Transcribed by Bro. Lucky Chikezie

Why you must pay earnest heed to the words you are hearing from your Prophets and Apostles. That is the word of salvation in your day. If you miss it, you have deliberately and foolishly missed salvation. If you want salvation, follow the word. Nevertheless, the question is not hearing these words but the ability to take these words the way they are spoken to our minds. That is why He talked to us by putting us in remembrance.





Remain Blessed Brethren. We thank God who has given us His grace to be in His presence this morning. Let us stand on our feet as we glorify the name of God.

  • That dance you will dance at the grave of your brother, you better dance it while the person is alive. Because if you have not been operated before, you will not understand what we are saying. Our pastor Thomas went to the land of the dead and came back. Today is a day of testimony. We are recounting what God has done for us. When God does it, it looks very light before our eyes.
  • You might be saying, “Is it not common Appendicitis!” there is nothing that warrant a human body to be operated that is light. If it was a light thing, pastor would have removed it by himself. It is not common. For the fact that God made it possible for you to go and come out alive, it is a miracle.
  • It is better we give praise to God than to cry. A song writer wrote, “Today is a day of joy, every day is not meant for mourning.” Today is the day of joy and God has given us this day for us to be happy, for us to praise Him. He gave us this life for us to use it for the service of the Lord.
  • If He never willed it, if the ministry of pastor has come to an end, he would have gone from there. But there is still a purpose God wants him to fulfill, there is a purpose he is still serving, God has to bring him back to life.
  • So we have every reason to praise God. Let us not because we do not wake up to our dream houses or our dream cars, you think that God is not faithful. Because this is what kills many of us. They count the blessings of God on materialistic things. But the blessing of God surpasses material things. Materials can come and go.
  • A rich man today can be a poor man if life continues. Life has ups and down. So you cannot use that which you see with your eyes to weigh the goodness of God in your life. No! If you ever weigh it that way, you will feel cheated. But the gift of life is a priceless gift. People used to say that it is one who is alive that came first.
  • After anything that we are struggling to achieve, so far as you have your health complete, you have your life complete. There are people that walk around with oxygen. They move around with life support machine but you and I, we have nothing troubling us.
  • Even when you fall sick, take anything, God will use it to heal you. These are the limitless favour we enjoy by being children of God. These favours are not sold in the market. It is not something you can purchase or buy. They are priceless. There is no amount you can attach to something that is priceless.
  • What can you say about the saving of our souls? If it was placed for sale, you and I cannot buy it. It would have finished even before we came to this world. But it is a gift God gave us. And in reciprocation of that gift, we should trust and obey God.
  • I told us in our Friday fellowship from Ecclesiastics 12 which says, “All have been said” which means there is nothing remaining. Somebody should get it for me in Amplified version. Ecclesiastics 12 verse 13. “All has been heard; the end of the matter is: Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] Knowing what? That He is. That is the first thing. We must first of all acknowledge.
  • When you go to family menu volume one, it said, first of all, I want you to see yourself as a child of God. That was the statement the Son of Man used. He said, “Before you can understand the tone of this message, first of all, remove yourself from your community, remove yourself from your kindred, remove yourself from your family, do not see your relative, do not say it is my younger sister, no! First of all, see yourself for who you are. And that is what? A child of God.
  • In this scripture, it said, “All have been heard, first of all, you must believe that He is. Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original purpose of his creation, The full and original purpose that God created you and I. But now people put Him secondary and put money first. This is what? The original purpose of creating a human being.
  • Brethren, can we see it? This is our first calling. This is the first ministry you must fulfill. …the object of God’s providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, The what? Foundation of all happiness. This scripture is evergreen in my heart for you should only see yourself. God said that when you come to fellowship, you should only see yourself. You can come as a family, come with your husband or children, but see yourself first.
  • You should not look at anybody around you for you do not know what they are using the Word of God for. You should only be mindful of yourself. What is the purpose why I came to fellowship? Why did I wake up this morning? Is it because I just see people going to church or did I just come to fulfill all righteousness? Maybe if I do not come, pastor will excommunicate me.
  • What is that purpose why you came to fellowship? Your reason for coming to fellowship will determine how serious you will take every word that goes out from here; not minding the instrument God will use to speak to you. For you might come to fellowship having the notion on why God is using brother Ugo or using Brother Abraham. What should be the most important is that God is meeting us at the point of our need regardless of the vessel He will use.
  • But when you come just because you are coming, although your body may be here but your mind is not here. How then do you think you can be an object of God’s providence? How then can the message be the root of your character? …the foundation of all happiness, People will look at you, though you do not have money yet you are happy. It does not take money for one to be happy. This is the foundation by which we believe that God exists. And we give Him His due respect.
