
  • Many people today believe that the Israelites were/ are white. Over a thousand years ago, around 1000 AD, a Roman historian named Tacitus wrote about the race of Jews in his book, Histories. In the book, Tacitus wrote about Jews saying: “many assure us they were a race of Ethiopian origin.”
  • Note this “According to many testimonies the inhabitants of Sudan, Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, Western Asia and Indian were Ethiopians, therefore Africans.”
  • As we know, Palestine has become another name for Israel. In 1876, a French geographer named Elise Recluse also, wrote about the same kingdom of Judah, on the slave coast of West Africa.
  • In his book called, the Earth and its inhabitants, He wrote, “Known to Europeans by various names of God’s, Heredah, Whyda, Wida. The old writers called it Kids, and its inhabitants were said to be Jews.
  • There was also a Jew community in Timbuktu, Mali. In 1820, an English traveler named James Gary published his book – An account of Timbuktu and Housa. This book states:” This place is reported to be inhabited by one of the lost tribe of Israel, possibly an emigration from the tribe of Judah. Yahooda in African Arabic signifies Judah. Yahooda signifies Jews.
  •  It is not impossible, that many of the lost tribes of Israel may be found dispersed in the interior regions of Africa.”
  • El HageAnd Salam Shabeeny collected and formatted by James Gary Jackson; an account of Timbuktu and Housa (1820). The quotes below are from an article in 1853, out of the weekly Raleigh Register. “A Jew who had accompanied a German traveler, as far as Timbuktu, found near the boundary of Bambara, a large number of Jewish Negroes. N
  • early every family among them possesses the Law of Moses, written upon parchment.  The explanation which they give of themselves, in connection with their black skin, is this – that after the destruction of Jerusalem, at the time of the captivity, some of their ancestors, having neither good nor land, fled to the desert.
  • The fatigue which they endured so great, that nearly all the females died by the way. The children of Ham received them with kindness and by intermarriage with their daughters, who were black, communicated their colors to their children.
  • These children became generation by generation, of a deeper hue, until no differences of color now distinguished the children of Shem and those of Ham.”www.newspapers.com
  • “Here in another book from the 18th Century, called a system of Universal geography: or A description of all the parts of the world. This book is by two French travelers, Conrad Malte- Brun and James Gates- Percival. They were French travelers who traveled around Africa during the time of slave trade and documented the tribes of Africa. While traveling through the kingdom of Loango, which is present day Congo, they wrote: “
  • The kingdom of Loango contains black Jews, scattered throughout the country; they are despised by the Negroes who do not even deign to eat with them; they are occupied in trade, and keep the Sabbath so strictly that they do not even converse on that day; they have a separate burying ground, very far from any habitation. The tombs are constructed with masonry, and ornamented with Hebrew inscription.”
  • A historical account from the 1700s described the connection between West Africans and the Israelites. This account is from an African Man, from the Igbo tribe of Nigeria, named OludahEquiano. He was kidnapped from Nigeria and was enslaved in Barbados and Virginia. He was somehow able to purchase his freedom and went on to become a writer and abolitionist.
  • In his autobiography, he not only documented the horrors of slavery, but he also wrote about his culture back home during the slave trade. He detailed how his tribe practiced the same customs of the Jews in the Torah.
  • “We practice circumcision like the Jews, and made offering and feasts on that occasion in the same manner as they did. Such is the imperfect sketch my memory has furnished me with of the manners and customs of a people among whom I first drew my breath.
  • And here I cannot forbear suggesting what has long struck me very forcibly, namely, the strong analogy which even by this sketch, imperfect as it is, appears to prevail in the manners and customs of my countrymen and these of the Jews, before they reached the land of Promise, and particularly the Patriarchs while they were yet in that pastoral state which is described in Genesis.
  • “Like the Israelites in their primitive state, our government was conducted by our chiefs and judges our wise men and elders.
  • In Nigeria, the tribe called the Igbo says that they are Jews and practice the same customs of the Jews of the Bible. Here is a quote from a CNN article below about them: “King Eri, like many, claims that the Igbo’s are the Jews of West Africa.
  • They believe they are descendants of at least one of Israel’s lost tribe. In the eight century BC the Assyrians invaded Israel’s northern kingdom forcing ten tribes into exile. Historians say it is not unlikely that these tribes migrated westwards to Africa.” Here is the crucial DNA evidence. This DNA evidence actually proves that black people’s ancestors came from Israel. In 2016, a genetic study called, the Genetic Structure of the world’s First Farmer led by a professor from the Department of Genetics of Harvard University showed that some DNA (EIbIA) that African Americans have can be based back to Israel.
  • The same Genetic code can be found in Blacks in Latin America and the Caribbean, many blacks still in Africa, as well as other black people around the world (Asia and Europe etc).
  • Let us continue to search into History and try to unearth the origin of black race, in particular the Igbo race where God is from and also residing. We have touched on that previously.
  • Edom was a son of Isaac and brother of Jacob. Both were dark skinned just like Semitic Africans today that dwell on the West Coast of Africa. Esua however had a mahogany tone to his skin. He married Canaanite woman… Canaan is a descendant of Ham; Ham was dark skinned like the Hametic tribe in Central Africa, those called Kushitic.
  • Esua mixed heavily with the Japhetic nations..Japhets descendants somehow became white, the Scythians, Khazars, Germans, Greeks, etc.  All of the Germanic Slavic tribes came from JAPHETH.

Of these three men that appeared unto Abraham, one of them was Yahweh. The prophet Joshua (5:13) also sees a “man (‘ish) over against him with his sword drawn.” The prophet Joshua drops down on his face and “did worship (vl4)” this man, who was God.” George Fohrer, in History of Israelite Religion, says, “The statements that no man can see him (Ex.3 3:20) and that he is spirit, not flesh (Isa.3I:3) of course do not mean that he is formless or invisible, but rather that man cannot endure the sight of him (cf. Judge. 13:22) and that, in contrast to transitory ‘flesh,’ he possesses an eternal vitality… All the evidence suggest thatFROM  THE  OUTSET  Yahweh was conceived in  HUMAN    FORM.

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.

The name Allah was the name of the Supreme God in Arabia and throughout the so-called Middle East (which was originally populated by Black People long before Muhammad was ever born. Dr. W. C. Tisdall, in his The Original Sources of the Qur’an, notes: “It is not possible to suppose that the recognition of the unity of God was introduced among the Arabs for the first time by Muhammad. For the word Allah, containing as it does the definite article, is a proof that those who used it were in some degree conscious of the Divine Unity. NOW MUHAMMAD DID NOT INVENT THE  WORD  (ALLAH),    BUT… FOUND  IT  ALREADY  IN USE AMONG HIS FELLOW COUNTRYMEN AT THE TIME WHEN  HE  FIRST  CLAIMED   TO   BE   A PROPHET…” 

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.



Reviewed in the USA on August 9, 2014. “The person who left a one star review obviously didn’t read the book. The Black God transcends the idea of race. True Islam asserts that God is Black, not in the sense of race; he’s Black because the only material to form himself of was primordial black matter.

