Transcribed by Bro. Lucky Chikezie

You cannot be ushered in there without the Holy Spirit. You must pass this water of separation. Also, I told you in that message that the higher you go, the narrower it becomes.






HERE IS A SPIRITUAL SIFTING GOING ON. Hence, it will take one who is spiritually awake to the dividing line. The last move is sifting out the saints… Is it not the commission of the Son of Man? When he will appear here in human flesh, is it not to separate the sheep from the goat?

  • You are not one in the spirit. You are not perfectly joined together in one purpose. You do not even know who God is, not to talk of reverencing or worshipping him.
  • Brethren has deceived many. Brethren in like precious faith, brethren in the same household of God; when you are not one in the mind. Brethren, is it not true?
  • You are not one in the spirit. You are not perfectly joined together in one purpose. You do not even know who God is, not to talk of reverencing or worshipping him. Do you really know what it means to be in like precious Faith? Do you know what it means to be in like-precious faith? That the way pastor is upholding the truth is the same way all of us are upholding the truth.
  • That is the only way he can call you his brother. That is the only way he can call you his sister. How can he call you a brother when you are in disobedience? Your own faith is different from the faith he is holding. Your faith is an abomination.
  • God said that the ways of the heathen are an abomination unto him. You cannot follow the ways of the heathen, learn their evil ways and call it like-precious faith. What makes it a faith, talk more of being a like-precious faith?
  • When everything pertaining to the same God who is your Saviour is resisted with angry resentment and criticized… How then are you in like precious faith?
  • Brethren, to everyone who will hear this message, let us ask ourselves this question; that point that you reject the word and you murmur, you grumble, how then are you a brother in like precious faith?
  • When everything pertaining to the same God who is your savior is resisted with angry resentment and criticized as if He is a beggar or He is begging you or as if He has begged you before. God forbid!
  • That is why salvation is narrowed down to families… I mean families and individuals. Salvation is narrowed down to families; departure is narrowed down to families. Families that are dormant, inactive; maintaining dead accounts.
  • Even when we post message for everybody to read, it’s because they do not have it in print. 
  • That is why our brethren will suffer to convert it, so that brethren who do not have it in book form will join in reading. Can you imagine?
  • But after all these things one who claim to be in like precious faith will not study. Where lies the basis for the brotherhood? Where lies the basis for the sisterhood? Let us ask ourselves this question.
  • We are no longer coming to tell our brethren ‘you are blessed’. You are only my brother when I see that we have the same nature. After all, we sing it in our song; that it is one who does like you is the one you will call a friend.
  • That being said, follow me to the message; BLESSED IS HE WHO DOES NOT STUMBLE AT THE WORD OF GOD. Blessed, to be envied is that man; is that woman who does not stumble at the Word of the Son of Man. Amen.
  • I am reading from page 23 verse 7 first. Before I read it, get Matthew chapter 11 verse 6 any translation at all.
  • Matthew 11:6 And tell him: ‘God blesses those who are not offended by me’ [LB].And do what? Tell him: ‘God blesses those who are not offended by me’.
  • Matthew 11:6 Jesus told them, “Go back and tell John what’s going on: The blind see, The lame walk, lepers are cleansed, The deaf hear. The dead are raised. The wretched of the earth learn that God is on their side. The wretched of the earth also learn that what? …that God is on their side.
  • “Is this what you were expecting? Then count yourselves most blessed!” [MSG] Then do what? …count yourselves most blessed!”
  • Matthew 11:6 And blessed (happy, fortunate and to be envied)… and to be what? …and to be envied) is he who takes no offense at Me… who takes no offense at the messenger of God …and finds no cause for stumbling in or through Me…
  • And finds no cause for what? …stumbling in or through Me and is not hindered from seeing the Truth. [AMP]
  • Why not put your hands together? Blessed is that man who is not hindered from seeing the truth regardless of how meek the God-Sent-Man seems to be. Blessed is that man who is not corrupted by his simplicity.
  • Matthew 11:6 How happy are those who have no doubts about me!” [GNB]
  • How happy are what? …are those who have no doubts about me!” So if you are not being happy, you are to question yourself.
  • What did I call this message? A TIME FOR SELF-ENCOURAGEMENT. What are you encouraged to do? When you hear these teachings, what is being spurred in your heart? What is that thing going on in you? What is the Word of God you are hearing tell you to do?
  • After listening to it, how do you feel? What is that next line of action which you want to take; which you will say ‘This is what the Word of God has done in me?
  • Matthew 11:6 And blessed (happy, fortunate and to be envied) is he who takes no offense at Me and finds no cause for stumbling in or through Me… and the person also what? finds no cause for stumbling in or through Me and is not hindered from seeing the Truth [AMP]  Hallelujah! Amen.
  • God said that blessed is that fellow, look at the title; BLESSED IS HE WHO DOES NOT STUMBLE AT THE WORD OF GOD. I just want to confirm the topic. It is enough to give a child of God courage.
  • The Word of God that we are hearing, how do we feel when we hear the Word of God. Does it encourage you or does it make your heart skip?
  • Nothing will make him or her be hindered from or to stumble at the Word of God. Nothing will hinder him/her from obeying the Word of God A – Z. If it is a woman, the husband will not hinder her. If it is a man, the wife will not hinder him from putting the word of God to practice A – Z with all his mind.
  • You see, blessed, happy to be envied, fortunate is that individual man or woman who does not stumble at the word of God. And when we are saying God we are referring to THE SON OF MAN for He is the creator of heaven and earth and everything there is. Anybody that does not quake, does not tremble when God is correcting him or her or indicting him for his error is a serpent seed, seed of devil.