  • …the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances. I don’t care what that circumstance is all about; it is the adjustment. We lost mummy and we adjusted. Look at where it came from. It will make you to adjust to anything that comes your way while believing God. For so many things will come your way. There is no place in the bible written that believing God will solve all your problems rather believing God will bring barrages of problems on your way so that your faith will be tested.
  • For any faith that is not tested cannot be approved. For a faith to be approved it must be tested, it must be tried. For a student to graduate, he must pass through examination. Hence, in your certificate, it is written, “Upon meeting the requirement of so, so and so department, he is conferred with a bachelor’s degree, upper division in so, so and so.” For the university has tested you throughout the duration of the course and you have met the certification, the requirements.
  • What is more, that simple paper specifies your grade and every other thing. That is why God told us that we are writing our records. Whatever we are doing here on earth, we are writing our records which will stand on the sands of time. …and conditions under the sun] and the whole [duty] for every man.
  • MSG: But regarding anything beyond this, dear friend, go easy. There’s no end to the publishing of books, and constant study wears you out so you’re no good for anything else. The last and final word is this: The last and final word is this:
  • That means you have heard many things. It is believed that you have heard many things right from Old Testament to the New Testament. You have assembled everything together. The last and final word is this:  Fear God. Do what he tells you.
  • I use to tell brethren, I tell people, pray that you will have the Holy Spirit. For it is the help of the Holy Spirit in you that will help you to have easy ride into paradise. If you do not have that Holy Spirit, it cannot distil. The Word of God is like a stove. If you are waiting for beans, beans is usually strong when you cook it with a high heat, you will feel like you are wasting time but use a low heat and cook beans, relax your mind. Remove your heart from it. Before you know it, that beans will get done.
  • The Word of God is like that beans. You do not rush the Word of God. It is the help of the Holy Spirit that distills the message. Bit by bit, you see your life reflecting the message that you have heard. But if the Holy Spirit is not there, it will be sounding like metaphor. You are no longer understanding the meaning in-between the message.
  • Because the message might come in parables, it might come with stories, it might come in types, it might come in different forms.
  • It is the work of the Holy Spirit that is present in me that will help me to understand the tone of that message. I do not know if you are getting the message? If that Holy Spirit is not there, though you see yourself coming to fellowship; playing the tape; reading the messages; yet your life will speak contrary.
  • No matter how a student claims to have passed sleepless night, as long as he or she fails or has reference, can he give any reason that can exonerate him? Every reason that he or she is giving is part of the problem. No matter how he tries to justify himself, people will always point him to his score.
  • What can you say about people that read outside the scheme? Did he read? Yes! But not even one thing came out, because the person is over confident. Have you seen why God said that we have to be neutral? We are not extremists. We do not go extreme left; we do not go extreme right. We are at the center. There is a way you will show that you are too spiritual, it will turn to fanatism.
  • There is how you will show that you are not a fanatic, you will be an unbeliever.  So you have to stand in-between the line of fanatism and unbelief. This is what the message of the Son of Man has come to do in us. By so doing, our lives will become shining examples.
  • Jesus left his disciples with something, it was not a message. He told them that he has done many miracles. Both in the east, west; hence, they know that Jesus heals the sick”. But the most important thing he left for them was not to give them powers or money or any other thing. Rather, while leaving, He told them “Let your life so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven”
  • The reason why they were persecuted was the interpretation which they were giving to the message. And it was that interpretation that was scaring people and turning people against them. They misconstrued the message, turning it to a message of hate. Giving the message a wrong interpretation of what the message is not.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will not just be in you but abide in you. Mummy told us that it is the Holy Spirit that will help you even to know the exact mood of God. There is something you will want to beg God, you will have the wisdom, the Holy Spirit will tell you, “This is not the best time”.
  • I always tell people, “If you are always coming to God, ‘God do this, God do that’, God will eventually get tired of you. If you do not take a day that you kneel down without asking God, just tell God ‘God I am just coming this morning or this time just to say thank you for my family, thank you for my daughter, thank you for my son, I have nothing, if I should use money, I cannot pay  you back.
  • Thank you Lord for the peace in my family. For peace is not sold anywhere in the world. So if you do not thank God, He will be tired of you. If you are the one that somebody will always come to ask for a favour every time without a time to appreciate, won’t you run away from the person?
  • There was a message God said we should consider but before we consider it, as a way of exaltation, I have few messages to remind us of the hour we are living in.

A seed of God is the same thing with God. a seed of God has no difficulty in understanding God and doing what he says. The word of God does not stumble a seed of God. He can never stumble at the Word of God because what he desires to get from God, is what he gets. He wants to hear from God all the time.


BLESSED IS HE WHO DOES NOT STUMBLE AT THE WORD OF GOD Preached On Friday 16th April, 2021 pg. 38:30-31



I told us that the essence of revisiting the messages is not because we do not know it. But by putting ourselves in constant remembrance. There is no way we can fall into sin knowingly because you now know what you are doing.