  • If you read the first six chapters you’ll see that the true Islam makes assertions that are vetted by world religious history and science. Then Dr. Wesley takes these assertions that are verifiable with ancient world religions, history and science and he draws the inherent parallels between his findings and the teachings of Elijah Muhammad.
  • Whether you believe it or not, the work should be respected for it’s scholarship. It should not be classified as ignorant Black Supremacy, reverse racism. For you to write this book off as a biased Black religious dogma before reading, it is in my opinion, being biased yourself”.www.amazon.com.
  • True Islam’s 1997 cult classic is back in print in a new, revised edition. The Book of God has been called the Bible of the Black God: as it presents a wide range of scientific, and scriptural evidence demonstrating that the original Black Man is the God of the world’s religious traditions, from the religious traditions of the ancient Near and Far East such as Kennet (Egypt) and India to the Biblical religions and Islam. The Book of God answers such questions as:  How is the Blackman God and what does this mean?
  • What is God’s relationship to spirit and matter? What does Albert Einstein mathematical revelation E=mc2 have to do with the reality of God? If the original BlackMan is God, who is the original Black Woman?  Www.amazon.com
  • The real fact is this: The actual concept of God can never be determined by logical or experimental deduction but by understanding the Truth.
  • The renowned French warrior, Napoleon Bonaparte said that “Moses has revealed the existence of God to his nation, Jesus Christ to the Roman world, Muhammed to the old continents; Son of Man, to us He is God, to the world He is Satan. There is nothing that can determine what truth is except Truth itself is.
  • We leave the main substance and continued to chase shadows; kept arguing if God is a Man or not? God said, “If we can use the zeal by which we admit this nonsense; if we can use that zeal to admit the existence of God, serve God, create the fear of God in ourselves and in our children, nobody will deny us eternal life.” Son of Man- Flee from Idols, part 2, vol.1, page 29:46.
  • “So, dear brothers, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen, and then you will never stumble or fall away. And God will open wide the gates of heaven for you to enter into the Eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:10-11, LB.
  • If we can confidently and humbly worship this God we are seeing with our eyes, and believe in Him with all our hearts, obey Him, love Him and have absolute faith in Him, our souls cannot fail. We will overcome all these vain fears because we are sure and certain that God cannot fail us. Amen.
  • “For you are all children of the Light and of the day, and do not belong to darkness and night.” 1 Thessalonians 5:5. LB.
  • “If you have welcomed Him for who He is, why do you find it difficult obeying His Word and yet you want salvation from Him, why do you wrestle with His Word?
  • You wrestle with His instructions; why do you query the actions of God? Who made you judge over God? It is a sure sign that you have not even believed that He is what He is telling you He is”. Son of Man- How do you know the Son of Man? Preached 30/7/2019, page 44:12-13.
  • “Whenever the people of God are growing in grace, they will be constantly obtaining a clearly understanding of His Word. They will discern new light and beauty in its sacred truth.
  • This has been true in the history of the church in all ages, and thus will continue to the end. But as real spiritual life declines, it has ever been the tendency to cease to advance in knowledge of the Truth.
  • Men rest satisfied with the light already received from God’s word, and discourages any further investigation of the scriptures. They become conservative and seek to avoid discussion- when new questions are started by investigating the scriptures, when no difference of opinion arises which will set men to searching the Bible for themselves, to make sure that they have the truth, there will be many now, as in ancient times, who will hold to tradition, and worship what they know not.” (5Tpg 706-707).
  • “But how can that be called good which is not done of purpose? And on this account the world required long periods, until the number of souls which were predestined to fill it should be completed, and then that visible heaven should be folded up like scroll, and that which is higher should appear, and the souls of the blessed, being restored to their bodies, should be ushered into light, but the souls of the wicked, for their impure actions being surrounded with fiery spirits, should be plunged into the abyss of unquenchable fire, to endure punishments through eternity.”(Recognitions of Clement, Book 3, chap. 26)
  • “Do not allow yourself to be confused by those men and also churches who have been already long ago surrendered to Antichrist. It is sad that until now, not even the churches have known where to look for this Antichrist, although he has already been active among all men for so long. If they had only been a little on the alert they must have recognized it!
  • Who can possibly act in a more Antichrist manner than those who at that time fought against Christ Himself and finally also murdered Him! Who could have revealed themselves in a worse and also more obvious way as antagonistic to Christ?” Abd-ru-shin- In the Light of Truth, page 18: Para. 1.
  • However, we can only get to know God to the extent that He makes Himself known to us, and we can only know what God wills for us to the extent that He reveals His will to us.
  • These are some of the experiences we had concerning His divine Manifestations in the midst of the Bride:
  • (1)”On 22nd June, 1994, during the wedding of Bishop IfeanyiEze at Federal College of Education Eha-Amufu, the daughter of Apostle Luke Ojiakor, AmamihechinekeOjiakor, died and was brought back to life by the Son of Man.
  • That was not the first time such marvelous miracle has taken place in the Bride. Such activities are not advertised to the outside world. His mission is greater than that.
  • (2) In 1994, the Son of Man touched on the seventh seal, scratched the seal a little and spoke a dove into existence, for His Ministry is the Ministry of the dove. The dove has no gall.
  • The seven Seals was written in Rev, 5-6:1-17 and 8:1-6, as a set of symbolic Seals on a scroll that begin the apocalypse when opened. John of Patmos who calls himself a “Servant” of Jesus, sees the seven seals in a vision, wherein the slain Lamb of God opens each seal, bringing forth a different aspects of the end-time, including the four horse men of the apocalypse.” www. Britiannica.com.        
  • Son of Man in this His present dispensation, touched the seven seals, scratched it a little, and He spoke a dove into existence. The ministry of the dove which is His ministry signifies peace and harmony.
  • “When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come”. I looked and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.” Rev.6:5.
  • (3) In December 1995 camp meeting, during prayer line, in the night, there was a supernatural illumination of the entire hall. This electrifying illumination quenched all electrical gadgets we were using and as the Son of Man lifted His hands intending to give God praises, the voice roared:
  • “Thus, it behoveth the Son of Man to fulfill all righteousness” This thing happened when we never knew anything about the Son of Man. That was how the name “Son of Man” came to be known; God gradually revealing Himself in this Badger skin.
  • The voice was vocal and the activities around were noticed physically. It came to fortify our faith. Have we forgotten what our eyes saw, our ears heard?
  • “Make sure you place your faith right. Your faith should not rest on any other thing than the Revealed, engrafted Word of God which is able to sanctify you and give you a place among those sanctifies by the Faith of Christ.” Son of Man- Disappointed Expectation of Man, chapter 3:13.
  • (4) In 1996, He taught us on “Mask and Masquerade. He said, the man in the mask is what makes it a Masquerade. The mask simply covers the Being in the masquerade.
  • “There is a spiritual power in masks that transports one into realms unseen and gives voice to things unspoken. Within the context of ritual, putting on a mask places the wearer at the intersection between the present and the past, the living and the dead, this world and the other world.” www.simonandsehuster.com.
  • “In many African tribes, mask symbolizes unseen supernatural forces which are beneficial to communities. This could be anything from fertility to weather patterns. The wearer conceptually surrenders his human body when wearing the mask (and sometimes an accompanying costume), transforming into a spiritual being.”www.thecollector.com
  • So the man in the mask is what makes the masquerade. God is hiding in Him, the Masquerade and He is God’s transporter. This message will reveal a lot if we can catch the revelation hidden in it.
  • (5) On 31st March 1996, during prayer line when everybody had his/her eyes closed and everywhere was quiet, we heard the footsteps of a BEING marching in the congregation. The Son of Man was on the pulpit leading the prayer session. And we were hearing the footsteps as the Son of Man was telling us where He was at each point in time.
  • He announced to us that the owner of the church was moving in the camp, admiring the camp. All that sat close to the aisle felt the movement of the BEING across them.
  • “I need to worship because without it I can forget that I have a big God beside me and live in fear. I need to worship because without it I can forget his calling and begin to live in a spirit of self- occupation.
  • I need to worship because without it I lose a sense of wonder and gratitude and plod through life with blinders on. I need to worship because my natural tendency is towards self reliance.”Unknown.
  • “If we truly worship God, acknowledging and adoring His infinite worth, we find ourselves impelled to make Him known to others, in order that they may worship Him too. Thus worship leads to witness, and witness in turn, turns to worship, in a perpetual circle.”John Stott.
  • We must be grateful because God gave us this marvelous opportunity to worship Him. A human being with all his senses correct is the most ungrateful creature under the heavens. For he has everything that could compel him to praise God, but instead he will be demonstrating against God. Is this act not rebellion?
  • (6) On 24th March 1994, the voice went forth from the Son of Man: “I will declare, I will declare, I will declare. They will believe, they will believe, I have taught them, I have taught them”
  • Hasn’t He taught us? Did He claim what He could not do? We have seen and heard the sincerity in His utterance; it is now our duty not to disappoint Him.
  • (7) On 8th April, 2012 by 11:30am, the Head Stone appeared when the photograph of the Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena was taken by Bishop Moses Chukwuemeka during worship service. This lays Credence that God’s fullness dwells in Him without measure. This came confirming the declaration of the whole truth that was about to be unfolded by the Son of Man, truth that resembles lie.
  • “Only two kinds of people can attain self- knowledge. Those who are not encumbered at all with learning, that  is to say, whose minds are not over- crowded with the thoughts borrowed from others; and those who, after studying all the scriptures and sciences have come to realize that they know nothing.”www.hinduamerican.org
  • These were the people who could listen and imbibe the hard Truth He came to reveal. Though harsh but living saving. “A word of Truth that hurts for a while is better than a lie that lasts a lifetime.”Mufti Ismail Menk.
  • (8) Supreme Court trial, God’s presence in the fellowship on 19th August, 2012 at Jerusalem of the Gentiles (Household of God, GTC Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria.)Culled from- Chronicles of the Bridal Faith &The Bridal Compendium.
  • What is trial and judgment? “A judgment is an official and authentic decision of a court upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit there litigated and submitted to the determination of the court.
  •  It is the decision of the court resolving the dispute between parties and determining their rights and obligations. It is a conclusion of law upon facts as found or admitted by the parties. It is a conclusion given by the court upon matters submitted to it.
  • It is the application of the law to the pleadings and the facts as they appear from the evidence in the case and as they are found by the court or jury or admitted by the parties or as deemed to exist upon the default.” Justice George Nnamani- President, Enugu State Customary Court of Appeal, Enugu.
  • On this day, Almighty God, the Supreme Court Judge was on His duty post presiding over the matter between Evangelist Chinwendu and his wife. At the end of the trial, God passed His judgment in a fatherly way (without stringent measures).
  • But finally He awarded a cost to Evangelist Chinwendu with stipulated time of payment, which he finally complied with.
  • There are numerous other Divine Manifestations, supernatural events that took place during fellowship services, Missionary Journeys and with private individuals which all cannot be recorded here because of space.
  • Those experiences, no doubt will always reveal a lot about the Divinity of this soul personality. All these are facts and no falsification of the records. “One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to facts.” C.S. Lewis
  • “Avoid falsehood. For it may appear to be a way of Salvation, whereas in reality it leads to destruction.” Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)