  • There are many like that, God will be talking and indicting them of their evil character they will just wave it aside and continue with what they are doing thinking that nothing will happen.
  • They are all found in the church. These are the people we call brethren. Can you now see a clear demarcation between saints of God and brethren.
  • The same message page 25 from verse 11 through 12; If God gives you over to reprobate spirit, it means that He (God) has rejected you and all your daily manifestations will be evil.
  • Brethren can you see, If God gives you over to reprobate spirit, it means that He (God) has rejected you and all your daily manifestations will be evil. If you like kill yourself. I do not care what that sacrifice is all about, He does not recognize it. Watch that fellow, his daily manifestations will continually be evil.
  • Will the individual remain in our midst? The answer is yes. Brethren can you now see what we are talking about? This is a different message from this one where we said that brethren has ended.
  • We are still seeing classifications. If whatever attribute that I am reading is found in you, it is a sure sign that you are part of the brethren. As for me, I am not a brother, I am a saint of God and should be referred to as a saint of God.
  • This is the truth, we have a message called CONSEAL NOT YOUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST.
  • If God gives you over to reprobate spirit, it means that He (God) has rejected you and all your daily manifestations will be evil. Will the individual remain in our midst? The answer is yes. He will be there to fulfill all the negative prophecies but a seed of God will say God forbid.
  • A seed of God will always say; God please do not allow me to fulfill this negative prophecy. 
  • How happy are those who have no doubt about me. [GNB]
  • How happy are those who have no doubt about Christ. No instruction will ever make him/her to stumble at God’s word. Always accepting the Word of God with joy.
  • Do not look at your brother or sister to know whether they are doing it or not,… Is that not what I said? Do not look at your brother or your husband to know if he is obeying the message or not. What they are doing should not be your business.
  • …it is not your business. Your business should be yourself. My business should be myself and My God.
  • Blessed is he/she who sees right from day one, the Word of God that has been stumbling many. That is the reason why the world was destroyed in Noah’s day. They stumbled at the Word of God called Noah because Noah was the God of that age.
  • They stumbled at his word, Noah preached the Word for 120 years but they could not believe in the Word always saying “God forbid!” Who can believe this? Yet, there were people rejoicing at the Word. They were not stumbled by the Word.
  • Today is our time! All of us here in this family called by God does God’s Word stumble us? God forbid! I will never get to that point.
  • If His Words does not stumble us, why are we lagging behind in one way or the other? Why does God chastise and rebuke us at our short comings with the level of teachings [He] God has given us,…
  • Can you see why it is called spiritual sorrowful regret? Why should such a thing be mentioned around me? Despite; the level of teachings God has given to us? As a pastor, why would this be mentioned around me? As a minister why would this be mentioned around you? This is spiritual sorrowful regret.
  • The bible said that in the days of Lot when they transgressed what did they do? They wear filthy rags as a sign to show that they were sorry. But it is not enough to be sorry. Rather have that deep regret and let that deep regret spur out a better version of you.
  • Let that regret spur out the best version of me. We are still on the same message; BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO DO NOT STUMBLE AT THE WORD OF GOD page 31 from verse 25 through 27
  • The moment the word of God does not sink well with your heart, you begin to murmur; you begin to complain because it does not sink well with you.
  • You did not recognize the Personality talking to you. Once I recognize the Personality talking to me, I will do whatever He asks me to do without looking sideways.
  • That shows that His Word is not a provocation to me. God does not want this character to continue manifesting in our lives from today.
  • As saints of God, there should be difference between us and brethren.
  • God wants us to believe Him with all our heart. Believe without asking questions. God told us that this faith is a zombified faith. Once you add your own sense, the Word of God must surely provoke you;
  • God’s direction plus one’s senses is God’s provocation. Once you add one sense to God’s directive, you have provoked God. Not even an iota of sense should be mixed with your faith in Christ. I say what? Not an iota of sense should be mixed with your faith in Christ.
  • So that you can spur yourself; S.P.U.R you can spur yourself unto good works.
  • It is not enough to claim; I know, I know, I know, I mean it. I am wrong. You know that you are wrong, so what is now the next line of action?
  • Saint Paul said “Moving forward from here that I am now talking to you, I expect that I am talking to matured minds in Christ”. That is what he said. That he hopes that this message he is giving, he is giving it to matured minds.
  • That when I was child, I thought and behaved like a child. Now that I am an adult, I would also think and behave as an adult. [I Corinthians 13:11]
  • The way to talk to a child is not the same way to talk to an adult. An adult is spoken to with the eyes but not a child.
  • The Word of God is sensitive. The Word of God is God. God is highly sensitive. Once we show “I don’t care” attitude to the things of the spirit He will leave. Because He knows we are not serious with Him.
  • Jeremiah 8:4-7; The lord told me to say to his people, “when someone falls down, doesn’t he get back up? If someone misses the road, doesn’t he turn back?
  • When someone misses his way does he not turn? Will he continue until his fuel is finished?
  • …Why then, my people, do you turn away from me without ever turning back? Can you now see? Why then my people do you turn away without turning back?
  • …You cling to your idols and refuse to return to me. I listened carefully, but you did not speak the truth. Not one of you has been sorry for his wickedness;… Not what? …one of you has been sorry for his wickedness;
  • Can you see when I said it is not enough to acknowledge your guilt, what is the next line of action? I have seen my faults today. What then did you do with it? As you have seen it, as you have acknowledged it, it is not enough. I say what? It is not enough.
  • Mummy said that she is not just a saint but a super saint of God. “Do you know who I am? A daughter of God, super saint.” It is because she knows herself.