  • But one who has forgotten, there is the tendency for that person to get lost. Because he is not conversant with that route. When you use a route without been conscious, thinking that it is the same route you plied in 2004, definitely you must enter dangerous potholes. But when you follow other drivers carefully without overtaking them anyhow, constant application will help you to be conversant with the road.
  • This is what the Word of God is all about. It is a route that we have to be conversant with. And by putting our heart in remembrance constantly, you will not fall into problem. The Word of God is a reminder. Trying to make us know those things that block our ways.
  • What is more, when we know them, to avoid them will be very easy. Is it not true? Because your mind is set to know that there are dangers there.
  • We read it from the book of proverb that the Word of God are danger signs that are placed on the highway to eternal life to avoid unnecessary accidents. There are accidents that are unnecessary. Hence you see people blaming the driver for making silly mistakes. But there are accidents that are not the driver’s fault. They are inevitable accidents. That is undeliberate sin. The former is deliberate. A wise driver that knows that it is raining, wisdom demands that he should not run more than 60km/h to enable him control the vehicle.
  • But if he over – speeds, the brake might not hold. These are things you should know as a driver. Why will you be speeding while it is raining or while you are on a sharp curve? You might end up running into a truck.
  • Thus, I am using this illustration to simplify the message. I want us to put ourselves as drivers on the road to paradise. These are caution sign we should be mindful of. If you are conversant with the road manuals, you do not consider how the next driver is driving. For you are fully acquainted with the road. You cannot follow the majority when they are wrong.
  • Are we getting the message? Because you are conversant with the manual, you will not be doing things because others are doing it. You are driving because you want to drive yourself to safety. Amen.
  • So this morning, I want us to go over to the message titled, “God watches over His Word. This message was preached on 1st November, 2014 at the Son of Man’s family alter Nsugbe. Page 38 verses 56 through 59. “Godly generation is what we are raising because we are Godly children of God. The rest of the people around us are under the power and control of the devil. If time permits tomorrow, many of you will still marry and raise godly children. That is the essence of been in a godly family.
  • Evil, evil reports reaching us here and there, from within and without is the confirmation that really the world is filled with wickedness and that thing cannot be traced from among us. Look at how few we are. If these things happen to be traced to us, of all men we shall be the most miserable. If the wickedness that is found in the children of disobedience is found within us, God is talking to His family, and God told us that we are extension of the family of God. For He has many annexes in many locations.
  • God said that we are few in number and for that reason, if there be traces of wickedness, disobedience among us, of all people, we are the most miserable.
  • For we received a teaching a group of people out there could not receive. God has taken His time to groom us intending to get the best out of us.
  • God has done what? Taking His time. Brethren, is that not true? He has groomed us with the sole motive of bringing out the best out of us. Hence, He said, “I will not give up until I bring out the best out of you. And that is why; no seed of God goes to the extreme in his rascalism. He is under a strict control. He walks within the boundaries of God’s love as stipulated by the Word of God.
  • Is it not in line with what I said this morning? That we can never be an extremist. No seed of God goes to the extreme. Even in his rascalism, he is under a strict control because he walks within the boundaries of God’s love as stipulated by the Word of God. Is it as stipulated by your own understanding? Can you now see? It cannot be by your own understanding because you might not understand very well.
  • The bible said that the ways of God are so high and passeth all human understanding.
  • For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord.For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 AMP.
  • Another part of the bible said, lean not on your own understanding. For your understanding might be conniving, it might be deceitful, it might be completely outside from what God is saying.  Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
  • 6In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV.
  • There is room for misconstruing it, there is room for misunderstanding and once you misconstrue and misunderstand, the next is misapplication. Is it not true?
  • Is the message right? Yes. The problem is with the individuals. The same message that raised a good family, the same message is raising another family. What caused it? Misunderstanding of the message; misconstruing the message, giving the message undue interpretation in oder to suit their own evil tendencies.
  • If you go round the Faith, all those people that are having problem, watch, they have a word they are holding unto. There is a scriptural verse, there is a message they are holding unto. Is that message supporting their way of life? No. But they misconstrued that nugget to suit their evil tendency.
  • He or she has scriptures to quote. God said that towards the end, there will arise many teachers. How do they operate? When you jam them maybe in your shop, and you ask them why they are doing what they are doing, they will tell you that it does not matter. What is more, do not be deceived for we only have one doctrine, one teacher, one messenger and one message. Hallelujah.
  • He walks within the boundaries of God’s love as stipulated by the Word of God.
  • The same message page 42 verse 6 through 9. He watches over His word. Go to the book of Jeremiah chapter 1 verse 12. The Lord whom we serve, when He speaks according to the book of Isaiah the Prophet, he said, “The word that goeth out of His mouth in righteousness can never come back to Him void unless the purpose for which it is spoken is fulfilled.”