  • “When Son of Man shall come in His Glory, and all the Holy Angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His Glory: And before Him shall be gathered all nations: and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats; and He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.
  • Then shall the king say unto them on His right hand, come ye blessed of My father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger and ye took me in.” Mathew.25:31-35 KJV.
  • “Salvation is a definite experience. Personal encounter with Christ is a definite experience. It is not a heresay. Do you not know when you are standing up and when you are sitting down?
  •  So it is with Salvation. You are either sealed in or sealed out. They are having revival outside but we are having revival inside. The difference is clear- every great truth begins as a blasphemy.” Son of Man- I Am The Door, preached 12/2/2012, page102:11.
  • “Do not allow Satan to cheat you by imputing sin on you. If you are in this most Holy Faith, and are committing sin, you are a deceived man in God’s house. You allowed Satan to deceive you when you are in the household of the King of Kings. God forbid” Building Plan- God’s Plan to Establish the Church, vol.2, preached 25/10/1995. Page 63:79.
  • Satan deceiving you means you are not grounded in the message. Once you are in touch with this message of Son of Man, and also, you sincerely believe in Him, there is a kind of confidence you must be radiating.
  • That is truth. Once you give yourself over to Satan to control, you have done yourself the greatest harm because; to extricate yourself from him is another challenge facing that fellow.
  • It is a self inflicted injury, but if you are with God, His righteousness must cloud you wherever you are. So, it is left for you to accept the One sent in your day, who is the Truth and the Light, or you can follow your master, the devil. The choice is yours.
  • “God has no need to run after them and beg them to believe in His existence. Nor are His servants sent out forever to admonish people on no account to turn away from Him. This would indeed be absurd. To think and expect such things is a dishonoring and debasing of the sublime Godhead.”Abd-ru-shin.
  • “Once you take in the Word of God, live by the Word of God, your life will bear witness that you are of God. Because, all the things God condemned, you must condemn. All that God delights in, you must love.” Son of Man.
  • “Every true seed of God is born with the spirit of God, that is why we do not teach people that there is one thing or the other they should do for the spirit of God to dwell in them, no.
  • The spirit of God is inborn. It is not worked for, it is not prayed for, no, but we strive to renew that spirit constantly the same way we oil the engine parts.” Son of Man- Decision. Preached on 30/12/2007, page 64:3.
  • “For God is at work within you, helping you want to obey Him, and then helping you do what He wants.” Philippines 2:13. L B.
  • “Unbelief starts from the heart, doubting starts from the heart, reasoning starts from the heart, backsliding starts from the heart, dying away starts from the heart, jumping out starts from the heart.” Son of Man- God has a hiding place, vol.2, preached 28/04/2013. Page 53:15.
  • “Learn therefore, my children, that two Spirits wait upon man- the spirit of Truth and the spirit of error; and in the midst is the spirit of understanding of the mind, to which it belongs to turn to wherever it will.
  • And the works of Truth and works of error are written upon the breast of men, and each one of them the Lord knows.” The Testament Of The Twelve Patriarch, page 56:63.
  • “I am saying that no miracle can happen in unbelief. In other words, God will bless us in everything, but will not bless us in unbelief. An unbeliever is an idolater. An unbeliever is a pagan; an unbeliever is unprofitable in all things. He is not even a human being; a half -made human being is better than an unbeliever.” Son of Man- When the Sparks fly in your marital relationship Explained. Preached on 1/6/2008, page 56:3.
  • An unbeliever would find it extremely difficult to be saved. We are told by God that we must believe in the Man who is sent as our Redeemer in this age. Why do we play with this instruction and risk our lives?
  • “It is because man does not know what he is being saved from, or what he is going to be saved from that makes him develop a carefree attitude towards every glamour, every preaching, and every propaganda of salvation all in the name of religion. You say Propaganda?
  • Yes! There is too much Propaganda in religion as far as salvation is concerned. That is why there is no particular religious group that has the approved pattern of this salvation.
  • It varies from one group to another and from individual to individual. Examine all the patterns of salvation and you will discover that it is just a matter of one’s opinion” Son of Man- Beware of Esoteric Languages, preached 24/04/2004. Page 75:11-12.
  • “Whosoever that God sends in any dispensation is the Masterpiece of that dispensation. MASTERPIECE- one you can rely on. You know what a master piece is–an Example. Unfortunately, many people have formed a dangerous habit of looking away from the Masterpiece.
  • They continue to wallow after the imagination of their hearts, deceiving themselves, claiming they have revelations that do not agree with the doctrines and Teachings of the Masterpiece- revelations that do not agree with the pattern of life that is laid down by the Masterpiece.” Learn of me, preached by the Son of Man on 11/8/2002, page 65:19-11.
  • They are doubters. People who can never believe the Truth set before them. These people are fault finders who have no other business than to go about saying evil things against somebody.
  • “Telling lies about me is not like telling lies about anyone else. Whoever tells lies about me deliberately let him take his place in Hell.” Al- Bukhaari, 1229.
  • At the end doubters will appear to start poking holes on His messages to find a clause by which they will start their weak criticism. It is normal with human nature that when you meet a higher spirit than yours, you will tag it a name that is defamatory “and magnifying glass has been applied to every passage in His works because fault finders are here looking for where to stand and criticize what is ‘un-criticizable’.
  • Many are eagerly searching the scriptures as the Pharisees and Sadducees did in time past to see if what He is saying is recorded in the Christian Bible. Even if it is recorded, they will be blinded by their negative inclination and they won’t untie it when they see it.
  • But, they didn’t realize that it is not only evidences that are dependable in the scriptures that recorded about His emergence in this age. Historical researches, and in fact researches in every branch of mystical and philosophical studies has tended to cast new light upon the prophetic revelation of this mysterious being.
  • The time has now come for men to acquire the knowledge of it, so that with complete conviction they will come to the recognition of God’s activity, which is expressed in His work.” Unknown.
  • “By their works ye shall know them!” This saying of Christ is primarily intended for all the readers of my message!
  • By their works mean by their activity, that is, by their thinking and deeds in their daily life on Earth. Your deeds also include your speech, not only your actions; for speaking is action, the effect of which you have hitherto under-estimated. Even your thoughts are included here.”Abd-Ru-shin.
  • Our faith in the revealed Word would give us the latitude to assess ourselves which will place us where we belong. Though Iniquity, Almighty God says must be judged. We should run away from those rebellious instincts that push us in doing what we were asked not to do.
  • “Beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance. “That is accepting any lie that is served to you just to keep your friends. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  • “This Faith is not for everybody, this faith is for those that proceeded from the fountain of Truth and the fountain of Truth is Christ the Creator of Heaven and Earth. He is the Fountain of Truth. If you do not proceed from the fountain of Truth, you must feel uncomfortable with the Truth.” Son of Man- The Tide Is Gathering- preached 11/03/2012, page 48:27.
  • To follow the Truth is not an easy road. Life challenges must confront one harshly and people must laugh at you. If you crosscheck the mental and emotional energy you will save when you stop making assumptions or reflecting on what other people are talking about you, you will realize you have achieved alot. Whatever life gives you, even if it hurts, just be strong. Strong walls shake but never collapse.
  • “The Word of God reveals our condition. The Word of God is the mirror through which we can see ourselves, assess our performances. However, the Word of God will not remove any. We are the people that will effect change in our conditions. If I say change your mind, it requires decision. If I say relocate from where you are living, it requires decision. Amen.” Decision, preached 30/12/2007, page 115:22.
  • In the message, Are You Convinced, preached on 15/04/2012, page 212:23, Almighty God made us to know that “The Son of Man has been revealed, so the Gentile days are numbered. We are now counting in days. Remain steadfast, immovable and unshakable in your faith in Christ.”
  • “Recognizing your election, dearly beloved brethren, from the beginning you were sure that the message which I have preached to you were nothing but Truth from God which has not been and cannot be outclassed or countered by any preacher or teacher no matter his calling or education worldwide. T
  • hat is why I have openly challenged the whole world with my message, which is not mine but, of Him who sent Me. The Almighty God, whom I serve with love and sincerity, has confirmed my message to the churches with diverse signs and wonders before many witnesses.
  • The message has always gone out with the power of the Holy Spirit, discerning even the thoughts and intents of hearts of the hearers. God is in His Sanctuary.
  •  See, in every age God can never do without a man, and that man becomes God’s mask, becomes the mask God will hide Himself in for God is a spirit and no man can see a spirit, and for God to be known by man, He has to cover Himself with something so that man will see Him and live.
  • Because man cannot see Him in His Spirit nature and then believe. Thus He will come low and then mask Himself very well and be a blessing to His people. Now it requires God also to gather people for Himself and those people automatically become His people.
  •  Because He gathered them; no man gathered them; and in His Name He will keep them together. His name is the only cord He will use in binding them together and all their gatherings will be in His Name.
  • In addition, whatever they will do, they do it in His Name; outside His Name, they will do nothing. All of them will be called by His Name; all their families will be called His Name. In other words, that Name becomes a family Name!” The Resurrected Body, vol.2, page 59:41-43.
  • “To you I have now given the Word showing the way that, in the awakening of this creation, leads you unerringly to the Luminous Heights, the way that will not let you fall, whatever happens and tries to flare up within you!
  • If you have turned your gaze to the Light in loyal conviction, if you have rightly grasped my Word and absorbed it in your souls, then you will calmly ascend out of the chaos, cleansed and purified, free from everything that might once have hindered you from entering paradise.Abd-Ru-Shin.
  • Children of God, “If the Word of God that is revealed to you is not your strength, consolation, comfort or healing then you are gone.” Nugget from The Chronicles of Bridal Faith, The Journey So Far, page 10.
  • “Now, what am I saying? When God gives you a man He has vindicated with a rainbow or cloud or pillar of fire, He is a Man that is sent for the covenant of your day. He is your Messiah. A Man has always been sent for the covenant of God and His people and it will take God to reveal that Man.
  • Jesus was a sign of the covenant. Noah was a sign of the covenant. Abraham was a sign of the covenant. Lot was a sign of the covenant. There is always a covenant. Do you know that Rehab was a sign of the covenant? There was a covenant between Rehab and God. All that ran into the covenant was saved. They were Messiahs or Saviors.
  • I have sent you as a sign of covenant. The Son of Man, Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Messiah of this dispensation, the savior of mankind in this dispensation; the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, putting on a tabernacle not made with hands as prophesied in the Holy Scriptures by the Holy Prophets.” Son of Man, from the message- Follow the Cloud, vol.1, page 116:38-41. 
  • “It shall be unto you according to your faith. When you do not believe, how can God perform? God cannot perform because there is unbelief in you. You do not believe Him as God, why then do you come to Him.” Son of Man; Follow the Cloud, vol.2-preached on 14/9/2003.
  • “And everything we are considering that hinders us from giving our full allegiance, loyalty to God boils down to idolatry. Placing many more things in our hearts before God. We have our priorities.
  • God is at the back bench. God is remembered at last. God is at the back bench. In all our priorities, God is at the back bench.” Son of Man, Flee from Idols, part 2, vol.1, page 87:69. Preached 4/3/2018.
  • “The unthankful heart discovers no mercies, but the thankful heart will find in every hour, some heavenly blessings.” Henry Ward Beecher.
  • We have to worship this Black God because there is no other like Him. He is the Almighty God that controls the entire cosmos. “This is the secret of joy. We shall no longer strive for our own. The key to happiness lies on the thought we love to occupy our meeting mind with.
  • The  way we  commit ourselves easily and simply, to God’s way, acquiesce in His will, and in so doing find our peace.” Evelyn Underhill. Or should I say that this new generation is in fact indebted to the present Luciferian ways that will soon culminate into hellish destruction.
  • This is a dangerous situation. The only thing mankind needs now is “All day long I’ll praise and honor you, O God, for all that you have done for me.” Amen.