  • We must come to that point. She never needed me the son to tell her, she never needed her husband who is God to affirm, she knows herself.
  • This is the time for self-truth. The highest truth that has the highest impact remains the one that one gives himself. I say what? It is the highest with the highest impact.
  • The same way the worst deceit is self-deceit. Does he know what he is doing? Yes. Is he aware? Yes. What he does not know is that he is ruining himself. He does not know that everything he is doing is affecting him.
  • …Not one of you has been sorry for his wickedness; not one of you has asked, ‘what have I done wrong?’ Not one of you has asked what? What have I done wrong?
  • Brethren can you see? Since the voice has been roaring, not one of you has asked what have I done wrong? Instead they will react. They will become antagonistic. They will begin to murmur. They will begin to get angry. Most of them will begin to use ill words against the God-Sent-Man thinking that God is not hearing them.
  • Something they do not understand. The book of James said; if you do not understand, go to God and ask Him then He will tell you what He wants you to do. It is in the book of James that if you do not understand the ways of God, ask him.
  • If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him. James 1:5 AMP. 
  • And look at what the bible said that instead of asking, none of them has asked to know what they did wrong. Instead, they are claiming that they are right; they are claiming that God is the one against them. While they are the one standing in the way of God.
  • They will now use murmuring to justify themselves. They will now use insult, they will use grumbling, complaining; if he complains to this person, he will complain to another person, thinking that once you complain, it will end there.
  • Do you go to war in God’s house? If you complain to Bro. Lucky, you complain to pastor Wisdom then we will enter a vehicle and start going to Nsugbe to arrest Almighty God. This is what people fail to understand.
  • None of them have done what? …not one of you has asked, ‘what have I done wrong?’ Everyone keeps on going his own way,… everyone keeps on doing what? …going his own way,…
  • Even after hearing the message he will encourage himself and say that there is no problem, if I reach the end, let me not be saved. Some of them have even devised their own messages for themselves. Some have even said that the Word of God has no value that the only thing they will use is Holy Bible. That the bible has been there from the beginning.
  • I am telling us the spirit at work in the last days. So if you are in this category, you should not bother yourself because you are a brother. You are part of the brethren. The embrace will only end here in the church. It does not enter into Heaven.
  • Heaven is for those who understands God. If when God speaks, they will ask God where did I go wrong, they do not even ask, the spirit of truth in them will point out to them, ‘look at where you missed it’.
  •  Everyone keeps on going his own way, like a horse rushing into battle.  Even storks know when it is time to return; doves, swallows, and thrushes know when it is time to migrate. But, my people, you do not know the laws by which I rule you. [GNB]
  • But my people do not know the laws by which I govern them.
  • How can you be a driver and when asked to put the headlamp on, you will be asking ‘where is it done, how do I put on the wiper?’ You have a car but you do not know where to put on the wiper. It has happened to my friend. He asked me “Abeg where dem dey on wiper?” I told him, for a car that you paid money to buy? You need to be properly checked.
  • He said, He does not know how to operate it. You don’t know where that one use to be? That is a big problem.
  • It goes to show that that person will make mistakes on the high way. Maybe if he wants to apply the break he will put leg on the throttle. If he wants to fire, he will put leg on the break and say this car is not moving forward again. That he has been firing and the car stood one place.
  • Moreover, you [Jeremiah] shall say to them, Thus says the lord: Shall men fall and not rise up again? Shall one turn away [from God] and not repent and return [to Him]?
  • Why then is this people of Jerusalem turned away with a perpetual turning away [from me]?  How do you know a child of God? When he goes astray, he sees danger, what will he do? He will run back. He thinks about his life. As I thought on my ways. As I thought on the evil directions I was going, what do I do? I hurriedly ran back to God because you have God for a father.
  • He now asked them, how then will they claim that they are the ones who are saints of God? Look at people that call themselves brethren. They are brethren yet they now turn away with anger.
  • What is that thing that God has done to you that will cause you to say that I am not doing again; I am resigning from the Faith?
  • Why will they turn their hearts perpetually? What is that thing? Why then is this people of Jerusalem turned away with a perpetual turning away [from me]? They hold fast to deceit… that they hold fast to deceiving themselves. Can you imagine? That they hold fast to strongly deceiving themselves.
  • Time for self-encouragement. Are you encouraging yourself to continue in your self-deceit; thinking you are deceiving your pastor or your apostle.
  • They hold fast to deceit (idolatry); they refuse to repent and return to God. They what? …they refuse to repent and return to God.
  • So they know, for the bible to use the word ‘They refuse’. Refuse means acknowledgment that you know that you are wrong yet you refused to do the right thing. That is the meaning of refuse.
  • There is a difference between refusing to obey and not knowing the way of truth. ‘They do not know the way of truth’ and ‘they refused to obey’ is not the same thing and can never mean the same thing.
  • Refusal means that he or she acknowledges the truth. Is he wrong? Yes! Is he ready to change? Never. But does he know that the Word of God is pointing him to change? Yes.
  • Can you now see? Where will you find this category of people? In the church. If the Word of God is going on, they are there explaining to the people around them. The preacher is preaching, they know more than the preacher. Finding fault!
  • They are there making the Word of God of none effect in the life of stupid people that are around them. Because, they do not want to be destroyed alone. After all, mass punishment is not painful.
  • In school, once it is said, write the names of noise makers. What you will do is to cause the name of your friends to be documented. But it is not so in hell fire. Mass punishment is not for hell fire. I do not want to experience it.
  • I have listened and heard, but they have not spoken aright; but they have what? …not spoken aright; no man repents of his wickedness, saying, what have I done?