  • If God has been talking and He is speaking evil against you, indicting you, any day you change your mind for the better, the Lord will smile, He will erase your old records and then open a new chapter for you straightaway.
  • It is said that where a child is crying and pointing at, it is either the mother is there or the father is there.
  • If God is speaking using the messengers, using the ministers to point at you; in the message, “We have one common enemy” He said, we are not fighting you, we do not hate you but we hate the spirit at work in you which if we give it space, if we begin to show that it’s love, that spirit will destroy you and even engulf others.
  • Because a little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump. Your old stinking record will no longer be remembered, because you have become a new individual.  
  • If you will anchor your faith in that new nature, new record that is opened for you, nobody will ever in this life or in the life to come remember that you had a dirty record. And that is why we normally pray that the end of our lives will be better than our beginning. Amen. Is that not our prayer?
  • Let our end in this ministry be better than our beginning. It is the prayer of every wise and intelligent person. That voice that is roaring on my head, is it for me or against me? For you either hear the voice of God commending you or God condemning you.
  • Happy is the end of everything that started very badly. Watch everything that started very badly, giving troubles, if it is properly guided with patience, in the end everybody will always smile.
  • It might be very painful, it might be very difficult, very unbearable, but if you can just remain calm, if you can accept that pain, at the end, you will be the one to rest; your joy will have no bound. You will be the one to enjoy the joy, the peace. Hence, even the person who gave you the instruction is not even living with you. Are we getting the message? 
  • So the fruit that we gain from the Word of God is not reaped by the preachers of the Word of God, rather it is reaped by the recipient, if the recipient receives it with his heart whether it is hot or not. You can never because it is hurting you and resist it. I showed us in the scriptures that every correction that seemeth right must be hurtful. It must be embarrassing, provoking and after which, it yields a quiet growth. Did it say loud growth? Quiet.
  • The next person around you will not even notice the transformation going on. What you know is brother Ugo that failed yesterday, but you will not know brother Ugo growing quietly in grace and character. If you remain holding brother Ugo who failed when you saw him, you have missed it. Because when he made peace with God, you were not there.
  • When he decided that he will not toll that path again, you were not there, because decision is a matter of the heart. TURNING BACK TO GOD IS A MATTER OF THE HEART.
  • Happy is the end of everything that started very badly. Watch everything that started very badly, giving troubles, if it is properly guided with patience, in the end everybody will always smile.
  • For God sometimes allow afflictions to come our ways, allows sorrows and pains, allows too many things to come our ways intending to use those things to bring us to obedience to the truth.
  • Was it hurtful? Yes. But can you believe that it is God that allowed it? Yes! Yes, when God wants to bring you to obedience to the truth, He knows how to come your way; He knows what He will do.
  • He can even trouble your workers, He can close your gate against you, lock you inside. You look for way of escape, no way. It is the Lord’s doing. That is the only way He can bring you to the path of life.
  • Once you are a seed of God and you are straying away, He must go after you. We heard it in the memorial that at this point where we are in this Faith, we have mandatory salvation, we have voluntary. Regardless of your choice, whether you like it or not. God has decided that He must save you.
  • That is the weakness God has. And He follows one He loves with patient endurance, waiting that that person must turn his life back to Him. He does not give up on us easily. Your fellow human being can give up but it is not so with God. He is waiting, He knows that in there is the seed of God, in there is that seed that makes you a child of God. He knows that you must understand and come back to your father.
  • What is more, let us not spurn that weakness. Let us not take it for granted; because there is always a limit to where somebody will wait. There is a limit to endurance.
  • There is a limit to patient endurance. Every man has a breaking point. No matter the level of his understanding, he has a breaking point. If it is not true, we will not hear people saying, “The last struck that broke the camel’s back”.
  • At that point, the person loses understanding. Every iota of love he or she has must have been exhausted. For he has been patiently waiting, patiently enduring, bearing in mind that you will change your heart and turn back to the truth. But instead of doing it, you begin to spurn that privilege. One day, the person must react. If the person reacts, will you blame him?
  • The same message, page 49 verses 30 through 33. I fear God for one thing: Do you know that God can never forget anything? God does not forget anything. Wake Him up in the morning; it has always been the attribute of God. He does not forget anything.
  • That He said you should put Him in remembrance doesn’t mean that He forgets. He is testing you, because you have need of patience that when your obedience is fulfilled, you will have the promise. This is the promise of God.
  • Look at what He is saying, He watches over His word, bringing it to pass. That the word the Lord Himself has spoken through the mouth of His Prophet, His messenger.
  • In every dispensation, there must be God’s mouthpiece. There must be one God is using to reach others in every dispensation. Pay attention here everybody. Our duty is to pay strict attention and to be ready to comply to His instructions for you may not know how they will come to you, for therein lies all you are requesting from God.  This is the bane of the whole thing.