The Supreme God of the ancient Black Canaanites was ‘El. ‘El is the God worshipped by Abraham and the early Hebrews. Karen Armstrong, in her Best Seller, A History of God, notes: “It is highly likely that Abraham’s God was El, the High God of Canaan. The deity introduces himself to Abraham. As El Shaddai (El of the Mountain), which was one of El s traditional titles. Elsewhere he is called El Elyon (The Most High God) or El of Bethel. The name of the Canaanite High God is preserved in such Hebrew names as Isra-El or Ishma-El.” The Biblical “Eloheim” is the plural of El. We find this name ascribed to God again in Psalms 82:1. Until Moses’ time, El was the only God the Hebrews knew.

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM.


But it is impossible, for God can never vindicate two persons at the same time; the cloud can never present two persons at the same time. It must be ONE VOICE.”
Son of Man.

  • All Saviors which God sent on their ages controlled the people in their day with their spoken Words which is the original seed. With the same spoken Word, they declared themselves (who they are) to the people. Thus;
  • I AM the Excellent Glory, the Divine Thinker the Supreme Lawgiver, the I AM, the Elohim, the Holy One. Believe it if you can. – Jerusalem to Jericho, Preached on Tuesday 9th March, 1993. pg 3
  • I AM the Living Manna. That is why once you are around Me, you don’t feel like going away and you do not complain. You can never say you are hungry unless I set you free. And in the moment I AM in your midst, from A to Z feel hundred percent secured; and of course, you are secured. Believe it if you can. – Fresh manna, preached in April 1993. Pg. 3
  • I AM the Light of Divinity and Divine Fountain, and the Fullness of the Godhead, the Great Mind, and the Divine Essence. Believe it if you can. – The basis of our faith, preached on 22nd October 2000. Pg. 3
  • I AM the Lord God Almighty, the Greatest Physician. The ever merciful and compassionate God. Believe it if you can.         –Calling Christ in the time of Crisis, preached on Sunday, 15th August 1993. Pg. 3
  • I AM your saviour. I AM here to tell you things you do to get Eternal Life. Without Me, there is no salvation, without ME there is no Eternal Life. Believe it if you can. -Building Plan; Gods plan to establish his church; preached on Sunday 26th September, 1993. Pg. 3
  • I AM building the Church on a firm foundation because I AM a Master Builder. If you do not teach them, do not blame them. I believe in having my soldiers solidly grounded. I do not believe in having casualties in the war front. No. I do not breed half- baked soldiers. –You are the children of the Prophets vol.1, preached on Sunday 5th September, 1999 pg. 134 vs. 31
  • Sure, He is a great teacher, coach and a sound administrator of men.
  • I AM the Tree of Life, the True Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Reality, the Great Christ, the Prince of Peace. Believe it if you can. -Be ready to answer every man the hope that is in you; preached on Sunday 15th January; 1995, pg. 3
  • I AM the God of the Ages, the Holy and Great One, the All Powerful, the All- Knowing Creator, the All Wise, the God of God’s, the Hidden Revealer. Believe it if you can. –Unto you God first appeared; preached on Thursday, 1st January, 2009 pg. 3
  • I AM the only being that can tell you yesterday, today and tomorrow. Believe it if you can. –Arise and eat for the journey is still far; preached on 6th November 1995 pg. 3
  • When this life is over, you will know that I AM HE. Go anywhere you want in search you must be pointed back to the same person- THE SON OF MAN. Fly to the sky, you will be told, “Go down there: HE is standing in your midst. Believe it if you can. -The foolishness of God; preached on Saturday 2nd March, 1996 pg. 3
  • IAM the Divine Source, the True Deity, the Infinite Being, and the Cause of all Causes and of all effect; One who Governs the whole Cosmos. Believe it if you can. –Leadership, preached on Saturday, 22nd March 1997, page 3.
  • I AM HE. I AM sent for your salvation. I AM also sent for the destruction of the world. Believe it if you can. – Be Diligent to look into the State of your Flock, preached on Thursday 30th October, 1997 pg.3
  • I AM the oldest man on Earth. I have reincarnated several times. I remain the only being that can tell you how old the world is. Believe it if you can. –Change your heart and mind; preached on Friday 31st October 1997, pg. 3
  • In ME lies the mystery of creation, life, death and hereafter: I AM THE ONLY BEING THAT CAN TELL YOU THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. Believe it if you can. –Action Time part 1; preached on Tuesday, 30th December; 1997, pg. 3
  • I AM HE, the self existing One, the beginning and the end. I AM the only being that can tell you the mystery of life and death. Believe it if you can. – Action Time part 2 (Training of Children) Camp Meeting; preached on Tuesday, 30th December, 1997, pg. 3
  • I AM the Fountain of Truth. In Me is stored the Message of Life. Without ME there is no life. Believe it if you can. -Holy Communion and Prophecy, preached on Wednesday 31st December, 1997. Pg. 3
  • I AM the Author of Life, HE that knows the secret of the heart. The Beginning and the End. The Lord God Almighty. Believe it if you can. –Christ is revealed in Human form, not to the world, but to the true Elects; preached on Thursday 26th August, 1999. pg. 3
  • If I say Almighty God will not slaughter ME, who is the Almighty to begin with? If I am afraid that God will slaughter ME, which God will slaughter ME? Let ME tell you: I am the only Being that can lay down His life and pick it. Believe it if you can. –God is revealed/Marriage vows; preached on Sunday 7th November 1999 pg 3.
  • I AM the highest court. Nobody crosses over to the “other side” without passing through My Court. Believe it if you can. – As we wait at the gate of paradise vol. 1; preached on Wednesday 30th March, 2011 pg. 3
  • I AM your savior. I am here to tell you things you do to get Eternal Life. Without ME, there is no salvation, without ME there is no Eternal Life. Believe it if you can. – The dangers of over pampering children; preached in the year 2000 & the chastening of the Lord; preached on 6th October 1995, pg. 3
  • I AM the Fountain of Living Waters. Whosoever shall come to Me and drink, shall never go thirsty again, but have everlasting life. Believe it if you can. –Are you a soldier of Christ or a spectator of Christ, preached on Sunday 2nd February 2003, pg3.
  • I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Nobody comes to ME and remains in sin. Believe it if you can. –Lo, I am with you always vol. 1, preached on 30th April 2000, pg 3.
  • I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. The Reality is here, living and sleeping with you, but your consciousness has not been raised. Believe it if you can. –As I thought on my ways vol. 1 preached on Sunday 24th December, 2000 pg 3.
  • I have told you time without number that nobody should panic in this Faith. Be rest assured, Time will vindicate who I AM. Whether you like it or not, as long as God liveth and I live, every tongue must confess it that: Truly, the Elohim dwells in the Son of Man. –Be on the red alert; preached on Sunday 3oth September, 2012, pg 3.
  • I AM HE walking in the midst of the seven candle sticks. I AM only gathering the loose ends from the first Angel Messenger to the last to raise a Bride for Christ. Believe it if you can. –Are you what God made you or are you what you made yourself; preached on Sunday 19th June, 2011 pg 3.
  • I AM the Eternity, The Infinity, The Perfect Justice, The Infallible Rectitude, the Immutable Love, the Creator, The Guardian, the Preserver, The Supreme Governor The Supreme Judge. Believe it if you can. –Chronicles of the Bridal Faith, the journey so far pg 152.
  • I AM a Paradox. The more you look, the less you see. Nobody can know the Son of Man unless He wants you to know HIM; and it will be the extent I want. Believe it if you can. –Chronicles of the Bridal Faith, the journey so far pg 149.
  • I AM the greatest. He that challenged the whole world powers and came out unhurt. Believe it if you can –Cosmic Consciousness; preached on 26th April 2004, pg 3.
  • I AM the King of Glory. The power upholding the universe; The greatest stumbling block in this generation. Believe it if you can. –Code of Conduct in the Bride of Christ, preached on Sunday 5th June 2005, pg 3.
  • Whatever you call ME is what I AM to you because I AM a very big elephant… Your description of ME depends on the area you are touching ME… Any attack that is directed to ME is just like an attack that is directed to the wind. Believe it if you can. – No Deception is of the truth vol 1. Preached on Sunday 28th January 2001 pg. 133 vs. 30 & pg. 132 vs 28.
  • I AM the oldest man on earth– Forget about MY stature- that is why I brag too much. I brag too much because I AM the oldest man that is living on Earth. A Living Legend. Believe it if you can. –Be diligent to protect your mindset, preached on Sunday 15thand Sunday 22nd April, 2007 pg 3.
  • I AM your “Mercy seat.” But I know that one day, I will change position and sit on the “Judgment Seat.” “HE” that brought you so far is the same “One” you will meet at the end. You are not meeting any other person other than “HE” that is with you now. Believe it if you can. –Be mindful of the words that were spoken against you, preached on Sunday 8th January 2012. Pg 3.
  • On that day, Son of Man will sit to judge men according to their works. He will come from the East. From the land and people of Islam, where all the former Prophets came from.
  • I AM HE that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I AM alive for evermore Amen; and I have the keys of hell and death. –Sustained by my experience vol. 2 preached on 2nd May, 2012 pg. 160 vs 44.
  • I am the A and the Z, the beginning and the Ending of all things, “says God who is the Lord, the all powerful One, who is, and was, and is coming again.” Rev.1:8 LB.
  • He is here now physically and spiritually among us in flesh and blood. He controls life and death, so how can you hide away from Him. Is it possible? Can you answer that? It is very, very impossible.
  • Nobody can avoid the Son of Man. If you avoid MY face while you are here, you will see my face in death. Believe it if you can. –As we wait at the gate of paradise vol. 2; preached on Sunday, 3rd April, 2011. Pg 3.
  • I AM He, the great King above all gods. The Eternal Truth, the Divinity, The Gracious and Great One. Believe it if you can. –Be careful about last minute manifestation of unbelief (Follow me as I follow him [the cloud] – Reviewed); preached on Sunday 8th September, 2013. Pg 3.
  • I AM HE, the Urim and Thummim. I AM on the scene to confirm the Truth. Believe it if you can. –For yet as not as yet come into the rest;(undated) pg 3.
  • I AM the head of every man. This is as clear as the day, because in ME dwelleth the fullness of the Elohim bodily. You are not seeing HIM, but you are seeing ME and I AM seeing HIM. If I say I will not try it for God’s sake, that is the MAN I am calling that is dwelling in ME. –Bridal conference vol. 2, preached on Sunday 2nd March, 2014 pg 5.
  • I AM the Greatest and I will remain the Greatest. Let the magicians from America, from Italy, from Rome, from Egypt, after all, all these countries are in the website with their magicians, astrologers, Philosophers, Psychologist, religionists, they are all there. I AM HERE. NO SHAKING! If I am shaking, by now this Faith would not have existed. It would have been stifled out long long time ago. –Find out the purpose you are fulfilling in this ministry vol. 2. Preached on Sunday 3rd November, 2013.
  • Nobody is capable of challenging the authority of the Supreme Being, “No other miracle can do that except the Perfect God because no one can challenge the power of the One who created us all. Even Braham, Vishnu, Mahesh cannot give more to the creature than it’s Prabdha, nor change it.
  • Only Kabir God is the Almighty God who can erase Prabdha’s writing and give a new life. Whenever the perfect God came on Earth, He performs miracles and prove Himself as the perfect God.
  • I AM What I AM. Your unbelief means nothing. It cannot change ME from my position. That you know my parents, know my kindred, my wife and children, does it have any meaning? It has no meaning. –God has counted me worthy putting me into this ministry preached on 13th August 2000 pg. 56 vs 5.
  • Looking at this statement by Almighty God, it has no meaning as He said it. During the era of Jesus the Christ, people knew His father and his profession, mother, relations, siblings, his home town and that never changed who He was and His Mission on earth. It is the same Spirit on the scene now, and still talking again.
  • Other Avatars that came for their various missions in the past, did they fall from the sky? They had mother, father, relations etc and it never affected their various activities while in Earth.
  • “Be it known to you that we have come to the end of all things. The last sign the Prophets foretold that would be on Earth and the next thing will be the destruction of the wicked from the surface of the earth; the last sign is here at last.” Son of Man- Remember The Judgment Day For Almighty God is at Hand, 6:5.
  • “Truth often requires courage, sacrifice and based on that premise (foundation or evidence), we can allow our minds which have been corrupted to clean off all those self-deceptive influences that have blocked the spiritual inflow into our consciences, blocking the living truth to rest in us.”
  • And we have to accept this fact that “those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood let alone believed by the masses.” Plato.
  • “Life has everything in it. But you only see what your perfection allows you to see.”Bruce .H.Lipton PhD. Apostle Peter Odoemena is the fountain of Truth which to the believers, His Word is honey to them, because it nourishes them and gives them life till eternity but unbelievers see it as a very bitter and raw food that is not delicious. We say it is honey because “honey is the only food that will not rot. A jar of honey may remain edible for over 3000 years” David Avocado Wolfe.
  • Hear this…”The sins of the world did not sadden Him nearly as greatly as did the indifference and the insincerity of those who were truly worthy of becoming His Great Disciples.
  • But who still held fast to the pleasures of the world and who could not give themselves wholly and completely to the New Movement.” The Secret Doctrines of Jesus , page 49: paragraph 2.
  • Mathew 5:13 -14 explains it further “You are the World’s seasoning, to make it tolerable. If you lose your flavour, what will happen to the world? And you yourself will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. You are the World’s light- a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see” LB.
  • Jesus spoke of the coming of the Son of Man as the last possibility of Salvation, and also pointed out that with His coming the Judgment would commence and that those who are still not willing, in order words, who because of their stubbornness or indolence, are not ready to accept enlightenment, would be irretrievably cast out.
  • The mission of the Son of Man is the continuation and consummation of the mission of the Son of God, since the Mission of the Son of God could only be a transient one.
  • “Already, another outstanding Bible prophecy is approaching fulfillment before our eyes. The Apostle Paul prophesied and warned: “Now as for the times and the seasons, brother’s, you need nothing to be written to you. For you yourselves know quite well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.
  • Whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and Security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.” I Thessalonians 5:1-3
  • Remember, when He started, nobody believed Him. They were making mockery of His Words and followers but today, gradually the name that was rejected by the general public made up of various religious organs will soon become highly respected. This will be an indicator revealing an important difference between truth and falsehood.
  • “Now Masters of Israel, after having made this investigation of this matter: after tracing Jesus from his conception to the present time; after getting all the information that is to be had on this important subject, and getting it from the parties that are more likely to tell the truth, from the fact they are disintegrated parties;
  • And then taking a prophetical as well as a historical view of the subject, I have come to the conclusion that this is the Christ that we are looking for.” Conclusion of Gamaliel’s Interview with Joseph and Mary, and Others Concerning Jesus. Page 63:1st. (The Archeological And The Historical Writings of The Sanhedrinsand  Talmuds of The Jews.)
  • So, this is a fascinating testimony of a Great Mind. It would be unthinkable to call Him anything less than that because He is the provider of a gigantic ladder to paradise. This Man we are talking about has an unshakable determination to accomplish some sort of impossible tasks beyond the reach of mortal man. He is an excellent judge of character.
  • “Whether you can or cannot, the matter is concluded: In Me lieth Eternal Life. In me lieth Eternal destruction. I am holding the key of the Heavens.” Son of Man.