  • Brethren is it not true? I said it on Sunday that the first point of reconciliation is acknowledgement of guilt. If I know that I offended Pastor Thomas, I would not be playing smartness, “I am sorry for making you feel bad. No! That does not show a sign of remorse. He is telling me that I insulted him by the way I spoke to him. Instead of me to acknowledge it; I now tell him that it is how he feels.
  • The right thing should be, “Pastor, I am sorry for insulting you through the way I spoke to you. It was not intentional. Find a place and forgive me Sir.”
  • This is acknowledgment. The bible said that how can a man turn away from sin by asking what has he done? Does it show that that person wants to repent?
  • Somebody God is talking to, he is asking God “What is that thing that I have done to you?” It then means, God has been accusing him falsely. I am happy that all these things are coming because we are trying to see the difference between brethren and Saints of God.
  • The Holy Spirit abides permanently in the life of a saint, making him to recognize even when he strays away. He does not need the message to tell him that he has strayed away. He notices it, acknowledges it and immediately turns back to God. 
  • The bible said that if you are a child of God and you do not know how things happen around you when you are in right terms with God and when you are not in right terms with God then know that you are not a child of God.
  • I experienced this statement when I was a student in the university. You will know the way you and God move. You do not need phone call. You do not need to call Him on phone. Whenever I err, to prove that something has gone wrong, the moment I call Daddy, His voice will not be okay. I will not come and ask him ‘Daddy what did you say I did to you?” No! Because I have already known’.
  • Immediately, I will kneel down, “God, it must be through so, so and so. I must have compromised my high calling as a pastor, please forgive me.” I am seeking restoration.
  • How can you say, you believe in the truth and you are asking what have I done? “Is that why the message was going that way? Any message that is preached and the name of our family has not been mentioned, that message is not complete.”
  • No man repents of his wickedness, saying, What have I done? Everyone turns to his [individual] course, as the horse rushes like a torrent into battle.
  • Even the migratory birds are punctual to their seasons. Yes, the stork [excelling in the great height of her flight] in the heavens knows her appointed times [of migration], and the turtledove.
  • What the bible is trying to say is that those birds that fly in the morning, the moment they cross, there is no way you will see one that is flying alone.
  • They know the time and do not miss that assembly time. Whenever they leave, they know the uniting point. They know where to take-off from and where to perch. After which everybody can now go their different ways. The next morning, they will go for that same meeting.
  • The bible is saying that if common animals we assume they do not know anything, do not miss their assembly time. How much you who claim to be a brother…?
  • It is just like the person that wrote to the Son of Man asking him to tell him where he has offended him.
  • But My people do not know the law of the Lord [which the lower animals… But my people do not know the laws of the Lord. Does the Almighty God has laws? Yes! Foolish people will tell you that the law has been abolished. There are laws governing the children of God.
  • Brother Ugo, you are a barrister. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse before the law. That you came back from abroad and you do not know that you cannot move around with a gun, you will have to enter cell first. With your gun and everything, you will stay inside the cell and the law will be explained to you.
  • You may say ‘This is licensed gun, I registered it in America’. Here is Nigeria. If we catch you with a gun, you are a criminal. 
  • “I am not aware”, is not excuse. If you are unlucky, you will be charged to court and sentenced for holding an unlicensed weapon.
  • But the children of God are now claiming that they no longer know the laws of the Lord. The worst thing that will happen to a sinner is to get to a point where he refuses to acknowledge his guilt. There can never be redemption for that sinner.
  • God welcomes a sinner on the basis that he takes responsibility of his guilt and then pleads for forgiveness. ‘God if you can save me, I will no longer be doing this thing again’. Salvation is extended to such individual.
  • But a sinner who never acknowledges; who is still trying to question whether he is a sinner or not. Or who finds joy in sin, is there any end to that person? There is no way the person can be saved. 
  • We are trying to classify between the brethren and the saints of God. No longer heathens. Because I used to tell us that those people that we call heathens, may rise up in judgment against us.
  • What happened? If you are placed with that person which mouth will you use to call that person a heathen? Who will believe it that you that is calling him a heathen is a child of God.
  • So this is a time for self-actualization. It is a time to tell yourself the naked truth. What are you being energized to do? The Word of God we are hearing, what is it encouraging us to do?
  • But My people do not know the law of the Lord [which the lower animals instinctively recognize in so far as it applies to them]. AMP.
  • “Tell them this, God’s Message: “‘Do people fall down and not get up?
        Or take the wrong road and then just keep going?
  • So why does this people go backward,
        and just keep on going—backward! They stubbornly hold on to their illusions,
    They stubbornly hold on to their illusions, fantasies, dreams, imaginations thinking that it can materialize. They stubbornly hold on to their illusions, refuse to change direction.
  • I listened carefully but heard not so much as a whisper. No one expressed one word of regret.  I said it in this fellowship. I called it spiritual sorrowful regret that always make a child of God sober.
  • Not that he is angry with the message or the preacher, rather he feels bad as to why such a thing should be mentioned around him or her. At this age, with this type of revelation God has given to me as a pastor, as a deacon, as a teacher or even as a child of God for you have a ministry.
  • Why should this kind of thing be mentioned around me? Why should a heathen be used as an example? When we were still younger, Daddy told us that it is a shameful thing for us to misbehave to the point of using a heathen to cite example to us.
  • No matter how minor that offence might be, once he hears mummy citing the children of our neighbours then, Daddy must flog us. For it is a defeat. What then makes Him the Almighty God if He should allow that to happen? It is a defeat for you as a child of God to draw example from the heathens. In other words, the devil has won you.