  • Our duty is to obey His instructions whether it favours us or not. This is where it is very difficult because every man wants to have his own way. Every man wants to be his own director until he or she meets problem on the road. What is more, the first person he will still call is God.
  • If you have known it all, then you can solve the problem yourself. Our duty is to pay strict attention and to be ready to comply to His instructions for you may not know how they will come to you, for therein lies all you are requesting from God. 
  • Whatever you want to get from God, listen to the voice of the messenger of God speaking in your day. There is no other way God can reach you if not through Him. He is God’s channel of blessing to all mankind that will live in that day when that particular messenger is revealed.
  • William Branham said, “Off your eyes from the stature, off your eyes from His nationality and things like that, off your eyes from your relationship with Him, but pay attention to what will come out of His mouth. For there lies your life, there lies your death, there lies your progress, there lies your failure.” Pure truth!
  • The relationship you have with God will determine whether you will progress or fail; whether you will live or die.
  • MOTIVATE ONE ANOTHER UNTO GOOD WORKS. THIS MESSAGE WAS PREACHED BY BROTHER CHIMDALU ONYEMA, APPROVED AND AUTHORIZED BY THE SON OF MAN. PREACHED ON 26TH APRIL, 2020. Our brother was fifteen years when God used him to handle this message. Page 68 verses 13 through 15. “You see why this period is very delicate, very, very precarious.
  • You should be very careful. I should be very careful. When you are striving for mystery, you are not crown until you strive strongly till the end.
  • Like He demonstrated about the golden trophy cup; the golden cup which is the world cup, people were playing believing that they will get to the end. All of them were aiming at getting to the end, but the truth is that only two teams will vie for the first and second position.
  • The two will play finals. One will be the number one, the other will be number two. But it is not so when it comes to heavenly matters. It is not so with paradise. It is either you are number one or never.
  • There is no room for a second or third position. No room for third position in heaven. I do not preach purgatory. If you do not make it with Me the moment I leave the scene, you have missed it. If you do not make it with the Son of Man, you have missed it. There is no second position in heaven. Can you see why we are putting the journey first before our personal interest, before our business, before whatever it is that we have; we are putting Him first.
  • An Igbo adage says that whatever that causes a fowl to be running inside the rain is very important to her. If you have not seen salvation as something that you really desire, if you have not seen it as something worth sacrificing everything for, you will not take this message seriously. This is the truth. When God said we should fix our heart on heavenly matters, what do you think God was saying?
  • In one of the messages He handled during covid, God said that we have 24 hours in a day. If we watch the so called Muslims, how many times do they pray in a day? Then you that call them heathens, how many times do you offer such amount of prayers to God?
  • Can you even devote one (1) hour out of twenty four (24) hours? One hour is like eternity to us. We can have time to do every other thing but to pray or study the message or even use our phones; even now the whole thing has been made easier. Hence, we can trace even messages handled during covid on our phones. From your whatsapp, search for 2019 messages, they will all pop up. To listen to them are burdensome to most of us. Yet we are all desiring paradise.
  • Whatever you take seriously, there must be a reflection in your life.Watch all doing business in main market, as early as 4am they are already dressed up. Why? He or she is desirous of making money. What is more, nothing can stop the person. No matter the size of his family, all of them must be prepared by that time. Hence, school runs can never be an excuse why he should go late to market. Because he esteems his business more than any other thing.
  • If business can be given that type of attention, what excuse do we have, who claim to be children of God? Normally we should place the things of God higher than any other thing that we have. No room for third position in heaven.
  • I do not preach purgatory. If you do not make it with Me the moment I leave the scene, If you do not make it with the Son of Man, you have missed it. If you do not make it with the Son of Man, you have missed it.
  • Anybody that didn’t make with the messenger of his day, will the messenger of the next generation save him? I am a savior to Jesus disciples but whoever that crosses over has an added advantage. You see why God counted you worthy, putting us into this ministry.
  • In the message titled, “Moment of truth,” God said that we should be the people that should be boasting because what we have is enough to make us boast. Remember what God said that by the time the Son of Man will be revealing Himself to the entire world, the whole thing is over. The bride must have been sealed in.
  • What can you say about one who is repenting now? If you listen to all these messages we heard during the camp meeting, it will bring chills to you. You will see that everything God prophesied are all coming to pass. That as we journey along, though we have been sealed in, that people will be flying from here and there.
  • In the message of last Sunday, God said that those who the kingdom was originally meant for, will use their hand to drop themselves saying that it is too cumbersome. May we not be numbered among such people! Amen!
  • I always tell people that I always pray and I believe that my coming into the family of the Son of Man is for my own justification. That God making me to come from his loins was to originally save me. And there is nothing that will remove me from that original plan. Hence, it is not something I begged for or worked for. No! I just find myself in it. The same thing to all of us who are adopted to that family.