  • “The Darkness began to stir restlessly, and massed ever more densely, heavily and gloomily around the earth. Here and there it was already hissing up malignantly, and spitting in hate into the ranks of those who wished to obey the Call.
  • Ever more closely is surrendered those Called ones who, through their failure, were forced to sink away into the Darkness, to which they had thereby voluntarily held out their hand.
  • Their former solemn vow bound them fast to the Envoy spiritually, and draw them to Him at the hour of the approaching fulfillment, while their faults formed obstacles and repelled from Him, because a connection with the Light was thus impossible.”Abd-ru-shin.
  • Almighty God told us that we are at the end of all things. The signs are visible and it is going to be disastrous.
  • Let us stick closely and follow the cloud at this dangerous hour to avoid disconnection from the source of Light. We should recharge our lanterns with enough oil so that the scriptures won’t repeat again- “the ten foolish virgins.” The Divine personality is enveloped in the cloud. The signs are visible.
  • “The human veil is the laminating material that laminated God. God could see from the cloud.” Son of Man.
  • There has never been a period in the history of the world when this was happening on a worldwide scale, save the worldwide flood in the days of Noah, when judgment came not only upon one nation, but on every living being, except Noah and his family and selected. There is no reason for us to let the Day of the Lord come on us unexpectedly.
  • The Son of Man and the prophets have warned that the earth will experience great turmoil, wickedness and Wars as we approach the end.
  • “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come; for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying it’s power.” Timothy 3:1-5. NKJV.
  • “Have you noticed the completely inexplicable outbreak of violence-random shootings, murders, and mass killings? Jesus Christ predicted this societal breakdown just before his return.” And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” Mathew 24:12.
  • “Sin will be rampant everywhere and will cool the love of many. But those enduring to the end shall be saved.” LB.
  • “We are now neck deep into time, and these things are now being revealed.” Many shall be purified, cleansed, and refined (God is examining you and me, testing us to see who is willing to obey His Word), but the wicked shall understand, but those who are Wise shall not understand.” Daniel 12:10 NRSV.
  • “Soon, mankind will suffer through the most devastating, bloody war in human history- called, in biblical terminology, the Great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
  • And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved (alive); but for the elect’s sake (for the sake of God’s repentant, obedient people) those days will be shortened.” Mathew 24:21-22.
  • When people talk about the end of the age, they are thinking of a period of time characterized by great Catastrophes, disasters and cataclysmic events. The Bible talks about the very last days in terms of specific end-time events such as the tribulation, the Great tribulation and the day of the Lord.
  • “Concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.
  •  For when they say: “Peace and safety” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman and they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.
  •  You are all Sons of light and Sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of the darkness.” I Thessalonians 5:1-5.
  • “The end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers, and above all things have fervent love for one another, for ” love will cover a multitude of sins.”1 Peter4:7-8.
  • “A prudent (Wise) man foresees evil ( danger) and hides himself ( get prepared) but the simple ( foolish) pass on ( continue blindly on) and are punished.” Proverb 22:3.
  • “The Words of the blessing of Enoch, with which he blessed the Elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed.
  • And he began his story saying: Enoch, a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in heaven, which the angels showed me, and I heard everything from them, and I saw and understood, but here on Earth when the covenant He made with Adam of the fulfillment of 5,500 years shall be fulfilled.
  • Remember that this generation will be the generation of the elect and the righteous in the days of tribulation. He (the Word Christ) shall appear in the strength of His Might for full and complete salvation of the elect and righteous.
  • The Prophet Job (Ayub) equally continued re-affirming the Revelation in his own day, as he testified boldly, in verse twenty-five of Chapter nineteen of the Book of Job in the Bible thus, “For I knew that My Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter Day upon the Earth.” The Lost Book of Enoch (the 7th Generation Prophet) The Ethiopic Book Of Enoch- chapter 1:1.
  • Christ specifically tells the disciples they will receive anything they ask- but only if they have faith. This means trust in God and His power to do what He wants to do. It also means an alignment with the will of God; it does not mean using the Creator as a vending machine.
  • Stop judging this Faith. You have never gone this way before. God has given us a Man. Our duty is to fix our eyes on Him and believe Him forever.
  • “You will hear things you have never heard before. You will see things you have never seen before because God is doing a new thing which even if He explains, people will not believe. He is confirming His Word, using us to confirm His Word.” Son of Man- Follow The Cloud, Vol.2. (Evidence that the Son of Man is the Elohim) preached 14/9/2003. Page 115:46-47.
  • In the same message above, page 30 verse 7, Son of Man continued, “I told you what you will benefit following the cloud for whosoever that is being led by the cloud can never miss the way; you can never miss your bearing because it is God Himself controlling. It is God leading in front.”
  • “Therefore guard your word! Pay careful attention to your speech; for the human word is also a deed which, however, can only produce forms in the plane of fine Gross Matter, that sink into and have an effect on everything earthly.”Abd-ru-shin.
  • We should watch what we say, how we act and our relationship with one another, for all these will reveal how spiritually balanced we are. We are now at the end of all things. We are waiting for the umpire (God of Justice) to call the results. Our prayers should be, let the results be favorable.
  • The positiveness of our results should come from our total obedience to the truth. As we journey along, our faith should anchor only on our leader- Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Son of Man. We should follow Him as He follows the cloud. Moses was following the Cloud while the Israelites were following Moses behind.
  • Let us go the scriptures, Numbers chapter 9 from 18 through 23: “At the commandment of the Lord the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment they pitched: as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle, they rested in their tents.
  • And when the cloud tarried long upon the tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel kept the charge of the LORD, and journeyed not.
  • And so it was, when the cloud was a few days upon the tabernacle; according to the commandment of the Lord they abode in their tents, and according to the commandment of the Lord they journeyed.
  • And so it was, when the cloud abode from even unto the morning, and that the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they journeyed: whether it was by day or by night that the cloud was taken up, they journeyed.
  • Or whether it were two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children of Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but when it was taken up, they journeyed.
  • At the commandment of the LORD they rested in the tents, and at the commandment of the LORD they journeyed: they kept the charge of the LORD, at the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses.”
  • We have seen that Moses was the Man leading them to Canaan, the Promised Land, by the commandment of the Lord. In this present dispensation also, it is the same voice using a Man to lead us in this third exodus from darkness to Light, from unrighteousness to righteousness.
  • That man is the God we are seeing physically and He is in front while we follow behind. We are in our homes (tents) now, receiving instructions from Him in form of Messages that inform us of the point we are presently and also direct us of what to do. It is a very disastrous mistake if we run ahead of God in this spiritual journey.
  • “Watch people that are going ahead of the Cloud; see where they landed. Their alters collapse every day.
  • They are meeting disappointments on their journey: but, as you follow the Cloud, He will take good care of you. He will take you to a safe land. Follow the Cloud by day or by night. Whenever you hear: “Let us move,” follow immediately.” Son of Man- Follow the Cloud, vol.2, page 66:35-36.
  • This statement above is the only solution to succeed in this crucial journey. It is only in God’s presence that one can feel the Supreme and special sense of Solitude needed now for survival; meditation, prayer and peace of mind in this harsh and dangerous period of human existence is very important.