  • Once a child of God comes to that point, the devil has defeated you. If the life of a heathen now challenges you to act godly, you cannot be redeemed again.
  • To one who is yet to acknowledge his fault, will it be easy to save that fellow? …Not a single “I’m sorry” did I hear. They just kept at it, blindly and stupidly banging their heads against a brick wall.
  • Cranes know when it’s time to move south for winter. And robins, warblers, and bluebirds
        know when it’s time to come back again. But my people? My people know nothing, not the first thing of God and his rule. (MSG)
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:7 New Living Bible: For this lawlessness is already at work secretly,… Somebody should get it for me in Amplified. God said that there is a spirit of lawlessness going on in the life of the children of disobedience. Brethren, is it true?
  • That their hearts is set to continually do evil without restraint. So let us see where this lawlessness came from.  For the mystery of lawlessness (that hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority) is already at work in the world, Can we see that the person might not know how to do it?
  • The message will be going on and you see the person resisting, fighting the message. Whenever he desires to obey, the spirit will counter it, giving him reason why he should not listen to it.
  • What is more, once this spirit is at work in the life of that person, nothing can redeem the individual again. For the mystery of lawlessness (that hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority) is already at work in the world, [but it is] restrained only until [c]he who restrains is taken out of the way.
  • And then the lawless one (the antichrist) will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth and bring him to an end by His appearing at His coming. I just want to point out that initial verse.
  • When you see yourself disobeying God, continually murmuring over every statement made by a servant of God, making negative remarks on the messages you hear from God, you are not the one doing it, rather there is a spirit at work in you. We have it in a message which says that we are being controlled by a force greater than you.
  • At that point, what should you do? Seek the face of God. Do whatever is in your power to attract the face of God.
  • The Message bible: You’ll also remember that I told you the Anarchist is being held back until just the right time. That doesn’t mean that the spirit of anarchy is not now at work. It is, secretly and underground.
  • That does not mean that the spirit of lawlessness is not at work now. It has encroached into the congregation of God’s people. Hence, God is now sifting the saints out of the brethren. Can you now see the reason for the separation?
  • So that the little few that have believed will not be corrupted by the majority, because a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Pamper evil, pet evil, give evil a breathing space and watch evil circulate in the family. I said pamper evil, paint evil to suit the evildoer and see evil reign in that family forever. In the bid for parents to show their children that they love them, they lose the effect of the Word of God, they pamper the truth. This is the reason why there is separation in the camp of God. So that the brethren can no longer corrupt the saints.
  • In the bid to win their love and approval, they bend the truth, they flatter the truth so as to make them happy. It is better I tell you the truth now, so that tomorrow you will love me.
  • Daddy use to tell us, “I would have told you” is a word from the enemy. “But I told you! Comes from a friend. No outsider will tell you the truth rather, they will laugh at you. God can speak to you using the smallest among us. Hot truth, hot chastisement can only come from an  insider [A true child of God]. 
  • One who tells you the truth loves you. One who tells you the truth without painting it should be loved. Because the person wants the best for you. However, pamper evil, pet evil in a way that the evildoer feels very comfortable and watch evil spreads in the family.
  • You are petting the truth so that the person will not feel bad. You want the person to hug you at the end of the day. What am I using your hug to do? It is better you hug me at the end.
  • This is the reason why God is sifting the saints out of the brethren. For many people’s heart have turned to doing evil. The question now is, how can one who calls himself a child of God remain doing evil without restraint? You have a greater punishment.
  • More so, when you are born into this truth. You never tested any other religion. Where will you say you got your wicked manifestation of unbelief from? It is a spirit which will destroy that person at the end.
  • You cannot compare one who is born into the truth and one who patronized many churches before God came his or her way. Are they the same? The former should be soaked, immersed in the Word of God. He should be a Word-bank.
  • But it is not so with one who has tested many religion. It will be a gradual process. To the other who is born into this truth, you do not have any reason as to what deceived you away. Would you say it is your father that deceived you or your mother or your brothers and sisters who are also in the truth? Where then did you get your influence from?
  • You’ll also remember that I told you the Anti-christ is being held back until just the right time. That doesn’t mean that the spirit of anarchy is not now at work. It is, secretly underground.
  • But the time will come when the Anti-christ will no longer be held back, but will be let loose. But don’t worry. The Master Jesus will be right on his heels and blow him away.
  • Page 51 verses 29 through 33 of the same message. You call yourself a child of God when the things of God offend you; which means you do not have God’s attribute and nature.
  • A seed of God is the same thing with God. a seed of God has no difficulty in understanding God and doing what he says. The word of God does not stumble a seed of God. Halleluiah!
  • He can never stumble at the Word of God because what he desires to get from God, is what he gets. He wants to hear from God all the time.
  • Just like David. He always wants to be in the presence of God and that was why he said, “I am glad when they say, “Let us go to the house of the lord.””  Amen!

Most of you walk either by your sight or by your desires. This is where the problem comes from: a man walking after the desires of his heart. You see, God does not see things the way human beings see things. You may see it as a very good thing, but God will be somewhere shaking His head and saying no. He cannot approve it for you, nevertheless, you have your right. My duty is to advise as your Watchman. You reserve the right to accept or reject My advice.


The State of the Nation vol 2 preached on 17th October 2010 pg. 60 vs 10



Page 89 verses 28 through 33: The devil has used the telephone handset to take the world to captivity. There is no type of evil that cannot be executed with the use of the telephone handset.