  • It is not something you worked for or paid for. No! He gave you that dignified inclusion into this, where we can now stand according to the bible which called it the privilege of boldness; and it is so to everybody.

So, God must check you. What is He looking for? God is separating perfect people from the imperfect people for the TRANSLATION is only for the PERFECT. The Translation is for the perfect.  In other words, God is now coming to examine all of us in line with the Message we have received. If the Translation is for the perfect, how many will be translated if He will come now? THE SON OF MAN




As I go further you will see that God is not coming for brethren. Among the brethren, God will pick His saints. Brethren will not be translated. Brethren are not going to heaven. What is going to heaven are saints of God.

  • When you hear our message and join, you are a brother. We can call you brethren. It is a general term. To cement it, we will tell you remain blessed. Who is blessing you? Do not be deceived when you are tagged brethren. “Brethren from Enugu”. Brethren is just a general term. God came for the saints. Saints of God at so, so and so place.
  • Follow me to the message, WARNING AGAINST SELF-DECEIT. The title alone should scare you. You are deliberately deceiving yourself thinking you are doing God. Warning against self-deceit which is the greatest deceit. Thinking you are deceiving your pastor not knowing you are killing yourself. WARNING AGAINST SELF-DECEIT PAGE 46 VERSES 1 THROUGH 3. The title of this chapter is “Many have chosen to perish”.
  • Have you seen why you do not begin to look at this brother or this sister for we are not talking about brethren again? We are talking about life of the saints of God. The question is, Are you a saint of God? Am I a saint of God? By my lifestyle can I be called a saint of God?
  • There is no place in the bible where it is written that until one dies, he cannot be a saint. That is Roman Catholic belief. It is a useless belief that does not hold any water. Can you attain perfection while still alive? The answer is yes! The secret lies in Christ.
  • Golden Nugget vol. 1 chapter 1 “consider the delicate period we are in; saints of God, when time is fast running out on us seeing prophecies fast fulfilling; dragging us towards the D-day, consider the delicate period we are in; saints of God, when time is fast running out on us seeing prophecies fast fulfilling; dragging us towards the D-day. How we ought to consolidate on our individual standpoint…”  What did it say? Consolidate.
  • We heard it at Opi. God said that where we are now, it is either you are consolidating your bad record or your good record. To consolidate means to make something stronger and more solid. If your spiritual standpoint is zero, you have nothing to consolidate.
  • The same way I cannot have anything to offer my family. Hence, we are hearing the news coming from different families. Why? The head of the family is spiritually empty. For every family must take the spirit of the man of the house.
  • To consolidate means to make something stronger and more solid. If your spiritual standpoint is zero, you have nothing to consolidate.
  • That is why many can never come to the saint level because the current world is meant for many but the future world is meant for just few who consolidate on their spiritual standpoint. The current world is meant for many brethren. Can you see what we are talking about?
  • That this current world is meant for many, but the future world where we are going to is meant for few. And what is the nature of those few? They are those who are adding more goodness to the already existing good works. Did the bible say that in drawing back, we will be saved? No! Rather it said that in pressing forward to the saving of our soul while drawing backward is unto perdition.
  • The bible said that we can never go to heaven by rising and falling. Rather you must be consistent in your movement. You are either consistently moving backward or consistently matching forward. Pressing forward to the saving of your soul.
  • “How we ought to consolidate on our individual standpoints in Christ more and more through total obedience to the truth.
  • The battle is normally fierce when it comes to the end of a game such as we can see the atmosphere in the Bridal faith Worldwide. When it becomes tough; the tough gets going.
  • Exodus 14:15 and the Lord said unto Moses, wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak to the children of Israel, that they go forward. KJV.
  • The lord said to Moses, why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward! NIV
  • Moses the mouthpiece of God in his day came to a period and stage we are in today and all he could tell the people is to continue to move forward for a step back from here is hell fire and a step forward is paradise as the Son of Man has always been telling us.
  • This stage is a stage of self-encouragement. This is where I will draw my topic. “TIME FOR SELF-ENCOURAGEMENT.” You are either encouraging yourself to your damnation or encouraging yourself to your justification. You can only encourage yourself with what you have. If what you have cannot encourage you, it then means you are a failure. For every drowning man has a quote he lays hold unto.
  • One thing is for you to fail, another thing is for you to rise from there. For any who falls and remain there must have a quote backing him. Is that not true? So this is the time for self-encouragement. This stage is a stage of self-encouragement for we cannot volunteer to perish after seeing across the beauty of the land we are about to occupy. We can see many dreams coming forth.
  • See many prophecies fulfilling. What comes to your minds? David told God, “Teach us to number our days, so that we my incline our hearts unto wisdom.” For we are now counting in days. We are no longer in our own time. We are living at the time of the referee which can be decided at any point in time.