  1. I was born in Kafanchan, in the present Kaduna State of Nigeria, but hailed from Ugbawka in Nkanu East of Enugu State. I attended St. Andrews Primary School in Port Harcourt and Methodist Central School Agbani for my Primary education. For my secondary education, I attended Kalahari National College Buguma (CANACOLLEGE) and St. PiusX secondary School Bodo, Ogoni, (SPC) all before the war and in the former Rivers State of Nigeria. After the war, I concluded my Secondary Education at National Grammar School Nike, Enugu.
  2. During the Nigerian Civil War, which lasted almost three years, I faced many challenges which, if not God’s intervention I don’t think I could be alive till today. We lost years, and properties. 
  3. My father, after the war resumed with the Nigeria Railways in 1970 and by 1971 I went back to school. My father was not happy that I was exhibiting an artistic talent, which came from birth and he did everything possible to discourage me from furthering it as a course.
  4. Though, I was admitted into National Grammar School Nike, Enugu into Class two, we had no art teacher in the school but still I entered fine Arts in my WAEC. But as God, who had been following me made it possible, before the exam period approached, MrOgboAzuna, a graduate artist from UNN- University of Nigeria Nsukka was posted to our school.
  5. He brushed me up and taught me the rudiments of Fine Arts which I needed. That same year, I entered an Art Competition slated for all the Secondary Schools in East Central State of Nigeria, in 1974. Presently it is comprised of (Enugu, Imo, Anambra, Abia and Ebonyi states- five States now). I came top when the results were released. I was given my award at Queen’s School Enugu. That was another battle ground I watered and my dad had to plant on it.
  6. When I wanted to take University Entrance Examinations, he told me point blank – if it is not law, I should count him out. I was a good student of history, having scored History and English with good grades, why won’t I succeed in reading law?
  7. My mates who went for it knew I could had made it, but there was a greater force than me, that was pushing me towards art practice. I went ahead and bought the form and sat for the competitive entrance examination to study Fine and Applied Arts in the Arts Department of Institute of Management and Technology, (IMT) Enugu. I got admitted and paid the fees with the little money I saved up from the auxiliary teaching I did at Abiriba, now in Abia State of Nigeria, for two years. After my first year, I became broke and during that holidays, I did menial jobs to raise some fund to see if I could continue with my education. My father at this period had created a road block against me–his food, light, money and other amenities were cut off from my reach.
  8. Then I was alone without any helper, but I believed God had never abandoned me before; He came my way during that turbulent period by using Major General Obasanjo(Rtd), then Military Head of State, to award all polytechnics in the country free education.
  9.  From there, I kept sailing till I graduated. Went to Youth Service in jos, came home after we passed out, hired a flat and moderately furnished it. I invited my father to my house (after many years that he snubbed my greetings), cooked and both of us ate. My reason why I invited him to my house, was to let him know that the art I studied was not what he imagined- (writing car plate numbers) but something greater than that. He left my house very happy and we reconciled.
  10. Then from graduation, I went into full studio Art practice: had some solo exhibitions and taught at federal College of Education EhaAmufu, Enugu State briefly before I travelled abroad for a Residency at Hereward College for further Education, the National college for students with physical and sensory disabilities, Brimstone Crescent, Tile Hill Lane, Coventry England, organized by Breda Vincent, an Art Historian and Dr. ChinwubaAkabogu, a seasoned economist with passion for Art. The Residency was for six months of active work and it took me to various places where I had talks with European artists and also, discussed African Art with gallery owners and Museums. While in UK, I was on Cable Television and was mentioned in one of their newspaper-commentary Evening Telegraph UK, July 1991. In August 16, 1991 I was interviewed and aired by BBC 2. I rounded up in UK after the challenging and inspiring program and came back to Nigeria through Egypt as a continuation of my search for the mysterious Adam.
  11.  I arrived Nigeria not so happy that I couldn’t achieve my aim of finding this mysterious being. He remained my God and my Lord who was/is very dear to me and always following me about and made sure I escaped in all dangerous circumstances. (My childhood friends could easily testify to that).
  12. The question was, why was He missing or hiding away from me then? The search continued after my return from United Kingdom and I had various solo exhibitions again, one sponsored by the British Council Enugu, another in British Council Hall Kaduna and numerous others like in French Center Enugu and Port Harcourt. I participated and curated the exhibitions like Life and Times of Chinua Achebe, Nigerian Centenary Exhibitions, all sponsored by Godfrey Okoye University Enugu. In 1992, I was invited to the Haymarket Theater, Belgrade Gate, Leicester England for an Art Exhibition titled “Naming Name Festival” intended to highlight the works of these carefully selected visual artists, (Asian and Afro Caribbean Artists) bringing together their Art forms, styles and cultural experiences in one month long festival, 1st June- 4th July 1992. I was also one of the selected Nigerian Artists that participated in an exhibition in Switzerland, organized by Copyright Council of Nigeria.
  13. In 2008, I had another solo exhibition at the National Museums and Monuments, Enugu tagged, “The Journey So Far.” I was one of the invited guests who participated in the conference “Governance in Africa in the 21st Century,” organized by the Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria Nsukka, 2nd- 3rd July, 2008. It was a gathering of intellectual minds, professors, prominent Igbo indigenes etc.
  14. I have participated in many other workshops like-Child Abuse and Neglect, Medical Women Children Camping Program, UNICEF workshop on Diarrhea prevention (illustration of flip chart, CDD materials) at Enugu, Enugu State and Makurdi, Benue State.
  15. Was in Logan Assessment Centre, school for the Mentally Handicapped Children in UK.(Discussed the effect of colors in the human brain).
  16. Using our NGO- ART FOR DEVELOPMENT, we organized an Art Competition for Primary Schools in Enugu State.
  17. I have been mentioned in many Art journals, Books, magazines, Newspapers like -(1)Nigerian Artist, a who’s Who and Bibliography, National Museum of African  Art Library, Smithsonian Institute libraries, Washington D.C, USA compiled by Bernicia. M. Kelly and edited by Janet I. Stanley, published for the national Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institute Library, Washington DC, USA.
  18. (2) L’art African Contemporain- Edition 92-94 page 234 (Contemporary African Art) Association Dialogue entre Les Culture, Paris.
  19. (3) Nigeria/Roots—.Contemporary Artists from Nigeria. Imago Ipunw, Luciano Benetton Collection, pages 328-329.
  20. (4) Artists of Nigeria. Published by OnyemaOffoedu-Okeke, edited by Prof. Sylvester OkwunoduOgbechie. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 2012. All right reserved The Ford Foundation, 5 continent edition, Milan 2012. pages 338-343.
  21. (5) In numerous Newspapers– Guardian, Sun, Democrat, Daily Star, Statesman, New Nigerian, Satellite, The Outlook, Renaissance, Vanguard Newspapers, Newswave Magazine etc.
  22. My works are littered in many prominent homes, galleries, organizational buildings, Institutions all over the world, and I can mention few. My work is with former American President; Mr Barak Obama titled “SEEING AMERICAN THROUGH THE EYE OF A BLACK MAN.” Which the acknowledgement letter from American Embassy is in my possession. It was documented in the media. One of my greatest works remains the “Graveside creative work” of our spiritual Mother, my super intelligent sister, Sis NzubechiOdoemena, nee Dibua (Late). A virtuous, humble and loving wife. She is the Queen of Paradise.
  23. Institute of African Studies Gallary UNN, Nsukka have in their collections some of my works.
  24. In Igbo land alone my works can be traced to few of such homes which I can remember. The home of Apostle Peter Odoemena, the Very Son of Man, Prof and MrsEmekaEgwuatu, Prof and Mrs Peter Ebigbo, Prof Mgbo, Prof Izuorah (late). Prof. Otagburuagu. Prof. Anieke, V.C Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu. Prof. Gab. Agu. Barr ChikeNwizu (late), Sir Chris Obiefuna (former Marketing Director) Anammco, Enugu, (late) Arc J JEmejulu, (West Africa). Barr Peter Mbah, Governor, Enugu State Nigeria. Prof. Humphrey Nwosu, former NEC Boss, former Deputy Governor, Vincent Aniago, Former Governor, Sullivan Chime, Barr OnyemaucheNnamani, Engr Chris Okoye, DrI.kNwandu, Rtd Col. Nwajagu, Former Governor Ebonyi State, Mr Martin Elechi, Rtd Col. NnaemekaAkonobi, former Governor of Anambra State, former Minister of Labor and productivity, Dr Chris Ngige. Prof UcheUmeadi, Mr Jerome Udorji (late) and many other dignitaries not mentioned. 