  • If you are being rebuked about your evil character, and it is a provocation to you, it is a sure sign that you never proceeded from God. Did we not come across this in the scripture we read? How can a man say he has repented and still say, “What have I done?” Honestly, there is no truth which God has not given to us.
  • You should not be amazed when you see God frowning at us. No parent will be happy to see his or her child at the age of 30 to 31 years misbehaving. It then means that his effort on that child is a waste and you think he will be happy?
  • You might think it is a light thing, but you see God highly provoked. Why? He does not expect us to fall victim to such spirit after been tutored for a very long time. If I am the one involved, it is a sure sign I never proceeded from God.
  • But if the Word of God is pointing out some bad characters in me, and I am receiving it with joy and then change my character for good, it goes to show that I proceeded from God.
  • When your parents are talking to you, God is talking to you. They are trying to drive out the evil spirits in you.
  • “They said to him, now we know for sure that you have a demon! Abraham died, and the prophets died, yet you say that whoever obeys your teachings will never die.”
  • You see, they could not understand the Word of God because they did not have the spirit of God which is the true token. Brethren, can you see what I have been telling us? The emphasis of having this Holy Spirit which is the true token.
  • They do hear the Word of God without understanding. Seeing they will see but will not perceive. This is what is happening in the world today.
  • So you see, they were blind to the things of God in their day, and that was why they could tell Jesus the Christ in their day that he was possessed by a demon.
  • “Our father Abraham died; you do not claim to be greater than Abraham, do you? And the prophets also died, Who do you think you are?”
  • You see the question they were asking God, “Who do you think you are?”  It is the same as asking God, “What do you say I did to you? Brethren, is it not the same thing? After knowing the truth. Trying to tempt a man of God.
  • Page 93 verse 42. No true seed of God honours himself, it is God that honors us.
  • Page 91 verses 39 through 40. What God is looking at now is the state of your heart at the moment. You might have been a disobedient child before, but now you are obedient.
  • God is going to judge you with your present condition. The same way, you may have been an obedient child before, but now you changed to a disobedient child. God is going to judge you as a disobedient child.
  • Page 93:44. Each and everyone of us here knows God, but you can deny knowing Him with your heart. If my life is not according to the teachings God has given us, do I know him? No!It is a question. I told us that this worshipping at home has done a greater good to us. It has restrain us from evil.
  • Tell me, how it would look like if after hearing you singing in your house, preaching and sharing testimonies and then the next thing becomes fight. You will not even allow that to happen, because you know that the name of God is at stake.
  • What is more, there are certain lifestyle you would want to live, which would not be possible. Knowing that many people are watching you. I told us that I never knew that my neighbor living in the next flat hears us having fellowship, he listens to our messages.
  • One day he called me, “Wisdom, so you are a pastor. I said yes. He was thinking I will deny it. He went on, “Your message is very sound. Your church is very sound. Are you getting the message? We can no longer deny ourselves from that.
  • What is more, there is a way you can act, they will be tempted to ask you, “I thought you said, you are a pastor. Despite the fact that I have not preached to them, but for what they see happening in my house, our fellowship which we think nobody listens to us.
  • Even right now, they are hearing Brother Clifford. They hear you singing in the family altar, they hear that of fellowship day, and tomorrow they still see you having problem with your wife; won’t it be a great defeat?
  • Those you call heathens that do not go anywhere, staying in their houses to watch film 24/7 will now be the one to settle dispute between you and your wife.  
  • The bible said, ‘Woe to that fellow whom by the way he or she lives cause people to blaspheme the name of God. There will be punishment for that person.’
  • So if up till now people do not know your identity, I told us that it is not enough to be a gentle man. It is in our message. “Mr. Lucky is an easy going man, he doesn’t like trouble; wherever there is problem he will solve it.” It is not enough.
  • That is not what God is asking you. There is something propelling that gentility in you. Tell people the source of that gentle nature. Let people know the source of that humility that they are acknowledging.
  • Let them know because if people start praising you, it will enter your head. They will see you as a pious man. God said that at that point in time, the person will now bring about his own way of salvation. He will be standing on his own righteousness.
  • If God is now telling him that what he is doing is evil, he will be angry. He will say “Everywhere I go, people testify and praise me; is it not said that the voice of people is the voice of God?” Who told you? Whose voice is the voice of God? One who is worshipping idol is the voice of God? You should be ashamed to say it.
  • These are the attributes you begin to see in your life as a child of God. You do not know when you depart, whether you have entered into the region of the brethren.
  • Watch, one thing noticeable about the so called brethren is euphoria. When they come together, you see them talking as if they know everything. Everybody is a preacher. Everybody wants to be heard. That is where it ends.
  • It is not enough to make boast that you are a child of God, what is the evidence? William Braham said “Do not preach me a sermon but live me a sermon”. That is the highest message that makes the highest impact.
  • Follow me to the same message page 101. The subtitle is REASONING THE WORD OF GOD PRODUCES NOTHING BUT UNBELIEF. Let me read the block word here first. I have told you that reasoning the word of God produces nothing but unbelief.
  • For if a man sits down to reason the word of God, he will see reasons why he must not believe. There is no way you can reason the word of God and become a believer. This quote was gotten from the message; Watch Out for those Dangerous Dogs Preached March 1997 Page 9 verse 12.
  • God is giving us last minute deliverance. Anybody that the Word of God does not deliver from all these small small evil spirits that make us to disobey God; anybody that is not delivered at this hour is doomed.
  • Brethren is it not truth? Can you see why I called it Time for self-encouragement? Look at the book of Matthew where God is talking about that heart that is cleansed. It is cleansed but still empty. That the devil came and snared into the heart and saw that there was no person occupying. I explained it to us on Friday. He came in with the spirit of lies, there was no disturbance. He went and invited another spirit.