  • Page 51 verses 14 through 23. Let me tell you, brethren are deceiving themselves. They have yielded themselves to the spirit of error, deceit, spirit of delusion and this is the spirit of the last days. Many have departed from the truth.
  • The moment you depart, you will now give your ear and your heart heed to seductive spirits and doctrines of demons that do not emanate from Christ. They will be deceiving themselves.
  • Just like android, some have used android to replace the bible, what a stupid system of knowing the truth.
  • There is no way we can use the website because we can download and claim we are holding the truth; did you get what I am saying?
  • Unless we behave like people who are in distant countries. They not only read, they download and they tell me how they spend thousands of dollars, pounds, euro to download and print, but you get it free of charge.
  • How many gigabytes does it take to download the message? Highest is 1.5gigs which is not more than five hundred naira (#500). To us who gets the messages free, there is greater condemnation.
  • While the message is going forth, does it condemn you or justify you? What feeling do you have when you hear the Word of God? Is it spurring you into right action or into wrong action? Time for self-encouragement. Encouragement can be either into good works or bad works. You can encourage yourself into any facet of life. However we are talking of encouraging yourself unto good works.
  • That is why I called it self-encouragement. What are you encouraging yourself to do? Going by the messages you are hearing, what decision does it prompt you into? What is that desire which the Word of God is springing forth in you when you are hearing the word of God?
  • Whatever generates in you when you hear the Word of God, that feeling is called encouragement. You are either encouraged to forge ahead or you are encouraged to quit. Because as you hear the Word of God, the Holy Spirit interprets it while the devil is also at work doing his own work. The devil will be pushing you to act contrary thereby encouraging you to give up.  Brethren, is it not true?
  • It is either that something is encouraging you to do something. The devil will be suggesting negative things to you. How you are being molested and disrespected. Hence, you will no longer seek the word of God. Correct a fool; he will see it as insult. Once the Word of God is going forth, the devil is by the corner. Remember you are the one that will give him room to enter.
  • If when you are rebuked, you start demonstrating, seeing it as insult, William Braham said that until Job stands up from the ash heap, that he will never get tired of preaching Job on the ash heap.
  • If Job gets angry, he should stand up. Let that anger spur you unto good works. We have what is called spiritual sorrowful regret. And we have what is called, antagonistic spirit which rejects correction. The two are not the same. Daddy was wondering why my face was not bright while talking to me.
  • I told him that my face was not a sign of anger rather, I was angry at myself on why I could still allow myself to be scolded at something I know very well. Why will I make such a stupid mistake?
  • That is what is called spiritual sorrowful regret. That something of that nature should be mentioned around somebody of your caliber. With such a spiritual position handed to me, why will I exhibit this kind of character?
  • That is how a child of God does. And with that sorrowful regret, he is spurred into good action. It will serve as energizer, as a morale booster. It will shoot up the person higher than where he or she failed. Brethren, is it not true?
  • Page 89 of the same message verses 10 through 16. “We have now seen another hurdle we must jump. And it must come to us whether we like it or not at various times and in diverse ways.
  • It may even start this evening with some of you. It may even start tomorrow morning with some of you.
  •  That is why I said, whatever you hear, is what you are supposed to hear. Whatever you see, is what you are supposed to see.
  • Whatever we pass through from now the hand of God is behind it. Why not give a round of applause unto God! Have you seen that we forget the Word of God most times and begin to cry amiss? That whatever we are passing through is what we should pass through because if we do not feel the pinch, if we do not feel the heat, we will not know why we want to be translated.
  •  I remember those days, Mummy will be pleading to daddy to please take us away from this flesh as if she knew what was about to happen. If we do not feel it, you will not know the value of being saved. If you are relax, things going on the way you want; you pray, God answers it, everything moving on at the right direction, there will not be any desire to move. What is more, God wants us to feel the heat.
  • Whatever we pass through from now the hand of God is behind it. Don’t call it devil. Even if God has permitted devil to come, the hand of God is behind it. Amen.
  • The present stage is for the saints of God, The present stage is for what? The saints of God. And it is only the saints of God that will feel encouraged from the statements I am reading from this message. To the saints of God, this message will serve as energizer. It will encourage them unto more good works, consolidating their already existing good works. It will encourage you to move forward. You will now see reasons to continue.
  • Whenever I am praying, I do tell God, “God, please we have come too far to quit. We have come too far for us to begin to go back.” The present stage is for the saints of God, The present stage is for the saints of God and not for brethren.
  • …the true elects who at all times will be interested in the perfect will of God. Brethren do you see who this message is meant for? This message is meant for the true elects who at all times, will be interested in the perfect will of God.
  • They will not only be interested now but even in the future about the will of God concerning them. I use to tell us about one prayer point Apostle Chukwudi use to make which was very striking to me. He said, “God, please cause us to obey you even when it is contrary to our nature. As long as it is your will for us, give us that grace to also obey.” It is a heavy statement. Because most of the times, the will of God runs contrary to what we want.