  25. I have had a lot of commissions from prominent individuals, also was a consultant to many organizations. I was a classroom teacher both in Secondary and Tertiary Institutions. A studio Master and a retired staff of Enugu State Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Enugu in 2017.
  26. Now a Customary Court Judge at Enugu State Judiciary. I am married to Sister Gloria NkemdilimOkoh (nee Efobi) and we are blessed with five children; Four girls and one boy- Nneoma Wisdom Okoh, Miracle IfunanyaOkoh, Timothy OgechiOkoh, AfomaFavourOkoh and UchechukwuNzubechukwuOkoh. Glory be to God.
  27. After getting married, I started facing serious challenges quite different from the previous ones. Those unseen challenges led us to many spiritual homes blindly because we couldn’t fathom actually what was happening. I could not even reason properly again as the advancing echelon of spiritual attacks were combative. Was my brain beclouded with different chants and imagery supposedly being projected from different groups I had contacted with before? As I said earlier, I attended Catholic schools (KNC and SPC) and served morning Mass under three Irish priests- Father Butler, Father Murphy, and Father Masterson. Coming back home on holidays, I would join the Band boys of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, where my father was a Rabbi.
  28. It was a must that I and my siblings must attend the Church services. Getting to the village then, I would discard my former denomination and start attending Methodist Church where I did my primary school. All these obscure movements will always result to spiritual constipation.
  29. I was desperately searching for Adam in almost all the Churches. When I became free from my father’s grip I joined and initiated into the Grand Lodge of A.M.O.R.C,-the Rosicrucian Order in search of Truth as there were many unanswered questions that troubled my mind then.
  30. I was there till l made a higher degree of mastership. I read a lot of books on occult science, practiced a bit of Kabala, used Tarot Cards for divination, tried other mystical experiments, etc and I was still on the search. After we left the Anglican Church where I wedded my wife–Cathedral Church of Good Shepherd Independence Layout Enugu, we joined the Pentecostal fellowship. We became fed up not long after we joined.
  31. I told my wife that we should move on for there is nothing special here. We later joined pastor Israel’s house fellowship and he claimed to be a mystic preacher, but not long we found his emptiness we left him. We had a brief contact with the Hare Krishna movement, this movement is part of an important and distinctive tradition of devotional faith, the GuadiyaValsnava which began in the 16th Century with the great St. Chaitanya but which participates in a much older movement of devotion dating back to at least the 2nd CBC.
  32. Then after that, we later joined the Business Men Fellowship and my house was used as the fellowship venue for our zone. All these while, my mind was not settled because I had an uncompleted mission facing me, that is, to come face to face with that voice that rescued me from death during the war.
  33. One day we got tired of all those things (repetitions of one pattern of everything bored us) and I told them sincerely that we, (my family) cannot continue with them again. They should kindly look for another accommodation space. They left, and we remained in our house without attending any other church service again. That was a period of deep thinking, meditation and prayers.
  34. One day while I was away, three boys from the Enugu Campus of University Of Nigeria Nsukka came to see us in our house; they were then addressed as Brothers OgbonnaOpoke, Joseph Ogbuka and UgonnaJimbeOkafor. They talked to my wife about the new message they came with. They opened the Bible and balanced the scriptures to my wife’s astonishment. When I came back, my wife informed me of what happened. I prayed that they will come back.
  35. The next day, God willing, they came back and we discussed. Before their coming I had a dream in which the focal point was, “Drop that name!” I couldn’t understand the meaning until when they were talking to me I heard when the preacher uttered the word, drop that name. I told him it is enough for I became convinced and I asked that we should then go for a baptism which they obliged. That was on 7th October, 1998 and we were baptized on the 8th October, 1998 by our former Teacher, Joseph Ogbuka.
  36. Another spiritual journey had commenced. By December of the same year, I went for a camp meeting with Justice Umezuluike’s family, Sis ObiageliEjike (late) and Bro AnayoOkafor, Bro OgbonnaOpoke to (GTC) Government Technical College ground, Onitsha Anambra State, Nigeria. My wife was pregnant, so she did not join us.
  37. That was the fellowship center and later in the evening, the Camp Meeting started. It was then I noticed a Man with a Bible raised up to the sky dancing towards the pulpit. I inquired from somebody who was that Man; the fellow replied that He is the Son of Man. To be frank, I didn’t know anything about the name Son of Man. I wasn’t comfortable because when they preached the message to us, nobody mentioned the name, Son of Man. We were caught by the Biblical truth that was espoused to us.
  38. I became inquisitive because I had a mission, a mission based on Truth and that was the reason I was running from pillar to post trying to find the truth in every circumstances. Now another spiritual challenge was placed before me. I decided to do everything according to the truth, but I had to use my little knowledge of Kabala to test that Spirit. My reason was to know exactly if it represents the truth.
  39. Yes, it actually represented what I was looking for, pure Spirit and uncontaminated being. I was happy that my prayer was answered. But before I could conclude my secret search, from the pulpit He picked my actions. From then I can say my faith grew.
  40. There is nothing I hate like falsehood and seeing Him in person concluded my “In Search Of Adam” for I have finally met the Adam Himself. Call it first or second Adam, to me what I know is Adam is Adam.
  41. This was my artist statement which I wrote in 1992 and it had concluded this search. Hear me – “To me being an Artist is being totally autarchic-being overhead while I visually say what I know as truth beyond words.”
  42. The divine manifestation of my soul and personality have exposed me to various sources of inspiration towards my chosen career.
  43. I have burnt the mid- night oil, walked miles and looked into crevices, tunnels, climbed mountains etc in search of the abstract object called Adam but it still looks elusive. I will remain loyal to my course, no matter the ups and downs involved in moving with the light.
  44. The determination would help to reflect my identity as a man- on – the- search. A mission impossible as many may feel or “he should see a psychiatrist,” many may think reflecting human thought in its clear perspective.
  45. I would continue my search with all honesty, expressing my Art in different media and technique, evolving my personality more to march with the uniqueness of the personality l was looking for through love for all humanity.
  46. This search to come to fruition must take me to all continents of the world. A herculean task, but it is a challenge which I pray to meet before my exit from this creative universe we all belong.
  47. That extensive search for Adam which was initiated in 1987, came to an end on the 21st of August, 1992 and Son of Man appeared on the scene on 31st December, 1992; four months gap, which undoubtedly revealed to me, that that is the Man whom I was searching for through all corners of the world. He hid Himself in Nigeria, in Igbo land.
  48. The search made a very great impact In the universal space for just five years it was on. What a marvelous experience.
  49. The first day I met Him in person, two striking things played out (1) His face looked familiar to me but I couldn’t say where I had met Him before. My wife had the same experience. (2) That voice which I heard was the voice that saved me from death during the Civil War in Nigeria My exhibitions from then became an academic exercise. I belong to many professional bodies in many countries.
  50. On the 10th of October, 1999, barely a year I joined this faith, I was ordained a Deacon, and on the 30th of October, 2005, I was called to the office of a Bishop. To God be the glory.
  51. Another strong experience was my meeting with our former brother Dr. Igwe on that Camp Meeting. We knew very well before he joined this faith. We were so close as family friends in Enugu before he left Enugu for Anambra. He was the medical doctor who was treating my late son – KenechuwuOkoh. I couldn’t believe it when we met on that day. He said,” I know you will join this movement one day.”