  • So, he continued. The bible said that he will come in with legion. The person will become worse than when he was delivered. Hence He (God) said, where will you find that person? In the church.
  • He will be filled with evil spirit. Hence, he will not leave, he will be spreading it in the church. Anybody that is not delivered at this hour is doomed. The word of God sanctifies our hearts. Whatever we see happening physically, had already taken place spiritually.
  • Someone should give me Acts chapter 10 verse 35. But in every nation, he who venerates and has a reverential fear for God, treating Him with worshipful obedience…
  • Treating who, God with what? With worshipful obedience and living uprightly,… And what? living uprightly.
  • So can you have worshipful obedience and then be living wrongly? It goes hand in hand. Worshipful obedience must also go with the right living. Brethren is it not truth?
  • He who venerates and has a reverential fear for God, treating Him with worshipful obedience and living uprightly, is acceptable to Him and sure of being received and welcomed by Him. [AMP]
  • And that person is sure of being received and welcomed by God. Hallelujah! He who venerates; he who reverences, worships God and matches it with right living.
  • “it is God’s own truth, nothing could be plainer: God plays no favorites! There is no favoritism in God.  
  • It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from–if you want God and are ready to do as He says, the door is open. The Message He sent to the children of Israel—that through Christ everything is being put together again– well, he’s doing it everywhere, among everyone. [MSG]
  • Acts 10:35 Those who worship him and do what is right are acceptable to him, no matter what race they belong to. [GNB]
  • In every nation he accepts… In what? In every nation; in every village; in every community; in every family. He accepts those who fear him and do what is right. [LB]
  • But accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. [NIV]
  • I accept from every nation, I accept from every family. God has no favorite in this matter that we are talking about. That you are the Son of Man is immaterial. He accepts from what?
  • But accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. [NIV]
  • My good character will always bring praise and glory to my God. That will be the vouch of every child of God. Let us say to ourselves, ‘My good character will always bring praise and glory to my God’.
  • This is the affirmation you should make. He said when you believe, it will be unto you according to your believe.
  • My good character will always bring praise and glory to my God, and blessing to me. The cup I measure unto God is the same cup he will measure unto me. 
  • Verse 5; If the Word of God really gives you joy, you will be obeying the Word of God without knowing it. That is how God knows His Elect.
  • A seed of God obeys the word of God unknowingly. Everything about you will be decent and in order because God does His things decently and in order.
  • There are lots of loopholes here and it will take a believer to say Amen to the Word. There are things here you can even doubt. You will say “Ah ah how can this be true? How can Almighty God dwell in a human being?”  That is what people are refusing; but to you, you say Amen to it.
  • That is why people say, “No! A human being cannot do what is written in the Bible”, for after seeing what they have heard in the Bible, they reasoned it.
  • And they came to a conclusion that it is impossible… He will tell you how can somebody… Do you know what is fire? How can you put somebody inside fire and you say that the person survived it? If you begin to reason it, you will see reasons. He will tell you ‘Do you know how many degrees a burning furnace has?’
  • Go ahead imagining, because you want to understand the secret behind how that fire could not burn them instead of believing the story that is behind it.
  • Daddy was telling us that not all these things are real. It is like the story of Lazarus and the rich man.  God said Lazarus is not in Heaven. God said that nobody is in heaven up till this very moment because He came from there. It is God who came from there that will tell you what is happening there.
  • So it was a story to tell us about the good and the bad. But all these things were written for our learning; for our edification; for our comfort. That through the word, the comfort of the scriptures, we might be established in the present truth. Amen.
  • Verse 11; To an unbeliever, everything is impossible, but to a believer everything is possible. To God, everything is possible. To a true seed of God, everything is possible. No commandment from God is grievous.
  • Our faith in God will help us to overcome any hurdle or any mountain that comes our way. Nobody worshipped God without passing through many trials and temptations, but with faith and patience, we overcome. That is why, to a true seed of God, nothing is impossible to do.
  • It was faith that led Moses and the children of Israel through the Red Sea. It was faith that made us to remain in this faith even when we do not understand.
  • Verse 18: You must take a decision, be determined and say, “Come what may, where God tells me to stand is where I will stand. You must take a decision when? Now.
  • What are you encouraging yourself to do? After the teachings, after the messages, what is your heart telling you to do? That which your heart is suggesting for you to do determines where you are heading to. That is the conclusion. When you hear the message, that action your heart is telling you will determine where you are heading to.
  • If your heart is spurring you unto good works, heaven is waiting for you. But if it is spurring you into thinking that you are being hated, if it is making you to begin to murmur, to begin to complain; to begin to look for people that will comfort you in evil, because there are some people that are expert in it.
  • When they receive the truth, instead of them to correct their ways, they will tell you ‘Do you know what pastor told me?’ Do you know that I went to greet pastor, first he told me that this one or that one happened?
  • He is looking for one that will encourage him in his or her evil. If someone now tells him that this thing pastor told you is pure truth, I do not see anything wrong in what he told you. He will say “I thought we are together”. How can both of us stand, on the same platform did I start it with you?
  • He will look for another person. Looking for one who will comfort him. What is more, he must find the person. Can you see why there is separation between brethren and the saints of God?
  • With such people, there is no way any child of God will acknowledge his guilt again. To confirm that scripture, God said ‘He was waiting to even see or hear any word of regret and he did not hear anyone. How can you say that you are repenting and you are asking God what have I done? Is that person serious?