  • Obviously, from the look of it, this is not what you want, but He will direct you to go and do that thing. He said, God please give us the grace to obey even when we know it is contrary to our nature.  It will only take grace. Something you know that is impossible for you to do naturally, it is the grace of God that will help you. Why? Because you are conscious in pleasing God.
  • All these things we are reading, I want you to feel encouraged unto good work. To consolidate on the already existing good work. If there are places that need amendment, I am also using the message as an encouragement to show you that you can still amend it while there is still time.
  • The present stage is for the saints of God, the true elects who at all times will be interested in the perfect will of God.
  • If it is not thus saith the Lord. They will not be moved; they will not be interested. In all; what they need is the perfect will of God for they know it must land them well.
  • For we have peeped into the land that flows with milk and honey that is why to advance forward from here, we must always pay attention, be sober and be ready at all times to obey instructions and commandments from God, the Son of Man. Amen.
  • Page 92 verses 17 through 22. “Brethren will end any moment from now. Saints will continue from where brethren stopped…
  • Brethren will end any moment from now and I am declaring to you that brethren have ended. Can we hear God brethren? The message said that brethren will end any moment from now and God said that it has already ended. I am declaring to you that brethren have ended. Fellow brethren, men and brethren, it has ended from now.
  • Brethren will end any moment from now. Saints will continue where brethren stopped… Like faith set off where senses stopped.
  • As long as your five senses are in operation, faith will not come up. As long as your five senses are still at work against the truth, there is no way faith will come out. Pure truth!
  • God’s intervention steps in where human efforts stopped. The moment a human being comes to the zenith of where his efforts can lead to, that is where God’s salvation comes in. that is why He is called the God of eleventh hour. He will allow you to exhaust yourself.
  • Look at the case of Elijah and worshipers of Baal. He asked them, are you done with whatever you are doing? You have called and called, it is like your god is sleeping. After they have done that which they claim to know, to now prove to them, for God walks contrary to the normal way.
  • Hence, for you to kindle fire, you must use fuel or kerosene, but to work contrary to what they expected, instead of kerosene, he drained the wood with water. So that when it happens, you will know and acknowledge the power of God. You will not need anybody to convince you that there is no other less a personality than God Himself.
  • Look at when that altar was placed right, was there any prayer? It was just a proclamation. To confirm that he was the God sent man of that age, he said, “If I be a man sent by God!” That was the only statement.
  • He never prayed. He didn’t cast and bind. That you may know the level of power God bestowed on you as a child of God. There are limitless treasures that are kept for you when you bend down to discover this mystic secret. When you allow the holy spirit of God which is always at work in us.
  • Philippians 2:13 said that He is the one ever at work in us helping us. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Philippians 2 verse 13KJV.
  • Hence, you are not the one causing yourself to obey. You see yourself, each time when you hear the Word of God, you say Amen; your life reflecting it. You are not the one doing it. It is the Holy Spirit at work helping you do that which will now give the Almighty God glory.
  • Faith brings into existence something that was never in existence before.
  • But by faith you believe the spoken word, you see it come to pass. Sense will always query; how can it be possible? When Abraham used sense together with the wife, they delayed the promise. If they had not used sense, the promise would not have delayed for another twenty years.
  • …. Use your human senses and delay the promise.  Use what? Use your human senses and delay the promise.
  • Following God with human sense has never helped anyone. We have seen experiences of people who their senses have deceived. God surprises one who thinks he knows all. God must go contrary to his expectation.
  • What is more, He will continue going contrary to your expectation so that you can doubt Him the more. The bible said that God blinded their ears so that hearing, they will hear without understanding so that their wicked manifestation of unbelief will not be forgiven them. Hence, the more they see, the less they understand.
  • The more they hear, the less they comprehend. If they had not used sense, the promise would not have lingered for another twenty years. Use your senses and delay the promise. Why do people disobey? They use their senses. He is wracking sense for God.
  • When you use your senses, you see impossibilities but when you use faith, you see possibility because with God all things are possible. With faith, everything is possible. There is nothing you can do and stop midway and earn a reward; if not following Christ strictly.
  • This is pure truth. Even in live situation, no student stops in class two and get his certificate. You must persevere till the end. You must have a story to tell before the glory that will accompany you. Without a story, there is no glory. For every glorified person, he or she has a story.
  • Page 131 verses 48 through 53 of the same message. So, take note. This is an elaborate message now that will not only end as warning. Meanwhile the warning will go forth before the comprehensive message will come out.
  • The last move is sifting out the saints… This is a very hard statement. Ask yourself, “With my attitude, can I call myself a saint or are you in the category of brethren? The last move is what? Sifting out the saints from the midst of brethren. Who are the brethren?