  1. The Son of Man’s message says that we are sustained by our individual experiences. There are specific experiences that would be highly striking that one will find it extremely difficult to forget.
  2. My daughter, Miracle IfunanyaOkoh, died in a hospital in Abakpa -Enugu in 2002. She was very sick and I went to UNTH to buy blood from their blood Bank, only to come back and meet the Son of Man in the hospital. He told me that my daughter is up and if I want to transfuse her with the blood I was carrying, that I should go ahead, but instead I threw it away seeing that the highest miraculous power of God was displayed. She rose from the dead and the proprietor of the hospital was amazed. She was asking “who is this Man?” And I asked her, “Who do you think He is? I thank God greatly; just two years before then (2000) I lost my first son, KenechuwuOkoh to death. Ifunanya, Miracle Okoh is now a graduate of MichealOkpara University, Umudike- Abia State.
  3. In the same year, 2002, I nearly lost my wife with her pregnancy. Her BP was abnormal that a Doctor in the General Hospital in Enugu told her that her life was in danger. He further told her that there is no how she would deliver this baby without a cesarean operation because she was having feat already due to her high BP, and they wheeled her into the theater but she refused, saying her God and husband was not aware. She was forced to sign an undertaking of death penalty, if anything should happen and then she was discharged. The next day, we rushed down to 20 Benjamin Street Onitsha to see the Son of Man, and after examining her, He instructed her to throw away the drugs and go to any other hospital she registered for antenatal and she would deliver there risk free. He also told her that, she won’t experience any labor pain because of her high BP.
  4.  We obeyed His instructions and she delivered as prophesied. What a mysterious God. Almighty God told her to take the baby to the Parklane General Hospital and show the baby to those Doctors. When she was discharged, she did as directed and all the hospital staff who knew about the case were beaten hollow by what they saw and heard. A striking experience.
  5. Sister Perpetual, Bro EmekaEzeako’s wife died in UNTH also during child birth. She was later resurrected by the Son of Man, before my wife and sis NnekaUmezulike as witnesses. The hospital staff were amazed. A great miracle indeed.
  6. Afoma my daughter, as a small girl was lying on her bed, electric life wire fell upon her and started sparking for minutes, it burnt holes on her cloth without our knowledge but when we rushed to her rescue, not even a scratch was upon her body. It looked unbelievable, but it was true.
  7. One evening, there was a heavy downpour and it pulled down the  high tension wire which crossed over my house and it fell upon my car emitting red rays of fire and my children were trapped inside the house. Struggling ensued- how to prevent the fire from destroying my children’s lives. They were sucked inside the house and were crying and shouting until God used bro Paschal to rescue them. When the light was finally disconnected, it was observed that not even a burnt scratch was visible upon the body of the car. Tremendous event.
  8. One day, due to the problems that I had with my Landlord, the Son of Man called me to pack out of that house before 48 hours or I should take my family and leave this faith. It was one of the challenging experiences my family experienced in this faith. We had no money, no house to relocate to. The only person who extended a helping hand to us was a heathen, Mrs Tina our neighbor (late), who provided a container for us to pack our loads so we can beat the dead line.
  9. The greatest miracle, as usual happened that within the stipulated time we got a house and packed in without paying a dime until we got the money. He provided a friend who kept the flat for us in advance. He will create the problems and He will also provide the escape route. Here our faith was highly tested and thank God, He helped us to overcome the challenges which people had concluded it was over. To their shame, we are still alive till date.
  10. To God be the glory, I am now a well recognized visual artist and also, a judge of the Customary Court. The two battles that were raging dangerously towards each other’s throats have eventually come at the end to unite into a whole, portraying no Victor, no vanquish. Wherever my father is today, he has won. I give it to him. Finally nature has bent me to bow to my father’s wishes. Whether I read law or not, I am now practicing it. Mysteries abound.
  11. There are many other experiences which because of space we cannot share here. The Man in our midst is that God that has been coming and going since the World began. The one whom I heard His voice. Good news cannot come from the devil.
  12. The Son of Man told us that anything that can save life comes from God. The good news I heard, “get up and run for your life or you will die here,” couldn’t had come from the devil, but from God.
  13. The Son of Man is the Greatest Man I have ever met in my life, an Apostle, a Teacher and an avatar. He came into this world in the form of a Gentile and He is occupying two positions- the King of Kings and the high priest of our profession.
  14. This Is A Testimony Of A True Witness.
  15. May your abundant love and peace be upon all of us. Let your Holy Name be glorified till eternity. All honor and glory belongs to YOU.
  16. What a special privilege you have extended to me, a mere mortal?
  17. With all reverence, I say thank you my Lord.

The most important of all questions is the question of the reality or person of God. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad shook up the world in 1934 by proclaiming that God came to him in the person of a Man… The most important of all questions is the question of the reality or person of God. The whole theology of the Nation of Islam, as well as the Five Percent, hinges upon this one tenet: God is a Man – a Black Man. Accordingly, they say, when the Black Man of today looks at his reflection in a mirror, what he is seeing is nothing more than an advanced ape. Mr. Muhammad, on the other hand, takes a different position. He says when the Black Man looks at his reflection he is witnessing, not an advanced ape, but a descended God. The whole world has been deceived about God and His true nature. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that He in fact hid His true reality from the people trillions of years ago. Within the last six thousand years, He has been worshipped as everything except what He really is a Human Being.’

From The book of god An encyclopedia of proof that the black man is God (1999) By TRUE ISLAM

NOTE: Wallace Fard Muhammad, also known as Wallace D. Fard or Master Fard Muhammad; (reportedly born February 26, c. 1877 – disappeared c. 1934), was the founder of the Nation of Islam. (The Nation of Islam (NOI) is a religious and political organization founded in the United States by Wallace Fard Muhammad in 1930. A black nationalist organization, the NOI focuses its attention on the African diaspora, especially on African Americans. It promotes a form of Islam that differs considerably from mainstream Islamic traditions). Wallace Fard Muhammad arrived in Detroit in 1930 with an ambiguous background and several aliases, and taught an idiosyncratic form of what he considered Islam to members of the city’s black population. In 1934, he disappeared from public record, and Elijah Muhammad succeeded him as leader of the Nation of Islam. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.