  • Lastly, the same message. Page 113 verse 35-38 Any life we are living now is the life or character that will take us into Paradise. It was said that if someone was told to hold unto what he is holding, that he should know that what he is holding is good. But where you are asked to drop that which you are holding it means that what you are holding is bad.
  • I told us in the beginning that we are consolidating, I read it from the message that you are either consolidating your good work or you are creating a new record.
  • Any life we are living now is the life or character that will take us into Paradise or hinder us from entering Paradise. It is either it takes you out of Paradise and you perish with the world or it brings you into Paradise.
  •  Brethren can you now see it? The world are they not the brethren? Those that claim they know the truth. I know what I am doing, I know more than that. Since you know more than that, why not act more than that?
  • Disobedience to God’s Word will take you out of Paradise, while obedience to God’s Word will bring you into Paradise.
  • God said that this a time for quietness; a time for sober reflection. Before you talk, you thing about it. Before you carry out any action, you think about it. That was why God gave us the message be diligent to protect your mindset.
  • Indeed, God has given us everything pertaining to life and Godliness. Anybody with a wrong mindset, reasons the Word of God. He stumbles at the Word of God. The Word of God provokes that person.
  • The Word of God is what? Ever provoking that person. There is no day the Word of God will go forth that he will not get angry. Why won’t that person still leave? Because he is waiting for something. We have it as a message, WHAT IS THE HOPE OF A HYPOCRITE?
  • He knows he is a hypocrite, he does not want to leave. He still wants to remain in the church because he has a crew. His consolation is that he is not the only one that will perish. All of us will perish. Can you see the reason for the sifting?
  • God is saying that our spiritual life is zero. God’s nature is permanent. If you are born into Christ, everything you will be doing will be according to God’s Word.
  • The devil will always attack you. The devil will always want to fight out the spirit of God in you. It is now left for you to yield to the dictates of the devil, or to the dictates of the Holy Spirit.
  • That he will always do what? That he will always remain fighting you. The devil does not fight the heathens. He knows that he already has them in his pocket. He is trying to take one that knows the truth. That same truth you are holding, members of your family are also holding it. If you are blind enough not to see God, you will yield.
  • It might come through your sister, it might come through your child. It might come through anything at all. That is why the bible said that we are not ignorant of the devices and strategies of the enemy.
  • Let us read Proverbs chapter 4 from verse 11:12. I will teach you wisdom’s ways and lead you in straight paths. If you live a life guided by wisdom, you won’t limp or stumble as you run. [LB]
  • I have taught you in the way of skillful and godly wisdom… All I have said or all I have preached, I have done that in the way of what? Skillful and godly wisdom.  [which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God]; Which is what? [which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God];  I have led you in paths of uprightness.
  • I have done what? I have edified us in the way of uprightness.
  • When you walk, your steps shall not be hampered… Amen! And from this afternoon, when you walk, your steps cannot be hampered. [your path will be clear and open];… Your path will be clear and open because the entrance of the word of God has illuminated your heart. You are now going as one that knows the truth. You are no longer going to associate with the brethren. You can categorically say that you are a super saint of God or whether you are still a part of the brethren.   
  • [your path will be clear and open]; and when you run, you shall not stumble. [AMP] And when you run, you shall not stumble.
  • I am writing out clear directions to Wisdom Way. I’m drawing a map to Righteous Road. Did I not draw a map to righteous road?  I don’t want you ending up in blind alleys, or wasting time making wrong turns. Hold tight to good advice; don’t relax your grip. Do not relax your grip. The truth you are holding, do not loose your hand, hold it tight. Guard it well, your life is at stake!  [MSG]
  • I have taught you wisdom and the right way to live. Nothing will stand in your way if you walk wisely, and you will not stumble when you run. [GNB]
  • I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered;… When you walk, your steps will not be hampered. Nothing will disturb you on this path. When you run, you will not stumble.
  • Song: They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as an eagle, They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint; teach me Lord, teach me Lord, to wait.
  • They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as an eagle, They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint; teach me Lord, teach me Lord, to wait. Amen.
  • Be joyful, grow in maturity. Encourage one another. Live in harmony and in peace; then the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet each other with godly love. All God’s people here send you their greetings. May the grace of the Lord who we know be with you.
  • May the grace of our Lord, the love of God, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Thank you for giving me audience and Remain Blessed in Him eternally. Amen.
  • Brethren, I thank God for giving us a wonderful atmosphere to hear the Word of God. The Word of God gives life. The Word of God gives encouragement to that person that has believed in the word of God.
  • This message that God said we should consider, I am already in chapter 3 in my own. Because you must not wait. God said as a child of God, as a man of God that you must study to show yourself approved.
  • It is not enough to stand before you and read the message. God said we should read it, consider means as it pertains to me. So if I were to read the message, I will still scratch points. I will not read verbatim. I will jump so as to meet our needs.
  • We do not go to fellowship to read messages to the end. No! God said that we will end up coming to fellowship and not being blessed. That is the motive. The aim is how real, how life effective, how efficient is that worship? It is not enough to just come to the church.
  • Two hours, two minutes that you stay in the presence of God is worth more than five hundred hours you stayed deceiving yourself. I do not know if we are getting the message. This message we have heard is not just a message to be heard. Let us complement it by going home and practicing this message.
  • Even the one that God said we should read, let us go home and individually focus on it. In that way, we are joining our hearts together. There is no way the enemy can creep in again because we are conversant with this truth.
  • The scriptures said that our roads are now clear. Our paths are now clear. All the hurdles that are placed, the essence of headlamp is for you to see afar off. No matter how dark that road is, with the headlamp, you can categorically see clearly where you are heading to.
  • On this note brethren, I say Remain Blessed.